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Benares : spelling before 1937 of Banaras, the popularised form of Vārānasi. Most of the district currently known as Vārānasi was acquired by Gangāpur’s zamindar Mansa Ram (1737-40), when Moghul suzerainty weakened after Aurangzeb’s death in 1707. His successor Balwant Singh (1711-70) took over the territories of Jaunpur, Vārānasi, & Chunar in 1740 from the Mughal Emperor Muhammad Shah & declared himself the Raja of Banaras. Later he added the territories of Chandauli, Gyānpur, Chakia, Latif Shah, Mirzapur, Nandeshwar, Mint House, & Vindhyāchal. With the decline of the Mughal Empire, the bhūmihārs (zamīndārs) under Balwant Singh strengthened their sway in the area south of Awadh & in the fertile rice growing areas of Benares, Jaunpur, Gorakhpur, Basti, Deoria, Azamgarh, Ghazipur, Ballia & Bihar & on the fringes of Bengal. There were as many as 100,000 men backing their power which proved a decisive advantage when they faced the Nawab of Oudh in the 1750s & the 1760s. An exhausting guerrilla war, forced the Nawab to withdraw his main force. After Balwant Singh’s death in 1770, the kingdom was ruled by his successor Chait Singh (d.1810), still as feudatory of the Nawab. From the day in 1775, Chait Singh signed a treaty with Gov.-Gen. Warren Hastings – the then-face of the blood-thirsty jaws of the Octopus, excuse after excuse followed until practically nothing was left for him & his successors to administer. The British Prime Minister Pitt (q.v.), tired with the criticism he faced in Parliament, declared Hastings’s conduct in the Chait Singh affair cruel, unjust & oppressive & made it one of the counts on which the Parliament agreed to impeach Hastings. The Raja of Benares & his family & successors were quarantined to their Ramnagar Fort situated to the east of Vārānasi, across the Ganges; until 1947 they retained certain revenues from rents, & certain administrative rights in the rest of the territory, which the British administered as Benares Division of its United Provinces. When the 21st session of the Congress met at Benares in December 1905, 758 delegates elected Gokhale president. It was the first INC Session where the divisions between the Moderates, led by Pherozshah Mehta & Gokhale, & the Nationalist party led by Tilak, came to the fore. “At the 1905 Benares Congress, Sri Aurobindo made his presence felt without, perhaps, actually participating in the open debates.” [K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar, Sri Aurobindo – a biography & a history] It was also the first INC session that Subramania Bhārati attended & for the first time he came in contact with Sri Aurobindo & Sister Nivedita. The Nationalists wanted to extend the Boycott & Swadeshi movements to start a nationwide mass movement, & boycott the visit of the Prince of Wales in protest against the Bengal Partition. The Moderates held that the Nationalists’ methods of passive resistance were impractical or even injurious by denying themselves educational opportunities & also opposed a boycott of the Prince of Wales’ visit. In the end the Benares Congress only condemned the Government repression & justified boycott only as a “last protest” & repeated their demands for reform of the legislative councils. In 1910, Benares became a part of the British India’s United Provinces. In 1911, its Raja was made a slave-cum-feudatory of the Queen-Empress & the vanity of 13-gun salute. However, even today the majority of the Hindu populace of the region holds on to tradition of revering the Kāshi Naresh as an incarnation of Lord Shiva who is believed to have founded the city of Kāshi. The Naresh is also the chief cultural patron & an essential part of all religious celebrations. [S. Bhattacharya, pp.118, 127; R.C. Majumdar et al’s Advanced History of India; Sanderson Beck’s article “India’s Freedom Struggle” in India’s Renaissance, & ‘Banaras State’ on Internet]

86 result/s found for Benares

... alone to fend for himself and his family. It was then that his aunt and uncle, Kuppammal and Krishna Sivan, who were in Benares, invited him. They lived and looked after a Saiva Math, where Sivan had installed Nataraj. The couple also cared for the visiting pilgrims. At Benares Bharati joined the Central Hindu College, affiliated to the Allahabad University. Here the young man learned both Sanskrit... Hindi, apart from fine-tuning his English. And this time there was no restraining him. Triumphantly he passed the Entrance Examination in first division. It was during his student days, there in Benares, that Bharati began to dress in the way now familiar to us. He cut his hair to the dismay of his uncle, grew a moustache, dressed in the North Indian fashion, and adopted his classic turban. His ... disrespect to his Hindu Dharma. Their own hearts melted when they heard his emotional rendering of some famous hymns. He was a good singer with a melodious voice. Once again, it was there in Benares that Bharati learned to call everything into question. He questioned the British rule in India. He questioned India's social structure. He wanted to change the social bias against women and bring about ...

