A compilation of Huta’s autobiographical notes, about which The Mother said : 'This is the interesting story of how a being discovers the Divine Life.'

The Story of a Soul

  The Mother : Contact


The Story of a Soul, Huta's journal of her progress on the spiritual path, runs from 1954 to 1973. This records many of her conversations with the Mother, their private meditations in the Mother's room at the Playground, and their correspondence. In her numerous cards and messages the Mother consoled Huta in her difficulties, appreciated her skill in various works, and promised to help her realise her true being.

The Story of a Soul
 The Mother : Contact


Once again I was accommodated in Golconde. Dyuman came to greet me. He informed me that when he reported my arrival to the Mother she said, "I will certainly keep her here."

I gave Dyuman the gifts I had brought for the Mother, and told him that the rest of the cases would follow.

In the evening I went to the Playground. My heart sang in sweet secrecy when I went close to the Mother. Our eyes met and held for a timeless moment. Gently I sank to my knees and bowed at her feet. I offered myself. The Mother leaned forward in her chair, laid her hand on my head and fondled it. When I rose and looked at her, she smiled. Giving me a small bag of groundnuts, she pressed my hands with both of hers and nodded silently: she had accepted me.

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