The Supreme

  The Mother : Contact

Mona Sarkar
Mona Sarkar

Conversations with The Mother as recollected by Mona Sarkar

The Supreme 97 pages 2000 Edition
 The Mother : Contact


The Transformation of the Body


Bonjour, Douce Mère.

…Your knee is all right, isn’t it? Yes, it should be all right.

It is better, Mother, but…

It is forgotten, what had happened. Past. No words, it is perfectly cured now. It ought to be. When you are reborn in the New Consciousness, it will be completely cured; it is the sign. You have understood? It should be normal, completely cured. Then it is the sign that you begin to live in the New Consciousness. So, it is understood. It is a fact… It is well… All right.

(After a brief pause Mother resumes)

You know, what you must do is to try to forget that your knee gets dislocated when you make a certain movement. Make it understand that the past does not exist for it, — all its habits, its responses, its reactions and their consequences… in such and such a circumstance, it should behave like this or adjust like that,… what could happen in these situations, and how it should react, — for all these decisions which the knee habitually followed as necessary precautions in order not to collapse, — how you reacted in certain situations, when you played, or while you exercised, — all this you must forget. Your knee itself must forget that in these circumstances it should act in this way. Nothing more. The past does not exist for the knee so that it awakens to a new process of consciousness, — of acting, of adjusting, of conducting, or of behaving, — by the infusion of the New Consciousness into the knee. All the past habits, the atavism, the essential nature of the cells, the mental formations, the ideas, the ways of conduct, the physical actions and reactions, the vital attractions and repulsions, all, all that constitutes the mode of action, the fear and the spontaneous shrinking, all that must be forgotten, leaving behind all the traits and habits. You must renew life, blossom into a New Consciousness. This is the only way to cure your knee.

In fact, this is what I am doing on myself and the results are convincing. The body follows an inner rhythm leading to a limitless blossoming. It is the influence of the all-powerful Consciousness, dazzling the comprehension, without words. This is what I have discovered. I have been able to change the very cells — what they are constituted of — by an ultra-terrestrial phenomenon, that is to say, that which is not to be found in the terrestrial evolution. It is of a new type with possibilities of endurance unknown to man, which could be extended to the immortality of the body; or the possibility of retaining the Supramental power in the cells leading to a prolonging of life with a constant and infinite renewal. With this, the body has lost the sense of time. The laws of Nature have lost their meaning for this body. The inexhaustible Force pouring perpetually, ceaselessly, or without diminution of the Supramental energy which gives the capacity to prolong life, — this is what I have arrived at by infusing this force into the cells. And the cells have not only forgotten the past which constituted them — the memory of these mutations of millions and millions of years in the terrestrial evolution, the habits of the old world, forgotten — but they have begun to accustom themselves to respond to the transforming light of the Divine Consciousness. They radiate with a perpetual splendour and a glow in a renewal of life which expresses only the Joy of existence, the Divine Ecstasy hidden in them. This is a new experience for me, with infinite possibilities of being reborn in the New Consciousness, in an eternally true blossoming.

This is life, this is the hidden mystery, this is the Divine Will unfolding itself in its terrestrial manifestation. This is a new discovery for me, an unforeseen discovery which I did not expect, and I knew nothing about its immense possibilities — as if innumerable horizons have opened before me and the things that were promised have been fulfilled.

Everywhere, everywhere there is this ineffable joy of expression which is the base, the foundation of all this existence, the first spark that the Divine has sown in all that He has created, — the Divine spark in all that exists, — and which by a mutation has assumed a visible or an invisible form. The whole universe vibrates with this Joy — the Divine Joy hidden in all things. It is this that I am now aware of, that I feel imperatively, a need to renew each cell by this ineffable contact, this inexhaustible Joy which the Divine has infused even in the cells, which lasts and lasts … which endures endlessly, infallibly, eternally, infinitely. This is the unseizable, the truth of our terrestrial, ultra-terrestrial and cosmic existence.