... together in peace. One day a man from the city of Benares lost his way in the jungle and wandered in despair for seven days. The elephant-king knelt down and invited the lost man to climb on to his back; then he took him to the path which led to Benares and showed him the way. Alas, the man's heart was wicked. He told the King of Benares what a fine white elephant was to be found in the cave... cave of Chandorana, and the King sent him with many helpers to catch the royal elephant. The hunters saw the white king standing in a lake. They seized him and he did not resist, they took him to Benares. The blind mother was sad when her son did not return. "Ah," she sighed, "the frankincense tree still grows and the Kutaja, grass and ferns, lilies and bluebells; but my son, where is he?" The... elephant was in a stable all bright with flowers, and the King himself came to feed him. But the elephant would eat nothing. "My mother is not here," he said. "Come, come," said the King of Benares, "Eat and let us be friends." Page 274 "Ah, the poor blind one mourns in the cave of Chandorana." "Whom do you mean?" asked the King. "My mother mourns for me." So the King commanded ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... it serves, Or lose our ventures." "My eyes first set themselves on Sri Aurobindo," said Suresh Chandra Deb at the beginning of his narrative, "on a November evening on the eve of the Benares Congress held during the last days of December, 1905. The place of the meeting was a room at the Field and Academy Club in the Sib Narayan Das Lane just north-east of the present Vidyasagar College... from the position taken up at the Calcutta meeting. Advanced opinion in Maharashtra and the Punjab, represented by Balwant Gangadhar Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai, pressed home this advantage, and the Benares Congress endorsed the resolution under pressure of that militant group of Indian politicians. All the possibilities of situation were discussed at this meeting. Sri Aurobindo remained a silent listener... time the ideal of 'a Federation of free and separate states, the United States of India.' With the stipulation, however, that the whole country should remain a colony of the British Empire. The Benares Congress of 1905 was attended by eminent leaders from all the provinces. Rabindranath inaugurated the Page 392 Conference by singing the Bande Mataram song. Sister Nivedita was present ...

... test, you will see that everything about them is ornament. Do not put the slightest trust in them, for this would be too heavy a weight for their fragile nature to bear. A Brahmin sent his son to Benares to study under the guidance of a Pundit. Page 218 Twelve years later the young man returned to his home town, and many people hurried to see him, thinking that he had become a very profound... placed before him a book written in Sanskrit and said: "Explain the doctrine to us, honourable Pundit." The young man stared at the book. In truth, he did not understand a single word of it. In Benares he had learnt nothing but the alphabet. And even then the letters had been written very large on the blackboard, so that by seeing them every day he might get them little by little into his head. ... the book, his eyes brimming with tears. "O Pundit," said the visitors, "something has touched your heart. Tell us what you have found in the book." "The letters," he said at last, "were big in Benares, but here they are small!" Was not this Pundit like the Kagazi pots? A wolf had his den in the rocks on the bank of the river Ganges. When the snows melted, the water began to rise. It rose ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... traveling. From Benares? Not Benares, the other place? Page 238 Brindavan... no, I don't know. A famous place, a place of Krishna, I think. Then maybe it's Brindavan. From there, you wrote to me. You wrote me a letter, and in that letter, mon petit, you told me, "I have just had an experience." And you had seen me. No, it was at Benares. At Benares. So I had kept ...


... the immortal peaks and cold,     Crowd thy waves untouched by man. From Gungotry through the valleys next their icy tops were rolled,     Bursting through Shivadry ran. Page 256 In Benares' stainless city by defilement undefiled     Ghauts and temples lightly touched With thy fingers as thou ranst, laughed low in pureness like a child     To his mother's bosom clutched. Where the... Sitaram the good and mighty for his well-loved people's sake     Leave the stillness and the shade. Page 258 And Bengal the wide and ancient where the Senas swayed of old     Up to far Benares pure, She shall lead the Aryan peoples to the mighty doom foretold     And her glory shall endure. By her heart of quick emotion, by her brain of living fire,     By her vibrant speech and great ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... will make things more difficult in ih future. I understand from your last letter that Satkhari has already realised Rs. 500/-. If so get that sum and send it at once, also get in hand and send the Benares money. That will mean so much materialised and to that extent the opposing force defeated. Afterwards see whether the rest does not come in with less difficulty. If you can prevail, that means the... nature of psychic trance the one thing he will have to be careful about is to meditate under such conditions that it will not be roughly broken from outside. My dear Barin, I have received the Benares money and am sending anacknowledgement with this letter, which you can transmit to Das. Rajani's fiftyhas not yet reached me. I had already written to you about Akhil and on the 10th Manmohan t ...

... 62 Benares Lahore The negotiations for a united Congress in Bengal were held in December 1909 (Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin , pp. 340 - 42, 363 - 71). This was before the third Lahore session of the Indian National Congress (December 1909). The Benares session of Congress was held in December 1905, two ...


... A merchant of the city of Benares once took pity on two old vultures who were poor and miserable. He took them to a dry place, lit a fire and fed them with pieces of meat from the pyre where people burnt dead cattle. When the rainy season came, the vultures, now strong and well, flew away towards the mountains. But in their gratitude to the merchant of Benares, they decided to pick up all ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... moving ever forward, in spite of everything, towards the light. Long, long ago, when Brahmadatta ruled in Benares, one of his enemies, king of another land, trained an elephant to wage war on him. War was declared. The splendid elephant bore the king his master up to the walls of Benares. From the top of the walls, the people of the besieged city hurled down boiling hot liquids and shot stones ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... string and raced towards the hostel. I ran after him. From Pratibha Nath, Premchand, The Voice of Rural India (New Delhi: NCERT, 1974). Page 421 Biography Four miles from Benares there lies the small village of Lamhi. It is here, on July 31,1880, that Premchand was born, the family's first son. As a child he was naughty and spent most of his time in sports. He was fond of listening... this his father died and Premchand had to support not only his wife but his stepmother and her two sons. Still he was determined to continue his education and was admitted to the Hindu College at Benares. He took on various teaching jobs while continuing to study. Premchand now decided to dedicate his services to his motherland through writing, and, under a pen name, started writing novels dealing ...

