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... emissaries of the Emperor. Vorontsov was to use his great authority to dissuade Catherine from acting treasonably towards her husband; Trubetskoi and Shuvalov had undertaken to ensure the loyalty of the guards and were Page 32 Catherine the Great by Vigilius Eriksen, c. 1762 empowered to kill Catherine, if necessary. By the time they reached the palace, however, all three men... officers and men. At the same time Panin did not see in Catherine the saviour of Russia and he had no thought that she would ascend the throne; his idea had always been that her son the Grand Duke Paul should be Emperor, while she would merely act as regent until he came of age, and he still favoured imposing restraints on the autocratic power. Catherine listened coldly and attentively to him. She did... remain in the Summer Palace, available in case of need. It was on the Orlov brothers that Catherine chiefly depended. They had by mid-June won over all the guards officers, with a few minor exceptions, and they were actively sowing disaffection more widely in the army. In earlier discussions with them, Catherine may have approved their plan to seize the Emperor in Page 24 Peter ...
... Catherine the Great A few anecdotes and events during Catherine's reign I "New Russia" and the journey to Crimea The journey to the Crimea, which Catherine made in 1787, was a triumphal progress of incredible magnificence, marking a splendid climax in her reign. It was intended to impress not only Turkey, but the whole civilized world with the... anchored at Kremenchug, where Catherine watched manoeuvres by 12,000 men, wearing the new uniforms introduced by Potemkin to give his troops greater comfort and efficiency. Thence they travelled on to the site of Ekaterinoslav, designated the capital of New Russia. The site was at an elevated part of the Dnieper bank not far distant from the rapids, and there Catherine, after prayers and blessings... city. Finally Catherine with her large party reached Kherson, one of the goals of the journey. Here Potemkin was able to show her the town which he had founded and built in eight years. Already it was considerable in size with an impressive admiralty building, a busy harbour and a dockyard where a 66-gun warship and a 40-gun frigate were launched in her presence. Catherine inspected the city ...
... Catherine the Great Catherine the Great as Statesman We can hardly doubt the good intentions of Catherine in the early years of her reign. In her copy of Fenelon's Telemaque were found these resolutions: Study mankind, learn to use men without surrendering to them unreservedly. Search for true merit, be it at the other end of the world, for usually... Le Grand Monarque: The generosity of Catherine, the splendor of her reign, the magnificence of her court, her institutions, her monuments, her wars, were precisely to Page 61 Russia what the age of Louis XIV was to Europe; but, considered individually, Catherine was greater than this Prince. The French formed the glory of Louis; Catherine formed that of the Russians. She had not... her vast area was made almost impossible by the number (ten thousand), diversity, contradictions, and. chaos of existing laws. Hoping to play Justinian to Russia, and to consolidate her power, Catherine, on December 14, 1766, summoned to Moscow administrative agents and legal experts from every part of the empire, to undertake a thorough revision and codification of Russian law. In preparation ...
... six marriages is usually less well known: Henry did not get a son from his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, which meant that the house of the Tudors would lose the crown and that the kingdom might be ruled by a foreign king. Catherine gave him a daughter, Mary. Anne Boleyn, whom he married after repudiating Catherine, bore him Elizabeth. Only from his third wife, Jane Seymour, did he get a son, Edward... up in the history books, but she never told them. And, yes, she had been ‘that Catherine,’ by whom she meant the Great Catherine II, of Russia (1729-96). 49 The characteristics of the other lives we know about are distinctly present in this incarnation too. There was the difficult start in life before Catherine became Empress, comprising ‘18 years of deception and humiliation’ during her marriage... painters: the slim figure of Catherine, for eighteen years subdued and victimized, at last in command perfectly assured on horseback, attractive in her Guards uniform, at the head of company after company of soldiers, their boots thudding on the road in unison.’ 50 (Who, reading this, does not think of Joan of Arc?) The author of these words, Vincent Cronin, who calls Catherine ‘Russia’s one person R ...
