Growing up with the Mother 222 pages 1999 Edition


Tara Jauhar's recollections of her close proximity, guidance and love from The Mother through personal contact & through letters & correspondence.

Growing up with the Mother

  The Mother : Contact

Tara Jauhar
Tara Jauhar

Tara Jauhar's recollections of her close proximity, guidance and love from The Mother through personal contact & through letters & correspondence.

Growing up with the Mother 222 pages 1999 Edition
 PDF     The Mother : Contact

Personal Letters


The Mother laughing at a joke, 21-2-68

My dear child,

I know that it is impossible to change one’s nature overnight, but what you can understand and accept immediately is that losing your temper and getting upset is a sign of great weakness. And, as I told you, my force is with you from the moment you decide to overcome this weakness which is unworthy of you. So I ask you, from now on, to use this force I am giving you to control your reactions and to remain quiet until your anger has passed. This is the first indispensable step. Afterwards, I shall gradually help you to understand that your anger is unjustified and has no basis.

With all my love, I ask you to please make the effort necessary for this great progress to be achieved; it will open the door to transformation.

My love and blessings are with you.

August 1969

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In human life the cause of all difficulties, discords and moral sufferings, is the presence in each one of the ego with its desires, preferences and aversions. Even in a disinterested work which consists in helping others, until one has learned to overcome the ego and its demands, until one can force it to remain calm and quiet in a corner, the ego reacts to everything that displeases it and starts an inner storm that rises to the surface and spoils the work.

This work of overcoming the ego is long, slow and difficult, it demands constant attention and sustained effort. This effort is easier for some, more difficult for others.

We are here in the Ashram to do this work together with the help of Sri Aurobindo’s knowledge and force, in an attempt to create a community that is more harmonious, more united and consequently much more effective in life.

As long as I was physically present among you, my presence was helping you to achieve this mastery over the ego, so it was not necessary for me to speak to you about it individually very often.

But now this effort must become the basis of each one’s existence, more especially those of you who have a responsible position and must take care of others. The leaders must always set the example, the leaders must always practise the virtues they demand from those in their care; they must be understanding, patient, enduring, full of sympathy and warm and friendly goodwill, not out of egoism to win friends for themselves, but out of generosity to be able to understand and help others.

To forget oneself, one’s likings and preferences, is indispensable in order to be a true leader.

That is what I am asking of you now, so that you can face your responsibilities as you should. And then you will find that where you used to feel disorder and disunity, they have vanished, and harmony, peace and joy have taken their place.

You know that I love you and that I am always with you to support you, to help you and to show you the way.


26 August 1969

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Sweet Mother,

Help me to become your true child.

This is a good resolution. You can be sure of my help and of the presence of my consciousness which is with you to enlighten and guide you whenever you call on it. It is in silent aspiration that you can become conscious of this presence and receive its help.

With love and blessings.

10 November 1969

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To Tara

I want you to become conscious of Sri Aurobindo’s help because it is always with you.

With my love and my blessings

26 July 1970

My dear little Tara,

I have just read your letter. My love is with you and will never leave you. It is only when you will have found your psychic being that you will have peace and joy.

This is what I want for you. My arms are always open to you if you want to take refuge in them.

With all my love and blessings.

8 February 1971

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Conflicts are created by the desires and preferences of our egos. When the egos are converted, it will be possible for harmony to reign.

We are at one of these “Hours of God”, when the old bases get shaken and there is a great confusion; but it is a wonderful opportunity for those who want to leap forward, the possibility of progress is exceptional.

Will you not be of those who take advantage of it?

1 April 1971

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Sweet Mother,

Pacify this tempest in me and establish peace. Calm this violence and make love reign. At this moment I aspire with all my heart to become Your true child. Help me to become worthy of You.

My dear child,

I was very happy to read what you have written.

The day of your birth will truly be your birth into a new consciousness, the true consciousness that will lead you to the divine realisation.

But just now I want to tell you that my love and help are always with you to help you on the way.


2 July 1971

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When I left for Europe at the end of April 1972, the Mother gave me a card with the following message:


I am with you always, and will be with you throughout your journey to help you to find the Divine — the only way to have lasting happiness. I expect to see you on your birthday; pray for this grace which is the true aim of your life.

I ask only that you have faith and trust.

I am curling myself into your heart so that you may always find me there.

With love and blessings.

The following letters were written to me when I was away in Europe:

Just received your nice note. Your thought is constantly present and I am always with you. It is always interesting to see new countries and new things—it broadens the consciousness.

Love and blessings.

1 May 1972

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Just received your sweet letter of April 30th . Yes, I am always with you and I hope you will feel it concretely.

Let the Divine Presence give you peace and joy.


3 May 1972

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I hear that you have done and are doing many new interesting things; that is just what I was expecting and I am glad.

Give my love to the people I know and who remember me.

With all my love.

11 May 1972

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I am happy to receive news from you and would like to have something from you. But what you can find there, I do not know. To say the truth anything will be welcome and I will treasure it.

I am sure you will have great success and profit a lot by joining the physical education institute.

I am always with you.

With love and blessings.

My dear child Tara,

I am happy to have good news from you and to know that you have an interesting occupation. Surely you will teach them some interesting things and you will learn some too.

I heard about your eye condition and with proper treatment it will be all right in time.

With love and blessing.

24 June 1972

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Received your letter.

Your foot must heal fast so that you can continue your interesting work.

My love and my blessings are always with you.

30 June 1972

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You are doing good work. Continue. If you have the occasion, speak of Sri Aurobindo so that they are interested and feel like studying his books.

We were with you all day on your birthday.

Love and blessings.

8 July 1972

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Just received your two nice letters, full of love and I am glad you had a nice birthday after all.

We felt your presence very closely here—and for a few hours the world had become small.

Switzerland is a very nice place. I am sure you will enjoy your stay there.

Love and blessings.

12 July 1972

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The Musical Tray

You are here in spirit and your presence can be felt. Your musical tray has reached me all right and I have put it on the table close to my chair. The blessings packets are inside it.

I am sending you one like that so you will know how it is.

My love and blessings will be with you still more closely in Sri Aurobindo’s Centenary.

8 August 1972

We are never alone: the Divine is always with us. It is up to us to become conscious of His Presence.


1 January 1973

To Tara

Received your letter.

Take the treatment as advised by the doctor.

With love and blessings.

30 January 1973

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