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A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [2]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Beyond Man [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [1]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Essays Divine and Human [2]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [2]
Essays on the Gita [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [2]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [2]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Overman [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [2]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [2]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [1]
Record of Yoga [1]
Savitri [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Golden Path [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Life Divine [4]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The Secret of the Veda [2]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [14]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
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English [90]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [2]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Beyond Man [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [1]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Essays Divine and Human [2]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [2]
Essays on the Gita [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [2]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [2]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Overman [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [2]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [2]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [1]
Record of Yoga [1]
Savitri [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Golden Path [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Life Divine [4]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The Secret of the Veda [2]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [14]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
90 result/s found for Supramental knowledge

... Agni is the divine Seer-Will that works with the perfect supramental knowledge. सत्यः. Sayana explains "true in its fruits"; but the collocation Page 544 of "seer will" and श्रवः inspired knowledge indicates rather the sense "true in his being"& therefore true in knowledge श्रवः and in will क्रतुः. श्रवः is the supramental knowledge called the Truth, ऋतं, the vijnana of the Upanishads;... "the priest whose work or whose knowledge moves". But there is absolutely no reason to take कवि in any other than its natural & invariable sense. कवि is the seer, the one who has the divine or supramental knowledge. क्रतु from कृ or rather old root क्र to divide, to do, make, shape, work. From the sense "divide" comes that of the discerning mind, Sy's प्रज्ञान; cf Grk. krites, judge etc; and this is the... fame,—an insipid & meaningless epithet for a god. श्रवः is used like श्रुति to indicate the inspired hymn; it must therefore be capable of meaning inspired knowledge. There are two kinds of supramental knowledge, दृष्टि & श्रुति, sight & hearing, revelation and inspiration, but श्रवः is usually used to indicate the knowledge gained by the supramental faculties. Ritualistic Agni, the priest, ...


... knowledge and its use of knowledge. Nothing of this is at all true of the supramental knowledge. The supermind knows most completely and securely not by thought but by identity, by a pure awareness of the self-truth Page 831 of things in the self and by the self, ātmani ātmānam ātmanā . I get the supramental knowledge best by becoming one with the truth, one with the object of knowledge;... the essential and integral self-awareness of the Divine in us, his being, consciousness, Tapas, Ananda, and all is the harmonious, unified, luminous movement of that one existence. This supramental knowledge is not primarily or essentially a thought knowledge. The intellect does not consider that it knows a thing until it has reduced its awareness of it to the terms of thought, not, that is to say... all the things and beings that are the objects of our consciousness and these transcendings of the separative consciousness bring with them many forms and means of a direct knowledge. The supramental knowledge or experience by identity carries in it as a result or as a secondary part of itself a supramental vision that needs the support of no image, can concretise what is to the mind abstract and ...


... the spiritual something which is the reality of the object. And all this which is impossible for the mind to do, but possible only to strive towards and figure, is inherent and natural to the supramental knowledge. The third characteristic of the supermind arising from this difference, which brings us to the practical distinction between the two kinds of knowledge, is that it is directly truth-conscious... consciousnesses of the one consciousness, delight's self-creations of the one Ananda, many truths and powers of the one Truth, there is the intact and integral display of its spiritual and supramental knowledge. And in the corresponding planes of our own being the Jiva shares in the spiritual and supramental nature and lives in its light and power and bliss. As we descend nearer to what we are in this... lower nature is present most strongly as intuition and it is therefore by a development of an intuitive mind that we can make the first step towards the self-existent spontaneous and direct supramental knowledge. All the physical, vital, emotional, psychic, dynamic nature of man is a surface seizing of suggestions which rise out of a subliminal intuitive self-being of these parts, and an attempt usually ...


... already indicated, that of pure ideative knowledge. This is transformed on the higher level to the true jñāna , supramental thought, supramental vision, the supramental knowledge by identity. The essential action of this supramental knowledge has Page 841 been described in the preceding chapter. It is necessary however to see also how this knowledge works in outward application and how... thing observed as completely not self, as in the mental seeing of an external object. There is always a basic feeling of oneness with the thing known, for without this oneness there can be no supramental knowledge. The knower carrying the object in his universalised self of consciousness as a thing held before his station of witness vision includes it in his own wider being. The supramental observation... prove or to detect and eliminate error. Its function is simply to link knowledge with knowledge, to discover and utilise harmonies and arrangement and relations, to organise the movement of the supramental knowledge. This it does not by any formal rule or construction of inferences but by a direct, living and immediate seeing and placing of connection and relation. All thought in the supermind is in the ...


... the very nature of our terrestrial ignorance and its shadow hangs on even to the thought and vision of the sage and the seer and can be escaped only if the principle of a truth-conscious supramental knowledge descends and takes up the governance of the earth-nature." 7 . SABCL Vol. 16, p. 48. 8 . Ibid., p. 57. Page 110 2 Having fixed... have to be brought into a sort of fallible liaison as is the case with mind: they are a single movement of sovereign creativity and indeed it is on account of their being such that all supramental knowledge is not separated into idea and reality, the conceived and the existent. Further, the supramental will's automatic self-effectuation ensures perfect bliss: frustration and unfulfilment... Supermind's action upon the human mental: it is a conversion of ignorance into Light, making, as Sri Aurobindo says 14 , "human mentality an adjunct and a minor instrumentation of the supramental knowledge." Sri Aurobindo also speaks 15 of "the pressure of the supermind creating from above out of itself the mind of Light" at a certain stage of earth's development and, although ...

