Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
... The Golden Path Tehmi Masalawalla Tehmi Masalawalla, a gifted poet, teacher, translator of Mother’s Questions and Answers and Satprem’s Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness , was one of the first to reside in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram’s Golconde residence from as early as 1947. When I visited her room I was immediately struck by the... photos of Mother and Sri Aurobindo, her books and a small vase of flowers seem to be sufficient for Tehmi’s needs. The name Tehmi dates back to a well-known lady, Tehmina, in Persian legend who was the wife of Rustom, one of the great warriors of ancient Persian history. Tehmi was born on January 17, 1917 into a deeply religious Parsi family in Bombay. Her father found a brief French phrase, succinct... Medical Officer of the Bhopal Hospital in Bhopal, India. I mentioned to Tehmi that I remembered meeting her father in Golconde in 1968 and how elegant he was. She told me that the Mother had also commented on the aristocratic nature of her mother. Her mother was also a doctor and graduated from medical school in Ireland. Tehmi and her brother (who also became a doctor) were sent at ages 8 and 7 back ...
... 6. N. K. Gupta, Reminiscences, pp. 40-41 7. Purani, The Life, p. 132 8. Satprem, Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness, translated from the French by Tehmi (1968), pp. 26869 9. Ibid., p. 247 10. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 26, p. 37 Page 798 11. S. R. Dongerkery, "The Ivory Tower' 12. Bulletin, April 1969... 21. Ibid. , Vol. 21, pp. 585-86 22. Ibid., Vol. 20, pp. 39, 40 23. Quoted in Satprem's Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness, translated by Tehmi (1968), pp. 336-37 Page 804 24. Ibid., p. 340 25. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 20, pp. 263, 264 26. Ibid., p. 195 27. Ibid., p. 196 ... p. 71 55. Ibid., p. 58 56. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 26, p. 161 57. Nirodbaran, Sun-Blossoms, p. 23 58. J.A. Chadwick, 'Arjava': Poems, p. 116 59. Tehmi, Poem.p (1952), p. 1 60. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 23, pp. 859, 860 61. Ibid ., Vol. 26, p. 493 62. Ibid., Vol. 23, p. 926 63. Ibid., pp. 641, 541 64 ...
... French well lowered their heads in silence, like bad students who had not revised their lessons! Tehmi-ben from amongst us softly mentioned the date and year of that prayer. Tehmi-ben always kept herself in the background as she was a most timid and quiet sort of a girl. The Mother looked affectionately at Tehmi-ben for some time while we younger ones swelled up with pride. One of us answered a question... room next to it. All the students of this class were grown-ups. We were about ten or twelve: Pavitra-da, Nolini-da, Amrita-da, Kalyan-da, Dayakar, Ranju, Amiyo and we five girls, Minnie-di, Millie-di, Tehmi-ben, Violette and I. The Mother would come to the class immediately after finishing Her game of tennis. We had almost everyday a dictation. I had just begun the second book and so naturally I felt... Victor Hugo, the famous poem Ballade de Florentin Prunier by Georges Duhamel and other poems by reputed poets. Minnie-di once recited a poem most beautifully in her sweet voice. We were all enchanted. Tehmi-ben, in her lovely voice, recited the very well-known poem by Paul Verlaine “ Il pleure dans mon coeur/ Comme il pleut sur la ville ”. The most mischievous of the lot, Amrita-da always brought the shortest ...
... Gospel of the Gita (1960); Lights on the Fundamentals (1950); The Way of Light (1963); Sadhana (1969) Satprem. Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness (1968) translated by Tehmi. Seetharaman, M. V. Studies in Sri Aurobindo's Dramatic Works Sen, Bowani. A Critique of Aurobindo's Philosophy (1969) Sen, Indra. The Integral Man (1970) Sethna, K. D. The... (1939) Roy, Dilip Kumar. Eyes of Light (1948) Sethna, K. D. The Secret Splendour (1941); The Adventure of the Apocalypse (1949); Poems on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (1954) Tehmi. Poems (1952) The literature by disciples of Sri Aurobindo, or inspired by Sri Aurobindo's life and thought, in the several modern Indian languages and in Sanskrit is of considerable range ...
... for English prose. For English poetry, it was Amal Kiran. Bharati-di and Krishnakumari-di taught me French. For Indian philosophy, I was with Prapatti-da, for Western philosophy, with Kireet-bhai. Tehmi-ben took my Savitri classes, Kishore-bhai The Human Cycle , Sanat-da The Ideal of Human Unity and history was taught by Sisir-da. I started with these subjects. Apart from Kireet-bhai, all my other... grow within, the clearer Savitri will become. For the time being just keep reading." After this conversation with the Mother, I began reading a few lines from Savitri every night. Tehmi-ben used to explain very beautifully the meaning of these lines after I joined her class. I started enjoying Savitri . And this is how my life at the Ashram school began. Page-41 ...
... Mother 2.2.1964 Bonne Fête! To Champaklal, Forward! always forward! Higher! always higher! Truer! always truer! Blessings The Mother [Beneath a symbolic painting done by Tehmi 1 and offered to the Mother. The Mother gave it to Champaklal on 2.2.1964] The goal is eternal and infinite... The Mother 2.2.1964 To Champaklal, specially prepared for his... 2.2.1973 Bonne Fête à Champaklal Champaklal with love plenty of love The Mother × Tehmi (b. 17.1.1917), an ardent devotee and dedicated teacher in Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education since 1950. × ...
