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Beyond Man [1]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Education at Crossroads [1]
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Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
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Living in The Presence [1]
Maude Smith's Correspondence with The Mother [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
On The Mother [7]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [4]
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Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
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The Human Cycle [12]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Life Divine [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Uniting Men [1]
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English [89]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [2]
Autobiographical Notes [4]
Beyond Man [1]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Education at Crossroads [1]
Essays on the Gita [1]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Living in The Presence [1]
Maude Smith's Correspondence with The Mother [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
On The Mother [7]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [4]
Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [5]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
The Golden Path [1]
The Human Cycle [12]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Life Divine [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Uniting Men [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
89 result/s found for World Union

... sudden evolutionary progress, a not easily foreseeable leap, saltus , which will make another and greater solution of our human destiny feasible. In the first idea and form of a beginning of world-union which took the shape of the League of Nations, although there were errors in the structure such as the insistence on unanimity which tended to sterilise, to limit or to obstruct the practical action... develop Page 584 friendly relations with each other. Even a World-State in which both could keep their own institutions and sit in a common assembly might come into being and a single world-union on this foundation would not be impossible. This development is indeed the final outcome which the foundation of the U.N.O. presupposes; for the present organisation cannot be itself final, it is... peoples, a drawing together for self-defensive combination of the nations of this continent; such an eventuality of large continental combinations might even be a stage in the final formation of a world-union. This possibility has tended to take shape to a certain extent with a celerity that could not then be anticipated. In the two American continents it has actually assumed a predominating and practical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... help to go on. But that's all. It has nothing to do with yoga or spiritual progress or anything of the kind—it was a strictly practical organization. It was not the same thing as World Union. Page 183 World Union wanted to do 'a spiritual work on earth' and to create 'human unity.' I told them, 'You are taking something of an inward nature and you want to externalize it, so naturally it ... recently been sent to her. Pavitra is present and shows Mother a brochure he has received, 'World Goodwill Bulletin,' and protests against this proliferation of movements all claiming to work towards 'world union,' and proselytes making so-called 'spiritual' propaganda without having found, within and by themselves, the true spiritual foundation. Mother goes on. ) But these people just can't get out of... sending your message to so-and-so, they MUST come here, they HAVE to meet you.' Oh!... 'I'm going away!' I said to myself, 'I'm going to hide somewhere.' I've had enough. It began with this famous World Union 1 and now the Sri Aurobindo Society 2 is meddling in it! They have put together a brochure saying, 'We will facilitate your relations with the Mother'!! Luckily, the draft was sent to me ...


... m towards co-operation; the British Commonwealth of England and the Dominions is something unique and unprecedented, a beginning of new things in that direction: she is moving in idea towards a world-union of some kind in which aggression is to be made impossible; her new generation has no longer the old firm belief in mission and empire; she has offered India Dominion independence-or even sheer isolated... independent peoples of India? That would be the result of weighing old happenings in the scales of modern ideals. As a matter of fact such an empire was a step in the right direction then, just as world-union of free peoples would be a step in the right direction now,-in both cases the right consequences of a terrific slaughter. . . .     We should remember that conquest and rule over... accepted, and right use made of it, putting aside all discords and divisions. I hope too that friendly relations between Britain and India replacing the past struggles, will be a step towards a greater world union in which, as a free nation, her spiritual force will contribute to build for mankind a better and happier life. In this light, I offer my public adhesion, in case it can be of any help in your work ...

... the idea of an organisation called "World Union". After the necessary preliminary work, the first committee met in 1960 under the chairmanship of Surendra Mohan Ghose, and since then World Union has established numerous branches in India and abroad, and held several triennial world conferences. While the Mother as Founder-President was the soul of the World Union movement, the sustained drive was provided... taken - even in defiance of logic and common sense. Here was an instance of Faith really moving mountains! IX The year 1960 also saw the firm launching of two Ashram-based movements, "World Union" and "Sri Aurobindo Society", with the Mother as President of both and as the main inspiration behind them. In one of his Arya sequences, The Ideal of Human Unity, published during 1915-18,... features and dangerous possibilities" in the current situation, "the drive of Nature, the compulsion of circumstances and the present and future need of mankind" made inevitable "some kind of world union". 25 This was of course linked up with Sri Aurobindo's vision of the future marked by a global spread of India's spiritual knowledge and an evolutionary leap that would lift human consciousness ...


... anything! One day when you have time, I would like to ask you a question. Ask it. It isn't a personal question, but something that has been troubling me a little. It's about World Union 5 ... Oh, World Union!... What troubles you? Listen, mon petit, you don't need to ask, I will tell you right away. Sri Aurobindo has written somewhere that the movement of world transformation is double:... for example: he fastened onto Sri Aurobindo's phrase, 'World Union,' and came to tell me he wanted.... He has been like that since the beginning ( gesture expressing agitation ), and he had a go at a considerable number of things—but none ever succeeded! He has no method, no sense of order and he doesn't know how to organize work. So World Union is simply to let him have his way, like letting a horse... been receiving letters from everywhere, including America, asking for the text of this sensational speech in which he apparently spoke of 'human unity'). So Z returned with the idea of forming a 'World Union,' and J. and Z met. Furthermore, they were encouraged by S.M. 7 and even by the Prime Minister, 8 who probably had a special liking for Z and had given him a lot of encouragement. That's how ...


