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A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
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Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [1]
Beyond Man [1]
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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
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Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [3]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [5]
Essays on the Gita [3]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [6]
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Evolving India [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
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Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [5]
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Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Letters on Yoga - IV [1]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
Overhead Poetry [2]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [3]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
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Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
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Questions and Answers (1956) [2]
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Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Birth of Savitr [2]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
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The Life Divine [10]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [2]
The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
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Wager of Ambrosia [1]
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English [120]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [6]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [1]
Beyond Man [1]
Collected Poems [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [3]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [5]
Essays on the Gita [3]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [6]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Evolving India [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [5]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Letters on Yoga - IV [1]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
Overhead Poetry [2]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [3]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Philosophy of Indian Art [1]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Birth of Savitr [2]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Life Divine [10]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [2]
The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Secret Splendour [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [4]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
120 result/s found for Cosmic Spirit

... responsible, for, he accepts the action of the Gunas of nature. Page 169 Disciple : But it is the Cosmic Spirit that makes him accept it, is it not? Sri Aurobindo : No. The Cosmic Spirit does not act directly. It acts through the Nature. The Cosmic Spirit acts not through the true individuality but through the individual in Nature. It acts through personality and personality... Nature. As I said, the Cosmic Spirit works through Nature and not direct. Disciple : But the Cosmic Spirit works its purpose through the individual, by making him carry out its intention. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, but that does not mean that the individual is not responsible. The Cosmic is and contains both good and evil. Disciple : Then it is the Cosmic Spirit that is responsible for... look beyond the Cosmic Spirit to the Transcendent, and act in the Cosmos according to the will of the Transcendent – is it so? Sri Aurobindo : Yes, that is to say, instead of being an instrument of ignorant nature you become the instrument of the Divine. Disciple : Do you mean by the Cosmic Spirit the Impersonal Consciousness? Sri Aurobindo : No, The Cosmic Spirit is a Personality ...

... not the Cosmic Spirit that makes him accept them? SRI AUROBINDO: No, the Cosmic Spirit doesn't act directly. It acts through the individual, not the true individual but the individual in Nature, what may be called the individual personality. The personality, of course, is not the Person: it is something formed in the mental, vital and physical nature. NIRODBARAN: Well, if the Cosmic Spirit doesn't... does it become possible for the individual to look beyond the Cosmic spirit to the Transcendent? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes; that is to say, instead of being an instrument of ignorant Nature, you become the instrument of the Divine. PURANI: Do you mean by the Cosmic Spirit the Impersonal Consciousness? SRI AUROBINDO: No, the Cosmic Spirit is a personality but not in our narrow sense. It is both dynamic... destiny, fate and the Cosmic Spirit had bewildered Nirodbaran. He wanted to get out of his bewilderment by asking a few more questions. But he was hesitant and expressed his feeling PURANI: Nirodbaran intends to ask you a question but he hesitates. It is the contradiction in what you said yesterday that he is unable to understand. NIRODBARAN: Once you said that the Cosmic Spirit might be leading Hitler ...


... Mother, what does "cosmic spirit and cosmic Nature" mean? Universal. Cosmic is the synonym of universal. But what does "cosmic spirit" mean? Cosmic spirit? It is the cosmic spirit, it is the universal spirit, it is the spirit that's in the whole universe. There is a universe. You know what the universe is? Well, this universe has a spirit, and this spirit is the cosmic spirit; this universe ...


... above us; but he is also the Self of all beings, the Master of all worlds, transcending all worlds, the Light and the Guide, the All-Beautiful and AllBlissful, the Beloved and the Lover. He is the Cosmic Spirit and all-creating Energy around us; he is the Immanent within us. All that is is he, and he is the More than all that is, and we ourselves, though we know it not, are being of his being, force of... calls us, an ascent out of this cosmic identity into the identity of the Divine Transcendence. The Master of our works and our being is not merely a Godhead here within us, nor is he merely a cosmic Spirit or some kind of universal Power. The world and the Divine are not one and the same thing, as a certain kind of pantheistic thinking would like to believe. The world is an emanation; it depends upon... its effective expression is not that of the Truth-Consciousness, the divine Gnosis, but still, though wonderfully freed, uplifted and illumined, supports only the present self-expression of the Cosmic Spirit and does not transform, as would a transcendental Descent, the ambiguous symbols and veiled mysteries of a world of Ignorance. Ourselves are free, but the earth-consciousness remains in bondage; ...


... in the Divine. The self contains the universe. The Cosmic Spirit or Self The Cosmic Spirit or Self contains everything in the cosmos—it upholds cosmic Mind, universal Life, universal Matter as well as the Overmind. The Self is more than all these things which are its formulations in Nature. Page 30 It [ the Cosmic Spirit ] uses Truth and Falsehood, Knowledge and Ignorance and... and all the other dualities as elements in the manifestation and works out what has to be worked out till all is ready for a higher working. The Cosmic Spirit contains the Supermind, but it keeps it above and works for the present between the Overmind and the physical. It is only when the Ignorance is removed that the Supra mental becomes directly a dynamic part of the workings of cosmic Nature ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... consciousness, then, charts our journey on earth: the discovery of the psychic being or immanent Spirit, the discovery of Nirvana or transcendent Spirit, and the discovery of the central being of cosmic Spirit. This is probably the real meaning of the Father-Son-Holy Ghost trinity of the Christian tradition. Our purpose is not to decide which experience is better than the other, but to verify them for... Everest to set up the launching pad! Similarly, the yogi can realize cosmic consciousness in any point, or at any level, of his being – in his mind, in his heart, and even in his body – because the cosmic Spirit is everywhere, in every point of the universe. The experience can begin anywhere, at any level, by concentrating on a rock or a sparrow, an idea, a prayer, a feeling, or what people scornfully call... mind is there but nothing beyond, as there is no Supermind manifested in anybody, so Supermind can never be born. Sobhanallah! Glory, Glory, Glory to the human reason! Luckily the Divine or the Cosmic Spirit or Nature or whatever is there cares a damn for the human reason. He or She or It does what He or She or It has to do, whether it can or can't be done. 343 Thousands of years ago, the rishis ...

