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Balkans : The Balkan Peninsula comprised all of Albania, continental Greece, Bulgaria, European Turkey, most of Yugoslavia, & south-eastern Rumania. These six countries, successors to the Ottoman Empire, were called the Balkan States or the Balkans. The Balkan Confederacy or Balkan League (comprising Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, & Montenegro – a republic South-West of Yugoslavia) was originally formed at the instigation of Bulgaria & Serbia with the aid of Russian diplomacy to limit increasing Austrian power in the Balkans. During 1912, however, the alliance became more anti-Turkish than anti-Austrian. First Balkan War began with Montenegro’s declaration of war against the Turks on 8 October 1912 (see Adrianople above, & Chatalja below) & the entry of its three allies of the Balkan Confederacy (q.v.) into the war ten days later. The Balkan States were victorious, & a treaty was signed in London on 30 May 1913. The League was victorious, but it disintegrated when its members quarrelled over the division of their territorial spoils. This dispute resulted in the Second Balkan War, against Bulgaria, in 1913.

69 result/s found for Balkans

... everything. If the news is true, that is the beginning of the end of the Balkans, because Bulgaria won't resist. Greece will be at her wits' end without the help of Turkey and what can Turkey do alone? So Hitler comes to Asia Minor and that means India. That was what I thought long before Hitler's intention about the Balkans was known. Now his move is quite clear. He will try to move towards the M... then move to Africa. Then he will ask Spain to join him so that the English army in Africa may be placed between the two forces. Q: Hitler's entry into Rumania seems the first step towards the Balkans. Sri Aurobindo: It is like all his moves a slow penetration, after which he may press towards Turkey, Egypt and Asia. What is wonderful is Stalin's attitude. He is quite silent. Q: Any secret... difficult position, then Stalin will put pressure on Turkey and Rumania for the control of the Black Sea as he has done with the Baltic States. Hitler is not likely to keep quiet about the trouble in the Balkans. With Italy's help he may settle the Asia Minor and Balkan problem or he may allow Stalin a free hand now, knowing that he can settle with him afterwards." We can see here that Sri Aurobindo envisaged ...

... SRI AUROBINDO: England is trying to make up with Russia, it seems. They say that Russia has asked Germany and Italy to keep out of the Balkans. That would explain Russia's massing of troops on the German frontier. Italy of course will plunge towards the Balkans if she can pluck up courage. This book of prophecy says things which are now obviously wrong. He says Fritch, who died in Poland, would... the war if the Allies are defeated. Otherwise, he says, America will be the next victim. SRI AUROBINDO: Of course. But Hitler won't turn so soon towards America. He will turn first towards the Balkans and, if Stalin comes in the way, march into Russia. After gaining Asia and Africa he will turn towards America. You know Washington's three dreams: First, war with England, Second, the American Civil ...


... means everything. If the news is true, that is the beginning of the end of the Balkans, because Bulgaria won't resist. Greece will be at its wit's end without Turkey's help and what can Turkey do all alone? So Hitler comes to Asia Minor and that means India. This is what I thought, long before, that Hitler might do in the Balkans. The Asura is up to his tricks again. Now Hitler's moves are quite clear.... attacked by Germany what Russia will do, I wonder. SRI AUROBINDO: Don't know. NIRODBARAN: Russia is also interested in Bulgaria. SRI AUROBINDO: It was Russia under the Czar that liberated the Balkans and, if the Czar were there, they would have inclined towards Russia. Now they are afraid of both Russia and Germany. PURANI: There was a short engagement with the Italian navy in the Mediterranean ...


... in agreement. What Russia wants is Bessarabia, control in the Black Sea, and in the Balkans, over Turkey. In exchange for that she can agree to let Germany have Rumanian oil. Russia has plenty of oil for herself. So she doesn't need it. NIRODBARAN: What about Italy? She doesn't want Russian influence in the Balkans. SRI AUROBINDO: If the Allies are clever enough, they can win over Italy. If Italy ...


