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Brahmacharya : Sri Aurobindo: The sex-energy utilised by Nature for the purpose of reproduction is in its real nature a fundamental energy of Life. It can be used not for the heightening but for a certain intensification of the vital-emotional life; it can be controlled & diverted from the sex-purpose & used for aesthetic & artistic or other creation & productiveness or preserved for heightening of the intellectual or other energies. Entirely controlled it can be turned into a force of spiritual energy also. This was well known in ancient India & was described as the conversion of retas into ojas by Brahmacharya. Sex-energy misused turns into disorder & disintegration of the life-energy & its powers. [SABCL Vol. 24:1516] Manomohan Gangopadhyaya: In 1909, after his acquittal, I once invited Sri Aurobindo for lunch. He came with a shawl draped over his shirt, & had a shaggy beard.... We discussed whether one can maintain brahmacharya after marriage. I was of the opinion that one can’t. He was explaining how it was in fact possible. I was curious to know whether Sri Aurobindo himself maintained it but could not muster the courage to ask him. After a while he told me, “I can see what is in your mind. You are eager to know whether I have sexual relations with my wife or not. I don’t. I have been able to maintain my brahmacharya even after marriage.” [Shruti-Smriti, part I, 1927, p.13] ― Abinash Bhattacharya: I asked Aurobindo-babu him one day: “Sejda, on the one hand you practise the austerities of yoga & on the other you sleep in one bed with your wife. What kind of austerity is that?” Smiling sweetly he said: “It is not simply by sharing a bed with one’s wife that brahmacharya is lost. To form a group of naked ascetics is not my intention. We have thirty-three lakhs of such ascetics in India. I want grihastha sannyāsis… men leading the full life in the world who when the need arises will renounce everything at the call of duty.” [“Sri Aurobindo”, Mother India, July 2012, pp.528-39]
... the first principle on which the ancient Aryans based their education and one of the chief processes which they used for the increased .storage of energy, was the practice of Brahmacharya. (3) THE practice of Brahmacharya is the first and most necessary condition of increasing the force within and turning it to such uses as may benefit the possessor or mankind. All human energy has a physical... energy created by Brahmacharya was due to the discipline which developed sattva or inner illumination. Page 89 This illumination makes the acquisition of knowledge and all other intellectual operations easy, spontaneous, swift, decisive and comparatively unfatiguing to body or brain. In these two things lies the secret of Aryan intellectual achievement, Brahmacharya and sattvic d... profound knowledge of human psychology and its subtle application to the methods of intellectual training and instruction. At the basis of the old Aryan system was the all-important discipline of Brahmacharya. The first necessity for the building up of a great intellectual superstructure is to pro- vide a foundation strong enough to bear it. Those systems of education which start from an insufficient ...
... told him that had it been the case, people who practised brahmacharya, would lose all their virility, energy, radiance, etc. Don't the Yogis say that ojas and tejas can only be produced by such abstinence? That is correct. The whole theory of brahmacharya is based upon that by the Yogis. If it were not so, there would be no need of brahmacharya for producing tejas and ojas. Naik argued that what... system, and have nothing to do with the sex-gland secretions at all. It is not a question of vigour and energy per se, but of the physical support—in that physical support the ojas produced by brahmacharya counts greatly. The transformation of retas into ojas is a transformation of physical substance into a physical (necessarily producing also a vital physical) energy. The spiritual energy by itself... might object to an allopathic screen pushing into the stomach and upsetting his homeopathic effects, what? To take up our yesterday's discussion—I think Vivekananda said that by observance of brahmacharya, one acquires a prodigious memory. He himself proved it by reproducing anything he was asked from the Encyclopaedia Britannica though he just took some glances at it. But it was said that only ...