... one plane to be able to express itself. Do you catch what I mean? Yes? To be able to live fully in the supramental knowledge requires other means of expression than the ones we have now. New means of expression must be worked out to make it possible to express the supramental knowledge in a supramental way.... Now, we are obliged to raise our mental capacity to its utmost so that there is only... do not have the necessary organs for that. We would have to become beings of the supermind, with a supramental substance, a supramental inner organisation, in order to be able to express the supramental knowledge in a supramental way. So far we are... half way; we can, somewhere in our consciousness, rise entirely into the supramental vision and knowledge, but we cannot express it. We have to come down ...


... extending itself under the eye of infinity. It is this character of Mind that will reveal itself under the touch of Supermind and make human mentality an adjunct and a minor instrumentation of the supramental knowledge. It will even be possible for the mind no longer limited by the intellect to become capable of a sort of mental gnosis, a luminous reproduction of the Truth in a diminished working, extending... even in its own way aid in the workings of a true and complete knowledge. At its highest it might pass out of its limitations into the supramental truth and become part and function of the supramental knowledge or at the least serve for a minor work of differentiation in the consensus of that knowledge: in the lower degree below Supermind it might be a mental gnosis, a spiritual or spiritualised perception... our terrestrial ignorance and its shadow Page 575 hangs on even to the thought and vision of the sage and the seer and can be escaped only if the principle of a truth-conscious supramental knowledge descends and takes up the governance of the earth-nature. It should be noted, however, that even at the bottom of the involutionary descent, in the blind eclipse of consciousness in Matter ...


... infinity. It is this character of Mind that will Page 187 reveal itself under the touch of Supermind and make human mentality an adjunct and a minor instrumentation of the supramental knowledge. It will even be possible for the mind no longer limited by the intellect to become capable of a. sort of mental gnosis, a luminous reproduction of the Truth in a diminished working extending... even in its own way aid in the workings of a true and complete knowledge. At its highest it might pass out of its limitations into the supramental truth and become part and function of the supramental knowledge or at the least serve for a minor work of differentiation in the consensus of that knowledge: in the lower degree below Supermind it might be a mental gnosis, a spiritual or spiritualised perception... our terrestrial ignorance and its shadow hangs on even to the thought and vision of ,the sage and the seer and can be escaped only if the principle Page 192 of a truth-conscious supramental knowledge descends and takes up the governance of the earth-nature. It should be noted however that even at the bottom of the involutionary descent, in the blind eclipse of consciousness in Matter ...

... conception gives place to a knowledge-vision in which the Self is as present, real, concrete as a physical object to the physical eye, that we possess in knowledge; for we have seen. The supramental knowledge or experience by identity carries in it as a result or as a secondary part of itself a supramental vision that needs the support of no image, can concretise what is to the mind abstract and... and corrected by the more luminous action of the supermind and become themselves forms of a supramental and a true seeing. Therefore in the development out of the mental ignorance into the supramental knowledge this illumined thought comes to us often, though not always first, to open the way to the vision or else to give first supports to the growing consciousness of identity and its greater knowledge ...


... we may then conjecture, uses Time only as a conceptual perspective for His view of His self-manifestation. But the timeless self knowledge of this Eternal is beyond mind; it is a supramental Page 522 knowledge superconscient to us and only to be acquired by the stilling or transcending of the temporal activity of our conscious mind, by an entry into Silence or a passage through Silence... fleeting and uncertain seizing without stability upon things fleeting and uncertain. But in reality, we shall find, he is always the same Eternal who is for ever stable and self-possessed in His supramental knowledge and what he seizes on is also for ever stable and eternal; for it is himself that he is mentally experiencing in the succession of Time. Time is the great bank of conscious existence turned ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... perception, sense, identity, awareness. For even this sense of the infinite is only a first foundation and much more has to be done before the consciousness can become dynamically gnostic. The supramental knowledge is the play of a supreme light; there are many other lights, other levels of knowledge higher than human mind which can open in us and receive or reflect something of that effulgence even before... against it. It knows not the times and seasons of the Truth, nor its degrees and measures. The Vijnāna takes up the will and puts it first into harmony and then into oneness with the truth of the supramental knowledge. In this knowledge the idea in the individual is one with the idea in the universal, because both are brought back to the truth of the supreme Knowledge and the transcendent Will. The gnosis ...


... and the ten, become most aṅgiras , that is to say most full of the blazing radiance of Agni, the divine flame, and are therefore able to release the imprisoned Light and Force and create the supramental knowledge. Even if this interpretation of the symbolism is not accepted, yet that there is a symbolism must be admitted. These Angirases are not human sacrificers, but sons of Agni born in heaven... in the characteristic working ( vrata ) of Agni. For Agni himself has been described to us as having the seer-will, kavikratuḥ , the force of action which works according to the inspired or supramental knowledge ( śravas ), for it is that knowledge and not intellectuality which is meant by the word kavi . What then is this great force, Agni Angiras, saho mahat , but the flaming force of the divine ...