... The Ideal of Human Unity - II The Human Cycle Chapter XXXI The Conditions of a Free World-Union A free world-union must in its very nature be a complex unity based on a diversity and that diversity must be based on free self-determination. A mechanical unitarian system would regard in its idea the geographical groupings of men as so many conveniences... the condition of things in which alone a free world-union would be possible, these difficulties and disadvantages would cease to operate. Military necessity of forced union for strength of defence or for power of aggression would be non-existent, because war would no longer be possible; force as the arbiter of international differences and a free world-union are two quite incompatible ideas and practically... could not be the proper instrument of a free world-union of this large and complex kind; it could only be the instrument of a unitarian World-State. The idea of a world-federation, if by that be understood the Germanic or American form, would be equally inappropriate to the greater diversity and freedom of national development which this type of world-union would hold as one of its cardinal principles ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... definition, which can serve also as a motto and a programme. A world union based on the fact of human unity realizing the truth of the Spirit. With blessings. April 1964 I want to tell you that from the higher vision, the whole world is advancing rapidly towards a radical change, and, if properly conducted, the World Union may have a special place in this change. 24 July 1964 ... old slavery to falsehood, wants to take birth. In all countries there are people who know it, at least feel it. To them we call: "Will you collaborate?" 1 1972 MESSAGES TO WORLD UNION 2 The World is a unity—it has always been, and it is always so, even now it is so—it is not that it has not got the unity and the unity has to be brought in from outside and imposed upon... consciousness must be firmly established but Page 62 also a new process must be found before anything truly effective can be done. 15 January 1961 To those concerned with World Union work All your differences are purely mental, and, in spite of the great importance you seem to give to them, they are, in fact, of very little importance, and could easily be overcome if each ...


... sudden evolutionary progress, a not easily foreseeable leap, saltus , which will make another and greater solution of our human destiny feasible. In the first idea and form of a beginning of world-union which took the shape of the League of Nations, although there were errors in the structure such as the insistence on unanimity which tended to sterilise, to limit or to obstruct the practical action... exist side by side and develop friendly relations with each other. Even a World-State in which both could keep their own institutions and sit in a common assembly might come into being and a single world-union on this foundation would not be impossible. This development is indeed the final outcome which the foundation of the U.N.O. presupposes; for the present organisation cannot be itself final, it is... peoples a drawing together for self-defensive combination of the nations of this continent; such an eventuality of large continental combinations might even be a stage in the final formation of a world-union. This possibility has tended to take shape to a certain extent with a celerity that could not then be anticipated. In the two American continents it has actually assumed a predominating and practical ...

... peoples, a drawing together for a self-defensive combination of the nations of this continent; such an eventuality of large continental combinations might even be a stage in the final formation of a world-union. This possibility has tended to take shape to a certain extent with a celerity that could not then be anticipated. In the two American continents it has actually assumed a predominating and practical... At present three of Russia’s former satellites are member states of the European Union … An important aspect of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s Work was the building up of a global unity, a world-union. According to them, the unification (in diversity) of humanity was an essential requisite for the supramental realisation. The following quotations will speak more eloquently than any comment can... organic unity manifest and reveal the necessity and create the will for a closer and organised union and this shock came with the Great War [i.e. the First World War]: The idea of a World-State or world-union has been born not only in the speculating forecasting mind of the thinker but in the consciousness of humanity out of the very necessity of this new common existence. The World-State must now either ...

... cooperation; the British Commonwealth of England and the Dominions is something unique and unprecedented, a beginning of new things in that direction. She is turning in spirit in the direction of a world-union of some kind after the war; her new generation no longer believes in an "imperial mission"; she has offered India Dominion Independence (even, if she prefers it, she can choose or pass on to isolated... she may retire again into a selfish isolationism after the war and so destroy or delay the chance of Page 214 a possible beginning that may lead eventually to some beginning of a free world-union. But still there again is the evolutionary force. Is there a similar trend on the part of the Axis? The answer is plain enough both from their own declarations and their behaviour. Avowedly and openly... out of place, but it would be a natural result of weighing ancient happenings in the scales of modern ideals. As a matter of fact, such an empire was a step in the right direction then, just as a world-union of free peoples would be a step in the right direction now,—and in both cases the right consequences of a terrific slaughter. Who are the people who have such a tenderness for Hitler and object ...


... Madhavji suddenly asked me whether I was willing to be a member of the World Union Executive Committee, without much to do, but just to attend the meetings. He knew that I was preoccupied in the Auroville work. On getting my assent he asked the Mother immediately, in the next few' minutes, and I became a member of the World Union Committee with Mother's happy approval. As far as I remember, I attended... fact it was his 65th anniversary. He grew to be a Secretary of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. He was also actively associated in the work of the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. The World Union had him as its Chairman. An erudite scholar, he has written about a hundred books on Yoga, Tantra, Vedas, Upanishads, etc. He Page 17 had a large number of admirers, a good number ...