... eventually counted among his subscribers Catherine II of Russia, Stanislas Poniatowski, king of Poland, and many princes of the smaller German States. His introduction to Catherine II of Russia took place at St Petersburg in 1773. In 1777 he again left Paris on a visit to St Petersburg, where he remained for nearly a year in daily intercourse with Catherine. He acted as Paris agent for the Empress... Catherine the Great Notes Russia under Catherine the Great Frederick the Great wrote, about 1776: « Of all the neighbors of Prussia, Russia merits most attention, as being the most dangerous; it is powerful and near. Those who in future will govern Prussia will like me, be forced to cultivate friendship of these barbarians." Always, in thinking of... favorite of Catherine the Great. Potemkin was born in Smolensk Province on Sept. 13, 1739. He received considerable education in history, classics, and theology, and distinguished himself at the University of Moscow. But he found the army life more suitable than a seminary to his wild and imaginative temperament. He assisted in the coup d'état of June 1762 which brought Catherine II (the Great) ...
... Catherine the Great Catherine II (Painting of Russian School, copy after Alexander Roslin) II Reform of the Law Although Catherine did not hesitate to follow self-interest in foreign relations, she took an idealistic view of her domestic problems. She turned from Machiavelli¹ to Montesquieu². When she thought of Courland and Poland she pictured... aristocratic Russians suddenly became very bold. Dr. Dimsdale was kept busy with impatient applicants. "A few weeks ago," said Catherine, "nobody would hear of inoculation; but now nobody can wait to be vaccinated. It has become the fashion." Extracts from Catherine the Great by Katharine Anthony Garden City publishing Company, Garden City, New York ___________________ ¹ Rife:... ukase." During the reign of Elisabeth Petrovna, the Senate had discussed the need of codifying the laws but postponements had ensued and nothing had been accomplished. On the threshold of her reign, Catherine was met by this need. It was a task made to her hand. She took the ancient code of Czar Alexei in one hand and Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws in the other. There seemed to be no way of reconciling ...
... Catherine the Great Catherine the Great ( Panting by Johann Baptist Lompi the Elder - 1793 ) Catherine the Great Introduction In England the period of the New Monarchy from Edward IV to Elizabeth, in France the great Bourbon period from Henry IV to Louis XIV in Spain the epoch which extends from Ferdinand to Philip II, in Russia the rule... single, undivided, perfectly efficient and perfectly directed mind and body. Sri Aurobindo — The Ideal of Human Unity Catherine was born in 1729, as Princess Sophia of Anhalt-Zerbst, the elder daughter of an obscure, noble German family. She died in 1796 as Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia. At the age of 14, she was summoned to the Russian court by the Empress Elisabeth, to be groomed... Catherine the Great in 1694, two years before her death (Painting by Vladimir Borovikosky who lived and moved in this setting of almost unbearable luxury. Yet, little imagination is needed w see we other side of we picture which calls for questions: where did all this money come from? Whose hands built, decorated and maintained all this? Catherine was not a m ...
... pronounce her final acceptance of orthodox faith and heard her christened anew as Catherine Alexevna, the name chosen by the Empress in honour of her own mother, Catherine I of Russia. On the following day she faced the ordeal of her betrothal Page 21 Scenes of Russia at the time of Catherine II: the main mode of transport for long distances at the time: the diligence... rebaptism, but public, taking place in the Uspensky Cathedral, where the Tsars of Russia had always been crowned. With all the magnificent ceremonial of the Orthodox Church, Catherine and Peter exchanged vows and rings, and Catherine was then proclaimed Grand Duchess. The little German princess from Zerbst, now an Orthodox Russian, was launched on her career. * * * Page 22 ... Catherine the Great The Arrival in Russia On 10 January 1744, the Princess Sophia of Anhalt- Zerhst set out with her parents as though on their annual visit to Berlin. Their departure from Zerbst was unobtrusive, for both her mother and father had taken care to give the impression in the town that nothing special was happening; they had not even explained to ...