... same way, society, community or nation is also a being, a living power of the eternal Truth, a self-manifestation of the cosmic Spirit, and it is there to express and fulfil in its own way and to the degree of its capacities the special truth and power and meaning of the cosmic Spirit that is within it. It is for this reason, Sri Aurobindo observes, that the primal law and a purpose of the society, community... foundation of the philosophy of the individual and the aggregate and of nationality and national unity is to be found in Sri Aurobindo's concept of the reality of the individual spirit and that of the cosmic spirit. According to Sri Aurobindo, the individual is not merely an ephemeral physical creature, a form of mind and body that aggregates and dissolves, but a being, a living power of eternal Truth, a ...

... found for it. परा मनीषा, आद्या मनीषा, दैवी मनीषा, any of these might do, if no single word can be found or invented. Overmind and Intuition Is Overmind to the Cosmic Spirit as Intuition is to the individual Self? The Cosmic Spirit uses all powers, but Overmind power is the highest it normally uses in the present scheme of things here. In that sense as intuition is normally the highest power... November 1933 Judging from your description of Overmind [in the preceding letter], it would seem that what the Vedantins (especially of the Mayavada School) call kāraṇa is Overmind, īśvara is the cosmic spirit in Overmind, and prājña is individualised being in the Overmind. Supermind would be in turīya and mahākāraṇa, about which they had only a few glimpses. In kāraṇa and īśvara, they must have found ...


... becomes more and more the sacrifice of the eternal in the individual constantly self-offered to the eternal Transcendence. It is offered in the wide sacrificial ground of the field of the eternal cosmic Spirit; and the Force too that offers it is the eternal Force, the omnipresent Page 113 Mother. Therefore is this way a way of union and communion by acts and by the spirit and knowledge in... mine to all creatures. I then see the world in me or as one with me. I perceive the universe as a scene in my being, the play of its processes as a movement of forms and souls and forces in my cosmic spirit; I meet myself and none else everywhere. Not, be it well noted, with the error of the Asura, the Titan, who lives in his own inordinately magnified shadow, mistakes ego for the self and spirit and... self-represented in numberless personality, a Master of Knowledge, a Master of Forces, a Lord of love and bliss and beauty, a single Origin of the worlds, a self-manifester and self-creator, a Cosmic Spirit, a universal Mind, a universal Life, the conscious and living Reality supporting the appearance which we sense as unconscious inanimate Matter. On the other side he becomes aware of the same Godhead ...


... of various universes, and it was undertaken because the Spirit in things is afraid of no possibility of itself but is rather ready to sanction all by its will towards manifest existence. To the Cosmic Spirit which sees things as a whole, the working out of this universe or any universe is self-justified, the obscure labour of the emergence no less than the glory of its completion and final perfection... of an inconscient Power to release these latencies each in its turn out of their involution in the original Inconscience. It is an All-consciousness that is working, the force of a self-aware cosmic Spirit, and the emergence of its secret powers is implied in the very nature of existence; therefore the result is inevitable. Science has discovered a physical evolution hidden in the past history... formulation will be that in which the cosmic Existence will find its own full affirmation, manifest through the original veil of Matter its self-awareness, self-knowledge, self-realisation. The Cosmic Spirit hidden in the Inconscience is then the Alpha, its manifestation in the consciousness of spiritualised man the Omega. The Stages of Evolution Matter, Life, Mind, Supermind 59 The evolution ...


... already beginning to return, something which belongs to the future. An Indian temple, to whatever godhead it may be built, is in its inmost reality an altar raised to the divine Self, a house of the Cosmic Spirit, an appeal and aspiration to the Infinite. As that and in the light of that seeing and conception it must in the first place be understood, and everything else must be seen in that setting and that... meant by a kindred close response to some touch of the cosmic consciousness, some revelation of the greater spiritual self, some suggestion of the Infinite. These things, the spiritual self, the cosmic spirit, the Infinite, are not rational, but suprarational, eternal presences, but to the intellect only words, and visible, sensible, Page 273 near only to an intuition and revelation in our ...


... realization he has to make a final choice,—he must either abandon the world and merge into that Reality or else seek that which will transform it. Towards that choice no help was available and the cosmic spirit remained just an aspect of Non-being, the first Asat. But that Asat is ever inaccessible. Perhaps in it if all should vanish then the golden Sphinx might reveal something of her mystery. But... with the realization of the divine beyond the impersonal and is least concerned if she is going to disappear altogether in it or new-become the All. VII: 7 The Discovery of the Cosmic Spirit and the Cosmic Consciousness Beyond the Creation, beyond Sachchidananda, beyond the manifest Reality Savitri has reached the ultimate Supreme, Paratpara, the Absolute or the utter ...


... loosely described as states of cosmic consciousness. Sri Aurobindo uses the term "cosmic consciousness" in a more specific sense: The cosmic consciousness is that of the universe, of the cosmic spirit and cosmic Nature with all the beings and forces within it. All that is as much conscious as a whole as the individual separately is, though in a different way. The consciousness of the individual... universal self. 7 The cosmic consciousness is that in which the limits of ego, personal mind and body disappear and one becomes aware of a cosmic vastness which is or filled by a cosmic spirit and aware also of the direct play of cosmic forces,... It is not that the ego, the body, the personal mind disappear, but one feels them as only a small part of oneself. One begins to feel others ...