... is there, in principle, it is perceptible; but this omniscience cannot act in its full power, for it has to come down a step to be able to express itself. To live totally in the supramental knowledge, one must have other means of expression than those available at present. New modes of expression have to be developed for expressing supramental things in a supramental way. At present we... possess supramental power. We do not have the necessary organs. We must become beings of the supramental world, with a supramental substance, a supramental inner organisation, to express the supramental knowledge in a supramental way. Till now we could, in some part of our consciousness, come out wholly into the supramental vision and knowledge, but could not express it from there. We had to come ...

... or opinion whatever in its intellectual form and to hold it in a questioning suspension until it is given its right place and luminous shape of truth in a spiritual experience enlightened by supramental knowledge. And much more must this be the case with the desires or impulsions of the life mind, which have often to be provisionally accepted as immediate indices of a temporarily necessary action before... perfect foundation and increasing of knowledge and in its more satisfyingly positive parts a movement from light to greater light, and it cannot cease till we have the greatest light of the supramental knowledge. The motions of the mind in its progress must necessarily be mixed with a greater or lesser proportion of error, and we should not allow our faith to be disconcerted by the discovery of its ...


... The divine is inalienable self-bliss and inviolable all-bliss; the human is sensation of mind and body seeking for delight, but finding only pleasure, indifference and pain. The divine is supramental knowledge comprehending all and supramental will effecting all; the human is ignorance reaching out to knowledge by the comprehension of things in parts and parcels which it has to join clumsily together... ssing awareness or constituent being, which leads to the realisation of the Buddhistic seeker of Nirvana. Or it will dwell on some aspect of Sachchidananda which comes to the mind from the supramental Knowledge, Will or Love, and then the infinite impersonal aspect of Sachchidananda is almost or quite lost in the experience of the Deity which leads to the realisations of the various religions and to ...


... itself more richly fulfilled by the thought and word that give it a body of expression. Finally, a fourth action of the supramental consciousness completes the various possibilities of the supramental knowledge. This still farther accentuates the objectivity of the thing known, puts it away from the station of experiencing consciousness and again brings it to nearness by a uniting contact effected... even at its lowest power is luminous with a revealing light that carries in it the secret of the thing it experiences and can therefore be a starting-point and basis of all the rest of the supramental knowledge,—the supramental thought, spiritual intelligence and comprehension, conscious identity,—and on its highest plane or at its fullest intensity of action it opens into or contains and at once liberates ...


... is there, in principle, it is perceptible; but this omniscience cannot act in its full power, for it has to come down a step to be able to express itself. To live totally in the supramental knowledge, one must have other means of expression than those available at present. New modes of expression have to be developed for expressing supra mental things in a supramental way. At present we... possess supramental power. We do not have the necessary organs. We must become beings of the supramental world, with a supramental substance, a supramental inner organisation, to express the supramental knowledge in a supramental way. Till now we could, in some part of our consciousness, come out wholly into the supramental vision and knowledge, but could not express it from there. We had to come, as ...

... divine level, a building up of Page 561 divine gradations, a free growth to the supreme Supermind or beyond it to yet undreamed levels of being, consciousness and Ananda. The supramental knowledge, the truth-consciousness of the Supermind is in itself one and total: even when there is a voluntary limitation of the knowledge or what might seem to be a partial manifestation, it is so v ...


... Mira Christmas 1972 To the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, brought to the Christ-child by the Magi, the Mother gave the following meanings: Gold — Wealth of the world and Supramental Knowledge. Frankincense — Purification of the vital. Myrrh — Immortalization of the body] Gauri, who were your teachers in the upper grades in the Ashram school? What are your memories of ...


... things. 75 Supramental Sight Knowledge by identity between the subject and the object, between the seer and the seen is the basic attribute of the supramental gnosis but this supramental knowledge or experience by identity carries in it as a secondary part of itself a supramental vision. This vision can come even before there is any identity, as a sort of emanation of light from this ...

... defects of the intellect and cannot be entirely got rid of so long as the intellectual action is not replaced by a higher super intellectual action and finally by the harmonising light of the supramental knowledge. Next as regards the psychic experiences. The region of glory felt in the crown of the head is simply the touch or reflection of the supramental sunlight on the higher part of the mind. The ...

... ignorance an intimation of itself previous to its own manifestation, it is the gleam sent before by the yet unrisen Sun. When the Sun shall rise there will be no longer any need of the gleam. The supramental knowledge supports itself, it does not need to be supported by faith; it lives by its own certitude. You may say that farther progression, farther development will need faith. No, for the farther development ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... broadened into a greater representative action that formulates to us mainly the actualities of the existence of the self in and around us. There is then a higher interpretative action of the supramental knowledge, a greater scale less insistent on actualities, that opens out yet greater potentialities in time and space and beyond. And lastly there is a highest knowledge by Page 823 identity ...


