Growing up with the Mother 222 pages 1999 Edition


Tara Jauhar's recollections of her close proximity, guidance and love from The Mother through personal contact & through letters & correspondence.

Growing up with the Mother

  The Mother : Contact

Tara Jauhar
Tara Jauhar

Tara Jauhar's recollections of her close proximity, guidance and love from The Mother through personal contact & through letters & correspondence.

Growing up with the Mother 222 pages 1999 Edition
 PDF     The Mother : Contact

The Conquerors of Impossibility

During the year 1950, some of us “Dortoir” children decided to make an acrobatic group. When we told the Mother, She encouraged us and even said that She would like to see our acrobatics from time to time. Thus encouraged, Parul, Sumedha, Ravibala, Badal and I set to work. Soon we were able to put up a few pyramids in front of Her at the playground. She praised and enthused us with so much affection that not only did we decide to do more difficult things, but even asked Her to give our group a special name. She wrote a few different combinations on little pieces of paper and cards and finally selected “Conquering the Impossible” (a la conquete de l’ impossible).


Thus encouraged, our young group set out in all enthusiasm to do justice to the name the Mother had given us. We continued to practise over several years and even put up some performances on Darshan days in front of the Mother, ashramites and visitors. Sometime in 1957, our group of five was joined by Himangshu to increase our number to six. Our acrobatics stopped, however, when the Mother discontinued Her activities in the Playground from December 1958 onwards.



Some of our acrobatic feats

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