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English [121]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Beyond Man [11]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [2]
Mother or The New Species - II [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [3]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Notes on the Way [4]
On The Mother [7]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
On the Path [2]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Light and Delight [2]
Overman [3]
Patterns of the Present [2]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [3]
Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [4]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
The Destiny of the Body [3]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Mother (biography) [7]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [5]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
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English [121]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Beyond Man [11]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [2]
Mother or The New Species - II [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [3]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Notes on the Way [4]
On The Mother [7]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
On the Path [2]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Light and Delight [2]
Overman [3]
Patterns of the Present [2]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [3]
Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [4]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
The Destiny of the Body [3]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Mother (biography) [7]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [5]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
121 result/s found for Supramental body

... Notes on the Way, in the previous chapter, he can only mean her supramental body, and when he writes ‘not as concrete,’ he intends to say: to us not as concrete as gross matter; 2. the Mother has tried to ‘infuse’ her supramental body ‘into the material form’; because gross matter was not yet ready, it has rejected the supramental body and the ‘material casing’ has broken down; what Nolini means with... the functioning and even the presence of a supramental body? Every time she questioned the invisible but always present Sri Aurobindo about this, he answered: ‘Not ready,’ meaning that terrestrial matter was not ready, even though he himself was working behind the veil to hasten its transformation. The Mother has built the ‘archetype’ of the supramental body in the ‘true physical’ with her supramentalized... supramentalized cells. When the terrestrial substance will be sufficiently transformed to enable the functioning of a supramental body in it, that archetypal supramental body of hers can take shape in all those on Earth who are adequately prepared — in the ones from the supramental ship who set foot ashore, in the candidates of overmanhood, the mature souls present on Earth ( il y en a , there are some), ...


... reported her incredible accomplishment in the simplest of words. She had built the prototype of the supramental body and was living in it in the most natural way. This prototype, being supramental, is immortal and therefore still exists. The Mother is still present in the Earth-atmosphere in her supramental body, continuing her Work, awakening, inspiring and guiding the transitional beings everywhere on the... Work. It was still there pour toucher la matière, to keep the contact with Matter. For Matter itself had to be transformed in order to render it suitable to serve as part of the adhara of the supramental body. All this, and more, was going on in that apparently very aged body, now ninety and more years old. A summary description of her body’s transformation looks very abstract, but the actual process... experiences are convergent and indicative of one of the most wondrous realities imaginable. The Mother by her yoga of the transformation of the cells had built in, or out of, her physical body a supramental body in which she existed while still in her physical body. She was existing in two ‘physical’ bodies at the same time, the one in the gross physical and the other in the subtle physical, which in ...

... prototype, of the archetype of the supramental body. Once those embryos were formed in the womb of Mother Nature, all the elements for the elaboration of the New World would be present and the Avatar would have realized more than the full purpose of her incarnation. 91 This too the Mother has brought to a good end: she has formed the archetype of the supramental body. To understand the course of matters... Mother had a supramental body in the supramental world which was ready to be manifested upon Earth. The problem was how the supramental ‘archetype’ she had build up would manifest in gross matter. It was indispensable that the gross matter would in an ever greater degree have to be transformed by the process of ‘permeation,’ the more and more omnipresent penetration. The supramental body, with its... wall of perceptible reality that it does not realize it is dealing with an occult world.) The ‘true physical’ is supramental; were it not so, Sri Aurobindo would not be able to dwell in it in his supramental body, for instance. It was also in the ‘true physical’ that the Mother saw some of the living and the dead meet in a most natural way; this was only possible because part of their body was supramentalized ...


... would establish the Kingdom of God upon Earth. The age-long promise to humankind would be fulfilled. Why was it not done earlier? Was it so difficult? What Would the Supramental Body be Like? What would the supramental body be like? It would be something like the body humanity has dreamt of through the ages and has ascribed to angels and gods – and more, for it would be a divinized body, fount... various worlds, one of which she described after the experience of the supramental ship. She knew also what the supramental body was like because she had seen it ‘at the limit of the manifested world’ when still at Tlemcen. Also, there is not a single quality or capacity of the supramental body as described above by the Mother which is not known and named siddhi in the yogic schools in India. The huge... 30 Yes, it is clear that a supramental body, as described a few pages earlier, must function in a manner different from the human body we are so familiar with and which gives us so much trouble. A divine body must be divinely moved, yes, by the supreme Consciousness – one can more or less imagine that. But to change from an animal-human body into a supramental body? Well, somewhere the transition ...

... and stresses the ideal of "One World" is in profound need of the Supramental Yoga. Q: What, according to Sri Aurobindo, would the Supramental Body be like and how long will Yoga take to fulfil his vision ? A very precise description of the Supramental Body cannot be given but some general points may be put forward. This Body will have four main attributes: lightness, adaptability, plasticity... be continued through one's offspring. The Supramental Body, being what it is, cannot degenerate and die or be subject to fatal accident. The necessity of death is due also to an incapacity of the ordinary body to change and keep pace with inner development; it has to break up and set free the evolving soul to get for itself new bodies. The Supramental Body by its infinite adaptability will never lag... the final result may look like a revolution. Yet definite signs of the change can come much before 300 years. In closing we may distinguish between the Supramental Body which will be the transformed human physical life and the Supramental Body which will be the direct material manifestation of beings belonging to the Supermind itself. The latter will not ever have known a past of earthly development ...


... details, let us consider the following. A transitional body, generated as all bodies are now, is not sexless. As the body the Mother saw was sexless, it must have been a supramental body, for this is how she said the supramental body would be. At the time she saw her new body, “as of a very, very young person”, she was ninety-four. What she called “the subtle physical” in her conversations, she sometimes... together – and there are more – there is little doubt that the Mother had built a supramental body that would be the prototype or archetype of the supramental bodies to come. With the descent of the Supermind, the establishment of the Overman Consciousness and the realisation of the prototype of the supramental body all the foundations were laid for the development of the New World. This also means... body of humanity. For a supramentalised cell is no longer an individual in the separate, egoistic sense – the supramental Consciousness and ego do not agree – it is divinely omnipresent, as the supramental body will be omnipresent. Therefore the Mother sometimes quipped that coming into contact with her was contagious. “The power of spiritual contagion”, she said, was “the only efficacious one” to c ...

... needs a unity-body in order to express itself on Earth. The Mother once described the characteristics of the unity-body, of the future supramental body, to a young Ashramite: ‘You know, if there is something on that window-sill and if I [in a supramental body] want to take it, I stretch out my hand and it becomes — wow! — long, and I have the thing in my hand without even having to get up from my... substance becomes available on Earth, then the psychic being that is ready for it can also take up the new, supramental substance into its adhara. This means that it would build for itself a supramental body. It is a logical evolutionary development with the psychic being at its core: the fully grown psychic being will supramentalize itself in the manifestation when the manifestation allows it, i... that the process of transformation follows a logical evolutionary development with the psychic being as its central agent. When the Mother, sometime in 1966, discussed the characteristics of the supramental body, she said: ‘It therefore would be an infinitely greater transformation than that of the animal into the human being. It would be a passage of the human being into a being that no longer would ...


