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Carpenter : Edward (1844-1929), English author & poet.

74 result/s found for Carpenter

... carry home with at all the same force as in the received ways of word-music. We may get some idea of the limitations of the form by one or two examples from the poetry of Carpenter I find quoted by Mr. Cousins in his essay. Carpenter with a poetic faculty of a high order, a prophet of democracy and of the Self, like Whitman, but of a higher more spiritual truth of the Self, has like him found it impossible... skilful exponents. It is used, as in Whitman, to give the roll of the sea of life or the broad and varying movements of the spirit of humanity in its vigorous experience and aspiration, or, as in Carpenter, to arrive at the free and harmonious accession of the human intelligence to profound, large and powerful truths of the spirit, or, as in certain French writers, to mould into accurate rhythm the... sign that it can only survive in an arrested senility or fall into a refined decadence. The most considerable representatives of this new and free form of poetic rhythm are English and American, Carpenter and Whitman. Tagore's translations of his lyrics have come in as a powerful adventitious aid, but are not really to the point Page 163 in the question at issue; for these translations ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... on a column. He asked a carpenter to help him, directing the man to place it a little higher or lower, to the right or left, until he had found exactly the right spot. ''That's the place, ''said Sen no Rikyu finally. The carpenter, to test the master, marked the spot and then pretended he had forgotten. Was this the place? "Was this the place, perhaps?" the carpenter kept asking, pointing to... to various places on the column. But so accurate was the tea-master's sense of proportion that it was not until the carpenter reached the identical spot again that its location was approved. 2 Sour Miso The cook monk Dairyo, at Bankei's monastery, decided that he would take good care of his old teacher's health and give him only fresh miso, a paste of soy beans mixed with wheat and yeast ...

... able to set in motion what represents one of the major turns of human history. He spent the first thirty years of his life in Nazareth, a village of Galileo in Palestine. His father Joseph was a carpenter and Jesus became one in turn. One striking incident occurred when Jesus was about twelve years old (Luke 2: 41-51). On the occasion of a family trip, Jesus disappeared. After searching for three days... Principate of Augustus over the Roman Empire 4BC —Birth of Jesus. AD14-AD37 — Principate of Tiberius. AD26 — After having been a carpenter at Nazareth, Jesus begins his public life. AD30 — Crucifixion of Jesus. — Resurrection and ascension. — Paul's conversion. AD45-47 ... and Paul in Rome. AD60-100 — The four Gospels. Page 137 Suggestions for further reading Bultmann, Rudolf. Jesus and the Word. Fontana, 1958. Carpenter, Humphrey. Jesus. London: Oxford University Press, 1980. Durant, Will. The Story of Civilization: P. Ill, Caesar and Christ. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1972. Grant, Robert. A Historical ...


... throne. In Yoga everything seems to be opposite. My Rs. 20,000/- over medical education are in vain! I don't know what purpose will be served by making me a carpenter of the Divine. If, on the contrary, I could be the Son of a carpenter that would be something! I was under the impression that you were not enthusiastic over medicine or at least over the practice of it. If we had known that you... down into you. And even if it were, how can I put the Force on the carpenters? Does it not also depend on the receptivity of the individuals? Much more easy if you have the force to make a carpenter carpent properly than to propel a sadhak in the way he should go. Receptivity is all-important for the sadhana—it counts but not so much in getting an ordinary thing done by an ordinary man. January ...

... narrow and illiberal sense. To give the student knowledge is necessary, but it is still more necessary to build up in him the power of knowledge. It would hardly be a good technical education for a carpenter to be taught how to fell trees so as to provide himself with wood and never to learn how to prepare tables and chairs and cabinets or even what tools were necessary for his craft. Yet this is precisely... yourself with wood to your heart's content." Now the student who goes forth thus equipped, may become a great timber merchant but, unless he is an exceptional genius, he will never be even a moderate carpenter. Or to return from the simile to the facts, the graduate from our colleges may be a good clerk, a decent vakil or a tolerable medical practitioner, but unless he is an exceptional genius, he will ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... living with his hands if that should ever be necessary. (Many a tradeless emigre, thirty years later, would regret having laughed, as Voltaire did, at Rousseau's "gentilhomme menuisier" — gentleman carpenter.) In any case Emile (though he is heir to a modest fortune) must serve society either manually or mentally. "The man who eats in idleness what he has not earned is a thief. " 1 Emile learns... hip, and we do not assume to be treated as gentlemen, but as real apprentices, who are not such for the sport of the thing. Why should we not be apprentices in real earnest? The Czar Peter was a carpenter at the bench and a drummer in his own army; do you think that this prince was not your equal by birth or by merit? You understand that I am not saying this to Emile, but to you, whoever you may be ...