... not exist by the individual or depend upon it: it is not a sum of individual beings, a pluralistic totality created by the conscious life of individuals; if an All-Soul exists, it must be the one Cosmic Spirit supporting the one cosmic Force in its works, and it repeats here, modified in the terms of cosmic existence, the primary relation of the dependence of the Many on the One. It is inconceivable that... different from Matter to be products of Matter; Matter itself is a product of Energy, and mind and life must be regarded as superior products of the same Energy. If we admit the existence of a cosmic Spirit, the Energy must be spiritual; life and mind must be independent products of a spiritual energy and themselves powers of manifestation of the Spirit. It then becomes irrational to suppose that Spirit ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the evolutionary principle and process. All action, all mental, vital, physical activities in the world are the operation of a universal Energy, a Consciousness-Force which is the power of the Cosmic Spirit working out the cosmic and individual truth of things. But since this creative Consciousness assumes in Matter a mask of inconscience and puts on the surface appearance of a blind universal Force... in the working of the universal Consciousness-Force; the individual Purusha would become the master of his own executive energy and at the same time a conscious partner, agent, instrument of the Cosmic Spirit in the working of the universal Energy: the universal Energy would work through him, but he also would work through her and the harmony of the intuitive truth would make this double working a single ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the individual one with the cosmic spirit and find their greater reality above in an inexpressible but not unknowable Transcendence. The Jiva, possessed of himself, must give himself up into the being of the Divine. The self of the man must be made one with the Self of all; the self of the finite individual must pour itself into the boundless finite and that cosmic spirit too must be exceeded in the ...


... become commensurate with or contain it—which was what was meant in the language of the old Yogas by having the brahmāṇḍa within you. The cosmic consciousness is that of the universe, of the cosmic Spirit and cosmic Nature with all the beings and forces within it. All that is as much conscious as a whole as the individual separately is, though in a different way. The consciousness of the individual... that essential Reality. 2) The cosmic consciousness is that in which the limits of ego, personal mind and body disappear and one becomes aware of a cosmic vastness which is or is filled by a cosmic Spirit and aware also of the direct play of cosmic forces, universal Page 271 mind forces, universal life forces, universal energies of Matter, universal Overmind forces. But one does not become ...


... true? He has seen that by following it he has been able to get Austria, Czechoslovakia and he has been successful in many other things. Then how can you say it is not a true voice? As I said, the Cosmic Spirit may want him to go that way. Even morally, you can't say that he is immoral. He is very restricted as regards food and is supposed to have no wife or mistress and leads a controlled life in all... was he right? He thought he was quite right in what he was doing, while others thought he was wrong. And yet, but for his action India would not have been half as free as she is to-day. So, the Cosmic Spirit may have, after all, led him to do it to bring this result. There is a Cabalist prophesy   :  the golden age will come when the Jews will be driven off and persecuted every where. So, Hitler may ...

... Appendix I: The Tangle of Karma Obviously we must leave far behind us the current theory of Karma and its shallow attempt to justify the ways of the Cosmic Spirit by forcing on them a crude identity with the summary notions of law and justice, the crude and often savagely primitive methods of reward and punishment, lure and deterrent dear to the surface human... as possible for the endless flexibility and variety and complexity that presses from the Infinite upon our mind and life. Moved by this need we endeavour to forge for our own souls and for the cosmic Spirit even such a single and inflexible law of Karma as we would ourselves have made, had the rule of the world been left to us.Not this mysterious universe would we have made, but the pattern of a rational ...


... life. The reason is the same; for this too is a being, a living power of the eternal Truth, a self-manifestation of the cosmic Spirit, and it is there to express and fulfil in its own way and to the degree of its capacities the special truth and power and meaning of the cosmic Spirit that is within it. The nation or society, like the individual, has a body, an organic life, a moral and aesthetic temperament ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... nature there is a great liberation of the individual being; it puts on a cosmic consciousness, becomes the universal individual. Its first result, when it is complete, is the realisation of the cosmic spirit, the one self inhabiting the universe, and this union may even bring about a disappearance of the sense of individuality, a merger of the ego into the world-being. Another common result is an entire... point of view of the exceeding there is an inclusion and a penetration, an enveloping cognition of each thing and all things, a penetrating sense and vision of each thing and all things. For the cosmic Spirit inhabits each and all, but is more than all; there is therefore in its self-view and world-view a separative power which prevents the cosmic consciousness from being imprisoned in the objects and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... which the manifestation is founded. By reason of this fundamental verity of the manifestation the Being presents itself to our cosmic experience in three poises,—the supracosmic Existence, the cosmic Spirit and the individual Self in the Many. But the multiplicity permits of a phenomenal division of consciousness, an effectual Ignorance in which the Many, the individuals, cease to become aware of the... universal Energy, but is at the same time a nature-personality of the soul, an expressive formation of the inner being and person, and this soul is not a perishable cell or a dissoluble portion of the cosmic Spirit, but has its original immortal reality in the Transcendence. It is a fact that the cosmic Being expresses itself through the individual being, but also it is a truth that the Transcendental Reality ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the flower, suggests the instruments of Christ's passion or his suffering on the Cross. The corona of the creeper suggests the crown of thorns. Later in the Epic, when Savitri is one with the cosmic Spirit as she sits by the sleeping Satyavan, she is described as being ... the red heart of the passion-flower. 24 22 Savitri, p. 200. 23 Ibid, p. 7. 24 Ibid., p. 557. ... conception. Before she faces Death in the Forest, Savitri undergoes great spiritual experiences. First there is the experience of the great Nihil and Void. This is followed by the experience of the Cosmic Spirit and the Cosmic Consciousness. It is when she experiences the All-Negating Absolute that she saw the individual Self in her die, the cosmic disappear; she was not able to feel the presence of ...

... mountains and sunsets and streamings of the aurora borealis,—though these have their place there. All depends on the force behind these things and the purpose in their action—and that is known to the Cosmic Spirit which is at work,—and it works, I may add, not by the mind or according to human standards but by a greater consciousness which, starting from an electron, can build up a world and, using "a tangle... it is more difficult [...] October 1933 We quite approve of your resolution about propaganda, etc. But at any rate this has helped your sadhana which is an example of how the cosmic spirit sometimes, at least, extracts good out of evil. What you say about the ahamk ā r [ego-sense] of the instrument is true—it is one of the most sticky of the ego's self-deceptions and there ...