... necessary for its action but are not the self-existent truth either of Matter or Life or Mind or Spirit. But if we can once cross beyond the Mind's frontier twilight into the vast plane of supramental Knowledge, these devices cease to be indispensable. Supermind has quite another, a positive and direct and living experience of the supreme Infinite. The Absolute is beyond personality and beyond imp ...


... spiritual being may not be something vague and indefinable or else but imperfectly realised and dependent on the mental support and the mental limitations, it seeks to go beyond mind to the supramental knowledge, will, sense, feeling, intuition, dynamic initiation of vital and physical action, all that makes the native working of the spiritual being. It accepts human life, but takes account of the large ...


... radiant herd, the Master of the thought-energies, the Lord of the luminous dawns. Now also let Indra use the Maruts as his instruments for the illumination. By them let him establish the supramental knowledge of the seer. By their energy his energy will be supported in the human nature and he will give that nature his divine firmness, his divine force, so that it may not stumble under the shock or ...


... and the felicity to be enjoyed when we have transcended the state of death. ( Verses 11, 14, 17, 18 ) The higher divine is linked to the lower mortal existence by the causal Idea 5 or supramental Knowledge-Will, Vijnana. It is the causal Idea which, by supporting and secretly guiding the confused activities of the Mind, Life and Body, ensures and compels the right arrangement of the universe. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... eternity, taken eternally back into his oneness. He is the light of all lights and luminous beyond all the darkness of our ignorance. He is knowledge and the object of knowledge. The spiritual supramental knowledge that floods the illumined mind and transfigures it is this spirit manifesting himself in light to the force-obscured soul which he has put forth into the action of Nature. This eternal Light ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... it is the higher or illumined mind that predominates, then the intuition, next the overmind, lastly the supermind; but the whole consciousness has to be sufficiently transformed before the supramental knowledge can begin to come. The Descent of Wideness Like everything else, peace, Light, Power, so wideness descends. Ananda comes afterwards—even if it comes at the beginning it is not usually ...


... even arise—for it is the mind that creates the problem by erecting oppositions between aspects of the Divine which are not really opposed to each other but are one and inseparable. This supramental knowledge has not yet been attained, because the supermind itself has not been attained, but the reflection of it in intuitive spiritual consciousness is there and that was what was evidently realised ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Knowledge only to those who had reached a stage where they could receive it directly without the help of words. And I'm afraid it may come to the same thing now—perhaps even one who has this supramental knowledge will never be able to make himself understood by people, unless they themselves become capable of entering into this knowledge. And so the logical result is that people will say, as I have heard ...


... abstractions or move on the illusory surface of things. These do not pertain to real knowledge; they are a deformation of knowledge, their very substance is of the ignorance. Certainly the supramental knowledge may give an answer, its own answer, to the problems set by the mind's ignorance; but it is likely that it would not be at all satisfactory or perhaps even intelligible to those who ask from ...


... been, in one way or another, in contact with it have had some glimpse of the realisation to be. But those who have not, can yet aspire for that realisation, just as they can aspire to get the supramental knowledge. True knowledge means awareness by identity: once you get in touch with the supramental world, you can say something about its descent, but not before. What you can say before is that there ...


... understand it. Many people have asked why Sri Aurobindo said that the river is "slender". This is an expressive image which creates a striking contrast between the immensity of the divine, supramental Knowledge—the origin of this inspiration, which is infinite—and what a human mind can perceive of it and receive from it. Even when you are in contact with these domains, the portion, so to say, which ...


... certain. The supramental influence liberates man from all that holds him back to the animal. Supramental action: an action which is not exclusive but total. Page 98 Supramental knowledge: an infallible vision of all problems. Supramental consciousness: gloriously awake and powerful, it is luminous, sure of itself, infallible in its movements. To become the builders ...


... me enough, give me much so that I may give largely to all. ( Significances of the gifts offered by the three Magi to Jesus at the time of his birth ) Gold: wealth of the world and supramental knowledge. Frankincense: purification of the vital. Myrrh: immortalisation of the body. ...


... ignorance an intimation of itself previous to its own manifestation, it is the gleam sent before by the yet unrisen Sun. When the Sun shall rise there will be no longer any need of the gleam. The supramental knowledge supports itself, it does not need to be supported by faith; it lives by its own certitude. You may say that farther progression, farther development will need faith. No, for the farther development ...

... of things on which it rests is both a true and whole seeing." 5 And the true and whole seeing that we find in Sri Aurobindo's philosophy was a result of his attainment of the integral supramental knowledge which, in turn, was inspired by deepest concern to find remedy of the quintessential problems that have been arising in the course of human history and which have now reached the critical point ...

... 10, 11. 24 Ibid., 6,7, 8. As in the Veda, so in the Upanishads, there is a clear distinction between kavi, the seer, and manīsī the thinker. The word 'seer' indicates the divine supramental Knowledge which by direct vision and illumination sees the reality and the principles and forms of things in their true relations. On the other hand, the word Thinker refers to the laboring mentality ...