... PURANI: Russia has already come into the Balkans. SRI AUROBINDO: No, not quite. Still in central Europe. Her claims on Hungary are understandable. It will be the completion of her Polish campaign. But she has no claim on Bulgarian ports in the Black Sea. It has to be seen now what attitude they take. PURANI: If something happens in the Balkans it will be interesting. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes ...


... A farther case of marine accident reported today. Lipi—eighth—suggesting Saturday Feb 8ᵗʰ as a decisive day, both for the yogasiddhi and for the karmasiddhi. Some decisive action or news in the Balkans is also suggested, as well as something in the matter of equipment. Today, Tuesday, has already been given as decisive for the immediate movement of the Yoga. The second chatusthaya is now being... the manasic world in the jagrat is now occurring; formerly there was drishti only of the pranajagat and the subtle Bhu. 5 February 1913 Another shipwreck; the resumption of hostilities in the Balkans; the insufficient pressure of the Powers on the belligerents; the attitude of the Porte; the Roumano-Bulgarian tension continued; the police notification to the inhabitants of Delhi, are all indicative ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Egypt and bring in Nahash Pasha. Russia is trying to keep out Turkey. NIRODBARAN: Keep out of what? SRI AUROBINDO: Out of the war on the side of the Allies, as a possible troublemaker in the Balkans. Is it true that Italy is bringing down her own planes? (Laughter) It seems, in a raid over some Italian town by English planes, not a single plane was brought down by the Italians and much of... his hands, he will become tremendously strong. But when England is conquered, he will have all the French colonies and most of the British ones. His next step will naturally be to move towards the Balkans and then a clash with Russia is inevitable unless Hitler has given up his project of becoming master of Europe. The Balkan powers are foolish enough not to see that their turn will come later on. ...


... said on 23 May 1940. He thereby confirmed his words of a few days earlier: ‘It is a well-known fact that Hitler has an eye on India. He is openly talking of world empire. He will turn towards the Balkans, crushing Italy on the way, which would be a matter of three weeks, then Turkey and then Asia Minor. Asia Minor means ultimately India. If there [in Asia Minor] he meets Stalin, then it is a question ...

... met. If Hitler wins, do they think that India has any chance of being free? It is a well-known fact that Hitler has an eye on India. He is openly talking of world-empire. He will turn towards the Balkans, crushing Italy on the way, which would be a matter of weeks, then Turkey and then Asia Minor. Asia Minor means ultimately India. If there he meets Stalin, then it is a question as to who wins and ...


... Certain remarkable instances occurred during the course of the day, eg the easy surmounting of the housing problem and the change in the temper of the intermediary. In the outside world events in the Balkans show a considerable increase in the particular effectiveness, but this is not entirely recent as it dates from the closing period of the war. Therapeutic power is on the increase, eg. Bharati's hysteric ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... N & P to keep their places. Fulfilled during time contemplated, but N's change gazetted. Money to come within this fortnight from R. Fulfilled, but only half the sum expected. Peace in the Balkans.                                      —not fulfilled. Fulfilled afterwards. A & I [Austria & Italy?] to insist successfully on their points—signs of fulfilment Letter to be written today.         ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... unsheathe his sword in a conflict dictated on both sides by the most unrighteous greed and aggression. In fact this series of wars, whether fought in Northern or Southern Africa, in Manchuria or the Balkans, were marked most prominently by the spirit which disregards cynically that very idea of inherent and existing rights, that balance of law and equity upon which alone arbitration can be founded. As ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... He has to face the Western front and also provide for Stalinist possibilities. SATYENDRA: Why? He has nothing to fear from Stalin. SRI AUROBINDO: If Stalin is successful in the Baltic and the Balkans, Germany will be in danger and Stalin will be all-powerful in Europe. NIRODBARAN: Besides, there is fear of an internal revolution in Germany and then of the spread of Communism. SRI AUROBINDO: ...


... SRI AUROBINDO: That is only a pretext. She wants to make Finland a vassal state like Latvia and from there dominate Norway and Sweden. After she has done that and also gained her position in the Balkans, she will become a major power in Europe. She tried to get hold of Turkey but Turkey was too alert, and also bold enough because of the support of the English and French. The English have about a million ...