... ancient India and was described as the conversion of retas into ojas by Brahmacharya. Sex-energy misused turns to disorder and disintegration of the life-energy and its powers. That is correct. 5 The whole theory of Brahmacharya is based upon that by the Yogis. If it were not so, there would be no need of Brahmacharya for producing tejas and ojas . It is not a question of vigour and... increasing force of brahmacharya in the waking consciousness, complete expulsion of sex-thoughts, speech, physical craving or impulse—the subconscient remnants will either die out or be cleared out afterwards when one is able to bring the higher consciousness down here. In order that the dream emissions may diminish or cease, it is necessary first to have complete brahmacharya, kāyamanovākyena... Celibacy Celibacy means first "not marrying"—it can be extended to not having sexual (physical) relations with any woman, though that is not its proper meaning. It is not equivalent to Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya is not binding in bhaktimārga or karmayoga , but it is necessary for ascetic jñānayoga as well as for Raja and Hatha yogas. It is also not demanded from Grihastha yogis. In this Yoga ...
... Brahmacharya BRAHMACHARYA means the storage of energy in the body and its sublimation. The energy in view is mainly physico-vital energy, the vital energy based upon and imbedded in the physical body. Brahmacharya naturally meant a strict observance of certain rules and regulations involving a strenuous discipline. Brahmacharya was the very basis of education... regularity in habits, methodical physical exercises; even a fixed routine sometimes helps much. Next comes self-control, continence, physical purity. This is Brahmacharya proper. It means the exercise of conscious will. We do not speak of Brahmacharya in relation to a child. The discipline can be taken up only when the body and the Page 193 consciousness have attained a certain degree... Indian society by the ceremony of upanayana, the first approach or initiation: it is the beginning of the life of Brahmacharya. It must be understood that this discipline is not merely for those who wish to follow a religious or spiritual life, but for all without exception. Brahmacharya is the first ashrama, order or stage of life with which one begins one's organisation of life; one has to pass ...
... Brahmacharya BRAHMACHARYA means the storage of energy in the body and its sublimation. The energy in view is mainly physicovital energy, the vital energy based upon and imbedded in the physical body. Brahmacharya naturally meant a strict observance of certain rules and regulations involving a strenuous discipline. Brahmacharya was the very basis of education... regularity in habits, methodical physical exercises; even a fixed routine sometimes helps much. Next comes self-control, continence, physical purity. This is Brahmacharya proper. It means the exercise of conscious will. We do not speak of Brahmacharya in relation to a child. The discipline can be taken up only when the body and the Page 269 consciousness have attained a certain degree... Indian society by the ceremony of upanayana, the first approach or initiation: it is the beginning of the life of Brahmacharya. It must be understood that this discipline is not merely for those who wish to follow a religious or spiritual life, but for all without exception. Brahmacharya is the first ashrama, order or stage of life with which one begins one's organisation of life; one has to pass ...
... practice of Brahmacharya, which meant not only physical continence, but a constant burning aspiration for the knowledge of the Brahman. This one ideal uplifted the physical, vital and mental energies in unified concentration to achieve self-knowledge and self-mastery. For this reason, the pupil came to be called the Brahmacharin, one who has resolved to follow the discipline of Brahmacharya. Vratam... Vratam charishyami— I shall resolutely follow my vow, is what the pupil resolves when he embarks upon his journey of discipleship. Pursuit of truth was a part of the discipline of Brahmacharya; so also was the pursuit of kindliness, harmony and love, ahimsa. Practice of renunciation of the sense of personal possession of things and relations, renunciation of covetousness that leads to theft... higher stage. Thus, four major stages came to be recognized and each stage was presented with a set of ideals to be pursued and fulfilled. Each stage had its own dharma. These four, namely, brahmacharya (continence of student life), grihastha (balance of enjoyment and performance of duties appropriate to the householder), the vanaprastha (the preparation to leave ordinary life by enlargement ...
... on which the ancient Aryans based their education and one of the chief processes which they used for the increased storage of energy, was the practice of Brahmacharya. Page 371 The Brain of India - III The practice of Brahmacharya is the first and most necessary condition of increasing the force within and turning it to such uses as may benefit the possessor or mankind. All human energy... unfailing energy created by Brahmacharya was due to the discipline which developed sattva or inner illumination. This illumination makes the acquisition of knowledge and all other intellectual operations easy, spontaneous, swift, decisive and comparatively unfatiguing to body or brain. In these two things lies the secret of Aryan intellectual achievement. Brahmacharya and sattwic development created... profound knowledge of human psychology and its subtle application to the methods of intellectual training and instruction. At the basis of the old Aryan system was the all-important discipline of Brahmacharya. The first necessity for the building up of a great intellectual superstructure is to provide a foundation strong enough to bear it. Those systems of education which start from an insufficient knowledge ...