... necessary group-freedom can be preserved and yet the unification of the human race achieved, is to strive not towards a closely organised World-State, but towards a free, elastic and progressive world-union. If this is to be done, we shall have to discourage the almost inevitable tendency which must lead any unification by political, economic and administrative means, in a word, by the force of machinery... territory, world-wide influence and international responsibilities of the successful empires. Still, certain very important results could not but be gained which must make in the end for a free world-union. The most important of these, the result of the Russian Revolution born out of the war and its battle-cry of free nationality but contingent on the success and maintenance of the revolutionary principle... n of distinct nationalities with a claim to the recognition of their separate existence and legitimate voice in the affairs of the world, which makes for the strengthening of the idea of a free world-union as the ultimate solution of international problems. The fourth is the definite recognition by the British nation of the qualified principle of free nationality in the inevitable reorganisation of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... a mishmash. As for me, I would have rejected it [ World-Union ] altogether, but there are in it those who started the whole affair: there are three persons through whom I do something—not this! ( the issue of "World-Union" ) Something else, of which they themselves are very little aware. (They are very interested in this [ the "World-Union" brochure ], not me!) So I didn't quite declare, "I don't... tell the truth, we always want to go too fast. But that's because the notion of time is in everyone's mind—they're wearisome. ( Before Satprem leaves, Mother gives him the latest issue of "World-Union," a magazine launched by some Ashram disciples. ) Page 325 It makes me uneasy. I know what you mean! It even makes some people here furious. Because it's published from here (most ...


... supposed to take, till the school closed." The Mother asked me to work in The World Union Organisation. I began my work. It was raining heavily when I attended the first meeting. The Mother gave me leaves of Sweet Marjoram, "New Birth", and said with certitude: Today is the new Birth of the World Union. Distribute these leaves to people present there. I handed the leaves to the organisers... organisers with the Mother's message. I worked for some time in the office of World Union according to the Mother's wish. During the work she encouraged me. But I never felt easy with my work, because it was not my real work. I was given numerous clippings from newspapers and psalms from the Bible—in extremely small print. I had to type forty to fifty pages, whose sense I could hardly understand. The... this Truth must unite with the Supreme Truth. One of the organisers came to persuade me to resume the work. I politely refused, and that was the end. However, the following message given to World Union by the Mother appealed to me very much: The World is a unity—it has always been, and it is always so, even now it is so—it is not that it has not got the unity and the unity has to be brought ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 August 26, 1967 ( Regarding the group "World Union" ) This World Union, oh, how outmoded they are!... There are hundreds and hundreds of such groups that chatter, do nothing and change absolutely nothing whatsoever. Yes, it has always seemed to me childishness and chatter. Oh!... Moreover... started it! They did it under the pretext he was dishonest, but still he was the founder after all. He had gone to Russia, and it was in Russia that the idea of World Union came to him. So four or five of them came together to form this World Union, and fifteen days later they started quarrelling—a year later they threw out the one who had founded it! Then it was the turn of S., who, at least, has some ...


... worsened the stupidity of the atmosphere very seriously. Then there are the others, that World-Union—as for them, from the first day (there were five members), from the first day, they have all been quarreling among themselves, they've never stopped quarreling! I told them it was a strange beginning for a "World-Union"—individually they all agreed with this, but they all went on quarreling! And it's still... ey decided. And then, M. has withdrawn. She has written to me today to tell me, "I believe I cannot do anything more in World-Union." If you put the two things together, it's rather funny: the others write to ask me to be president, and M. withdraws—"I cannot work for World-Union anymore." Anyway, it's a mishmash—you know, like mash for chickens. But what makes it worse is that there were too ...


... m towards co-operation; the British Commonwealth of England and the Dominions is something unique and unprecedented, a beginning of new things in that direction: she is moving in idea towards a world-union of some kind in which aggression is to be made impossible; her new generation has no longer the old firm belief in mission and empire; she has offered India Dominion independence—or even sheer isolated... India? Page 466 That would be the result of weighing old happenings in the scales of modern ideals. As a matter of fact such an empire was a step in the right direction then, just as a world-union of free peoples would be a step in the right direction now,—in both cases the right consequences of a terrific slaughter.... We should remember that conquest and rule over subject peoples were ...


... peace in the world or upon earth, first establish peace in your heart. Page 119 "If you want union in the world, first unify the different parts of your own being. That went to "World-Union"! 2 A last note or reflection of Mother's on her present yoga: "When, through those around me, the outer world tries to impose its will on the rhythm of the inner life, it creates... the bank of the Lake, west of Pondicherry, where a model farm and cultivation are planned. × World-Union : a group for the union of the world, launched by a few disunited disciples. ...


... respect of the concept of nation and nationalism, and it is even sometimes suggested that in the coming days of internationalism, globalisation and larger aggregation in the formation of a possible world union, nations and nationalities will be overpassed and the world will enter into post-national stage of existence. This debate and conclusion need to be considered seriously in the light of the real truth... which they will remain free but mutually interdependent, and this, in turn, will provide the form of world unity that is supportive and not destructive of the nations. Sri Aurobindo speaks of a world union of free nations, each having status of equality, and all contributing through their distinctive capacities to the fund of richness and variety at the global level. Page 106 Sri Aurobindo ...

... m towards co-operation; the British Commonwealth of England and the Dominions is something unique and unprecedented, a beginning of new things in that direction: she is moving in idea towards a world-union of some kind in which aggression is to be made impossible; her new generation has no longer the old firm belief in mission and empire; she has offered India Dominion independence—or even sheer isolated... independent peoples of India? That would be the result of weighing old happenings in the scales of modern ideals. As a matter of fact such an empire was a step in the right direction then, just as a world-union of free peoples would be a step in the right direction now,—in both cases the right consequences of a terrific slaughter. . . . We should remember that conquest and rule over subject peoples were ...

... 31 January 1965 Gracious Mother, My body and mind are very tired. How can I continue unless I learn to work without exerting myself? Getting the first issue of the World Union journal out of the Press and the next issue in at the same time, as well as trying to keep the Book Stock work going smoothly—and at night the group exercises! Mother, can't you teach me how... live in the peace of the Lord as you told me on my birthday? The impulse for work must come from within or above, not from the pressure of outer circumstances and wills. If the work of the World Union journal is a strain YOU MUST STOP IT—let somebody else take it up. The work assigned to you is the maintenance of the "Book Stock" and that, that alone, you can do without straining yourself. ...