... Poets : Lucretius, Dante, and Goethe (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1935).       Sarma, D.S. Studies in the Renaissance of Hinduism in the 19 th and 20 th centuries (Benares Hindu University, Benares, 1944).       Sayers, Dorothy L. Further Papers on Dante (Methuen, London, 1957).       Sen, Kshitimohan. Medieval Mysticism of India, translated from the Bengali of Manmohan ...


... session of the Congress at Benares as the head of a united Bengali delegation, the Nationalists becoming his sword-arm or ginger group, he might be able to get the better of the right wing of the Moderates led by Gokhale and his friends. The private conference, however, came to nothing, for there were too many intractable problems to solve. To qualify for delegation to Benares, the Nationalists would ...

... and their work has received the blessing of God and increases. But Mrs. Besant has omitted to make any mention of their work and speaks as if she intended to have the Benares College as the basis of the National University. But the Benares College has shown itself unfit for so huge a task. It has been obliged to rely on foreign funds and to court Government patronage. Even the Dayananda Anglo-Vedic College... Page 894 absolute. In other words there can be no national education without national control. A certain measure of success has been secured by two institutions of a later birth, the Benares Hindu College and the Dayananda Anglo-Vedic College. These are successful institutions, but isolated. They have not developed into centres of a network of schools affiliated to them and forming one ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Among the texts of Aśoka recovered up to now, the majority are engraved on rocks; and the rest on 'pillars', that is, on monolithic columns of rose sandstone, all drawn from the same quarry, near Benares. One does not know of any inscription of Aśoka engraved on the walls of buildings, for 1. Ibid. 2. Académie des Inscriptions el Belles-Lettres. Comptes rendus des Seances de I'annee... the walls contain some of the finest specimens of Indian sculpture.... Fragments, including some beautiful sculptures, indicate that magnificent stone temples of the Gupta age stood at Sārnāth near Benares and elsewhere." Of course, the Greek building of the 3rd century B.C. could not have been a temple or stūpa, but the non-Aśokan fact spotlighted by Schlumberger is decidedly pro-Guptan. ... Śaka king or kings rather than the killing of the kings of the Śakas: the sense is positive and out of accord with the comment. This is enough to make the comment rather eccentric. 1. The Benares edition, p. 193 gives the original Sanskrit. Transliterated by Shrava, op. cit., p. 47, it runs: "Śaka nāma mlechchha-jātayo-rājānaste yasmin-kāle Vikramāditya-devena vyāpaditāh sa kalo loke Śaka ...


... the more fundamental issue of Swaraj or complete national independence unshackled by notion of gradualism or colonial self-government. Sri Aurobindo attended, as we saw earlier, both the Bombay and Benares sessions of the Congress, and his pamphlet No Compromise, amateurishly set up and secretly printed at dead of night and distributed before daybreak, was meant to steel the hearts of the Nationalists... there were numerous calls upon his resources: "I have spent a lot in the Swadeshi movement and I have another work yet to be done which requires enormous wealth." 16 In December 1905, at the Benares Congress, Sri Aurobindo made his presence felt without, perhaps, actually participating in the open debates. Gokhale the President of the session was not in favour of extending boycott to the whole... Maharashtra and Punjab contingents of delegates alone that the Bengali ginger-group received positive support, anybody could see that the Congress wouldn't remain the same much longer. From Benares, Sri Aurobindo returned to Baroda, but a month later, in February 1906, he took privilege leave for two months, to which he attached the summer vacation and spent the whole period in Bengal. On 14 ...

... of the Sun, Agra with its Tajmahal like a teardrop on the cheeks of Time. And here lies its brightest jewel, Benares, where Shiva the Godhead reigns as Vishwanath, the Lord of the Universe. This land gave us: -Pandit Madan Mohan Malavya (1861-1946).He established the Benares Hindu University (1915). An advocate, a scholar, a journalist, he was also a politician of all-India calibre... Krishna was submerged by the rising sea. Thus confirming the facts as given in the epic Mahabharata. 1 The Maurya empire (approx. 322-182 B.C.) brings us into historical period. Takshila and Benares were 1. A team of archeologists, led by Dr S.R. Rao, began in 1979 off- and onshore explorations which have revealed that Dwaraka was indeed a major port specialising in overseas trade, metal ...

