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... increasingly spiritual turn. But until then, I was never interested in money nor did I bother about the details of the expenses, provided my daily needs and requirements were satisfied." "Yes," said Anand, "Nirodda read out to us an account of your life in Baroda, by Mr. Patkar, a student of yours, and later an advocate in Baroda. He says that you were remarkably simple in your mode of living. You never... boy, don't you know that I am a Brahmachari? Our shastras enjoin that a Brahmachari should not use a soft bed, which may induce him to sleep.' He thought to himself that you must be a great man." Anand continued, "He also observed your total absence of love for money. You never seemed to care for it. You got a decent salary of Rs.500 a month. You received three months' salary at a time. You took... were preparing themselves already for a similar armed revolt, particularly in Bengal and in Maharashtra." "But what' could those small rebellions do against the mighty British Empire?" questioned Anand. "You know, success was not the only issue. It was also sacrifice, for sacrifice alone can give back to a moribund race its self-respect and confidence. And nothing as great as freedom can be won ...
... ago he wanted to know about his own function and that of Anand. Mother spoke the reply and told me to write it and show it to her next morning. * * * 17.3.72 The following reply for Norman was read out, "You will continue to go to Aspiration as at present. Shanti is always there and you can advise her. Also Anand. Besides, the work you are doing at Pondicherry for the... the Aspiration School and Sri Aurobindo Society is useful." Mother wrote blessings and signed. A long letter of Anand was read. He had written about how he had organised the classes and asked two questions. To the first question whether Mother approved of the system and if it should continue, she said, "Yes. It has my full approval." The second question asked if it should be changed.... blessings for Nirmala Sachdeva approving her working in the Auromodel Health Centre kitchen, and the Balance Sheet of Sri Aurobindo Memorial Fund Society for 1970. * * * Mother permitted Anand Reddy to come with his father on Page 140 28.3.72 to take Sri Aurobindo's relics to Hyderabad and go there for the installation ceremony. About his further' request for permission to ...
... and died at the ripe old age of eighty-five. My father inculcated in me a deep love for morality and religion and sent me for my secondary education to the famous Dadabhai Naoroji High School in Anand, where I was put up in the school's boarding house. I was twelve at that time. The atmosphere in the school was permeated with great moral idealism in those days and the teachers, who lived near the... plant and bore some fragrant flowers. Since Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda were no longer alive to guide me in my newly awakened spiritual quest, I started, even while in the D. N. High School at Anand, looking for a guru who would help me to realize the presence of God. I came to hear about Sri Aurobindo, who was asking his disciples not to renounce the world but to realize the Divine in the midst ...
... Pargiter's careful analysis, 3 the scheme of genealogy from Vaivasvata to Sahadeva, inclusive 1. Ibid. 2 The Early History of India. (London, 1934). Chapters II and VIII. Vide also Anand Swarup Gupta. "The Problem of Interpretation of the Purānas", Purāna (Vārānasi), Vol. VI. No. 1. January 1965, p. 68, fn. 37. on the question of the Pradyotas. 3 - Op. cit., pp. 144-49... Pargiter's texts, p. 33, fn. 50), i.e. exactly [538-118=] 420 years more than the usual 1. Op. cit., p. 85. 2. The Indo-Greeks. p. 82. 3. Op. cit., p. 89. 4.Yuga-Purāna (Anand. 1951). 5. Purānic Chronology, p. 12. Page 120 figure. This, I suggest, includes the 420 years of the kingless periods." Of course, Mankad, not reading Arrian in ...
... that gives us delight? Sri Aurobindo : Beauty is the Divine himself in his Anand-power seeking to express himself in perfect form. That is, perhaps, the only definition that could be given. Since you are particular about it one can say that there are several elements of beauty : one is the power of Anand that seeks expression, the other is the form – or you can say, the manner in which ...
... gives us delight? Sri Aurobindo : Beauty is the Divine himself in his Anand -power seeking to express himself in perfect form. That is, perhaps, the only definition that could be given. Since you are particular about it one can say that there are several elements of beauty : one is the power of Anand that seeks expression, the other is the form – or you can say, the manner in which ...
