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Anu : in the Veda, a devotee of Indra, for whom he made a chariot, mentioned as an enemy of Sudas (q.v.).
... head. Anus , an old woman, is the OA anu , which means in Sanscrit a man. Where is the connection? But anu means life or living; from this sense it can easily come to mean long-lived. This epithet becomes a noun & as a feminine specifies in Latin an old woman. In Sanscrit it has kept its vaguer sense & narrowed it down to the general idea of a man. (Anu, however, may have meant adult, grown up... ana which the Sanscrit has lost, lost the form anu which the Sanscrit has kept. Both are without the form ani which must, logically, have existed (cf apa , api , Greek άπó & ἐπί). Greek has also the form ἄνω which corresponds to an OA [Old Aryan] anā and suggests at once long forms anū (Vd?) and anī . In sense άνά & ἄνω differ from anu only by preferring the significance “above & before”... process of language. We see first that the root meaning of A has a tendency to minimise the shade of sense which has been added to it by the addition of the letter, but does not cast it off wholly. Anu means man, just as आयुः & अयुः means man, the primal idea being that of an existing creature. We get back to this root idea of existence in अन्, soul, being & अनल, soul, spirit (cf anala and anila ...
... your grace? It is like that sometimes with everybody without any special cause. Sri Aurobindo Mother, Anu asked me if I wanted to go for swimming. I said, "I shall ask the Mother. If she says yes, I shall come." Ambubhai is going to take Anu for a swim to a place where nobody goes. If the Mother permits me, I shall go too. Mother takes no responsibility and gives... room. The difficulty is that if the Mother allows one to bring a fan, she will have to allow all who ask. 4.5.37 Sri Aurobindo Mother, A few days back, Anu asked me whether I would come to learn 'Lathi', I said yes if Mother gives permission and Ambubhai takes the Page 43 responsibility of teaching me. There is plenty of room in Shanta's ...
... The Golden Path Anu Purani ( Dancer, Choreographer, Writer and Teacher in Auroshikha’s Udavi Village School ) Anu Purani is the only daughter of the late A.B. Purani, one of Sri Aurobindo’s original disciples, who was the recorder of Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo , and author of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga , The Life of Sri Aurobindo and... brought him to America in 1964 for a series of lectures throughout the United States. My father passed away in the Ashram in 1965 one year after his visit to America. Anu as a child in the Ashram Anu in front of her Ashram Quarters, Dec. 2002 I loved my father very much and remember once saying to him (probably in a moment of needing his attention), “You know, I am your only... and other publications. He was also a Sanskrit scholar. Anu is small with a petite frame and a dancer’s lithe and supple body. She also moves with the grace and agility of a dancer; her back is straight, her head is held high and she has a turn of her feet reminiscent of ballet dancers in fifth position. She lives in the main Ashram compound near the Samadhi above what used to be the fruit room. ...
... the Asuras, the Mother or Anu-ben. The story was the well-known traditional one. The dance choreography and direction were by Anu-ben and the music was by Sunil-da. In those days, Sunil-da's music still had echoes of traditional Indian motifs. Although the new strains had not yet come into his ken, his music invariably had a distinct originality which was most enchanting. Anu-ben's dance choreography... Let me then come back to my narrative. That year Anu-ben, our dance teacher, was directing a dance-drama called Mahishasuramardini for the 1 st December programme. The story depicted the four aspects of Mother Durga and a lot of the actors for the dance-drama had been selected by the Mother Herself: for instance, Mother Durga was Anu-ben, Maheshwari was Gauri Pinto, Mahalakshmi was Light Ganguly ...
... 29, 30, 31. Page 34. "Thou belongs!... to Me": translated from the Maha- bharata: Mamaiva tvam tavaivahamye madiyastavaiva te Yastvam dveshti sa mam dveshti yastvam anu sa mom anu Page 195 Page 35. "Renown nor wealth... love": translated from Sri Chaitanya's own couplet: Na dhanam na janam na sundarim Kavitam va Jagadisha kamaye ...
... regularly, generally during Darshan time. [22] "Mangalammal was a wonderful person," says Kowma (Amma’s eldest child), "I was only 13 or 14, Mithran 11 or 12, Thyaga 9 or 10, and Anu 7 or 8 years old. She took Thyaga and Anu to Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh, put them in school and looked after them till they finished S.S.L.C. She gave us much love…! All my school holidays I spent with her and uncle in ...