... at the time of writing twenty-seven years ago. Gradually the prototype of the supramental body took shape in her in a series of extraordinary experiences. She saw her new body in May 1970, and ce n’était pas surhumain, it was not a body of the overman but of the superman. In March 1972 the formation of the supramental body was complete: she was like that, she said, she “had a totally new body”. But... leaving the Ashram compound, except on special occasions. What was happening? Now that the overman was realised, the Mother took up the supramentalisation of the body; she started building the first supramental body, the archetype of the future supramental species, within her gross material body. The Mother had realised the possibility for overman, the transitional being, to exist physically on the earth:... do away with the necessity – let us consider this problem only – of the skeleton? This seems to me still very far away in the future.” The physical substance required for the functioning of the supramental body would have to be of a kind “that I do not know. It is not the substance as we know it now, and it is surely not the [bodily] construction that we know now … It seems to me that between what exists ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... separation from the dissolved physical frame has, on the one hand, brought the supramental body an extra density enabling it to come closer to our earth and prepare a breakthrough and, on the other hand, afforded to the obscurest and densest component in our consciousness, to our own body-mind, a sort of link with her supramental body. Hence, at the same time she can draw near to us and we can draw near to... to the transformation of Her most external being. Before She left Her body the Mother told us that She had already lived for a while in a new subtle body (sexless, etc.). Whether it was a supramental body or a body in transition She did not clarify, but since its origin was not human it might as well have been the supramental. She had also told us that mostly among the children will those that... manifest is not given us to 1 Ibid., April 1970, p. 51. 2 Ibid . Page 61 know with absolute certainty, but we may look forward to the materialisation of her supramental body as an outstanding possibility. And in regard to our preparation as well as in regard to an occultly managed materialisation we have been provided by our friend with a most inspired clue. At first ...

... understand consciousness, but divinely conscious? It is a perfection “which now we can hardly conceive”, wrote Sri Aurobindo. The Mother sometimes tried to give an idea of the capacities of a supramental body to one or other of the Ashram youth. You want to grasp something out of your reach? Just wish to get it and you got it. “Physically, I shall be able to be here and there at the same time. I shall... true being, perfect in proportion, very, very beautiful and strong, light, luminous or else transparent …” 33 And the Mother added: “The human body is closer to the animal than to the [supramental] body. It reacts like an animal, subsists like an animal. There is almost no difference between a man and an animal.” 34 And there lies the problem: in the enormous difference between our present... “There are two things. There is the possibility of a purely supramental creation on the one hand, and [on the other hand] the possibility of a progressive transformation of a physical body into a supramental body, or rather of a human body into an overman body [surhumain]: In the latter case, it would be a progressive transformation which could take a certain number of years, probably a fairly considerable ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... supramental, i.e. divine consciousness in a material body demands, is that matter be divinized. Only then will the future species beyond the human become a possibility. What such a transformed supramental body on our material planet will be, we cannot even try to imagine, for our mind is too limited. That matter, or the material living cell, can be refined is shown by the human body in its development... February 1958, the Mother had an experience which she deemed sufficiently important to dictate it immediately afterwards. “The supramental world exists permanently and I am there permanently in a supramental body. I had proof of it this very day, when my earth-consciousness went there and remained there consciously between two and three o’clock in the afternoon. Now I know that what was lacking for the... danger, she would point out an attack of black magic as the cause. The Asura, using human persons, was at his tricks maybe more than ever, as the avataric Yoga approached the stage where the first supramental body was in the process of formation. Secondly, this phase of the Yoga, being the attempt at transformation for which Sri Aurobindo had ordered the Mother to remain in her body, is hardly ever remembered ...

... if I am to end, it is the end.' Every minute it is like that: the true thing or the end. The body knows that this is the way for the supramental body to be formed. It must be wholly under the influence of the Divine..."¹ The formation of the supramental body: there is no mistaking the goal envisioned and sought. What was held in some doubt a few years earlier was simply whether the goal would... that because the physical supramentalisation had not been there Page 217 Sri Aurobindo's body could undergo death. To me she said: "Clearly, Sri Aurobindo did not have the supramental body, and neither do I have it. But that does not mean that the Supermind was not in his body. The two things are quite different. One can have the supermind in the body without the body being ... this day the central question is: "When will she be reborn?" She has unequivocally announced that Sri Aurobindo will not be born in the human manner again: his return will be in the first supramental body built in the supramental way — through the extraordinary power the human body's attainment of supramentalisation will win to bring about the entry of higher beings without the ordinary process ...


... though still in a broad manner thus: "There are two possibilities, the possibility of a purely supramental creation and the possibility of a progressive transformation of a physical body into a supramental body or rather that of a human body into a superhuman body; this progressive trans- formation might take a number of years, probably a very considerable number of years and produce a being who would... attributes of this body, which she then called "supramental" rather than "superhuman" since the two aspects of the fulfilment of her work and Sri Aurobindo's were not yet visualised. She said: "The supramental body which has to be brought into being here has four main attributes: lightness, adaptability, plasticity and luminosity. When the physical body is thoroughly divinised, it will feel as if it were... to perceive this luminosity. It will be an evident fact to each and all, a permanent proof of the transformation which will convince even the most sceptical."¹ Only in comparison with "the supramental body built in the supramental way" is the Intermediate Race's physical' vehicle open to criticism. In itself it will be as if - in Shakespearean phrase - Heaven had made another world ...

... I had several heads. ... The experience of February 29 was of a general nature; but this one was intended for me. ... An experience I had never had. ... I begin to see what the Supramental body will be. ... I had had a somewhat similar experience at the time of the union of the supreme creative principle with the physical consciousness. But that was a subtle experience, while... between the two worlds. This is the experience as I dictated it immediately thereafter: (silence) The supramental world exists in a permanent way, and I am there permanently in a supramental body. I had proof of this today when my earthly consciousness went there and consciously remained there between two and three o'clock in the afternoon. I now know that for the two worlds to join in... feel anything? I had a feeling of contentment that day. Ah! That's it. Yes, that's it. Is it the supramental personality?... which will incarnate in all those who will have a supramental body.... It was luminous, smiling, and so benevolent BECAUSE OF POWER; I mean to say that kindness, in human beings, is generally something rather weak, in the sense that it does not like to ...

... No, my child, not so soon. He has already said that He will come back only with the first Supramental body. The first Supramental body will be that of Sri Aurobindo. That is what He has announced. And it is not for now. There is plenty of time. We can wait. It is not yet ready for the Supramental body. The world must be made ready. It will take time…. It is true that Sri Aurobindo is occupied... Aurobindo will come back? If yes, will He be in His old form? For I have heard that you have said: “He will come back.” ( The Mother’s answer: ) Sri Aurobindo will surely come back in the first supramental body. But when and how, this he did not say. January 28, 1951 Mother, If He will come back then why did He leave? Is it to show a miracle to the world? ( The Mother’s answer: ...