... Living in The Presence Seminar Of World Union Madhav Pandit once asked me to prepare a programme on the occasion of a seminar of the World Union. On the day of the programme, at around half past two, dark menacing clouds filled the sky and a huge downpour started. The rain continued ceaselessly. In those conditions, it was impossible ...


... where true maternity begins 178 mankind's phoenix hour 179 (cf 621) basis of men-women equality 180, 437-40, 592, 603, 626 race of supermen 180-2, 542, 619-21, 636, 670, 749 world union through uniformity 186-7 on the ground of the Spirit 187-8, 192, 303, 614-5, 633, 717-8 nations as souls or aspects of Mahashakti 451 religions and the supramental creation 188, 633-5... Swami 15 Werner Haubrich (Saumitra) 674 ,. The Wherefore of the Worlds 110, 120, 127 Wilson, Margaret see Nishtha Wilson, President Woodrow 398 Wordsworth, William 5-6, 111, 484, 514 World Union 573, 685-6, 755 Wretched of the Earth, The 773 Yogic Sadhan 91 Yoga Sutras 192 Younghusband, Sir Francis 409 Zen Buddhism 153, 193ff, 288 Zir Naidu 47, 131 Zola, Emile 21fn Zoroaster ...


... greater world union in which, as a free nation, her spiritual force will contribute to build for mankind a better and happier life. In this light, I offer public adhesion, in case it can be of any help in your work. India's future - the need for unity of purpose and action - the future of Indo-British relations - the future of global unity - and India's role in a World Union, all are ...

... The Ideal of Human Unity - II The Human Cycle Chapter XXII World-Union or World-State This, then, in principle is the history of the growth of the State. It is a history of strict unification by the development of a central authority and of a growing uniformity in administration, legislation, social and economic life and culture and the chief means of... should make this subtle organic unity manifest and reveal the necessity and create the will for a closer and organised union, and this shock came with the Great War. The idea of a World-State or world-union has been born not only in the speculating forecasting mind of the thinker, but in the consciousness of humanity out of the very necessity of this new common existence. The World-State must now... that reason two alternative possibilities and therefore two ideals present themselves, a World-State founded upon the principle of centralisation and uniformity, a mechanical and formal unity, or a world-union Page 463 founded upon the principle of liberty and variation in a free and intelligent unity. These two ideals and possibilities we have successively to consider. Page 464 ...

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... th of England and the Dominions is something unique and unprecedented, a beginning of new things in that direction. Page 98 She is turning in spirit in the direction of a world-union of some kind after the war; her new generation no longer believes in an “imperial mission “; she has offered India Dominion independence, or even if she prefers it she can choose or press on to... is that she may retire again into a selfish isolationism after the war and so destroy or delay the chance of a possible beginning that they may [lead eventually] to [some] beginning of a free world-union. But still there again is the evolutionary force. Is there a similar trend on the part of the Axis? The answer is plain enough both from their own declarations and their behaviour. Avowedly and... of place, but it would be a natural result of weighing ancient happenings in the scales of modern ideals. As a matter of fact such an empire was a step in the right direction then, just as a world-union of free peoples would be a step in the right direction now – and in both cases the right consequences of a terrific slaughter. 7 I don’t see why Hitler should _______________ ...

... diversity and richness of interchange. But this can happen only if humanity and not only leading powers but all the nations join together to create a World Union of free nations. We have to realise the peril of the World-State as opposed to World Union; for if it comes about, the nation as we know it might disappear and strict unification would come to be imposed; a vast uniformity would come to rule;... equality, and fraternity, but also their psychological, ethical and spiritual implications, internationalism may run the risk of falling into the peril of the idea of the World-State. The cause of the world union of free nations would then come to be injured. Therefore, we have to integrate internationalism with the religion of humanity. But, again, religion of humanity must not be construed in the image ...

... mock of the narrow loyalties of their progenitors. In the history of nations, economic centralisation has usually preceded legislative, social, administrative and political centralisation. Cannot a world-union too come into existence in much the same way and develop in due course into a world-state? But, then, will not a world-state prove a veritable Frankenstein monster for individuals and individual... spiritual age, human thought and action transfigured by the infusion of the consciousness of oneness and harmony. The grand argument of The Ideal of Human Unity leads to a similar conclusion. In a world-union or a world-state, it is not 'administrative' or 'military' support that will sustain the world community; a "religion of humanity" may, perhaps, produce better results, but what is basic to any religion... inner meaning of religion, and it is that to which the religion of humanity also must arrive before it can fulfil itself in the life of the race. 49 The many favourable factors towards world-union - an appreciation of the closeness of common interests; the force of increasing cosmopolitanism, the move for an international framework for consultation, deliberation and arbitration, the psychological ...

... this boy (a young disciple who regularly asks Mother questions). What does he want? "Sweet Mother, why, even in the Ashram do they want to form little groups and societies, for example, World Union, New Age, etc.? What is their raison d'être?" "Raison d'etre"! (laughing) Does it have a "raison d'etre"?... I'm simply going to answer him: "Because men like to form groups." Very simply... and hands over his notebook) "It's because men still imagine that to do something useful, they have to form groups. It's a caricature of organization." That's enough, isn't it? World Union!... They really imagined that they were going to make humanity progress!... But when I tell people that the creation of a city such as Auroville has more weight in the history of the earth than ...

