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Thor : Norse god of Thunder, hence of might & war: eldest & strongest of the sons of Odin. His chariot wheels made the thunder. Armed with his magical hammer which returned when thrown, with his belt of strength, & with his iron gloves he was an implacable foe of cruel giants but benevolent toward mankind.
... different gods: Poseidon and Pallas Athene in Perseus, and Thor and Freya in Eric. As in Tagore's Sacrifice and Christopher Fry's Thor, with Angels, - in the former the old bloodthirsty goddess comes out of her cruel prison of stone to find a sanctuary in the woman's compassionate heart, in the latter the old Pagan ethic associated with Thor and Odin gives place to the new Christian ethic, - in... solder? where? O Thor And Odin, masters of the northern world, Wisdom and force I have; one strength's behind I have not... 53 As if in answer to his question he hears the song: Love is the hoop of the gods Hearts to combine. Iron is broken, the sword Sleeps in the grave of its lord; Love is divine. 54 Odin and Thor, certainly; yet without... Eric's court and bringing about his death. n s wife, Hertha, is more anxious to effect an honourable reconciliation Page 141 between him and Eric. Behind the scenes, the gods too - Odin, Thor, and Freya - are active, and seem to be inclined to intervene in the terrestrial action, causing confusion to the human actors. It is this tangle of forces and clash of personalities that Sri Aurobindo ...
... afraid, You who see Fate even in a sparrow's flight, When Odin is for him? ASLAUG Aslaug is against. He has a strength, an iron strength, and Thor Strikes hammerlike in his uplifted sword. But Fate alone decides when all is said, Not Thor, nor Odin. I will try my fate. HERTHA He is a pure usurper, is he not? Norway's election made him king, men say. Page 540 ASLAUG ... Dissolving like a transitory cloud Becomes the thing it was, cleft, parcelled out By discord. I have found the way to join, The warrior's sword, builder of unity, But where's the way to solder? where? O Thor And Odin, masters of the northern world, Wisdom and force I have; some strength is hidden I have not; I would find it out. Help me, Whatever power thou art who mov'st the world, To Eric unrevealed... here. I have the dagger still within my heart. O he is terrible and fair and swift! He is not mortal. Yet be silent, yet Give the brain leave. O marble brilliant face! O thou art Odin, thou art Thor on earth! What is there in a kiss, the touch of lips, That it can change creation? There's a wine That turns men mad; have I not drunk of it? To be his slave, know nothing but his will! Aslaug ...
... bubbles to the lips Vigorous as newspilt blood. Drink deep, and shout "Glory to Thor and Humber!" With the sun Upon the force of Albanact we march. Shout, Norsemen! Let the heavens hear your menace. Drinkhael! ( drinks ) ALL Washael! Glory to ancient Thor And Humber. HUMBER I am the hammer old of Thor When he would crush the nations. He is merry With wine and smites the world with... Humber, Humber! Not Thor, but mightier Humber. HUMBER Drink, Norsemen. Ye shall all be kings. Scotia And Albany and Ireland shall be mine. I'll have as many kingdoms as the year Page 780 Has moons. Do you doubt me, Vikings? Do you mutter? But you shall see my glory. Call Estrild, You thralls of Humber. ALL Glory to great Humber! Humber shall now be Thor. He shall new-make ...
... quoted here: Where is the end of your armoured march, O children of Wotan? Earth shudders with fear at your tread, the death-flame laughs in your eyes. We have seen the sign of Thor and the hammer of new creation, A seed of blood on the soil, a flower of blood in the skies. We march to make of earth a hell and call it heaven. The heart of mankind we have smitten with... But Eric and Aslaug themselves fall in love, and old hatred and new love fight for mastery in the heart and soul of Aslaug. In the symbolic realms of the gods, there is likewise a struggle between Thor the ruthless and Freya the auspicious. Love triumphs, Thor's reign is ended, and Freya's begins; Swegn is captured and pardoned, Aslaug marries Eric, and the people of Norway are assured of a termless ...
... belongs to us, / And tomorrow the world.” And the SS-magazine Das Schwarze Korps saw, in 1940, the burning English cities as gigantic bonfires to celebrate the summer solstice; for it was the god Thor whose lightning (the exploding bombs) was taking revenge on Germany’s enemies. 1096 This elementary force line in Hitler and Nazism has been sufficiently dealt with in our story to interpret Sri... all the more pregnant. “Where is the end of your armoured march, O children of Wotan? Earth shudders with fear at your tread, the death-flame laughs in your eyes.” “We have seen the sign of Thor and the hammer of new creation, A seed of blood on the soil, a flower of blood in the skies. We march to make of earth a hell and call it heaven. The heart of mankind we have smitten with the ...