... output of the modem poetry is concerned the new age is not yet. It is with Sāvitrī that the new age may be said to have arrived. Among the precursors of this new age may be counted Whitman, Carpenter, Yeats, A. E. Meredith, Stephen Phillips, Tagore in whose works one can see clear indications of the new spirit and experiments with many forms of poetic expression. The nature of this change may... poetic expression. He observes, "a glint of this change is already visible and in poetry there is already the commencement of such a greater leading; the conscious efforts of Whitman, the tone of Carpenter, the significance of the poetry of A. E., the rapid, immediate fame of Tagore are its first signs. The idea of the poet who is also Rishi has made again its appearance". (P.P.) This new poetic departure ...

... produce. Disciple : In India we have a kind of communism in the villages. The whole village was like a big family and the lowest had his right as a member of the family. The washerman, the carpenter the black smith, the barber, all get what they needed. Sri Aurobindo : That is the only communism that is practicable. Each such commune can be independent and many such units can be scattered... produce. Disciple : In India we have a kind of communism in the villages. The whole village was like a big family and the lowest had his right as a member of the family. The washerman, the carpenter the black smith, the barber, all get what they needed. Sri Aurobindo : That is the only communism that is practicable. Each such commune can be independent and many such units can be scattered ...

... illiberal sense. To give the student knowledge is necessary, but it is still more necessary to build up in him the power of using his knowledge. It would hardly be a good technical education for a carpenter to be taught how to fell trees so as to provide himself with wood & never to learn how to prepare tables, chairs & cabinets or even what tools were necessary for his craft. Yet this is precisely what... yourself with wood to your heart's content." Now the student who goes forth thus equipped, may become a great timber-merchant but unless he is an exceptional genius he will never be even a moderate carpenter. Or to return from the simile to the fact, the graduate from our colleges may be a good clerk, a decent vakil or a tolerable medical practitioner, but unless he is an especial genius, he will never ...


... have occurred in the course of time. For instance, in the major manuscripts in our hands today Mark 6:3 reads: "Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary?" Origen, who lived in c. 185-253 A.D., records that the original reading was: "Is this not the son of the carpenter and of Mary?", which is practically the same as Matthew 12:46.   (9) The "utterly diabolical methods" used in the propagation ...

... 17 June 1932 ( Amrita sent a note to the House Maintenance Service asking for a carpenter boy to open a bale of cloth from Bombay. The note was shown to the Mother, who wrote on the back: ) I am wondering why you disturbed a carpenter boy for opening a bale of cloth? Usually Purani was doing it all right with the help of one or two others. And if we had no ...

... think . I am not expecting you to be a prophet and that your thought should be always right. 25 August 1932 Mother, Yesterday I told You, "All have gone." In fact I saw that the carpenter was going, not gone, and I calculated that by the time I came out and closed the door, he should be gone. So I replied, "Yes, Mother, the last man has gone." And lo, there he is, arranging the polishing... a child of under eight to work. It would be criminal. 9 June 1933 We want to be faithful workers for the Great Victory. 26 June 1933 Page 29 Sweet Mother, The carpenter Y has taken ten days' leave in order to get married again. He wants Rs. 40 advance, to be paid back at the rate of Rs.8 per month. I have already told him that Mother approves neither of marriage—far ...


... Dr. NB: In Yoga everything seems to be opposite. My Rs. 20,000 over my medical education is in vain! I don't know what purpose will be seived by making me a carpenter of the Divine. If on the contrary I could have been the Son of a carpenter, that would be something! Sri Aurobindo: I was under the impression that you are not enthusiastic over medicine or at least over the practice of it. If we ...

