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Yoga-Sutras : popular name of Yoga Darśnam by Patanjali
... of yoga attributed to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras do not contain karma yoga, and they largely concentrate on the methods of concentration which lead to the realization of the immobile Purusha and the state of Samadhi in which one can attain to the state of absorption in identity with the immobile Purusha. In that sense, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras constitute very largely the path of... Purusha, in the yoga sutras of Patanjali, Ishwara does not occupy that position, and, again, while in the Gita surrender to Purushottama is indispensable for the perfection of yoga, in the yoga sutras of Patanjali, surrender to Ishwara (Iśwara- Page 41 pranidhāna) is only an optional method. Still again, while both the yoga of the Gita and the yoga of the yoga sutras of Patanjali speak ...
... pursuits even as the learned do. I was still more surprised to find that while in France she had already studied and translated a good number of Indian texts, like the Gita, the Upanishads, the Yoga-sutras, the Bhakti-sutras of Narada. I mention all this merely to tell you that the Mother's capacity of making her mind a complete blank was as extraordinary as her enormous mental acquisitions. This was ...
... even believed in some quarters that while there must have been rudimentary beginnings of Yoga in early stages of the Veda and the Upanishads, the real Yoga is that which has been spoken of in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Actually, as it would be clear to every serious student of the history of Yoga, Patanjali's Yoga is only one of the specialised systems of yogic methods. As a matter of fact ...
... learned do. I was still more surprised to find that while in France she had already Page 81 studied and translated a good number of Indian texts, like the Gita, the Upanishads, the Yoga-sutras, the Bhakti-sutras of Narada. I mention all this merely to tell you that the Mother's capacity of making her mind a complete blank was as extraordinary as her enormous mental acquisitions. This ...
... the world which would bring the ultimate release of Nirvana to all and eliminate suffering from the world. APPENDIX "Indian Yoga is experimental psychology. Patanjali's Yoga-Sutras, the Upanishads—these and the Saiva Siddhanta treatises—furnish pioneering examples of experimental psychology."¹ "In Europe and America psychology is almost ceasing to be the analysis of mind ...
... interesting and wondrously fruitful, and Bharati's poetry now acquired a depth, an intensity and a range it had not known before. Sri Aurobindo turned Bharati's mind to the Vedas and to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, and initiated him into the truth of things, the secret of world-existence as the play of Shakti. Under Sri Aurobindo's influence, Bharati translated the Gita and a chapter from Patanjali into ...
... 127 Wilson, Margaret see Nishtha Wilson, President Woodrow 398 Wordsworth, William 5-6, 111, 484, 514 World Union 573, 685-6, 755 Wretched of the Earth, The 773 Yogic Sadhan 91 Yoga Sutras 192 Younghusband, Sir Francis 409 Zen Buddhism 153, 193ff, 288 Zir Naidu 47, 131 Zola, Emile 21fn Zoroaster 482 Page 924 ...
... beginning, that while Reason could be helpful, Reason couldn't unseal the doors of Reality. She read with close attention dependable translations of the Dhammapada, the Gita and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, as also Swami Vivekandanda's lectures on Raja Yoga. Surely new horizons were opening before her, and she was avid forknowledge, and it was as though she was daily straining at the limits. Page ...
... as also from the rich literature available in different languages of the world. Values should be religion-free—is a misnomer. 3.4Several legendary books of Indian Literature like Upnishadas, Yoga Sutras, Buddhist texts, Charak Samhita, Shrimad Bhagvad Gita, etc. Page 636 have mentioned the desirable values and methods of their inculcation in human persons. These texts may, inter alia ...
... intellect even as the erudite do. I was still more surprised to find that while in France she had already studied and translated a good number of Indian scriptures like the Gita, the Upanishads, the Yoga-sutras, the Bhakti-sutras of Narada, etc. I mention all this merely to tell you that the Mother's capacity for making her mind a complete blank was as extraordinary as her enormous intellectual acquisitions ...
... Management,School of Business Management Accounting and Finance, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning , Prasanthinilayam, Andhra Pradesh, 1999, p.266. 9.Swami Prabhavananda, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, 1985,pp.89-92. 10.Mahatma Gandhi, My Experiments with Truth, Navajivan Publishing House, Abmedabad, 1956. 11.Yassin Shankar, Education, Human Values and ...
... drawn carefully from the books of various religions and also from the rich literature available in different languages of the world. 3 .4 Several books of Indian Literature like Upanishads, Yoga Sutras, Buddhist texts, Charakasamhita, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita etc., have mentioned the desirable values and methods of their inculcation in human persons. These texts may inter alia be appropriately used ...
... Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads Select Bibliography Balasubramanian, R. (ed.), The Enworlded Subjectivity: Its Three Worlds and Beyond, PHISPC, Centre For Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi, 2006 Ballentine, J.R., and Govinda Shastri Dev (Trs.), Patanjali's Yoga Sutra with Bhoja's Rāja Mārtanda, Indological Book House, 1971, Delhi, Varanasi, V Edition... Series The New Synthesis of Yoga - An Introduction Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation Significance of Indian Yoga - An Overview A Pilgrim's Quest for the Highest and the Best Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda The Gita and Its Synthesis of Yoga Integral Yoga: Major Aims, Processes, Methods and Results Integral Yoga of Transformation: Psychic, Spiritual... and Supramental Supermind in the Integral Yoga Integral Yoga and Evolutionary Mutation Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species Also by Kireet Joshi Education for Character Development Education for Tomorrow Education at Crossroads A National Agenda for Education Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Landmarks ...
... therefore not at all useful to point the difference before him at this time. 18 January 1937 Traditional Paths of Yoga How is it that Patanjali has given such an unusual definition of Yoga: yogaścittavṛttinirodhaḥ [Yoga Sutra 1.2]? Was "divine union" not the aim of Yoga in those days? Divine union, yes—but for the ascetic schools it was union with the featureless Brahman, the Unknowable... aphorism is sound enough. When he says Yoga, he means the process of Yoga, the object which has to be kept in view in the process—for by the cessation of cittavṛtti one gets into samādhi and samādhi is the only way of uniting solely and completely with the Brahman beyond existence. 3 May 1933 There is a Sutra in Patanjali, prātibhādvā sarvam [Yoga Sutra 3.34], on which Vivekananda comments:... point and within limits. If the same man wanted to reach the supermind or transform his body it would not be possible for that to come to him naturally. 4 June 1933 In the Sutra bhuvanajñānaṁ sūrye saṁyamāt [Yoga Sutra 3.27], where does the knowledge of the worlds by Samyama come from, and what has Surya to do with it? Surya is the symbol of the Divine Light, the Divine Truth, ultimately of ...