... final result was leading towards this passage. This much could be said for it that if such a combination of two so disparate peoples and cultures proved to be possible, the greater question of a world-union would begin to bear a less remote appearance. 3 Page 336 × All this, provided the Empire continues... was necessary to the theme. The failure of that possible experiment to come anywhere near realisation is an illustration of the fact that this intermediate stage in the progress towards a total world-union presents difficulties which make it almost impossible. Its place has been taken by such agglomerations as the Commonwealth, the Soviet Union and such possibilities as the proposed United States of ...

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... violent Indian assailant of a materialistic Europe or the contemptuous enemy or cold disparager of Asiatic or Indian culture agree to ignore.’ 34 3. World-Unity ‘The third dream was a world-union forming the outer basis of a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind. That unification of the human world is under way; there is an imperfect initiation organised but struggling against... but it is now becoming aware of that fundamental unity. This awareness is indispensable, said Sri Aurobindo, to realize the following step in its evolution. The idea of ‘a soundly organised world-union or World-State no longer on the principle of strife and competition, but on a principle of co-operation or mutual adjustment or at least of competition regulated by law and equity and just interchange’ ...


... to receive and then suddenly it all comes—but usually there's no tape-recorder! I have replied endlessly, I have given all sorts of explanations about the organization of the School, about World Union , 4 about the true way to organize industry (its true functioning)—so many things! If all that were compiled we could publish brochures! Sometimes I've spoken three-quarters of an hour non-stop... publicly reply to questions put to her by the disciples assembled at the Ashram Playground. × World Union —a 'movement' launched through the personal initiative of a disciple. ...


... notebook of a young disciple who regularly puts questions to Mother ). What does he ask? "Sweet Mother, why are we, in the Ashram itself, inclined to create small groups and societies, such as 'World Union', 'New Age', etc.? What is their purpose?" Purpose! ( Laughing ) Do they have a purpose?... I'll simply answer him, "Because men are fond of forming groups." Quite simply, nothing else to say... out the notebook ) "Because men still imagine that in order to do anything useful, they must gather together in groups. It is the caricature of organization." It will do, won't it? World Union!... They really did imagine they were going to make humanity progress!... But when I tell people that the creation of a city like Auroville has more weight in the earth's history than all the groups ...


... autocracy of the Labourite despotism. That freedom, which was put aside or crushed earlier, has now emerged, and this is bound to provide added force and strength to the movement towards the free world union in which the principle of free self determination must be a preliminary movement. The modern world has, however, grown increasingly commercial in character. A powerful impulsion of our times... no intuitive soul of knowledge has yet come to his surface of consciousness which could make this basic full ness of life a condition that exceed it.''* Unity of life, unity of humanity, a world union has become a necessity; but this unity must not be uniformity; it must not be mechanical; it must be fully diverse and harmonious. Reason can not realise this goal; it has laboured intensely for ...


... accepted, and right use made of it, putting aside all discords and divisions. I hope too that friendly relations between Britain and India replacing the past struggles, will be a step towards a greater world union in which, as a free nation, her spiritual force will contribute to build for mankind a better and happier life. In this light, I offer my public adhesion, in case it can be of any help in your work... India's growing role and place in the council of nations. We can see that the dream has been largely fulfilled and can foresee the increasing possibilities of the future. The third dream was 'a world-union forming the outer basis of a fairer brighter nobler life for all mankind'. Sri Aurobindo admits that there are formidable difficulties standing in the way but declares that 'unification is a necessity ...


... catastrophe; or, hopefully, the crisis might be resolved and a truthful world order might emerge. Was it to be world-destruction - or world-redemption? Whether it was to be the one or the other - world union and human harmony and the triumph of the Spirit, or human discord and nuclear war and the triumph of the Lord of Death - must depend upon our choice, whether as individuals, nations or continents... multifoliate organisation and functioning of the Ashram and its many institutions and establishments. 32 From 12 to 16 August, a World Conference and Seminar was held under the auspices of World Union, and there were sections on the Philosophy of Education, Education for the Whole Man, Integration of Humanities and Science, and the Role of Parents and Teachers. The deliberations were inspired ...


... right use made of it, putting aside all discords and divisions. I hope too that friendly relations between Britain and India replacing the past struggles, will be a step towards a greater world union in which, as a free nation, her spiritual force will contribute to build for mankind a better and happier life. In this light, I offer my public adhesion, in case it can be of any help in your... an energy and ability which already indicate the measure of her possibilities and the place she can take in the council of the nations. Page 234 "The third dream was a world-union forming the outer basis of a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind. That uni­fication of the human world is under way; there is an imperfect initiation organised but struggling against ...


... reminisced about the paper business days also remembering our mutual friend, the late Marilyn Widman, from New York City, who had lived in the Ashram for many years and worked for Sri A.B. Patel in the World Union publication offices. The three of us used to sit in the Government Park and talk about sadhana and people as we watched the myriad forms of life move past us engaged in their repeated daily round ...


