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41 result/s found for Bengali poetry

... how much of it Bengali poetry can bear. I do not think the distinction between song and poem goes at all to the root of the matter. The question is whether it is possible to have ease of movement in this kind of quantitative metre. For a few lines it can be very beautiful or for a short poem or a song—that much cannot be doubted. But can it be made a spontaneous movement of Bengali poetry like the ordinary... in that sense everything and everybody is a symbol, including the said surrenderful apologists themselves (...) January 4,1932 I am not competent in respect to the technique of Bengali poetry. I can only follow my feeling, what I call the inner ear —so on this point I can say nothing beyond my own feeling. In your first poems written here I thought that your rhythmic movement departed... strength and rough energy of form and substance may easily lead to another kind of undesirable acrobacy and an opposite road towards individual inferiority and general decadence. Why should not Bengali poetry go on to the straight way of its progress without running either upon the rocks of roughness or into the shallows of mere melodies ? Austerity of course is another matter—rhythm can be either ...

... they want it. I never make suggestions. It is in English poetry that I give my opinions or correct or make suggestions. 22 November 1933 Criticism of Bengali Poetry I do not know that I can suggest any detailed criticisms of Bengali poetry, as I have to rely more on what I feel than on any expert knowledge of language and metre. Sri Aurobindo's Force and the Writing of Poetry You give... by correcting, checking, etc. till I become sufficiently receptive and then only a few changes will be necessary. I do so in your English poetry because I am an expert in English poetry. In Bengali poetry I don't do it. I only select among alternatives offered by yourself. Mark that for Amal I nowadays avoid correcting or changing as far as possible—that is in order to encourage the inspiration... himself. Sometimes I see what he should have written but do not tell it to him, leaving him to get it or not from my silence. 10 April 1937 I can understand your yogic success in Dilip's Bengali poetry, because the field was ready, but the opening of his channel in English has staggered me. I can't understand whether it is your success or his. What do you mean by Yoga? There is a Force here ...


... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 Mysticism in Bengali Poetry BENGALI poetry was born some time towards the end of an era of decline in the Indian consciousness, almost towards the close of what is called the Buddhist period, but it was born with a veritable crown on its head. For it was sheer mystic poetry, mystic in substance, mystic in... elevated, polished and dignified form with a content of mental illumination. I am referring to Chandidasa, who was also a sadhak poet and is usually known as the father of Bengali poetry, being the creator of modern Bengali poetry. He flourished somewhere in the fourteenth century. That wave too subsided and retired into the background, leaving in interregnum again of a century or more till it showed ...

... Seer Poets Mysticism in Bengali Poetry Bengali poetry was born some tune towards the end of an era of decline in the Indian consciousness, almost towards the close of what is called the Buddhist period, but it was born with a veritable crown on its head. For it was sheer mystic poetry, mystic in substance, mystic in manner and expression. The poets were... elevated, polished and dignified form with a content of mental illumination. I am referring to Chandidasa, who was also a sadhak poet and is usually known as the father of Bengali poetry, being the creator of modem Bengali poetry. He flourished somewhere in the fourteenth century. That wave too subsided and retired into the background, leaving an interregnum again of a century or more till it showed ...


... energy of form and substance may easily lead to other kind of undesirable acrobacy and an opposite road towards individual inferiority and general decadence. Why Page 164 should not Bengali poetry go on the straight way of its progress without running either upon the rocks of roughness or into the shallows of mere melody? Austerity of course is another matter—rhythm can be either austere... Exuberance I am still at a loss what to answer about উচ্ছ্বাস, because I still don't understand exactly what your correspondent is aiming at in his criticism. There is not more ucchvāsa in Bengali poetry than in English, if by the word is meant rhetoric, free resort to imagery, prolix weaving of words and ideas and sentiments around what one has to say. Indian poetry in the Sanskritic languages—there... that is what is meant,—your word effusiveness is rather unfortunate, for effusiveness is not praiseworthy in poetry anywhere; but vividness of emotion is no more reprehensible in English than in Bengali poetry. You give as examples of ucchvāsa among other things Madhusudan's style, Tagore's poem to me, a passage from Gobinda Das. I don't think there is anything in Madhusudan which an English poet writing ...


... what was given and turned it into something very vivid, coloured and beautiful,—but surely not mystic in the sense given above. 15 March 1937 On Bengali Poetry Written in the Ashram I am not competent in respect to the technique of Bengali poetry. I can only follow my feeling, what I call the inner ear—so in this point I can say nothing beyond my own feeling. In your first poems written here... catechised them, I would find the deepest felicities missed. Perhaps my tendency to pack too much meaning into my words becomes a difficulty in others, but would they have the same difficulty with Bengali poetry? Dilip wrote to me in recent times expressing great admiration for Arjava's poems and wanting to get something of the same quality into his own poetic style. But in any case Dilip has not the ...


... sadhana—one would only have to gaze at heaven a little and grow wings and fly into the spheres a triumphant godhead. Your overhead poetry, Sir, not a snatch of it has ever come into Bengali poetry—our Bengali poetry? I can't say. I can recognise the thing well enough in English, because I know the symptoms of the O.P. abnormality there. In Bengali it is more difficult for me to detect. I suppose... but I don't know what something to put as I have not the least idea what you are after. Cryptic, by God! I am greatly surprised to hear that you have to train your ear to judge the source of Bengali poetry. Is it a question of the ear? Great Scott, man! Poetry and no question of the ear? Just the other day you wrote that by the inner vision, inner feeling, etc. one must understand and judge ...

... inferior. Bengali has a more melodious basis, it can accomplish melody more easily than English, it has a freer variety of melodies now, for formerly as English poetry was mostly iambic, Bengali poetry used to be mostly aksaravrtta.19 (I remember how my brother Manmohan would annoy me by denouncing the absence of melody, the featureless monotony of Bengali rhythm and tell me how Tagore ought... ought to be read to be truly melodious—like English in stress, with ludicrous effects. That however is by the way.) What I mean is that variety of melodic bases was not conspicuous at that time in Bengali poetry. Nowadays this variety is there and undoubtedly opens Page 53 possibilities such as perhaps do not exist in other languages. I do not see, however/ how the metrical aspect ...

... much of it Bengali poetry can bear. I do not think the distinction between song and poem goes at all to the root of the matter. The question is whether it is possible to have ease of movement in this kind of quantitative metre. For a few lines it can be very beautiful or for a short poem or a song; that much cannot be doubted. But can it be made a spontaneous movement of Bengali poetry like the ordinary ...


... not inferior. Bengali has a more melodious basis, it can accomplish melody more easily than English, it has a freer variety of melodies now, for formerly as English poetry was mostly iambic, Bengali poetry used to be mostly akṣaravṛtta . (I remember how my brother Manmohan would annoy me by denouncing the absence of melody, the featureless monotony of Bengali rhythm Page 142 and tell... ought to be read to be truly melodious—like English in stress, with ludicrous effects. That however is by the way.) What I mean is that variety of melodic bases was not conspicuous at that time in Bengali poetry. Nowadays this variety is there and undoubtedly opens possibilities such as perhaps do not exist in other languages. I do not see, however, how the metrical aspect by itself can really be taken ...


... will stumble. It is not Tagore's simple and smooth chhanda. SRI AUROBINDO: There are two things in Dilip's poeetry—subject and treatment. As regards the subject, he follows the pre-Tagore Bengali poetry—which is intellectual poetry—perhaps due to his father's influence, which I liked and miss in later poetry. He takes up an idea and puts it into poetical form. It is a poetry written from the poetic... new element of feeling and imagination and, as he is a genius, his poetry is beautiful. But Tagore can diffuse himself fifty or sixty lines and even then his idea doesn't come out. After Tagore, Bengali poetry has become wishy-washy. There is no intellectual backbone. NIRODBARAN: Motilal has a certain originality. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. PURANI: Even in his poetry Tagore talks of death. SRI AUROBINDO ...


... the coincidence? ... Don't know how J will react to your remark that you are too busy to see her poetry now. That is the Lord's business. It is rather her business. She has given up Bengali poetry thinking that you haven't much time to take it up. Perhaps English will be easy for you. Well? She tells me I can do her poem for her in 3 minutes. I have told her it would take half an hour... viṣwaprakriti : world nature. × swarabritta : one of the principal metres of Bengali poetry. × "Lonely Tramp", Sun-Blossoms , p. 56. ...

... Aurobindo : What I have found in Dilip's poetry is that it is mental poetry connected with the   Bengali poetry of pre-Tagorian era. Perhaps it is due to his father's influence which was also intellectual. What I mean to say is that Tagore introduced a new element of feeling and imagination in Bengali poetry; as he is a genius his poetry is beautiful but much of what is written under Tagore's influence ...

... from that, and try to form some impression of its richness and variety. In this chapter, however, we shall confine ourselves to the translations: from old Greek poetry, from mediaeval and modem Bengali poetry, from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, from Bhartrihari, and lastly from Kalidasa. 2 In the matter of translations, Sri Aurobindo seems to have held the not unreasonable, if perhaps... which one ought not to imitate. Latterly I have tried to be more moral in my ways, I don't know with what success. 11 The best thing therefore would be to look upon these renderings from old Bengali poetry as merely flowing from the inspiration of the originals, though not austerely controlled by them. The renderings are the effusion of an exuberant youthful sensibility that for the first time ...

... word over the substance. 19 August 1932 Michael Madhusudan Dutt I had once the regret that the line of possibility opened out by Michael [Madhusudan Dutt] was not carried any farther in Bengali poetry; but after all it may turn out that nothing has been lost by the apparent interruption. Magnificent as are the power and swing of his language and rhythm, there was a default of richness and t ...


... allow myself to be drawn back into a preoccupation with the poetry of the sadhaks. I have much more serious things to deal with on which depends the whole work and Yoga. I have ceased to deal with Bengali poetry—if any is sent, which is no longer done, I send it back with or without a word of comment. But neither can I spend time in teaching beginners how to write English verse. Nirod's case is one in ...


... You say both forms can be beautiful. Why not try then this modern form, since we are your "modern disciples"? No objection to trying. But is the form of Dilip and Nishikanta general in modern Bengali poetry? I thought it was Dilip's departure and much criticised by many? I don't think a rule or school can be made of these things. Let each follow his own genius. যুগধর্ম্ম 110 must be satisfied ...

... proportions and shall try to send something along. MYSELF: By the way, what do you think of my taking lessons in English metre now? But at times I feel that when there is some improvement in Bengali poetry, then I shall think of it; otherwise as they say, I'll be Jack of all trades. Page 54 SRI AUROBINDO: There is no harm in studying English metre. It won't prevent you becoming a ...


... can't say that it is all due to Yoga. He has been here only for a year and D for so many years, yet the difference between them as poets, is striking. I can understand your yogic success in his Bengali poetry, because the field was ready, but the opening of his channel in English has staggered me. I can't explain if it is your success or his. What do you mean by Yoga? There is a Force here in the ...

... correcting, changing, etc. till I become sufficiently receptive and then only a few changes will be necessary. I do so in your English poetry because I am an select I nowadays avoid poetry. In Bengali poetry, I don't do it. I only natives offered by yourself. Mark that for Amal correcting or changing as far as possible—that is in order to encourage the inspiration to act in himself. Sometimes I see ...

... exclusively its own parochial note. The genius of Bengal secured a place in the wide world overpassing the length and breadth of Bengal. ¹ The son of Ravana. Page 50 And Bengali poetry reached that fourth stage or the highest status. Nevertheless, it may be asked if there has been the acme of literary creation that exceeds even the best creations of Madhusudan, Bankim and ...

... vitrovai par una selva oscura, Cke la diritta via era smarrita. Per me si va nella citta dolente, Per me si va nell' eterna dolore Per me si va tra la perduta gente.¹ Word-music in Bengali poetry means Rabindranath. To adapt a well-known English phrase, one may say that Rabindranath is poetry and poetry Rabindranath; there is no need to bring in any other artist. We get this in Rabindranath's ...

... loss of this letter during the Hindu-Muslim riots in Bengal after Pakistan came into being. Afterwards Sri Aurobindo learnt enough Bengali to conduct the weekly Dharma in it. He even wrote some Bengali poetry. His mastery over the Bengali language was not equal to his mastery over the English. When Professor Littledale went on leave in 1898 Sri Aurobindo was appointed professor of English. In 1899 ...


... flower blooms again; Vainly your gems, O meadows, you recall; One simple girl breathes sweeter than you all. 101   At Baroda naturally his interests first hovered round Sanskrit and Bengali poetry Renderings from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, from Chandidas, Vidyapati, Horu Thakur, Nidhu Babu and others, from Bhartrihari, from the Sagar-Sangit of C.R. Das, from the Vedas and the ...


... Part - II At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo 22 October 1933 MYSELF: Sri Aurobindo, what is the poetical convention regarding moonlight? In Bengali poetry and in Sanskrit too, moonlight is considered to be “silver-white”. Dilip said that the poetical convention is golden light. You wrote: “in the air it is pale whitish blue”. When pale whitish blue ...

... void are not denizens of the Hindu plane of temperament. Hence the expectant critic will search ancient Hindu literature in vain for the poetry of mysticism; that is only to be found in recent Bengali poetry which has felt the influence of English models. The old Sanscrit poetry was never satisfied unless it could show colour, energy & definiteness, & these are things incompatible with true mysticism ...


... mind and the direction in which it is turning. Especially the art of the Bengal painters is very significant, more so even than the prose of Bankim or the poetry Page 27 of Tagore. Bengali poetry has had to feel its way and does not seem yet quite definitively to have found it, but Bengal art has found its way at once at the first step, by a sort of immediate intuition. Partly this is ...


... this little song. His choice of laghu and guru Page 229 vowels too are dexterous beyond measure. Qu'en dites-vous ? Which proves too de nouveau how laghu guru is at home in Bengali poetry too, for this is more a poem (in its flow and long-drawn cadence) than a song proper. Nishikanta seems to have put himself into contact with an inexhaustible source of flowing word ...

... actors - hope, he will stop short of the actresses, though. 37 (19)NB: What do you think of my taking lessons in English metre now? But at times I feel that after there's an improvement in Bengali poetry, I can try. Otherwise, I shall be Jack of all trades, master of none! Sri Aurobindo: There is no harm in studying English metre. It won't prevent you becoming a John of some trades hereafter ...

... according to your own field of reason which is that of the ignorant physical mind. If you persist in that you will remain puzzled to the end of the chapter. Whereas I working for 3 years on Bengali poetry—what have I done? Nothing to speak of, compared with this piece. That is because you are a "hower" and an "efforter"—So the Divine or the Oversell' or whatever people may like to call it has ...

... other volumes of my Bengali and English poems written under the Master's inspiration and guidance and our correspondence on them. I was also made the channel of communication for Jyotirmoyee's Bengali poetry which he explained and commented upon. That will easily run into another big volume. So much he has done for one single person, which the Divine alone can do. And he had to attend to about two ...

... has! what? By Jove, yes! April 8, 1938 I cherished a wish to flourish as a story-writer long before the English and Bengali Muse sat on me. Now English poetry has caught me and Bengali poetry has gone to sleep. It seems my English poems are much better and deeper than the Bengali ones... Should I try my hand at story-writing? Your Bengali poems seem to me to be very good, though ...

... An undertone of dissatisfaction ran through all my creative endeavours. At such a psychological crisis, a presumptuous idea to compose in English dawned upon me. It was prompted by my failure in Bengali poetry. Thereby, I thought, I would get Sri Aurobindo's direct contact and guidance. This was the predominant factor that inspired me to take up the hazardous journey through the seas of English Poetry ...


... Avatara 27 B Bacchus 34 Balaka 92 Bamardo 23, 24 Baudelaire 72 Bauls 84 Beethoven 9 Bengal 91, 104 Bengalis 98 Bengal mysticism 88 Bengali Poetry 82 Bhakta 78 Boris Pasternak 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45 Brahman 12 Brihat 4 British 98 Brummagem 98 Buddhist Period 82 C Caryatides ...


... restless garrulous anklets.) Pasyanti vak is the spontaneous voice, the soundless sound of this inner Being; it is the truth-vision's own lovely streak. Vaikhari vak is predominant in Bengali poetry. Pasyanti vak is hardly available, rare, nay, it will be no exaggeration to say that it is totally lacking. No doubt, beautiful poetry Page 111 has been written in Bengali. It ...

... embraced him. SRI AUROBINDO: Did Sisir meet him after going from here? NIRODBARAN: Yes. Tagore seems to be saying that what we are writing here is neither Bengali nor Sanskrit. That won't do in Bengali poetry. Of course Nishikanto is excluded. PURANI: He wants everybody to follow him. He can't like Dilip since he published Harin's letter in Anami. SRI AUROBINDO: What letter? PURANI: Harin wrote ...


... Sanskrit laghu-guru chhanda from Dilip for some time. Dilip had then become a master in chhanda. He and Nishikanta were making various experiments in laghu-guru and were trying to introduce it in Bengali poetry and song, not without success. Laghu-guru seems to create a deep feeling and a fine sound-vibration. It has not only a mantric effect, it carries great power too. To know its rules is not sufficient ...

... black clouds, some lines of a song began to break through. The lyrics were in Bengali. I quickly rushed to take pencil and paper and began noting them down. It was quite astounding! Unbelievable Bengali poetry accompanied to music came to light that night. I myself could not believe my eyes! Hearken the call! I cannot tarry on the shore anymore. My tryst is with the ...


... later when you have a little more leisure to do justice to his book.... I think, that he might do great things. Unfortunately he has directed (or rather misdirected) all his energies to writing Bengali poetry. He is at present engaged on an epic (inspired I believe by Michael Madhusudan) on the subject of Usha and Aniruddha." This legend is found in the Mahabharata. Pictures rose in D. K. Roy's ...

... gets full of it in the third and again rises rapidly to that in the two last lines of the fourth stanza. This is what I call poetry of the intuitive Mind. 13 May 1937 Bengali Overhead Poetry We are sorry to hear that you can't decide about Bengali overhead poetry. I consider it a defect, Sir, in your poetic supramental make-up, which you should try to mend or remove! Why a defect? In... logic, I ought to be able to pronounce on the merits of Czechoslovakian or Arabic poetry. To pronounce whether a rhythm is O.P. or not, one must have an infallible ear for overtones and undertones of the sound music of the language—that expertness I have not got with regard to Bengali. 23 September 1938 Overhead Poetry: Re-evaluations of 1946 It is a bit of a surprise to me that Virgil's ... Poetry and Its Creation Poetry and Its Creation The Sources of Poetry Letters on Poetry and Art Examples of Overhead Poetry Examples from Various Poets Evaluations of 1932-1935 Does Wordsworth's ode on immortality contain any trace, however vague, of the Overmind inspiration? I don't remember, but I think not. And what about the rhythm and ...


... about Bengali overhead poetry. I consider it a defect, Sir, in your poetic and supramental make-up, which you should try to remove or mend. A defect in the Supramental Avatar is—is—well doesn't fit! Why a defect? In any case all qualities have their defects, which are also a quality. For the rest, by your logic I ought to be able to pronounce on the merits of Czechoslovakian or Arabic poetry. To... that gives it more consistence. I send you one of Nishikanta's recent Bengali poems, to share my joy with you. The lines I have marked seem to have your O.P. touch, don't they? He seems to have struck a new grandeur and beauty, no? It is certainly very powerful and beautiful. By O.P. I presume you mean Overhead Poetry. That I can't say—the substance seems to be from there, but a certain kind... can you judge a line of poetry from a translation? That would be an astonishing feat. I simply gave the meaning of the line in order to point out that poetry can be simple and straightforward in expression and yet rank as the greatest poetry. Its not stirring you would only prove that your plexus is not receptive to great and stirring poetry, it would not prove that the poetry is not great and stirring ...