The Supreme

  The Mother : Contact

Mona Sarkar
Mona Sarkar

Conversations with The Mother as recollected by Mona Sarkar

The Supreme 97 pages 2000 Edition
 The Mother : Contact



The 2nd of December is the anniversary of our school. Every year, on that day, we have a programme of drills and demonstrations. The cultural presentation which at first used to be held on the same day was later organised on the 1st of December. The Mother not only took a keen interest in the preparation and execution of these programmes, but for many years She was present on both the occasions.

She considered the physical demonstration to be a great occasion for collective progress, for receiving physically, through our efforts, Her Grace and Her Power.

She often said that as She had taken charge of this day, everything would happen as if in Her consciousness.

From 1959 I went to the Mother on the 2nd of December to seek Her blessings for the function. She would enquire about the practice and ask if we were ready for the show.

In 1966, as usual I had gone to the Mother. She gave a prayer and the assurance that She would be there amongst us. She spoke at length about the importance of the day and at the end She added: “I hope that everything will be all right today. I have sent Blessings Packets for everyone and I have instructed that it should be announced that I shall be present in the field with them, to see and assist in all the movements, so that they put all their effort and concentration to make it something marvellous.

“I have said that I will be with them…. When I say I shall be there, be sure that I shall be there with all my will. I shall be there to participate and to assist in all that is going on.”

On the 4th of December, when I went to see the Mother, She asked me in detail about the programme and enquired what I had done with the prayer She had given me on the 2nd of December.

The Mother’s Voice


Bonjour, Douce Mère.

Was everything all right on the 2nd?

Yes, Mother; everything was all right.

Was everyone happy?

Yes, Mother.

How did you march? Well? Your knee stood the test?[2]

Yes, Mother, the knee is all right; but I did not march.

What? You did not do the March Past?

No, Mother, I was there to give the orders.

Give the orders? What orders?

In front of the microphone, Mother. ‘Attention’ and all that, for the March Past. And then to blow the whistle to signal the start of the items.

Oh, you were giving the orders to conduct.

And what did the other captains do? Did they help to organise?

Yes, Mother.

What did they do?

Mother, the central theme, it was A who introduced it.

That I know well.

Then, Mother, basing on this theme or idea, the captains of the different groups collaborating among themselves, taught the movements to the group members. And this time there was no interruption between the drills, one followed the other in a smooth sequence.

Yes, it is better like that. There is a continuity and the interest develops. Then what did you do?

Almost nothing, Mother. I conducted the March Past, the Mass Exercises, Au revoir and supervised the overall organisation, blowing the whistle from time to time for the drills to begin.

Well, on the whole everything went off very well?

Yes, Mother, very well. Not only that, the atmosphere was charged.

Everyone was happy?

Yes, Mother.

How long did it last?

An hour and a half, Mother.

Did the Band play for the drills?

Not much, Mother, only for the March Past, Mass Exercises and Au revoir.

They did not play the ‘Bande Mataram’?

Yes, Mother, just after the March Past….

Were you there for the 1st of December at the Theatre?

Yes, Mother.

You liked the play?

Yes, Mother, and more so because I felt that the atmosphere was charged.

Oh! Yes.

Yes. Mother, on both the days, the 1st and the 2nd of December, one felt above all that the atmosphere was charged. It was vibrating with Your Presence.

Yes, this is what I want. It is good.

You know, Mother, as You had told me that You would be there, present among us, that is why I wanted very much to be with You. And so I remained all the time in front of the microphone, concentrated, trying to feel something. Naturally I did not see You like this, but Mother, I felt Your Presence vibrating. And after the programme I congratulated everyone for the success. The atmosphere was really charged, Mother. I saw things pass before my eyes and a little below, it was as if all had become vast and one could see the harmonious movements as a whole. It was like an experience.

It is good, my child. So you did not have an occasion to march to see whether your knee stood the test or not?

But Mother, like that the knee is all right and I can…

No, no, I do not want that you try something hard now.