... How can one say that Hitler's voice is not right? He has seen that by following it he has been able to get Austria and Czechoslovakia and has been successful in many other things. As I said, the Cosmic Spirit rnay want him to go that way. Even from the standpoint of ethics, one can't say Hitler is immoral. He is very restricted as regards food, is supposed to have no wife or mistress and leads a very... right? He thought he had the right inspiration in what he was doing, while others thought he was quite wrong and yet but for his decision India would not be half as free as she is today. So the Cosmic Spirit may after all have led him to do this in order to bring about that result. There is a Cabbalist prophecy: the Golden Age will come when the Jews will be driven out and persecuted everywhere. ...


... Infinite . 4 October 1939. Three handwritten manuscripts, the first entitled "The Omnipresent". "I" . 15 October 1939, revised 5 November. Two handwritten manu-scripts. The Cosmic Spirit . 15 October 1939, revised 5 November. Two hand-written manuscripts, the first entitled "Cosmic Consciousness", revised 722 Page 721 to "Cosmic Self". Self ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Children of Wotan 641 A Child's Imagination 211 Chitrangada 309 Contrasts 593 Cosmic Consciousness 603 The Cosmic Dance 590 The Cosmic Man 637 The Cosmic Spirit 619 Creation 614 Page 733 Cry of the ocean's surges 653 The Death of a God [1] 665 The Death of a God [2] 666 Descent 578 The Descent ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... feature all this infinite manifestation in Time and the universe. This pure and equal Self does not act, but supports impartially all the action of things. And yet it is the Supreme, but as the cosmic Spirit and the Time Spirit, who wills and conducts and determines the action of the world through his multitudinous power-to-be, that power of the Spirit which we call Nature. He creates, sustains and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... can contain or bring with it all the rest...."   (Here are some passages from the Mundaka Upanishad on the transcendent and universal Brahman 1 and some from the Gita's Vision of the Cosmic Spirit. 2 Have they the accent of what you have described in The Future Poetry as the Mantra? The target of all mystic and spiritual poetry should be, in my opinion, the mantric utterance. At least the ...


... with a radiant "globality". Interpretation, image and intimate sense are all raised here to their uttermost and transfigured by a vastness of sheer revelation, of knowledge by identity, as if a Cosmic Spirit were voicing its own secrets.   With regard to the quality of poems hailing from the overhead levels, two points have to be noted. As Sri Page 60 Aurobindo once said in ...


... transform it. In the Yoga of Savitri,—through which she embodies higher and higher powers of the Divine Shakti in herself,— there arrives also a somewhat similar stage, that she must discover the cosmic spirit and cosmic consciousness. This is in the context that Savitri has a task to do and she cannot disappear into the Unmanifest. The gulf between that Ultimate Reality and this Manifestation ...

... such marriage is bound to prove most unhappy. Savitri replies to God: My heart is wiser than the Reason's thoughts, My heart is stronger than thy bonds, O Death... It sees the cosmic Spirit at its work; In the dim Night it lies alone with God. My heart's strength can carry the grief of the universe... And never lose the white spiritual touch. 27 The dialogue ...

... "Canto III" and "Canto IV". The beginning of Sri Aurobindo's first draft of the concluding canto of Book Seven can be seen in the facsimile. He wrote the tide of the canto, "The Discovery of the Cosmic Spirit and the Cosmic Consciousness", at the top and in the left margin of the page. When he began a new draft after taming the page, he did not repeat the title. As a result, the canto appeared without ...

... Triple Soul-Forces 38: Canto V The Finding of the Soul 39: Canto VI Nirvana and the Discovery of the All-Negating Absolute 40: Canto VII The Discovery of the Cosmic Spirit and the Cosmic Consciousness Book Eight The Book of Death Page 92 41: Canto III Death in the Forest Book Nine The Book of Eternal Night 42: Canto ...


... the world outside us. cittākāś a — mental ether. Consciousness-Force, the Force — the Conscious Force that builds the worlds; a universal Energy that is the power of the Cosmic Spirit working out the cosmic and individual truth of things. Desire-soul — the surface soul in us, which works in our vital cravings, our emotions, aesthetic faculty and mental seeking for ...


... can thoroughly remove the veil and mixture and effect the full spiritual transformation. 11 As stated earlier, the dynamic power behind all evolution is the Consciousness-Force of the Cosmic Spirit. At each stage, evolution takes place by the double process of the upsurging of the Consciousness-Force from its involution in the Inconscience and a descent of the Consciousness-Force pressing ...


... also Teacher, Master, Lord, Friend, Philosopher, Guide, Precep­tor, Playmate, Com­rade, Lover, even Antagonist. When on the battlefield Arjuna witnessed in the Avatar the aspect of the Dreadful Cosmic Spirit, he repented and spoke of the casualness with which he had behaved with him;* Ravana wished to merge into the Supreme by following the Path of Enmity; Kutsa attained such likeness with Indra that ...


... ble means for the inner growth as distinguished from the outer force and expansion of the collective being. This indeed is the dual importance of the individual that it is through him that the cosmic spirit organises its collective units and makes them self-expressive and progressive and through him that it raises Nature from the Inconscience to the Superconscience and exalts it to meet the Transcendent ...

... there is nothing else existent.” 15 “All action, all mental, vital, physical activities in the world are the operation of a universal Energy, a Consciousness-Force which is the power of the Cosmic Spirit working out the cosmic and individual truth in things.” Therefore “in reality all that we call undivine can only be an action of the four divine principles themselves.” Each principle is also the ...

... nothing beyond, as there is no supermind manifested in anybody, so supermind can never be born. Sobhanallah! [Glory to God!] Glory, glory, glory to the human reason!! Luckily the Divine or the Cosmic Spirit or Nature or whoever is there cares a damn for the human reason. He or she or it does what he or she or it has to do, whether it can or cannot be done.’ 36 In what way does Sri Aurobindo’s ...