... both from attachment to the lower action of nature and from all repugnance to the cosmic action of the Divine. This liberation gets its completeness when the spiritual gnosis can act with a supramental knowledge and reception of the action of Nature and a supramental luminous will in initiation. The gnosis discovers the spiritual sense in Nature, God in things, the soul of good in all things that have ...


... as a record of authoritative experiences of yogic sight and yogic hearing, drsti and śruti, which have been regarded as special faculties of consciousness that characterize the highest supramental knowledge. Indian Yoga and Spirit of Synthesis As we examine the history of yoga in India, we are struck by this lofty and integral vision that we find described in the Vedas and the Upanishads ...

... A spiritual evolution, it is affirmed, an evolution of consciousness in Matter, in a constant developing self- formulation till the form, even the physical body, can reveal the highest supramental knowledge and power and harmony is the key-note, the central significant motive of terrestrial existence. The theory of spiritual evolution may accept the scientific account of physical evolution ...

... knowers of the Eternal throughout a great and fruitful period of spiritual seeking". 63 The Upanishads link the lower mortal existence to the higher divine existence by the causal Idea or supramental Knowledge-Will, vijndna, which we find elaborated upon in the Taittiriya Upanishad. It is the vijndna which, by supporting and secretly guiding the confused activities of the Mind, Life and Body, ...

... 10 Integral Realization of the Integral Reality Sri Aurobindo points out in his "Synthesis of Yoga" that if we can cross beyond the Mind's frontier twilight into the vast plane of supramental Knowledge, another positive and direct and living experience of the supreme Infinite is attained. It is then seen that the Absolute is beyond personality and beyond impersonality, and yet it is both the ...

... can do the thing immediately. This inner knowledge can be Page 58 brought down from its highest source. Instead of the mere psychological knowledge, one can call down the supramental knowledge and focus it upon the part of the body endangered. If the elements of the body, the cells come under the influence of the force of truth and receive it, then there can be an immediate new ordering ...

... the lower action of nature and from all repugnance to the cosmic action of the Divine. This liberation gets its completeness when the spiritual gnosis can act with a supramental knowledge and reception of the action of Nature and a supramental luminous will in initiation. The gnosis discovers the spiritual sense in Nature, God in things, the soul ...


... the play of the Divine Force in the individual, the existence of the other worlds, & of extra-mental influences, even the possibility of the physical siddhis are established facts— vijnana [supramental knowledge], the Vedic psychology, the seven streams, everything is established. What is wanting is the perfect application, free from the confusions of the anritam [falsehood] which result from the ...

... defects of the intellect and cannot be entirely got rid of so long as the intellectual action is not replaced by a higher supra-intellectual action and finally by the harmonising light of the supramental knowledge. Next as regards the psychic experiences. The region of glory felt in the crown of [the] head is simply the touch or reflection of the supramental sunlight on the higher part of the mind ...


... ignorance an intimation of itself previous to its own manifestation, it is the gleam sent before by the yet unrisen Sun. When the Sun shall rise there will be no longer any need of the gleam. The supramental knowledge supports itself, it does not need to be supported by faith; it lives by its own certitude. You may say that farther progression, farther development will need faith. No, for the farther development ...


... been, in one way or another, in contact with it have had some glimpse of the realisation to be. But those who have not, can yet aspire for that realisation, just as they can aspire to get the supramental knowledge. True knowledge means awareness by identity: once you get in touch with the supramental world, you can say something about its descent, but not before. What you can say before is that there ...


... which he finds himself now. It is with this aim and in this spirit that all human problems will be studied at the university centre; and the solution to them will be given in the light of the supramental knowledge which Sri Aurobindo has revealed in his writings. Bulletin, April 1952 An International University Centre - II Concerning the principles which will govern the education given at the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... between his animal and customary human mind below and his evolving spiritual mind above, so this first spiritual mind is situated between the intellectualised human mentality and the greater supramental knowledge. The nature of mind is that it lives between half-lights and darkness, amid probabilities and possibilities, amid partly grasped aspects, amid incertitudes and half certitudes: it is an ignorance ...


... above Mind. Page 120 (2) The Divine Light from above is of various colours. White is the Divine Power of purity, blue the light of the spiritual consciousness, gold the hue of the supramental knowledge or of knowledge from the intermediate planes. (3) OM golden rising to the sky = the cosmic consciousness supramentalised and rising towards the Transcendent consciousness. (1) and (2) ...


... even arise—for it is the mind that creates the problem by erecting oppositions between aspects of the Divine which are not really opposed to each other but are one and inseparable. This supramental knowledge has not yet been attained, because the supermind itself has not yet been attained, but the reflection of it in intuitive spiritual consciousness is there and that was what was evidently realised ...

... there shines through it all the supreme integral Reality, unknowable to Mind which is part of the Ignorance, but knowable because self-aware in the light of a spiritual consciousness and a supramental knowledge. This revelation of a highest Truth or a highest Being, Consciousness, Power, Bliss and Love, impersonal and personal at once and so taking up both sides of our own being,—since in us ...