... finally to exceed himself: he has to enlarge his partial being into a complete being, his partial consciousness into an integral consciousness; he has to achieve mastery of his environment but also world-union and world-harmony; he has to realise his individuality but also to enlarge it into a cosmic self and a universal and spiritual delight of existence. A transformation, a chastening and correction ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... evolution of the nation that this international unification must culminate or at least is likely to culminate in one of two forms. There is likely to be either a centralised World-State or a looser world-union which may be either a close federation or a simple confederacy of the peoples for the common ends of mankind. The last form is the most desirable, because it gives sufficient scope for the principle ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... by the war, full of risks and sufferings and shortages and threatening another catastrophe which can only be solved by the united effort of the peoples and can only be truly met by an effort at world-union such as was conceived at San Francisco but has not till now been very successful in the practice; still the effort has to be continued and new devices found which will make easier the difficult ...


... accepted and the right use made of it putting aside all discords and divisions. I hope too that a friendly relation between Britain and India replacing past struggles will be a step towards a greater world union in which as a free nation her spiritual force will contribute to build for mankind a better and happier life. In this light I offer my public adhesion in case it can be of any help in your work. ...


... the spiritual message will reach Europe. That is why I chose France for my birth, although I am not French. 1 Dear X , In October 1961 I had written to Mother regarding my impending World Union tour in Africa. I had referred to the many new nations entering their freedom and independence. Did she have a message for these peoples? With the words "Will this help you?", she gave me the following: ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... war 12-3, 33-9, 93, 117 water 15, 22-3, 134, 147 work 31, 49-50, 178-82, 189-91, 211, 220-4, 227-30 World Union 51 Y, Z yoga 66-8, 110 zones 16-21 Page 256 ...

... danger because I did not want you to feel it. 19 July 1967 Sweet Mother, Why is it that in the Ashram itself people feel the need to form little groups and societies: for example, World Union, New Age Association, etc.? What is their purpose? It is because men still imagine that to do something useful, they have to form groups. It is the caricature of organisation. 20 September ...


... was very interesting. Good people, oh, very good, and quite a... not an elementary but a simplistic mentality, so it has taken that form. They came to India (because they're also in touch with "World Union"), and they came because they wanted to meet me. First I said, "Oh, there's no need at all." Then I was told they had come all the way to see me, so I said all right. Good people, you know, thoroughly ...


... sole ideals that can make one harmonious country of all the countries constituting the world. If India wishes to be great by fulfilling her true genius and if she wishes to be the missionary of a world-union, no flag but this can ever be the symbol of her victorious emergence as an independent nation. Page 38 ...

... accepted and the right use made of it putting aside all discords and divisions. I hope too that a friendly relation between Britain and India replacing past struggles will be a step towards a greater world-union in which as a free nation her spiritual force will contribute to build for mankind a better and happier life. In this light I offer my public adhesion in case it can be of any Page 145 ...


... accepted, and right use made of it, putting aside all discords and divisions. I hope too that friendly relations between Britain and India replacing the past struggles, will be a step towards a greater world union in which, as a free nation, her spiritual force will contribute to build for mankind a better and happier life. In this light, I offer public adhesion, in case it can be of any help to your work ...

... play and has begun to play it with an energy and ability which already indicate the measure of her possibilities and the place she can take in the council of the nations. The third dream was a world-union forming the outer basis of a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind. That unification of the human world is under way; there is an imperfect initiation organised but struggling against ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... flag charged with India's spiritual mission, the mission of rendering victorious the Divine Mother, the infinite Self and Shakti. In this symbolism is the promise both of India's own unity and of a world-union; for, the genuine indefeasible oneness can come only of a sense in all men of the one God who is their true reality." Leena Dowsett, a sadhika, was our captain; she was training a few beginners ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... and all its structure. 9 According to Sri Aurobindo, the world is a mutable world and uncertainties and dangers cannot be avoided. But he places before us a vision of the way in which a World-Union could come into being that would ensure the freedom and perfection of the individual and the freedom of nationalities could be ensured in a world federation. Perils are on the way, but Sri Aurobindo ...

... forefront. It can be said that India can make the most important contribution to the growth and development of internationalism, unity of religions and spiritual disciplines, to the creation of a world union which can emphasise the freedom of each nation and the principle of decentralisation. Realising India's Indianness, India can fulfil its Indiannesss by embracing the totality of humanity and by regaining ...

... exceed himself. He has to enlarge his partial being into a complete being, his partial consciousness into an integral consciousness. He has to achieve mastery of his environment, but also world Page 14 union and world harmony. He has to realize his individuality, but also to enlarge into a cosmic self and a universal and process of a transformation, a chastening and correction of all that ...

... Correspondence Maude Smith's Correspondence with The Mother 29 July 1967 Mother, A.B. has asked me if I would be willing to be a vice-president of World Union. I do not see the necessity of your taking up this burden. Since my experiences in America I have not had much faith in the organisational approach as a means of changing the world, unless ...

... Aurobindo's message on August 15, 1947 (On the day Indian became independent, Sri Aurobindo described the five dreams he had for the future of humanity.) The third dream was a world-union forming the outer basis of a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind. That unification of the human world is under way; there is an imperfect initiation organised but struggling against ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... Vision of Spiritual Society 301 Part V The Turn Towards Unity 310 Unity in Diversity, Law and Liberty 317 The Peril of the World-State 325 The Conditions of a Free World-Union 334 Spiritual Religion of Humanity 344 A Postscript Chapter 347 Part VI Supermind and Humanity 365 Supermind in the Evolution 377 Man and the Supermind 385 ...

... divers divisive nationalist labels and seek a 'world citizenship' in a world polity as visualised in Sri Aurobindo's seminal treatise. The Ideal of Human Unity. With this very end in view, the 'World Union' movement was to be launched by A. B. Patel, with its headquarters in the Ashram and the Mother as President. V The merger of Pondicherry with India was to forge still closer the links ...


