The Supreme

  The Mother : Contact

Mona Sarkar
Mona Sarkar

Conversations with The Mother as recollected by Mona Sarkar

The Supreme 97 pages 2000 Edition
 The Mother : Contact



Bonjour, Douce Mere.

You have something interesting to tell me, some unforgettable experience, something which has touched you deeply? Yes?

Yes, Mother.

Then tell me, I am ready to hear you.

(I recount my experience)

Yes, my child, that is true. But you do not know that it is through my feet that I transmit the power of transformation into matter, into the inconscience of the inert mass of this anguished earth? Didn’t you know?

No, Mother, not like that.

I had a vague idea from what I had read here and there that your Feet are destined to change the fate of the earth. Something like that; I do not remember exactly.

Mother, I feel that there is a force being transmitted through your Feet. It is active or rather dynamic with the rays of light and a peace that settles down. It is as if your Feet give comfort to the being with a soothing love and sweetness. Mother, it is at the same time many things that one feels. But the most important thing is that the force is very active, it is really strong.

Yes, my child. It is exactly that; because it is the force of transformation, that is why it is dynamic. There is the light that penetrates to illumine the mass in the Inconscience, the force to stimulate the tamas, and the joy to make it conscious. This force must penetrate this solid, obscure, rigid matter which is obstinate in its perversion and engulfed in falsehood, in order to bring light into the very bottom of this mass of inconscience, of this eternal obscurity that opposes with its immense and impenetrable energies in their unrelenting dynamism. There is a Presence which is bound up in matter by millions of cords. It is imprisoned there by an occult power from which it is very difficult to be free. Immobile, it rests in matter, forced by a blind compulsion in the insentient depths where nothing moves, where nothing ever can, there where everything disappears in a resistance that opposes with an invincible force. That is why this transforming force must act with a sustained power till matter feels and is made more conscious of my presence, of the light that is spreading. I force it down until the light penetrates into the very heart of matter.

You know, each step that I have placed on the earth, everywhere, everywhere, I have thrust this force and this light of transformation into the atoms and molecules of this matter which are under my feet, to awaken them to the necessity of this work of transformation. Each step that I have placed deliberately on the earth has sent vibrations, like echoes that ring and resound, into the inertia of this matter which sleeps in a torpor of inconscience in order to awaken it to a rhythm of harmony and to a consciousness of beauty and truth. And how with a spark of light they awoke with joy and responded to my call by a tremendous stirring to participate in this effort towards transformation! It is unimaginable, how with a single movement they surrendered themselves to accept to participate in this miracle of the transmutation which will change the very nature of these elements. Not quite physically, but in the process of their subconscient formation, in their mental, in their dynamism, even in their actions and reactions, there will be a new guide — a light of the true consciousness to illumine them. It becomes something benign, something sacred where the past with its pernicious load will be effaced.

Men and Nature have utilised these elements and these atoms for their egoistic ends and have made them perverted, petty and mean. You know well the terrifying power which resides in the atom and which man has multiplied indefinitely to kill his enemies, to kill one another without considering the destruction and the imbalance created which multiplies itself endlessly without control in the terrestrial atmosphere. This has created a vicious circle in which the anti-divine forces have utilised man, have helped him to produce these destructive devices in order to have control over this kingdom where falsehood predominates.

The earth and the terrestrial atmosphere tremble at the ferocity of that devouring power. They remember with agony, how, in spite of their will, they were ruthlessly compelled to reveal the secret of the force that resides in the nature of the atom; from that arose this gruesome fatality of an unparalleled destruction that they witnessed.

It is a memory which does not get effaced.

It is a derisive act and of a global magnitude which is followed by sordid consequences and irreparable destructions in the consciousness of these atoms. They cannot forget. They too have a mind, a consciousness, an Over-soul, a spark of the Divine in each atom, (Mother speaks in English) which reacted against this brutality.

