Growing up with the Mother 222 pages 1999 Edition


Tara Jauhar's recollections of her close proximity, guidance and love from The Mother through personal contact & through letters & correspondence.

Growing up with the Mother

  The Mother : Contact

Tara Jauhar
Tara Jauhar

Tara Jauhar's recollections of her close proximity, guidance and love from The Mother through personal contact & through letters & correspondence.

Growing up with the Mother 222 pages 1999 Edition
 PDF     The Mother : Contact


All division in the being is insincerity.

The greatest insincerity is to dig an abyss between your body and the truth of your being.

When an abyss separates the true being from the physical being, Nature fills it immediately with all kinds of adverse suggestions, the most formidable of which is fear, and the most pernicious, doubt.

Allow nothing anywhere to deny the truth of your being— this is sincerity.

7 July 1957

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