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Victoria : (1819-1901), Queen of England from 1837 & Empress of India from 1876.
... an earnest desire to ameliorate the condition of Indian women. Another & smaller building was added to the Hospital in 1898-9 for the accommodation of women of respectable families and styled the Victoria Jubilee Ward and a final addition for the use of patients from the army, called the Sayajirao Military Ward, completed the building as it now stands. The hospital is well equipped with instruments... the Hospital and the Hospital Assistants working under him, there is a House Surgeon in constant attendance upon the sick and, since 1899 a Lady Doctor with a nurse to assist her is in charge of the Victoria Jubilee Ward. A Lady Doctor was first appointed in 1893 at the Jumnabai Hospital to attend to female outpatients; but the appointment has, I believe, benefited the public of the city more widely than ...
... many Latin words have originated English ones, things like "renovare" and "dolorem" are likely to form a train of ideas in our minds. We may Page 320 have also heard of "Victoria regina", Queen Victoria, and then we may think of some Queen and the renovation of dolour or sorrow. Perhaps German would provide more opaque lines of enchanting rhythm — say, Goethe's Verweile doch, du bist ...
... Debendranath Tagore, became a member of the revived Brahmo Samaj.’ 3 It was the time of the Bengal Renaissance. The whole of India was dominated by the colonial masters, the British, under Queen Victoria, Empress of India. With a relatively small army, mainly consisting of Indian sepoys commanded by British officers, and a still smaller but greatly capable administration, the Indian Civil Service... that. Some of them he has described and even shaped into sonnets almost half a century later. When in Baroda, Aurobindo had a horse and carriage at his disposal. The carriage was a four-wheeled ‘victoria’ with a folding hood, two passenger seats, and a seat in front for the driver. The horse was huge, but old, tired of working and therefore very moody. One day, about a year after his master’s arrival ...
... for the arrival of your brother to tell you that I had got the things you sent me—but he has not yet come. My love and blessings are always with you. Doris took me to the Victoria and Albert Museum. The Victoria and Albert Museum is a beautiful building in the Renaissance style which was first built in 1857. The present building was opened in 1909 by King Edward VII. It is the national museum ...
... Aurobindo wished to meet an uncle of his there. After a few days they alighted one morning from a train at Bombay's Victoria terminus. Then they rested the whole day in a comfortable room at a big European hotel. At nightfall Page 85 Bombay's Victoria Terminus early this century they went to the Colaba station and boarded a train of B. B. C. I. R. line (Bombay-Baroda ...
... Aurobindo fits into the scheme. Appreciating once more the fine spirit behind your speech, I remain, Yours sincerely, K D. Sethna No. C 187/51/PAM 1, Queen Victoria Road, New Delhi The 16th September 1951 My dear Sethna, Your letter dated the 7th September to hand. . I am glad you like my tribute to Sri Aurobindo. Most of my speeches... Aurobindo's spiritual life that you have somehow formed. I shall be happy to hear from you again. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, K. D. Sethna 1, Queen Victoria Road, New Delhi 6th October, 1951 My dear Sethna, Your letter to hand. 1 feel myself incompetent to enter into a controversy with you. You had close personal touch with Sri ...
... Aurobindo in place of Lord Curzon's—the very man who had sought the division of Bengal, and Sri Aurobindo had tried to stop him. Sri Aurobindo would take the place of Lord Curzon, across from the "Victoria Memorial." It's at the entrance to Calcutta. That's what they decided in principle. Then the government of Bengal was overturned and their decision wasn't put into legal terms, so now everything is... statue loses its meaning if it isn't in public. If it's put in a house, it loses its meaning. Obviously! Obviously. Page 278 What had a meaning is putting Sri Aurobindo across from the Victoria Memorial, in place of the Englishman who wanted to divide Bengal—that has a meaning. Yes, obviously. But then the Indians would have to behave decently. Anyway, the people of Pathmandir will ...