... movements can be taken up by the psychic when it is the soul in things behind the aesthetic and emotional that is felt and by the spiritual when they are made a means of coming in contact with the cosmic spirit or in any way with the Divine. November 7, 1934 Day before yesterday I composed this poem. The first half I send today. The second half I will have to polish up a little before sending ...

... mind is there but nothing beyond, as there is no Supermind manifested in anybody, so Supermind can never be born. Sobhanallah! Glory, glory, glory to the human reason! Luckily the Divine or the Cosmic Spirit or Nature or whoever is there cares a damn for the human reason. He or she or it does what he or she or it has to do, whether it can or can not be done." 96. manasputra and manaskanya: mind-born ...

... universal Energy, but is at the same time a nature-personality of the soul, an expressive formation of the inner being and person, and this soul is not a perishable cell or a dissoluble portion of the cosmic Spirit, but has its original immortal reality in the Transcendence.... But equally any view that sees the universe as existent only in the individual consciousness must very evidently be a fragmentary ...

... any eternal being other than this ever-active vital Becoming. On the other hand, it might, obeying a turn of thought which is now beginning to gain a little in strength, admit a universal Self or cosmic Spirit as the primal reality and Life as its power or agent and so arrive at a form of spiritualised vital Monism. In this theory too a law of rebirth would be possible but not inevitable; it might be ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... actualities of being; an agent, an intermediary, it actualises possibilities and has its share in the creation, but the real creatrix is a Consciousness, an Energy inherent in the transcendent and cosmic Spirit. There is a precisely opposite view of reality and knowledge which affirms an objective Reality as the only entire truth and an objective knowledge as the sole entirely reliable knowledge. This ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... ble means for the inner growth as distinguished from the outer force and expansion of the collective being. This indeed is the dual importance of the individual that it is through him that the cosmic spirit organises its collective units and makes them self-expressive and progressive and through him that it raises Nature from the Inconscience to the Superconscience and exalts it to meet the Transcendent ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... mathematical accuracy of working. But all is not Law and Process, there is also Being and Consciousness; there is not only a machinery but a Spirit in things, not only Nature and law of cosmos but a cosmic Spirit, not only a process of mind and life and body but a soul in the natural creature. If it were not so, there could be no rebirth of a soul and no field for a law of Karma. But if the fundamental truth ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... supreme Nature. For the truth of the Kshara too is a truth of the Purushottama. The Purushottama is in the heart of every creature and is manifested in his countless Vibhutis; the Purushottama is the cosmic spirit in Time and it is he that gives the command to the divine action of the liberated human spirit. He is both Akshara and Kshara, and yet he is other because he is more and greater than either of these ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... transcendent in which the Ego disappears, but cosmos too is annulled forever in a formless Eternal and Infinite. Another may experience it as God; and God may be either the All of the Pantheist, a cosmic Spirit, an individual Deity, a supracosmic Creator; or all of these together. A Personal Godhead may be the spiritual Form in which He presents Himself to us or rather He may reject forms from his being ...


... waves of these things that arrive and invade the being often without apparent cause. The universal forces move by their own force and the consciousness within them—but there is also the Cosmic Spirit Page 287 who supports them and determines by his onlook and disposing will their play—although the direct action is left to the forces—it is the play of universal Prakriti with the universal ...


... mind is there but nothing beyond, as there is no supermind manifested in anybody, so supermind can never be born. Sobhanallah! Glory, glory, glory to the human reason!! Luckily the Divine or the Cosmic Spirit or Nature or whoever is there cares a damn for the human reason. He or she or it does what he or she or it has to do, whether it can or cannot be done. Can a Muthu or a sadhak ever be a Sri ...


... write: "There are three ways of being of the Mother of which you can become aware when you enter into touch of oneness with the Conscious Force that upholds us and the universe" [ p. 28 ]. Is it the Cosmic Spirit that is meant or the Overmind? It is the Divine Shakti—who acts on all the planes and has all the aspects. 16 June 1933 I am or was under the impression that Mother is the Cosmic and ...


... become commensurate with or contain it, which is what was meant in the language of the old Yogas by having the Brahmanda within you. The cosmic consciousness is that of the universe, of the cosmic spirit and cosmic Nature with all the beings and forces within it. All that is as much conscious as a whole as the individual separately is, though in a different way. The consciousness of the individual ...


... self-represented in numberless personality, a Master of Knowledge, a Master of Forces, a Lord of love and bliss and beauty, a single Origin of the worlds, a self-manifester and self-creator, a Cosmic Spirit, a universal Mind, a universal Life, the conscious and living Reality supporting the appearance which we sense as unconscious inanimate Matter. " Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, SABCL ...


... Page 146 with people in the outside world? Why can we not give our love to all? ( Reply of Sri Aurobindo ) That is all right in the ordinary Karma yoga which aims at union with the cosmic spirit and stops short at the overmind―but here a special work has to be done and a new realisation achieved for the earth and not for ourselves alone. It is necessary to stand apart from the rest of the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... other castes could not perform their share of labour for the common good........Essentially there was, between the devout Brahmin and the devout Sudra, no inequality in the single virat purusa [Cosmic Spirit] of which each was a necessary part. Chokha Mela, the Maratha Pariah, became the Guru of Brahmins proud of their caste purity; the Chandala taught Shankaracharya: for the Brahman was revealed ...


... Elizabethan Age's general upsurge of the Life-Force presenting to us human motives vehemently criss-crossing. All of a sudden we find in the protean Shakespeare an almost irrelevant allusion to the Cosmic Spirit in a Wordsworthian vein - Not mine own fears nor the prophetic soul Of the wide world dreaming on things to come... Here it is not only Wordsworth but also the Aurobindonian ...

... and now, Behold, the last tremendous brow And the great rock that none has trod; A step, and all is sky and God. Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: One Day ============= The Cosmic Spirit or Self contains everything in the cosmos — it upholds cosmic Mind, universal Life, universal Matter as well as the overmind. The Self is more than all these things which are its formulations in ...