And we can have this knowledge only by identity, by a sort of enveloping, or one might say, a sort of englobing which gives one the truth without any resistance — as if one opened out into the Divine Consciousness pure and entire. Nothing is left out, nothing is neglected, but all is transformed by this Light, by this Ananda, by this Peace and by this Power. With this the whole cycle has changed, and in this New Manifestation nothing deteriorates — which means that nothing dies. There is no conflict because each one lives dependent on the other in a mutual interchange, knowing well that each has in him a right to the Truth; which means that decay, contradiction, suffering and pain disappear entirely; it means that the possibility to survive in this consciousness gives an impetus to extend life up to Eternity.

This is what I think; no, this is what I feel as the immortality of the body. This is what has touched here and there in the history of man in his terrestrial evolution to become immortal, and people have individually invoked their Adored One in an intense tapasya to make them immortal, each for his own self, — but this did not work out because each person wanted this for his own existence, for his own body and not as a terrestrial event. And also because they were still far from this Supramental substance about which, moreover, they were totally ignorant. But now that the Supramental Manifestation has taken place on earth and that the process of the transformation of the body — with all that is being worked out — can be done, one becomes the master of life, as one wants and be what one wants.

And yet there were quite a few attempts which failed completely in their results. It was evident, because the conditions were not right and the methods were not known. But I find this very interesting: there is an analogy in the Indian tradition which is very remarkable. The gods wanted to become immortal and did not want to share the elixir with the asuras, who, in fact, were very powerful. Then, a great battle followed for the control over the ‘Amrita’ — one who tastes this elixir becomes immortal — which the gods had hidden. Commonly it is known as the churning for ‘Amrita’. But it was only to draw the attention towards all those who tried to become immortal, but without success, as they did not have the key to launch towards the Supramental; and it is not at all a “churning”, for it is found without resistance. But now it is different…. Let us leave behind these childish things.

What I find interesting is what I am doing on myself, not for a particular result, but for the possibility that is opening up for the entire earth… for a new process which extends from here, with me as base, from my body, where I have been able to charge this matter with the Supramental substance, to those who are ready to open to the New Consciousness, who aspire for the transformation of the body. For them it will be so much less work, so many difficulties removed by the work that I have done on myself. What I have succeeded in doing in me as the forerunner, the first to trace this route towards the Supramental, is astonishing, it is marvellous. And I have begun to take a lot of interest in it, a lot of joy, with an enthusiasm which cannot be expressed in words. It has become an essential part of my existence. I find an extraordinary meaning in what I am pursuing, in what I am doing on myself. It is a new experience, a new life which has begun, with possibilities which go on and on and extend towards the truth of existence.

The why and the how do not exist in the domain of the Supramental Consciousness because the principles of division and ignorance have no place there. It is above the dualities of the mental substance and the mental movements. It is ever luminous with the full knowledge and a will that is instantly effective the moment one thinks or wants something, — without any intermediary whatsoever, — a knowledge by identity and a will that accomplishes. This is its power of execution, and I do not know what else… how to express it in a language which is so poor and which after all does not lead anywhere. And I am silent and I remain silent, knowing well that soon with the descent of the Supramental will emerge a language proper to its consciousness and its dimension, capable of expressing better all that one feels, all that one wants to say for communicating better. It will be born. Perhaps it will not be through the words or modes of expression that we now use, but by a sort of identity, a sort of concordance and a mutual exchange, without any exterior intermediary, like an extension of the consciousness, a wave that prolongs and becomes one. Or rather, one could say that it is by an expansion of the consciousness which stretches out towards the thing to be known and by identity absorbs the essence of what it wants to know and comprehend. It is a direct method, free and with a greater depth which surpasses our comprehension.

At last the body is experiencing the conquest of Matter… of inertia, of tamas, of this misery and suffering; and this kind of illusion disappears with the victory over death. The whole body is enthused, happy with the work, and overflows with light, joy and consciousness, splendour, goodness, happiness and beauty, — a sort of intimacy with the sovereign and all-powerful Consciousness.