... spiritually-minded Indian largely a waste of time; he would concede to it a considerable historical, but hardly any religious importance; for what does it matter in the end whether a Jesus son of the carpenter Joseph was actually born in Nazareth or Bethlehem, lived and taught and was done to death on a real or trumped-up charge of sedition, so long as we can know by spiritual experience the inner Christ ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... share from the produce. In India we had a kind of communism in the villages. The whole village was like a big family and the lowest had his right as a member of the family. The was her man, the carpenter, the Page 220 blacksmith, the barber, all got what they needed. That is the only communism that is practicable. Each such commune can be independent and many such units can be scattered ...


... comes down from the spiritual side in all A. E.'s work, moves between earth and the life of the worlds behind in Yeats' subtle rhythmic voices of vision and beauty, echoes with a large fullness in Carpenter. The poetry of Tagore owes its sudden and universal success to this advantage that he gives us more of this discovery and fusion for which the mind of our age is in quest than any other creative writer ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... or obscurantist religious mind. A glint of this change is already visible. And in poetry there is already the commencement of such a greater leading; the conscious effort of Whitman, the tone of Carpenter, the significance of the poetry of A. E., the rapid immediate fame of Tagore are its first signs. The idea of the poet who is also the Rishi has made again its appearance. Only a wider spreading of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... thought of the ages into a mightier arc of interpretation and realisation, it would be the crowning of one and the opening of a new and greater cycle. The poets of yesterday and today, Whitman, Carpenter, the Irish poets, Tagore, but also others in their degree are forerunners of this new spirit and way of seeing, prophets sometimes, but at others only illumined by occasional hints or by side rays ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... secret of the utterance of profounder truth with its right magic of speech and rhythm."* * This was written in the middle of 1918, when Whitman, Meredith and Stephen Phillips were recent and Carpenter, AE and Yeats were contemporary. Page 148 Yes, Sri Aurobindo has eyes wide-open to the defects of the English Romantics who were singers of a complex Pantheism, but his criticism ...


... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 19 May 1932 Amrita, Chandulal was asking who would show to the carpenter the work that is to be done in the “terrain” house. I have suggested your name — what do you say about it? 19 May 1932 ...

... Page 278 Raihana unborn. Bhababhuti? Didn't know he was a tonic against cell! As for Niren's poems, well, you know my opinion about free verse; I consider that even Whitman and Carpenter have failed to justify the departure. Niren's achievements do not alter my opinion. But the first two lines or so hare the modern epic quality—they transport us to celestial regions. Page 279 ...

... end of Chapter II of Luke, and tells of the visit of the 12-year-old Jesus to the temple in-Jerusalem where he had precocious discussions with the scholars there. We also are told that Joseph was a carpenter, and we might presume that he learned that craft, although nothing is said about that possibility in the Bible. The Meeting with John the Baptist John the Baptist, as he is best known ...


... ambiance of benevolent criticism - incisive but without anger, ridiculing but without malice -, let us keep in mind what true satire is. According to the elaborate definition offered by Prof. Rhys Carpenter and incorporated in Encyclopaedia Britannica, satire is an "expression in adequate terms of the sense of amusement or disgust excited by the ridiculous or unseemly, provided that humour is a distinctly ...

... Afterwards of course the whole machinery of nature is also directed from above, but the mental movement is not the chief one. What is the nature of Carpenter's illumination* ? *Edward Carpenter (1844-1929), English writer and social reformer whose later works express in particular a certain perception of the unity of all existence. It is difficult to say, I don't know him . ...


... from the produce. In our country they had a kind of Communism in the villages. The whole country was like a big family and the lowest had his right as a member of the family. The washerman, the carpenter, the blacksrmith, all got what they wanted. Each such commune can be independent and many such communes can be scattered all over the country and combine or coordinate their activities for a common ...


... chapter on the Victorian, Poets concentrates on the big three - Tennyson, Browning and Arnold - and then follow four chapters on "Recent English Poetry", the focus of interest being on Whitman, Carpenter, Tagore, A.E., Phillips and W.B. Yeats, all of whom were "recent poets" enough over fifty years ago when these articles were contributed to the Arya. Whitman, not unreasonably, is given the largest ...