... the British Government. The Secretary of State assisted by a fifteen-man council was put in charge of Indian policy. However, the direct responsibility was with the Viceroy and his council. Queen Victoria was proclaimed the first Empress of India in 1858. As far as the Princely States were concerned the Crown promised to respect the rights, dignity and honour of the Native Princes. Rulers who had remained... the message sent by His Majesty to the Princes and People of India on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Memorable Proclamation issued in Page 49 1858 by his Illustrious Mother Victoria the Good. This Congress begs to record its satisfaction that the interpretation placed by it upon the pledges contained in that Great Charter of 1858 has been upheld by His Majesty. The Congress ...
... her stories though she is not comparable to Lytton in literary merit. She was very popular but nobody reads her stories now. There was one Victoria Cross who used to write erotic novels and she thought there were only two figures in literature : Victoria Cross and Shakespeare! (Laughter) Disciple : Is it possible to write a spiritual story? We know it is possible to write a story with a ...
... error due to false stress & overdefinition of subordinate or understatement of definitive force, intention or tendency that have to be secured. 2) A shabby boy in a splendid & richly varnished Victoria push-push. Doubt whether he was not coachman's boy put up in carriage. Intuition, son of well-to-do Indian Christian (latter detail inferential from dress—short trousers—& not intuitional) & carriage ...
... mishearing of words in other languages has sometimes a farcical effect. The first Indian baronet was a Parsi, a man named Jamshedjee Cursetjee Jeejeebhoy. When he went to England he was invited by Queen Victoria to a party. A grandly attired butler stood at the door of the reception hall and announced the names of the visitors as they came. When the Parsi baronet arrived, the butler inquired his name. He ...
... punctuation so that Christ could be regarded as intervening after Michael and Satan had waged an indecisive fight. McColley 7 has also noted that the second version is not really unorthodox since the De Victoria Verbi Dei of the Catholic bishop Rupertus Tutiensus has used it. Then there is a third version brought to our notice by B. Rajan in his Milton-study: 8 commentators in the seventeenth century identified ...
... Confessions , 73 Critical Essays on English Literature, iv, fn. 1 "Daughters of Beulah", 228 David, 46, 49 "David and Goliath", 5 De Doctrina Christiana, 45, 100-02, 265 De Victoria Verbi Dei, 45 "deep", 14, 89, 90, 91, 120, 239 "deeps", 13-16, 33, 77, 78, 88, 90, 9 1 , 92, 1 10, 238-39 Page 271 Demiurge, 27,170,173,177,209,222, 266 Demogorgon ...
... Bergson, and Sigmund Freud. This cascade of names reminds us that the age of Jules Verne (1828-1905), contemporary of Alfred Wallace, was much more than a time of rigidity and strictness à la Queen Victoria and the French messieurs in their cylindrical top hats and mesdames in their crinolines. This was an explosive age, the more so for the pressure exerted by the formal restrictions on its surface ...
... mother tongue. Let us glance back at that period for a moment. A considerable part of India, ‘the jewel in the crown,’ was a British colony ruled with gusto by the subjects of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria. They were the masters not only of the territories they had conquered, but indirectly also of the 635 kingdoms, big and small, ruled by colourful rajahs and maharajahs. The latter, absolute despots ...
... my fellow-passengers I even discussed, in terms of such a transformed body, the way in which Sri Aurobindo's Yoga differed from all other Yogic paths. What a surprise I suffered when I reached Victoria Terminus at about noon and the man who had been asked to receive me handed me the express telegram my friend Yogendra had sent from Pondicherry to my Bombay address that very morning: "Sri Aurobindo ...
... into awareness of a deeper self without walls and boundaries. As Jung explains: 1. Ibid, pp 11-12,From A Forward by C. G. Jung. 2. William Johnston, Examples of Religious Experience (Victoria: Deakin University, 1983), p. 27. 1. C. G. Jung, A Forward, in Suzuki, pp. 17-18. Page 137 However one may define self, it is always something other than the ego, and inasmuch as ...