... stories from the Rama-yana and the Mahabharata, and recite from memory long passages from them. All the same, she was sad in her heart, for she was childless. Then an aunt-in-law living in Benares called her there. At Benares, with great devotion, she poured Ganga water everyday on the head of Vireshwar Shiva. One day she saw in a dream-vision Mahadev. He blessed her and then changed himself into a small... Dakshineswar. That is my true nature, doing good and so forth are all superimpositions. Now I again hear the voice; the same old voice thrilling my soul...." In 1902 he made a last pilgrimage to Benares. On 4 July 1902 Swami Vivekananda's soul was set free. From earth he slipped into the white Ray. He was thirty-nine years old. Page 566 ...

... which will make things more difficult in the future. I understand from your last letter that Satkari has already realised 500/–. If so get that sum and send it at once, also get in hand and send the Benares money. That will mean so much materialised and to that extent the opposing force defeated. Afterwards see whether the rest does not come in with less difficulty. If you can prevail, that means the... cured another in the same condition. Let us hope he will equally be successful here. Aurobindo. [9] 14th February 1923. "Arya" office Pondicherry My dear Barin, I have received the Benares money and am sending an acknowledgement with this letter, which you can transmit to Das. Rajani's 50 has not yet reached me. I had already written to you about Akhil and on the 10th Manmohan telegraphed ...


... and Western Chalukyas". He goes on to quote a verse "found at the 1. Trim" kritādīni kelergo-agaika-gunāh sakdnte-abdah. 2. Nandādrindugunāstathā Śaka-nripasyānte kaiervatsarāh. 3.Benares Edition, p. 193. 4. Journal of the University of Nagpur, December 1940, pp. 52-53. 5. Epigraphia Indica, XIX, Appendix, No. 169; XX, Nos. 383 and 455; "Inscriptions of Kathiawad", New... counting from the Vikrama Era of 57 1. Praśnadhyāya, sloka 58. See Shrava, op. cit.. p. 55. 2. Op. cit.. p. 55. 3. Ibid., referring to Indian Culture. Vol. XII, p. 81. 4.Benares Edition, p. 193. See Shrava, op. cit., p. 47, fn. 5. 5. Op. cit., p. 42. 6. Op. cit.. pp. 245-47. Page 52 B.C. we find Chaitra Sukla Pānchami falling not on a Thursday ...


... very superficial which would not be of much use. And when I received your letters and saw that you were in difficulty, I did something. There are places that are favorable for occult experiences. Benares is one of these places, the atmosphere there is filled with vibrations of occult forces, and if one has the slightest capacity, it spontaneously develops there, in the same way that a spiritual aspiration... sent you—I concentrated very strongly upon those few words and sent you something. I didn't note the date, I don't remember when it was, but it's likely that it happened as I wished when you were in Benares; and then you had this experience. But when you returned the second time, from the Himalayas, you didn't have the same flame as when you returned the first time. And I understood that this kind ...


... will make things more difficult in the future. I understand from your last letter that Satkhari has already realised Rs. 500/-. If so get that sum and send it at once, also get in hand and send the Benares money. That will mean so much materialised and to that extent the opposing force defeated. Afterwards see whether the rest does not come in with less difficulty. If you can prevail, that means the... to meditate under such conditions that it will not be roughly broken from outside. 14 February 1924 14th February 1924 Arya Office, Pondicherry My dear Barin, I have received the Benares money and am sending an acknowledgment with this letter, which you can transmit to Das. Rajani's fifty has not yet reached me. I had already written to you about Akhil and on the 10th Manmohan ...


... named Sankara Krishna Aiyar who ran away, but was afterwards caught and convicted. An important member of the conspiracy named Nilakanta Aiyar alias Omkar Swami, who absconded to Benares but eventually gave himself up in Calcutta, threw a great deal of light on what had happened. His first statement was made to the Deputy Commissioner of Police in Calcutta, who had no previous knowledge... quarrelled with Vanchi Aiyar in February 1911, and that the latter accused him of being a spy and threatened to shoot him. Thereupon he left Pondicherry and after wandering about in various places reached Benares at the end of April. Having heard of the murder he came down to Calcutta on the 28th June, and after a few days' consideration wrote a letter to the Commissioner of Police. Nilakanta was convicted ...

... mat once the alien rulers ceased to be respected and feared, that must be the beginning of the end of alien despotism. III We have seen how Sri Aurobindo took a decisive part at the Benares Congress (1905) and even more at the Calcutta Congress (1906) and succeeded, while still keeping out of the platform and hence out of the headlines as well, in getting the organisation to be, not... delegates in Calcutta the "Lady Congress": Much have I laboured, toiled for many years To see this glorious day. Our Lady Congress Grown to a fair and perfect womanhood, Who at Benares came of age, is now With pomp and noble ceremony arrived In this Calcutta to assume the charge Of her own life into her proper hands. 52 Subsequent scenes are located in Bombay ...

... Page 29 in Agra she spent the last day of 1908, and saw the child 1909 enter the arena of the world. After Agra she went to Gwalior, to Kanpur, and on to the sacred city of Benares where Vishwanath, the Lord of the Universe, resides. If you die there you go straight to heaven! whatever sins you may have committed. She spent one whole week there. From there to Calcutta. A hop... detailed: the sights she saw, the people she met — in a word, India as it then was, which even the Indians of today do not know. However, we know that Alexandra David-Neel met the threesome in Benares in March 1913 on her own journey through India, as she recorded their meeting in her letters to her husband. She wrote: "The event of the week was the eclipse of the moon on last Saturday, March 22 ...