... ever met. If Hitler wins, do they think India has any chance of being free? It is a well-known fact that Hitler has an eye on India. He is openly talking of world-empire. He will turn towards the Balkans, crushing Italy on the way, which would be a matter of three weeks, then Turkey and then Asia Minor. Asia Minor ultimately means India. If there he meets Stalin, then it is only a question as to who ...


... I don't know what made him take this step. PURANI: His inner voice, perhaps. SRI AUROBINDO: His inner voice must have been wild then. NIRODBARAN: Is there any chance of his attacking the Balkans? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, when he gets wild he can do anything. NIRODBARAN: But that would be very hazardous. He would have to lose his head to do that. SRI AUROBINDO: He has already lost it. The ...


... relations with England. SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): There is not much relation to cut off. They have only a charge d'affaires at London. On this side things are getting tighter. PURANI: In the Balkans? SRI AUROBINDO: No, in Pondicherry. The Consul has left for the North, nobody knows where. The Vice-Consul also left for the North with the director of the Bank, perhaps to arrange for the currency ...


... AUROBINDO: Perhaps. PURANI: In that case Italy will jump in and that will bring Hitler in. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but it doesn't look as if Russia and Italy will involve themselves at present in the Balkans. NIRODBARAN: Turkey is not likely to join Rumania, especially as she has fallen in line with the Axis Powers. SRI AUROBINDO: In a war with Rumania, Turkey will certainly side with Russia. ...


... NIRODBARAN: Daladier is anti-Catholic? SRI AUROBINDO: He is a radical. NIRODBARAN (after a while): Italy is between two fires. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, Russia has warned her against any move in the Balkans and America against extending the field of war while Hitler is pressing Mussolini. PURANI: Even in today's paper there is something about American pressure on Italy. America has already sent some ...


... SRI AUROBINDO: If they do agree, they will lose their colonies. This seems to be Hitler's game. It is quite clear now what happened at the Brenner Pass. They must have decided to spread out to the Balkans and then to the east to Egypt, and on this line bring France and Spain into the war. Sumer's visit and Hitler's visit to Franco must be to induce Spain. There must be an Italian brain behind this scheme ...


... That means the involvement of the Balkan powers. SRI AUROBINDO: She is consulting them. NIRODBARAN: Russia seems to be frightened by Germany's success and is taking many precautions in the Balkans and the Baltic. SRI AUROBINDO: Precautions won't help if Hitler is triumphant. (After a while to Purani) Do you know if there are still any people with political tendencies in the Maharshi's Ashram ...


... Corsica with aeroplanes or land parachutes. SRI AUROBINDO: I don't think so. That requires dash and daring. PURANI: Hitler may have kept off Russia by guaranteeing that Italy wouldn't go to the Balkans. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite possible. But for how long? It will come later on. If the Allies could attack Germany through Greece, then some pressure would be relieved. That is the only way. NIRODBARAN: ...


... is inevitable. SRI AUROBINDO: Why? PURANI: As a consequence of the opening of the Burma Road by the British. SRI AUROBINDO: Not likely. PURANI; And Prussia also will have two ports—the Balkans and Japan. SATYENDRA: Japan won't go to war. SRI AUROBINDO: None of them is willing unless they are obliged to. Have you any idea what Churchill meant when he declared that Mussolini would ...


... the end of the year then Germany may be defeated. Russia is very foolish in putting its pressure on Turkey to keep out of war. There is bound to be a clash between Russia and Germany about the Balkans and at that time if the English are defeated there will be no chance of blockade. Page 277 23rd June, 1940 On hearing about the terms of French armistice which included ...

... were prepared to pause and think and judge by these clearly discernible trends. During the latter half of 1940, Hitler and Mussolini extended willy-nilly the theatre of the war to the Balkans and North Africa. Japan was also wooed to throw in her lot with the Axis Powers, but she held back for the time being. Then, on 21 June 1941, Germany attacked Russia on a wide front, and made rapid ...

