Huta expressed some of Sri Aurobindo's poems through paintings, under the Mother's inspiration & guidance. See 50+ paintings with relevant lines from the poems.

Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems

50+ paintings by Huta, inspired by Sri Aurobindo's poems

  The Mother : Contact   Painting


In March 1967 Huta began the work of expressing some of Sri Aurobindo's poems through paintings. Under the Mother's inspiration and guidance she selected certain verses from the poems and completed fifty-four paintings, which were all shown to the Mother in September of that year. This new book presents these paintings along with the lines which inspired them from some of Sri Aurobindo's most well-known poems

Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems
 The Mother : Contact  Painting

The Bird of Fire

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Image 28

O Flame who art Time's last boon of the sacrifice, offering-flower
held by the finite's gods to the Infinite,
   O marvel bird with the burning wings of light and the unbarred
lids that look beyond all space,
One strange leap of thy mystic stress breaking the barriers of mind
and life, arrives at its luminous term thy flight;
   Invading the secret clasp of the Silence and crimson Fire
thou frontest eyes in a timeless Face.

Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: The Bird of Fire


The moon indicates spirituality, sometimes also spiritual Ananda.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III: Sun, Moon, Star, Fire

A golden moon means a power of spirituality full of light of higher Truth.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III: Sun, Moon, Star, Fire

STARS: Signifies a creation or formation or the promise or power of a creation or formation. The Star is always a promise of the Light to come; the star changes into a sun when there is the descent of the Light.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III: Sun, Moon, Star, Fire

Stars indicate beginnings or promise of Light.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III: Sun, Moon, Star, Fire

Moon: In a general way, the moon is associated with spiritual force, spiritual progress, spiritual aspiration.

The Mother, Questions and Answers (1957 - 1958): 26 February 1958

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