... expression and an instinctive feeling of what is or is not possible, which the European cannot hope to possess unless he sacrifices his sense of racial superiority and lives in some great centre like Benares as a Pundit among Pundits. I admit that even among Indians this advantage must vary with the amount of education and natural fineness of taste; but where other things are equal, they must possess it ...


... The proprietors of the Ahmedabad Fine Mills have been doing substantial work not only for the industrial progress of the country but for Indian unity. At the First Industrial Conference held at Benares in December, 1905, Dewan Bahadur Ambalal Sakerlal Desai promised on behalf of this firm that they would undertake to train Indian students in the art of weaving free of charge in their mill. Since ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Nawab's Mullahs have been as persistent, as malignant in Barisal, in Calcutta, in every strong centre of Swadeshism. But though there have been alarms and excursions even as far west as Allahabad and Benares, the campaign has for the present signally failed outside the limits of Nawab Salimullah's kingdom. This is a fact to be noted. We do not say that Salimullahism carries no dangers with it of general ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... of Education. With Sri Aurobindo’s Centenary in 1972 there was a round of conferences in the country dedicated to an understanding of his work. A “Sri Aurobindo Chair of Philosophy” was set up at Benares Hindu University and there was an invitation to hold the Chair and do some work. A year’s sojourn gave a powerful experience of the living force and might emanating from the Ganges River as it flowed ...


... this....” Then she heard Sri Aurobindo saying: “Henceforth whoever dies here, I will put my seal upon him whatever his condition, protection will be given.” It was then 6.30 a.m. I had heard of Benares as the ideal place to die. But now Sri Aurobindo has created a still better and safer place! ...


... orientalist and a Buddhist. Her biographer, Jean Chalon, points out: ‘For Alexandra Buddhism was not a religion but a philosophy.’ In 1892 she travelled to Ceylon and visited Colombo, then Madurai, Benares and Darjeeling on the subcontinent. As a member of the Theosophical Society she had no trouble finding friends and shelter. And she always saw to it that her handbag was stuffed with letters of re ...

... experiences—some f them not more credible to the ordinary positive mind than the translation through the air of Bejoy Goswami's wife to lakes Manas or of Bejoy Goswami himself by a similar method to Benares? I know nothing about Kabiraj Gopinath, hut what were his tests and how did he apply them? What were his methods? his criteria? It seems to me that no ordinary mind could accept the apparition of Buddha ...

... colour, to say ____________________ 1. Krishnaprem (Ronald Nixon) was professor at Lucknow University where Dilip met him in 1922. A few years later he gave up his lectureship for a post in Benares where he went with his Guru, Yashoda Ma. When the latter retired to a temple-retreat in Almora, he accompanied her and became a Sannyasin in the name of Krishna. Dilip had sent Sri Aurobindo a few ...

... build a career and ripen into a model pedagogue with a fat income and a glib tongue which lectures on things that don't matter and baulks at those which do? They are aghast, are they because my pay in Benares is going to be a bare three hundred rupees? But I don't need even that much. Anyway, what have I to do with the blessed flesh-pots and academic honours? I came here to win something, you know, but ...


... avan to her Guru. She left her body at Dwarka. She composed songs which have become very popular and are sung every- where in India. Tulsidas (1532-1623): a Hindi poet and saint who lived in Benares. He wrote the famous Ramacharitamanasa which is a Hindi version of the Ramayana. Surdas (1478-1581): A medieval poet and singer who was born blind and whose descriptions of the life of the child ...

... limbs from chains to show a doubting disciple that it was but his own will that kept him in Domitian's prison, and similar events have been recorded even in recent times, - e.g., Trailanga Swami of Benares within living memory. Those who have gone far enough on the Inner Path know with a certainty beyond all cavil that this 'too too solid earth' can and does 'thaw and resolve itself into a dew' and that ...


... believe in Heaven and Hell but go on sinning merrily, quit at last by a Papal indulgence or the final priestly absolution or a death-bed repentance or a bath in the Ganges or a sanctified death at Benares,—such are the childish devices by which we escape from our childishness! And in the end the mind grows adult and puts the whole nursery nonsense away with contempt. The reward and punishment theory ...


... foreign Government as a means of introducing their own civilisation into India, situated in the capital towns of the Presidencies and formed as teaching and examining bodies with purely academic aims: Benares and Aligarh had a different origin but were all-India institutions serving the two chief religious communities of the country. Andhra University has been created by a patriotic Andhra initiative, situated ...


... foreign Government as a means of introducing their own civilisation into India, situated in the capital towns of the Presidencies and formed as teaching and examining bodies with purely academic aims: Benares and Aligarh had a different origin but were all-India institutions serving the two chief religious communities of the country. Andhra University has been created by a patriotic Andhra initiative, situated ...

... Dynasties of the Kali Age, p. 75. 2.A History of Sanskrit Literature, p. 411. 3. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1911, p. 486, fn. 1. 4. The Hymns of the Atharvaveda (Benares, 1916), I, p. 390. Page 128 fairly ancient too. The Aitareya Brāhmana (VII.15.4), describing the merits of exertion, has the picturesque phrases: "A man while lying is the Kali; ...