... 513,535 Englishman, The, I'll, 340 Epictetus, 48 Eric, 119,141ff, 642,646; set in Norwegian Heroic Age, 141; gods active behind the scenes, 142; Aslaug and Hamlet, 145; not Thor but Freya, 145 Essays on the Gita, 283, 404, 448, 463ff; Gita's place in India's scriptural literature, 464; presenting the essential message, 464; Arjuna-Krishna, Nara-Narayana, 464; existential... 287 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 442,443ff Telang, K. T., 15 Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 164, 177,615, 690 Tehmi, 595 Théon, M., 396 Thompson, Francis, 631 Thor, with Angels, 147 Thornhill, T.,310,370 Thought the Paraclete. 632-34 Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, 16, 19, 63, 189, 190, 192, 201, 206, 222, 227, 229, 235, 236, 237,262ff, 266fh ...
... the Nordic poets sang and spoke so much. That talisman is now corroded and the day will come when it will collapse. Then old stony gods will arise and rub the dust of millennia from their eyes, and Thor with his gigantic hammer will jump up at last and smash the gothic cathedrals … “And when the time comes when you hear the cracking of a thunder as it has never cracked before in the history of the ...
... which has overtaken hundreds of thousands of men and women, the romantic fever, the mystic ecstasy, the kind of sacred delirium by which they are possessed.” 512 Heine’s prediction was coming true, Thor was swinging his hammer again. The German youth, around their camp fires, during their treks and their ceremonies of initiation and dedication at sacred sites, was listening to seductive voices which ...
... Sumeria, 223 Sun-yat-Sen, 242 TACITUS, 87 Tagore, Rabindranath, 195, 197-8, 200-1 Tantras, the, 63, 216, 248 Thales, 329 Thebes, 91 Thor, 201 Tibet, 177n Times Literary Supplement, the, 254 Toynbee, Arnold, 238, 242n Trethowan, Rev. 252 Treitschke, 24 UNRRA,1O4 Ukraine, 74 ...
... "Plus loin avec Jean Monnet", in : Jacques Van Helmont and Francois Fontaine, Jean Monnet, op. cit.,p. 151. 20. Kon-Tiki: in 1947 the Kon-Tiki expedition led by the Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl set out to prove that ancestors of Polynesians could have come by sea from South America, pushed from east to west by winds and currents, and settled on these islands in Pre-Columbian times ...
... fortunate soul, Thou valiant heart. 6 As regards Sri Aurobindo's plays, they too are unmistakably dyed with purpose. Eric is Norway's unifier, but he sees the wisdom of balancing the claims of Thor and Odin with those of Freya - in other words, of Power and Love. Bappa the Prince of Edur is both liberator and redeemer, and regains his Kingdom as well as wins a bride in Kamal Kumari. In the maturer ...
... that ancient Memory of a great transmutative truth and its overshadowing, of the Quest, the battle of the heroes of Light against the evil forces, Indra and the snake Vritra , Apollo and the Python, Thor and the Giants, Sigurd and Fafner, but nowhere do we find so purely the totality of the Secret, and we are filled with wonder at these Vedic conquerors : They may not have yoked the lightning to their ...
... and through the same companionship with the gods of Light. At the beginning of all human traditions there is this ancient memory. It is Indra and the serpent Vritra, it is Apollo and the Python, it is Thor and the Giants, Sigurd and Fafner, it is the mutually opposing gods of the Celtic mythology; but only in the Veda do we find the key to this imagery which conceals the hope or the Page 62 ...
... Wotan': "Where is the end of your armoured march, O children of Wotan? Earth shudders with fear at your tread, the death-flame laughs in your eyes." "We have seen the sign of Thor and the hammer of new creation,... We march to make of earth a hell and call it heaven. The heart of mankind we have smitten with the whip of the sorrows seven; The Mother ...
... has a devata , a god or spiritual being in charge of it. He is not its master, but its protector and the protector of all who are born in the sign. Indra (Zeus, Odin) protects the Ram, Agni (Moloch, Thor) the Bull, the Aswins (Castor & Pollux) the Twins, Upendra (Baal) the Crab, Varuna (Poseidon) the Lion, Aditi, called also Savitri or Sita (Astarte, Aphrodite) the Girl, Yama (Hades) the Balance, Aryama ...
... Know more > 1940 "Where is the end of your armoured march, O children of Wotan? Earth shudders with fear at your tread, the death-flame laughs in your eyes." "We have seen the sign of Thor and the hammer of new creation, A seed of blood on the soil, a flower of blood in the skies. We march to make of earth a hell and call it heaven. The heart of mankind we have smitten with the whip ...
... make to swing open all the doors of his city" (VI.18.5). At the beginning of all human traditions there is this ancient memory. It is Indra and the serpent Vritra, it is Apollo and the Python, it is Thor and the Giants, Sigurd and Fafner, it is the mutually opposing gods of the Celtic mythology; but only in the Veda do we find the key to this imagery which conceals the hope or the wisdom of a prehistoric ...
... the order of the higher gods of Olympus: these have been ousted and dethroned. We are being led back to the mysteries of an earlier race, reverting to an infra-evolutionary status, into the arcana of Thor and Odin, godlings of an elemental Nature. In such a world Tagore is a voice and a beacon from over the heights of the old world declaring and revealing the verities that are eternal and never ...