... ss and Power Yoga in the Veda, Upanishads, the Bhagavadgita, the Yoga Sutra, Yoga and Yogic Research; New Paths of Yoga Yoga and Knowledge of Sciences and Arts, Yoga and Medical Sciences, Yoga and Technology Yoga, Religion and Morality, Yoga and Collective Life, Yoga and change in the world-conditions: the idea of Cosmic Yoga, Yoga and the New World of Truth... Books recommended: The Principal Upanishads Yoga Sutra Collected Works of Swami Vivekananda The Bhagavadgita The Synthesis of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta In addition to the above, the following may be suggested for those who are more deeply interested in the study of Yoga, leading up to a specialisation in this study: Schools... Psychology, Personalism, Social Psychology. Page 368 Psychology and Yoga: Indian Schools of Psychology and Yoga. Higher Reaches of Yoga and Psychological knowledge. Detailed Study of the Systems of Yoga: Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Yoga of Tantra, Kundalini Yoga, Synthesis of Yoga. Knowledge, Understanding, Concentration, Meditation, Contemplation, ...
... consciousness so as to grasp more and more easily the knowledge of secrets, and one begins to develop powers of influence and even the powers of telepathy, telekinesis and other allied powers. The yoga-sutra of Patanjali 27 speaks of development of extraordinary powers of consciousness, vibhutis. One perceives that psychological functionings can be more and more readily discerned, separated or dissolved... Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best -05_System of Yoga, Methods of yoga and Verifiability of Yogic Knowledge.htm 4 Systems of Yoga, Methods of Yoga and A study of different systems of yoga such as Raja yoga, Hatha yoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga and Karma yoga, will reveal to us the effectivity of yogic methods, and the results obtained by the... which have their own utilities for the growth and sustenance of spiritual experience. 32 Yoga of Devotion The yoga of devotion, as also the systems of yoga of works and knowledge, have methods and succession of the steps of development, but they are more intuitive and less mechanical. The yoga of devotion, by methods of purification of feelings and emotions, and by sublimating them through ...
... knowledge can be clearly seen as the composite result of a synthesis of yoga (that is, karma yoga or the yoga of works, jnāna yoga or the yoga of knowledge, and bhakti yoga or the yoga of love) or Integral yoga. The underlying message is that the teacher can arrive at the "Bull" when these three Page 89 yogas are practiced in a synthetic manner and are united. The teacher further... science of yoga, which is found to be vastly expounded in the Veda, is based on the secret knowledge of the process of concentration and the methods by which concentration can be achieved on the object of knowledge in order that the contents, powers and states of knowledge concerning that object become manifest and can be possessed or realised by the seeker. In a later exposition of yoga (Yoga Sutra)... Sutra), in that of Patanjali, the process of concentration which is identified with yoga, is defined as that state of consciousness in which all the vibrations of the stuff of consciousness attain to cessation (cittavṛ̣tti nirodhaḥ̣). In a still later development of the system of jn ā na yoga (yoga of knowledge) the process of realisation of the Object of Knowledge consists of four steps: śravaṇa ...
... Divine in the future. PURANI: There won't be much room for them. There is a sufficient body of mental reasoning in the book for everyone to be able to understand it. If the book had been like the Sutras, there would have been more room. SRI AUROBINDO: Even so, I suppose different interpretations will be made, just as there are Hegelians and Neo-Hegelians. Shankara wrote a brief commentary on the... for others. He finds it difficult, for instance, to catch the distinction between extraterrestrial and extra-cosmic. SRI AUROBINDO: If it is for Sanskrit terms I can understand. You can't write of Yoga without using Sanskrit terms. There followed a short talk on R. Purani showed Sri Aurobindo a poem of R.'s in answer to Yeats' poem "The Lover Tells of the Rose in His Heart". SRI AUROBINDO (after ...
... nor by a varied learning nor even by the power of intelligence." 2 Shankara, at the very outset of his commentary on the Sutras, in explaining the very first words, speaks of a fourfold sadhana to acquire fitness—fitness, we may take it, for understanding the Sutras and the commentary and naturally for attaining the Brahman. It seems therefore to be an absolute condition that one must first acquire... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 Yogic Initiation And Aptitude In the practice of Yoga a condition precedent is usually laid down: it is called adhikara, aptitude, fitness or capacity. Everybody does not possess this aptitude, it is urged, and cannot take to a life of Yoga at one's sweet will. There must be a preparation, certain rules and regulations... you have it not, you have nothing, absolutely nothing. You may be wise beyond measure, your virtues and austerities may be incalculable, yet if you lack this, you lack the fitness for Sri Aurobindo's Yoga. On the other hand, if you have no virtues worth the name, if you are uneducated or ill-educated, if you are weak and miserable, if your nature is full of flaws and lapses, yet if the call is there ...
... , nor by a varied learning nor even by the power of intelligence."³ Shankara, at the very outset of his commentary on the Sutras, in explaining the very first words, speaks of a fourfold sadhana to acquire fitness – fitness, we may take it, for understanding the Sutras and the commentary and naturally for attaining the Brahman. It seems therefore to be an absolute condition that one must first... 3 Yogic Initiation and Aptitude IN the practice of Yoga a condition precedent is usually laid down: it is called adhik ara , aptitude, fitness or capacity. Everybody does not possess this aptitude, it is urged, and; cannot take to a life of Yoga at one's sweet will. There must be a preparation, certain rules and regulations must be observed, some... you have it not, you have nothing, absolutely nothing. You may be wise beyond measure, your virtues and austerities may be incalculable, yet if you lack is, you lack the fitness for Sri Aurobindo's Yoga. On the other hand, if you have no virtues worth the name, if you are uneducated or ill-educated, if you are weak and miserable, if your nature is full of flaws and lapses, yet if the call is there ...