... : I want to know what should be the way of my family life. Should I observe Brahmacharya – celibacy? Sri Aurobindo : We do not make rules in this yoga. Of course, if you followed the direct Supramental yoga then it would be compulsory. But even in a preparatory yoga it is better if you can observe Brahmacharya. You have to grow from humanity into something higher and so you must get away... away from the animal level. In the Supramental yoga no lower movementsshould be indulged in from the lower poise. Sadhaka : So it is better to observe Brahmacharya? Sri Aurobindo : Yes, if you can observe it is better, though one does not make a hard and fast rule about it. There are three things in the vital nature which are very great obstacles in the yoga – there are many others besides ...
... stupendous superstructures in the realms of Matter, Thought and Spirit? Sri Aurobindo thought that the clue to the whole secret lay in the practice of brahmacharya, so widely prevalent in those early days of pristine Hindu culture. Brahmacharya sought to "raise up the physical to the spiritual"; it gradually perfected the instruments of knowledge; it led to the heightening and ultimate perfection... prosecution of the discipline of Yoga.4 Brahmacharya was the starting-point, but yoga was the means to the finality of fulfilment. Page 250 Between these two poles did the ancient Hindus raise their systems of knowledge, their methods of education and their experiments in civilisation. And yet Sri Aurobindo did not say that the old Brahmacharya-Yoga axis could be reproduced in all ...
... practice of Brahmacharya, which meant not only physical continence, but a constant burning aspiration for the knowledge of the Brahman. This one ideal uplifted the physical, vital and mental energies in unified concentration to achieve self-knowledge and self-mastery. For this reason, the pupil came to be called the Brahmacharin, one who has resolved to follow the discipline of Brahmacharya. Vratam ... charishyami — I shall resolutely follow my vow, is what the pupil resolves when he embarks upon his journey of discipleship. Pursuit of truth was apart of the discipline of Brahmacharya; so also was the pursuit of kindliness, harmony and love, ahimsa. Practice of renunciation of the sense of personal possession of things and relations, renunciation of covetousness that leads to theft and ...
... way. If one observes Brahmacharya 234 for twelve years in mind and heart and action - then he can get this power of memory." You know what Brahmacharya is. But to be a Brahmachari or Brahmacharin, in mind, even in thought - that is the greatest challenge, as you can well understand. So there, what marvellous concentration! I find that, in my case, in spite of Brahmacharya or whatever I am doing ...
... food, external cleanliness, asceticism, etc. and so little on brahmacharya or conservation of energies or inner development? And why all the prejudice of caste in the matter of food? Is there any truth in the popular belief that a man is not considered spiritual unless he is a vegetarian, cooks his own food, etc.? The value of brahmacharya was fully understood in past times for Yogis; carefulness about ...
... how physical education was an integral part of the educational curriculum, but first it must be said that, at the basis of the ancient system of education was the all important discipline of Brahmacharya. Ancient Indians knew that, in the same way a wave is not separate from the ocean, man is not separate from the universe and the universal energy. The same force which moves in stars and planets... source of energy is spiritual but in the physical world the basis, the foundation on which it stands is physical. Man can increase his capacity as a receptacle of this energy. By the discipline of Brahmacharya, by keeping alive his burning aspiration for the knowledge of the Brahman, by having control over his desires and passions, by maintaining a receptive state of mind, he can retain and even largely ...
... sex-fluid into ojas. To turn the sex-fluid into ojas is done by Brahmacharya and partly by a special uplifting process which only those who are ready for it and can do it can accomplish. To raise sexual feelings and impulses to the head can only make things worse. Chastity in body, mind and speech is the usual definition of Brahmacharya. The cosmic sex tries to push itself into me ...
... the kind of work she can best do. You did not quite understand what A.G. had said about Brahmacharya. He did not mean that you should indulge the sexual impulse freely. On the contrary, if you have the impulse to cease from sexual life you should by all means do it. What he meant to say was that by Brahmacharya is generally understood a mental & moral control, a cessation because of a mental rule. ...