... determinative form and creative agent. Consciousness that is Force is the nature of Being and this conscious Being manifested as a creative Knowledge-Will is the Real-Idea or Supermind. The supramental Knowledge-Will is Consciousness-Force rendered operative for the creation of forms of united being in an ordered harmony to which we give the name of world or universe; so also Mind and Life are the same ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... accident, vicissitude wandering towards an indeterminate end after which it would be always tentatively groping and aspiring. An infinite, omniscient, omnipotent Mind would not be mind at all, but supramental knowledge. Mind, as we know it, is a reflective mirror which receives presentations or images of a pre-existent Truth or Fact, either external to or at least vaster than itself. It represents to itself ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... both from attachment to the lower action of nature and from all repugnance to the cosmic action of the Divine. This liberation gets its completeness when the spiritual gnosis can act with a supramental knowledge and reception of the action of Nature and a supramental luminous will in initiation. The gnosis discovers the spiritual sense in Nature, God in things, the soul of good in all things that have ...


... root Force of existence, the force of an all-determining conscious spirit whose formulations of consciousness work out inevitably in mind, life and matter. Acting in the light and power of the supramental knowledge, the evolving gnostic being would be more and more master of himself, master of the forces of consciousness, master of the energies of Nature, master of his instrumentation of life and matter ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... to the all-absorbing unity of the former, Sri Aurobindo sees standing between the Supermind and our sphere of ignorance a delegate power of the Truth-Consciousness, an inferior or diminished supramental Knowledge-Will from which a lapse into the mental-vital-physical diffusion and division can occur. This is the Over-mind. "The integrality of the Supermind keeps always the essential truth of things, ...


... the single One. The One does not become the Many, but the One is for ever the Many even as the Many are for ever the One. This by a self-existent self-knowledge thou shalt know, through a supramental knowledge by identity—the problem, the opposition, the shifts of philosophy, the rifts of Science, the fragmentary upliftings of Religion are the devices of a still ignorant consciousness, a [. . .] seeking ...


... Inconscient, life out of inanimation, mind out of a life that is void of thought; out of mind and its fragmentation and difficult piecing together of things the automatic completeness of the supramental knowledge. There is a secret self-compulsion in the Inconscient to manifest what is involved—gaoled, suppressed and inactive within it, but also there is a stupendous Inertia, as of some fathomless ...


... the Veda). Sri Aurobindo and the Mother never planned something beforehand, in order not to limit or distort it by a projection of the expectation. They followed their divine intuition and supramental knowledge in total surrender to That which guided their earthly work. ‘There has never been, at any time, a mental plan or an organisation decided beforehand. The whole thing has taken birth, grown and ...


... accident, vicissitude wandering towards an indeterminate end after which it would be always tentatively groping and aspiring. An infinite, omniscient, omnipotent Mind would not be mind at all, but supramental knowledge.” 35 In the series of articles Sri Aurobindo wrote for the Bulletin, he also characterises Mind. “… Mind is not a power of whole knowledge and only when it begins to pass beyond ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... partial success: a perfect transcription of experience and knowledge is possible only with a mode of speech appropriate to the plane of experience. Thus, to express adequately the supramental knowledge, we have to take recourse to what can be called a 'supramental speech.' In order to make clear what we mean by this term, also to have some idea about the place and function of speech in the ...

... considerable change has to take place in the physical substance. That will probably be the essential difference between the bodies fashioned by Nature's methods and those to be fashioned by supramental knowledge—a new element will come in, and we will no longer be "natural." But so long as this natural element is present, well, a certain amount of patience is probably required—let the body catch its ...


... there are no words for it), it has something of the emotive vibration, but that's not it; it has nothing to do with anything intellectual, nothing at all; it's neither intellectual vision nor supramental knowledge, that's not it, it's something else. It is... a diamondlike, live force—live, living. And that's all-powerful. But extremely fleeting—it immediately gets covered over by a heap of things, like ...


... the Supermind's descent, the Parardha ceased to start immediately above the mind with a rising supramental gradation: the Supermind was pitched far beyond with a ladder of ascending non-supramental Knowledge in between. Not that Sri Aurobindo completely denied a veil between the mind and what is above it. A phrase in Savitri written long after he had distinguished Overmind from Supermind ...

... defects of the intellect and cannot be entirely be got rid of so long as the intellectual action is not replaced by a higher superintellectual action and finally by the harmonising light of the supramental knowledge. Next as regards the psychic experiences. The region of glory felt in the crown of the head is simply the touch or reflection of the supramental sunlight on the higher part of the mind. The ...


... the last peak climbed by Thoughts—or by the lateral inward penetration of consciousness leading to the identification with the Divine behind the Psychic Being who lifts the blazing lamp of Supramental Knowledge from within to the completely consecrated devotee; teṣamahaṁ samuddhart ā jn ā nadipena bh ā swat ā . And this miracle happens in the depths and the heights of the being far removed from ...

... meeting-ground of science and spirituality. Page 150 But precisely here the Veda can come to our aid. For Veda is a systematic body of physical, psycho-physical, Spiritual and supramental knowledge. It is a body of knowledge built up by accumulation of experiences and realisations derived from application of appropriate methods which were themselves determined by repeated and assured results ...


