Sweet Mother

  The Mother : Contact

The Mother's Photographs — "I am in the photographs"


Mother, what is there in Your photo?

What do you mean?

What does it represent? What is there in Your photos ?

Don't you know what is there? (Mother smiles) It is I who am there. I am myself there in the photo.

But in what form are You there?

In all the forms I am there. It depends on the photograph. It depends on many things, for in each photo I am different. To each individual to whom I give it, it is a different aspect of myself. At each moment I am represented by a different form, a different attitude, and to each one and for each one it is a different thing. It is never the same.

To someone it is the aspect of Kindness, to another, it is another aspect of Calm, of perfect Serenity, of Mercy, of Compassion, of cosmic Truth, of eternal, infinite Consciousness, or else the aspect of Power, of Humility and of divine Sweetness and so on, which is represented in the same photograph.

It varies with each individual, each instant and each attitude, it is something new. It is constantly changing. I am never the same. It depends on the indications and many things. In each photo I am different and to each one I reveal myself in a distinctly different way which is right for him.

Usually in a photo *it is one of my infinite states of

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Consciousness and varied moods of expression caught eternally in a moment* — the Universal Mother in Her infinite forms. It is for you to find out which of my aspects predominates in each photo — what strikes you when you see the photo.

You must feel and find it. In each photo it is a different aspect of myself which is revealed. It is an entity that is present. It is not a picture on a piece of paper, but a living Presence, a vibrant Force and an Entity or an Emanation which is projected and which has a power of action and formidable means of execution.

Anyway, it is a part of myself, materialised, concrete, which reveals itself in such a way that the Force can act through the photo itself, because there my Presence is living and a portion of myself is manifested in the photo.

It also depends on the person to whom I give the photo, on what he needs, at what moment, for what reason and why; all this plays a very important part. That is why it is never the same personality or the same aspect which reveals itself. But it depends on many things, according to his state of consciousness, his temperament. In fact, it varies constantly. For you it may be one thing, while for another it may be completely different, although being the same photo. That is how it is. But why do you want to know this?

Because, Mother, the other day when I brought the photos I sent for A's son, I wanted to know what exactly is there in Your photos.

My child, me, I am there in the photos. Exactly what you see here now: the whole, like this, I am there in the photos. What I am, it is there in the photos. Only, in each photo a different aspect of myself reveals itself. All the same it is I who am there.

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It is said, Mother, that it is Your emanations which are in the photos and...

Yes, that is true, it is my emanations that are there.

Not You in Your entirety?

I am present, in my emanations, I am there, like this, the whole... But why do you want to talk about or discuss this subject?... It is not a subject of conversation.

But, Mother, I want to know.

We will see.... Yes, I am present as you see me, in my totality. I am in the photos. Isn't that enough?

Yes, Mother.

... It is time.

Au revoir, Douce Mère.



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'Adoration and Obeisance'

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'Adoration and Obeisance'


What is it?

Mother, it is Your photo.

Ah! My photo? Do you want me to sign it?

Yes, Mother. But, Mother, why are You doing pranam in the photo? Why and to whom?

Don't you see that I am greeting the Truth? This is the necessary posture. It is the attitude of adoration and humility. I wait patiently for the day when Truth will be the sole guide. And it is so important, this attitude. If the earth wants the Divine Truth to be established, in its entirety, this is the attitude it must take. This is the only thing which can save the earth.

To remain in this attitude and aspire upwards. The earth must learn to salute the Truth with this attitude. This is adoration as well as obeisance. This is what it must learn; it represents much more, something profound and sublime.

Mother, please write this explanation, here.

No, all this I cannot.

Then, please write just 'Adoration et Obéissance.'

This, I can. ...

(Mother writes below the photo:)

Adoration et obéissance

This is all right. Now you know what it means.

Yes, Mother.

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'The Gaze of the Divine Consciousness'


My child, I did not call you yesterday as I would be seeing you today. You understand?

Yes, Mother.

I am seeing you now, that is why I did not call you.

It is all right, Mother.

Give me your notebook.

Today it is this, Mother, the prayers. (I give the calendar with the prayers to the Mother)

Oh... (Mother reads the first prayer for January) And this, what is it? (Mother points to the painting of a flower) Ah, I know, it is the 'Promise of Realisation'.

Yes, Mother.

It is good. Hmm.

(Mother concentrates and then writes)

Have I signed the last one?

Yes, Mother. And You have forgotten to put the date.

Shall I put the date also?

Yes, Mother.

Is that all?

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'The Gaze of the Divine Consciousness'

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[Widen my consciousness and purify it so that it may reflect the Divine Consciousness without deforming it.]


Yes, Mother. Mother, these are the photos that you had sent me.

But I have already sent the photos. You did not receive them?

Yes, Mother, these are the ones that You had sent me.

Ah, it is all right.

Mother, You forgot to sign them.

Hmm. (Mother concentrates on a photo) Tell me, what did you feel when you looked at this photo? When you received these photos you looked at them, didn't you?

Yes, Mother.

What did you feel? It did not evoke something in you?

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Like this, when you concentrated on this photo, what was the impression you had? Did you not feel anything?

Yes, Mother, in this photo it seems to me that You are looking deep within me, there, in the psychic. It is a look that penetrates.... But, ...it is not a tangible experience.