... languages has sometimes a farcical effect. The first Indian baronet was a Parsi, a man named Jamshedjee Cursetjee Page 72 Jeejeebhoy, When he went to England he was invited by Queen Victoria to a party. A grandly attired butler stood at the door of the reception hall and announced the names of the visitors as they came. When the Parsi baronet arrived, the butler inquired his name. He ...
... company was very successful till the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857. The mutiny ended a year later when The India Act (1858) was passed; this act abolished the East India Company and vested all power with Queen Victoria. From that time onwards, it was the British Government that governed India through the Indian Civil Service. However, the British were not the first Western power to come to India. They had to contend ...
... we are at the bottom of the curve and it is time to mount up. This disintegration is a necessary prelude; it is even from a certain point of view a better condition than that of the epoch of Queen Victoria or the Second Empire in France, the age of the practical, successful bourgeoisie, of snug contentment and dull mediocrity, of death in life. As I say, the movement of progress follows a curve. ...
... the year of Rimbaud's Illuminations , just a few years before Einstein; modern physics had already seen the light of day with Max Planck, and Jules Verne was busy probing the future. Yet, Queen Victoria was about to become Empress of India, and the conquest of Africa was not even completed; it was the turning point from one world to another. Historically, it appears that the birth of a new world ...
... Deoghar, c.1894 (detail from a group photograph, courtesy Smt. Lahori Chatterjee) 76 Rajnarain Bose's house (courtesy Sri Lab Kumar Bose and the late Sri Nirmal Ranjan Mitra) 86 Bombay's Victoria Terminus early this century (from an old postcard) 91 Manmohan with his two daughters (courtesy Smt , Lahori Chatterjee) 118 Sri Aurobindo and Mrinalini (from Abhay Singh's collection) ...
... Aurobindo was driving from Camp Road Page 49 in Baroda and had just reached the side of the public gardens when his carriage was threatened with an accident. The carriage was known as a 'victoria,' that is, a low and light four-wheeled carriage with seat for two, a raised driver's seat and a falling top. "Nobody could guess its age," recorded D. K. Roy. "The horse was very big, but in speed ...
... boys he can get within his cane's reach, not displeased if they show a little fight so that he can exhibit his heroic strength of arm by punishing them. And then he adorns himself with glittering Victoria crosses and calls on all his associates to admire his gallant and daredevil courage. Sometimes [it reminds me] of an old man, a man very early old, still strong in his decrepitude, garrulous, wel ...
... the Kalabhavan at State expense and Kalabhavan students who start factories should be helped by Government loans. From each mahal some boys should be taught at Government expense at Baroda or the Victoria Technical Institute, the money being recovered by instalments from their monthly earnings. 18) Students should also be sent to foreign parts for technical instruction; but their line should ...
... statement without providing himself with fair and reasonable confirmation. It was surely such "fair and reasonable confirmation" that enabled him, the other day, to make an assertion about the proposed Victoria Memorial Hall which even the perverse ingenuity of the Anglo-Indian Press could not support. And it was surely such fair and reasonable confirmation that made him beat a retreat on the present occasion ...
... the British Government. This is as it should be." This indeed is as it should be. And it reminds us of the Hindu Patriot 's sudden change of opinion in the matter of the site for the proposed Victoria Memorial Hall and other instances of the remarkable versatility and impressionability of this great organ of private opinion. Page 476 ...
... ambition of the Patriot to please Anglo-Indian officialdom. The weekly was converted into a daily to satisfy the literary fecundity of a Secretary and the way in which the Patriot behaved when the Victoria Memorial site was being discussed was a novel departure from that fixity of principles which alone can make people attach any value to the opinions of a paper. And a revaluation of property properly ...
... tsia had been shocked by the French Revolution, but even in Britain the rise of the new ideas could not be halted. The result was the Victorian age, named after the dapper and long-reigning Queen Victoria (1819-1901), and symbolizing a period of official Anglican religion (similar to Catholicism), strict morals and customs, and behind that dignified façade all intellectual viewpoints in as well as ...