... the men through whom the great French Revolution unrolled itself were many in number, that is to say, the chiefs, who represented each a face or phase of the surging movement.         The cosmic spirit works itself out in the world and in human affairs in either of these forms: (1) as embodied in a single personality and (2) as an impersonal movement, sometimes through many personalities, sometimes ...

... here upon earth cannot and will not exclude and throw away the forms and achievements of the so-called lower knowledge, nor will it shrink from the splendid toil and many-sided victory which the Cosmic Spirit has assigned to himself in the human creature. In the words of Sri Aurobindo: "All activities of knowledge that seek after or express Truth are in themselves rightful material for a complete ...

... mind is there but nothing beyond, as there is no supermind manifested in anybody, so supermind can never be born! Sobhanallah Glory, glory, glory to the human reason!! Luckily the Divine or the Cosmic Spirit or Nature or whoever is there cares a damn for the human reason. He or she or it does what he or she or it has to do, whether it can or cannot be done. NB: Can a Muthu** or a sadhak be ever ...

... of the Eternal in Time." (Ibid., p. 135) (3) "A Yoga turned towards an all-embracing realisation of the Supreme will not despise the works or even the dreams, if dreams they are, of the Cosmic Spirit or shrink from the splendid toil and many-sided victory which he has assigned to himself in the human creature.... The mental and physical sciences which examine into the laws and forms and processes ...

... Indian art at its greatest. Page 17 Indian architecture, particularly Indian sacred architecture, in its inmost reality is an altar raised to the Divine Self, a House of Cosmic Spirit, an appeal and inspiration to the Infinite. Symbolism is the main characteristic of Indian architecture, and this is true even of the Indo-Muslim architecture, where ' Sri Aurobindo: The ...


... there but nothing beyond, as there is no supermind manifested in anybody, so supermind can never be born. Sobhanallah! 57 Glory, glory, glory to the human reason!! Luckily the Divine or the Cosmic Spirit or Nature or whoever is there cares a damn for the human reason. He or she or it does what he or she or it has to do, whether it can or cannot be done. Kindly excuse the impudence of the next ...

... experiences during the soul-realisation?       The Self has two aspects, passive and active. In the first it is pure silence, wideness, calm, the inactive Brahman, in the second it is the Cosmic Spirit, universal not individual. One can feel in it union or oneness with the Mother. Intimacy is a feeling of the individual, therefore of the psychic being.         Do the two aspects of the ...

... single head; the men through whom the great French Revolution unrolled itself were many in number, that is to say, the chiefs, who represented each a face or phase of the surging movement. The cosmic spirit works itself out in the world and in human affairs in either of these forms : (1) as embodied in a single personality and (2) as an impersonal movement, sometimes through many personalities, sometimes ...

... Master of the Work At the height of the path of the divine works, one realizes more and more the supreme Divine as the Master and Mover of our works. It is discovered that He is the Cosmic Spirit of all this creative Energy around us; he is the Immanent within us. As Sri Aurobindo points out, the Master of the work does not reveal himself at once to the seeker. Always it is his Power that ...

... the materialist does know that there is something occult which he does not know. So that both ways there is a sort of transcendence, beyond Page 29 the perception of the cosmic spirit and a transcendence of the limitations of matter when they are overcome by or they are removed by the occult phenomen a which occur on the plane of Matter. There in both directions, the worlds ...


... field of the spiritual evolution in Matter, (assuming that) then it must be a part of the total design. The idea that all the rest must be a waste is a human idea which would not trouble the vast Cosmic Spirit whose consciousness and life are everywhere in the slime and dust as much as the human intelligence. For us it is the development of the spiritual consciousness in the human body that matters.'¹ ...

... that; they do not move in a perfect way in life. If Napo­leon had not come the republic would have been nipped in the bud and there would have been a set-back to demo­cracy. The Cosmic Spirit is not so foolish as to allow that. Carlyle puts the situation more realistically when he says that the condition was, "I kill you, or you kill me". So, it is better that I kill you rather than ...

... Sonnets from Manuscripts (Circa 1934-1947) Collected Poems The Cosmic Spirit Know more > I am a single Self all Nature fills.     Immeasurable, unmoved the Witness sits: He is the silence brooding on her hills,     The circling motion of her cosmic mights. I have broken the limits of embodied mind     And am no more the figure of a soul ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... subtler and greater is the truth of my being. For the original and eternal Reality, the Alpha and Omega, the Godhead is neither separate in the individual nor is he only and solely a Pantheos, a cosmic spirit. He is at once the eternal individual and the eternal All-Soul of this and many universes, and at the same time he is much more than these things. This universe might end, but he would still be; ...


... and no responsibility of any kind except the responsibility of universal Nature to carry out the idea or to execute the force put forth in the individual as in the universal by the All-Soul, the cosmic Spirit. But there is also this soul of the individual, and that is a being of the Infinite and a conscious and efficient portion of the All-Soul, a deputy or representative, and puts forth the energy given ...


... distant Absolute. The message of the Gita is the gospel of the Divinity in man who by force of an increasing union unfolds himself out of the veil of the lower Nature, reveals to the human soul his cosmic spirit, reveals his absolute transcendences, reveals himself in man and in all beings. The potential outcome here of this union, this divine Yoga, man growing towards the Godhead, the Godhead manifest ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... mountains and sunsets and streamings of the aurora borealis—though these have their place there. All depends on the force behind these things and the purpose in their action—and that is known to the Cosmic Spirit which is at work,—and it works, I may add, not by the mind or according to human standards but by a greater consciousness which, starting from an electron, can build up a world and, using "a tangle ...


... all things. If this is one of the ways of realising the Divine, why do we have to restrict our contact with people? That is all right in the ordinary karmayoga which aims at union with the cosmic Spirit and stops short at the Overmind—but here a special work has to be done and a new realisation achieved for the earth and not for ourselves alone. It is necessary to stand apart from the rest of the ...