... and the Mother's, who would care to read the enigmatic sutras and concealed formulas of the Darshanas, Upanishads and Vedas?"—Ed. ... The Integral Yoga and Other Spiritual Paths The Integral Yoga and Other Spiritual Paths Other Spiritual Paths and the Integral Yoga Letters on Yoga - II Chapter I The Newness of the Integral Yoga Old and New Truth Well, I don't suppose the new race can be created by or according to logic or that any race has been. But why should the idea of the creation... Spiritual Realisation and the Supramental Transformation This Yoga aims at the conscious union with the Divine in the supermind and the transformation of the nature. The ordinary Yogas go straight from Mind into some featureless condition of the cosmic Silence and through it try to disappear upward into the Highest. The object of this Yoga is to transcend mind and enter into the Divine Truth of Sach ...
... Aurangzeb, 85 Avidya, 29 Ayurveda, 104 Badarayana, 88,95 Bedekar, V.M, 71,75,78,82 Being, Pure, 58 Bhaga,10,11,12 Bhakti Yoga, 7 Bharadwaja, 31, 34 Bharat Muni, 102 Brahma Sutra, 88 Brahmacharin, 33,37,63 Brahmacharya, 33,52 Brahman, 24, 28,30,37 Brahmanas, 66,87,89 Brahmin, 42, 52 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 30,70 ...
... known as Kalpa. Kalpa Vedanga is in the form of sūtra, and it is thus aphoristic in character. The totality of the Kalpa Vedānga and its literature is threefold, consisting of Shrauta Sutra, Grihya Sutra and Dharma Sutra. For each Veda there are separate systems of Shrauta Sūtra, Grihya Sūtra and Dharma Sūtra. Some of the famous Shrauta Sūtras are Shānkhāyana, Āshvalayān, Ārsheya, Āpastamba, Baudhāyana... Taittiriya Shākhā of Krishna Yajurveda; Mānava Shrauta Sutra is related to Maitrayāni Shākhā of Krishna Yajur Veda (this Sūtra is believed to be the basis of the famous Manu Samriti); Kātyāyana Shrauta Sūtra is related to Shukia Yajurveda; Vaitāna Sūtra is related to Atharvaveda, and this Sutra is also related to Gopatha Brāhmana and Kātyāyana Shrauta Sutra of Yajurveda. The sacrificial priest needs... addition to these three categories of Kalpa Sūtras, there is a fourth category known as Shulba Sūtra which is regarded to be the origin of the ancient science of geometry. Three most famous Shulba Sutras ate those of Āpastamba, Baudhāyana and Kātyāyana. As in the case of Kalpa Vedānga , each of the Vedangas has further subsidiary literature. All this and much more may be regarded to constitute the ...
... London, 3rd edition, 1949. PAGE–151 Tamini, I.K., The Science of Yoga, The Theosophical Publishing House, Chennai, 2001. Tantia, N.M., Studies in Jain Philosophy, P.V. Research Institute, Varanasi, 1985. Tart, C., (ed.), Transpersonal Psychologies, Harper & Row, New York, 1976. Thibaut, G, Vedanta Sutras, Sacred Books of the East, Oxford. Thomas, English Hill, Contemporary... Advanced Study in Philosophy, University of Madras, Revised edition, 1984. Barry Strod, The Significance of Philosophical Scepticism, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1984. Basu, S.C., The Vedanta Sutra of Bddardyana, with the commentary of Baldev, (tr.), Orient Book, N. Delhi, 1979. Bergson, H., Creative Evolution, (tr.), Arthur Mitchell, McMillan, London, 1928. Bhattacharya, K.C., Studies... Davidson, Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1990. Murty, Sachidananda K, Revelation & Reason in Advaita Vedanta, Motilal Banarasi Dass, Delhi, 1947. Nagendra, H.K., Yoga: Its Basis and Applications, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashan, Bangalore, 2003. Nandakumar, Prema , Manimekalai, (tr.), Tamil University, Thanjavur, 1989. Nataraja, Guru, The Bhagwad Gtta, R.N.K. Publishing ...
... the ceremony as perfectly as an initiation. To know life utterly ... Oh, there is a very interesting thing in this regard! And it's strange, but this particular knowledge reminds me of one of my Sutras 1 (which I read out, but no one understood or understood only vaguely, 'like that'): 'It is the Supreme Lord who has ineluctably decreed the place you occupy in the universal concert, but whatever... they are trying to combine in a total and perfect realization: the eternal, ineffable and immutable Consciousness of the Executrice of the Supreme, and the consciousness of the Sadhak of the integral Yoga who strives in an ascending effort towards an ever increasing progression. Page 209 To this has been added a growing initiation into the supramental realization which is (I understand it... ips with different people are very funny, utterly amusing! Those who have what I would call the more 'outer' relationship compared to the other (although it is not really so)—the relationship of yoga, of sadhana—consider the others superstitious; and the others, who have faith or perception, or the Grace to have Page 210 understood what Sri Aurobindo meant (perhaps even before knowing ...
... Culture, the Indus Civilization, of c. 2500-1500 B.C. The natural consequences are a new date for the Rigveda which is commonly held to have started in c. 1500 B.C. a thousand years before the Sutras and a new understanding of the Indus Valley Civilization as at once a derivative, a development and a deviation from the Rigveda a millennium after this scripture's beginning in c. 3500 B.C... than given before by like-minded scholars - with a name applied from more inland India to people of the Indus Valley for the first time in the Satapatha Brahmana which just precedes the earliest Sutras and would thus synchronize by the new chronology most appropriately with the initial development of the Harppā Culture. The name is Mlechchha which becomes Melakha or Milakkha in Prākrit. ... Genius of Sri Aurobindo (1947,1974) 6. The Adventure of the Apocalypse (1949) 7. The Passing of Sri Aurobindo: Its Inner Significance and Consequence (1951) 8. Life-Literature-Yoga: Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo (1952, 1967) 9. The Indian Spirit and the World's Future (1953) 10. Sri Aurobindo on Shakespeare (1965, 1991) 11. The Vision and Work of Sri ...