... Page 610 Grenet, M., La Civilisation Chinoise Grierson, G. A., In The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1911 The Hymns of the Atharvaveda (Benares, 1916), I. Guide to Sculptures in the Indian Museum, A, I Gupta, Anad Swarup, "The Problem of Interpretation of the Purānas", Purāna (Varanasi), January, 1964 Hastings ...


... power, not at all. × Approximately at that time, a former disciple, Rani Maitra, wife of the former chancellor of Benares University, was dying without Mother's knowing anything about it in her outer consciousness. ...


... Government in complete disregard of the wishes of the people. This was to have far-reaching consequences. Sri Aurobindo remained in close touch with the situation. In December 1905 he attended the Benares Session of the Indian National Congress to feel the pulse of the nation. Mark how many things he had simultaneously taken up by this time: yoga, revolutionary work, politics, teaching, besides his ...


... educated native thought in Bengal they might claim a consideration to which their numerical strength would hardly entitle them. Then, there were the representatives of Lahore, Lucknow, Agra, Allahabad Benares, each representing Political Associations collectively of very widespread influence. Besides these representatives, who would take an actual part in the proceedings, he rejoiced to see present, as ...

... prescribed in its constitution for organising branches of the League were not stringent. Hence branches were quickly found at Adyar, Kumbakonam, Madanapalli, Madurai, Calicut, Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Benares, Bombay and Kanpur. Soon, there were as many as 200 branches, all enjoying virtual autonomy. Communications with the headquarters were carried on either through individuals who were active or through ...

... Paliath Achan was first deported to Madras, where he was kept prisoner at Fort St. George for 12 years. He was then taken to Bombay and remained a prisoner there for 13 years, finally passing away at Benares.7 Kandukuri Veeresalingam also known as Kandukuri Veeresalingham Pantulu (16 April 1848-27 May 1919) was a social reformer from Andhra Pradesh. Born in an orthodox Andhra family, he is widely ...

... of Mind trying to control the nature of the Vital. It has only a temporary and partial control. The thing is rather suppressed within and can come out at any opportunity. I heard of a Yogi in Benares bathing in one of the Ghats. In the neighbouring ghat a Kashmiri woman came to bathe. As soon as he saw her he fell upon her and tried to outrage her. That is evidently a case of mental control. But ...

... invited ¹ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin , pp. 61-66. Page 126 Sri Aurobindo and other prominent Nationalists of Bengal in order to present a united front at a congress to be held at Benares. Thus the Moderates wanted to remain with the Nationalists in Bengal. This was due to the fact that Surendranath Banerji was very anxious to be the leader of united Bengal in Indian politics. This ...


... Bengal becomes an "accomplished fact". Sri Aurobindo writes the pamphlets "No Compromise" and "Bhawani Mandir" during the agitation that precedes the Partition December At the Benares session of the Indian National Congress. 1906 February 19 Applies for privilege leave. March 2 Goes to Bengal. March 11 Present at the formation of the National Council of ...


... Sri Aurobindo "the one possible leader for a revolutionary party", an impression that was only to be confirmed by future developments. Sri Aurobindo also attended the Bombay Congress (1904) and the Benares (Varanasi) Congress (1905), and tried to bring together the few like-minded leaders who were prepared to fight for nothing less than swaraj or complete independence free of all foreign control. With ...

... Nivedita School, of which, after Sister Christine left for America shortly before the war, she became the head. Sudhira too was not destined to live long. She fell a victim to a sad railway accident at Benares in December 1920, thus surviving her friend by exactly two years. "Mrinalini, though she was surrounded by Brahmo friends and was a boarder in a Brahmo School never evinced any special interest ...

... force, giving rise to massive protests and the beginning of the Swadeshi movement. October 17 - First message by wireless telegraphy across the Atlantic. December — Sri Aurobindo attends the Benares session of the Congress. 1906 -Earthquake in Chile; 5,000 lives lost. — Earthquake in California, followed by great fires; hundreds of deaths. March 11 — Sri Aurobindo attends the creation ...

... in a veiled allusive language; and let us suppose finally that these were translated into Bengali or Hindustani and presented to an educated Pundit who had studied both at Calcutta & at Nuddea or Benares. What would he make of them? It will be as well to take a concrete instance. Jesus Christ was a great thinker, a man who had caught, apparently by his unaided power, though this is not certain, something ...


... common with the crude fancies that make the absolution and last unction of the priest, an edifying "Christian" death after an unedifying profane life or the precaution or accident of a death in sacred Benares or holy Ganges a sufficient machinery of salvation. The divine subjective becoming on which the mind has to be fixed firmly in the moment of the physical death, yaṁ smaran bhāvaṁ tyajati ante kalevaram ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Curzon has not abolished both of them by that time. Of course I could sponge upon my father-in-law in Assam, becoming a ghor jamai for the time being, but then who would send money to Deoghur and Benares? To such a pass have an allwise Providence and the blessings of British rule brought us! However let us all hope that it will rain. Please let me know whether Mejdada has sent any money by the time ...


