Monthly Prayers by The Mother
For Mona Sarkar
The Mother : Contact Prayers to Sri Aurobindo & MA

Monthly prayers written by The Mother from 1967-1972 for Mona Sarkar

This is the online edited version of the book titled Manifestation Of The Divine - Prayers Given By The Mother To Mona Sarkar. It comprises of The Mother’s monthly prayers along with excerpts of Her comments. The images of the cards on which these prayers were originally written are not included.
In January 1967, Mona took to the Mother a folder with twelve thick sheets of paper, one for each month of the year, to be made into a calendar. The idea was that the top half of each sheet would have a painting and the bottom half would have a short prayer written by the Mother. If the Mother wrote one prayer each month, then at the end of the year he would have a complete set of twelve prayers.
He showed the Mother the first sheet with a painting and asked Her to write a prayer beneath it.
She told him that if he wanted a prayer, he should write his own prayer. She did not need to pray — to whom should She pray?
Mona replied that he prayed to the Mother to write a prayer for him. Pleased with his answer, She wrote a prayer for January. After this, when he brought Her the calendar each month, She would first read the prayer She had written for the previous month and then write a new one. In this way, with a few exceptions, She wrote a new prayer each month for the next six years — until March 1973.
This section of the book contains these prayers.
Usually, after writing a prayer, the Mother said something about it, giving an explanation, revealing its meaning. These explanations have also been included. Between 1967 and 1969 Mona noted them down from memory. From 1970 he recorded them on tape, so no notes were made. Unfortunately the tapes deteriorated over time and only a few of the Mother's remarks could be retrieved.
Mona spoke of these prayers as an "inestimable treasure" and some of them he would repeat often.
For him they were a source of peace and strength and joy. Like a child, he would bring out these gifts of the Divine and share with others the power, the love and the light that they carry.
About these Monthly Prayers
(From a conversation of The Mother with Mona)
Don't think that I am giving you these prayers just because you asked me to.
Not at all ... There is a purpose behind all that I do.
This is the path to be followed. I am preparing a path for you, and you will see that these prayers follow an ascending progression.
I have already warned you that it will be more and more difficult, even very difficult to follow. One must be very enduring, very strong — for gradually, as we go forward, it will become very difficult to bear.
Don't presume that it will be a path of roses on which one can walk easily, smiling and watching casually all that is happening. No. I warn you once again that it will be a very difficult path, full of detours, full of blunders and adverse consequences, full of unexpected things and very difficult to bear — even physically. It has to be followed with certitude, and all unnecessary burdens have to be rejected.
One must be very alert, conscious at each moment, in order to avoid catastrophes, dangerous blows that could be very severe. Don't think that it is a path of roses and spiritual delight.
On the contrary, it is a very difficult path, it is like a sharp sword as it is said. There are not many who have the courage to face all these difficulties, not many; very, very few can overcome all that.
But Mother, it will become a path of roses, will it not?
Ah, that is afterwards, when one has realised many things, when it is He who guides you. At that time, yes. Not before.
Why, it can be so even now, with Your help.
Yes, but only if one has an intense faith, a burning faith, an unwavering faith, a faith that is not dependent on external things and events, a faith that changes everything because it knows the law; and because it has found the inner contact, it does not allow any doubt, any hesitation to penetrate the being. It is firm and it conquers everything. Yes, with this faith, the path becomes luminous and joyful; faith helps always, and there are no more difficulties. The difficulties are transformed into touchstones. Then it is another thing altogether, this faith that renders the forward march ever glorious and joyful. It is as if the difficulties disappear and a Hand leads you, removing in advance the obstacles and difficulties. Then it is no longer painful. And he who has this faith walks in the beatific splendour of the Divine.
18 June 1967
Jan 1967
Ma première prière:
Je demande à être toujours et intégralement Sincère
My first prayer:
I ask to be always and integrally Sincere.
Yes, this is what you must try to do. It is much more than you could have thought of. It contains what you could never imagine to pray for. We shall see for the next month. The work for this month is this — to become perfectly and integrally sincere. Do you see why I have written ‘sincere' in big letters? Because sincerity is the basis of yoga, the basis of all progress. Without it, one is not well-equipped. Sincerity and faith
I want you to become absolutely sincere, without questioning without wavering; then it is a big step forward.