It is a kind of illumination, a kind of revelation of the inner reality, of the secret of Matter which awakes from its torpor and reveals the Knowledge and Ananda of its existence. It is a delightful work I am engaged in, constantly, night and day, with more or less ardour, according to the circumstances. Even when I am outwardly occupied with some laborious work which demands a lot of attention, even then, this inner work of transformation of the cells continues unabated with a vigilance and an absolute concentration. It is true that at night when I am all alone, left to myself, the work of transformation proceeds faster. But it demands an enormous patience of a different kind, with an unparalleled tenacity and exactitude, to work minutely with a meticulous precision and without reserve.

I take up one cell (Mother makes a gesture with Her fingers), it is a very small cell, like this, microscopic, which one cannot see with the naked eye, but I possess that power and that vision. Like this, I take up one tiny little cell and I open it to the transforming light of the Divine Consciousness. Then in it I infuse this immutable Divine Joy with an unwavering Peace, and I charge it with the Luminous Power of the Divine Reality. In this way it becomes complete in all the aspects of the Lord: the Light with His knowledge, the Joy that brings the Divine Love, the Peace with its Perfect Serenity, and the Power to endure eternally until it dissolves itself in the Supreme Will. This is how I work. And I charge each cell with this Divine Consciousness and then I take up another cell, and then another, and then another. I continue to charge them in the same way.

These cells vibrate and radiate with a resplendent consciousness. The ones that are ready, I collect them and keep them aside and I observe the difference between those that are ready and the ones that I have not touched; it is so different, so unreal in comparison, and the others experience this state and the body smiles and has become conscious. The cells begin to realise the Unity, and what is most astonishing is when I see the difference between the cells that are transformed and those that are not. It cannot be compared! In the old cells, that is to say those in which the past still persists, there is only a faint glow, a spark of the Divine, whereas in the cells that are charged with the Supramental Consciousness, there is the perception of the Ananda of the soul, the soul of Matter which is awakening after thousands of years from its torpor of inconscience. It is so living, so real, so concrete in the manifestation of Matter that if one gave just a bit of this Ananda to someone to taste, he would forget the whole world in order to pursue this extraordinary phenomenon. Truly, how absurd everything seems, how dull and worthless, how absolutely insignificant before this quest for transformation.

In this state of receptivity the body makes its perfect surrender and repeats: “Only what Thou wiliest, Lord, what Thou wiliest,” — this is its constant prayer. It is His Will that acts, that works, transforms and guides, and the body just surrenders itself. It is so spontaneous, so total and so marvellously equal — like a perfect transmitter. Nothing happens except what He commands! The body thrills to an unknown Joy. There is nothing in it that resists, nothing that distorts, nothing that falsifies. All is pure, pure and limpid, of a purity without stain, a limpidity that seems transparent. When I look at my arm, my body, it is as if translucid. It is so light that it can move wherever I want to go. In this state the body does not get tired even after a day of hard work; and it does not end during the night, when I continue with the transformation of the cells. This demands a patience and an exactitude of precision and a concentration unparalleled in all the endeavours which I have undertaken in the terrestrial existence. The body looks at itself and perceives a vibration of joy: how happy it is with all that is happening! It has a sense of that which is all-powerful, infinite and eternal. Decay and death do not have any meaning for it, for they do not exist in this domain of Ananda. The body is aware of a kind of immortality; it feels that everything that exists is moved by His Will, that in the Divine Consciousness all is eternal and infinite, of a perfect Peace. The inconceivable Splendour! But how could it be otherwise? Always the body, that is to say this matter which seems to be luminous, repeats: “What Thou wiliest, Lord, what Thou wiliest”. Or sometimes, in response, it surrenders itself entirely with gratitude, it feels a sort of marvel and it repeats: “Make me worthy of Thy work, make me worthy of Thy existence”. All this and much more that I cannot express.

I have also begun the work of transforming the organs, the organs which are inside, one after the other. I began this work so that the outer means of subsistence by something will no longer be indispensable, — the needs of existence and the whole process will not be necessary any more, — they will draw energy from the Universal Force….

And now I know how I have been able to accomplish this formidable task. He who prepared and arranged the circumstances, He who has guided me constantly on the path, He who was beside me during painful moments to pull me out of the anguish and the miseries, the danger and the dreadful pain — it was as if my whole body were being torn apart …and it was always Sri Aurobindo who was there to guide me.