... presence here (on this side of the veil) could help (Sri Aurobindo) one day to materialize?”— Yes, yes. That he said clearly (I asked him), “I’ll come back only in a supramental body. ” But there’s the big question of that supramental body, I don’t know. 110 What change in this body of Matter could make the very nature of Matter change to the point that the other body could infuse itself here, in... done, all that can be done. But the question is, how much TIME would it take to do away with the necessity (to take just this problem) of the skeleton?... Time, yes, that was the problem. So a supramental body suspended in a world that’s not the earth is not the thing! How true!... Only, what I mean, she added, is that it may again take place through a large number of new creations. The transition... bone structure that we know and no longer the imponderable new body, something that would confer a ponderability to the new body and a new materiality to the old one, and it would be truly the supramental body on earth. The old body would be the bridge. The whole question lies in this “ponderability” or in this new materiality; there we are completely in the unknown—perhaps “the dangerous unknown” ...

... Power had taken possession of her body, the result of which was that the Mother got access to the supramental world by means of the body consciousness. There she found Sri Aurobindo present in a supramental body — in the body that during his lifetime he had built up with his supramentalized consciousness. She was surprised to discover that the supramental world was not far from the physical world and... and there and everywhere, corporeally. Her cells, an ever greater number of them, were growing into the Unity-Consciousness, one of whose characteristics is omnipresence. They were developing a supramental body, which is an omnipresent body consisting of a supramental substance. We cannot fully understand this, we are not built and do not exist like that. But the Mother was becoming like that through... made this battle of the Mother possible. She could have departed earlier, but her presence rendered possible ‘the first steps of the supramental transformation,’ of the realization of the first supramental body. If this attempt did not succeed, then what she could work out in years, days, hours by her corporeal presence would have to be worked out by Nature in thousands or millions of years, and humanity ...


... determined. The goal of the Integral Yoga is known but not determined. The goal is the realisation of a supramental body on the Earth; what a supramental body will be like is (more or less) known; but its realisation is not fixed, not determined, as up to now nobody has concretely existed in a supramental body. And didn’t Sri Aurobindo time and again refuse to define Supermind so as not to limit it by mental ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... herself gave us a glimpse of Mahashakti, the cosmic Mother, when she narrated one of her experiences on 3 February 1958. “The supramental world exists permanently and I am there permanently in a supramental body. I had proof of it this very day, when my earth-consciousness went there and remained there consciously between two and three o’clock in the afternoon. Now I know that what was lacking for the... elementary humanity; her invisible body within the visible one was glorious. On 24 March 1972 she said: “For the first time, early in the morning, I saw myself, my body. I don’t know whether it is a supramental body or – how to say this? – a body in transition. But I had a body altogether new, in the sense that it was sexless, it wasn’t a woman nor was it a man. 17 It was very white, but this is because... × The Mother: Words of Long Ago , p. 47. × The supramental body is a-sexual. Cf. talk 1: “Adam Kadmon and the Evolution”. ...

... he has confided to her shortly after his passing that he would come back in the first truly supramental body. ‘When I asked him (on December 8, 1950) to resuscitate his body, He clearly answered: “I have left this body purposely. I will not take it back. I shall manifest again in the first supramental body built in the supramental way.”’ 48 We also draw attention to the question of the Mother... another.’ 22 The microcosm of the cell is the field, the means of the supramental transformation of Matter, where Matter can be touched and ennobled — the indispensable precondition for the supramental body to be realized in this material Creation. The mental consciousness of the human being encompasses several ‘steps’, several functional gradations. Its most apparent functions are the intellect ...


... true body [i.e. a supramental body]. I say that I am not very sure because the people on the outside have no proof of it.’ 28 As usual she remained very cautious, very scientific in her observations, but the frequency and similarity of the reports leave little doubt about the fact that the Mother had made an enormous progress: she was building the prototype of the supramental body on earth. We will... which doses’ the experiences, however extreme. And there was the yogic seesaw effect we know of, and her reports of progress that were sometimes spectacular. For the Mother was building a new, supramental body within her old, material body, along with it, parallel to it. Time after time she noticed that during her occult nightly occupations she was très grande et forte , very tall and strong, which ...

... are aware that the Supramental Body was already with her, waiting to fuse with the human form she had worn for our sake. We are aware also that the lengthy struggle she recently went through was only the Yogic endeavour of the human form to open completely to the Supramental Body. Perhaps this form did enough and its exalted agony was needed no more to enable the Supramental Body to manifest. Perhaps ...

... things when I get * Mother India, December 1974. Page 104 them. This much I have said: Sri Aurobindo will be the first to have the supramental body. "People keep asking me: 'When Sri Aurobindo comes back in a supramental body, will he need to eat or drink or do other usual things?' All these questions are silly. "Sri Aurobindo's leaving the body makes no essential difference... my visits to the Ashram from Bombay, I met the Mother in her room at the Playground. It was on the eve of my departure. What she had said at the end of 1950 about Sri Aurobindo coming back in a supramental body had been in my mind pretty often in the period after it, acutely missing him as I had done—missing him not only as a most compassionate and illuminating Guru but also as a most delightfully e ...

... built up, aggregated by the prayer of the body, the aspiration of the body, the millions of Mantras repeated night and day. A second time, She had seen it, in 1972. I don't know whether it's the supramental body or a transitional body, but I had a completely new body, in the sense that it was sexless It was very slender. Really lovely, a truly harmonious form. 3 What was very different was the torso—the... Aurobindo said to me, “Oh, to have to begin all that over again, the whole childhood and all that unconsciousness—no.” Before he left, He said no. “No, I shall return when it can be done in a supramental body.” But there have to be bodies capable of lasting at will. And I have the feeling that that is possible. I can spend hours like that, in a kind of receptive contemplation, and it seems like a second... minute: life or death. No halfway. You know, we have spent centuries being neither too uncomfortable nor too comfortable. Well, that time is over. The body knows this is necessary for the supramental body to be formed: it must be ENTIRELY under the Influence of the Divine. No compromises, no half measures, no “It will come later.” Just like this [Mother brought down her fist again] : a dreadful ...

... radical change, leading to a complete, if gradual, transformation into a supramental body. It has been the idea of many who have speculated on the subject that the body of the future race will be a luminous body ( corps glorieux ) and that might mean radio-active. But also it has to be considered (1) that a supramental body must necessarily be one in which the consciousness determines even the physical ...


... Yes, yes.... That he said clearly (I asked him), he clearly said, "I'll come back only in a supramental body." That was before what I have just told you. So it would be you who would help him to materialize? Page 262 Yes, yes. But there's the big question of that supramental body, I don't know. Yes, but if it materializes, that's different. It's not the same thing as creating ...


... affecting the gross material body and even getting partly assimilated in it. The Taittiriya Upanishad speaks of five bodies (koshas) and Sri Aurobindo has recognised in its vijnanamaya kosha the supramental body which has to manifest in our earthly one. The same holds for the Mandukya Upanishad's karana sharira which is the causal "body of bliss with the mouth (or face) of knowledge". The attempt to bring... view. When Satprem once put to the Mother the notion of the body which has been claimed to be Jesus' resurrected one, she said: "But that body went to heaven!" - meaning that it could not be a supramental body which has to be heavenly on earth - and not, as I might say, earthly in heaven! May I point out that even in Christianity the death-motive in relation to the resurrection is not obligatory ...

