Moments Eternal

  The Mother : Contact

A few words from the author

From the very beginning of my sojourn in the Ashram, I was blessed with the Mother’s love and grace in the different aspects of my life — in my soul’s seeking, in my acts, my thoughts and my experiences. The Mother strove, constantly and single-mindedly, to nurture in our being the vast purpose of existence through simple, spontaneous experiences; She was always there as a friend to help us solve the smallest of our difficulties and through every ordeal She stretched out Her arms to protect us. I still cannot fathom how great a boon this was for our life.

It was my elder brother, Nareshchandra Dasgupta, who impelled me to gather some of these jewel-moments from my treasure trove of nearly fifty years of memories and bring them out in a book. These reminiscences first appeared in the Bengali monthly Srinvantu.

If this collection of blessed moments of grace with the Mother can open the path to a reader to a more luminous life, I would feel my endeavour to have been worthwhile.

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