... developed a vast literature on these Vedangas, expounding various systems of phonetics, rituals of sacrifices and rules of conduct of various kinds such as those described in Shrauta sutra, Grihya sutra and Dharma sutras, principles and details ofVedic etymology, grammatical subtleties, various forms, meters and styles of poetry, and several systems of astronomical and astrological knowledge. There developed... consort and it teaches mystical formulae for the worship of the deities or the attainment of superhuman powers. The Tantric Yoga is a kind of synthesis of yogic practices contained not only in Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga but also in Mantra Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga. The tantrik synthesis attempts to emphasise the notion of the divine perfectibility of man, which was also in the Vedic... The New Synthesis of Yoga - An Introduction Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation A Pilgrim's Quest for the Highest and the Best Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads The Gita and Its Synthesis of Yoga Integral Yoga: Major Aims, Processes, Methods and Results Integral Yoga of Transformation: Psychic ...
... 11, 82, 83, 87 Soma 2, 12 Somadevata 37 Sophocles 40, 43 South America 55 Spain 61 Sri Aurobindo 8, 27, 30, 36, 86, 89, 90, 91, 92. 93. I03 Sri Rama 41 Sutra 13 Svarga 34 Swadeshi 89 Swadeshi Movement 98 T Tagore83, 85, 89, 91, 92, 97 Tantras12 Tantricdiscipline 71 Tannicexperience 71 Page 105... Vibhutis 93 Vijnana 14 Vishwamitra 8 Vyasa 103 W Western Powers 83 White Goddess 77 Wordsworth 16, 39, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103 Y Yama I Yoga 33 Yogis 83 Yuga-sandhi 91 Yves Bonnefoy 76 Z Zeus 4, 32 Page 106 ...
... Shakti of the Lord that is at work everywhere, in everything. When I asked him what books I should read, he told me to read Prakriti Rahasya (Secret of Nature) in Gujarati and Shandilya's Bhakti Sutra .... Once I asked Sri Aurobindo: “When will I have realisation?” In reply he told me the following story of Narada: Two devotees were doing their sadhana in a forest for many years. Once when... laughed heartily. Sri Aurobindo: “What are you doing in yoga?” C: “I don't know what is yoga. I am practising something taught by Dikshitbhai and Punamchandbhai.” Sri Aurobindo: “What is the practice you are doing?” C: “Whatever work I do I offer to the Lord and I offer it through you.” Sri Aurobindo: “How many practise yoga there? Give me their names.” I gave the names. Sri Aurobindo: ...
... view-point we are referred to the verses of the ancient seers, the seers of the Veda and Upanishads, in which we get the inspired and intuitive account of these creations of the Spirit, and to the Brahma Sutras which will give us the rational and philosophic analysis. The Gita contents itself with a brief practical statement of the lower nature of our being in the terms of the Sankhya thinkers. First there... knowledge comes by an inner meditation through which the eternal self becomes apparent to us in our own self-existence. Or it comes by the Yoga of the Sankhyas, the separation of the soul from nature. Or it comes by the Yoga of works in which the personal will is dissolved through the opening up of our mind and heart and all our active forces to the Lord who assumes to himself the... or answer, for they were not pressingly present to the human mind of that day,—and they are replied to in the sense of the solution drawn from a large-sighted combination of the Vedantic, Sankhya and Yoga views of existence which is the starting-point of the whole thought of the Gita. The Soul which finds itself here embodied in Nature has a triple reality to its own self-experience. First it is a ...
... many people are obliged to change the outer life. Our aim is not to get supramental experiences only in meditation but also in making them conscious in every act of ordinary life. There is one Sutra in Brahmasutras viz., the upadesha of manifestation and non-manifestation in the Upanishads can be explained by the example of a serpent sitting in coiled form or otherwise. From one standpoint... being contains a Truth behind it and that is that of Love. But one cannot and should not go on identifying himself with everybody. It is not a good thing for this Yoga at least. For other Yogas like Bhakti Yoga it is all right. In our Yoga the love must be universal but that only as a feeling and if the feeling is there, it is no harm. But that love must be absolutely calm and above all discrimination... 1923 Strong rajasic nature has always an outgoing tendency. But that can hardly be said to be a drawback. If that could disqualify a man for Yoga, none of" us could have a chance of practising. Firm entire absolute will for this is indispensable in this Yoga which he must bring to bear. Strong intellectual doubt is certainly a great obstacle but who of us had not had! In my case it followed me ...
... himself for long hours or days or years of contemplation. Tat tvam asi (That art thou) was one such formula which pupils used to ponder day after day while taking the teachers cattle for grazing. The sutra system of Indian sciences and philosophies was a great help for teachers and students in promoting individual Page 133 explorations based on reflection and understanding. All... And in the words of William Johnston: It rarely comes when one is sitting silently in meditation. Master Hui-neng, for example, got enlightenment by listening to the chanting of the Diamond Sutra, Master Teshan got it by observing that Master Lung-fan blew a candle flame out. Master Lung-yun got it by seeing a peach flower falling, Master Po-chang got it when his master Ma-tsun twisted his nose... of Patanjali's system of Yoga. 3 In Zen, thought-consciousness is transcended; there is a new awareness, called satori, and the object of knowledge is apprehended in its purity, its objectivity, its real reality. Zen may be looked upon as a system of Yoga, having its own object and its own methods. Like Yoga, Zen is quite distinct from religion and philosophy. Yoga and Zen aim at rising above ...
... examples of European Yogins", and he had been in spiritual as well as material correspondence with Mirra since 1910. 19 She had already read and pondered over the Gita and the Dhammapada, the Yoga and the Bhakti Sutras, and had felt increasingly drawn to India. The myths and legends of India were known to her, and she was held in fascination by several of them. Forty years later, she was to recall a... four years of "silent Yoga" had enabled him to evolve a new instrument of spiritual discipline - Puma Yoga or Integral Yoga - comprehending and harmonising the two extreme categories of experience, Matter and Spirit, and the three classical paths, Knowledge (1nana), Works (Karma) and Devotion (Bhakti). He had also been working towards the Yoga of the Future, Supramental Yoga. He had with him at... completely surrendered himself to Yoga. He bad "already realised in full two of the four great realisations on which his Yoga and his spiritual philosophy are founded". 27 In Pondicherry he had received a "programme" for his own Yoga which he described as SaptaChatushtaya. 28 But self-realisation was not the only aim: "A distinct and central object of his Yoga was a change of life and existence ...