... Chinese Emperor abdicates; China becomes a Republic under Sun-Yat-Sen. April 14 -The Titanic collides with an iceberg off Newfoundland and sinks; 1,517 victims. October 10 -Outbreak of the Balkans War over Serbia. December 23 — India's capital is transferred from Calcutta to Delhi. 1913 - Danish physicist Niels Bohr modifies Rutherford's model of the atom with the help of quantum mechanics ...

... another world war... Because war is there, it has never stopped. It has been there from almost the beginning of this century; it began with China, Turkey, Tripolitania, Morocco—you are following?—the Balkans, it has never stopped, it has become worse, but each time it has become a world war, it has assumed altogether sordid proportions. All you my children, you have been born after the war (I am speaking ...


... assimilation takes place, the position of the British bureaucracy in India in no way differs from the position of the Turkish despotism as it existed with regard to the Christian populations of the Balkans previous to their independence or of the Austrians in Lombardy before the Italian Revolution. It is a position which endangers, demoralizes and eventually weakens the ruling nation as Austria and Turkey ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... democratic peoples to whom such a phenomenon was no longer intelligible and seemed hardly to be serious. But we may note also the same phenomenon in the first period of formation of the new nations of the Balkans. The seeking for a king to centralise and assist their growth, despite all the strange comedies and tragedies which have accompanied it, becomes perfectly intelligible as a manifestation of the sense ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... conquering race which rapidly became a ruling caste and was in the end assimilated and absorbed, in Spain the succession of the Roman, Goth and Moor, in Italy the overlordship of the Austrian, in the Balkans 3 the long suzerainty of the Turk, in Germany the transient yoke of Napoleon. But in all cases the essential has been a shock or a pressure which would either waken a loose psychological unity to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... of three great Powers and two small ones. In Europe, no doubt, there were still a few small independent nations, Balkan and Teutonic, and also two quite unimportant neutralised countries. But the Balkans Page 525 were a constant theatre of uncertainty and disturbance and the rival national egoisms could only have ended, in case of the ejection of Turkey from Europe, either by the formation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... was once, even without proper organisation and development, almost on the way to do, when it interfered as armed arbiter, here deliverer, there champion of oppression in Austro-Hungary and in the Balkans. Even the assimilation of Finland was justified from this point of view; for a free Finland would have left Russia geographically and economically incomplete and beset and limited in her narrow Baltic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... to mirror the struggle between tejas & tamas and cannot be confidently accepted as anything but a lipi of vyapti, ie expressing thoughts of men or devatas concerned in the struggle going on in the Balkans. It is probable that neither represent the ultimate event. ([Written] 1ṣṭ Febr). Later in the day the Ananda still farther increased and at night, for the first time, the development of waves ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... seized her and drew her back. Even so, the deposition of the cunning and skilful diplomatist of Yildiz Palace might have been the signal for a general spoliation of Turkey. Austria began a rush for the Balkans, Greece tried to hurry a crisis in Crete. The shaking of the Turkish sword in the face of the Greek and the rapid and efficient reorganisation of army and navy against Europe were both vitally necessary ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... October 1940, when Yugoslavia had signed a protocol with made it completely dependent on Germany, Sri Aurobindo remarked: “If the news is true [it was true], that is the beginning of the end of the Balkans, because Bulgaria won’t resist. Greece will be at its wits’ end without Turkey’s help, and what can Turkey do alone? So Hitler comes to Asia Minor and that means India. The Asura is up to his tricks ...


... Of course, they can also attack Russia through Asia Minor. In any case it is a very risky game. NIRODBARAN: Russia won't stop at Finland. She may try next for Sweden. SRI AUROBINDO: No—the Balkans more likely. If she had any intentions against Sweden she would not leave the Finland struggle half-finished. NIRODBARAN: People say that Hore-Belisha may have resigned over Finnish policy. SRI ...


... the Germans to penetrate. So they may think of striking. SATYENDRA: And if Italy comes in, it will be difficult for France. NIRODBARAN: Italy's coming in means the extension of the war to the Balkans too. SRI AUROBINDO: That depends on Mussolini. He may do it later on after winning the war, provided Hitler does not come in the way. SATYENDRA: If Spain also comes in, it will make it still ...