... (formerly Bulletin of Physical Education) (Quarterly) since 1949 Mother India (Monthly since 1951- originally fortnightly) since 1949 Srinvantu (Quarterly) Calcutta, since 1953 World Union (Quarterly, then Monthly, now Quarterly) since 1961 Sri Aurobindo's Action (Monthly) since 1970 All India Magazine (Monthly) Sri Aurobindo Society, since 1971 Service Letter ...


... play and has begun to play it with an energy and ability which already indicate the measure of her possibilities and the place she can take in the council of the nations. The third dream was a world-union forming the outer basis of a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind. That unification of the human world is under way; there is an imperfect initiation organised but struggling against ...


... and has begun to play it with an energy and ability which already indicate the measure of her possibilities and the place she can take in the council of the nations. The third dream was a world-union forming the outer basis of a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind. That unification of the human world is under way; there is an Page 24 imperfect initiation organised ...


... play and has begun to play it with an energy and ability which already indicate the measure of her possibilities and the place she can take in the council of the nations. The third dream was a world-union forming the outer basis of a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind. That unification of the human world is under way; there is an imperfect initiation organised but struggling against ...


... in view, in the second because whatever legitimate claim any nation might have upon others, such as necessities of economic well-being and expansion, would be arranged for in a soundly organised world-union or world-state no longer on the principle of strife and competition, but on a principle of cooperation or mutual adjustment or at least of competition regulated by law and equity and just interchange ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... least forceful fusing and welding of mankind into a single vast nation and centralised world-state with many provinces or to its aggregation under a more complex, loose and flexible system into a world-union of free nationalities. If the former more rigorous idea or tendency or need dominated, we must have a period of compression, constriction, negation of national and individual liberties as in the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... But the main suggestions put forward in the book remain unaffected, or rather acquire a more pressing actuality. The two great difficulties which attend the incipience of this first stage of loose world-union will still be, first, the difficulty of bringing into one system the few great Page 273 Empires remaining, few but immensely increased in power, influence and the extent of their res ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... The Ideal of Human Unity - II The Human Cycle Chapter XXIII Forms of Government The idea of a world-union of free nations and empires, loose at first, but growing closer-knit with time and experience, seems at first sight the most practicable form of political unity; it is the only form indeed which would be immediately practicable, supposing the will ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... was much more dangerous, the peril of decay Page 560 and devitalisation which the diminution of the natural elements of free variation and helpful struggle brought with it. A complete world-union would have indeed this advantage that it would have no need to fear forces from without, for no such forces would any longer exist. But this very absence of outer pressure might well give greater ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... a moral principle, than the aggressive nationalism which was all the international result of the French Revolution; it has a greater meaning for the future. For it belongs to a future of free world-union in which precisely this principle of free self-determination must be either the preliminary movement or the main final result, to an arrangement of things in which the world will have done with war ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... Secret of the Veda and The Foundations of Indian Culture. His comprehensive writings on yoga, on the evolution of social and political institutions, on the desirability and possibility of a World Union, on literary criticism, his exegeses of Indian scriptural literature, his scintillating letters on a variety of life-problems, and his literary output which finds its crowning achievement in ...


... or partly subject parts are moving through whatever struggles towards freedom. Only a little has to be done and that will be done today or tomorrow’ – as indeed it has. ‘The third dream was a world-union forming the outer basis of a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind. That unification of the human world is under way … The momentum is there and it must inevitably increase and conquer ...

... said that India can make the most important contribution to the growth and development of internationalism, unity of religions and spiritual disciplines, Page 447 to the creation of a world union which can emphasise the freedom of each nation and the principle of decentralisation. Realising India's Indianness, India can fulfil its Indianness by embracing the totality of humanity and by regaining ...

... being into a complete being, his partial consciousness into an integral spiritual and supramental consciousness. At the same time, he is obliged to achieve mastery over his environment, but also world-union and world-harmony. He has to realize his individuality but also to enlarge himself into a cosmic self and undergo a process of a transformation, a chastening and correction of all that is obscure ...

... finally to exceed himself: he has to change his partial being into a complete being, his partial consciousness into an integral consciousness; he has to achieve mastery of his environment but also world-union and world-harmony; he has to realise his individuality but also to enlarge it into a cosmic self and a universal and spiritual delight of existence. A transformation, a chastening and correction ...

... play and has begun to play it with an energy and ability which already indicate the measure of her possibilities and the place she can take in the council of the nations. The third dream was a world-union forming the outer basis of a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind. That unification of the human world is under way; there is an imperfect initiation organised but struggling against ...


... ten years ago—new images, new ways of looking at things, a new seeing, a new sense of relationship, unity and harmony, a new direction. Almost immediately I think: "This would be good for the World Union journal" or "I wish everyone could read this" or some other utilitarian idea. The last few days I have begun to feel that such thinking almost shuts a door on my receptivity and limits my absorption ...

... more and more clear to me that if there is nothing really but the One; if all our seemingly separate existences and actions are only an appearance, then the only way to do anything effective for World Union is first to get out of the consciousness of appearances and onto the Other Side, into the Reality. Until then all our attitudes, our speech, our planning and our relationships are superficial ...

... ence Maude Smith's Correspondence with The Mother 22 June 1963 Mother, Several months ago I started helping M with the proof-reading for the World Union journal. I have continued to do this, feeling rather responsible for it, especially trying to have the manuscripts in proper condition before they go to the Press. I like it, but it takes a lot of ...

