CWM Set of 17 volumes
On Education Vol. 12 of CWM 517 pages 2002 Edition
English Translation


Compilation of The Mother’s articles, messages, letters and conversations on education and 3 dramas in French: 'Towards the Future', 'The Great Secret' and 'The Ascent to Truth'.

On Education

  On Education

The Mother symbol
The Mother

Dans ce volume ont été réunis des articles, des messages, des lettres et des conversations de la Mère avec des étudiants et des professeurs de l’école de l’Ashram, et trois pièces de théâtre : Vers l’Avenir, Le Grand Secret et L’Ascension vers la Vérité.

Collection des œuvres de La Mère Éducation Vol. 12 502 pages 2008 Edition
The Mother symbol
The Mother

This volume is a compilation of The Mother’s articles, messages, letters and conversations on education. Three dramas, written for the annual dramatic performance of the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, are also included. The Mother wrote three dramas in French: 'Towards the Future' produced in 1949, 'The Great Secret' in 1954 and 'The Ascent to Truth' in 1957.

Collected Works of The Mother (CWM) On Education Vol. 12 517 pages 2002 Edition
English Translation
 PDF     On Education

Le Grand Secret : narration by The Mother

  French|  5 tracks
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Messages for Competitions

Athletics Competition 1959

Behind the appearances that the physical eyes can see, there is a reality much more concrete and lasting. It is in this reality that I am with you today and will be during all the athletic season. The force, the power, the light and the consciousness will be in your midst constantly to give to each one, according to his receptivity, the success in his endeavour and the progress which is the crowning result of all sincere effort.

Gymnastics Competition 1959

What I told you at the opening of the athletics stands good for the Gymnastic Competition; I will be with you all through, helping you in your effort and enjoying your performances.

With my blessings.

Athletics Competition 1960

In joy and confidence, let all do their best, with my force, my help and my blessings.

Athletics Competition 1962

Replace the ambition to be first by the will to do the best possible.

Replace the desire for success by the yearning for progress.

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Replace the eagerness for fame by the aspiration for perfection.

Physical Education is meant to bring into the body, consciousness and control, discipline and mastery, all things necessary for a higher and better life.

Keep all that in mind, practise sincerely and you will become a good athlete; this is the first step on the way to be a true man.


Athletics Competition 1963

To all those who want to make their body fit for a Divine Life, I say, do not miss this excellent opportunity of the athletic competition and never forget that whatever we do we must aspire for perfection. For it is this yearning for perfection which will, in spite of all difficulties, lead us to our Goal.


Athletics Competition 1964

We are here to lay the foundations of a new world.

All the virtues and skills required to succeed in athletics are exactly those the physical man must have to be fit for receiving and manifesting the new force.

I expect that with this knowledge and in this spirit you will enter this athletic competition and go through it successfully.

My blessings are with you.

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Gymnastics Competition 1964

The 18th October is a good day.

Gymnastics is a good art.

And you will be good gymnasts.


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Competitions 1966

It might be better to remind you that we are here for a special work, a work which is done nowhere else.

We want to come in contact with the supreme consciousness, the universal consciousness, we want to bring it down in ourselves and to manifest it. But for that we must have a very solid base; our base is our physical being, our body. Therefore we have to build up a body solid, healthy, enduring, skilful, agile and strong, ready for everything. There is no better way to prepare the body than physical exercise: sports, athletics, gymnastics, and all games are the best means to develop and strengthen the body.

Therefore I call you to go through the competitions beginning today, full-heartedly with all your energy and all your will.

Competitions 1967

On this occasion of our physical education and sportive activities:

I must tell you once more that for us spiritual life does not mean contempt for Matter but its divinisation. We do not want to reject the body but to transform it. For this physical education is one of the means most directly effective.

So I invite you to participate in the programme beginning today with enthusiasm and discipline—discipline, because it is the indispensable condition of order; enthusiasm, because it is the essential condition of success.


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Competitions 1968

The first condition for acquiring power is to be obedient.

The body must learn to obey before it can manifest power; and physical education is the most thorough discipline for the body.

So be eager and sincere in your efforts for physical education and you will acquire a powerful body.

My blessings are with you.

Competitions 1969

Since the beginning of this year a new consciousness is at work upon earth to prepare the men for a new creation, the superman. For this creation to be possible the substance that constitutes man's body must undergo a big change, it must become more receptive to the consciousness and more plastic under its working.

These are just the qualities that one can acquire through physical education.

So, if we follow this discipline with such a result in view, we are sure to obtain the most interesting result.

My blessings to all, for progress and achievement.

Competitions 1970

What better offering can we make to the Divine, than to offer the skill of our growing bodies?

Let us offer our efforts towards perfection, and physical education will take for us a new meaning and a greater value.

The world is preparing for a new creation, let us help through physical education, by making our bodies stronger,

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more receptive and more plastic, on the way to physical transformation.

Competitions 1971

We are at one of these "Hours of God", when the old bases get shaken, and there is a great confusion; but it is a wonderful opportunity for those who want to leap forward, the possibility of progress is exceptional.

Will you not be of those who take advantage of it?

Let your body be prepared through physical education for this great change!

My blessings to all.

Competitions 1972

This year, let us offer all the activities of our body in consecration to Sri Aurobindo.

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