... the passage. It was extraordinary. It was an extraordinary experience. … When he left, there was a whole part – the most material part of the ‘descent’ [the formation in Sri Aurobindo] of the supramental body up to the [physical] mental – which visibly came out of his body, like this [gesture], and entered into mine. And this was so concrete that I felt the friction of the forces passing through the... enabled the manifestation of the Supermind in 1956. His words about the capability of the Mother’s body have proved true, and in the following years she has gradually realized the archetype of the supramental body by means of her physical body. By these two realizations the appearance of the next step in the evolution, the supramental being, has been brought nearer centuries if not millennia. Ours, humans ...

... the dissolution of his semi-illuminated gross-physical substance. His direct role upon the earth was projected into a future when, as the Mother communicated to us, he would come in the first supramental body built in the supramental and not the natural way. From his command to the Mother early in the year that she would have to "fulfil our Yoga of supramental descent and transformation", we understood... into force after the Mother had sufficiently divinised her body and established herself firmly for the new world she was building up, the world in which Sri Aurobindo was to come in the first supramental body built in the supramental way. But, with the evolutionary alteration of her course on November 17, releasing new powers of action, the will of Sri Aurobindo for supramentalisation in the present ...

... divinisation of the body, there is such a thing as a conquest of death; in other words, a supramental body. And I believe I had a fore-glimpse of that in this un-aging youth and beauty of the Divine Mother that I had been graciously given to see. And along with this, if the Lord descended with His supramental body, then what 'moja'! 164 (Laughter) Let me 163In the Darshan vision witnessed ...


... about the desired progress. I felt it in myself for my body. But my body is not afraid, it says.... "Very well, if I am to end, it is the end."... The body knows that this is the way for the supramental body to be formed: it must be wholly under the influence of the Divine - no compromise, no approximation, no "it will come", not so: it is like this (Mother brings down her fist), a formidable... Then, on 24 March, the Mother gave news of a striking development: that morning at about four, she had seen, for the first time, her own body, but a body altogether changed - not, perhaps, a supramental body, but at least a body in transition. It was sexless - neither woman nor man - and very white and very slim and pretty: "Truly a harmonious form." Continuing her revelation the next day, the Mother ...


... spherical." And Sri Aurobindo, who always enjoyed a joke, repeated it in an informal chat with his disciples. "This question about the nature of the Supramental body was answered by Theon. He was in France at that time and he said the Supramental body would be a 'body of light — corps glorieux.' He had a number of disciples, some of whom were mathematicians and scientists. One of them brought the ...

... s. Indirectly, this again throws some light on the passing of Sri Aurobindo. Directly, it was the problem left to the Mother to resolve: the cells had to be supramentalized in order to form a supramental body and thus to conquer Death. We can now continue reading the Mother’s talk of 6 January 1951. ‘There is a consciousness in the cells: it is what we call the “body consciousness” 94 and it... and the body does not comprehend it very well, because it is still far from realization and the body can truly comprehend only that which it is on the point of being able to do.’ ‘The supramental body will be unsexed, since the need for animal procreation will no longer exist. The human form will retain only its symbolic beauty, and one can foresee even now the disappearance of certain ungainly ...

... picture the situation in which she made Death her servitor? On the one hand, as we know from "Notes on the Way" over several years, there was the growing infusion of her cells with the light of the Supramental Body already poised on the subtle-physical plane and then the short yet decisive experience of the exteriorised Supermind. On the other, as we learn from her attendants, there was infirm old age but... work becoming more and more exciting", the body, in spite of her persistence, did not "hold on", she would be constrained to let the transformation "be for another time". 4 But in March 1972, a Supramental Body waiting on the subtle-physical plane and pressing upon the gross-physical became a concrete reality in which she lived for a while, 5 and there were also the experiences we have already sketched ...

... who have speculated on the subject that the body of the future race will be a luminous body ( corps glorieux ) and that might mean radio-active. 1 But also it has to be considered (1) that a supramental body must necessarily be one in which the consciousness determines even the physical action and reaction to the most material and these therefore are not wholly dependent on material conditions or... and, certainly, much pro found spiritual knowledge (profound rather than wide, I think)—I would not swear to it that he is referring to the supramentalised body ( physical body ). Perhaps to the supramental body or to some other luminous body in its own space and substance, which he found sometimes as if enveloping him and abolishing this body of death which he felt the material envelope to be. This verse ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Mother, will the first supramental body be like this? Like what? A transformation without passing through a terrestrial birth? Ah! Excuse me, you must not confuse things. There are two things. There is the possibility of a purely supramental creation on one hand, and the possibility of a progressive transformation of a physical body into a supramental body, or rather of a human body ...


... and, certainly, much profound spiritual knowledge (profound rather than wide, I think)—I would not swear to it that he is referring to the supramentalised body (physical body). Perhaps to the supramental body or to some other luminous body in its own space and substance, which he found sometimes as if enveloping him and abolishing this body of death which he felt the material envelope to be. This verse... open to all the influences from outside and the body is obliged to do things that are not directly the expression of the supreme Impulsion; from there come the fatigue, the friction.... So, a supramental body suspended in a world that is not the earth—it is not that! No. Something is needed that has the power to resist the contagion. Man cannot resist the contagion of the animal, he cannot ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... June 18, 1965 You remember what I had said? That it would be an improved physical body that would make the transition between the human body and the supramental body?... 1 Last night Sri Aurobindo told me in his own way that it was correct, that it was true. It was very interesting. Very interesting. Last night, for a long time, we went to all sorts... Now, what do YOU have to tell me? ( silence ) Very well, I am not saying anything more! There still remains the question I asked you on the same subject: I find it hard to see how the supramental body, which is made of a very material but nevertheless different matter... 2 Ah, I had another experience about that a few days ago.... You know that they are speaking of a substance "denser" ...


... certainly, much profound spiritual knowledge (profound rather than wide, I think)—I would not swear to it that he is referring 1 to the supramentalised body ( physical body ). Perhaps to the supramental body or to some other luminous body in its own space and substance, which he found sometimes as if enveloping Page 216 him and abolishing this body of death which he felt the material envelope... but it's still open to the whole influence from outside and the body is forced to do things that aren't directly the expression of the supreme Impulsion, hence the fatigue, the friction.... So a supramental body suspended in a world that's not the earth is not the thing! No. Something is needed that has the power to resist the contagion. Man cannot resist the contagion from the animal, he can't ...


... didn't in the least hold it against me!... You understand, it was the image of the unreality of the falsehood of all those things. But the second thing, I had always asked, "How is it, the supramental body? I'd like to see it." Well, I saw it, I saw my body, how it will be. It's fine! ( Laughing ) It's fine!... It's a body... not very different, but so refined! So... such a refined thing! None of... and last night He answered me by giving me two visions. The one was about the liberation of the body consciousness from all conventions regarding death; and in the other, He showed me what the supramental body will be. As you can see, I did well to ask Him!" × Still, in the afternoon, the doctor did a ...


... have; that's the way it is built: it needs to eat, but it can't eat. So when I was told these eruptions would affect even the human body, I thought: could it be the substance that will create the supramental body? If the Supramental is to manifest on earth, something of it has to relate to the physical. Quite! ( silence ) The body is in a curious condition ( Mother touches her fingertips... well, maybe that's what is coming to replace food? It's wishful thinking , I can't say it's a knowledge. It just came to me like that. Because, according to what Sri Aurobindo said, the supramental body will be immortal and sexless—that is, no procreation. So for those who live, if the earth is still there and they are to go on living, they will have to transform themselves constantly, otherwise ...