... the Treasure in the depths of the cave; the battle against the subconscious forces (ogres, dwarves, or serpents); the legend of Page 221 Apollo and the Python, Indra and the Serpent Vritta, Thor and the giants, Sigurd and Fafner; the solar myth of the Mayas, the Descent of Orpheus, the Transmutation. It is the serpent biting it own tail. And above all, it is the secret of the Vedic rishis, ...
... Themis, and Ananke, and Hephaestus, and the "ancient Dis", "into the courts divine they crowded, radiant, burning". In Sri Aurobindo's play, Eric, as we saw earlier (Chapter VI), the end-note is "not Thor... but Freya"; in Perseus the Deliverer, the change is from ruthless Poseidon's to enlightened Pallas Athene's rule. There is on the terrestrial as well as the cosmic scale a continual push of evolution ...
... blowing of a conch. Its deep resonance filled the morning air, announcing a new birth. To Swarnalata and Krishna Dhan Ghose was born their third son. It was a Thursday. The day named after Jupiter or Thor, the wielder of the thunderbolt. Chance? Coincidence? or planned? I'll opt for the last, because had not the well-born come to "awake heaven's lightning from its slumber's lair"? Six years ...
... Faithfulness Krishna's Light in the subconscient Japanese girl child Fire in the mind Krishna's Ananda False movement turned into true movement The Avatar (16.1.33) Supramental influence in thes subconscient Divine joy in work Mental sincerity Vital sincerity Vital progress Sweetness of thought turned exclusively towards the Divine Aspiration for vital purity Obedience (5.5.33) ...
... passages of Savitri: it takes us to a summit Reality which is the All — Eternity itself directly meeting us in the form of the Rose. We should guess that metaphysically the Yeatsian Rose, whe-ther visioned in the deeps of the heart or elsewhere in a vaster pervasion — Rose of all Roses, Rose of all the World! in the poem "The Rose of Battle" and Far-off, most secret, and inviolate... to its goal without. It is also in: "beatitude's kiss." Here too one word gathers up all the piercing intimacy of beatitude: a word like "touch" or even "clasp" would not give that intimacy. And, fur-ther, "kiss" is very appropriate because sobbing has been men-tioned before it: the mouth is involved in both sobbing and kissing: life which is a sob of Nature becomes a kiss of Supernature. The spiritual ...
... 'interpretative and intuitive vision' 1 of the poet. I feel that while meditating on Sri Aurobindo's signature, Amal Kiran too had such an interpretative vision. Hence he could reveal the secret of the'S' in 'Sri', as Clutching with gentle finger our dumb desire A slanting full-bodied soar loops a firm loop Of light... 1. SABCL , Vol 9, p. 30. Page 203 and ...
... Persia invaded Greece and fought her armies at Marathon in the very heart of their country, but suffered a defeat. After his death, his son Xerxes led another attack, cut down the heroic Spartans at Ther-mopylae, conquered Athens itself and offered it to God the Fire, Page 124 yet with its blaze behind him he met with a check in the naval battle at Salamis and had to retire from Greece ...
... Gods, religion, war, wealth, government, progress, transformation and the Supramental, illness and health, messages for the new year, for darshan days, etc, and other subjects. B OOKS BY O THER W RITERS Books on Sri Aurobindo or books that have relevance to the present study are too numerous to be exhaustively listed here, and hence only the more important books in English art given ...
... developing body of such a pantheos. As a member of the Society of Jesus his aim was to "baptize" pantheism and humanism, whereas his innate temperament and modern turn of mind insisted on pan-theizing traditional Christianity and making it conform to the demands of what he termed "ultra-physics". His continual problem was: how to reconcile Christianity's transcendent personal God — "God Above" ...
... do your very best. (b) You have no right to criticize anybody, unless you can do better than the one whom you want to criticize. (c) Cultivate in yourself those qualities which you want thers to cultivate. (d) Select books, magazines, and films with utmost care, and under the guidance of some teachers whom you trust. (e) Do not indulge; do not kill your emotions, but learn the ...
... Operation Gulmarg, as described by Major Kalkat, every Pathan tribe was required to enlist at least one Lashkar of 1,000 tribesmen. These Lashkars were to be concentrated at Baftnu, Wana, Peshawar, Kohat, Thal and Nowshera by the first week of September 1947. The Brigade Commanders at these places were to issue them arms, ammunition and some essential clothing items. Each Lashkar was also to be provided with ...
... is best remembered as a musician (he played the veena in the Hindustani style) and as a musical scholar. Page 594 P ART T HREE P UBLIC S TATEMENTS AND O THER C OMMUNICATIONS ON I NDIAN AND W ORLD E VENTS , 1940 - 1950 Section One Public Statements, Messages, Letters and Telegrams on Indian and World ...
... and take your Page 198 time over it. For each one of these branches of knowledge corresponds to an inner formation, and you can multiply these formations, and you can multiply thers formations indefinitely if you gibe the necessary time and care. I do not believe at all in limits which cannot be crossed. But I see very clearly people's mental formations and also a sort ...
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