... That's why I am insisting. And Russia.... Russia, changed to the right side, it would be wonderful!... I don't know why.... Naturally I was Russian in a recent incarnation, when I was.... Is it Catherine? Catherine, yes. And that's very much alive in me. My impression is that if the whole Russian bloc were to turn to the right side, it would be a tremendous support.... And they are not satisfied; ...
... it lays on one by its rigid rules and its grinding tasks, there is the very great possibility of its not spiritualising one at all. Who is usually in charge of a nunnery? Not a St. Teresa or a St. Catherine, but an ordinary Mother Superior who has an ability to govern and organise, but no special spiritual radiancy. How is she to help one's soul? Of course one may turn to the occult Christ and worship... traits, for they too are not supernormal folk. A religious bent of mind or an impetuous turn towards the cloister does not transmute people into superhuman beings. And unless a St. Teresa or a St. Catherine is there to guide a nun and help her and uplift her by their very presence and make all her travails and tribulations as worth while as they can be made, the aspirant will not attain her genuine goal ...
... quote passages at one another for ever. Page 82 You quote Emily Bronte as she writes 'though earth and men were gone' etc. But what about the passage in Wuthering Heights where Catherine Earnshaw weeps in heaven and begs the angels to bring her back to Wuthering Heights? Emily is not a good example in support of your argument. However, on the 'overhead' 1 do think you win: without... enrolling her creator, Emily Bronte, on my side. To counter my quotation of the lines in which she writes 'Though earth and men were gone" you ask me: "What about the passage in Wuthering Heights where Catherine Earnshaw weeps in heaven and begs the angels to bring her back to Wuthering Heights?" And you remark: "Emily is not a good example in support of your argument." Well, you have me there to some extent ...
... Catherine the Great Illumination, Heroism and Harmony Preface The task of preparing teaching-learning material for value- oriented education is enormous. There is, first, the idea that value-oriented education should be exploratory rather than prescriptive, and that the teaching- learning material should provide to the learners a growing... maximisation of one or more elements of our nature. When illumination and heroism join and engender relations of mutuality and unity, each is perfected by the other and creativity is endless. Catherine the Great was indeed heroic in her devotion to work till the very end of her life. She looked for illumination through the vast correspondance she kept, despite her punishing schedule, with many ...
... from Edward IV to Elizabeth, in France the great Bourbon period from Henry IV to Louis XIV, in Spain the epoch which extends from Ferdinand to Philip II, in Russia the rule of Peter the Great and Catherine were the time in which these nations reached their maturity, formed fully and confirmed their spirit and attained to a robust organisation. And all these were periods of absolutism or of movement ...
... In: Les Enjeux du XXIe siècle – Entretien avec Antonio Polito, pp. 97-98. × Catherine Collange: op. cit., p. 97. × Gilles Lipovetsky: op. cit., pp. 122 and 76. ...
... gradually, until it produces a conscious being. Now, this ( Mother's being ) is a rather special conscious being.... The psychic of this life ( laughing ) was rather collective! Memories of Catherine the Great, memories of Elizabeth, memories of two lives at the same time (!) at the time of Francis I, 4 memories ... innumerable memories, and quite diverse. Each one ... It's not that you were ...
... Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati 's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism ...
... Siege of Troy Gods & the World Homer and the Iliad -Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Socrates Alexander the Great The Crucifixion Joan of Arc Catherine the Great Uniting Men — Jean Monnet Arguments for the Existence of God Marie Sklodowska Curie Page 106 ...
... Crucifixion Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity ...
... and demanded an escort to Chinon so that she could go and see the king. Robert was flabbergasted. He was a rough, simple soldier, not a man to be impressed by such a story that St. Michael, St. Catherine and St. Margaret had appeared to a peasant maid and entrusted her with the Herculean task of freeing France from its foreign invaders. In short, he told her not to be a little fool, and sent her home ...