... to become ideal teachers. The central pillar of the Vedic System of education was the Brahmacharin, the pupil who has resolved to impose on himself or herself the ideal and practice of Brahmacharya, which means not only continence, but also a constant burning aspiration for the knowledge of the Brahman. What was expected from the pupil was enthusiasm, utsaha, zeal to learn, to discover... Vedic tradition of education, modern India has made bold attempts to resurrect the importance of individuality and human personality in education. Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati spoke of the ideal of brahmacharya as an indispensable instrument of individual perfection, and in the Gurukula system that he advocated, he underlined the importance of the individual and of the life of discipline, for both boys ...
... Niralamba. NIRODBARAN: You spoke to Dutt, it seems about the scheme of work for the country, that it should be a many-sided activity based on Yoga and Brahmacharya. The idea of programme of work for the country were the same as his own except for Brahmacharya. SRI AUROBINDO: He couldn't accept it? NIRODBARAN: No, and there was opposition to it among the other workers too. And for that reason you had ...
... avoiding them they can attain a finer and deeper and wider consciousness, beneficial to themselves and to others, they are quite justified in cutting them out. The race will not come to an end by their brahmacharya. Thousands and thousands will always be there to propagate their kind. Of course, to preach to the whole world at present to abstain from marriage and mating at all periods would be an anti-life ...
... had a friend who had done Pranayama . He told Sethna that Pranayama gave him an abundance of energy, an energy, which could be used in any way he liked... And there was no question of strict brahmacharya or spiritual objective. What he said struck the young man as very fascinating and helpful. Therefore, he started reading books on Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga in particular. While he was doing this ...
... principle element in this sadhana. But what I say is that one can reject best by bringing in the positive psychic Page 64 and spiritual forces through the pursuit of positive things like brahmacharya and the rest. I do not know what you mean by dissolution [ of desires ]. The principle of the Yoga is rejection—throwing out of the being. It is true that rejected from the mind it often ...
... consciousness. No absolute rule can be laid down in this matter. 14 October 1936 I always thought that in other Yogas seekers first had to undergo a rigorous disciplined period of 12 years of Brahmacharya, and only when the Guru certified their physical, vital, mental immunity were they allowed to enter into its practical course. Page 138 Never heard of this 12 years affair or of any ...
... very coarse and material sexual energy. Of course, all such energies can be transformed and cease to be sexual—turned into material strength of some kind, just as the seminal force can be turned by brahmacharya into ojas. This gazing on a flame or a bright spot is the traditional means used by Yogis for concentration or for awakening of the inner consciousness and vision. You seem to have gone by ...
... Government of India. I sent the manuscript. They have suggested many changes: No mention of his message on Cripps' proposals. (His quotations about the Chinese invasion, Korea, etc. are allowed.) Brahmacharya is a taboo. No unprovable things should be mentioned. I have refused to give them my book. Just for your information. 18 But they will ask a book from somebody who knows nothing about Sri ...
... A)1. Truth, Good, Beauty 2.Head, Heart, Hand 3.Cognitive, Affective, Psycho-motor 4.Thinking, Feeling, Doing 5.Being, Becoming, Living 6. (a) Yama = Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya and Aparigraha (b) Niyama = Shaucha, Santosha, Tapas, Svadhyaya and Ishvarapranidhana. B)Total Development of the Child 1.Person—Physical, Vital, Mental, Intellectual and Spiritual) ...
... Another picture of ideal studentship is brought out in the story of Kacha and Devayani. Devayani's father Sukracharya, was Kacha's teacher. She fell in love with Kacha, but he had taken the vow of brahmacharya and refused to enter into marriage with her. One passage in the Mahabharata gives Kacha's description of the life he lived in that retreat of learning: "Carrying the burden of sacrificial wood ...
... worlds and concentrating my thought on the vow of serving my husband, I shall live happily in the forest as I would in my paternal home. (12) Serving you everyday with self restraint and practicing brahmacharya, I shall sport with you in woodlands fragrant with (stores of) honey, 0 valiant prince! (13) "(As for yourself), you are indeed capable of duly supporting in the forest (even) other men much ...