... Education, 551, 718 Byron, Lord, 78, 490, 614 Caliban upon Setebos, 171 Cameron, D. R., 692fn. Carlyle, Thomas, 241, 271,352 Carmichael, Lord, 378, 408 Carpenter, Edward, 615 Cavour, Count, 237 Centre of Education, Sri Aurobindo International, 762ff; establishment of International University Centre, 763; renamed Centre of Education, 764; students ...

... people live like the worm in the radish." The dexterity of his hands was not limited to gardening alone. He was a skilled workman, proficient as a mason, as a house painter, a locksmith or a carpenter, as the need arose. He was fond of repeating that all the sages in ancient times knew and practised a manual craft; it reposes the mind, and also it forces one to some degree of precision. He would ...

... burst open, cleave, split; to deceive, cheat, etc.” Do we find the same senses or the same tendency in the dh family? We find dhrāḍ , to divide, split or pluck (flowers); we find dhvāṇkṣa , a carpenter; but we do not find any other words with the precise idea of splitting or breaking open or cutting—a deficiency of some importance for the proper appreciation of the guna of the seed sound dh . On ...


... destruction, deprivation .. a cut, incision, bit, section, mark or notch, a divisor छेदक, छेदन (also a bit, section), छेदिन्, छेघ, छेदित छेघं      amputation छेदि      cutting, breaking .. carpenter .. thunderbolt (छिदिः) = Page 654 छेक      tame, town-bred, shrewd, trained in town cunning (छेकाल, छेकिल) छेकः      a bee .. a kind of assonance (गन्धानन्धीकृत्य, पावनः, पवनः) (lost ...


... Page 480 pass through in the battle. [11] उ लोकः S. उत्तमो लोकः. Here distinguished from अर्वावतः & परावतः 38. 1 दीधया—hold together in thought—not as S. दीप्तां कुरु, but as a carpenter puts a car together—see v. 2. मर्मृशत् Evidently the Manisha or else Vayu = the Prana. Enjoy? reach? see 2 where it is solved. संदृशो. S. संद्रष्टुम्. 2 इना. S. ईश्वरान् गुरुन्. But ...


... Masefield, Hardy, do not occur at all or only in a passing allusion. But still the book deals among contemporary poets with Tagore, A. E. and Yeats, among recent poets with Stephen Phillips, Meredith, Carpenter, great names all of them, not to speak of lesser writers. This little book with its 135 short pages is almost too small a pedestal for the figures it has to support, not, be it understood, for the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... mātrā , is not only the Page 19 traditional, but also surely the right physical basis for the poetic movement. A recent modern tendency—that which has given us the poetry of Whitman and Carpenter and the experimentalists in vers libre in France and Italy,—denies this tradition and sets aside metre as a limiting bondage, perhaps even a frivolous artificiality or a falsification of true, free ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... truth of things, but also of all that binds them together and a bringing of them into true relation and oneness. A first opening out to this new way of seeing is the sense of the work of Whitman and Carpenter and some of the recent French poets, of Tagore and Yeats and A. E., of Meredith and some others of the English poets. There are critics who regard this tendency as only another Page 212 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... being and life and effort and his fullness and unity with all cosmic experience and with Nature and with all creatures. The note which has already begun and found many of its tones in Whitman and Carpenter and A. E. and Tagore will grow into a more full and near and intimate poetic knowledge and vision and feeling which will continue to embrace more and more, no longer only the more exceptional inner ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... hierarchy of things a yogi is doubtless higher than a poet (as Gray said of Shakespeare, 'Beneath the good how far, but far above the great') but the leading gift is a man's 'caste' surely, were he a carpenter or a musician or a yogi. It is really futile to go on arguing about Sri Aurobindo's poetry, whether it be like Milton or like Matthew Arnold or Tennyson, for my point about 'nowness' is that a poet ...

... necessarily or at least logically, if I become supramental and speak supramentally, I must sound unintelligible to everybody. Q.E.D. It is not a threat, only the statement of a natural evolution. A carpenter beaten by a rat... Say, say! I never heard of a rat beating a man before! He ought to go to the criminal court instead of the hospital. August 25, 1936 At last you have given me an ...