... (SAIIER), Auroville ____________________________ Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men —Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc The Crucifixion Nachiketas Socrates Sri Krishna in Brindavan Other titles published by SAIIER ...
... Meanwhile, on both sides, everyone is waiting for the battle for Orleans to begin. Suddenly...) About noon I was chatting with Madame Boucher; nothing was going on, all was quiet, when Catherine Boucher suddenly entered in great excitement, and said— 'Fly, sir, fly! The Maid was dozing in her chair in my room, when she sprang up and cried out, "French blood is flowing! —my arms, give ...
... the Illumination, Heroism and Harmony Series Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men —Jean Monnet Joan of Arc The Crucifixion Page 129 Page Back ...
... Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Taittiriya Upanishad Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Svapna Vasavadattam Arguments ...
... quickly built Fort St George. In 1668, King Charles II transferred to the East India Company the site of Bombay (Mumbai), which he had received as part of a dowry when marrying the Portuguese princess, Catherine of Braganza. In 1690, Job Charnok, at the invitation of Nawab Ibrahim Khan, laid the foundations of Calcutta. The site was a swampy land on the Bhagirath comprising the village of Sutanati, to which ...
... walk in the garden with my visitors. I go down towards the cottage at the foot of the meadow, where Marianne and my son-in-law Gerard Lieberherr spend their weekends. Their children — Jean-Gabriel, Catherine, Jean-Marc, and Marie — run on ahead. Now I have time to be with them, and get to Page 124 know them individually as they grow up. I press on into the paths round Bazoches, where I meet ...
... 'Cabinet des Estampes.' The 'princesses' Mother mentions are Elisabeth de Valois and her younger sister Marguerite de Valois Page 127 (1552-1615). They were the daughters of Catherine de Medici and Henri II, son of Frangois I and Claude of France. A suppressed merriment lit up Mother's face. "And I started making remarks aloud (it took me a while to realize that people were ...
... tranquil immensity penetrated with love and light, filled with an unspeakable beatitude is all that is there and that alone seems now to be myself .... 5 This is rather reminiscent of St. Catherine of Siena's description of the unitive state: "The body loses its feeling, so that seeing eyes see not, and hearing ears hear not, and the tongue does not speak .... " Like the wax in the fire, ...
... from on high came quickly. A brilliant light shone about him; he heard in his ears a divine voice of adorable sweetness." Similar instances are recorded in the lives of St. Teresa an St. Catherine of Sienna, which go to prove the stupendous power of conversion and transformation inherent in the act of self-surrender. It is only by self-surrender, that is to say, by surrender of the limited ...
... 30 love. Neither the mind nor the surface heart of fugitive emotions can have that passionate seeking and aspiration, that self-effacing surrender, which we find in a Chaitanya or a St. Catherine of Genoa. The hungering physical, the craving vital, the straining and clinging emotional, and the groping mental parts of man are constitutionally incapable of concentrating on the Divine and making ...
... g of the ailing who come to the emergency department. Most probably your new job reveals a field for which your new name - "Kripa" - has acted like an "Open Sesame". "Kripa" in place of the old "Catherine" is what has come through me from the Mother's overflowing love and compassion not only to kindle in you her true child but also to act through you to spread her warm wide being to the world you live ...
... the intellectuals and the international relations between countries. It was the time that Voltaire stayed at the court of the Prussian King Frederick II, and Diderot held long conversations with Catherine II of Russia, emphasizing his words with forceful taps on her thigh. But Reason was a newcomer on this scene, in the sense that previously, in the Middle Ages, it had been no more than “the handmaid ...
... "father or reputed father of Deianira": 4 "the story that Dionysus was the real father of 1. Ibid., p. 276. 2 Ibid., p. 120. 3. The New Century Classical Handbook, edited by Catherine B. Averery (New York, 1962), p. 405, col. I. 4. The Oxford Classical Dictionary, edited by M. Cary and others (1961), p. 618, Page 87 Deianira... suggests that they were ...