They invoked the Divinity to intervene and put an end to this carnage, to this unnecessary and baseless human holocaust, which moreover, could drag man to commit the ultimate and grave mistake — which in appearance is nothing but a petty quarrel over acquiring a piece of land, or the predominance of ego, or the superiority of power or wealth, or to avenge a war which could furthermore lead to the end of this distressed humanity, the annihilation of the human race as well as… of most of the animals and even of Nature. With this, the earth would be uninhabitable. On what an insecure plank humanity is balancing; almost on the brink of a disaster, — one false step… he is skirting the abyss! This is the fate of humanity which remains suspended in the hands of a dozen men who govern the world. The destiny of the world sealed with the caprices and the fantasy of those who govern — perhaps not more than my fingers. (trance)

Proclaiming in the name of the Peace Process, in the name of Religion, of Territorial Integrity, of Brotherhood, of Helping the Nations against Poverty and Disease, and of Education (Mother speaks in English) and what other maledictions that I do not understand, they are ready to declare war, kill millions of people in order to save the world, to save the nations and help the fate of humanity! I do not understand their intentions. They have no respect for others, no regard for their words, and the promises vanish into the past. They do what they like — what their fantasies dictate. And ordinary men and the poor earth suffer, agonise, torn by the contradictions, bear the consequences and complain without any response. People are assassinated, victimised by the circumstances, the results of which are not favourable to any. There are deaths and losses, destitutes, the wounded, the half-dead. Then they are attacked by famine and epidemics, by which Nature takes its revenge. But men do not perceive the damage they perpetrate. After the devastation one becomes aware of the futility of a war which causes innumerable misfortunes not only to men and nature but also to the atmosphere which is charged with this gruesome animosity and is shaken with fear and dominating anger. Haunted by this hostility the small entities which work for peace, sweetness and harmony in the world flee, because in these terrible hours the divinity that governs the world withdraws due to the pressure of the anti-divine forces. All seems lost, senseless and without value. Why this existence at all if it is to be annihilated in an irreversible nothingness?

In these terrible hours one hears a faint voice, one perceives a quiver in the earth, one feels a vibration of the divinity that awakes and a profound aspiration for the light surging up from the depths of the atoms.

What a benevolent Grace! What a sovereign Peace! What a solace for these tiny entities that reside in the atoms and who had been tortured. What a blessed hour! For these are the very particles of dust where I have placed my feet — which have been touched by the transforming light, by the power that triumphs, and first they try to bring an equilibrium, then to spread this compassion and they are active in changing their neighbours who are in turmoil because they had been disturbed by this chaos in the atmosphere.

You know, wherever I have walked, wheresoever I have placed my feet, wherever on the earth our feet have touched the ground, that place has become sanctified, pure and receptive to our touch, to the transforming Force that we have transmitted, that which has emanated from us, in order to act in the very depths of the inconscience. The light that has emanated from us has awakened these tiny particles from millions of years of torpor to a new consciousness, to the vibration of an unknown Ananda. They have retained this Consciousness and Ananda and have spread them all around to effectuate a change in their surrounding — as if to suffuse it through these molecules, by an influence impregnated with a divine sweetness…. I have touched the soul of the earth, of this matter which greets me with a gratitude that pours itself in an incomparable surrender and invites me further to liberate it from all bondage. I have kindled in the very depths a flame to burn all impurities and to make it pure. And what a work it is that is taking place!

Wherever I look there is a spark of my light that beckons me. Wheresoever I have placed my feet, there is an activity of the force of transformation which makes the earth-consciousness vibrate. How in this obscure and solid inconscience — this mass of ignorance, of impenetrable tamas, where never a light was seen — now one sees at last a clearing, a ray of light brightening up this tiny mass. In the very depths of the nucleus of these atoms I have kindled a flame which awakens with a quiver like a palpitation, in this inert mass of inconscience imprisoned in an immobile spiral of forces, as in the obscure eternity of ignorance. It reveals a world where nothing was. In these blind realms of matter where it lay inert and mute, in a deep slumber without life, there comes a vibration emanating from the Supreme Will and matter trembles, shudders and awakens in an ecstasy.

It is a mystic influence, a spiritual Will which has gone out from me and has penetrated even into the subconscient, into the inert inconscience, to act and to awaken the divinity which is hidden in this dark, obscure and black Inconscience. It is because it was there, hidden, — this divine spark, — that the world was saved; without that it would be the end of everything, of this universe. Then with the liberation of this force and light, the atoms regained courage to face this obscurity of the ignorance, the falsehood of the world imprisoned in the darkest inconscience. And with this emergence, we see everywhere sparks of this light which wants to establish itself. There where I have placed my feet on the earth it has been blessed and has become receptive to my force. With gratitude, the earth retains the effect of the transmutation that took place by the fact that I walked on her, that is why she expresses herself in an inexpressible joy.