... sought to do! But a little reflection would show that it is the height of absurdity to expect that the state of physical death alone might usher in liberation ('maraṇameva apavargaḥ': Brihaspati Sutra). For, as one of the Upanishads twits, 'birds and insects and animals, all mortal creatures without exception, are sure to die today or tomorrow; can one declare on that score that all of them become... The Bane of Oscillation Obviously if one has not the Brahmisthiti in the waking state, there is no completeness in the realisation. (Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, p. 109) How is it, O Great One, that even we who have attained to Knowledge get at times blind and benighted"?* (Chandi Saptashati, I .30) ...Man evolving to divinest... embodied existence, even to its most obdurate and unregenerate physical parts, and not simply a subjective liberation from the grip of the phenomenal Ignorance, Avidya, is the goal set before the Yoga of Transformation as envisaged and delineated by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Naturally enough this implies that our Prakriti part including in particular the waking physical consciousness must ...
... Shakti of the Lord that is at work everywhere, in everything. When I asked him what books I should read, he told me to read Prakriti Rahasya (Secret of Nature) in Gujarari and Shandilya's Bhakti Sutra . He explained the subject dealt with in Prakriti Rahasya and told me that it was written by a disciple of Motilal Roy of Chandernagore who lived in Navsari. 2 When I read that book I experienced... laughed heartily. Sri Aurobindo: “What are you doing in yoga?” C: “I don't know what is yoga. I am practising something taught by Dikshitbhai and Punamchandbhai.” Sri Aurobindo: “What is the practice you are doing?” C: “Whatever work I do I offer to the Lord and I offer it through you.” Sri Aurobindo: “How many practise yoga there? Give me their names.” I gave the names. Sri Aurobindo: ...
... various systems of thought, lead to the Lord Himself, just as all the streams of the river Ganges meet in the ocean (X. 26.). This reminds us, naturally, of the "Tattu samanvayāt" (1.1.4) sutra of the Brahma sutras of Bādarāyana; this is the fundamental philosophical attitude of the Indian philosopher in maintaining that all the differences in our ways of thinking, ways of worship, etc., are merely... Ācārya Śankara, 13 a true Vedāntin does not have any quarrel with the dualists, who sees non-difference (abheda) everywhere. Kālidāsa was well-versed not only in Vedānta but also in Sāmkhya dualism, Yoga philosophy and its practices, rather in almost all the systems of Indian thought, but his fundamental attitude towards all schools of thought, rather towards everything, Page 25 ...
... precedes the Harappan; the Indus Valley Civilization contains Aryan elements. A clinching argument is evolved by Sethna from the tact of cotton being first mentioned in the oldest Sutras. If the Rigvedic Aryans flourished in the Indus Valley after the cotton-cultivating Harappans, how is it that all the Vedas, Brahmans, Aranyakas and early Upanishads do not know karpasa? Cotton... of modern India, blazed new trails in several worlds of human enterprise and had followers of signal eminence in many of them. Some made their mark in more than one sphere of activity. Integral Yoga and Overhead Poetry arc two such areas in which a number of luminaries have left their mark. No follower of Sri Aurobindo, however, has not only penetrated these areas but also ventured into ... mysterious Dark Lady, Mr. W.H. and the Rival Poet, published 750 pages of poetry and followed the approach of Sri Aurobindo in plumbing the riches of European literature and the practice of Integral Yoga, However, that which is unique is his signal contribution to historiography. Here I shall not go into his remarkable investigations into Jewish history to fix the date of the Exodus, or into the ...
... out of which all comes. Page 51 × The correspondent asked for an explanation of an aphorism in the Sankhya Sutra (1.61) : sattvarajastamasāṁ sāmyāvasthā prakṛtiḥ— Ed. ... The Divine, the Cosmos and the Individual The Divine, the Cosmos and the Individual The Cosmos: Terms from Indian Systems Letters on Yoga - I Chapter II The Sankhya-Yoga System Purusha Purusha is the conscious Being who supports all the action of Nature. There is no fixed place, but as the central being he usually stands above the adhar—he becomes... you know that one has to transcend this ordinary consciousness of the lower Nature and arrive at a higher divine consciousness, if one wants to be free? By Prakriti [ in a passage in Bases of Yoga] is meant universal Prakriti. Universal Prakriti entering into the vital being creates desires which appear by its habitual response as an individual nature; but if the habitual desires she throws in ...
... little to the Vaisnavism practised in Bengal from Chaitanya's times. Bhakti of the Tagorean kind foregrounds Beauty and the aesthetic, and does have a link with texts as ancient as the Narada Bhakti Sutras, or Jayadeva's Gita Govinda . It celebrates the body and the world and takes delight in the plenitude and variety of nature. Bhakti itself is a democratising tendency and clearly broke through caste... manifest destiny and acted on that belief, but it was Gokhale, the founder of the Servants of India Society who imbibed the best qualities of his mentor and who converted what he learnt into a Karma Yoga of service. An optimist, he believed in the perfectibility of man through social action. His was a syncretic philosophy, a life devoted to constitutional change. His was the liberal mind at its best ...
... siddhānta) by reference to ancient authority has been the traditional Indian way of convincingly projecting a dialectic, and Sankara, Ramanuja, and the numerous other commentators on the Brahma Sutras and the Gita have not hesitated to draw profusely on scripture. This universe is, after all, a self-adjusted continuum in \which nothing suddenly erupts as from a total vacuum, and what strikes us... important sequences also in the very first issue of the journal - The Synthesis of Yoga and The Secret of the Veda. The Synthesis was planned as a survey and as an assessment of various systems of Yoga past and present with reference to their relevance to his own "integral Yoga" which was duly to grow into "supramental Yoga"; it was thus conceived as the practical side to the theoretical or philosophical... mānusīrūpam; but the memory of the all-in-one Form cannot fade away. Now at long last the way is clear for the definitive enunciation of the dynamics of the Yoga of Devotion, Bhakti Yoga. As one scales higher and higher in Karma Yoga, first the clear light of Knowledge makes for detachment and even vision in the doing of action, then the power of Love makes for pure joy in the action, and all ...