... it became clear to me what all the indications he had given meant. Myself: Do you envisage his coming back? Mother: Well, he has himself said that he would come back in a supramental body, the first supramental body. The other day I had an interesting dream. I saw that both he and myself had gone somewhere and were living in a house. He was very young with broad shoulders and a thin waist ...

... would not ex­pect X to go and fish on the pier at Pondicherry." About the first he said. "This question about the nature of the Supramental body was answered by Thèon. He was Page 138 in France at that time he said the Supramental body would be a "body of light" – " crops glorieux." He had a number of Disciples some of whom were mathematicians and scientists. One of them ...

... it is difficult to talk about. We will not really know how it is done until it is done. No one knows the country or the way to it since no one has ever gotten there. No one has ever made a supramental body! But it will be made, as inevitably as man and the ape and the millipede were already made in the great golden Seed of the world. This is the last adventure of the earth, or maybe the first... heart and every atom. His Reality will make the world real. The earth will be transfigured by the irresistible radiance of her own Sun. Only joy can convert to joy. * What will that supramental body be like, that “life divine” on earth? Here again, miracles will turn out to be the simple nature of the world and the new life to follow a divine logic, the logic of the divine truth of matter ...


... answering to the higher consciousness (overmental, intuitive etc.) and I suppose a being could be there working in that consciousness and body. It is not likely to be the supramental being and supramental body—for in that case the whole consciousness, thought, action subjective and objective would begin to be faultlessly true and irresistibly effective. Nobody has reached that stage yet, even the overmind ...


... the two worlds. Here is the experience as I dictated it immediately afterwards: ( Silence ) The supramental world exists permanently and I am there Page 271 permanently in a supramental body. I had the proof of this even today when my earth-consciousness went there and remained there consciously between two and three o'clock in the afternoon. Now, I know that what is lacking for the ...


... answering to the higher consciousness (overmental, intuitive etc.) and I suppose a being could be there working in that consciousness and body. It is not likely to be the supramental being and supramental body—for in that case the whole consciousness, thought, action subjective and objective would begin to be faultlessly true and irresistibly effective. Nobody has reached that stage yet, even the overmind ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... accumulated in his body he passed on to me—and I received it. The rest went into the subtle physical, where he has done the whole work. And he said, "I will take on a body again only when it is a supramental body." Page 310 ( silence ) It was... monstrous, you understand.... I didn't say anything, I never said anything.... Yes, once, she was so awful that I made her leave Sri Aurobindo's ...


... to Sri Aurobindo to take up his body again he emphatically said "No" because he had given it up on purpose but reassured her by saying further that he would be the first to come back in a new supramental body made in the supramental way — that is, without the common process of birth as the result of a sex act. So we looked forward to a time when the Mother Page 108 would represent ...


... built between the two worlds. This is the experience as I dictated it immediately thereafter: ( silence ) The supramental world exists in a permanent way, and I am there permanently in a supramental body. I had proof of this today when my earthly consciousness went there and consciously remained there between two and three o'clock in the afternoon: I now know that for the two worlds to join in ...


... Agenda 1972-1973 March 24, 1972 ( Mother sees Sujata ) For the first time, early this morning, I saw myself: my body. I don't know whether it's the supramental body or... (what shall I say?) a transitional body, but I had a completely new body, in the sense that it was sexless: it was neither woman nor man. It was very white. But that could be because ...


... any notion of the enormous dimensions of the Work, most disciples were looking forward to a sudden physical transformation of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and the day they would, in a glorified supramental body, turn their faithful followers into an identical glorious state, hopefully in the twinkling of an eye. But first a lot remained to be done and it was very difficult work indeed. In this work, ...


... takes over, the mental consciousness under all its aspects will become the surpassed cosmic element. The ‘child’ in Sri Aurobindo’s aphorism, who must be a very powerful child, is the soul in its supramental body which will effortlessly bring the artificial techno-scientific world to an end. Sri Aurobindo wrote already in the first pages of The Life Divine that technical hardware is in fact a demonstration ...


... body is heavy, extremely limited in its possibilities, vulnerable, deficient in its perceptions, bound to its age, subject to illness and death, and not unjustly felt by some as a prison. The supramental body will be a body of light, with lightness as one of its characteristics, being able to go where it wishes in an instant and to be at two or more places simultaneously. It will have a supramental ...

... February 1958, and which she read out a fortnight later from notes dictated by her immediately after the experience. ‘The supramental world exists permanently and I am there permanently in a supramental body. I had proof of it this very day, when my Earth-consciousness went there and remained there consciously between two and three o’clock in the afternoon. Now I know that what was lacking for the ...

... "One of the greatest victories ... will be the transformation of Matter which is apparently the most undivine. Supramental plasticity is an attribute of finally transformed Matter. The supramental body which has to be brought into being here has four main attributes: lightness, adaptability, plasticity and luminosity. When the physical body is thoroughly divinised, it will feel as if it were ...

... asked Him (8 December 1950) to resuscitate his body,’ said the Mother later, ‘He clearly answered: “I have left this body purposely. I will not take it back. I shall manifest again in the first supramental body built in the supramental way.’ 66 9 December. Rhoda Le Cocq writes: ‘On the afternoon of 9 December, at 5:00 p.m., the burial service finally took place after another, final darshan. ...

... February 1958 The following Message, given to me by the Mother, appealed to me very much: The Next Step The Supramental world exists permanently and I am there permanently in a Supramental body. Now, I know that what is lacking for the two worlds to unite in a constant and conscious relation is an intermediate zone between the physical world as it is and the Supramental world as it is ...


... felt as if I had several heads. ...The experience of February 29 was of a general nature; but this one was intended for me. ...An experience I had never had. ...I begin to see what the supramental body will be. ...I had had a somewhat similar experience at the time of the union of the supreme creative principle with the physical consciousness. But that was a subtle experience, while this ...


... would prepare our own reborn selves as well as others for the time when, according to the promise given to her during the days Sri Aurobindo's body was lying in state, he would come back in a supramental body built in a supramental way. That hour would mark the two greatest victories of terrestrial history: the Mother sitting as the pioneer of the human supramentalised side by side with Sri Aurobindo ...


... mind cannot know". This chiselled yet shimmering shape comes as a blissful anticipation - in verbal terms - of that flawless formulation of the Divine Being, which Sri Aurobindo calls the Supramental Body. The formulation without a flaw, while already existent in the empyrean as the guide of "our human grope", is waiting to descend with its "almighty" artistry to refashion the outer no less than ...


... cleanse the mental, vital, and material middle ground. When the junction is made, not merely mentally and vitally but materially, Spirit will emerge in Matter, in a total supramental being and supramental body, and... All earth shall be the Spirit's manifest home. 1 This cleansing of the middle ground is the whole story of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother... "I had been dredging, dredging, dredging ...


... Mother's words soon after his departure: "When I asked him to resuscitate he clearly answered. 'I have left the body purposely. I will not take it back, I shall manifest again in the first supramental body built in the supramental way.'" Thus the first alternative should hold. Then the sole reason one can think of is that the Mother had not accepted the idea of Sri Aurobindo's departure ...