... Presence The Organ Is Your Instrument I had bought a beautiful Spanish guitar from a French guitarist. It had a lovely sound. I had been learning from a Parsi lady, Tehmi Marszpan, for quite some years now. For some reason, I had not informed the Mother about this. I would tell myself that the Mother did not have time to listen to all our necessary Page-179 ... guitar? Who is playing the guitar? I - Mother, I am. Mother - You will play the guitar? Can you play the guitar? I didn't know that! I - Yes, Mother, I have been learning with Tehmi-ben. The Mother became a little serious and kept quiet after this. During this time, She kept selecting the flowers She wanted to give me. Then, handing me over the flowers with a smile, She ...
... little away from the Samadhi, while Tehmi-ben worked quietly sitting on the threshold of the Bulletin office, next to Dyuman-bhai's room. At half past noon, she too went away. Around this time, the Ashram became almost empty. Sometimes I was the only one sitting there. The day after my birthday, a Sunday, I was sitting in front of Dyuman-bhai's room. That day Tehmi-ben was not there in front of ...
... him one of the undisputed voices of Gujarati genius. With the thirties came Dilip Kumar, Nirodbaran, Nishikanto, Arjava, Amal Kiran, Harindranath, Behari, Jyotin, Jyotirmoyee, Sahana-devi, Tehmi, Madhav Pandit, and others, followed by Jugal Kishore, Kishor Gandhi, A. S. Dalal, Peter, Deshpande and others. It will be difficult to go into their special contributions and the merits of their ...
... Mother, In one of your declarations on Auroville you have the title-phrase “The first condition to live in Auroville”. Would you mind very much if, instead of “to live” we put “for living”? Both Tehmi and I felt that this would satisfy English idiom better? Certainly yes — “for living” is much more correct. P.S. There is a little oversight in another phrase — in your letter on gossip. Would ...
... Sethna, K.D. The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo (Ashram Press, 1947) Sri Aurobindo, The Poet (Ashram Press, 1970) Overhead Poetry (Ashram Press, 1972) Tehmi Sri Aurobindo-The Story of His Life (Ashram Press, 1972) Page 281 Some other works on The Mother Sujata Nahar Mirra, Book One in Mother's Chronicles (1985) ...
... 615 Tandon, Purushottamdas, 534 Tegart, Sir Charles, 287 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 442,443ff Telang, K. T., 15 Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 164, 177,615, 690 Tehmi, 595 Théon, M., 396 Thompson, Francis, 631 Thor, with Angels, 147 Thornhill, T.,310,370 Thought the Paraclete. 632-34 Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, 16, 19, 63 ...
... of earth', suggesting a glorious picture of supramental transformation. As students in the Ashram School, there were many ways • we learnt to relate to poets like Amal Kiran. From the time Tehmi-ben, our peerless professor of English, introduced us to "A.E." by reading out his "Babylon" to us, this Irish poet has exercised a tremendous fascination on me. Although I was then just a callow youth ...
... flowers a day at a fixed time. This was checked the following day by Tara. These commentaries done in 1970 and 1971 were for the “flower book” which was still in progress. When they were translated by Tehmi into English, Narad came in the evenings, all the way from Auroville, to help with the botanical and common names and descriptions of the flowers and the plants for Flowers and Their Messages. Since ...
... her: "In one of your declarations on Auroville you have the title-phrase: 'The first condition to live in Auroville.' Would you mind very much if, instead of 'to live' we put 'for living'? Both Tehmi and I felt that this would satisfy English idiom better." She wrote under my typescript: "Certainly yes — 'for living' is much more correct." As a P.S. I had typed: "There is a little oversight ...
... young students were read and received encouragement from him. Arabinda Basu was one of these writers. Poems written by sadhaks, for instance, Dilip, Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna), Nishikanto, Pujalal and Tehmi, or a Goan poet, Prof. Menezies, were also read out. Then came the journals, The Advent and Mother India , the latter particularly, being a semi-political fortnightly, needed his sanction before ...
... She is everyone’s Friend, She is my Friend. Everyone formed this friendship with the Mother. And as a sign of that friendship She gave many of us a ring: Gauri, Chitra, Millie-di, Vasudha, Minou, Tehmi-ben, Tapati and so many others. Many received other souvenirs from Her. We could not imagine that even without asking we would receive so much. And it was the Mother Herself who prepared this deep ...
... trust in them. Pradyot, another trustee, was admitted to the Ashram much after Sujata. And of Page 154 course, the so-called "senior sadhaks" like Amal Kiran [=K. D. Sethna], Nirodbaran, Tehmi, and the "senior devotees" are such cowards that none dared open his mouth to lodge even a single protest. Yet every single one of them was ready to pounce on Satprem because he would not betray Mother ...
... Mother (1985) Sweet Mother: Harmonies of Light vol.1 (2dimp. 1989) vol.2 (1979) Flame of White Light (1960) Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness (Translated from French by Tehmi. 8th imp. 1990) The Passing of Sri Aurobindo (1951) Overhead Poetry (1972) Altar and Flame (1975) The Mother - Past, Present and Future (1977) Our Light and Delight (1980) ...
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