... many people are obliged to change the outer life. Our aim is not to get supramental experiences only in meditation but also in making them conscious and in every act of ordinary life. There is one Sutra in Brahmasutras viz., the upadesha of manifestation and non-manifestation in the Upanishads can be explained by the example of a serpent sitting in coiled form or otherwise. From one standpoint... being contains a Truth behind it and that is that of Love. But one cannot and should not go on identifying himself with everybody. It is not a good thing for this Yoga at least. For other Yogas like Bhakti Yoga it is all right. In our Yoga the love must be universal but that only as a feeling and if the feeling is there, it is no harm. But that love must be absolutely calm and above all discriminating... Strong Rajasic nature has always an outgoing tendency. But that can hardly be said to be a drawback. If that could disqualify a man for Yoga, none of us could have a chance of practising. Firm entire absolute will for this is indispensable in this Yoga which he must bring to bear. Strong intellectual doubt is certainly a great obstacle but who of us had not had! In my case it followed me ...
... Val de Grace, where 1'Idee, her group of seekers, continues to meet. 1912-14 Translates (from English) parts of Buddhist texts, the Amritabindu, Kaivalya and Isha Vasya Upanishads, the Narada Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita and some of the sayings of Sri Ramakrishna. 1912 May 7 Speaks of the work to be done: To become conscious of and unite with the Divine Presence; to realise the higher planes... Her being has become 'the conscious mediator between the absolute Truth and the manifested universe and (can) intervene in the slow, uncertain march of the yoga of Nature in order to give it the swiftness, intensity and sureness of the divine Yoga.' -Jul-Aug At Marsillargues. Ill again. Andre spends his vacation with her and first hears of Sri Aurobindo. - Nov 2 Experiences complete iden... 1896-98 'I attained a conscious and constant union with the divine Presence... all alone, with absolutely nobody to help me... not even books.' Later comes across Swami Vivekananda's Raja Yoga. 'It made me gain in a few months what would have perhaps taken me years to do.' c. 1898-1902 Receives a translation of the Bhagavad Gita from Jnanendranath Chakravarti with the advice, 'Take ...
... serenity of tranquil strength, A wide unshaken look on time's unrest, Faced all experience with unaltered peace. Have you had the time to find out something helpful on the Unadi-sutras and the occurrence of the word "dinara" in them, to which some old commentators have given Indian roots and interpreted as meaning a gold seal or ornament?... When are you visiting Pondi again? ... ma is the shining shadow of the Supermind in the top-layer, the synthesising crest, of the Overmind from where Sri Krishna who is basically Anandamaya came as an Avatar. He wove together the three Yogas -Jnana, Bhakti, Karma - and suggested the secret of secrets, the abandonment of all dharmas to take refuge solely in the Purushottama who would deliver one from all evil and from the grieving in which... equally existent and always fighting. Some sort of practical dualism is unavoidable even in the Aurobindonian spirituality, but some subtleties are felt and even made effective in the modalities of the Yoga. If God exists with the nature which would really make him Godlike, a problem analogous to that of Evil is the one of waste. The sole answer Sri Aurobindo considers as conveyable to the mere mind is ...
... ence dynamic in illumined action." 58 But this Self-Existent Sachchidananda is not merely a transcendent supra-cosmic Creator: He Himself has become this universe, 52.Vyasa, Brahma-Sutra, 14.9. Compare: "The world is but a spark-burst from its light, All moments flashes from its Timelessness, All objects glimmerings of the Bodiless" (Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, ... the 'vast involved trance' of Matter: "The supreme and universal Supermind is the active Light and Tapas of the supreme and universal Self as the Lord and Creator, that which we come to know in Yoga as the divine Wisdom and Power, the eternal knowledge and will of the Ishwara.... As we descend nearer to what we are in this world, the presence and action of this self-knowledge narrows but retains... embodied mental being and nature." 17 It is amply evident that this progressive awakening of consciousness from out of the original nescience, the starting-point of the 11. The Synthesis of Yoga, pp. 763-64. 12.The expressions put within quotation marks but bearing no specific references are all taken from Sri Aurobindo's Savitri. 13. The Life Divine, p. 552. 14.15, 16, 17 ...
... differing interpretations of the Prasthāna Tray ī as expounded by the Vedantic teachers Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva respectively. Shankara was the first to comment upon the Brahma-sutras, his interpretation known as the Brahma-sūtra bhāsya is considered as a masterpiece in Vedantic literature. Page 132 ... at all ready for Yoga—as the Mother saw on the first day. Your own observations confirm this view of him and his letter shows that even mentally he cannot rise to the height—how can this Yoga be given to one Page 69 who understands only the ethical life and not at all what the divine life can be? Temperamentally he is too weak and depressed to put the burden of Yoga on him—it might result... something not quite clear —in the obscurer part of the physical mind—in your mental attitude towards the Yoga. You seem to regard this demand for the replacement of the old lower vital satisfactions by other joys and pleasures as something quite legitimate; but joys and pleasures are not the object of Yoga and a bargain or demand for a replacement of this kind can be no legitimate or healthy element in ...
... fish from the fisherman's net. 22-6-1926 Patanjali's Raja Yoga : (There are many persons who believe that "Yoga" means the Raja-Yoga of Patanjali. His sutras are well known. It is a scientific method which resorts to: 1. Physico-vital processes depending on Pranayama and Asanas taken from Hatha Yoga. 2. Psycho-vital and psycho-mental processes in a gradually rising series:... The Supramental yoga is out of his reach at present. He seems to be puzzled as to what is "life" and what is "action". It does not mean only "marriage" and "earning". He does not understand that Karma-yoga – yoga of action – does not .require any vast field. It is not necessary to become a prime-minister or a millionaire to do Karma yoga. He speaks of Raja yoga-but in Raja yoga also a certain... patyāhāra , dhyān, dhārāna and samādhi . Even though the Gita gave currency to quite a different idea of Yoga and even of Samadhi, the popular mind- in India has believed that Yoga means Raja-Yoga, in most cases at least. It is apparent that Sri Aurobindo's Yoga is quite different from the Raja-Yoga of Patanjali. It does not take the mental consciousness and its condition as the constant point of reference; ...