Since He left His body so many years ago, He has been working in the subtle physical to prepare the descent of the Supramental world. He has arranged everything so that this work of transformation is accomplished upon earth. And now I realise that without His help, how miserably the work of transformation would have languished. Without Him, what could I do? I do not know… but not much.

Earlier, fairly long ago, when I became aware of the possibility of the transformation of this body — however I knew well that this body would be transformed — but when I was given the indication and I saw the concrete possibility before me, then I began the work, and it was really a challenge against Nature who did not want to change, who did not want to be transformed. So She began to revolt, to resist in hundreds of ways — to block here, to remove something there, to oppose me in such a way that I would abandon this movement against Her. Nature is formidable in Her own domain. And She began to send all sorts of discomforts aimed at me. They would literally hit me, and the body would undergo acute anguish and suffering — frightful pain everywhere, everywhere…it was unbearable — it was as if the devil had been let loose with all his tricks to do mischief. And the poor body which was not accustomed to endure all these misfortunes, would groan, would cry out in pain and had all sorts of reactions against these attacks. And my only defence was to endure courageously, to try to cut the connection with my body; or else I tried to detach myself from the pain. But nothing would work. It was as if Death were staring at me. But I do not give up so easily. Thus a tremendous battle began, a fierce fight ensued, in which neither of us would give up. The effects and the consequences were disastrous. The poor body suffered, but like a conqueror it voluntarily endured, even if it meant that it had to perish or get dissolved.

At that time, when the attack turned very violent, I asked someone to play for me a piece of my music. At once, within a minute, the body became calm and the pain diminished considerably. The nerves became tranquil, as if a balming effect spread over the body.

It is true that my music calms the body. From it emerges a sort of compassion which envelops the one who is listening. It is like a harmony that neutralises the disharmony in the chaos and pacifies the resistances, a melody that purifies the aspiration…. My music brings down the original vibration from the Source; it engulfs you, and lifts you up to the unknown regions. So with this music everything would calm down.

My music comes from the absolute Silence where Sound is created by the original vibration with its waves and pulsations which sustain the worlds and the universe in a perpetual blossoming in order to rediscover the Self. It is for this endless pursuit of its immutable cadences which are at the origin of all, it is to discover the delight of pure intensity of Universal Beauty hidden in the creation, that the Divine casts forth from His ocean of manifested consciousness a stream of His movement, which, passing through the invisible worlds, become Symphonies. A flood of this harmony cascading down upon the earth could lift the whole of humanity towards the Supreme. This is the power of my music. My music evokes a soul-state by the revelation of the Eternal Truth. When you are calm and silent it lifts you up in an adoration of an endless ecstasy towards the delights of this unknown Beauty and Felicity.

My music liberates you from human pettiness and the narrowness of the ignorance, and it thrusts you up towards a communion with Eternity where leaps forth the flash of Light and an outburst of Ananda. My music purifies you with its waves of harmony surging up from the depths of the being like an aspiration, trying to bring forth an echo of the hidden harmonies in us which are the secret rhythms of Infinity… the fusion of all our spiritual substances into a single whole through a large and wide movement, gathering up all that is sublime and spiritual in us towards a divine exaltation and transcendence.

To better appreciate my music, you must be as calm as possible — calm and silent, the head empty; then the vibrations and rhythms of the harmony which is expressing itself will make an imprint of an expanding compassion and will establish peace, sweetness, the calm of perfect purity and the revelations of the Eternal Truth.

My music gives a power of certitude which seizes the soul.

My music brings down the unseizable secret of the divine harmonies, the miracle of eternal beauty, the irresistible magic of a universal charm that unifies and binds the worlds with rhythms that surpass our comprehension…. In fact, my music enters through the sensations into the depths of the being and drives away discomforts and sufferings.

It is this that I was trying out on my body… Peace… Peace (pause). My music is like a wave of harmony which seizes you by its intensity — a sensation as if the Divine were entering into you… very calm and very pure, descending into you very discreetly, very quietly.

My music expresses the harmony of the spheres, and gently, very gently, the felicity of its sovereign peace descends. My music dispels darkness and unconsciousness as the wind in a tempest chases away the clouds; and in that you put a bit of light here and there and you observe the formations that unfold. It is visibly perceptible.