...         The Mother shrugged her shoulders and said: "I don't know what he meant. It has not come out correct. I'll explain the true thing to you. Clearly, Sri Aurobindo did not have the supramental body, and neither do I have it. But that does not mean that the Supermind was not in his body. The two things are quite different. One can have the Supermind in the body without the body being sup ...


... l consciousness in the cells of the body so as to establish in the world, the conditions of the emergence of the next species, the supramental species that would manifest the Supermind in the supramental body. It was in the course of this "Yoga of the Cells" that the Mother discovered the "Mind of the Cells" which has the necessary capacity to reconstitute the physical body. This great yogic process ...

... In another message, the Mother said: 'When I asked him to resuscitate, he clearly answered: "I have left this body purposely. I will not take it back. I shall manifest again in the first supramental body built in the supramental way." ' In a prayer. The Mother said: 'Lord, this morning Thou hast given me the assurance that Thou wouldst stay with us until Thy work is achieved, not only ...

... consciousness in the cells of the body so as to establish, in the world, the conditions of the emergence of the next species, the supramental species that would manifest the Supermind in the supramental body. It was in the course of this "Yoga of the Cells" that the Mother discovered the "Mind of the Cells" which has the necessary capacity to re-constitute the physical body. This great yogic ...

... The Mother said: Page 101 When I asked him to resuscitate, he clearly answered: 'I have left the body purposely. I will not take it back. I shall manifest again in the first supramental body built in the supramental way.' In a prayer, the Mother said: Lord, this morning Thou hast given me the assurance that Thou wouldst stay with us until Thy work is achieved, not only ...

... animal encasing of humanity and is vigorously transforming, demolishing and building, preparing the new structure. The embodiment of the supramental, the supramental consciousness in its supramental body is indeed even now rather a far-off event. But the beginning of a supramen-talised humanity, a section of it as the spearhead is quite a possibility in a comparatively near future. A race of ...

... psychic being which presides over reincarnation, but the Jiva, the Central Being, which according to its need gathers the material from Nature.  The  k ā rana-śarira generally  means  the Supramental body. Disciple : In the orthodox terminology, though k ā rana-śarira means .vij ñā namaya , yet they speak of it not as a means of development but as a means of escape. To them the use ...

... this animal encasing of humanity and is vigorously transforming, demolishing and building, preparing the new structure. The embodiment of the supramental, the supramental consciousness in its supramental body is indeed even now rather a far-off event. But the beginning of a supramentalised humanity, a section of it as the spearhead is quite a possibility in a comparatively near future. A race of elite ...

... the two poles can actually meet. When the joining takes place, not only mentally and vitally but also materially, then the Spirit will emerge in Matter within a complete supramental being and a supramental body. ... earth shall be the Spirit's manifest home. 367 This clearing-up of the intermediary levels is the whole story of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The difficulties of accustoming the ...

... enveloped, just as if a baby were swathed... carried in the arms of the Divine.' - Mar 24 'For the first time, early in the morning, I saw myself, my body - I do not know whether it is the supramental body or... a body in transition.... Truly a harmonious form... I had become like that.' Next day adds, 'It must have been in the subtle physical.' - Mar 30 Says, in one of her conversations, ...


... outside and the body is obliged to do things that are not directly the expression of the supreme Impulsion; from there come the fatigue, the friction.... She didn't want to be an unearthly supramental body, for that sort of solitary splendour would cause much confusion. While some human beings might seek a relation of devotion and attachment, others would turn hostile. First of all would come, ...


... concrete in the outer physical. There were thus two possibilities; either the gradual transmutation of the present human into the supramental divine body, or the outright new creation of the supramental body. In her conversation of 6 March with a disciple, the Mother was of the view that both might happen, for one did not exclude the other. 31 X The Mother's New Year message for 1964 ...


... assurance to Mother and Mother's assurance to the Earth. December 8: Mother's call to Sri Aurobindo to resuscitate. Sri Aurobindo's answer that he would come again in the first supramental body. December 9: Mother's offering of gratitude to the material envelope of the Master. In the evening the Body was put in a rose-wood box lined with silver, and laid at rest ...

... Such is the basis of the process of supramental transformation. And it radiated from me, Mother concludes: Myriads of little sparks that were penetrating everybody.... I begin to see what the supramental body will be. 5 The light of Matter was beginning to appear. Myriads of tiny sparks. Yet always this question remained: What is it that veils it? The Treasure in the Rock Another experience ...


... The earth was not yet ready to draw the biggest profit from his physical presence. His help is always there, conscious and active. He has said that he will come back in the first supramental body. 5.12.1969 Very rarely can I see You in dreams. If you "dream" in the vital or mental, there is little chance that you will meet me there. If your dreams are in the ...


... building a bridge between the two worlds. Although it was only a dream, it had a concreteness of its own, and she found that the supramental world was a permanent reality, and her presence there in a supramental body was also an actuality. She had an existence, outwardly as a human being, on this bank, and she had a supramental existence on that bank; what had been lacking was a bridge, an intermediate ...


... resurrection? But on the 8th Sri Aurobindo firmly told the Mother at the occult level that he had left his body purposely, and would not take it back; he would, however, manifest again in "the first supramental body built in the supramental way". 23 But early in the afternoon of the 9th, after over one hundred hours of supramental sustenance, the body showed, "here and there" 24 , the first signs of di ...


... eyes of the cells that see, very young eyes that are still rather mindless (happily), but the descendants of the new species will be more gifted to make them twinkle. We always forget that the supramental body, which will live and handle all this very naturally, has not yet been created by evolution—for the moment, there is an old, transitory body which is on both sides at once, as it were, and which ...


... my first step." Thus in the jail itself he was on his way to the other two realizations on which his Yoga is founded. There in Algeria, at Tlemcen, Mirra too had seen the prototype of the Supramental body when she had stood at the Page 486 Vivekananda's revelation to Sri Aurobindo threshold of the Formless. That was in 1907, just a year before Sri Aurobindo's ...

... created by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother with new types of beings or for the souls that are developed and transformed on earth? 2. Sri Aurobindo had promised that he would manifest in a first supramental body built in a supra-mental way. Will this happen in 1967 or before? 3. It has been said in the Bulletin, April 1963, pp. 49–51, that both the bodies will be there at the same time and that we ...

... much profound spiritual knowledge (profound rather than wide, I think)..." He 47 has also commented on a passage in the Epistles - not exactly identifiable by us - which refers "Perhaps to the supramental body or to some other luminous body in its own space and substance, which he found sometimes as if enveloping him and abolishing this body of death which he felt the material envelope to be." Paul's ...

... Aurobindo and the Mother have written and spoken volumes to explain the conditions of the supramental transformation, and that the transformation of the body, the appearance of a perceptible, immortal supramental body on Earth, would only be the last, the ultimate result of the process of transformation. They were right when they said that they were understood only by very few who could generate the necessary ...


... keeping one sexual gender, the one of its choice, once it has acquired or is acquiring its maturity. As it is intrinsically sexless, however, in the species beyond man it will manifest in a sexless supramental body. The sexes are a phenomenon of the lower hemisphere of Existence from the gods down to the lower vital creatures. ‘The concept that has come from below,’ as the Mother said, has therefore been ...