... oppose him, perhaps. NIRODBARAN: I wonder what Hitler's next move will be. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, it will be interesting to see what he does next. NIRODBARAN: Not likely that he will go to the Balkans, as it will involve him with Russia. He will now avoid friction with Russia and America. PURANI: America, of course, and America won't come in unless a variety of odd incidents happen: for instance ...


... and Rumania for control of the Black Sea, as he has done with the Baltic states; of course, not without difficulty, for they may resist. Hitler is not likely to keep quiet over the trouble in the Balkans. With Italy's help he may settle the Balkan problem and that of Asia Minor. Or he may allow Russia a free hand now, knowing that he can settle with her afterwards. NIRODBARAN: Will Pétain hand over ...


... His New World Order? PURANI: Yes, Europe will be divided into three blocks: they will have no armies. SRI AUROBINDO: Wait a minute. How will the blocks be formed? PURANI: One block in the Balkans, one in Belgium, Holland, France, etc., and another in Spain, Portugal and other countries, I suppose. They won't have any armies. Hitler alone will have an army. SRI AUROBINDO: Of course, small ...


... Poland's amelioration. SRI AUROBINDO: Poland's amelioration is not possible unless Hitler undergoes deterioration. PURANI: Hitler's entry into Rumania seems to be his first step towards the Balkans. SRI AUROBINDO: It is, like all his moves, a slow penetration from which he may go to Turkey, Egypt and Asia. What is wonderful is Stalin's attitude. He is quite silent. NIRODBARAN: Any secret ...


... 8 OCTOBER 1940 PURANI: German troops are pouring into Rumania, it seems. Do they anticipate a British invasion through it? SRI AUROBINDO: No, it is more a move towards the Balkans by Germany, if it is also true that Italy has concentrated troops in Albania against Greece. PURANI: But war on two fronts will be costly for Germany. SRI AUROBINDO: But how can the British help ...


... after a move has been made by the enemy. The countries still remaining neutral are already scared and can't rely very much on the Allies. SATYENDRA: There was something in the papers about the Balkans—some threat to the Allies. SRI AUROBINDO: And I suppose the Allies said they were watching the situation. ( Laughter ) NIRODBARAN: Without Norway, can the Allies' blockade be effective? SRI ...


... German radio. SRI AUROBINDO: There does not seem to be any preparation for the invasion of England. But, of course, he does not do what is expected. Evidently he has no intention of going to the Balkans. Could it be Spain he has in mind? Gibraltar won't be difficult for him to take and then he may cross over to Morocco. In that case it will be difficult for the English ships to cross the strait of ...


... Nazism makes the national consciousness so strong that they begin to consider the individuals like the cells of the body, bound to think and act alike. No freedom is allowed to them. Or take the Balkans, for example. The racial and national ego in them is so rigid that they could not protect themselves by a federation against Germany. Page 217 ...

... Even so during the last war the Germans could not throw up any remarkable military genius like Foch. If Foch had been the Commander-in-chief before, the war would have ended much earlier. The Balkans and the Turks are also good fighters. Disciple : What about the Sikhs and the Gurkhas? Sri Aurobindo : They are unsurpassed but the war depends not on fighters but on generals. ...

... depend on Turkey. She has a pact with Russia not to go to war against her. If Germany attacks, then, of course. NIRODBARAN: Hasn't Turkey an agreement with the Balkan powers? SRI AUROBINDO: If she has, we don't know of it. The Balkan powers have an entente, and that is with Bulgaria. NIRODBARAN: These two countries, Russia and Germany, seem to have a sinister scheme between themselves. When ...

... 30 JULY 1940 SRI AUROBINDO (starting the talk): So Hitler has changed the date to September 15th. PURANI: Yes. He doesn't know what to do and the Balkan problem is also engaging him. SRI AUROBINDO: He must have relied on the French fleet surrendering to him. If he had attacked at once there might have been some chance of success. PURANI: Yes ...