To absorb my music, you must enter deep inside in an intimate communion with the worlds and planes of consciousness that open the doors of the psychic being. It takes hold of you and transports you into a limitless ecstasy by the power of its harmony. What my music expresses is Eternity seized by the Spirit. It is an action of the luminous Infinity which expresses itself solely by the joy of the Spirit in itself. The lucid simplicity and the direct and flowing cadence with a magnitude of power and grace bring the Light, the Peace and the Unity of harmony that express the Divine Nature.

It is an experience from beyond, it is of a completely new dimension… one must enter deep within… into the very depths of the being, to absorb the vibrations which emanate from this music…. And one must know how to spread out… to spread out… to spread out like this (Mother opens her hands and spreads out her arms). If one knows how to listen, truly listen, remaining absolutely immobile, allowing the music and its vibrations to penetrate into you, everywhere, letting the whole body absorb it, not only through the ears and the heart, but everywhere, through the cells, which absorb and resound with its vibrations and its harmonies, then the body relaxes and at once the discomforts vanish, and then the body becomes light, without tension, without crispation and the barriers collapse. The body remains in a state of suspension, as if it were flying. This is a new experience, this leads you or literally carries you towards the Source from which this music emanates. It is this, and much more which cannot be transmitted or expressed in words…. It has to be lived… one has to live it in order to have this experience… Voilà! (Mother remains silent for along time.)

Oh! the plenitude!…

But now I have found a method which is invincible. I open myself towards the heights and as soon as I utter: “What Thou wiliest, Lord, what Thou wiliest…” the miracle happens. It is no longer I who work to transform the cells, it is He who does all, who arranges everything, who opens the cells to the transforming Light and who infuses them with the Divine Joy. I only remain open to Him and repeat: “What Thou wiliest, Lord, what Thou wiliest”. It is so beautiful, so marvellous, and at once, all discomforts vanish. The body vibrates with joy, and an ardour to remain in this sovereign consciousness lifts me up towards all that is divine, purely divine, solemnly divine. It is fantastic! It is the New Consciousness — an identification, or rather a union with the Supreme. The body becomes vast and immutable, united with His Consciousness, with a vision of the whole, as if seeing through His vision, feeling through His perception of the whole. It is an absolutely different experience of the whole as well as of the individual…. But we human beings see wrongly and judge falsely. But the body had no sense of the mind or the vital — they did not exist. Instead, there is a divine ‘élan’ — the soul that acts, that feels, that perceives, that understands, that absorbs and directs everything that should be done, and what is necessary for this material existence in the process of transformation into the Superman. It is unbelievable, the possibilities which appear and open up….

Often I have been asked how far Sri Aurobindo had succeeded in transforming His body by the Supramental Force.

Yes, Mother; we wonder about it, but we do not really know.

But how can you know with your little mind? No, none can understand what it is, unless one has experienced something. But I tell you, He had amassed considerably the Supramental Force in His body. What a formidable work….

You remember, don’t you, that when He left His body, the body remained glorious for almost five days. Perfectly luminous, even though He had poured all His Supramental Force into me. He gave me everything, everything, before He left. But His body still radiated with the Supramental Splendour…. You know, at that moment, during the last few minutes, I was standing near His bed and I could literally see the Supramental Light entering into me, materially, with a friction it was entering into me. It was as concrete as that, through the pores, it was entering like this (gesture).

And for the first time I see how one can have faith in the Divine Grace, an unshakable faith, without the least anxiety about the work which He had accomplished. It was phenomenal, the consciousness He had accumulated in Himself. It was extraordinary — the level He had reached with diverse and unknown realisations.

And a single decision: that the work for hastening the descent of the Supramental world would be done faster if He left the body in order to work more effectively in the subtle physical. And at once He left His body behind and launched Himself to conquer this domain of the subtle world which still resisted. It was not the perception of the unreality of life that made Him leave His body, but it was the conviction of His faith that to win this victory He had to be free to prepare the ground in order to bring down the Truth upon earth, so that this work of transformation is done in spite of all the consequences. One word from above, and the decision was taken — like a decree. This is the most noble sacrifice that has ever been made. No, it is a total self-abandonment into the Supreme Ecstasy — which He alone could do — to annihilate oneself completely in order to exist in Him alone.

