Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3


Aditi, 46

Africa, 272, 323

Agni,44, 52, 120, 151

Ahriman, 46, 110

Ahura Mazda, 46

Alexander, 56-7

Allies, the, 66

America, 133,214,421

Aniruddha, 44, 207-8

Apollo, 47

Ardhanarishwara, 84

Arjuna,9, 14,76-8,93, 112n., 116, 161

Arnold, Matthew, 92, 119

Aryaman, 208

Asia, 272

Asura, 19,45-6,80,98, 162,208-9,226, 253, 334, 349, 379

Axis Powers, the, 66


Bach, 393,424,427

Ba1arama, 44, 207-8

Bankim (Chandra Chatterjee), 21 Beatrice, 203

Beethoven, 393-5, 424

Bengal, 21

Bergson, 143

Berkeley, 137


Bible, the, 100, 127, 152, 186, 192,397

Bois de Fontaineb1eu, 287

Book of the Dead, 133

Borodine, 427

Brahma, 208

Brahman, 3, 9-10, 22, 68, 85, 90, 92, 113, 151, 153, 204,289, 380

Brindaban, 101

Britain, 96, 198

Broad, Prof., 55

Buddha, 9, 17, 112, 150, 187, 189,232, 268,317,347

Byron, 209

CAESAR, 116,209,324,406

Chaitanya, 209

Cha1dea, 199

Christ, 64, 73, 82, 93, 116, 118, 127, 130, 187, 189, 191,209, 243, 283, 317

Christianity, 192

Chronos, 226

Colbert, 209, 411

Congo, 323-4

Curie, 428

Cyclops, 99


Danege1d, 117

Dante, l8ln., 203, 209

– Divina Commedia, 181n.

– Irifemo, 181n.

Danton, 94

Da Vinci, Leonardo, 210

Debussy, 427

Devas, 253

Dhammapada, the, 9n., 159

Dionysus, 47

Dirghatamas, 44

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Durga, 98

EGYPT, 70, 133, 192, 199-200,419

Einstein, 274

England, 198

Esau, 397

Eucharist, 130

Europe, 272, 421

FRANCE, 96, 116, 198-9,323-4,355,418

France, Anatole, 64

Franck, Cesar, 393, 424


Ganges, 383

Germany, 133, 199

Gita, the, 6n., 9, 21-2, 58, 76-7, 83, 93, 105, 108, 112n., 125n., 143, 157,160-1

Great War, the, 323, 355

Greece, 199,214,419,421


Heard, Gerald, 135

Heraclitus, 305

Homer, 209

Horace, 210

Huxley, Aldous, 136

INDIA, 3, 17,21,96,118,137,141,191-2, 199,209,285-6,419-20

Indo-China, 324

Indra, 208, 253

Indus Valley, 133

Ingres, 429

Inquisitors, the, 99

Iphigenia, 246

Iran, 46

Isaie, 394

JACOB, 397

Jagai-Madhai, 65, 73


Japan, 421

Jeanne d'Arc, 116, 118, 198

Jehovah, 46, 98

Jung, 134-5, 139, 147 Jupiter, 25

KALI, 383


Kant, 137, 139, 389

Kanwa, Rishi, 151

Kinnara, 47

Krishna, 9, 58, 76, 82, 93, 101, 105, 112, 116, 161,317

Kurukshetra, 66, 109, 116

LAo- TSE, 134

Laplace, 370

Lazarus, 200

Lenin, 142

Louis XIV, 209, 320, 418

Lucifer, 46, 81


Macbeth, 93

McDougall, 57

Mahakali, 44, 160, 207-10, 225, 382

Mahalakshmi, 44, 207, 209-10, 225

Mahasaraswati, 44, 207-10, 225

Mahashakti, 67, 198

Mahavira, 44, 207

Maheshwari, 44, 207, 209-10, 225

Manicheism, 127

Mary, 82

Matariswan, 44

Michael Angelo, 210

Middle Ages, the, 134, 139, 149, 421

Milton, 156n.