This is your aim for this month. We will see for the other months. But once you are able to do this, it is already something. We shall see what you can do.
Feb 1967
Seigneur Suprême
Donne-moi la perception constante que sans Toi rien n'existe
Supreme Lord
Give me the constant perception that without Thee nothing exists.
It is a big work! This has to be found; then you will see how different life is. It is a radical change: to live with this perception that 'nothing exists without Thee; that He is the mover and the raison d'être; that it is through Him that the manifestation unfolds; that it is because of Him that life has a significance and an aim; that He is behind all things, guiding one imperceptibly towards the goal.
You must live in this consciousness. You will have it soon. It is for this month. We shall see for the next month what you will have as a prayer. This too is very beautiful when one realises it.
March 1967
Donne-mol le courage qui provient de la confiance alsolue en ta Grace Suprême.
Give me the courage that comes from an absolute trust in thy Supreme Grace.
To have an absolute trust in the Grace. This is what has to be found — then none of the bad forces can touch you.ercome difficulties courageously.
Courage. One must face them courageously and aspire for the Grace.
April 1967
Que Ta Lumière de Vérité m'envahisse et me transforme.
May Thy Light of Truth pervade me and transform me
May 1967
Seigneur Suprême
Permets qu'à partir de ce jour je n'existe que pour Toi seul.
Supreme Lord
Grant that from this day onward I exist for Thee alone.
June 1967
Pas à pas, jour après jour, par un effort constant et inlassable j'aspire à ce que tout dans ce corps que j'appelle "moi", n'existe que pour et par Ta Divine Conscience.
Step by step, day after day, through constant and tireless effort I aspire that all in this body I call "myself", may exist only for and by Thy Divine Consciousness.
… Do you understand what it means? You know what it means exactly?
(Then Mother explains the prayer bit by bit.)
“Step by step”: It means, conscious of each step; each step forward that you take, it must be placed consciously, a deliberate step, a progressive step, a step upwards, a step placed just exactly where it should be, seen from before, guided by the consciousness.
Step by step, embracing all the parts, confident of success, conquering stage by stage in a constant movement full of enthusiasm, always forward, without any hesitation or doubt, without stopping to take a breath or having a thought about how to take the next step forward — no, my child, always confident of the Presence, assured of the victory, one must walk consciously, one step after another, towards the goal.
“day after day”: t each moment, at each instant, each day, continuously, without ceasing, one must aspire, one must live in the consciousness; the flame must be lit at each moment of the day, — one must want the Divine.
You must prepare yourself, open yourself so that the light can descend incessantly, so that you are able to receive it at each moment.
No, not to say, “Today I am not feeling well, I do not have sufficient zeal, that is why I can relax for the day. Tomorrow I will see if I have enough aspiration, I will think of You or call You tomorrow. I will work with greater enthusiasm. Today I do not feel the aspiration. Today I will rest so that tomorrow I can start again with more vigour.”
You must throw all these excuses far away. Your aspiration must be constant, and more intense and more living at each moment, ceaselessly. Day after day, you must feel this eagerness to progress always towards the goal.
“by a constant effort”: The effort must be constant, uninterrupted, with more and more fervour, and a sustained effort that breaks down all obstacles. To feel this Presence that always impels you forward, constantly, without wavering. To follow the thread and to be in contact; to walk, to walk, walk, day and night in the quest of your goal till one has climbed to the summit, till one has found the result. To pursue tirelessly with an explosive effort that does not stop, which invades all, which leaves behind all that opposes. Even what is said to be impossible, what one thinks is beyond human thought, which has no reality for men — he cares not for all that, for he has a burning faith which can conquer everything, even what is impossible. It is because he has a portion of the Divine that he has the confidence of establishing Him, the Divine in himself. He must gather all that opposes and throw them out of himself paying no attention to all that prevents his march forward.
Having only one thing in front of you — that is your goal and nothing else — you must launch forth towards that, break all the oppositions obstinately and with persistence, to arrive at the goal. It is this impetuous will to conquer at all cost, it is this that is meant by ‘tireless’. It must be a constant and untiring effort, you understand.