... vimahasah the thought continues logically from the first verse. “Ye who by your sacrifices uphold alike our sacrifice, and the thoughts of the seer, O Maruts, hear my call.” Uta vá yasya vájino, anu vipram atakshata, Sa gantá gomati vraje. Uta vá, “And besides”, “moreover”; the Rishi is giving a fresh aspect of the activity of the Maruts; as diffused energies of an illuminated mentality... Maruts for their work of Page 387 formation, although that also is perfectly suitable to the sense. There is a certain difficulty also about vipram. Is it an accusative governed in sense by anu or by atakshata? The former is only possible if we suppose vipra to have, besides its ordinary sense of enlightened, also, like kavi and rishi, the sense of enlightenment. It would be perfectly legitimate... necessary to take it so here, because of yasya. If vipra meant the seer, we should have yam & not yasya. As it is, vipram is evidently something in the sacrificer which the Maruts mould into shape, anu, according to the energy from the vijnana above. For atakshata is the defining into shape of the indefinite substance of mind in Div, through yajna and mati, putting forth of force for activity and movement ...
... the particular sound to the sensations they wished to express, let us say that as in plant & tree & animal the sound itself, by the force of Nature, by the law of its own activity, svadhām anu , ṛtūn anu , “according to its own self-arrangement, in the straight line of the truth of things inherent in it,” and helped by the half conscious responsive awakening mind, applied itself in the service ...
... by a peculiar & rare temperament aided by God's special grace & favour. We need a wider pedestal, a securer foundation. He finds that foundation who sees wheresoever he looks (that is the force of anu in anupashyati) only the Atman, only the Self. He watches the bird flying through the air, but what he is aware of is the Self watching the movement of the Self through the Self—air & bird & flight &... literally yet, but now I give the literal translation, "In whom the Self (of him) verily knowing by vijnana has become all creatures, there what delusion, what grief, of him seeing wherever he looks (anu) oneness." It is evident that the Mayavadin's position vanishes. The words are sarvani bhutani atmaivabhud—not sarvabhutani atmaivabhuvan—a singular verb demanding a singular subject. Therefore it is ...
... being, not formal though instrumentally creative of form, measuring & containing it, mind, mati or manas. Mind itself is biune in movement, modified mind working in direct relation to material life (anu, the Vedantic prana) and moulding itself to its requirements in order to seize and enjoy it, and pure mind above Page 119 and controlling it. For each of these three subjective principles ...
... yatra raṇanti dhītayaḥ . And it is said in the next verse that the divine chariot of Soma follows, getting knowledge, the supreme direction and labours forward, having vision, by the rays, pūrvām anu pradiśaṁ yāti cekitat, saṁ raśmibhir yatate darśato ratho daivyo darśato rathaḥ . This supreme direction is evidently that of the divine or vast Truth; these rays are evidently the rays of the Dawn or ...
... symbolic sense of the Vedic Horse comes out with great power and clearness,— Devānāṁ cakṣuḥ subhagā vahantī, śvetaṁ nayantī sudṛśīkam aśvam; Uṣā adarśi raśmibhir vyaktā, citrāmaghā viśvam anu prabhūtā. "Happy, bringing the gods' eye of vision, leading the white Horse that has perfect sight. Dawn is seen expressed entirely by the rays, full of her varied riches, manifesting her birth ...
... Night is the symbol of their continual disappearance in Avyakta, the unmanifest or finally into Asat, into infinite non-being. They appear according to the swift movement of this Horse of the Worlds, anu ajayata, or, as I have written, translating the idea & rhythm of the Upanishad rather than the exact words, as he gallops. Day is the greatness that appears in his front, Night is the greatness that ...
... × Vihi hotrā avītā. × Anu kṛṣṇe vasudhitī yemāte viśvapeśasā. × Vahantu tvā manoyujo yuktāso navatir nava. ...
... soul is both intelligence and knower. The individual soul is an agent ( karta ). Birth and death refer to the body and not the soul, which has no beginning. It is eternal. The Jivatman is said to be anu, of the size of the atom. Ramanuja, Madhva, Keshva, Nimbarka, Vallabha and Srikantha accept this view. Shankara is of the opinion that the soul is all-pervading or vibhu , though it is considered to ...