But Mother, just walking is nothing.

You know, I do not want something that is not properly cured. It is not this that I want — that your knee does not dislocate. But what I want is that it should be completely cured, without the least trace, perfectly normal. You know, the doctors say so many things: that it is incurable, that it is finished for life. But I know of many cases of illness which the doctors had pronounced as incurable and they had completely given up, which I have cured by other means, totally cured and made normal. And when the doctors came to know of the cure they were completely stunned. This is a far more effective way. I tell you that, this, your knee, can be cured — but only, it will take some time, perhaps two to three years, to be completely normal, even if the doctors have said ‘no’. For I know of persons who with a will to cure have shown to the doctors what they could never believe.

I know that your knee will be cured, only you need to be prepared and you have to remain calm so that I may be able to work within you, without being disturbed. All the same, you must have faith, an unshakable faith, a faith that does not waver, that does not question, never, not even doubt in any way. Only faith, faith, faith — nothing but a total faith with an absolute confidence in the Divine as well as the certitude that the knee will be completely cured. If one has this, then it does not take long to cure. At the most it will take two to three years….

And what did you do with the prayer I gave you? [3]

Mother, I read the prayer after the March Past.

(In a teasing tone) In front of everybody?

Yes, Mother.

And how did you read it?

Why, Mother? I read it in front of the mike.

(Still teasing) How I would like to hear it! (Mother laughs)

You, reading a prayer? This is really… something… (Mother laughs and continues teasing) I would very much like to hear how you read it!

Mother, would You like to hear it now?

No, no, not now. I do not have the time. I was only teasing you.

Then, Mother, You could have recorded it.

Yes, that’s what I was thinking. If my voice were recorded and the loudspeakers were hidden, without any one knowing about them and suddenly it was played very loud during the programme, then everyone would be stunned and surprised to hear my voice. And they would run everywhere to look for me. But no chance! It would be good fun. They would tremble before the power and the grandeur they would perceive. And it would be very interesting because they would hear my voice but they would not find me.

Mother, that would be very interesting.

And if we did this in some place where one does not recognise my voice…. Here, everyone knows my voice, — it would not be so interesting; but there, where one does not know, it could be very effective, for the people would at once bow down to pray, hearing this voice — pure, grave, penetrating and solemn, which vibrates and rings in the very depths of the being. This voice shakes up and tears the past, drives away the ill-will, sanctifies and purifies the atmosphere all around. It is formidable! you know, my voice is heard in the soul. It comes from the Soul and expresses the Soul.

Mother; I had always the impression that your voice is exceptional. It is extraordinary. We have never heard a similar voice. It carries us up, shakes the whole being and gives an impetus to our aspiration. It inspires us to be sincere and conscious. It is marvellous, Mother. It kindles the psychic flame. It is sweet and at the same time powerful.

You are right, my child, it is exactly that. Similarly, in ancient times when one wanted to convince the people, they were assembled in the caves of the mountains and suddenly, from all the corners, one heard sonorous voices trembling with fury to announce the wrath of God: “If you do not act in such a manner you will perish.” And it had a formidable effect. For everyone obeyed without questioning. (In a jovial mood) If I too begin to proclaim like this, you will see that this would have a tremendous effect. If I announce with a deep, grave, clear and penetrating voice: “Be pure and faithful,” immediately the people will all be shocked and petrified to hear my voice, stunned. From where is this announcement coming? Is it from the sky which has opened up? or is it possible that the Mother is here among us? Why this proclamation? They will all be in an odd and uncomfortable situation: “What have we done?” — As if I know nothing! It would be very difficult for them to extricate themselves, for these words coming down from the heavens will goad them to make the necessary effort and progress. It will be very amusing.

Yes, Mother, perhaps it is only then that we will try.