“I aspire”: It is you who are aspiring; it is from there (Mother indicates the heart) that you aspire, an aspiration that surges up from the depths of your being with an intensity directed exclusively towards the goal.
“All that is in this body that I call ‘myself’”: All that belongs to you, that is yours, your body, your possessions, all that has become one with your body, which is part of your being, all this, your thoughts, your actions, your movements, in a word, all that you call ‘myself’ — “It is I who have done this, it is I who am walking, eating, going, coming and sleeping”— all that belongs to you, that is yours all this, all your attributes, your desires, all without exception . . .
“exists only for”: All this, all that I have just explained to you, exists only for the Divine, exclusively, without reserve. There is nothing that is done which is not for the Divine, which does not express the Divine. Let all your actions, all your movements be only for the Divine. All is an offering, and it is for Him that you exist. Your aim is only to serve the Divine. Your existence on earth is for Him alone.
“and by Thy Divine Consciousness”: That It is the Divine Consciousness that acts through you, that moves you, that makes you aspire. It is He who guides you. Your existence is nothing if it is not for Him and provided by Him. All that you do it is because He acts through you; you do nothing except moved by Him. That is the divine consciousness, that acts through you, that moves you, that makes you aspire. It is he who guides you, your existence is nothing. if it is not for him and provided by him. All that you do it is because he acts through you;you do nothing except moved by Him. All in you expresses the Divine, the Divine who manifests Himself in your life and your actions in full freedom.
When it will be like that, when you will exist only for and by the Divine Consciousness, then it will be the beginning of something, for blossoming in the Truth. It is a work for you, you, a hard work. When your life is offered exclusively to the Divine, completely surrendered, then you will begin to live a life. All the parts of your being will obey this single call, in every detail, that alone exist for him. it should be His impulsion that acts through you.
Nothing but He alone exists for you.
That will be something . . . when you acquire this consciousness …
July 1967
"Dans la paix de la sincérité parfaite je suis à Toi."
La Mère
"In the peace of perfect sincerity I am Thine."
The Mother.
Ah, this is beautiful as a prayer. How sweet it is to hear: "In the peace of perfect sincerity I am Thine."
This is truly a prayer. It is beautiful. This is what I was expecting: "I am Thine".
It is a prayer that your soul came to tell me. It is a prayer of your soul. And it is so beautiful that your soul came to tell me this and that you have complete trust in me. Just now when I was in trance, searching for a prayer for you, I heard your soul tell me this and I said: "There it is, it is a beautiful prayer, I will write today that which your soul spoke to me." This is something. You have established an inner contact with me. Today it is you who expressed the prayer and it is so beautiful. It is one of the beautiful little prayers. How well things are going this way. I don't need to search. I ask and your soul answers me. "In the peace of perfect sincerity I am Thine." It is beautiful, it is magnificent as a prayer... "I am Thine"; it gives confidence, faith and total self-giving. It is so beautiful... so beautiful... it is something done.
You have to repeat it many times and sincerely want it to become a part of your being. Constantly, you have to feel it.
August 1967
Seigneur Suprême nous T'implorons:
Supreme Lord we implore Thee:
Manifest Thyself!
September 1967
Accorde-moi cette Grâce merveilleuse de n'exister que par Toi et pour Toi.
Grant me this marvellous Grace of existing only by Thee and for Thee.
Oct 1967
Permets que je Te contemple en silence, dans le calme d'une tranquillité parfaite.
Grant that I may contemplate Thee in silence, in the calm of a perfect tranquillity.
Nov 1967
Seigneur Suprême
Donne-moi ce silence profond, générateur de l'action vraie.
Supreme Lord
Give me this profound silence, the source of true action.
2nd prayer
Une année a passé et s'achève.
Dans le silence profond je t implore pour que les erreurs passées ne se reproduisent jamais.
Avec une gratitude infinie je m'incline devant Toi.
A year has passed and is coming to an end.
In profound silence I implore Thee that past errors may never be repeated.
With infinite gratitude I bow before Thee.