... divinity by the strength of the supramental force. Even the physical or earthly consciousness is developed to its full capacity, even the three luminous realms of the pure mind are pervaded by the supramental knowledge and will, and all the divine possibilities of the sensational and emotional mind, of the pure mind and of the intuitive reason are fulfilled. Savitri is thus perfectly expressed by the rays ...

... Integral Realization of the Integral Reality Sri Aurobindo points out in his "Synthesis of Yoga" that if we can cross beyond the Mind's frontier twilight into the vast plane of supramental Knowledge, another positive and direct and living experience of the supreme Infinite is attained. It is then seen that the Absolute is beyond personality and beyond impersonality, and yet it is both the ...

... vast, — but what is new is that it scales the greater and greater heights of the Supermind; and, as Sri Aurobindo explains, this synthesis aims at the bringing down on the physical earth the supramental knowledge and power by means of which alone can the crisis of today be met and resolved. The Vedic method of ascent and descent, — ascent to the higher levels of consciousness and descent of those levels ...


... heightened into the supramental; the reason can be converted into a form of the self-luminous intuitional knowledge; and our physical senses too can be so converted as to the physical means of supramental knowledge. Page 179 ...

... arrive at a point at every step of the development by which the conditions and means of the yoga of self-perfection are increasingly fulfilled. For it is by the yoga of elf-perfection that the supramental knowledge, supramental will and supreme Ananda become a direct instrumentation of spirit. In other words, the methods of the integral yoga include the methods of total transformation of human nature into ...

... 3. Supramental Sight: Knowledge by identity between the subject and the object, between the seer and the seen, is the basic attribute of the supramental gnosis but this supramental knowledge or experience by identity carries in it as a secondary part of itself a supramental vision. This vision can come even Page 71 before there is any identity, as a sort of emanation ...

... create it, as opposed to the supramental. There is a difference between the two. The faculty of recognising the truth at first sight comes from intui­tion, one of the forms of the lower supramental knowledge. The true knowledge which never errs is that by identity. Steiner distinguishes three degrees of occult knowledge: imaginative, inspired and unitive; the last, which cannot err, is probably ...


... damage; the inner knowledge can do the thing immediately. This inner knowledge can be brought down from its highest source. Instead of the mere psychological knowledge, one can call down the supramental knowledge and focus it upon the part of the body endangered. If the elements of the body, the cells come under the influence of the force of truth and receive it, then there can be an immediate new ordering ...

... supramental from level to divine level, a building zip of divine gradations, a free growth to the supreme Supermind or beyond it to yet undreamed levels of being, consciousness and Ananda. The supramental knowledge, the truth-consciousness of the Supermind is in itself one and total: even when there is a voluntary limitation of the knowledge or what might seem to be a partial manifestation, it is so v ...

... that I am developing[.) if it reaches consummation, will be able accomplish its effects automatically by any method chosen. 36 We now know that what Sri Aurobindo had in mind was "supramental knowledge and power", which he was to describe with such persuasive and prophetic eloquence in The Life Divine. Mirra too had been thinking along the same lines, e.g., of "the clear vision in full ...


... There was no knowing when one would be overwhelmed by a sudden cloudburst of revelation or when the Mother's heart of compassion and love would throw open apocalyptic vistas of supramental Page 529 knowledge. The place, the time, the dramatis personae - the Mother, the children, the invisible presence of the Master - attained from time to time a sudden criticality of integral understanding ...


... Nature. All other spiritual knowledge, if practised with a sustained sincerity, can lead to the liberation of the soul from the lower nature, but cannot transform that nature. It is only the supramental knowledge, the knowledge of the creative Truth-Consciousness, that can radically transform and divinise it. It liberates the soul, and it liberates the nature, and, by leading this double liberation into ...

... light of Truth-Knowledge (it may sometimes be the Supramental Truth-Knowledge turned into overmind or intuitive Truth). Orange often indicates occult power. You have a strong power of (subjective) creative formation, mostly, I think in the mental but partly too in the vital plane. This kind of formative faculty can be used for objective results if accompanied by a sound knowledge of the occult forces... live in yourself, apart from any close contact with external physical life; but it does not stand the test of objective experience. Probably what you felt today was the Mother's bringing down of Supramental Light with the object of changing this power of subjective formation into or replacing it by the true occult force (that would be the significance of the golden light becoming orange). It is an ...

... person cannot do that. We have to approach someone who is not only highly advanced in the acquisition of suprahuman spiritual piety and love but is at the same time possessed of supramental spiritual knowledge. This Yogi should come to us not with his personal opinions or dogmatic assertions but with the assured evidence of his direct personal experiences. Luckily for us, there are... the physical scientists, for they have not the necessary data in their possession. And surely not the thinkers and philosophers, for they can only speculate and never arrive at the indubitable knowledge. Yet, the questions are insistent. We cannot shut our eyes to them like the sub-human brood without forfeiting at the same time our special dignified privilege of being questing rational creatures... are in this age two persons who fulfil these conditions in ample measure. We are, of course, referring to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. With their perfected method of "knowledge by identity" they have delved deeply into the mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth and brought to us their inestimable treasures. These treasures are scattered throughout their voluminous writings consisting ...

