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Swadesh : a Moderate Congress journal published around 1907.
... associations have been suppressed. I have come recently back from Barisal. While I was there I heard and read something of the work of the young men's association in Barisal, the association called the Swadesh Bandhab Samiti which with its network covered the whole district of Bakarganj. This association grew out of a much smaller association started by Aswini Kumar Dutta called the Little Brothers of the... that they loved him, it is therefore that they saw no fault in him. His influence among the common people was built up by love, service and philanthropy. It was out of the seed he planted that the Swadesh Bandhab Samiti grew. What was the work of this Samiti, the existence of which could no longer be tolerated in the interests of the peace and safety of the Empire? First of all it continued with... The young men of Barisal sought out these cases and secretly, without injuring the feelings of the suffering, they gave help and saved men and women from starvation. This was the second crime of the Swadesh Bandhab Samiti. Then there was another. The social life of Bengal is full of discord and quarrels. Brother quarrels with brother and quarrels with bitter hatred. They carry their feud to the law-courts; ...
... This is what it wrote in its yesterday's issue:— "We regret that in a recent issue we confounded the two papers Swadesh and Swaraj , identifying the politics of the former with those of Bande Mataram and other journals of the same bilious tinge. As a matter of fact Swadesh is conducted with moderation and ability, and is by no means to be confused with the seditious sheets which are doing... doing so much mischief in this country." A critic who confounds the names of journals on which he sits in judgment, is a sight for gods and men; and we congratulate our Swadesh friend on the testimonial secured from so high a quarter. But is it solicited or unsolicited? The seditious rags may Page 325 now envy the distinction. But will they be tempted to mend their ways? We would suggest ...
... spirit. The first was always ours and made India a people apart from the earliest times. The second we have attained by British rule. The third has just sprung into existence. But the country, the swadesh , which must be the base and fundament of our nationality, is India, a country where Mahomedan and Hindu live intermingled and side by side. What geographical base can a Hindu nationality possess? ...
... to present. Dr. Subhash Kashyap, therefore, requested Kireet Joshi to present his second paper entitled "Methods for Character Development". The discussion on this paper began with Shri Swadesh Sharma who said that while he was deeply enlightened by the proceedings which were very stimulating, he wondered why the educational situation has deteriorated particularly over the past 50 years. ...
... Building, Tees Hazari, Delhi- 110 054. Tel. 234 492. SHRI SURAJ NARAIN SHARMA: Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Education, University of Delhi. C-4/18, Model Town, Delhi-110 009. Tel. 725 1051. DR. SWADESH SHARMA: Reader, Dept. of English P.G.D.A.V. College, Delhi. X-491, Ram Nagar, Gandhi Nagar, Delhi-110 031. Tel. 242 0289 (R). DR. S.C. GOSWAMI: Reader, Dept. of Chemistry, Dayal Singh College ...
... political support or from an embittered Hindu community allowing the passions of the moment to obscure their vision of the future." 7 Again, he wrote: "But the country, the swadesh, which must be the base and fundament of our nationality, is India, a country where Mohammedan and Hindu live intermingled and side by side. The Mohammedans base their separateness and their refusal ...
... Vijay, Kireet, Prabhat, Stephen. Page 133 3. A dream: dramatized version of the story by Sri Aurobindo. Directed by Shobha. Actors: Sri Krishna - Arup, Harimohan - Swadesh; Behram, Prithwiraj, Indira, Udaya-ditya, Animesh, Mukund, Nayan, Dipika, Jyoti, Karuna, Kapila, Rashmi. 4. Rabindra Sangeet: Sahana's group: Manoj, Vishweshwar, Ira, Smriti ...
... been working with a group of boys from the Ashram at the Theater on a Bengali story by Sri Aurobindo entitled Swapna (A Dream) that I had also dramatized. Arup was to play the role of Sri Krishna and Swadesh was Harimohan. During our rehearsals at the Theater, Arup used to play a lot of pranks. Being a little boy, he did not quite understand the importance of a role like Sri Krishna's. Despite all my efforts ...