Dec 1967
Dans un silence recueilli, nous attendons l'avènement de l'année nouvelle.
La Mère.
In an indrawn silence, we await the advent of the new year.
The Mother
Jan 1968
Que le besoin
de se renouveler constamment s'éveille ardent au seuil de la nouvelle année.
May the need to constantly renew oneself awake, ardent, at the threshold of the new year.
Feb 1968
Elargis ma conscience et purifie-la pour qu'elle puisse refléter la Conscience Divine sans la déformer.
Widen my consciousness and purify it so that it may reflect the Divine Consciousness without deforming it.
March 1968
Pas à pas nous gravirons les marches qui conduisent
à la Vérité
Step by step we shall climb the stairs leading to the Truth.
April 1968
Quand dans l'humanité s'éveillera le besoin de devenir divine, alors ce sera le signe que l'heure de la Réalisation approche.
Que tout en nous hâte cet avènement.
When the need to become divine awakens in humanity it will be the sign that the hour of Realisation is near.
May all in us hasten this advent.
By 'humanity' I mean those who are capable of feeling the need to become divine, those who are making an effort for a divine life, those who feel its necessity, who are preparing them-selves, and not the whole mass of humanity. I mean, when someone's influence will be felt by another as an imperative need. It is not even an idea which is transmitted, but something in the atmosphere which vibrates and touches those who strive for a divine life. It begins from a point and then it spreads in a unique way. This thing which manifests in someone propagates itself and the effect of its influence can be felt among those who are preparing themselves for a divine life. It is not a thing which goes from one to another like an idea but it is more subtle, like a manifestation on the terrestrial plane; thus it reveals something to a group of people. But all do not feel it — only those who are preparing themselves — at any rate, certain individuals.
I never speak about the stupid mass of most of humanity. That never.
It is only the élite of the people who awake to the necessity of a spiritual life. It is like a simultaneous influence which affects a small minority of people. It is these that I call humanity — because it is a manifestation in the terrestrial atmosphere and there are some who by the inner preparation feel the thing which is in movement and assimilate it in their consciousness
— it is these that I call humanity and not the ignorant mass who are what they are and will not feel any effect. I am not speaking of all these people. But those who would have caught the thing which is in the air, which has manifested, it is these whom I consider as humanity; perhaps they are very few, but they are the ones who will be capable of receiving it, because it demands a work of preparation.
And when the force, or the thing I am trying to work on descends a little in the atmo-sphere, then these people — one here, another there - catch it or else they are touched. It is among these people that the work is beginning. It occurs quite simultaneously among these people chosen by the force which descends. You understand?
It is this humanity I am speaking of. It is not the entire world, but those who have the capacity to receive the force.
May 1968
Pour celui qui s'est sincèrement consacré à l'œuvre divine sur terre ce qui extérieurement parait être le pire apporte toujours la possibilité des réalisations les plus totales.
Mais pour que cela soit accompli matériellement deux choses sont indispensables: une stabilité invariable dans la foi et une paix totale dans la confiance.
Donne-nous, Seigneur, cette foi et cette paix.
For one who has sincerely consecrated himself to the divine work upon earth, what outwardly seems to be the worst always brings forth the possibility of the most total realisations.
But for that to be accomplished materially, two things are indispensable: an unwavering stability in the faith and a total peace in the trust.
Give us, Lord, this faith and this peace.
It is quite a lot of work for you... To have this peace and this faith in the Divine Grace, you understand, you must arrive at this equality whatever may happen, the trust in the Divine must not waver at all. A peace and a stability, It must be achieved during first year. A big task, getting all this. It is an entire programme for you.
How do the worst of things always bring forth the most total realisations?
You see, it is like this: the very fact that the worst happens to someone shows that he hides in himself the possibility of the highest, the most total, the sublime. If there was not this deep downward movement, there could not be this contrary movement to rise to the highest possible. The terrestrial law is that contrary needs contrary; it hides itself as if behind the appearance. The most beautiful is hidden in the worst. But for the worst to reveal the possibility of opening to the highest possible, one must have an absolute faith, a total trust in the Divine Grace, and a complete and stable peace which does not waver whatever may happen. It is an unshakable and invariable peace which does not question, which does not doubt — an inner peace which is without excitement and without anxiety because it has an absolute trust in the Divine Grace. It is a state like this (gesture), tranquil, unwavering.