... Truth, originating the supramental creation. The double Sun of Supramental Light and Will, transmitting the Knowledge-Power that creates, founds and organises the supramental creation. The Sun of the Word, expressing and arranging the supramental creation The Sun of Love, Bliss and Beauty, vivifying and harmonising the supramental creation. The Sun of supramental Force (Source of Life)... the supramental creation. The Sun of supramental Life-Radiances, (Power-Rays) canalising the dynamis and pouring it into forms. The Sun of Supramental Form-Energy holding and embodying the supramental life and stabilising the creation. Page 1341 Undated Notes - VI The Seven Suns of the Supermind 1) The Sun of Supramental Truth,—Knowledge-Power originating the supramental creation... the Sahasradala. 2) The Sun of Supramental Light and Will-Power, transmitting the Knowledge Power as dynamic vision and command to create, found and organise the supramental creation. Descent into the Ajna-chakra, the centre between the eyes. 3) The Sun of the Supramental Word, embodying the KnowledgePower, empowered to express and arrange the supramental creation Descent into the Throat-Centre ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... 78—When knowledge is fresh in us, then it is invincible; when it is old, it loses its virtue. This is because God moves always forward. So, what's your question? The knowledge referred to here is intellectual or spiritual, but for the supramental yoga, knowledge is... what kind of knowledge is it? A knowledge in the body, a physical knowledge? Sri Aurobindo is speaking... gets perfected one should be able to do everything in the OTHER way, the way that doesn't depend on external senses. And then, well, it will clearly be the beginning of a supramental expression. Because it's a sort of innate knowledge which DOES things. When That comes, you know, you can act. But you mustn't think; the minute you start thinking or wanting to use your sense organs, it vanishes completely... have to run very fast to catch up! This is an image I have always seen. That's what he means. Yes, but for this knowledge to really have a transformative power...? It is the higher Knowledge, Truth expressing itself, what he calls "the true knowledge"; and that knowledge transforms the whole creation. But He seems to let it rain down constantly, you see, and if you don't hurry up ( laughing ...


... golden light is the light of the Divine Truth which comes out from the supramental sunlight and, modified according to the level it crosses, creates the ranges from Overmind to higher Mind. The golden light is usually a light from the supermind—a light of Truth-Knowledge (it may sometimes be the supramental Truth-Knowledge turned into overmind or intuitive Truth). It [ golden light ] always... modified supramental-physical Light—the Light of divine Truth in the physical. "Red gold" is rather the light of the Truth in the physical. Orange or red gold is supposed by the way to be the light of the supramental in the physical. Orange Light Orange is the true light manifested in the physical consciousness and being. Orange is the colour of occult knowledge or occult... Light Golden red is the colour of the supramental physical light—so this yellow red may indicate some plane of the Overmind in which there is a nearer special connection with that. The golden Page 130 red light has a strong transforming power. The golden Light is that of the modified (overmentalised) Supramental, i.e., the Supramental Light passing through the Overmind, intuition ...


... to impose itself as the master of the actions. The selective process necessary to action is left principally to the buddhi and, when the buddhi has been overpassed, to the spirit in the supramental will, knowledge and Ananda. The receptive sensational mind is the nervous mental basis of the affections; it receives mentally the impacts of things and gives to them the responses of mental pleasure... of the intelligence that the human being is intended to do whatever work is not done for him by the physical or nervous nature as in the plant and the animal. Pending the evolution of any higher supramental power the intelligent will must be our main force for effectuation and to purify it becomes a very primary necessity. Once our intelligence and will are well Page 654 purified of all... waves of the ocean of Ananda. But this Ananda can only come at all when we can get at and reflect in our members the hidden spiritual being, and its fullness can only be had when we climb to the supramental ranges. Meanwhile there is a just and permissible, a quite legitimate human enjoyment of these things, which is, to speak in the language of Indian psychology, predominantly sattwic in its nature ...


... of the Supermind : 1.The Sun of Supramental Truth,—Knowledge-Power originating the supramental creation. Descent into the Sahasradala (the full bloomed thousand petaled lotus above the head). 2.The Sun of Supramental Light and Will-Power, transmitting the Knowledge-Power as dynamic vision and command to create, found and organise the supramental creation. Descent into the Ajna Chakra... 3.The Sun of Supramental Word, embodying the Knowledge-Power, empowered to express and arrange the supra-mental creation. Descent into the Throat Centre. 4.The Sun of Supramental Love, Beauty, and Bliss, releasing the Soul of the Knowledge-Power to vivify and harmonize the supramental creation. Descent into the Heart-Lotus. 5.The Sun of Supramental Force dynamited as... and source of life to support the supramental creation. Descent into the Navel Centre. 6.The Sun of Life-Radiances (Power-Rays) distributing the dynamis and pouring it into concrete formations. Descent into the Penultimate Centre (Swadhishthana, below the navel). 7.The Sun of Supramental Substance-Energy and Form-Energy empowered to embody the supramental life and stabilise the creation. ...