Paradise Lost, 156n


Mitra, 207

Morgan, 56-7

Mother, The, 63, 65-6, 270, 282-3n., 285n., 289n., 29In., 319

Page 432

-Prayers and Meditations, 266, 270, 282-3n., 285n., 289n., 291n., 336

Mozart, 427

Mysteries, 192

-Orphic, 192

-Eleusinian, 192

NAPOLEON, 116,209,406

OFFERTORY, the, 82

Olympians, 46, 253

PANDAVAS, the, 76

Pani, the, 164

Pantheon, 299

Paris, 242, 287, 356, 376

Pashu, the, 80

Petrarch, 209

Pharaohs, the, 200

Pishacha, the, 80,213

Plato, 34, 120, 134, 178

Plotinus, 34, 40

Pondicherry, 17


Prudhomme, Sully, 320

Puranas, the, 46

Pyramid, the, 200

Pythagoras, 180


Raghus, the, 214

Rakshasas, 46

Rama, 58

Ramakrishna, 116, 128, 141, 160, 243, 247,383

Raphael, 210

Ravana, 58

Ravel, 427

Red Sea, 324

Ribhus, the, 208

Rome, 199,421

Rudra, 160, 163, 208

Russell, Bertrand, 56

Russo-Japanese War, 213


St. Augustine, 73

St. Francis of Assisi, 243

St. (}enevieve, 199

St. Matthew, 186

St. Paul, 73

St. Vincent de Paul, 411


Satan, 46

Savitri, 163, 165

Second Empire, the, 418

Shakespeare, 79, 116n., 406

-Julius Caesar, 116n.

-Hamlet, 72n.

Shankara, 17, 21, 68, 71,403

Shelley, 209

Shiva, 129, 208, 339

Socrates, 116

Soma, 70, 208

Spanish Armada, the, 198

Sri Aurobindo, 3-4, 7-10, 17-19, 22, 25, 27, 29, 34, 36, 44, 59-60, 71, 84n., 85-6,89-91, 95, 109n., 117n., 125, 127, 129n., 148, 154, 163n., 225, 288-90, 299-300, 326, 347, 355, 376, 395, 397, 420

-Collected Poems & Plays, 84n., 117n.

-"The Bird of Fire", 84n.

-"In Horis Aeternum", 117n.

-Thoughts & Glimpses, 1O9n.

-The Mother, 1O8n.

-Essays on the Gita, 22n.

-Savitri: A Legend & a Symbol, 129n., 163n., 165-6n., 225


Sutras, the, 68


Tamas, the, 37,152

Tilak, 2 I

Tintoretto, 210


Titian, 210

UDDHAVA, 99, 101

Ulysses, 293

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Upanishads, the, 10, 13, 29, 57, 63, 68, 71, 74, 78n., 83, 120, 143-4, 180, 207, 225, 263, 305


-Brihadaranyaka, 71n., 74n.

-Isha, 158n.

-Katha, 29n., 31n., 68n., 78n.

-Kena, 29n., 162n.

-Mundaka, 68n.

-Swetaswatara, 68n.



Varma, Ravi, 420

Varona, 207

Vedas, the, 133, 151, 239

-Rig Veda, 133, 160n

Vedanta, 85

Victoria, Queen, 418

Virgil, 107,203,209

-Aeneid, 1O7n. 154, 178, 207,

Vishnu, 58, 208

Vivekananda, 141,300

Voltaire, 99

WORDSWORTH, 119, 132, 195n.

-Ode on the Intimations of Immortality, 119n.

-Miscellaneous Poems, 132n.

-"A slumber did my spirit seal", 132n.

-"We are Seven", 195n.

World War, 66-7,




-The Wild Swans at Coole, 84n.

-"The Phases of the Moon", 84n.

Yudhisthira, 76-7

ZEUS, 25, 98, 253

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