Formidable! What Power, what Consciousness, what Knowledge, what Compassion, what Light He had in Him…

And He commanded me: “You shall do My work of transformation upon earth…. My help is there”…. (Mother speaks in English)

So I did not think at all. I did not formulate anything, but with confidence I launched myself into this work which He had so laboriously undertaken and had now commanded me to do, to continue until it is done… I do not question. What He had wanted has to be done, and without Him I can do nothing.

At each step He is there to support my effort, to push me further, to guide me, to enlighten me if ever I hesitate. And what a formidable work we have accomplished together!

All that was conceived, all that was promised is now materialising. And the transformation of the body is no longer a vain mirage — it is a fact, a process that has taken root and is developing and moving steadily towards a luminous future. Already the body is responding so marvellously to the New Light. And more and more the body feels itself vibrating with a divine confidence. What it can accomplish I do not doubt at all. Nothing seems impossible for it, and its capacity has increased tremendously with an unlimited power and energy. The body is becoming vast, as vast as the universe. The body has already undergone a sort of transformation of the cells and it projects what one conceives of as that Eternal Form with the Eternal Beauty.

Evidently it is a thousand times more beautiful than what man can ever imagine. It has no age and will never be dissolved by time or its consequences…. I have become like an infant, but so prodigious! (gesture)

The body is luminous, transparent, plastic, malleable — and can take any form according to its need. Even the quality of its consciousness has changed so much that the past no longer exists for it, and so many other things that cannot be expressed in words. Oh, it is marvellous! It is extraordinary! It is unbelievable!

But… no one will be able to understand nor believe nor assimilate even a hundredth part of what is happening in me. This is the truth that surpasses all comprehension, (trance)


Yes, my child.

Mother, speak more about this extraordinary phenomenon that You are engaged in, the experience of the Supramental transformation of Your body. Mother, tell me more. It is so beautiful, so marvellous. Mother, speak more about Your experiences.

But these are no longer experiences, no longer realisations, not even living in the way we conceive of the highest, truest, and most vast. But it is rather ‘being’ — ‘being’ more than ‘becoming’. It is being divine; it is being the Supreme Consciousness; what He is and what He will be, more and more. And…

But no one will be able to understand me,… no one!… or grasp;… no one possesses this vision or has the knowledge to understand even a bit of what is happening in me. On the contrary, they will accuse me of creating absurd phantasmagorias which tend towards the irreality of things with false and illusory imaginations; or still more, that they are the mutterings of a child who has lost its head and such comments which have no real truth. And what more, I do not know. But it does not bother me at all, not at all. It does not affect me at all. If man in his ignorance, in his inconscience talks nonsense and heaps all sorts of abuses which he has the habit of throwing at anything that he does not understand, it is his foolishness. If he still denies the Truth, it does not touch me. I remain above, knowing well that the Lord knows everything and it is He who is guiding me. He is my refuge. I am one with Him.

…Yet there remains a problem which must be solved. How all this work that I have done on my body, — that I have accomplished and achieved in my body, — this work of the transformation of matter, (gesture) even of this body, — which has begun well, — how to perpetuate this movement in the terrestrial existence so that the nucleus of a new race can take root? How to convince the earth, the terrestrial consciousness, to accept this new process of realising the next step in terrestrial evolution,… to launch itself towards vaster and truer horizons? I am still searching in this thick inconscience which man in his ignorance wants to cling to, and does not want to change….

But I have not lost hope, for the Lord is guiding me and He knows better His affairs and will arrange whatever has to be done. I leave it to Him: “What Thou wiliest! What Thou wiliest…”

Mother, if I only knew what to do, or how to be useful, I would do everything, Mother.