... brought with us into the water, watching the charming swans and other water-birds snap at them. Then suddenly we remembered our teachers who had taught us flower-making. They had asked us to visit the Victoria and Albert Museum to see the Seventeenth-Century silk flowers and an Eighteenth-Century French posy; also a Victorian flower necklet, from 1870. We went there. It took some time to locate them. Meanwhile ...
... The Future Poetry Chapter XIX The Victorian Poets The epoch associated in England with the name of Victoria was in poetry, like that of Pope and Dryden, an age of dominant intellectualism; but, unlike that hard and sterile period, it has been an imaginative, artistic intellectualism, touched with the greater and freer breath of modern thought and its ...
... architecture Page 109 were one integral beauty, one single movement of adoration of the Divine. There has been in this sense a great degeneration since then in the world. From the time of Victoria and in France from the Second Empire we have entered into a period of decadence. The habit has grown of hanging up in rooms pictures that have no meaning for the surrounding objects; any picture, ...
... sculpture and architecture were one integral beauty, one single movement of adoration of the Divine. There has been in this sense a great degeneration since then in the world. From the time of Victoria and in France from the Second Empire we have entered into a period of decadence. The habit has grown of hanging up in rooms pictures that have no meaning for the surrounding objects; any picture, ...
... cane's reach, not displeased if they show a little fight so that he can exhibit his heroic strength of arm by punishing them. And then he adorns himself Page 81 with glittering Victoria crosses and calls on all his associates to admire his gallant and his daredevil courage. Sometimes it reminds me of an old man, a man very early old, still strong in his decrepitude, garrulous, w ...
... give you another instance of an experience he had in the first year of his stay in Baroda, again in a most unexpected manner. Sri Aurobindo had then a very old-fashioned horse-carriage, known as a 'Victoria' carriage. Dinen Roy wrote that the horse was a huge creature but in movement it was the cousin-brother of a donkey and whipping had no effect on it! Anyway, Sri Aurobindo was going through the city ...
... Legislative Councils. In the second petition it complained bitterly of the misrule and oppression of the Company's Government and demanded direct Government by the Crown. The Proclamation of Queen Victoria in 1858, provided for these. The public in Madras never lost sight of their main demand for responsible Government and pressed for it whenever an opportunity presented itself. Even in their farewell ...
... we are at the bottom of the curve and it is time to mount up. This disintegration is a necessary prelude; it is even from a certain point of view a better condition than that of the epoch of Queen Victoria or the Second Empire in France, the age of the practical successful bourgeoisie, of snug contentment and dull mediocrity, of death in life. As I say, the movement of progress follows a curve. In a ...
... -Mundaka, 68n. -Swetaswatara, 68n. VAIKUNTHA,128 Valmiki,209 Varma, Ravi, 420 Varona, 207 Vedas, the, 133, 151, 239 -Rig Veda, 133, 160n Vedanta, 85 Victoria, Queen, 418 Virgil, 107,203,209 -Aeneid, 1O7n. 154, 178, 207, Vishnu, 58, 208 Vivekananda, 141,300 Voltaire, 99 WORDSWORTH, 119, 132, 195n. -Ode on the Intimations ...
... convinced, will one day reconcile the disorders of modern life. I thank all those who have helped to make this new branch of the Bhavan's activity successful. K. M. MUNSHI 1, QUEEN VICTORIA ROAD, NEW DELHI, 3rd October 1951 ...
... against the Wall. I pound and pound.... Satprem December 12, 1979 (Personal letter) Good news: Greece is going to open up. Please find Page 118 enclosed the letter of this "Victoria." I've had a very good impression and answered with all the force, so that the Movement could be triggered there. Country after country, we must conquer the Earth for Mother and Sri Aurobindo. A ...
... 29.11 He discovered the truth, the Sun dwelling in the darkness Rig-Veda, III.39.5 Darwin must have more than once felt perplexed when it became increasingly clear to him that Queen Victoria too was unquestionably descended from a she-monkey. And the great Archbishop of Canterbury. It was somewhat “like confessing a murder,” he admitted before embarking on The Origin of Species, ...