... Ashram atmosphere. For about a year, readings from The Synthesis of Yoga had served as the basis for the evening conversations in the Playground. The readings concluded on 14 November 1956, and on 21 November the Mother distributed Sri Aurobindo's Thoughts and Glimpses and began readings from this little book of sutra-like apophthegms. The problem raised by the opening aphorism is the need... weeks, the Mother turned to Sri Aurobindo's culminating prose testament, The Supramental Manifestation. One way or another, the aim was to take the listeners to the inner countries of the Integral Yoga, rather like Virgil guiding Dante through the triple worlds in The Divine Comedy. It is seldom a sheerly sunlit path or the primrose path of easy success, for the invisible adverse forces are always... felt by some that, while the Ashram was certainly expanding, this was perhaps at the cost of a lowering in the general consciousness of its activities. First, about the conditions of the collective yoga, the Mother had a symbolic dream on the night of 2 July, and she spoke about it the next day in the Playground. The dream or vision was of an immense hotel "in which all earthly possibilities were ...
... is to build something more than just a structure of dreams, then an unborn power must be brought into play. Now you know that in India there is a tradition in which people give you a small sutra, a small epigrammatic expression in which the whole quintessence of philosophy is contained. They will say: "Satyam, shivam, sundaram": the true, the good, the beautiful. Or they will say: "Satyam,... will work out, and how it will be perfected by bringing from above, from the Divine, a greater power of perfection into the universal scheme itself. Savitri performs that function. So the two Yogas are a little different. Aswapathy goes on expanding outward, Savitri goes on penetrating inward. She goes inside into the earth consciousness. Hers is not the cosmic movement, because since the earth... as though there would be no universe if pain was not there. Pain could be eliminated from it and yet it would remain a universe. So that problem is answered in the sixth and seventh books. Savitri's yoga gives the answer. She finds that in the present constitution of the universe there is something lacking and the potential universe can supply that lacking element; when that element enters into the ...
... the Buddha's teachings passed on the road Chinese monks on their way to India. They were pilgrims visiting the holy places where the Buddha had passed parts of his life, and were searching for the sutras and sastras of the Buddha's teaching that had been written down in the traditional manner on palm leaves. Most famous of these scholar pilgrims was Hsuan-tsang (c.AD 600 64) who travelled the... techniques are very strenuous. Peculiar to the northern style is a whole range of armed and unarmed forms or patterns of movement called suvadus, and several breathing techniques, probably taken from yoga, that are found in its training regimen. The southern style is often practised outside during daylight hours. Some masters use outdoor pits or hollows as training grounds, but others simply teach ...
... war which, I have told you, is not the principle of our Yoga. Ours is a third way— mur ā restu tritīyah panth ā . 1 All for the Divine, but all one in the ____________________ 1. Thereby hangs a tale. Jaimini was an important disciple of Vyasa, the author of the Mahabharata. Among other works he authored the Mimamsa Sutra , a Vedic exegesis. Over the centuries people forgot the... prison invalidate the hope of the Yoga? There are many dismal spectacles in the world, but that is after all the very reason why Yoga has to be done. If the world were all happy and beautiful and ideal, who would want to change it or find it necessary to bring down a higher consciousness into the earthly Mind and Matter? Your other argument is that the work of the Yoga itself is difficult, not easy, not... whole problem of life along with the whole problem of Yoga. But you have more faith than you imagine, otherwise you would not be so hard on the Divine. I did not, by the way, mean this kind of formation when I spoke of Durgadas but formations of a false value in Yoga. Doubts are an obstacle, sometimes a serious obstacle, but false values in Yoga which the sadhak is not willing to correct are a danger ...
... he rather took after his father than conduct himself as the occupant of the throne." Our historians draw upon Jain tradition in their attempt at a parallel for the Nandas. In the Āvaśyaka Sutra (p. 693), we have a Nanda described as begotten of a barber. Hemachandra's Parisish-taparvan (VI.232) makes him the son of a barber by a courtesan. Struck by the barber-story, our historians forget... though by a magical process, and was a pious and sagacious man, a Buddhist who yet patronised Brāhmans. This character is as far as can be from the Greeks' Xandrames. The Nanda, known as Yoga-Nanda, who in the Kashmiri tradition 5 is himself overcome by a magical spell practised by Chanakya against him and is supplanted on the throne by Cha-nakya's protégé Chandragupta Maurya, has also... Page 180 None of our historians accept the Kashmiri tradition, believing they have found better substance elsewhere. But this tradition has one notable point. In addition to Yoga-Nanda a Pūrva-Nanda is mentioned. So there are two instead of the usual nine Nandas or the one Nanda of the Manjuśrī-mūlakalpa. Although, as Mookerji 1 remarks, the relation between the two is not ...
... the community which gave rise to this scripture came from outside India - and this silence is repeated and supported by all Indian literature: at no place in the Brah-manas or the Upanishads or the Sutras or the Puranas do we have the slightest hint of an "Aryan invasion" of India. Such a silence is surely a very strong argument. Similar is the argument from silence as regards cotton. The Rigvedics... Harappa Culture whose usually accepted date is 2500-1500 B.C. - has not the faintest reference to cotton. And no Indian literature succeeding it refers to cotton, either - until we reach the time of the Sutras which are dated about a thousand years after the early hymns of the Rigveda. Here is a silence which speaks emphatically and unavoidably. Combined with the other silence it makes us think that the... in the thirties. It is related to some of the matters we have been discussing. Page 82 Enclosed Letter THE OLD YOGAS AND THE INTEGRAL YOGA* I believe K's comment was on a passage in which I wrote that this Yoga was not like the old ones in that it aimed not at an ascent or passing beyond life but at a descent of the divine consciousness into life. Its aim ...