... Mauryas) is given differently in different Purānas. F. E. Pargiter 1 , in his famous pioneer study, lists the variants as 1015, 1050, 1500 years. Indian scholars too are aware of several readings. Anand Swarup Gupta, editor of the 6-monthly periodical Purāna published from Vāranāsi, informs us of the figures 1015, 1115, 1500. 2 He also guides us towards reading the real Purānic intention among... D. R. Mankad 2 offers a possible interpretation of the Viiyu's and Brahmānda's reference to the number 24, which would apply 1.Pargiter, op. cit., p. 59. 2. Purānic Chronology (Anand. 1951), p. 293. Page 7 it to the return of the Maghā century in the end of the Āndhras. These Purānas, with their collocation andhrdrhse sachaturvirhse, would then read: "in the ...
... Vaso Kelavani Mandal. The book received an encouraging response. Vaso purchased 100 copies, Borsad purchased 97 copies, Sardar University Campus purchased 63 copies. All educational institutions of Anand including D. N. High School where Dyuman, Shivabhai, Arnbu and I studied and to which we are so much grateful for preparing us for spiritual development, purchased 51 copies; Nadiad purchased 36 copies... the whole universe, and the hills we were passing through also began to glimmer with multi-coloured light, that was flowing out of the body and melting everything into a blissful universal Sat-chit-Anand Consciousness that had descended and a strong wave of inexpressible bliss pervaded throughout. We had travelled for more than two hours and we were nearing a bus stand where we were to change our bus ...
... feminised and the Nation was seen as taking its origin in a purely feminine space. Bankim Chandra exploited the symbolic potential of such a mind set and conceived of Bharata Mata and his heroines in Anand Math and Debi Chaudhurani are idealised versions of Indian womanhood. The modulation from this conception of the Indian woman informed by the spirit of Sita, Tara, Savitri and Mandodari, to India ...
... Majumdar (1920). Manjusrimūlakalpa, R. Sankyana's Appendix to Jayaswal's Imperical History Mankad, D. R., Kālidāsa and the Guptas (Ahmedabad, 1947) Purānic Chronology (Anand, 1951) McCrindle, J., tr. Ancient India as Described by Megasthenes and Arrian (Calcutta, 1920) The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great (Westminister, 1893) Ancient ...
... 1 Dilip: "A cessation of all physical activity caused by the absence of a source of energy (or soul)." Page 132 It's not clear.... The other two are quite practical (!) Anand: "When the brain stops functioning and the body starts decomposing, it's death." ( Mother laughs heartily ) The last one is quite matter-of-fact . Abhijit: "Blood circulation in ...
... That's not how it is. ( after a long silence ) It's hard to make them understand.... It's still a semicollective consciousness, not an individual consciousness of the cells. Then? Anand Arya asks this: "Does the decentralization always take place after death, or can it begin before?" ( Laughing ) It often begins before! Dilip M. asks, "Do the cells scatter in space or within ...
... The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil Jawaharlal Nehuru sitting with his daughter Indira and niece Chanderlekha Pandit at Anand Bhawan, Allahabad, 1925. Courtesy JMMI, New Delhi Letters from a Father to His Daughter Introduction Aspiration is the hallmark of a good pupil. Through the kindling of aspiration the flame of knowledge ...
... Sri Aurobindo's 'Savitri': An Approach and a Study (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 2 nd Edition, 1956). Technical Terms in Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy (Sri Aurobindo Karyalaya, Anand, 1949). Ray, Prithwis Chandra. Life and Times of C. R. Das (Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1927). Read, Sri Herbert. Collected Essays in Literary Criticism (Faber & Faber ...
... that which is behind all the manifestation of Nature. Disciple : Has it any features? Sri Aurobindo : It has no features. The only thing that can be said about it is : Sat, Chit, Anand. Disciple : Does it indicate the passive or the active state of the Being? Sri Aurobindo : Generally it is used to imply the passive Page 147 state, but sometimes ...
... e and it is therefore difficult to feel it as a new creation. What is needed is to " transform", not merely to take liberty with and "distort" the forms of Nature in art. Otherwise, as Dr. Anand Coomar Swamy says, the forms will only be " denatured "—contrary to Nature. This creates the impression of unnaturalness, violence, repulsion. This " transformation " of nature in art cannot be made ...
... Sangeet: Sahana's group: Manoj, Vishweshwar, Ira, Smriti, Chhanda, Tublu. 5. A Vision of Science: a poem by Sri Aurobindo: Directed by Norman Dowsett, Arati, Amita. Voices: Jules, Arunbishnu, Sudha Anand, Reba, Dipu, Namita S, Gauri Gupta. 6. Surrender by Sri Aurobindo: Recitation by Arati, dance by Shobha. 7. Sri Aurobindo's photo will be projected on the cyclorama. Meditation with the ...