... Aurobindo 24.Oct.1906 - 27.May.1907 Bande Mataram The Government Plan of Campaign 22-May-1907 The bureaucracy is developing its campaign against Swadeshism with great rapidity and a really admirable energy and decision. Barisal was naturally the first district to be declared, and now we learn that Dacca, Mymensingh, Faridpur, Pabna, Rungpur and Tipperah... Risley Circular. The objective of the authorities is clear enough. It is to prevent the promulgation and organisation of the Swadeshi and Swaraj sentiment in Punjab and Bengal. In the promulgation of Swadeshism we have used three great instruments, the Press, the Platform and the students. The Press by itself can only popularise ideas, it cannot impart that motive impulse of deep emotion and enthusiasm... missionaries of the creed. In the Swadeshi agitation this part, the most important and necessary of the three, has been played by the students. It is they who have been the active missionaries of Swadeshism, carrying it into practice with the divine ardour and eagerness of youth, without the reserves of caution, temporising, doubt, half-belief with which colder age would have killed it in its birth; ...
... denial. We can only conclude therefore that, as at Comilla, the local officials looked with sympathy on the rioters as allies in the repression of Swadeshism, and acted accordingly. To stand by while the Mahomedans carry out that violent repression of Swadeshism which the sham Liberalism of the present Government policy forbids them to undertake themselves; to clinch this illegal repression by legal repression ...
... Pamphlet has been ubiquitous throughout Eastern and Northern Bengal; the preachings of the Nawab's Mullahs have been as persistent, as malignant in Barisal, in Calcutta, in every strong centre of Swadeshism. But though there have been alarms and excursions even as far west as Allahabad and Benares, the campaign has for the present signally failed outside the limits of Nawab Salimullah's kingdom. This... us by making our efforts to put it out of existence safe and easy. On the contrary the Nawab and his hooligans were, practically if not avowedly, the allies of the bureaucracy in their war against Swadeshism and must therefore command sympathy and helpful inactivity if not actual assistance from their friends. In all these respects our reading of the situation has been proved correct beyond cavil or... intention of continuing the boycott so long as the Nawab of Dacca was allowed to remain in Comilla—and the Nawab was packed off without ceremony. They met force with force and the hooligan army of Anti-Swadeshism underwent a crushing defeat. On the other Page 443 hand the people of Jamalpur did everything which the Nationalist programme excludes; they trusted to the promises of the alien, they ...
... fortress of unpolitical Swadeshism and a policy of self-help which seeks to ignore the unignorable. The tendency is to cry, "The old policy is a failure, the Briton has revealed his true nature; the new policy is a failure, we have not strength to meet the giant power of the bureaucracy; let them have the field, let us quietly pursue our own salvation in the peaceful Ashrams of Swadeshism and self-help." Mr ...
... it as best we can under the circumstances. I was born on the 15th August 1872, and on that anniversary in 1906 the National College opened its doors to teach among other things, the principles of Swadeshism. It was either the day before or the day after my birthday, 1907," he continued waxing warm with the subject "that I was arrested in connection with the first 'Bande Mataram' sedition case. And more ...
... Mr. John Morley is therefore a dead thing and of no farther interest to any human being. Of course the bureaucracy will go on playing with the bones of this dead scarecrow; it will wage war on Swadeshism on the plea that it leads to disorder; but that is only because, like all bureaucracies, it is sublimely indifferent to reason and fact and public opinion. It has served its turn by the fiction which ...
... never to concern themselves with matters beyond their grasp, and about which, on account of their age and inexperience, they have not the capacity to form sound, mature and correct opinions. With Swadeshism His Highness declared his full sympathy but he "was totally, entirely and absolutely against boycott". Page 474 If anything approaching the boycott movement was seen in his territory ...
... contrary, you have always been patient and self-restrained—you have always kept within the four corners of the law. What you have been punished for was your patriotism—you were punished for your Swadeshism—you were punished for your successful organisation of boycott. That tax was borne by the mahajans of Jhalakati with the readiness and uncomplaining endurance of large-hearted patriotism. And now... me be punished. But freedom does not mean the use of violence—it does not mean bombs; it is the fulfilment of our separate national existence. If there is any authority mad enough to declare that Swadeshism, national education, arbitration, association for improvement of our physique, is illegal, it is not stamping out anarchism; it is Page 40 on the contrary establishing a worse anarchism ...
... particular resolve to buy nothing but Swadeshi goods, however dear, did not exist then. For want of support of the national awakening, the Swadeshi trades did not thrive then. People have accepted Swadeshism in total disregard of the quality and price of the Swadeshi goods because of the awakening of the national life everywhere in the shape of the Swadeshi and boycott movements started on account of ...