... Adityas, the, 144 Aesop, 21 Agastya, 74 Agni, 133, 138-40, 144 Ajdeb, 277 Algeria , 12 Amrita, 38, 192, 194 Andamans, the, II Androgyne, 296-7 Anu, 71n Arabia (L'Arabie), 1I8 Arcturus, 297 Arjuna, 38, 68, 112 Asura, 148,272 Aswins, the, 144 Ashram (Sri Aurobindo), Iin., 63, 70-1 ...
... recognised : the first kind of works were called " Laukika" and the second " Arsha ". This finds expression in Bhava bhuti's drama, the Uttararamacharita : Laukikanam tu sadhunam artham vak anu vartate Rishinam punaradyanam vacham arthonudhavati " In the case of ordinary writers the speeeh-the expression-follows their intention, the meaning,-while in that of the original Rishis ...
... direction. The musical side became a very lovely aspect of the programme. Tej-da was in charge of the lighting. Except for the dance, everything was arranged. I decided to take help from Roshan-ben and Anu-ben but they could not help me with the dance on stage. So I asked the Mother what I should do about the dance. As the script was written by me, the Mother suggested that I look after the dance choreography ...
... knowledge by the spontaneous self-arranging action of Nature which she assumes when the will and the knowledge are wedded in the perfect harmony of a fully self-conscious, intuitively guided action. Viśvān anu svadhayā cetathas pathaḥ . Vamadeva closes his hymn. He has been able to hold firmly the shining Thought with its high illumination and has expressed in himself by the shaping and fixing power of ...
... Ashram too took part. A cultural programme was held behind the Dupleix statue (now, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s statue has displaced Dupleix). One of the items was a dance drama, “Mahisha-sura-Mardini”. Anu-ben was Durga, Togo her lion and the asura was who — but Kameshwar (I think he had on two horns). On one of the 1st December Programmes (School’s Anniversary) there was a 6-hour programme titled “The ...
... stand at the now empty table, and his fingers would fly to play out a beat on the tabla (table). This was the moment my brother and I were waiting for. In later years he did play the tabla for one of Anu-ben’s dances on the 1st of December. I have heard on some old gramophone records (78 p.m.) Bisho-da’s song and his playing on the harmonium. Both were nigh mesmerising. Bisho-da left the Ashram on ...
... spoken by Churchill word for word. I have not found any written references to this in the texts written on Sri Aurobindo, but his secretary Nirodbaran had heard of this, and Dyuman … has confirmed it … Anu Purani tells me that her father A.B. Purani, one of the few people who saw Sri Aurobindo every day, told her the same thing.’ 51 Udar too confirms this. 52 For a reader of the four volumes ...
... and his directions and the Mother’s are not followed, if the opposing egoism proves too strong, then the only course would be for the Mother to give up the idea of Anu’s dance; she will have to tell Anu that in these circumstances and with so much egoism about, nothing else can be done. It will be a disappointment for us all; but we can do our best and, if it has to be given up, the fault will lie ...
... Magadhan line. Pusalker,' drawing upon the Purānas and the MahaBhārata, tells us, as also does Pargiter by his Tables: "Yayati had five sons. Devayānī bore two, Yadu and Turvasu, and Śarmishthā three, Anu, Druhyu, and Puru." All these sons are 14th after Prithu. Pusalker continues: "Yadu, the eldest son of Yayāti, founded the Yādavas, the first Lunar dynasty to rise into prominence." The greatest and ...
... 275, 521, 586 Antigenes, 270 'Antināra', 268 Antioche, 269 Antiochus 1, 226, 236-8, 430-31, 433-9, 598 Antiochus II, 267, 434 Antiochus III, 532 Antixeni, 270 Anu, 96 Anupshahr, 170 Aornos, 87 Apāpāpurikalpa, 475fn. Aparānta, 471, 478, 530 Apastamba Grihya Sūtra, 579 Aphsad inscription, 486, 492 Āpīlaka, 571, 572 Appian, 192, ...
... is not' and some that 'he is', that, taught by thee, I would know.": Page 42 "Yeya ṁ prete vicikits ā manu ṣ ye, Ast ī tyeke n ā yam ast ī ti caike Etad vidy ā m anu ś i ṣṭ as tvay ā 'ha ṁ " (Katha Upanishad, I. 1.20) Yes, the puzzled and troubled adolescent of the Upanishad wanted to know directly from the presiding deity of death the real truth ...