... their clips: For the place of the clips at least one painting is necessary to have the exact thickness. Some clips will be fitted to each frame to hold the paintings. No need of a carpenter, anybody a little careful can fix them in. Love I was absorbed in doing the last paintings of the last Book. The hostile forces played their last dreadful game by following me constantly ...


... studies are compulsory for everybody. Hence, no child can have an experience of free choice and free joy of learning until the completion of class X. If a student wants to become a mason or a carpenter, our schools have nothing to offer to him. Similarly, if he wants to be a poet,, there is hardly Page 103 anything which would be directly related in our curriculum which would nourish ...


... transposed or badly pronounced; 32. Practice with sword, single stick, quarter staff and bow and arrow; 33. Drawing inferences, reasoning or inferring; 34. Carpentry, or the work of a carpenter; 35. Architecture, or the art of building; 36. Knowledge about gold and silver coins, and jewels and gems; 37. Chemistry and mineralogy; 38. Colour jewels, gems and beads; ...

... he has great pain in right pain and wants to be reported. Sri Aurobindo: You are certainly a born supramental. "To have great pain in right pain" is of a supramental depth. 66 4.NB: A carpenter beaten by a rat ... Sri Aurobindo: Say, say! I never heard of a rat beating a man before! He ought to go to the criminal court instead of the hospital. 67 5.NB: Since the soul descended ...

... Force and knowledge are two different things and in the consciousness below Supermind, may go together or may not. Swine is not appropriate—it should be some other animal. MYSELF: A carpenter beaten by a rat. SRI AUROBINDO: Say, say! I never heard of a rat beating a man before! He ought to go to the criminal court, instead of the hospital. MYSELF: X says Mother has sent ...


... words are often transposed or badly pronounced; 32. Practice with sword, single stick, quarter staff and bow and arrow; 33. Drawing inferences, reasoning or inferring; 34. Carpentry, or the work of a carpenter; 35. Architecture, or the art of building; Page 324 Seventhly, a constant emphasis was laid on the study of human psychology, human history, and classical literature with a deliberate ...

... embody a new mantric poetry. He has also suggested that, that, considering the past evolution of English poetry and considering the trends that are visible in greater poets like Whitman, Meredith, Carpenter, A.E. and Tagore, that language, too, may turn to the discovery of mantric poetry and even the expression of that poetry through the vehicle of the English language. It is also remarkable that ...


... ey. Tairey nairey tairey na- Ar to biha korbo na. Ginger, raw plantain don't mix Husband, wife in a lousy fix The squabble starts from break of day Like mason and carpenter bray Tairey nairey. Good Heavens, no! Marriage I'll till death forego!' Everyone was enjoying this amusing rhyme when Jyoti-di from Corner House turned up. She told Dada : ...

... Buchanan, Scott 380       Bullett, Gerald 36       Bunyan, John 336        Camoens374,381,382      Camus, Albert 267,272      Canon Overton 305      Carpenter, Edward 438      Cassirer, Ernest 267      Chadwick,J.A.32      Chandidas 45      Chatterjec, Bankim Chandra 9      Chaucer, Geoffrey 9 ...


... waited he would have found that his experience had two elements, the mental and the psychic, to which the vision of fire was due. I do not think that Christ had the same experience or even Edward Carpenter. When I first got the cosmic consciousness – I call it the passive Brahman – I did not fall into unconsciousness of common things; I was fully conscious on the physical plane. It was at Baroda ...

... Theon had himself called by the Arabs; Aia Azis, "the Beloved," which is a little more amiable than "Supreme God" but hardly more reassuring) was also a gardener—as well as a painter, sculptor, carpenter and ironsmith; he did everything. "To cultivate men as one cultivates plants!" he exclaimed. "Indeed, if one knew it, wanted it, dared it!” 8 He dared aplenty. But let Mirra herself tell us about ...

... delight in the Divine Law as declared by those who have the Realisation .   [5]   The diggers bend the water to their will, the arrow-makers bend their arrow to their will, the carpenters bend the wood to their will, even so the wise bends his self to his will.   [6]   As a solid rock is not shaken by the blast, even so the wise is not shaken by praise and blame ...