For He is the inner guide. And in all that happens, He is responsible. That is why one keeps this faith intact and this total peace through the worst of conditions. And what seems materially the worst in an ordinary consciousness is not so in another consciousness or in another kind of attitude. It is only a question of how one looks at things. As one sees them, or depending on the degree of importance one gives to them, so one perceives them.
But if we have this total peace and faith in the Divine, then all that happens is for the best possible. And with this trust, we can remain detached, without any reaction whatever, and remain unmoving in the face of all that happens. Well, in this case, the worst of calamities do not touch us. There is no pretension in all this. If one is sincere, then the worst things one can imagine become as if steps to the most total and sublime progress.
With this attitude one can climb to the highest possible heights. But one must have an unwavering faith and a perfect peace, like this (same gesture), tranquil, and tranquil in an absolute trust in the Divine. It is a state that exists. There is no doubt. It is a detached attitude, but confident and peaceful in all situations because it has found the inner link where outer storms have no access.
For it is total peace and faith in the Divine that are his guide. Nothing can shake him, nothing can touch him who has faith and an absolute peace. It is a little difficult and it takes some time; but with a sincere effort, what in the world is difficult? You must try to find this peace and this faith in whatever you do; then the Grace will always smile at you.
And you know, with this attitude one can do anything. It holds the key to all realisations, It is all-powerful, It can cure the worst diseases whatever they may be if one can have this inner consciousness it one must be sincere and have this absolute trust, without faltering, and be as calm as possible. Then all goes well, and one says to oneself: "For He is my support. It is in Him and through Him that I act." If we can develop this faith in us, then things appear completely different and in a new light, and the worst things always bring forth the possibility of more total realisations.
It is like this: since one wants to leap forward, one has first to go back a few steps, as if one were retreating, and then leap forward with élan. In the same way, when one sees something bad in oneself and it is repugnant, then immediately one wants to change it into something beautiful. This is because, behind what is ugly, there is lodged a spark of beauty of the highest kind one can find. This marvellous wonder calls to you and from your side you truly insist on change, it is as though the worst were leading you towards what is beautiful.
This is the law of Nature, since behind pain one finds sublime joy. In the same way, one must bear pain, extreme pain, to find the Divine who is the joy of ecstasy; it is the pain that ends in joy. Now have you understood?
Yes, Mother.
5 May 1968
(The next week, I wrote to the Mother:)
Supreme Lord,
Why do the worst things hold the possibility of the most total realisations?
(The Mother replied:)
It is necessary for the education of the world as long as it has not made the needed effort.
June 1968
Permets que toujours et à chaque instant, mon être total soit devant Toi et puisse Te dire: "Je suis devant Toi pour que Ta Volonté s' accomplisse en moi et à travers moi à chaque moment et en toute chose." avec une sincérité et une humilité parfaites.
Grant that always and at every moment, my entire being may stand before Thee and be able to say to Thee: "I stand before Thee so that Thy Will is done in me and through me at every moment and in all things." with perfect sincerity and humility.
July 1968
Quand la terre entière fera sa soumission, la vie sera transformée.
Permets que mon effort total collabore à cette réalisation.
When the whole earth makes its surrender, life will be transformed.
Grant that my entire effort collaborates in this realisation.
The soul has no need to make its surrender - it is an individualised portion of the Supreme.
But the soul is veiled by the vital and completely deformed by the material substance. It is the surrender of the vital and of material substance which is needed so that the soul can act fully as the messenger and instrument of the Supreme.
August - November : (The Mother did not write any prayer)
December 1968
Bénédictions pour que avec l'année qui finit, disparaisse tout ce qui fait obstacle à la transformation afin que prenne place la nouvelle naissance
Blessings so that with the year that is ending all that is an obstacle to the transformation may disappear so that the new birth may take place
Jan 1969
"Donne-moi le pouvoir de mouvrir entièrement à la conscience nouvelle."
"Give me the power to open myself entirely to the new consciousness."
Feb 1969
"Annule les limitations du passé, rends-moi capable de m'ouvrir à l'avenir pour avancer vers le surhomme."
"Annul the limitations of the past, make me capable of opening myself to the future in order to advance towards the superman."
March 1969
"Je veux la Lumière, la Conscience et la Foi et je me donne à Toi, Seigneur, afin de pouvoir Te servir dignement."
"I want the Light, the Consciousness and the Faith and I give myself to Thee, Lord, so that I may be able to serve Thee worthily."
April 1969
"Purifie-moi de toutes les faiblesses trop humaines pour que je puisse acquérir le calme nécessaire pour recevoir la Conscience nouvelle."
"Rends-moi digne d'elle."
"Purify me of all the too human weaknesses so that I may acquire the necessary calm to receive the new Consciousness.'
"Make me worthy of it."
May 1969
Les perfections d'hier ne me suffisent plus.
Je veux être capable de comprendre et de réaliser la perfection de demain.
Donne moi la conscience que je ne suis rien, pour être capable de devenir quelque chose.
The perfections of yesterday are no longer sufficient for me.
I want to be able to understand and realise the perfection of tomorrow.
Give me the consciousness that I am nothing, so that I may be able to become something.
June 1969
Le monde tel qu'il est à présent est le Divin qui s'est oublié Lui-même.
O Toi qui est tout dans la Vérité, permets que je me souvienne afin de redevenir Toi.
The world as it is at present is the Divine who has forgotten Himself.
Thou who art all in Truth, grant that I may remember so that I may become Thee again.
You know, in the beginning, there was nothing but the Divine. The Divine alone existed everywhere. All around, it was only He. So He got bored and then to please Himself, He created out of Himself. This is how the creation was born. Then the creation multiplied through many milleniums so that at present it is inundated by innumerable beings; it is inundated everywhere. And little by little, the Divine who had created, began to be forgotten in the world.
And now He doesn't exist. The Divine is completely forgotten, denied or, in other words, it is the Divine who has forgotten Himself.
Therefore, it will be a formidable task to make the Divine to be reborn in the world. You understand, it is difficult, but not if one becomes the Divine. I wanted to tease you, but not when it concerns the Divine. On this subject, it would be better to keep silent.
July 1969
Toi seul existes.
Permets que je sois capable de le comprendre vraiment et de le réaliser dans toute ma vie.
Thou alone art.
Grant that I may be able to understand it truly and realise it in my whole life.
August 1969
Une nouvelle création va prendre place sur terre.
Que Ta Grâce me permette de prendre part consciemment à cette création nouvelle.
A new creation will take place upon earth.
May Thy Grace permit me to take part consciously in this new creation.
September 1969
Que toute notre faible et pauvre humanité se change en Conscience divine dans une consécration totale de notre être.
May all our weak and poor humanity change into divine Consciousness in a total consecration of our being.
October 1969
Permets que chaque jour je sois plus près de Toi, jusqu' au jour merveilleux de l'union parfaite.
Grant that each day I may be nearer to Thee, until the marvellous day of perfect union.
Nov 1969
Permets que tout ce qui dans mon être fait obstacle à la complète transformation, soit à tout jamais chassé loin de moi, si cela ne peut être parfaitement et totalement purifié.
Grant that all in my being that is an obstacle to the complete transformation may be driven far from me for ever if it cannot be perfectly and totally purified.
Dec 1969
O Seigneur Suprême
Ta perfection est progressive dans son expression.
Permets que j'aie le même pouvoir de progrès qu'elle.
O Supreme Lord,
Thy perfection is progressive in its expression.
Grant that I may have the same power of progress as it has.
This is for the whole world.
I was saying that "Thy perfection is progressive in its expression." "Expression" means the manifestation, the manifested world. Its manifestation is progressive. In other words its expression in this world is perfect. The Supreme: what He has manifested of Himself is a perfect expression; and it is also a perfect expression of this world. And what He wants to do, and what He is doing and is conceiving of doing, is to take this perfect expression of the world which He has created towards another perfection. Ah! the perfection towards another perfection of His manifestation, the whole towards another expression of the perfection. And this is progressive.
The perfection which He has created is taken towards another higher perfection. Like this, the whole goes into another plane. This world also is His expression which is perfect and now moves... towards another perfection. I mean to say ... but this is enough. If you have understood a little of this — it is to know a lot of things. You understand .. which is progressive.
To speak much about it does not help. One must have lived it in order to understand it better.
This is enough, I will not say more. If this has entered in you, it will make a world of difference for you.
Jan 1970
Bonne Année
Avec la noblesse de caractère qui rend capable de répondre pleinement à la nouvelle conscience
Bonne Année
With the nobility of character that gives the capacity to respond fully to the new consciousness
Feb 1970
Seigneur Suprême
Donne nous cette joie sans mélange de ne vivre que pour Toi.
Supreme Lord
Give us that unalloyed joy of living only for Thee.
March 1970
Donne-nous le courage de surmonter toutes les illusions pour ne vivre que dans Ta Réalité.
Give us the courage to overcome all illusions in order to live only in Thy Reality.
April 1970
Donne-nous, avec la profondeur des océans et la transparence de l'air limpide, le pouvoir de Te recevoir et de Te manifester, afin que Ta volonté s'accomplisse sur la terre.
Give us, with the depth of the oceans and the transparency of limpid air, the power to receive Thee and to manifest Thee, so that Thy will may be accomplished upon earth.
May 1970
Dans le silence mental laisse-moi entendre Ton ordre que je puisse lui obéir.
In mental silence let me hear Thy command that I may obey it.
June 1970
J'aspire à ce que rien dans mon être ne contredise jamais Ta volonté.
I aspire that nothing in my being ever contradicts Thy will.
July 1970
J'aspire à ce que tout mon être soit conscient de la présence psychique et soit gouverné par elle.
C'est le plus court chemin vers le supramental.
I aspire for my whole being to be conscious of the psychic presence and be governed by it.
This is the shortest path to the supermind.
August 1970
Seigneur, Lumière suprême, j'aspire à n'être plus conscient que de Ta Conscience.
Lord, supreme Light, I aspire to be conscious of Thy Consciousness alone
September 1970
À Toi toujours à Toi rien qu'à Toi toujours fidele.
To Thee always to Thee nothing but to Thee always faithful.
October 1970
Tu m'as donné une forme pour que cette forme travaille pour toi.
C'est sa vie et sa joie.
Thou hast given me a form so that this form may work for Thee.
That is its life and its joy.
Nov 1970
Donne-moi une vie belle et harmonieuse, car c'est dans la beauté que le Divin s' exprime le plus complètement dans la vie physique.
Give me a beautiful and harmonious life, for it is in beauty that the Divine expresses Himself most completely in physical life.
Dec 1970
Que tout ce qui est indigne de Toi tombe de notre nature avec l'année qui se termine, afin que nous soyons dignes de Te servir quand nous entrons dans l'année nouvelle.
May all that is unworthy of Thee fall away from our nature with the year that is ending, so that we may be worthy of serving Thee when we enter the new year.
Jan 1971
Une aspiration constante une réceptivité totale une sincérité parfaite Pour commencer.
A constant aspiration a total receptivity a perfect sincerity To begin with.
Feb 1971
Etre divin spontanément en toute sincérité, toute simplicité que ce soit notre aspiration constante dans notre soumission totale à la Volonté Divine.
To be spontaneously divine in all sincerity, in all simplicity let this be our constant aspiration in our complete surrender to the Divine Will.
March 1971
L' Ashram est pour ceux qui ont soif du Divin et veulent Lui appartenir totalement.
The Ashram is for those who thirst for the Divine and wish to belong totally to Him.
April 1971
Pour nous, la perfection c'est de nous unir au Divin.
Tout le reste ne peut être que des étapes sur le chemin.
For us, perfection is to unite ourselves with the Divine.
All the rest can only be stages on the way.
May 1971
La vraie richesse est celle de la conscience qui s'est unie au Divin.
True wealth is that of the consciousness which has united itself with the Divine.
June 1971
C'est dans la vie physique que nous voulons réaliser le Sat-chit-ananda.