And Nature gathers this energy which has emanated from me and sends it here and there to bring forth new plants and new flowers that have not been seen before, impregnated with the New Consciousness. It is astonishing — these flowers! They are distinctly different from what we find ordinarily, with characteristics and modes of another plane of consciousness. They are so beautiful and they symbolise an aspect of this New Creation.

There where I have placed my feet, there has been a formidable effect — various results of one kind or another. In some places I noticed that the atmosphere thrills with this unique vibration interspersed here and there; and those who are open and receptive, fulfilling the conditions demanded by these elements, have been able to awaken to this New Consciousness. They have had only a slight glimpse of what this substance is and they are astonished to find the effect it can bring about on the body, without knowing what it is. You see, these people who are concerned with the physical, purely physical, not mental, that means physically physical, — those who aim at the perfection of the body, and consequently the perfection in the domain of execution, of skill, strength, endurance, in whatever form of physical expression, those who have consecrated their lives to pursue this ideal rigorously with an unparalleled will and discipline, — these persons have felt something, have been touched by this transforming light. They express it in an ordinary way, a bit vaguely because they have not learnt to express themselves properly. They did not have a formal education. But in spite of it they express the essence of what they feel, of what they have found by following these rigorous disciplines, this sense of an opening that made them invincible, this sense of exceeding oneself, of going beyond all limits, as if projected into the infinite — of flying without restraint in this physical body — as if entering into another dimension, into another plane of consciousness, — this sense of immortality. I see them, how this New Force has seized them to transmute their life, their attitude and their self-giving towards this unknown power which they do not understand. It is a marvellous work that these athletes have been able to accomplish and they will be crowned with further perfections because of their will to find something new and their simple attitude.

Everywhere I see them, it is as if I have sown the seeds of the New Consciousness where these people are sprouting up who are able to absorb in the cells this joy that sparkles and awakens the consciousness to a light without form. It is in the atmosphere here and there, this element that is working to change the particles in the depths of the inconscience, in the nucleus where I have been able to light a spark of this New Light. And there, you see a life that throbs and aspires. Now it is pushing its domain into the atmosphere to bring about a change, a real work which has begun to expand into the atmosphere in response to that which I sent forth into the depths.

It is in this way that the work is being carried out: the Grace sends forth a light and a force from above and matter takes up this action in love and responds with ecstasy. And in this way everything seems to grow, to spring up, to open to an extraordinary phenomenon. How astonishing it is, the way these people who are engaged in physical culture, who work with the body, the athletes, have been able to catch hold of this thread, this vibration which comes from matter to express this consciousness, this New Force, in their effort towards perfection, because they are physically bound in matter, because they are linked to matter by a mutual interdependence where one helps the other by a fusion of consciousness to effectuate a change. One can say that these are the precursors or the emanations of the New Wave. What is interesting is how this force is working in Nature as well as on the physical aspirants to bring about a radical change in their life and they are convinced that there is some other phenomenon that governs their life. Perhaps it has not yet spread in the masses, but those few who have been seized by it are charged by an ecstasy to blossom into a new world.

They feel something new coursing through their muscles, nerves and cells, which gives them the energy and the force, the courage and the endurance to surpass all the physical laws and absorb a new process of this realm of universal power, and they have proved what one can do with the body. It is unimaginable, it exceeds all limits.

In this effort the earth invokes the Supreme to extend his reign everywhere in the world and remembers with gratitude in an adoration and an ecstasy the felicity of the memory of these footprints that I have left behind on the earth which transform the atoms. The earth, the rocks, the dust, the water and the air, all that constitutes this universe implores for a new rebirth to blossom in the joy of participating in the New Consciousness.

This is the work that I have done without anyone ever knowing it and yet without Him nothing would advance. (In a teasing tone) Actually, I have erred a bit, because I spoke only about myself, what I have done, like an egoist, like you, as you boast… without ever mentioning what He has done.

No, Mother, there is no doubt. It is true all that You have done. You are not boasting.

Yes, it is true! I was just teasing you.

And Mother, what Sri Aurobindo has done, is it the same?