... the one and only worker. Sri Aurobindo The Synthesis of Yoga - I: The Supreme Will The universal forces move by their own force and the consciousness within them—but there is also the Cosmic Spirit who supports them and determines by his on-look and disposing will their play—although the direct action is left to the forces—it is the play of universal Prakriti with the universal Purusha watching ...


... body in the manifestation, supporting them and using them as its instruments. Consciousness-Force — the Conscious Force that builds the worlds; a universal Energy that is the power of the Cosmic Spirit working out the cosmic and individual truth of things. Dharma — law; the deepest law of one's nature; the right law of individual and social life; literally, that which one lays hold of ...


... about the division of works, Sri Aurobindo writes here: "A Yoga turned towards an all-embracing realisation of the Supreme will not despise the works or even the dreams, if dreams they are, of the Cosmic Spirit or shrink from the splendid toil and many-sided victory which he has assigned to himself in the human creature. But its first condition for this liberality is that our works in the world too must ...


... (sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly) by the power of the Overmind releasing the mind from its close partitions that the cosmic consciousness opens in the seeker and he becomes aware of the cosmic spirit and the play of the cosmic forces. It is from or at least through the overmind plane that the original prearrangement of things in this world is effected; for from it the determining vibrations ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... its occult visions life in the image of a sea or different planes of being as so many oceans. Das's poem expresses his communing with this ocean of universal life and psychic intimacies with the Cosmic Spirit behind it and these have a character of grave emotion and intense feeling, not of mere sentimentalism, but they come from a very Indian and even a very Bengali mentality and may seem in translation ...


... evolution in Matter—(assuming that)—then it must be as part of the total design. The idea that all the rest must be a waste is a human idea which Page 394 would not trouble the vast Cosmic Spirit—whose consciousness and life are everywhere, in the slime and dust as much as in the human intelligence. But this is a speculative question which is quite alien to our practical purpose. For us ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... the central being which stands above all of them and is the source of all the surface personalities. It is only then that one can know the aspect or bhava one is intended to manifest. The Cosmic Spirit or Self contains everything in the cosmos—it upholds cosmic Mind, universal Life, universal Matter as well as the Overmind. The Self is more than all these things which are its formulations in Nature ...


... mountains and sunsets and streamings of the aurora borealis—though these have their place there. All depends on the force behind these things and the purpose in their action—and that is known to the Cosmic Spirit which is at work,—and it works, I may add, not by the mind or according to human standards but by a greater consciousness which, starting from an electron, can build up a world and, using a "tangle ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... Divine cannot be behind all we do, because we do not always do the right thing. Is there any truth in what X says? There is this much truth that the cosmic Force works out everything and the Cosmic Spirit (Virat Purusha) supports her action. But this cosmic Force is a Power that works under the conditions Page 62 of the Ignorance,—it appears as the lower nature and the lower nature makes ...

... the Self as one does during the soul-realisation? The Self has two aspects, passive and active. In the first it is pure silence, wideness, calm, the inactive Brahman—in the second it is the Cosmic Spirit, universal not individual. One can feel in it union or oneness with the Mother. Intimacy is a feeling of the individual, therefore of the psychic being. 12 October 1934 ...

... outward nature and my inmost spiritual self and I do not live in that outwardness with my whole being, but with a shape, turn and mental formation of myself which I call my ego or my personality. The cosmic spirit in matter seems itself to be so bound, for the same reason. It has started an outward compressed action, a law and disposition of material energy which must be allowed to unroll its consequences; ...


... there that has this character; they are creations of the Ignorance and Inconscience, not fundamental or primary aspects of the Being, not native to the Transcendence or to the infinite power of the Cosmic Spirit. It is sometimes reasoned that as Truth and Good have their absolutes, so Falsehood and Evil must also have their absolutes, or, if it is not so, then both must belong to the relativity only; Knowledge ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... of a half-knowledge that is still the Ignorance. A Yoga turned towards an all-embracing realisation of the Supreme will not despise the works or even the dreams, if dreams they are, of the Cosmic Spirit or shrink from the splendid toil and many-sided victory which he has assigned to himself in the human creature. But its first condition for this liberality is that our works in the world too must ...


... call the "subliminal". Beyond these are regions still more marvellous, which the Yogis of the East especially search for—the deep concealed Soul that is a growing spark of divinity, the vast Cosmic Spirit at once witness and worker, the ineffable Transcendent where both the individual and the universe find their perfect source. The full and whole man has to be a mystic par excellence. That is ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... with a radiant "globality". Interpretation, image and intimate sense are all raised here to their uttermost and transfigured by a vastness of sheer revelation, of knowledge by identity, as if a Cosmic Spirit were voicing its own secrets. With regard to the quality of poems hailing from the overhead levels, two points have to be noted. As Sri Aurobindo once said in a letter, "the poetic (aesthetic) ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... can contain or bring with it all the rest...." (Here are some passages from the Mundaka Upanishad on the transcendent and universal Brahman 1 and some from the Gita's Vision of the Cosmic Spirit. 2 Have they the accent of what you have described in The Future Poetry as the Mantra? The target of all mystic and spiritual poetry should be, in my opinion, the Mantric utterance. At least ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... and in some of them Pantheos can appear to be at a vanishing point: the gradations disappear only to an inner spiritual realisation and not even the most convinced pantheist will declare the Cosmic Spirit to be equally expressive everywhere, to have been just as manifest in a Hitler or Stalin as in a Jesus or Buddha. Along with such a recognition, the Gita brings a multi-minded approach in which ...

... unfolding its secret to the individual. Clouds become soft serenities in him and the rain a gorgeous yet pure intricacy of life-movement whereby the flesh blossoms into perfection, and the whole cosmic spirit, drunk with its own infinite magnificence, traces there its rhythm of delight:   The Universal Beauty dances, dances A glimmering peacock in my flowering flesh!   This is a climax ...


... us or a God of might and power. It is a divine Friend who meets us or a Divine Master or a World Father or World Mother or an almighty Lord of all or a Divine Lover. We are in the presence of a Cosmic Spirit in whose universal consciousness we lose our separate ego or a Supracosmic Absolute in whom we lose altogether our cosmic as well as our individual existence. We find our own highest Self or the ...


