Memorable Contacts with The Mother 190 pages 1991 Edition


Nirod reveals intimate aspects of The Mother's grace of which he was the grateful and happy recipient and witness.

Memorable Contacts with The Mother

  The Mother : Contact


Nirodbaran paid his homage of love to the Mother on her Birth Centenary, the 21st of February 1978 in 'The Mother - Sweetness and Light', of which the present title is an enlarged version. And from his personal contact with her, he revealed one of the most intimate aspects of the Mother, of which he was the grateful and happy recipient and witness. Beginning with their first meeting in 1930, Nirodbaran recounts some of his contacts with the Mother over a period of more than forty years. She guided him on medical matters during his years as the Ashram doctor, encouraged him in his games of tennis, volleyball, and table tennis, and in later years was a willing audience as he read out to her his books concerning his contact with Sri Aurobindo. This book presents many examples of the Mother's ways of working in the daily life of the Ashram community.

Books by Nirodbaran Memorable Contacts with The Mother 190 pages 1991 Edition
 The Mother : Contact


For centuries and centuries humanity has waited for this time. It is come. But it is difficult.

I don’t simply tell you we are here upon earth to rest and enjoy ourselves, now is not the time for that. We are here... to prepare the way for the new creation.

The body has some difficulty, so I can’t be active, alas. It is not because I am old, I am not old. I am not old, I am younger than most of you. If I am here inactive, it is because the body has given itself definitely to prepare the transformation. But the consciousness is clear and we are here to work - rest and enjoyment will come afterwards. Let us do our work here.

So I have called you to tell you that. Take what you can, do what you can, my help will be with you. All sincere effort will be helped to the maximum.

It is the hour to be heroic.

Heroism is not what it is said to be: it is to become wholly unified - and the Divine help will always be with those who have resolved to be heroic in full sincerity. There!

You are here at this moment, that is to say upon earth,. because you chose it at one time - you do not remember it any more, but I know it - that is why you are here. Well, you must rise to the height of the task. You must strive, you must conquer all weaknesses and limitations; above all you must tell your ego: "Your hour is gone." We want a race that has no ego, that has in place of the ego the Divine

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Consciousness. It is that which we want: the Divine Consciousness which will allow the race to develop itself and the supramental being to take birth.

If you believe that I am here because I am bound - it is not true. I am not bound, I am here because my body has been given for the first attempt at transformation. Sri Aurobindo told me so. Well, I am doing it. I do not wish anyone to do it for me because... because it is not very pleasant, but I do it willingly because of the results; everybody will be able to benefit from it. I ask only one thing: do not listen to the ego.

If there is in your hearts a sincere Yes, you will satisfy me completely. I do not need words, I need the sincere adhesion of your hearts. That’s all.

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