Essentially yes. Sri Aurobindo has arranged everything so that my work becomes easy. Sri Aurobindo has the key to open this region of the Inconscience. He turns the key to open the door and illumines my way, and very gently I enter to infuse the Force, the Light and the Divine Ananda into the body of this inert and obscure matter. When it is touched by this transforming light, the atoms that constitute this matter awake to a New Consciousness. Like this the work continues and spreads or multiplies. You understand, Sri Aurobindo is the Soul of Matter, the aspiration of the whole humanity. He is the Light in Matter or the Spirit incarnated in Matter. Sri Aurobindo has separated himself from the Supreme and has plunged in this matter, in a body, with this load of inconscience and ignorance upon himself — to awaken them to the divine life. For this He has invoked the Supreme, the Grace, to descend here below on this earth to help in His work. That is why, having heard His call, I have come down here into matter in a physical body, into this world of pain, suffering and death. And it is in the union of both of us that the world will witness gradually this miracle of a divine life. It is because of Him that I have descended. It is this intense aspiration of matter from below that He has sent up and the Grace has responded by a descent. What a blessed hour for the earth. It is an occasion for a tremendous progress so that the whole universe may blossom in a great élan towards the goal of its existence. With Our help which will be at its disposal and a will to pursue, what could be there that would be impossible to realise! This is the moment.

You know, each vibration that emanates from us, each ray of light radiating from us becomes a beacon-light spreading in the being of the inconscience and illumining its path towards the truth of its existence. It is only because of Sri Aurobindo that I can accomplish this work. He does the major portion of the work. He invites me, He opens the door and I enter into the depths of this inconscience and I kindle the light to illumine the atoms in the torpor of inconscience. I put there a bit of force to awaken them and I give this Divine Love so that they may aspire more. I charge each atom in this way.

There where we have placed our feet and left our footprints behind, those atoms irradiate and influence others which are in their proximity and in this way the work of transmutation continues unabated.

You are right. There is a much greater intensity of force emanating from my feet because this force has to pass through the thick crust of the earth, through a great resistance in order to reach and touch the inconscience. It is for this reason that the force passes directly. Whereas when I bless with my hand, I control the flow of this force and give to each one what he needs when I give my blessings. But Sri Aurobindo had a different way: like this, from far, He could send the force directly either to heal, to uplift or to bless, — I have seen so many cases, — without even His touching. Whereas me, I restrict a little and I give exactly according to the receptivity of the persons and as much as they can contain and assimilate. I give according to the capacity of the individual, not more, not less, and they are happy. But sometimes I am obliged to give with a lot of intensity and energy, when there is a call to help someone from far, at the other end of the world, — from the other extreme. When I hear a prayer, I send a force and a will which goes with a lot of intensity either to do what is necessary or to save the person. It is a vibration that emanates from me and in a fraction of a second it acts with a determinism even at the other end of the world. At that moment, it is voluntary, direct and accomplishes the will which I have put into that vibration. Really speaking, it is a very strong force which I send and which acts on the person — it is to save him even from death. But it is not often that I send a force of this intensity. People cannot understand the value of what I have done, of what has been accomplished. Anyway….

(After a while) But you know, I am up there, like this (gesture) above your head, constantly, so that you open this door up there (gesture) so that I can enter into you completely for identifying myself with you. And then I shall do everything, everything in you. For that, you have to be pure and sincere, and the psychic should come to the forefront to govern your life. All your actions must be the expression of your deeper being, of your inner life. Then my light will be able to penetrate from above and communicate with your psychic and bring about a radical change in your consciousness. It is in this way that you could invite me and I could easily enter in you to unite with your consciousness in a perfect union. Then it will no longer be you who would do the things but I would do all for you. It is for this that I am waiting patiently, when I will see that day full of promise when the ego in you opens itself towards the Self, which is up here permanently, so that it descends in you and governs your life. In fact, for each one, I am inside him as well as above him. It is in this way that I govern. But you must make a connection with me, in order to find me up there also….

Each step that I have placed awakens Matter and resounds there like an echo. Each step is precious that awakens the consciousness in Matter. I am enclosed in each atom and my contact with the earth, at each step, bursts open the crust and awakens it to the light.

(After a while Mother continues)

Be courageous and resume with resolution and nothing can delay you. I am there to help you.

Move forward, my child, do not lose this opportunity. It comes once in a lifetime and life is not long. But the effort can shorten the route. And with me beside you as guide the path will be shortened considerably and it will become accessible.

Forward towards those regions, there where you will find me in a body without age, in a glorious form.

Good luck.

Au revoir.

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