... on the Earth by bringing the divine Light into the twilight of the Subconscient and into the darkness of the Inconscient, in order to make the transformation of matter and the formation of the supramental body possible. At the end of 1926 Sri Aurobindo had withdrawn into seclusion ‘to work things out’ and devote himself totally to ‘a dynamic meditation’. ‘Dynamic’ is another of his keywords; he always ...


... built between the two worlds. This is the experience as I have dictated it immediately afterwards. [The Mother reads:] ‘The supramental world exists permanently and I am there permanently in a supramental body. I got proof of it this very day, because my terrestrial consciousness has gone and remained there consciously between two and three o’clock in the afternoon. I know now that what is lacking for ...


... the view of Sri Aurobindo. Even matter as it is now will evolve, which means that the material body will evolve and gradually or in a quantum leap give birth to the appearance of beings with a ‘supramental’ body, the corps glorieux (body of light) of which the Théons spoke. What made Théon’s Cosmic Tradition important was that it represented a theory that could be put into practice. When still in ...

... talks I have mentioned. Even -the possibility of that precipitation must be thought of after considering Sri Aurobindo's announcement through the Mother that he would be the first to manifest in a supramental body built in the supramental way - that is, without the intervention of the common human birth-procedure. It is not easy to think of his return without the Mother being already there to represent ...


... victories of this ineffable humility of God will be the transformation of Matter which is apparently the most undivine. Supramental plasticity is an attribute of finally transformed Matter. The supramental body which has to be brought into being here has four main attributes: lightness, adaptability, plasticity and luminosity. When the physical body is thoroughly divinised, it will feel as if it were ...


... victories of this ineffable humility of God will be the transformation of Matter which is apparently the most undivine. Supramental plasticity is an attribute of finally transformed Matter. The supramental body which has to be brought into being here has four main attributes: lightness, adaptability, plasticity and luminosity. When the physical body is thoroughly divinised, it will feel as if it were ...


... I had a feeling of contentment that day. Ah! It is that. Yes, it is that. Page 150 Is it the supramental personality?... that will incarnate itself in all those who have a supramental body.... It was luminous, smiling, and so benevolent through powerfulness ; that is to say, generally in the human being benevolence is something a little weak, in this sense that it does not like ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... It is not the approximation which has lasted indefinitely. For centuries it was neither altogether bad, nor altogether good—it is no longer so. The body knows that this is the way for the supramental body to be formed: it must be wholly under the influence of the Page 297 Divine—no compromise, no approximation, no "it will come", not so: it is like this ( Mother brings down her fist ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... Notes on the Way 24 March 1972 For the first time, early in the morning, I saw myself, my body—I do not know whether it is the supramental body or... (how to say it?) a body in transition, but I had a body altogether new, in the sense that it was sexless—it was not a woman nor was it a man. It was very white. But it is because my skin is white ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... night He gave me two visions in answer. Page 352 One concerned the liberation of the body consciousness from all the conventions regarding death; and in the other He showed me what the supramental body will be. You see that I did well to ask Him! 9 May 1970 ...


... Page 8 When I asked Him (December 8, 1950) to resuscitate his body, He clearly answered: "I have left this body purposely. I will not take it back. I shall manifest again in the first supramental body built in the supramental way." 11 April 1952 Sri Aurobindo has given up his body in an act of supreme unselfishness, renouncing the realisation in his own body to hasten the hour of ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... does not comprehend it very well, because it is still far from realisation and the body can truly comprehend only that which it is on the point of being able to do. August 1954 The supramental body will be unsexed, since the need for animal procreation will no longer exist. The human form will retain only its symbolic beauty, and one can foresee even now the disappearance of certain ungainly ...


... Satyavan... so Mother is going to bring back Sri Aurobindo?" ) I've received your note.... But you know that Sri Aurobindo said he wanted to come back on the earth only in a superhuman body... a supramental body. 6 ( silence ) A host of problems have instantly arisen.... You see, there's a considerable difference between human life and animal life, and there will be a considerable difference ...


... you felt anything? That day, I had a sense of contentment. Ah, that's it! Yes, that's right. Is it the supramental personality?... Which will incarnate in all those who will have a supramental body...? It was luminous, smiling, and so benevolent because of its POWER: I mean that generally, benevolence in the human being is something slightly weak, in the sense that it doesn't like battle ...


... then I would tell him, but he didn't need to answer: it was immediately understood—thirty years like that. And when he left, there was a whole part—the most material part of the descent of the supramental body down to the mind—that visibly came out of his body like that and entered mine, and it was so concrete that I felt the FRICTION of forces passing through the pores of the skin.... I remember having ...


... (Sujata:) There were two pictures. (Satprem to Mother:) Later on, you spoke of those two visions you had: the image of death (when you shot someone point-blank), and the vision of your supramental body. Was it the same day? The previous morning. Aah! ( Mother goes into a contemplation ) There was around you, like that, one of those... like a Hindu temple, but a small one.. ...


... true consciousness, matter... seems to lose something, or else something is transmuted into... I don't know.... Will it be so permanently, or is it the transition? I don't know. I mean, will the supramental body have no... Yet, there's no difference between man's materiality and the animal's, or is there? No, Mother, there isn't. ( silence ) Page 261 When you look, you always reach ...


... Aurobindo said to me, "Oh, to have to begin all that over again, the whole childhood and all that unconsciousness—no." Before he left, he said no. "No, I shall return when it can be done in a supramental body." 2 Page 235 ( silence ) But there have to be bodies capable of lasting at will. He said, "The intermediate stage will be duration of life at will." And I have the feeling that ...


... imperative: life or death. No halfways. You know, we have spent centuries being neither too uncomfortable nor too comfortable. Well, that time is over. The body knows this is necessary for the supramental body to be formed: it must be ENTIRELY under the Influence of the Divine. No compromises, no half measures, no "It will come later." Just like this ( Mother brings down her fist ): a dreadful Will ...


... effect. When on December 8, the Mother inwardly asked him to resuscitate himself, he clearly answered, "I have left this body purposely. I will not take it back. I shall manifest again in the first supramental body built in the supramental way." We need not probe further into the mystery, since it is of another dimension. Instead, it would be much more soul-satisfying to know that though physically he has ...

... body was laid into the box. Then the box was taken to the Samadhi of Sri Aurobindo, and on the upper chamber of the Samadhi, Mother's body was lowered. * * * In the subtle physical, a supramental body, which Mother had seen twice, was already formed. In the gross physical, most of the parts were already transferred to the governance of the supramental. The true matter of that gross physical ...

... Journal), 2, 56, 67 Supermind in Matter, 118 1915 (Mother leaves for France), 57 Supermind, fixing of (in Matter), 133 1920 (Mother returns to Pondiche- Supramental body, vision of, 207, 216-8 rry), 67 Supramental consciousness, 2, 266-7 1926 (Descent of Sri Krishna in Sri Aurobindo's body), 84-5 Supramental creation ...

... shown that the indomitable hero Enkidu fell a sudden prey to death after he allowed himself to be seduced by a courtesan of Istar. 6 It is of deep import that the Mother has announced that a supramental body — a body that will transcend all subjection to death—will be a sexless one. 1 "The Fear of Death and the Four Methods of Conquering It", Bulletin of Physical Education, February ...