... may do just as Ireland is doing. PURANI: They say there is a difference of opinion among Hitler's generals regarding invasion. SRI AUROBINDO: May be only a story. He may be trying to settle the Balkan problem first. But if it is true, it is remarkable that Keitel is against invasion. He has always been for attacking England. He is a general in name only; he knows nothing about war, he is only Hitler's ...

... was trying to persuade Bulgaria to allow German passage or to join the Axis orbit. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the danger now. I don't think an invasion of England is likely. If Britain can't help the Balkan powers with sufficient anti-tank guns, aeroplanes, etc., it will be difficult for them to resist Germany. NIRODBARAN: Turkey may come in to help Bulgaria if the latter is attacked. SRI AUROBINDO: ...

... perception and knowledge and wider consciousness must blow through the congested hectic atmosphere of the Indian body politic.   It will do no good to anyone to try to Balkanise India. The Balkan malady is no longer tolerated even in its homeland; it cannot be transported to India in this century and after this Great War. To be and remain free and strong and invincible, India must be and remain ...

... clear perception and knowledge and wider consciousness must blow through the congested hectic atmosphere of the Indian body politic. It will do no good to any one to try to Balkanise India. The Balkan malady is no longer tolerated even in its homeland; it cannot be transported to India in this century and after this Great War. To be and remain free and strong and invincible, India must be and remain ...

... ambitious German nation. There were threats that it would light the fuse on several occasions in the first years of the twentieth century, for instance at the time of the Morocco crises and the wars in the Balkan. When in the end a handful of prominent Germans in sensitive political and military positions decided, somehow to their own perplexity, to do the decisive deed, the nation exulted. Sharing in the ...

... Germans, even with their great soldierly qualities, could not throw up any remarkable military genius like Foche. If Foche had been placed in command sooner, the war would have ended much earlier. The Balkan peoples and the Turks are also good fighters. The Austrians are not. DR. BECHARLAL: What about the Sikhs and the Gurkhas? SRI AUROBINDO: They are unsurpassed. But a war does not depend only on ...

... that Britain could start an offensive and invade Germany through the Adriatic. SRI AUROBINDO: They are looking far ahead. But where will they land their troops? Yugoslavia? That means violating Balkan independence. Rather, with their troops in Palestine they could take Syria and then, with Turkey siding with them, proceed towards Germany. That would be much easier than going through the Adriatic ...

... remaining, its causes, opportunities, excuses will never be wanting. The present war came because all the leading nations had long been so acting as to make it inevitable; it came because there was a Balkan imbroglio and a Near-Eastern hope and commercial and colonial rivalries in Northern Africa over which the dominant nations had been battling in peace long before one or more of them grasped at the... their fruits which we call Karma, creating minor detonations on its way till it found the inflammable point and created that vast explosion which has filled Europe with blood and ruins. Possibly the Balkan question may be definitively settled, though that is far from certain; possibly the definitive expulsion of Germany from Africa may ease the situation by leaving that continent in the possession of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... the same time caused further alienation. The British had refused Turkish troops access to Libya through Egypt in 1911, when Libya was raided by Italy, and during the subsequent Balkan wars of 1912-13, which brought the Balkan powers to the gates of Adrianopole, the British sympathies, as usual, were with the aggressors and against the aggrieved Turks. Then, in 1912, the British refused ...

... Caesar and Napoleon as if they were the first dictators the world had seen. There have been dictators since the beginning of the world. And they are of various kinds. Kernal, Pilsudski, all the kings of Balkan states, as well as Stalin and Hitler, are all dictators. Even Gandhi, if he were put at the head of a free India, could be a dictator. My own father can be called the dictator of Rangppur or Khulna ...

... has ever met. If Hitler wins, do they think India has any chance of being free? It is a well-known fact that Hitler has an eye on India. He is openly talking of world-empire. He will turn towards the Balkan, crushing Italy on the way, which would be a matter of three weeks, then Turkey and then Asia Minor. Asia Minor ultimately means India. If there he meets Stalin, then it is only a question as to who ...