No, but each time I look at this photo, it gives me a marvellous and concrete feeling. Naturally, I know what it means, but still, each time that I look at this photo, I feel first of all that this is not an ordinary look: it is not I who am looking but it is the gaze in identification with the Divine Consciousness. It is the gaze of the Divine Consciousness which penetrates deep inside, there, in the psychic, and from there it radiates in the whole body, like this, everywhere. It is a gaze that penetrates; when one looks one feels that it touches the psychic and from there radiates in the whole body. It is so living a gaze. Me too, when I look, I feel as if seized by the Divine Consciousness which goes directly into the psychic. Everyone who has even a slightly developed consciousness can feel it. It is an extraordinary gaze, full of power because it is the gaze of the Divine Consciousness. Me, I know what it is, but when I concentrate on the photo, this look penetrates the psychic. It touches the psychic, and you know, the psychic is a portion of Him, and from there it radiates all around. This force which penetrates spreads like this in the body. And those who have a developed consciousness can feel this very easily because it is a direct gaze which penetrates into the psychic being. You understand?

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Yes, Mother.

Now, don't tell me that you also, you felt a similar thing, cunning boy.

But, Mother, I had already told You what I felt. I only said that it is a look which penetrates deep inside.

Yes, yes, it is all right. I was teasing you.

But now I know what it is, after You explained it to me. Truly, it is something.

Yes, it evokes a profound sentiment, it touches there (gesture) and awakes the consciousness which spreads everywhere. It rises from the psychic.

Mother, and the other one? (photo of the Mother at the Balcony)

The other one? I have the impression that it is... you tell me, what does it tell you?

Mother, it seems to me it is Your own form which appears behind You.

Yes, truly it is that. It is not me. It is someone whom I know very well. I met her in another world. She was there. It is not me. It has come out well, it has been caught well in the photo. It is this vague impression of another world which is trying to establish its influence little by little. It is exactly this, because I know her very well. I have often met her. In fact, I have explained all this, in detail, in the Bulletin1 which is going to come out.

Yes, Mother.

1. Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, February 1968, also Collected Works of the Mother, Vol. 11, pp. 102-05.

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Terrace Darshan — November 24, 1967.

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How do you know about it? Have you read it already?

Mother, it is because I too saw You in two forms at the Balcony. I had told You this and You had explained it to me.

Ah, yes, yes, I remember. There are, like you, some people who saw me in two or three forms. It is exactly what you had told me, I remember now. She visited me at the Balcony. It is a form, a state of consciousness. It has come out well. It is this that I have explained in the Bulletin. You will see. But this, what you have said, is right.

Mother, will You write on this paper: "The gaze of the Divine Consciousness?" I will paste it below this photo. (showing Her the first photo)

Again, you are going to do some publicity?

No, Mother, never.

No, I do not want you to show this to everyone. I want them to feel for themselves, what it means, you understand?

Yes, Mother, it will be only for myself.

But I should not write all this.... Well, give me. (Mother writes:)

[The gaze of the Divine Consciousness]

Yes, it is truly the gaze which goes till there (the psychic). Is it all right?

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Yes, Mother. ...Mother, I have brought some more photos. Will You sign them?

But what is all this? Where did you get them?

Mother, I do not have a photo of Sri Aurobindo, that is why...

But look, you have them now.

Yes, Mother. Will you... ?

Who has given you all these photos?

As I do not have photos of Sri Aurobindo. I have brought...

But look, you have them.

Will You sign them, Mother?

No, I do not sign on Sri Aurobindo's photo.

No, Mother?


At least You can put the date, Mother.

No, He is not bound by dates. He is above all that. No, I do not put anything. But here, on my photo, I can sign.

This one has already been signed, Mother. But the other set, You could sign here. (I give her one of Sri Aurobindo's photos)

This one, no.

But Mother, why? Moreover You and Sri Aurobindo are the same, so, You can always sign, isn't it?

Yes, but...

But, Mother, when one sees the photos, one sees You

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being united with Sri Aurobindo. Then is this not true?

Yes, He becomes one with me. Sometimes He is in me, sometimes He is outside me. From time to time, He is here, and again He is not here, or else He is in ten places simultaneously. At the same time, He is in many places. Like this, He is in me also.

Then it is the same thing. Therefore You can sign, Mother, because for me You and Sri Aurobindo are the same.

My child, there are things which one cannot say, which one cannot pronounce, leave aside write. That is why, I cannot sign. Because it is not done. Materially, it is not possible. In some other plane of consciousness it could be done but not materially. You understand, I cannot.





1. There is no record of what the Mother said about the photo on the right.

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'The Example to be followed'

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The Vision of the Future


(Mother looks at one of Her recent photographs)

It is good. It is a recent portrait of me.

Yes, Mother.

(Mother concentrates on the photo for a long time)

Mother, what was it that You were seeing for such a long time?

I was seeing something.

Mother, what does this photo of Yours represent?

You want to know?

Yes, Mother.

Shall I write it here?

No, Mother, here, below the photo.

(Mother writes:)

'La vision de l'avenir'

[The Vision of the Future]




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'The Vision of the Future'

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"A Moment of My Eternal and Infinite Being"


Mother, in what attitude You are here in this photo?

Mother, what does this photo of Yours represent?

Mother, in which form are You here?


It is one of the thousands of appearances. It is one of those thousands of appearances. It is one of Her thousands of appearances.

In which appearance? It represents something?

Of course, it represents something.

Yes, Mother. What is it? Because it is so beautiful.

What do you find in this photo?

I find it magnificent, in a trance...

It is not easy to express... that is why I am asking You.

There are thousands, thousands of appearances...

Mother, You do not want to tell? ...

... Each one sees according to his receptivity.

There is nothing absolute like that. You see according to your receptivity.

Guide me, Mother.

It is a moment of my Eternal and Infinite being. A moment of my Eternal and Infinite Being.



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Balcony Darshan

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The Eternal Mother


Mother, what does this photo represent? (indicating Her photo)

It1 represents me.

Yes, but it is one of the diverse...

It depends on one's receptivity.

It can represent a physical body.

It can represent the eternal mother...

It depends on one's receptivity...




1. It is not certain which photo the Mother is referring to here.

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