... halt! The Mother narrates to us the story in an amusing way. One day Sri Aurobindo was telling the Mother: "What you are doing is very fine and very ¹ The first child that came was Anu, then five years old. Page 71 grand. It will bring you name and fame, you will become a world-figure and your work a marvel. It will be a "grand succ è s." ...
... Sri Aurobindo's life from 1927 to 1950 has been added. Nevertheless, the book remains substantially what it was when last seen through the press by the author. The editors would like to thank Smt. Anu Purani, without whose assistance this edition could not have been prepared. 9 March 1977 Page VIII No one can write about my life because it has not been on the surface for man to ...
... talked about this with the Mother. Once, I went to the Mother to ask for Her permission for some programme of mine. She readily gave Her consent and after this I informed Her that I was going to help Anu-ben for another programme. Mother - Are you going to play some music for this programme? I - Yes, Mother, I am. Mother - Do you have an ...
... Even after coming to Pondicherry, I immersed myself in dance and music. And quite soon after my arrival at the Ashram, the Mother asked me to take part in the 1st December programme. After joining Anu-ben's classes, I took part in the annual programme of the School almost every year. Apart from this, I also took part in some English dramas, playing small roles, or in English recitation. These programmes ...
... of Sri Aurobindo, Ascent and Descent: Arati-di, Light (Manoranjan-da's daughter), Chhanda and myself. In those days, the Mother had given the responsibility of this annual programme to three people: Anu-ben was in charge of dance, Sunil-da was in charge of music, and theater was the responsibility of Norman-da. That year, it was Norman-da who had taught us how to recite the two poems. He had typed out ...
... close. Without exchanging a word or glance with anyone, I got down from the stage and went directly to the green-room in order to prepare myself for the next item which was a dance choreographed by Anu-ben. I had a small part in it too. While Millie-di was helping me get ready, I was lost in a thousand thoughts. What had I done.? I had stopped my recitation mid-way because I was carried away by this ...
... the chosen spot, it was still dark except for the light burning on the top of Ganesa's temple at the entrance of Auroville, and for the stars 'shining bright as diamonds'. As one of the eye-witnesses, Anu, recalls the event: There were twelve red pillars which formed a circle.... The pillar in front of us was less than half a foot. But then gradually... [they] rose in height till the last two were ...
... 4 śunaścicchepaṁ niditaṁ sahasrād yupādamuñco aśamiṣṭa hi ṣaḥ, evāsmadagne vi mumugdhi pāśān hotaścikitva iha tū niṣadya. 7 hṛṇīyamāno apa hi madaiyeḥ pra me devānāṁ vratapā uvāca, indro vidvāṁ anu hi tvā cacakṣa tenāhamagne anuśiṣṭa āgām.8 I saw him in a distant field, one golden-tusked and pure-bright of hue shaping his weapons: to him I am giving immortality in my several parts and what shall ...
... magnificent, with a deep and true emotion. It has made me very happy. With my blessings. 29.12.64 Sunil, my dear child, I would be very happy if you composed the music for the 1st of December, Anu’s dance-drama. Because you alone can do it the way it should be done. Your music is, according to me, the music of the future and it opens the ways to the new world. Blessings. 13.8.65 My child ...
... because what I have written was for Huta and not for others—to each one what is said is said in a different way—and to mix all that makes a confusion. 1961 Mother, I submit a summary of Anu's play, Rajkumar, in her own words. You may read it when you can. I would request you to make some suggestion that may help in raising it from the commonplace, that may help the consciousness of those ...
... Kings where Sudās, King of the Tritsus, emerges victorious with Indra's help: Indra at once with conquering might demolished all their strong places and their seven castles. The goods of Anu's son he gave to Trtsu.... 193 The state of warfare appears to be equally acute in the two periods. Can we go further and bring Sudās into the same chronological proximity to Divodāsa as Trasadasyu... o'erwhelmedst in the waters famed ancient Kavasa and then the Druhyu.... Indra at once with conquering might demolished all their strong places and their seven castles. The goods of Anu's son he gave to Trtsu. May we in sacrifice conquer scornful Puru. The Anavas and Druhyus, seeking booty, have slept, the sixty hundred, yea, six thousand, And six-and-sixty heroes. ...
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