... duty to be performed at the end of life, as the culmination of a full-length span of action and achievement; the way to Moksha lay through Dharma and Artha and Kama, Sannyasa had to be built upon Brahmacharya and Garhasthya. The integral ideal was epitomized by Kalidasa in his famous lines about the character of the Raghus: They devoted themselves to study in their boyhood, in youth they pursued ...
... concept of the perfection of the body by a total psychological transformation. II. Aids for the Development of Value-Consciousness and Experience: 1. The ideal and practice of brahmacharya (example of Dayananda Saraswati). 2. Study of passages from Plato, particularly from (he Apology and The Republic. 3. Study of passages from the Upanishads, particularly ...
... 95 Bedekar, V.M, 71,75,78,82 Being, Pure, 58 Bhaga,10,11,12 Bhakti Yoga, 7 Bharadwaja, 31, 34 Bharat Muni, 102 Brahma Sutra, 88 Brahmacharin, 33,37,63 Brahmacharya, 33,52 Brahman, 24, 28,30,37 Brahmanas, 66,87,89 Brahmin, 42, 52 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 30,70 Brihaspati, 13,14 Brihat, 12, 47 British, 50, 84 Buddha ...
... original and intensely analytical. Everything was subordinated to the demands of reason. For him, truth was too sacred to be trifled with. He was also an idealist and had taken a vow of celibacy, brahmacharya. Narendra went to see Sri Ramakrishna at the suggestion of his English professor, W. W. Hastie. While discussing states of meditation, purity and concentration, Mr. Hastie had told Naren, " ...
... , the forest recluse, and the free supra-social man. This frame which has been called ashrama vyavastha provided to the student, the function and dharma of study, discipline and restraint [brahmacharya); to the householder (grihastha) the function and dharma of marriage and multiple responsibilities of family and social relationships; to the forest recluse (vanaprastha) function and dharma ...
... arrival of the Mother. Five of us lived here as permanent inmates then, not counting SriAurobindo of course. Page 389 We were indeed well on the way to sannyasa in that life of Brahmacharya and single blessedness. The first time it had been myself, my own self or soul, who rejected sannyasa. The second time the veto was pronounced by the Supreme Soul, the Lord – Sri Aurobindo himself ...
... on; the religious mark can also be painted on the forehead; but where to go for the shikha? The shikha was offered as first fruit to Lord Sri Aurobindo. Was this not a scrupulously orthodox Brahmacharya? The shikha was scissored off clean by Nolini Kanta Gupta in obedience to Sri Aurobindo's order at about 2 a.m. on the altar of the temple at sacred Pondicherry in which Sri Aurobindo is the ...
... Mother! Page 76 APPENDIX The work and rules of the new Order of Sannyasis will be Somewhat as follows: 1. General Rules 1. All who undertake the life of Brahmacharya for the Mother will have to vow themselves to Her service for four years, after which they will be free to continue to work or return to family life. 2. All money received by them in the Mother's ...
... prayers and worship each man according to his capacity. Draw not back... 53 The practical part of the scheme envisaged the organisation of a band of political sannyasis, dedicated to brahmacharya (single-blessedness or celibacy), who would (like the Jesuits of old), be ready to "do or die" (in Gandhi's famous phrase of 1942) for the country An inaccessible hill-temple dedicated to Bhawani ...
... collected as The Brain of India, the National Value of Art and A System of National Education. The Brain of India (which first appeared in October-November 1909), with its emphasis on the Brahmacharya-Yoga axis in education, has been referred to already in an earlier chapter (11.1). The National Value of Art series appeared in November-December 1909, and A System of National Education followed ...
... Nolini, the gymnasts remarked that they found the love, affection and solicitude which the Ashram children received from the elders so touching. The self-restraint - especially the practice of brahmacharya - by the Ashramites also produced great interest in the visiting gymnasts. In the course of a subsequent reference to the Soviet gymnasts, the Mother said: ...we saw with what ease they ...
... Bhawani Mandir: Appendix The work and rules of the new Order of Sannyasis will be somewhat as follows GENERAL RULES. 1) All who undertake the life of Brahmacharya for the Mother, will have to vow themselves to Her service for four years, after which they will be free to continue the work or return to family life. 2) All money received by them in the ...
... posture proper to the practice of Rajayoga; the vision should be drawn in and fixed between the eye-brows, "not regarding the regions." The mind is to be kept calm and free from fear and the vow of Brahmacharya observed; the whole controlled mentality must be devoted and turned to the Divine so that the lower action of the consciousness shall be merged in the higher peace. For the object to be attained ...
... or the other. And if one meditate on the single letter, he getteth by it knowledge and soon he attaineth on the earth. And him the Riks lead to the world of men and there perfected in Tapas and Brahmacharya and faith he experienceth the greatness of the spirit. Now if by the double letter he is accomplished in the mind, then is he led up by the Yajus to the middle world, to the moon-world of Soma. ...
... That is good. The Mother is pressing for the sex trouble to go out of the sadhaks—as it is a great obstacle. So it must go. 29 October 1934 How does it matter if I do not have perfect Brahmacharya? It matters a good deal to the Mother, even if it does not matter to you. It is part of what she asks from all so that her work may be done. If I become wholly pure I might merge in the ...
... a friend who had done Pranayama. He had told Sethna that Pranayama gave him an abundance of energy, an energy which could be used in any way he liked…And there was no question of strict brahmacharya or spiritual objective. What he said struck the young man as very fascinating and helpful. And so he started reading hooks on Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga in particular. While he was doing that ...
... the religious mark can also be painted on the forehead; but where to go for the shikha ? The shikha was offered as the first fruit to Lord Sri Aurobindo. Was this not a scrupulously orthodox Brahmacharya? The shikha was scissored off clean by Nolini Kanta Gupta in obedience to Sri Aurobindo’s order that night at about two o’clock, on the altar of the temple at sacred Pondicherry in which Sri ...
... eliminated not only from the mental and vital consciousness but also from the consciousness of the body. A Sanskrit saying on this subject runs thus : What men call Yoga, is no yoga at all. Brahmacharya (Chastity, continence) is the best of all Yogas. A few shall see what none yet understands ; God shall grow up while the wise man talk and sleep For man shall not know the coming ...
... Bombay: 1944-1954. So what 1 am telling you is from direct personal experience. Sincerity and a quietly burning aspiration and devotion will carry you through, step by step," towards your goal of brahmacharya. (19.9.91) Referring to Savitri as "a wide ocean" and your feeling that you "can touch a drop only", you quote a sloka from the Gita: "Even a little of this dharma delivers ...
... be conceived and born and then return with it. The young sadhak could not believe that the Mother could issue such a written command in the teeth of his own prayers to enable him to practise Brahmacharya in spite of marriage. In fact he resisted the command for a long period, feeling he was being Yogic thereby. We often think we are doing the Mother's Will when we are following our own notion ...
... those of the common householders by the very fact that they could dandle grandsons and granddaughters on their knees at only so ripe an old age. The basis of this fact is the prolonged period of brahmacharya - sexless studentship - in the Rigvedic epoch. The period was 48 years. Old books mention several periods - 12 years, 24, 36 and finally the extreme I have mentioned. I remember reading in the ...
... he had no issue to inherit his throne and kingdom. With the purpose of getting sons bom to him, he propitiated goddess Savitri — the wedded partner of Brahma — and performed tapasya observing brahmacharya, regulated his dietary and took the curtailed food at regular intervals — once in the sixth period of Sometime after, a daughter was indeed born to Aswapati's Malavya queen, the eldest ...
... put on; the religious mark can also be painted on the forehead; but where to go for the shikha? The shikha was offered as first fruit to Lord Sri Aurobindo. Was this not a scrupulously orthodox Brahmacharya? The shikha was scissored off clean by Nolini Kanta Gupta in obedience to Sri Aurobindo's order at about 2 a.m. on the altar of the temple at sacred Pondicherry in which Sri Aurobindo is the murti ...
... religious mark can also be painted on the forehead; but where to go for the shikha? The shikha was offered as first fruit to Lord Sri Aurobindo. Was this not a scrupulously orthodox Brahmacharya? The shikha was scissored off clean by Nolini Kanta Gupta in obedience to Sri Aurobindo's order at about 2 a.m. on the altar of the temple at sacred Pondicherry in which Sri Aurobindo is the ...
... self-purification. Holding the body, head and neck erect, motionless, the vision drawn in and fixed between the eyebrows, not regarding the regions, the mind kept calm and free from fear, and the vow of Brahmacharya observed, the whole controlled mentality turned to Me, he must Page 68 be firm in Yoga, wholly given up to Me. Thus always putting himself in Yoga by control of his mind, the Yogin ...
... Another picture of ideal studentship is brought out in the story of Kacha and Devayani. Devayani's father Sukracharya was Kacha's teacher. She fell in love with Kacha, but he had taken the vow of brahmacharya and refused to enter into marriage with her. One passage in the Mahabharata gives Kacha's description of the life he lived in that retreat of learning: 'Carrying the burden of sacrificial wood, ...
... This theme is of central importance for education and teachers and pupils. Ideals of Education The Vedic ideal of education, as we saw earlier, was to achieve, through the practice of brahmacharya, a mastery over physical life and a conquest over the supraphysical planes of luminous knowledge and power so as to effect a kind of synthesis between material prosperity and spiritual liberation ...
... Yogic concept of the perfection of the body by a total psychological transformation. Aids for the Development of Value-Consciousness and Experience The ideal and practice of brahmacharya (example of Dayananda Saraswati). Study of passages from Plato, particularly from the Apology and The Republic. Study of passages from the Upanishads, particularly Isha Upanishad ...
... 3. Yogic concept of the perfection of the body by a total psychogical transformation. II. Aids for the Development of Value-Consciousness and Experience 1. The ideal and practice of brahmacharya (example of Dayananda Saraswati). 2. Study of passages from Plato, particularly from the Apology and The Republic. 3. Study of passages from the Upanishads, particularly Isha ...
... "The source of life and energy is not material but spiritual, but the basis, the foundation on which the life and energy stand and work, is physical.... To raise up the physical to the spiritual is Brahmacharya, for by the meeting of the two the energy which starts from one and produces the other is enhanced and fulfils itself." (Ibid., p. 334) Page 18 Sixth Principle: It needs ...
... abandon their true law of life and their God-given work, then with the destruction of their true law the nation too will perish. The younger generation seems to imagine that the stage of the student (Brahmacharya) is the time fixed for the acquisition of education and character. The next stage as fixed is that of the householder. And when one has assured the preservation of the family and the future building ...
... our friend, the doctor, I must say it is more likely to kill you sooner. Disciple : But he says also that it is very difficult for a man to take it – the condition is that he must observe Brahmacharya–celibacy. Disciple : Yes, and there will be some other conditions also which it will be quite impossible to fulfil. Disciple : He promised to give the medicine to X after some time ...
... buddhi, 241; prosecution as editor, 244ff; Madras Standard on, 244; Indian Patriot on, 244; Mahratta on, 244; Rabindranath on, 244; failure in health, 248; on Govt. vs. National Education, 249; on Brahmacharya-Yoga, 251; dissatisfaction with "national" education, 25 1ff; as teacher of National College, 252-3; "Like Shiva in trance" 253; "Puma Yogi", 253; advice to students, 253-4; on Indian ...
... looked on him with distrust. In addition, Lele-ji demanded of me that I massage him with white clay and bathe him, the water being drawn from a deep well. This, he said, was to enable me to practise Brahmacharya, of which proper service to the Guru was an indispensable part. Although I did not like him, because of Sri Aurobindo’s instructions I adjusted myself to Lele-ji’s demands. Sri Aurobindo ...
... European governments are carried on by coalitions. Disciple : He seems to be trying some kind of yoga also. Sri Aurobindo : Yes. Do you know : anything about it? I saw his article on Brahmacharya but it did not contain consistent thought. Once he says that a strong mind has a strong body and then he says that as one progresses in mental development the body must get weak. He also finds ...
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