... other human groupings who are not free or only partially free. Even little Belgium has its Congo, little Portugal its colonies, little Holland its dependencies in the eastern Archipelago; even little Balkan States have aspired to revive an "empire" and to rule over others not of their own nationality or have cherished the idea of becoming predominant in the peninsula. Mazzini's Italy has its imperialistic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... incompatibility of mixed or heterogeneous factors, recalcitrant to the idea and the culture Page 313 that sought to absorb them. Thus a Pan-Slavonic empire would necessitate the control of the Balkan Peninsula by Russia as the premier Slav State; but such a scheme would have to meet not only the independent Serbian nationality and the imperfect Slavism of the Bulgar but the quite incompatible Rumanian ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... was to use a Thomas's splint for the whole leg, skeletal traction through a slim steel rod driven in the shin-bone (tibia) and the whole contraption hung on Page 257 what is called a Balkan beam so as to ensure a balanced traction that would allow early knee movements, but not allow me at all to turn from side to side in bed. There was also the possibility of bed-sores. Looking at the ...

... geographical tracts, much smaller that the sub-continent of India, which otherwise might have been called on country but which have been divided into as many states as there are nations inhabiting them. Balkan Peninsula comprises as many seven or eight sovereign states. Likewise, the Portuguese and the Spanish stand divided in the Iberian Peninsula. Whereas under the plea of unity of India and one nation ...

... she was destined to have a son who would be greater than his father. He consequently gave her in marriage to Peleus, king of Phthia, to whom she bore Achilles. Thrace: Region situated in the Balkan Peninsula; ancient Thrace extended to the Danube and included what is now modern Turkey (European side). Titans: Immortal children bom to Gaia (the earth) and Uranus (the sky), the titans ...

... intended to send more money, confirmed a few days afterward; the previous knowledge of the rumour that the Turks had asked to join the Balkan Confederacy, the knowledge of the Unionist conspiracy in Constantinople & a number of other instances relating to the Balkan war. This power, indeed, has been working for a long time, but it is only now regularised. It is, in fact, part of the vyapti. The proof... eg the presence of an Austrian warship at Durazzo, the rumour of the Austrian consul being killed, etc. Yesterday there came in the mind the positive idea that Turkey had asked to be included in the Balkan Confederacy; today the same is given (in yesterday's evening paper reaching here this morning), as a strange piece of news from Constantinople and Sofia. This is striking as there was neither data ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... in spite of their bulk and wealth and armed magnitudes. Then there are old sores perpetuated and new sores opened by this arrangement of a hastily made peace of devices and compromises. Whether the Balkan question will be permanently settled is at least dubious; but there will be now the question of a German Bohemia, a particoloured Poland, perhaps a Saar region with its wealth in the possession of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... orthopaedic surgeon decided to use “a Thomas’s splint for the whole leg, skeletal traction through a slim steel rod driven in the shine-bone (tibia) and the whole contraption hung on what is called a Balkan beam…” The result was that this complicated procedure did not allow Amal-da to turn in any way from side to side in bed. There was also the ominous possibility of bed-sores. He had to be in bed ...

... back from Belgium & Alsace-Lorraine to Berlin, which is not probable, or by the Russian arrival at Berlin & a successful French stand near Rheims or Compiègne, or by the entry of Italy & the remaining Balkan states into the war & the invasion of Austro-Hungary from two sides. II Those bringing about the weakening or isolation of the British power. This may be done by the Germans destroying the British... also covet. The third means the concession of self-government to India. In case I, there will only remain four considerable powers in Europe & Asia, Russia, France, England, Japan—with perhaps a Balkan Confederacy or Empire as a fifth. That means as the next stage a struggle between England & Russia in Asia. There again England is reduced to one of the three alternatives or a combination of them ...

... the race from it  He will have to take all the dictators in one line for condemnation, Page 105 e.g. Kemal (a different type from Hitler), Pilsudski, Stalin and the kings of the Balkan states. Even Mahatma Gandhi is a type of dictator. (A portion from the book in which Huxley blames the Jacobins was read) Sri Aurobindo : He finds fault with the Jacobins, but I think Laski ...