I think so. Trembling and not daring to do anything, they will prostrate themselves on the ground, imploring: “What Thou wiliest, we shall do! What Thou wiliest, we shall do! Command!” All trembling and shuddering with fear on hearing my voice, they will have no other recourse but to follow my will: to purify themselves, to aspire sincerely and to abstain from following the falsehood. It will be a big shock.

You know, now my voice does not carry far, and does not resound as powerfully as before because I have difficulty in retaining the breath. Still… if you heard my voice, it is exceptional. I cannot speak very loudly but still it carries far.

It is unique because it… vibrates with the power to manifest.

My voice is not ordinary. This voice, clear, pure, tranquil, is filled with love and light and above all, an infinite compassion which extends towards all those who hear it. This voice is so convincing that it evokes an ardent aspiration in all the hearts. It has a supreme healing power and its vibrations remove the difficulties, and the obstacles vanish as by an enchantment. People feel relieved of a great burden. My voice tears the veil of ignorance and imperceptibly penetrates the heart to awaken the consciousness. This voice liberates the head of all mental influences and the anxieties which weigh upon us and torment us, and liberates in us the ardent power and the individual faculties lying dormant in inertia. It shakes up the physical tamas, drives away fear from our inconscience, removes the barriers that oppose us, strengthens the base and gives the energy for launching ourselves towards the goal.

My voice awakes the calm certitude in all hearts. This voice is consciousness itself, it awakens the consciousness in the inconscience. My voice comes from the Supreme and He expresses himself through me. This voice which has expressed only the Lord’s Will, which has pronounced nothing but the Supreme Truth, is charged with an extraordinary force to manifest the Divine Powers. It vibrates and gives an impetus to our aspiration, an assurance to our conviction and above all, dispels the clouds of ill-will.

This voice — tender, clear, pure, powerful, vigorous and energetic, — gives an amplitude and a calm lucidity which directs and transmits the powers of the divine will. It is like a gentle peace, a vivifying breath, a love that consoles the aggrieved hearts. The vibration that my voice transmits awakens in the heart the aspiration for the Divine. It creates a resonance which sounds and resounds like a note of music which penetrates and repeats itself and awakens the cells to this vibration to open the consciousness to the light in the beatitude of the divine communion. This voice comes from the infinite and merges into the infinite. You know, each element of the universe has its own voice. For some it is audible and for others it is silent. But still, each element expresses its own aspiration, and those who are open in these planes can hear it.

This voice which is so familiar to you, which is at the same time clear and very simple but extraordinarily convincing, — it gives an assurance, a will for launching towards the unknown. In the hearts of the cowards my voice instils an invincible courage. In ardent aspirants it awakens a sentiment of goodwill and mercy; in the thirsting souls it kindles the flame of aspiration or the purifying flame. There is in this voice an authority that commands. It is at the same time sweet and comforting.

Even for the ordinary people, my voice sends a thrill; it awakens a hope, a love and a feeling that all is not lost. For others, it brings out the splendours that lie hidden within, and for yet others, the key to solve the mysteries of the world.

It is a voice which is calm, serene and peaceful, but sovereignly strong and luminous; it expresses itself with a clarity and a precision, expressing the profound sentiments that are hidden behind the words. It widens and opens the horizons in a universal comprehension. This voice penetrates, floods, overflows, animates, regenerates and transfigures everything with a sweetness, a radiance, a force and a power that triumphs with a peaceful and a smiling benevolence. My voice is enveloped with an atmosphere which awakes in us an intense aspiration which strengthens the will to strive till the goal, and the sentiment of devotion and divine love. It penetrates into the hearts and awakes the central being, removes the screen which covers the psychic flame to lead the consciousness towards the Lord of our existence. My voice has an extraordinary power, it spreads a harmony, a peace, a light and an amplitude that resounds and shines brightly in each cell with a joy that exults to know Him. It gives an amplitude and travels in waves which ring through the atmosphere in the occult worlds. This voice can be heard in the spheres that constitute the universe, and even more in the immutable silence of eternity, beyond all manifestation — in the immobile beatitude of His power and His resplendent light. My voice recovers the divine presence which creates the Word which is the expression of His plenitude and His Illumination.