... Maude Smith's Correspondence Maude Smith's Correspondence with The Mother 10 July 1964 Mother, Regarding the repainting of the World Union office—is it all right to use the same colours we had when you visited the office at its opening? The outside gray and white, of course. The courtyards white. Inside—white walls, pale blue ceilings ...

... by the war, full of risks and sufferings and shortages and threatening another catastrophe which can only be solved by the united effort of the peoples and can only be truly met by an effort at world-union such as was conceived at San Francisco but has not till now been very successful in the practice; still the effort has to be continued and new devices found which will make easier the difficult ...

... play and has begun to play it with an energy and ability which already indicate the measure of her possibilities and the place she can take in the council of the nations. The third dream was a world-union forming the outer basis of a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind. That unification of the human world is under way; there is an imperfect initiation organised but struggling against ...

... harmonious diversity. Whatever the legal difficulties, this concept of double citizenship was a challenge to the reign of national egoisms, and was to lead, with the launching of the "World Union" movement with its headquarters in the Ashram, to the imaginative concept of world citizenship as well. It was also on 1 November 1954 that the Mother distributed the "Spiritual Flag of ...

... and aggregate, 481; uniformity not the law in life or mind, 482; society and state, 482; limitations of the organised state, 482; egoism of the national state, 482-3; possibility of World Union, 483; Nature's way of building up aggregates, 484; religion of country or nationalism, 484; free association preferable to compulsion, 484; external support less important than subjective readiness ...

... a monthly. The Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (originally 'Bulletin of Physical Education'), a Quarterly in English-French-Hindi, since February 1949. World Union, a Quarterly Journal. Equals One (=1), a Quarterly Journal of Auroville. Gazette Aurovilienne, a bi-monthly report. Sri Aurobindo's Action, a monthly Journal. All India ...

... purposeful proliferation of the Ashram activities; the unnoticed supramental descent and manifestation in February 1956; the incorporation of ancillary organisations like Sri Aurobindo Society and World Union with their progressive outgrowth in scattered branches all over the subcontinent and beyond; the Mother's acceptance of 'illness' of one or another kind as a concession to the human condition, and ...


... and right use made of it, putting aside all discords and divisions. I hope too that friendly relations between Britain and India replacing the past struggles, will be a step towards a greater world union in which, as a free nation, her spiritual force will tribute to build for mankind a better and happier life. In this light, offer my public adhesion, in case it can be of any help in your work ...


... and an international authority, effective enough to carry out the decisions of the United Nations was brought into being. Sri Aurobindo envisaging the possibilities saw several' forms which world-union could assume. The first business of such an organisation would be to establish uniformity of control in international life—a thing very badly needed at the present time. Two principles are fundamental ...

... with the worlds or cosmic states of being which correspond to them; all the psychic powers abnormal to physical man, but natural to the soul develop in us. Finally, at the summit of the ascension, this arising and expanding energy meets with the superconscient self which sits concealed behind and above our physical and mental existence; this meeting leads to a profound samadhi of union in which our... the consciousness by which it is lost to all outward mental activity in the oneness of Samadhi. The real object of this mental discipline is to draw away the mind from the outward and the mental world into union with the divine Being. Therefore in the first three stages use has to be made of some mental means or support by which the mind, accustomed to run about from object to object, shall fix on one... awakened, it uncoils itself and begins to rise upward like a fiery serpent breaking open each lotus as it ascends until the Shakti meets the Purusha in the brahmarandhra in a deep samadhi of union. Put less symbolically, in more philosophical though perhaps less profound language, this means that the real energy of our being is lying asleep and inconscient in the depths of our vital system ...


... would be integrated in their entirety and the Gnostic individual would live and act in the world in union with the divine law of action, sādharmya, — not only through he perfected mental and vital consciousness but even through he supramentalised physical consciousness. He would be in he world and of the world but would also exceed it in his consciousness and live in his Self of transcendence above... the strong hands of Power labour for the world in a radiant fullness of joy and light, when the luminous brain of knowledge accepts and transforms the heart's obscure inspirations and lends itself Page 85 to the workings of the high-seated Will, when all these gods are founded together on a soul of sacrifice that lives in unity with all the world and accepts all things to transmute them... the Brahmana appears during its development in temperament and personality marked by hunger and passion for knowledge, for its growth in oneself and its communication to others, for its reign in the world, the reign of reason and right and truth and justice, and at a higher level of the harmony of one's greater being, the reign of the spirit and its universal unity and light and love; the brahmanic ...

... First Series First Series Essays on the Gita XXIII Nirvana and Works in the World The union of the soul with the Purushottama by a Yoga of the whole being is the complete teaching of the Gita and not only the union with the immutable Self as in the narrower doctrine which follows the exclusive way of knowledge. That is why the Gita subsequently, after... the contrary, union by Yoga with the Purushottama means the knowledge and enjoyment of our oneness with him in our self-existent being and of a certain differentiation in our active being. It is the persistence of the latter in a play of divine works which are urged by the motive power of divine love and constituted by a perfected divine Nature, it is the vision of the Divine in the world harmonised with... knowledge, as the highest height of the way to the supreme secret. For if the union with the immutable Self were the sole secret or the highest secret, that would not at all be possible; for then at a given point our inner basis for love and devotion, no less than our inner foundation of works, would crumble away and collapse. Union utter and exclusive with the immutable Self alone means the abolition of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita