Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Shorter Works
1910 – 1950

  Integral Yoga

Sri Aurobindo symbol
Sri Aurobindo

Short works in prose written between 1909 and 1950 and published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime. Most of these short works are concerned with aspects of spiritual philosopy, yoga, and related subjects. The material includes: (1) essays from the Karmayogin, (2) 'The Yoga and Its Objects', (3) writings from the Arya, such as 'On Ideals and Progress', 'The Superman', 'Evolution', 'Thoughts and Glimpses', 'The Problem of Rebirth', and (4) 'The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth'. (Most of these works were formerly published together under the title 'The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth and Other Writings'.)

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Essays in Philosophy and Yoga Vol. 13 604 pages 1998 Edition
 PDF    philosophy  Integral Yoga

Part III

Writings from the Arya (1914-1921)

Other Writings from the Arya

Chapter XX

Death, Desire and Incapacity


Life is the same whatever its workings and its terms need not be limited to those proper to physical existence. Life is a final operation of divine conscious-force for individualising existence; it is the energy-aspect of Mind when that creates and relates itself to form of substance: it has all the universal conscious-force of existence behind it and is not a separate entity or movement. Life in us must become conscious of this divine Force behind it in order to become divine.—Life, at first darkened, ignorant, divided and helplessly subject, seeks as it develops to become master and enjoyer, to grow in Power; but until it escapes from the bonds of individuality it must be subject to its three badges of limitation, Death, Desire and Incapacity.—The nature of physical life imposes death because all life exists by a mutual devouring and struggle and Life itself feeds upon the forms it creates; but the fundamental justification ofDeath is the necessity of a constant variation of experience in succession of Time, the soul seeking thus to enlarge itself and move towards the realisation of its own infinity.—The process of Death results inevitably from the division of substance; life's attempt to aggrandise its being thus divided and limited translates itself into the hunger that devours. This hunger is the crude form of Desire, and Desire is the necessary lever for self-affirmation; but eventually Desire has to grow out of the law of Hunger into the law of Love.—Desire itself is the result of the limitation of capacity which is the consequence of divided Life working as the energy of ignorant mind, all-force being only possible to all-knowledge. Therefore growth by struggle is the third Law of Life. This strife again has to divinise itself and become the clasp of Love. Until then Death, Desire and Strife are and must be the triple mask of the divine Life-principle in its cosmic self-affirmation.

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