... s” who forged the gods within themselves “as a smith forges the crude material in his smithy." 16 Those planes and those worlds can remain where they are, like the distant forests of Brazil or Victoria Falls, for what do the most magnificent forests and waterfalls matter if we do not know how to bring a few drops to our own water mill and a single flower to our garden—or if it is the exclusive ...
... carry out his liquidation. For several days the two kept watch on Kingsford's movements, then decided that the most suitable time would be in late evening when he habitually went to the Club in a victoria. So on 30 April 1908, around 9 P.M., the boys threw bombs on a carriage they presumed to be Kingsford's. But it was not. It is amazing how many of the most brutal of men seem to have a charmed life ...
... ), died in England. When alive, he had earned for himself the title of 'Prince' by his luxurious way of living. His lavish spending —offering costly presents and necklaces of rare jewels to Queen Victoria, who received him in audience — left the Tagores with more debts than assets. Then it was that Debendranath showed his mettle. He called all the creditors together and promised to repay all debt. ...
... days. He was on his way back from the Delhi Coronation Durbar held by Lord Curzon on 1 st January 1903, to celebrate the ascension to the throne of Edward VII after the death of his mother, Queen Victoria. The Raja invited his Subbiah back to Ettayapuram. For the next eighteen months Bharati again became the companion of the Raja and lived comfortably. In his spare time, he soaked himself at the ...
... makes first contacts with revolutionary Page 584 groups in Maharashtra and Bengal. 1901 - Rabindranath Tagore founds his school at Santiniketan. January 21 - Death of Queen Victoria; accession of King Edward VII April 30 - Sri Aurobindo marries Mrinalini Bose. September 9 — US President William McKinley is assassinated; he is succeeded by Theodore Roosevelt. 1902 ...
... Bengal has become quite corrupt. There is one good thing about England: it is still free from corruption in public life. Of course England also was at one time corrupt but it has come out of that. Victoria's time was especially admirable. DR. MANILAL: France and America also are said to be very corrupt. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, terrible! Not a single senate member is free from bribery and corruption ...
... or because of, that horrible word 'twixt (a crutch for amateur versifiers!) might be from the Idylls, and, by stressing the resemblance, one does not mean to decry Sri Aurobindo's talents, for Victoria's laureate was a master of rhythm and a true delineator of beauty". Naturally, as the author of The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo, I could not let C.R.M.'s comment pass. I wrote him a letter ...
... because of, that horrible word 'twixt (a crutch for amateur versifiers!) might be from the Idylls, and, by stressing the resemblance, one does not mean to decry Sri Aurobindo's talents, for Victoria's laureate was a master of rhythm and a true delineator of beauty." Naturally, as the author of The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo, I could not let C. R. M.'s comments pass. I wrote him ...
... because of, that horrible word ' twixt (a crutch for amateur versifiers!) might be from the Idylls, and, by stressing the resemblance, one does not mean to decry Sri Aurobindo's talents, for Victoria's laureate was a master of rhythm and a true delineator of beauty." Naturally, as the author of The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo, I could not let C.R.M.'s comments pass. I wrote him a letter ...
... shuffling. Nor does Tennyson have the vision-vitality, the art-intensity of Sri Aurobindo. Please don't think I am offering the snatch from the Enid-story as characteristic Tennysonese. Queen Victoria's Poet Laureate has many finer moments. My purpose is just to throw into relief the poetic quality of the earlier Sri Aurobindo. And not only to show how a tragic view of life can arise with a living ...
... 1879 is that No. 6, Burlington Road became No. 68, St. Stephen's Garden, W.2, with effect from 1.1.1938. The four areas you mention were extensively developed in the latter half of Queen Victoria's reign. It appears from maps and Post Office Directories that the house in Cromwell Road was built in 1877. Much of Kempsford Gardens was built during the 1860's although No. 28 appears to ...
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