... stuff for the manifestation, the incarnation of the subtle Divine body preparing behind. . Humanity in its present embodied manifestation cannot be immediately changed, transmuted into the supramental body. That body must descend or reveal itself or clothe itself with a new material substance. That new material substance was being prepared in the Mother's body which was the workshop, as it were ...

... the supramental consciousness in the human physical consciousness. She had also foreseen several intermediate stages thereafter which would eventually lead to the physical appearance of the new supramental body on the earth. That eventual result may even take two or three centuries. For the present moment, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had envisaged the accomplishment of the crucial task of fixing of ...

... long as the individual retains his individuality and does not lose himself in the transcendence or in Nirvana? I would like to know, Mother, about this thing. Alas! as yet there is no supramental body formed! This has still to be realised. 23 September 1964 ...

... come with your New Body. Your children's, the world's call and aspiration, love and consecration are laid at your feet in gratitude. How was it that, after all, the New Body - the golden supramental body - didn't arise out of the old body as the result of the prolonged sadhana of transformation? Nolini answered this unformulated question thus: The Mother's body belonged to the old creation ...


... like a living statue made with a material external to the sculptor. But naturally this is only a very approximate explanation. 11.3.1968 In the supramental world You are in a supramental body in a permanent way. Here we see You in the human body. What relation is there between these two bodies? Very cordial, but not constant in the physical way. . . 19.3.1968 ...


... occult meeting place to resuscitate, to return to life, but he answered, according to her testimony: "I have left this body purposely. I will not take it back. I shall manifest again in the first Supramental body built in the Supramental way." That seemed to be final; "the lack of receptivity of the earth and men", said the Mother on the 8th, "is mostly responsible for the decision Sri Aurobindo has ...

... what took several lifetimes can be done in a few years or even perhaps in a few months; but you have to do it. When we all have supramental bodies and when within ourselves we are in the supramental consciousness, we shall perhaps be able to manufacture little supramental beings who will not need to pass through these experiences! But it is only "when", it is not so at present. ( Laughter ) One... divine movement in its unfolding. Sweet Mother, I am mixing up things. Here it is written: "But one who has not mastered and lived the truths of Overmind cannot reach the supramental Truth." Yes. It is here that I am getting mixed up. Often you have said that the reign of Overmind is finished and that of the Supermind is to come, and that one doesn't need to go through the same experiences... not necessary to pass through the experiences of the Overmind to reach the Supermind. I have said that there was no need to pass through the experiences of the Overmind in order to have the supramental experiences? Have I ever said such a thing? Page 206 I don't say that you have said that, but perhaps I have understood it like that. Ah, well! In any case I don't think so. I don't ...


... discovery of an instrumentation through which this materialisation of the superior grades of energy may be effected for the body's needs. But the supramentally transfigured body will surely bring into play the necessary instrumentation. And we may well conceive that in the New Body "material organs as we know them at present would be replaced by centres of concentration of force and energy that are... 1 The Mother in Bulletin, Vol. IX, No. 3, p. 123. Page 309 creation and action of new bodies that will be capable of manifesting the supramental life in a material world." 1 But apart from this process of luminous materialisation of energy, the New Body may renew its material stuff through the materialisation of substance of subtler grades. For it is not at all... and substance for satisfying its material needs. As a matter of fact, "the ascent of man from the physical to the supramental must open out the possibility of a corresponding ascent in the grades of substance to that ideal or causal body which is proper to our supramental being, and the conquest of the lower principles by supermind and its liberation of them into a divine life and divine ...

... leave some legacy of traces for posterity to follow. Particularly, a spiritual realization once completely achieved could never be entirely obliterated. Said Sri Aurobindo, "I find that the Supramental physical body has not been brought down; otherwise it would have been there." As he explored the lowest rung of the lower hemisphere, and descended to the sub-material, the subconscient, the inconscient... "showed me the Intuitive Plane" during his meditation in Alipore Jail. "Then afterwards I began to see the still higher planes." Sri Aurobindo said, "I myself got the idea of the Supramental after ten years of Sadhana. The Supramental does not come in the beginning but at the end of Sadhana." Nolini, for his part, told us that it was when they were living in Sundar Chetty's house that Sri Aurobindo began... inherent power." In 1923 Sri Aurobindo satisfied the curiosity of the assembled disciples who queried about the work he was then doing. "I am," he replied, "at present engaged in bringing down the Supramental into the physical consciousness, down even to the sub-material." How did he feel? "One feels as if 'digging the earth,' as the Veda says. It is literally digging from the Supermind above ...


... fabricating the supramentalised or divine body, and it can, therefore, be surmised that what science demands for its ultimate proof of utter objectivity of knowledge, and what spirituality ought to demand for its ultimate victory on the earth, can be fulfilled only if supramental consciousness can be demonstratively seen and touched in supramental physical body. Let us refer to that conversation... the highest degree of earnestness. These are: seekers who are wedded to scientific knowledge and scientific method, and the seekers who are wedded to the methodical quest of psychic, spiritual and supramental realization. Both these categories of seekers will find, in the Records of Experiments and Realizations left by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the required testimony of the promise that they are likely... concretized and realized. On a practical level, I am sure of it. In other words, no matter how great he may be, no matter how conscious, how powerful, ONE avatar all alone cannot realize the supramental life on earth. Either a group in time, a number of individuals staggered over a certain period of Page 130 time, or a group spread out over a certain space — or maybe both — is indispensable ...

... the outer physical till the supramental descent, and that there is only one man in the world who has done it up to now.       Who says that? Peace can be brought down into the physical—to its very cells. It is the active transformation Page 63 of the physical that cannot be completely done without the supramental descent.       BODY-SENSE AND SADHANA ... in that way unconscious of the body for many years.       It also happens that when the experience is of a voidness I feel the whole body to be as light as cotton-wool.       Yes, it becomes like that. In the end you feel as if you had no body but were spread out in the vast-ness of space as an infinite consciousness and exis-tence — or as if the body were only a dot in that consciousness... The Physical Being       The Year 1933       Can I not command my body to cut down its sleep to two or three hours only? I have heard that many Yogis are able to minimise their sleep.       It is not possible to do at once what you like with the body. If the body is told to sleep only 2 or 3 hours, it may follow if the will is strong enough — but afterwards it ...

... is an idea that this Yoga has been attempted times without number in the past, that the Light descended and has withdrawn again and again. This does not seem to be correct. I find that Supramental physical body has not been brought down : otherwise it would have been there. We must not therefore belittle our effort and throw obstacles in the way of its accomplishment. The time has not yet... But that is not the whole thing, we have not to rest content merely with the ascent. We have also to descend again and consciously bring down the Supramental Light, Truth and Harmony to govern and transform our nature – that is, our mind, life, and body. There is thus an involution of the lower powers upward into the Truth from which the Spirit descends into Matter and then a manifestation of that... work is rendered easy and quick. One blow from the Supreme Force and the thing is done ! 15-8-1925 ( 4.30 p.m. ) Our Yoga aims at the discovery of the Supramental being, the Supramental world, and the Supramental nature, and their manifestations in life. But we must guard ourselves against certain general mistakes which are likely to arise. People think that certain powers such ...