... and surely had talked to the Colonial Ministry. Page 237 Paris, 13 October 1911 "While communicating in your letter n°46 C of 21 st June, various documents relating to Swadeshism, your predecessor [A. Martineau] informed me of his reasons for taking the liberty not to carry out the wishes of the Viceroy of India, who requested searches and seizure of swadeshist documents ...
... actuated the Statesman was not liberal sentiment or high principles, but its own interest and influence. Since that interest was touched and that influence threatened by the increasing spirit of Swadeshism and self-reliance, the temper of this Friend of ours has been growing worse and worse until he has finally renounced his liberal principles and become a champion of bureaucracy. The article closes ...
... forward and take the sense of the public upon it in Eastern Bengal. We have never concealed the fact that this was deliberately done in order to throw down the gauntlet publicly to Loyalism, Anti-Swadeshism, Moderatism and every other ism which seeks to bring in foreign considerations and alloy or weaken the pure and uncompromising Nationalist creed. The nomination of Mr. Tilak was a crucial point ...
... in those rare instances when the divine breath enters into Page 980 a nation and lifts it to a pitch of enthusiasm which ordinary human weakness cannot support. The persecution of Swadeshism which is now reaching the most shameless lengths in Madras, is a sure sign that God has withdrawn Himself from the British bureaucracy and intends their rapid fall. Injustice is an invitation to ...
... sides tends more and more to be selfish and narrow, political in the worst sense of the word. To barter help in Swadeshi or faithfulness to Hinduism for social privileges, or to bribe the masses to Swadeshism by petty and calculated concessions will tend neither to the genuineness of the Swadeshi sentiment, nor the strength of the national movement, nor the dignity and purity of our religion. It is an ...
... is threatened. In his eyes the accused in a political case is not an ordinary accused but a rebel prisoner of war; he may not be guilty of the offence with which he is charged, but he is guilty of Swadeshism, he is guilty of being an opponent of the Government established by law. His punishment is therefore desirable in the interests of the ruling class and in the judge's own interests as a servant and ...
... within ourselves. If we are to do this effectually, we must organise physical education all over the country and train up the rising generation not only in the moral strength and courage for which Swadeshism has given us the materials, but in physical strength and courage and the habit of rising immediately and boldly to the height of even the greatest emergency. That strength we must train in every ...
... organise physical education all over the country," Sri Aurobindo wrote in the Bande Mataram on 18 March 1907, "and train up the rising generation not only in the moral strength and courage for which Swadeshism has given us the materials, but in physical strength and courage and the habit of rising immediately and boldly to the height of even the greatest emergency." We must be trained, he said, to protect ...
... obscure men? Perhaps you may not have examined carefully the agitation in Bengal. It was started by a few people first. People used to regard these originators as madmen. But these very madmen spread Swadeshism, preached boycott and established gymnasiums. This spread the conflagration of the agitation everywhere. The young generation assisted the movement; the whole of Bengal became alive and pricked up ...
... Mahomedan moderation is contrasted with the Hindu aggressiveness which is presently to be related, and the way paved for throwing the whole responsibility on the anti-Partition agitation and aggressive Swadeshism. Then we are informed as a positive fact that a brick was thrown at the Nawab's procession and brooms held up in derision. "This led to some disturbance and a cloth shop was entered but not looted ...
... circumstanced this tendency of self-finding has been most powerful and has even created in some of them a new type of national movement, as in Ireland and India. This and no other was the root-meaning of Swadeshism Page 38 in Bengal and of the Irish movement in its earlier less purely political stages. The emergence of Bengal as a sub-nation in India was throughout a strongly subjective movement ...
... Company (floated by V.O. Chidambaram Pillai) and the British Steam Navigation Company, and it was in the course of this article that the following ominous passage occurred: The persecution of Swadeshism which is now reaching the most shameless lengths in Madras, is a sure sign that God has withdrawn Himself from the British bureaucracy and intends their rapid fall. Injustice is an invitation ...
... ease, Sri Aurobindo gave far more importance to the positive evangelical aspect of his editorial responsibility - namely, to summon India and Indians to a realisation of their Divine mission. "Swadeshism" was much more than political economy, it was rather a call to self-respect, self-knowledge and self-realisation. A superb article in the issue of 11 September 1907 linked India's resurgence ...
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