Growing up with the Mother 222 pages 1999 Edition


Tara Jauhar's recollections of her close proximity, guidance and love from The Mother through personal contact & through letters & correspondence.

Growing up with the Mother

  The Mother : Contact

Tara Jauhar
Tara Jauhar

Tara Jauhar's recollections of her close proximity, guidance and love from The Mother through personal contact & through letters & correspondence.

Growing up with the Mother 222 pages 1999 Edition
 PDF     The Mother : Contact

Birthday Messages


To Tara,

Happy Birthday, happy new year, with my blessings.

5 July 1954


Our aim is to realise the perfection of our being and to change the human animal into the divine man.

To Tara

Happy Birthday!

With my blessings.

5 July 1960


To Tara

These star-like flowers, so that her life may be governed by a true greatness of soul to enable her to face her responsibilities with a noble and generous heart.

In peace and joy, light and love.

5 July 1961



Happy birthday to Tara,

With my blessings so that the year should be spiritually progressive and productive in the work.


To Tara, Happy birthday!

With my blessings for the realisation of her highest aspiration, and for her progressive ascension towards the physical perfection.

In all tenderness.

5 July 1963


Happy birthday to Tara.

With my blessings for ever more of light and ever more of harmony in constant beauty and peace.

5 July 1964



Happy birthday! to Tara.

With my blessings for a year in the service of Beauty and Truth.

And my tenderness

5 July 1965


Happy birthday to Tara

With my blessings for a year of light, peace and progress in the joy of a realisation more and more clear and conscious.

And with all my tenderness.

5 July 1966


Happy birthday to Tara

With all my tenderness and my blessings for a year rich in progress and in light.

5 July 1967



Happy birthday to Tara

With my tenderness and my blessing for an awakening and a growth of the veritable consciousness above all conflicts and all contradictions, in the unchanging light and joy.

5 July 1970

* * *


Happy birthday

Happy New Year

Happy life

Happy realisation to Tara in peace, light and joy.

5 July 1970

Happy to Tara birthday

With all my tenderness to celebrate the victory of the True Consciousness and my blessings to lead you towards the Realisation.


5 July 1971

Happy birthday to my dear child Tara

With all my tenderness and my blessings.


5 July 1972


The framed photo with the message still hangs in my room in Pondicherry, but the message is fading away. Since it is 40" long, I have not been able to photograph or scan and protect the message from disappearing.

I got one of the photographs with the Mother taken on my birthday, enlarged for getting framed and keeping in my room. First due to some miscalculations, the picture was enlarged to a much bigger size than I had intended. But finally I was very happy with the enlargement. I asked the Ashram’s wood working unit to make me a beautiful frame. Dhanvantiben was to design the frame. Again due to some miscalculation the frame was made 4" longer than the actual photograph. Trying to find a solution for the 4" gap, we decided to put a white paper below the photograph and get Mother’s message written on it. Thus She wrote the following and put the date on which the photograph was taken:


To Tara,

My tenderness and my blessings to give her the joy and the constant peace of a perfect faith.

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