... and conduct and strength, concentration on and pursuit of truth, runs a way from the Great Suffering.   [17]   Engineers canalise the water, makers of arms mould the arrow, carpenters fashion the wood, even so the sages direct them selves. Page 217 ...

... mind. The sage delights always in the Teaching imparted by the noble disciples of the Buddha. Those who build waterways lead the water where they want; those who make arrows straighten them; carpenters shape their wood; the sage controls himself. No more than a mighty rock can be shaken by the wind, can the sage be moved by praise or blame. The sage who has steeped himself in the Teaching ...

... quest for truth, perfection of knowledge and conduct, by faith destroy in you all suffering. Those who build waterways lead the water where they want; those who make arrows straighten them; carpenters shape their wood; the sage controls himself. One has the impression that these things were written for rather Page 234 primitive people. The series of calamities that will befall ...

... performance. Then a vacancy occurred in the Timber Godown and I was asked to fill it. This was a responsible allotment, for I was made the head supervisor. Still, the fire failed to burn. Leaving the carpenters to their job, I would spend my time in reading books. I used to see Dilip and other "intellectuals" of the Ashram engaged in literary activities and my subconscious ambition was to follow them and ...

... godown - a dark, dingy, windowless place that made you really 'go down' there, psychologically! (Laughter) I was not at all happy with that work either, but what to do? I had to supervise the carpenters. I knew nothing about carpentry at all, so what could I supervise? And I wasn't interested either; I had not developed a yogic attitude at all. So I used to while away my time by reading novels... of the way I was going on, my lack of interest in the work. Then, slowly, I started feeling a change inside. I began to take interest - not joy, as yet, but some interest. I began to work - the carpenter's work was a very dry sort of work, dry as sawdust! But still, somehow, something 297Rishabchand, a Marwadi businessman from Kolkata who joined the Ashram in the thirties, was one of the ...

... a mixture — and you...” He must have shrunk a few inches then and there! Rajangam had often the chance to meditate, along with some others, with Sri Aurobindo. One of them complained of noise (carpenters were working) downstairs during the meditation. Sri Aurobindo told them that one should be able to meditate on a battlefield. Rajangam came decided to live in the Ashram. He claimed and brought ...

... horses, while a convoy of 150 sledges accompanied her. Gliding over the crisp snow, their progress was swift and comfortable. At every halt hundreds fresh horses and teams of smiths, saddlers, and carpenters stood ready to see to the needs of the party and speed them on their way. By night fires at frequent intervals marked their route, but usually they stopped at the palace of the local governor ...

... and further, embracing all the universe in its affectionate grasp. Page 434 Egoism is the real prelude to death while love is the way of freedom and immortality. In Edward Carpenter's words,   Love indicates immortality. No sooner does the human being perceive this divine nucleus within himself than he knows his eternal destiny. Plunged in the matter and gross ...

... town of Pondicherry, and the surrounding villages. And paid 16,000 Pagodas 1 for it all. Soon he obtained permission to mint money locally to pay wages to the workers, such as weavers, bead-makers, carpenters, and so forth. 1 Pondicherry was no ' The Dutch had bought Pondicherry from the local king Ram-Raja, for 'perpetuity' for the sum of 25,000 Pagodas. Page 149 longer ...

... Harappā people were technically in advance of their contemporaries - they had devised a saw with undulating teeth, which allowed the dust to escape freely from the cut, and much simplified the carpenter's task. From this we may assume that they had particular skill in carpentry." 22 Then there is the twisted copper or bronze drill discovered by Rao at Lothal. Sankalia records the find and comments: ...

... seed of the Brahminic institution. Neither the kingship nor the priesthood was hereditary to begin with. In fact, there was an interclass mobility. But given human tendencies, it was easier for a carpenter's son to learn good carpentry. Therefore the hereditary principle emerged at an early stage of social development. But, mind you, the status of a man was not fixed by his birth, but by his capacities ...

... and was hoping that Mother would not give me a teaching assignment. I just kept saying. “Let Mother give me any other work!” So, she put me to work in the Carpentry Department supervising all the carpenters! I had a very nice boss and could see the ocean from my office. My boss said, “Mother wishes that one should not read nor meditate during work hours.” So very often when I had no immediate work I ...