Leave everything to me and abandon yourself in the current and you shall be guided. It is evident that the purpose of my descending here on earth, for the transformation of the body and eventually of the earth, by the transforming action of the Supramental, would be accomplished if I could sow a seed of this Supramental substance in the human species and which will then ensure its continuity on earth…. Even if it be only a thousandth infinitesimal part of what I carry, it will be sufficient to perpetuate this movement.

Otherwise… I would say that the earth and men were not ready, were not receptive enough to accept the descent of a greater Light, a greater Knowledge, a greater Ananda, were not ready to open themselves to the Eternal, to the Truth of existence.

Voilà! Now I must not speak further. I have talked a lot, revealed much, much more than I should have. Hurry up, it is very late. Au revoir!

What Thou Willest

(A portion of a longer conversation)

What more do you want to know?

Mother; You had also told me last time that for the transformation of the body, You had asked Sri Aurobindo how much time it takes for the transformation. Then He had answered: “It takes about three hundred years”. But Mother, now that the Supramental has descended, will the transformation not be hastened?


Yes, will it not take less time than before?

It is not my lookout to know if it will take 300 years or not, and moreover I am not curious. I do what I have to do. It does not interest me to know what is going to happen or how long it takes or what will happen in this body.

But Mother, You are transforming Your body — Your cells?

Yes, I am doing it, but I am not anxious to know how much time it will take. I do my work and I know what I am doing. I must do it as best as possible. That is what I know and nothing more. What is my work, I do that as best as possible. The other things, I am not bothered about. I have abdicated all to the Lord. And the Lord will do what He wishes. I have no will of my own. I have abandoned all to Him. All, all. It is He who chooses or decides everything now.

But Mother, You, You are the Supreme. Then what are You saying?

Yes, me, I am the Supreme. But the Supreme is definitely not this body which… He is completely different. You will not understand. I am the Mahashakti who animates everything and who is behind all things. But now I have abandoned all to the Lord. It is the Lord who does everything now. I have left everything in His hands. The Mahashakti has no separate will from the Lord. And what is going to happen does not bother me. Nor how much time it will take. I do as best as possible what He has assigned me to do, and the time has no importance. Moreover, time, it is man who has invented it. It is from man’s point of view that time has an importance. Not for the Lord. The earth, it is very, very old for man, it dates back thousands of years, but for the Lord it is not at all like that. That is why I am completely resigned as to what may come; it does not touch me. I have given all responsibility to Him.

But, Mother…

Yes, it is like that. I am here still only to help you all to climb towards the Divine. It is to facilitate the work. I have the key to bring down the Divine here below and also to raise up man towards the heights so that he meets the Divine. I am like the telephonic connection which receives the message from above and I transmit that here below so that man can receive it. I bind these two worlds and without me it would not be possible. You understand, I am like the telephonic connection. But I have no separate action from Him. The Mahashakti has become one with the Supreme.

Mother; this I do not understand. You say that You are the Mahashakti and that You have abandoned everything to the Lord and that You do not have a separate will from Him. You have become one with the Lord, and You say again that nothing touches You, that all the responsibility is with the Lord. Then is not the responsibility with You also? How? This…

My child, you will not be able to understand this by the mind. It is impossible for the mind to understand this. This is not its domain. The mind cannot, never can one know by the mind. And do not worry. Remain absolutely tranquil. Cleanse the mind of all the thoughts and suggestions. You know, when one has this inner contact, one can do anything and that will not make any difference for the Lord; this too the mind will not understand.

Ah! the light has gone. (There was a power failure.)

Do not try with the mind. What the Lord wishes, that this body will become.

Voilà, the light has come back…. What, why are you looking like that, phou! (gesture)

Mother, is there a difference between Your subtle body and Your physical body?

Seems to be. For the human eyes, it seems there is a difference. But…

Mother, once X saw You in a dream, in a luminous body…

Maybe X saw my subtle body which is transformed. The mental, the vital and also the subtle physical do not take so long to be transformed; but the physical, the material body takes a long time. It persists in following its habits and it is very difficult to get rid of them.

But Mother, if You want You can transform the physical when You want.

I do my work and I am not anxious about the results of the transformation. It will come when He wants. But something is in the making, it is advancing, the subtle body and even the physical. Yes, the work continues. It is not necessary that I announce it.

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