Huta expressed some of Sri Aurobindo's poems through paintings, under the Mother's inspiration & guidance. See 50+ paintings with relevant lines from the poems.

Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems

50+ paintings by Huta, inspired by Sri Aurobindo's poems

  The Mother : Contact   Painting


In March 1967 Huta began the work of expressing some of Sri Aurobindo's poems through paintings. Under the Mother's inspiration and guidance she selected certain verses from the poems and completed fifty-four paintings, which were all shown to the Mother in September of that year. This new book presents these paintings along with the lines which inspired them from some of Sri Aurobindo's most well-known poems

Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems
 The Mother : Contact  Painting


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Image 13

I am the lord of tempest and mountain,
   I am the Spirit of freedom and pride.
Stark must he be and a kinsman to danger
   Who shares my kingdom and walks at my side.

Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: Invitation


1908-9 (Ali pore Jail)

When I suggested to the Mother that we could paint a luminous figure of the Lord for the passage from Who she agreed. But when she saw the painting on the 6th April 1967, she said with a touch of irony:

"Child, don't you think it is more like a man than the Lord? This figure should be rather like Him."

Then the Mother gave the meaning to this picture:

"What man must become."

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