... XI.V.66 Aurobindo, Śri, The Foundations of Indian Culture (The Śri Aurobindo Library, New York City, 1953) On the Veda (Śri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1956) Averary, Catherine B., Ed., The New Century Classical Handbook (New York, 1962) Bagchi, P. C, Presidential Address, The Indian History Congress, 1943 Barua, B. M., Aśoka and His ...
... And mak'st man what he is, Creature divine ... The early Wordsworth once actually went out of his way to repudiate vehemently the charge of identifying God with Nature. In a letter to Mrs. Catherine Clarkson in 1814 about the misinterpretation by her friend of the religious views expressed in The Excursion, he wrote: "Where does she gather that the author of The Excursion looks upon Nature ...
... Auroville __________________________________________ Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander theGreat Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men -Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc The Crucifixion Nachiketas Socrates Sri Krishna in Brindavan Sri Rama The beloved and victorious ...
... Educational Research (SAIIER), Auroville Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Gods and the World joan of Arc The Crucifixion Other titles published by SAIIER and Shubhra Ketu Foundation The Aim of Life The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil ...
... the Illumination, Heroism and Harmony Series Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men —Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc Page 130 ...
... Research (SAIIER), Auroville Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men — Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc The Crucifixion Nachiketas Socrates Sri Krishna in Brindavan Sri Rama The beloved and victorious ...
... Institute of Educational Research (SAIIER), Auroville Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men — Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc The Crucifixion Nachiketas Socrates Sri Krishna in Brindavan Sri Rama The beloved and victorious ...
... Crucifixion Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards ...
... Crucifixion Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati’s Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal ...
... of Kalidasa •The Siege of Troy •Homer and the Iliad-Sri Aurobindo and Ilion •Gods and the World •Socrates •Crucifixion •Alexander the Great •Joan of Arc •Catherine the Great •Uniting Men-Jean Monnet •Arguments for the Existence of God •Marie Sklodowska Curie × ...
... •The Siege of Troy •Homer and the Iliad-Sri Aurobindo and Ilion •Gods and the World •Socrates •Crucifixion •Alexander the Great m •Joan of Arc •Catherine the Great •Uniting Men-Jean Monnet •Arguments for the Existence of God •Marie Sklodowska Curie Page 39 × ...
... the Illumination and Harmony series Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The siege Of Troy Alexander the great Homer and the Iliad- Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Joan of Arc The crucifixion Gods and the World Printed at Auroville Press Auroville 2005 ...
... Crucifixion Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati’s Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity ...
... Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism ...
... Crucifixion Uniting Men Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis Compiled by Kireet ...
... Crucifixion Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the lliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity ...
... skull from the cremation-ground and make you a new head!" "Clap all of you, come on, clap all together!" Everyone began clapping. The man went up in the air and did somersaults like a turning catherine-wheel. And like a spring he landed on the ground. "Hare-re-re-re-re-haaaa. . . " And in this way, they showed us one trick after an other. There is one more thing I saw in my ...
... Buddha, Gautama, Siddhartha (Shakyamuni) 42, 60, 96,164-6,172,180, 317, 460, 482, 552, 631, 639ff, 772 Bula (Charuchandra Mukherjee) 820 Carlyle, Thomas 483 Cartier-Bresson, Henri 489 Catherine of Siena, Saint 93 Centre of Education, Sri Aurobindo International The Mother opens the School 432-3 interest in the children 432-4, 507-8, 529-30, 668-9 opens the playgrounds 434-6 ...
... psychological justification was deficient or only in process of creation, the vital and physical case for a strictly united Russia, not excluding Finland, was overwhelming. The work of the Peters and Catherines was founded on a strong political, military and economic necessity. From the political and military point of view, all these Slavic nations had everything to lose by disunion, because, disunited ...
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