... there" 24 , the first signs of discoloration, and the Mother decided to inter the body in the evening. Designed by Udar, the casket was manufactured in the Ashram Harpagon Workshop by expert carpenters supervised by Panu Sarkar, Udar's able assistant. It had large brass rings to hold the ropes with which it would be lowered into the deep vault, and on the lid was fixed Sri Aurobindo's symbol cast ...

... choose their pursuits, very much like to be carpenters, masons, decorators, cooks, technicians, linguists, surgeons, managers, pilots, chauffeurs. And with this free pursuit, they will work out their natural inclinations and be fit in good time for the professions of their choice. But how much fear is born of the fact that we want our children not to be carpenters, musicians, dancers -- we want them to ...

... students, if they are free to choose their pursuits, very much tike to be carpenters, masons, managers, pilots, chauffeurs. And with this free pursuit, they will work out their natural inclinations and be fit in good time for the professions of their choice. But how much fear is born of the fact that we want our children to be carpenters, musicians, dancers we want them to be doctors, managers, lawyers ...

... Fire carrying the Gods to the sacrifice. We read next that by Agni one gets substance and increase or plenty day by day; by him one gets puissant fame. It may pass;—for were not the Vedic Rishis carpenters, greengrocers, chariot-makers? and perhaps the poet was a renowned blacksmith or a primitive iron-master or even, like Draupadi, a successful & famous cook. But when we find that Agni is said to ...

... mind. The sage delights always in the Teaching imparted by the noble disciples of the Buddha. Those who build waterways lead the water where they want; those who make arrows straighten them; carpenters shape their wood; the sage controls himself. No more than a mighty rock can be shaken by the wind, can the sage be moved by praise or blame. The sage who has steeped himself in the Teaching ...

... Pestalozzi accepted the proposal enthusiastically. He was fifty, and felt it was his last chance, the "death or success of my aims". He moved into a half-built convent, still swarming with masons and carpenters. There were many difficulties. Not only was he considered as a representative of a highly unpopular central government, he was a Protestant in a predominantly Catholic area. He had hardly settled ...

... countrymen:   "And when... he taught in their synagogues, in so much that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works?   "Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?   "And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things? ...

... from here? Coconuts are rather hard to get in the hospital. Shall I ask Dyuman to supply two a day? If he can find—in some seasons it is hardly possible to find them— I find that workmen—carpenters—go to see him on their way home. Shall I ask Chandulal to forbid them? Yes, of course. That should be strictly forbidden. February 3, 1936 You can send your Force to whomever you ...

... and the rich, the high and the low castes, everyone lived in a happy solidarity. All those we consider to be the 'lower' class or 'lower' caste people, fishermen, bagdis (scheduled class), potters, carpenters, they all came to our house regularly. During the pujas they would all receive clothes, puffed rice, coconut-sweets and other things. During weddings and the thread ceremony and during the preparations ...

... preparing. Here there are at least a few who have started one or two of them. Only that does not show outside. The physical or external alone shows outside. About the vaccination, Chandulal says some carpenters and painters will not be working on the roof building. So shall I start with them? That is all right. Then, as to the sadhaks, if you don't give a notice, I am afraid everyone will refuse ...

... such periods of transitional unstable Page 231 equilibrium are the most difficult to render dramatically without making the character either a confused blur or an ill-joined piece of carpenter's work. Here Kalidasa excels. He has the ready tact of speech gradations, the power of simple & telling slightness that can alone meet the difficulty. By an unlaboured and inevitable device the necessary ...

... large themes: boyhood, paternity, trust, loyality, and the traps in which ordinary lives may be caught. Its unforced "happy" ending moves us. It is honest. DAVE DIAMOND, a poor man, a carpenter's assistant, was a small, wiry, quicktempered individual who had learned how to make every dollar count in his home. His wife, Anna, had been sick a lot, and his twelve-year-old son, Steve, had to ...

... colony are people who have fled the North-eastern states because of the unrest there. DRAG's survey revealed that a number of old time migrants to Delhi who have lived and worked here as gardeners, carpenters, petty traders for the last 30 odd years have also settled down in Mohan Garden since plots were being sold here. The above residents are relatively well off and can afford the fees of the private ...