... but still persists. Reference to Veda for indicative Vak. अमंदान् स्तोमान् प्र भरे सिधांवधि क्षियतो भाव्यस्य यो मे सहस्रा न मिमीत सवानतूर्तो राजा श्रव इच्छमानः ।। Intimation that this Sutra which had long baffled the mind, would this time yield up its whole secret. Immediately fulfilled, with a constant play of the illumined ideality in its fourfold powers. Work to be done. A Society... Record of Yoga 1912-1920 Record of Yoga 1912-1920 Record of Yoga 10 June - 29 September 1914 10 June 1914 Sortilege इन्द्राकुत्सा वहमाना रथेन आ वामत्या अपि कर्णे वहंतु । निः षीमदृभ्यो धमथो निः षधस्थान् मघोनो हृदो वरथस्तमांसि The Pure Mind & the Sense-Pleasure borne up together by the Ananda are to be full of the sense-delight & so carried... भविष्यति— That is effort is either inert & otiose at this stage of the Yoga or turns into Akshepa, that is grief, complaint or revolt. Script. These examples are being given to show beyond the least doubt that a great Intelligence is guiding the Yoga. The main feature of Page 509 the moment in the Yoga is the attempt of sollicitude & effort to revive with their usual consequences ...
... him "a Universal Man". He was a religious humanist and a staunch rationalist who effected a reconciliation between reason and religious faith. He was the first translator into Bengali of the Brahma Sutra and the Upanishads. He was the first social reformer in Bengal whose success in reforms was so great as to throw into the shade even his far greater achievements in other fields of work. He was one... emotions to which it rises and to express and execute it in life is what we understand by Karmayoga. We believe that it is to make Yoga the ideal of human life that India rises today; by the Yoga she will get the strength to realise her freedom, unity and greatness; by the Yoga she will keep the strength to preserve it. It is a spiritual revolution we foresee and the material is only its shadow and reflex... realisations that descended upon him like an avalanche ever since he set foot on the soil of his motherland. Yoga did not make him conscious of his mission, it only led him along on the way to its accomplishment. Yoga did not awaken his soul, it was his soul that spontaneously blossomed through Yoga. And that he was not only conscious of his life's mission but of the precise nature and extent of it, ...
... final word of spiritual knowledge. Shankara of the Commentaries on the Upanishad,—although the greatest commentaries on them that we have,—is not so great as Shankara of the Bhashya on the Vedanta Sutras. In the latter he is developing in full freedom his own philosophy, which even those who disagree with it must recognise as one of humanity's most marvellous intellectual achievements; in the former... Sankhya, the practices of Tantra, the worship & devotion of Purana, the love of the formed Divinity & the aspiration to the Formless, the atomic structure of Vaisheshika & the cardinal principles of Yoga,—whatever has been afterwards strong in development & influential on the Indian Mind, finds here its authority & sanction. Not the unmanifested & unconditioned alone but the identity of the Transcendental... Even the greatest materialist in theory regards himself in his feelings as a mind or a soul and is aware of a gulf between himself & the inanimate. His opinions contradict his heart's consciousness. In Yoga also one of our first realisations is the separateness of the body by the practical removal of the dehatmabuddhi,—a sensation the psychology of which is not well understood & being misunderstood gives ...
... gold ornament or a gold seal referred to in works like the Unādi-sutra as "dīnāra". According to the author of the Unādi-sutra, the word is derived from "dlna" which means "poor", and "ri", indicating "to go", the whole connoting "what goes to the poor". By the conventional chronology, Brāhmanic literature in the style of the Sutras is roughly dated between 600 and 200 B.C. With the Guptas starting... west of the river Indus, up to the river Cophes - the river Kābul by which Pānini's own native Salatura stood - the two Indian tribes, the Astakenoi (the people of Pānini's Hāstināyana mentioned in sutra VI.4.174) and the Assakenoi (the Asvakayana of Nadādi gana IV. 1.99) "were in old times subject to the Assyrians" before the period of Median and Persian rule over them. But it is certain that in... "successor of Aśoka, Virasena by name, set up at Gandhāra" 2 and even more in view of what scholars call "the Mauryan passage" in Patanjali. Bali Nath Puri 3 writes apropos of it: "Commenting on the Sutra Jivikārthe cāpanye (V.3.99) [of Pānini] 'in the case of a life-sustenance, serving an object which is an image (pratikrti) the affix ka is not used except when the object is saleable', Patanjali ...
... Śalya, 528 Samādhartrj, 221-2 samājas, 286 sāmamtā, sāmipam. 265 Samantapāsādikā, 382 samāsena, 94 Samāstivādins, 365 Samatata, 213 Samavāyānga Sutra, 257 Śambara, 589 Śambhuyaśas. 491 Samitracottus, 246 Samkicca Jālaka, 277 Samksobha Parivrājaka, 493 Samprati, 28, 343, 594 Samudra, the Venerable. 423 Samudragupta... 400, 473, 583-7, 595 Nanda, 105, 106, 107 Nanda rāja, 474 Nandana, 486, 488 Nandas, 5, 9, 69.78, 175, 176, 225; Dhana-Nanda, 176, 183; Purva-Nanda. 181; Yoga-Nanda. 180, 181 NandiSūtra, 564 Narain, A. K, i, 50.236, 248, 264, 444 Narang, Jaya Chandra, 84, 85. Narasimhagupta Bālāditya, 403, 494, 508, 509, 601 Naravarman, 496 Nārāyana ...
... correctness of this interpretation of the above term is supported by Jayaditya in his vdrttika also. According to him, the word atīta here forms a compound with Śaka-nrpa-kāla as under the sutra II.i,24, the words kāntāram and atīta form the compound kāntārātita. 3. This indicates that the name of the era had the same significance behind it as expressed above by so many authors. ... (The Sri Aurobindo Library, New York City, 1953), p. 354. Page 58 and Saraswatī, is a figure of an inner confluence and points to a crucial experience in a psychological process of Yoga and it has too other significances, as is common in the economy of this kind of symbolism. The so-called fantastic geography of the Purānas, as we are expressly told in the Purānas themselves, is a ...
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