I can describe it indefinitely and as long as one has not attained a certain level of consciousness, one can understand nothing of what my voice is — the depth and the value of what it contains, — (teasing) it will be flat and ordinary like your voice.

(Still teasing) And I still wonder, what did you do with that prayer?

Mother, You know, if I tell You something, You will be astonished. You will be surprised.

Do you think that I do not know?

Yes, Mother, like that You know, but…

Know for sure that I know everything.

But Mother, You were teasing me as to what I had done with the prayer. So…

Oh! You do not like that I tease you? You still have some complexes and preferences?

But Mother, it was a revelation for me when I heard Amrita-da speak to me with assurance and he thanked me with a lot of goodwill. He praised me after hearing the prayer that I read in the Sports Ground, the one You had given me to read.

And what did he say?

He said with conviction and a lot of affection and also with a deep respect, that he was very much touched when he heard me read this prayer and that tears began to roll down his cheeks. He told me: “Mona, I was so happy to be there. After the March Past, as we stood, Nolini and I, suddenly I heard through the loud-speakers, the Mother’s voice, clear and distinct, reading the prayer. I was stunned and taken aback to hear the Mother’s voice, here in the Sports Ground. Then, as a flash, a thought came to my mind — but the Mother does not come out nowadays!… When I heard the voice of the Mother, I was so filled with emotion that I took a step forward, leaning in front to see if the Mother was standing there and reading it. Instead, I saw you standing and reading in front of the microphone and not the Mother. Yet the voice was the Mother’s without doubt, powerful, sublime and grand, which seized my whole being in rapture. I was so thrilled to hear that voice. I am sure it was the Mother’s voice I heard. But you have to pardon me, for I moved during that solemn hour. Nolini too reprimanded me for moving during that time. But I couldn’t help it. I was so tempted to see the Mother when I heard Her voice.” So, you see, Mother…

Do you think that I do not know? I know everything. In fact, Amrita had recounted everything to me and I had explained this phenomenon to him. That day, at the Sports Ground, I was present with all my force and a portion of me had manifested itself.

It is because of this that he heard my voice. It is natural. I exerted a strong force and this was the result. You see, I know everything. I know also what you had done with the prayer. That is why I was teasing you, to see your reaction.

Mother, if You give a prayer; we are going to record it so that we can hear Your voice. Everyone wants it, Mother.

But it is too late, we cannot do it for this time.

Naturally, Mother. Not for this time, but the next time You give us a prayer, we are going to record it right away.

Yes, my child.

(The Mother feels the fingers of my right hand) It is not this one,[4] Mother.

I know that, it is the other one, but there is a lot of difference between this one and the other one. (The Mother compares the two index fingers) Yes, this one is good and solid, but the other one is soft and without strength. One can easily feel that there is a lot of difference between the two. This one is weak and not yet normal, but the other one is strong. I had thought that it had healed, but I see that it has not. And moreover there is a bump.

No, Mother, it is the effect of Volleyball.


Yes, Mother. When we get hurt while playing Volleyball and the finger is not set all right, then a bump forms.

But this (the index of the left hand) has not progressed sufficiently. It is still weak. You know what you should do? You must forget completely that your finger is not all right. You must forget completely.

But, Mother, I have forgotten. When I work with this finger (the index) I never think that this finger is not all right.

It is mentally that you have forgotten, and that will not do; you must forget physically. You should never think that you had hurt your finger, but do the things normally without the slightest hesitation. As long as one does not forget, one cannot be cured. It has an immediate effect, as if something new has grown. When one can forget completely then be sure that it will heal. You should do the same thing for your knee. You should forget completely that your knee is not all right. From the very cells and all that constitutes your body, — you must make them forget in such a way that they do not react as they did before. Forget completely. If you can do this, your knee will be completely cured.

Au revoir!

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