... of him that spurred him, when his father died without a will, to put his whole inherited wealth at the disposal of his mother and sisters, asking them to consider themselves the real owners of Anand Bhawan and all that Motilal had left and to think of him as only a trustee and adviser! As for honesty, it has been an obstacle in the path of his politics: he can never stoop to the shifts ...
... The Mother believed in simplicity and practicality and not decorative designs. I feel very sorry and sad to see all these things which are quite contrary to the Mother's conceptions and wish. Anand of Auroform showed me on 14.10.1989 a very beautiful exterior marble model of the Matrimandir. BUT... I read in Auroville Today , January 2000, No. 132 about the outer form of the Matrimandir: ...
... × Ramdas : a yogi from Northwest India who followed the path of love ( bhakti ). His whole yoga consisted in repeating the name Ram . He founded the Anand-ashram in Kanhargad, Kerala. He was born in 1884 and died in 1963. × Bishnupriya , a Bengali film ...
... "darkness covered thickly by darkness" and in which there is neither "being nor non-being." The other is the Eternity of the Divine Absolute, beyond the realms of the three supernals — Sat, Chit and Anand. Many have felt that there is an irreconcilable opposition between Timeless-Eternity of the Absolute and Time-Eternity of the individual which is constantly flowing. But Savitri offers the vision ...
... Shalimar Bagh, Delhi 2 Aggarwal, T. R. Kulachi Hansraj Model School New Delhi 3 Ambasht, N. K. Chairman, National Open School B-31B Kailash Colony, New Delhi 4 Anand, A.K. Consultant PHISPC 36, Tughlakabad Institutional Area New Delhi -110062 5 Anuradha (The Gnostic Centre) c/o H- 401, Som Vihar Apt. Sangam Marg New ...
... "subconscient ass". Sri Aurobindo: Why not become a conscious one? 33 (15)NB: Please don't keep the Library book for long. Otherwise Premanand [the librarian] will lose all his prem and anand! [Love and bliss] Sri Aurobindo: He is always doing that and losing his hair too into the bargain. If he objects to my keeping the book, I will give him a clout on the head which will help to keep ...
... Kothari (VNK) Retd. Head, Deptt. of Economics, M.S. University, 3 C.S. Patel Enclave, Pratapganj, Baroda-390 003. Tel. No. 320 162 (R) LIST OF OBSERVERS 1. Dr. Anand Mavlankar (AM) Reader, Deptt. of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, M.S. University of Baroda, Baroda-390 002. Resi: C-16, Avadh Duplex, P.O. Atladra, Baroda-390 012. 2. Mrs. Armity ...
... surrealistic. So far don't find any identity with yours except a certain fullness and boldness of language. Please don't keep the book for long. Otherwise Premanand 99 will lose all his prem and anand ! 100 He is always doing that and losing his hair too into the bargain. If he objects to my keeping the book, I will give him a clout on the head which will help to keep his hair on. February ...
... temple to take the blessings of the goddess for a successful journey? And what of Indian names? One commonly meets people with names such as Avadh -indestructible, Pratap - the glory of God, Anand _ indivisible bliss, Preeti - divine love, Amar - immortal, Vaibhav - the grandeur or majesty of the divine, Shanti - supreme peace, Kaanti - the glory of God, and Mohini - the enchanting ...
... newspapers had taken note of VOC and his activities. Sri Aurobindo's nationalist newspaper Bande Mataram acclaimed him (27 March 1908) with 'Well Done, Chidambaram'. Apart from the Madras press, Anand Bazaar Patrika from Kolkata (Calcutta) carried reports of his prosecution every day. Funds were raised for his defence not only in India but also by the Indians in South Africa. Here is an ...
... pattern of words and ideal painting a pattern of meaningless shapes." If India loses her soul, her unique vision of life and art, what matters it if she gained the whole world? Mr. Mulk Raj Anand the other day while opening Mr. Khatau's exhibition declared that he was a "modernist" and added by way of correction that he was an "Indian Modernist". I believe what he wanted to stress was that Indian ...
... first transfigured including Death and Night. For such a transfiguration she found "all Nature's struggle was its easy price". Death was transfigured into Love. Virat, Hiranya Garbha, Chaitanya Ghana, Anand—the four aspects of the Reality worked harmoniously in the everlasting Day. She was offered the choice of abandoning the vexed world and ascending alone to the blissful home of the spirit. She refused ...
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