... impossible for me to write promptly and by the time I have written, you have generally moved away with no precise indication of the new address. I had sent you a money order for Rs 100 and a letter to Benares, but they were crossed by your letter announcing your departure and came back to me. I had always wished to send you money for your expenses, but I did not know what you needed and it is difficult ...


... 1948 edition Hooghly. See Table 1, page 566 .—Ed. × 1948 edition Benares. See Table 1, page 566 .—Ed. ...


... spiritual experiences—some of them not more credible to the ordinary mind than the translation through the air of Bijoy Goswami's wife to Lake Manas or of Bijoy Goswami himself by a similar method to Benares? I know nothing of Kobiraj Gopinath, but what were his tests and how did he apply them? What were his methods? his criteria? It Page 254 seems to me that no ordinary mind could accept the ...


... Surendranath to be President, as certain sanguine gentlemen in Bengal seem to have expected. Failing Sir Pherozshah and Mr. Gokhale, who for obvious reasons cannot be put forward so soon after the Benares Presidentship, Mr. Madan Mohan Malaviya was evidently the man, and we find accordingly that he has been designated for the succession by the obedient coterie at Bombay. We await with interest the upshot ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... published. The Vande Mataram Press, Poona, issued three volumes entitled The Bande Mataram in 1909 (this collection was quickly proscribed by the British government). The Swaraj Publishing House, Benares, published Selections from the Bande Mataram in 1922. In 1957, 1958 and 1964 a number of Bande Mataram articles ascribed to Sri Aurobindo were published by Professors Haridas and Uma ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... spiritual experiences—some of them not more credible to the ordinary mind than the translation through the air of Bijoy Goswami's wife to Lake Manas or of Bijoy Goswami himself by a similar method to Benares? I know nothing of Kobiraj Gopinath, but what were his tests and how did he apply them? What were his methods? his criteria? It seems to me that no ordinary mind could accept the apparition of Buddha ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... possible and is contrary to the principles of economy, but that boycott can be used as a political weapon. Mr. Gokhale holds that opinion and he strongly supported the principle of boycott at the Benares Congress. He said that the boycott of all foreign goods is not possible, but he thought that this political boycott will be effective in bringing a redress of certain grievances of our country. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Nation. When the time for her marriage came, she chose for herself the bridegroom offered to her by the Rishis who declared him to be Mahadeva, the Destiny of India and her fated Lord. It was at sacred Benares that she first saw Mahadeva face to face and betrothed herself to him, but the marriage took place at Calcutta with a fourfold mantra, Swaraj, Swadeshi, Boycott, National Education, as the sacred formula ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. New Testament Bholanath Ghosh hailed from old Benares. Born on 4 December 1923, he was neither very old nor was he an ancient arrival here. He joined the Ashram in 1949, a day before the February Darshan, and expired on 18 July 1989. Even his life in ...


... m. I feel there can be no more fitting epitaph to the great departed than his beautiful Foreword: "It must be new twelve years since Chadwick and I sat together on the banks of the Ganges at Benares, talking far into the night of dreams that lay dose to our hearts, dreams that had brought us together as they had brought us both to India. Of his past I knew little save that it included a fellowship ...


... efforts of Prince Dara Shikoh, the eldest son of Emperor Shah Jahan that introduced Upanishads to the outside world. He came to know about them in Kashmir in 1640. With the help of Sanskrit Scholars of Benares, he translated them mw Persian during 1656-1657. However the European Scholars took more than 100 years to translate them into French and Latin. Educational Philosophy in Ancient India ...

... Reitberg, Zurich Sri Rama asking all being the whereabouts of Sita Asking the elephant Asking the deer Asking the cranes (Benares school, 19 th century) Rama and Sugreeva Mewar Hanuman, bronze, Madras Museum, Chola, ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... well-known trinity Lal-Bal-Pal. Indeed a country-wide campaign was launched with the result that the demand for British goods fell off seriously. Even the Indian National Congress at its annual session at Benares in December 1905, which Sri Aurobindo attended as an observer, could not ignore the intensity of popular feelings and gave support to the movement. Yet the Government was adamant and the man most ...


... up without warning when you're not on your guard. Here is a relevant experience of Sri Aurobindo, regarding anger. [Reading from Talks with Sri Aurobindo, 25]: I have heard of a yogi in Benares who was bathing in one of the ghats. In the next ghat, a beautiful Kashmiri woman came to bathe. As soon as he saw her, he fell upon her and tried to outrage her. This was evidently a case of loss ...


... is built into the very fabric of this nation. Where else could you find a city like Ayodhya which is home to 6,000 temples? In what other country could you find holy communities like Rishikesh and Benares, dedicated to the worship of the highest, where meat and alcohol are not to be found? Where else could you watch the evening news on the national television network, and find the words Satyam, Shivam ...

... skilled Indian workers were building British warships at Bombay. According to a historian of Indian shipping, the teak wood vessels of Bombay were greatly superior to the oaken walls of Old England. Benares was famous all over India for its brass, copper, and bell metal wares. Other important industries included the enameled jewellery and stone carving of Rajputana towns as well as filigree work in gold ...