It is in physical life that we want to realise Sat-chit-ananda.
July 1971
Notre seul support notre seule aide notre seul but c'est le Divin. Lui seul est et peut Sans Lui rien n'existe avec Lui tout est possible.
Our only support our only help our only goal is the Divine. He alone is and can
Without Him nothing exists with Him all is possible.
(This was the last monthly prayer given by the Mother in 1971.)
Jan 1972
En cette année du centenaire de Sri Aurobindo, efforçons-nous d'être dignes de lui, en suivant fidèlement son enseignement pour préparer la venue du surhomme.
In this year of Sri Aurobindo's centenary let us try to be worthy of him by faithfully following his teaching in order to prepare the coming of the superman.
Feb 1972
La Nature retrouve le Divin dans une soumission béatifique.
Nature rediscovers the Divine in a blissful surrender.
Beneath it She writes OM in Devanagari script
With the help of OM one can realise the Divine. OM has a transforming power. OM represents the Divine.
March 1972
"Ce que Tu voudras
Ce que Tu voudras"
Entièrement et totalement, sans aucune restriction.
"What Thou willest
What Thou willest"
Entirely and totally, without any reserve.
April 1972
Notre raison d'être est le Divin notre origine est le Divin notre but est le Divin tout le reste doit se transformer ou disparaître.
Our raison d'être is the Divine our origin is the Divine our goal is the Divine all the rest must be transformed or disappear.
May 1972
Donne-nous l'humilité nécessaire pour que nous devenions conscients de Ta Présence
Give us the humility needed so that we may become conscious of Thy Presence
And it follows:
Donne-nous la réceptivité nécessaire pour que nous puissions Te recevoir
Give us the receptivity needed so that we may receive Thee.
And there is still more:
Donne-nous la pureté nécessaire pour que nous puissions Te manifester
Give us the purity needed so that we may manifest Thee.
June 1972
Donne-nous la réceptivité nécessaire pour que nous puissions Te recevoir.
Give us the receptivity needed so that we may receive Thee.
July 1972
Donne-nous la pureté nécessaire pour que nous puissions Te manifester
Give us the purity needed so that we may manifest Thee.
August 1972
Manifest Thyself
September 1972
Il faut transformer ou éliminer tout ce qui est intransformable pour que tout dans notre être soit capable d'exprimer purement et complètement ce que le Divin veut de nous. C'est la transformation consciente qui peut hâter la réalisation.
One must transform or eliminate all that cannot be transformed so that all in our being may be able to express purely and completely what the Divine wants of us
It is the conscious transformation which can hasten the realisation.
October 1972
La vraie attitude est celle d'une aspiration constante vers une perfection progressive.
Tous les mouvements égoistes doivent être transformés...en aspiration soumise au Divin.
The true attitude is one of constant aspiration towards a progressive perfection.
All egoistic movements must be transformed...into aspiration surrendered to the Divine.
November 1972
La première nécessité, impérative si nous voulons réaliser notre raison d'être et nous préparer à devenirconscients du Divin et à le servir.
The first imperative necessity if we want to realise our raison d'être and to prepare ourselves to become conscious of the Divine and to serve him.
December 1972
Les heures sont difficiles.
Seule la Grâce peut nous sauver
En elle est notre confiance.
Seigneur, rends-nous dignes d'elle.
The times are difficult.
Only the Grace can save us
In it is our trust.
Lord, make us worthy of it.
Jan 1973
Sincérité, sincérité, sincérité
Sincérité dans la consécration
Sincérité dans la dévotion
Sincérité dans l'attachement au Divin.
Sincerity, sincerity, sincerity
Sincerity in consecration
Sincerity in devotion
Sincerity in attachment to the Divine.
Feb 1973
Que tout en nous n'ait qu'une volonté, une aspiration: connaître et servir le Divin.
May all in us have but one will, one aspiration: to know and to serve the Divine.
March 1973
Notre sadhana doit etre un service au Divin. Une vie simple, peu de besoins et une ardente aspiration vers le Divin.
Our sadhana must be a service to the Divine. A simple life, few needs and an ardent aspiration towards the Divine.