... burning down in 1018 the temples of Mathura, razing Kanauj to the ground, and destroying the famous temple of Somnath, sacred to all Hindus. His successors were as ruthless. In 1030, the holy city of Benares was razed to the ground, its marvellous temples destroyed, its magnificent palaces wrecked. Indeed, the Muslim policy towards India, concludes Danielou, "seems to have been a conscious systematic ...

... of the same difficulties and the same strug­gles — and it is the smallest things which take on an importance. It is altogether futile to cut oneself off like this. Many have felt it. An old yogi at Benares told me that if he could start all over again, he would change his whole method in this way; but he was too old. And those who have thus left the world for a long time can scarcely come back to it ...


... the Rishis have called 'anim' or 'daharakash'. This is considered to be Space. That is how I see Time and Space. In my understanding there is no confusion. This gentleman from Oxford was going to Benares for a seminar and on his return he would come to see me.' "You are like Buno Ramnath of Nabadwip!" Dada laughed. Ramnath was a famous pundit from Nabadwip who excelled in logic and argument ...

... it is the mind trying to control the vital being. The control is only partial and temporary. The thing is rather suppressed within and can come out on any opportunity. I have heard of a Yogi in Benares who was bathing in one of the ghats. In the next ghat a beautiful Kashmiri woman came to bathe. As soon as he saw her, he fell upon her and tried to outrage her. His was evidently a case of mental ...


... not so intimate. NIRODBARAN: Dutt speaks of going back once more and then coming to stay here. SRI AUROBINDO: I hear he wants to end his last days here which I don't approve of .This is not Benares. SATYENDRA: But if people want to come here for that purpose, Sir, why should you object? CHAMPAKLAL: A's mother came with that object. NIRODBARAN: There is a precedent then. But it will be ...


... conscious and consecrated. The Mother would punctuate the silence with queries like, "How do you like that dish?" or such remarks as, "This mushroom is grown here, this is special brinjal sent from Benares, this is butterfruit." To all, Sri Aurobindo's reply would be, "Oh, I see! Quite good!" Typically English in manner and tone! His silence or laconic praise made us wonder if he had not lost all distinction ...

... the ultimate aim and object was to turn out the foreigners. I know nothing about the manufacturing of bombs, etc., in the garden. About three months ago I visited Allahabad, Bindhachal, Chunar and Benares in order to see what the country was like. After I left the Zillah School, i.e., about a year ago, I preached Swadeshi with Sishir Kumar Ghose in villages, Sagardari (Jessore), Bagerhat, Kumora, K ...

... man's individual and collective life. Art, too tried to reach out to the same Reality through aesthetic sensibility, creative urge and a sense of beauty. It *Lecture delivered at the Benares Hindu University December 1961. Page 89 created forms which attempted to bring the invisible reality into the realm of the senses. It makes the invisible visible; renders the Infinite ...

... Banerji had indeed called a private conference attended by Sri Aurobindo and one or two other leaders of the Nationalists to discuss a project of uniting the two parties at the session in Benares and giving a joint fight to the dominant right wing of the Moderates; for he had ¹ The Bakergang District Conference was held at Jhalkati (a town near Barisal) on 19 June 1909. Sri Aurobindo ...


... Mother... Ashamed of subjection The toil, shame, and blister, We shall now end it all And sing in chorus Vande Mataram! 3 While returning after attending the Benares Congress, Bharati had met Sister Nivedita who, in a single moment of spiritual contact, had ignited the fire in him to a fury of poetic and patriotic effort, and in April 1906 he became editor ...

... and care. He found his lost Didi. And, for the first time, the two children became acquainted with their paternal grandmother Kailasbasini, and aunt Birajmohini, when their father took them along to Benares. Page 166 ...

... Curzon has not abolished both of them by that time. Of course I could sponge upon my father-in-law in Assam, becoming a ghorjamai 2 for the time being, but then who would send money to Deoghur and Benares? 3 To such a pass have an all-wise Providence and the blessings of British rule brought us! However let us all hope it will rain. "Please let me know whether Mejdada has sent any money ...

... Several varieties of jasmine perfumed the air. A vineyard was planted with rows of grapevines. Pineapples too. Papayas and bananas of different types found their places in the garden. Guava from Benares soon turned into fruit-laden trees. And, oh, many, many other trees and shrubs delighted one's senses. Once the underthicket was cleared, a motorable road was laid. It ran all round, and was built ...

... his father died. His family became impoverished. His mother, Kailasbasini, was very beautiful; she was also very devout and orthodox. Several years after the death of her husband she went to live in Benares. Her widowed eldest daughter, Biraj Mohini, was her companion. Every six months, K. D. used to go there to see them. His younger brother, Bamacharan settled Page 90 in Bhagalpur where ...

... of brotherhood." There is the secret of all social reforms: to evoke a feeling of brotherhood. Among the Madrasi Brahmins was the poet-cumjournalist Bharati. We have already seen that from his Benares days Bharati had rebelled against the way women were treated in the Hindu society. In his Pondicherry days, when he had the benefit of Sri Aurobindo's company, he went much farther. Let us once again ...