... justified, no longer a foolish and empty dream, an eternal delirium, great mechanical toil or termless futility, but the sum of works of a large spiritual Will and Wisdom: the human soul and the cosmic spirit look into each other's eyes with a noble and divine meaning. The questions which surround our existence elucidate themselves at once with a certain satisfactory fullness. What we are is a soul ...


... Mother undoubtedly means "than TO FEEL LIKE an individual." × See Sri Aurobindo's poem, " The Cosmic Spirit ": I have broken the limits of embodied mind And am no more the figure of a soul The burning galaxies are in me outlined.... Cent. Ed., V. 151. ...


... occult visions life in the image of a sea or different planes of being as so many oceans. Das's poem expresses his communing with this ocean of universal life and psychic intimacies with the Cosmic Spirit behind it and these have a character of grave emotion and intense feeling, not of mere sentimentalism, but they come from a very Indian and even a very Bengali mentality and may seem in translation ...

... twelve Books of forty-nine Cantos. One of the Cantos in Book VII (The Book of Yoga) carries no title,* in Book VIII (The Book of Death) the solitary Canto is * The Discovery of the Cosmic Spirit and the Cosmic Consciousness (Revised Edition in 1993). 12 Ibid., pp. 12-19. 13 A.B. Purani, Evening Talks, First Series, p. 294. Page 282 marked Three, and ...

... nature there is a great liberation of the individual being; it puts on a cosmic consciousness, becomes the universal individual. Its first result, when it is complete, is the realisation of the cosmic spirit, the one self inhabiting the universe, and this union may even bring about a disappearance of the sense of individuality, a merger of the ego into the world-being. Another common result is an ...


... Letters on Yoga, p. 1071 The cosmic consciousness is that in which the limits of ego, personal mind and body disappear and one becomes aware of a cosmic vastness which is or filled by a cosmic spirit and aware also of the direct play of cosmic forces, universal mind forces, universal life forces, universal energies of Matter, universal overmind forces. But one does not become aware of all ...


... (sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly) by the power of the overmind releasing the mind form its close partitions that the cosmic consciousness opens in the seeker and he becomes aware of the cosmic spirit and the play of the cosmic forces. It is from or at least through the overmind plane that the original pre-arrangement of things in this world is effected; for from it the determining ...


... tone to an art and by which we must judge. 1 Indian architecture, particularly Indian sacred architecture, in its inmost reality is an altar raised to the Divine Self, a House of Cosmic Spirit, an appeal and inspiration to the Infinite. Symbolism is the main characteristic of Indian architecture, and this is true even of the Indo- Muslim architecture, where the Indian mind has taken in ...

... feature all this infinite manifestation in Time and the universe. This pure and equal Self does not act, but supports impartially all the action of things. And yet it is the Supreme, but as the cosmic Spirit and the Time Spirit, who wills and conducts and determines the action of the world through his multitudinous power-to-be, that power of the Spirit which we call Nature. He creates, sustains and ...

... upon earth and in humanity which are summed up in the word evolution—changes cosmological and psychological. You have to accept this principle of change and move on—to be one with the cosmic spirit,—never to stand still or turn back, but look forward and forge ahead. To be stagnant means to die and be fossilised. Now, if things change continually, it means things can change and must be ...

... order to arrive at that stage you have to give up your individual likes and dislikes – because that is a very limited condition – and enter into the universal consciousness and find : what the cosmic spirit enjoys through each of these forms, what delight it derives from each. Disciple : What relation will ;the Superman have with outside humanity? Sri Aurobindo : You again come to the ...

... things are never like that: they don't move in a perfect way. If Napoleon had not come, the Republic would have been smothered in its infancy and democracy would have suffered a setback. No, the Cosmic Spirit is not so foolish as to allow that. Carlyle puts the situation more realistically when he says that the condition was, "I kill you or you kill me. So it is better that I kill you than get killed ...


... there is no reason to say he would be wrong, for inner voices may differ and one kind of voice may be good and necessary for one person while the very opposite may be the same for another. The Cosmic Spirit may have a certain thing for Hitler and lead him in the way he is going, whereas it may decide differently in another case. NIRODBARAN: That may end in a clash between the two and the breaking ...


... changes upon earth and in humanity which are summed up in the word evolution – changes cosmological and psychological. You have to accept this principle of change and move on – to be one with the cosmic spirit, – never to stand still or turn back, but look forward and forge ahead. To be stagnant means to die and be fossilised. Now, if things change continually, it means things can change and must be changed ...

... individuals do in the world aggregate. Although the individual is the basic reality, aggregations and collectivities also are realities, even spiritual realities in the progressive unfoldment of the cosmic spirit.   IV   Such a consummation, so complex in composition, so global in scope would be possible only when the above-mental or the overmental world-consciousness descends into ...

... self-expression of an ancient spiritual and religious culture. "Indian temple, to whatever godhead it may be built, is in its inmost reality an altar raised to the divine Self, a house of the Cosmic Spirit, an appeal and aspiration to the Infinite." Take the stone carvings of the Chalukya Page 41 period, for instance, with its turn towards grace and beauty and rapture and an outburst ...

... needed a double action in consciousness, on one side a detachment from Page 105 the experience and on the other an identification with it—which is the result of unity with the cosmic spirit. One identifies himself with the spirit of the poem, with a character in a drama or story, and at the same time a detachment keeps all personal elements aside. The individual outgrows the limits ...

... aesthetic enjoyment there is." needed a double action in consciousness, on one side a detachment from the experience and on the other an identification with it—which is the result of unity with the cosmic spirit. One identifies himself with the spirit of the poem, with a character in a drama or a story, and at the same time a detachment keeps all personal elements aside. The individual out- grows the ...

... reason to say that he would be wrong, for my inner voice may be good and necessary for me, while it may not be so for another man. The very opposite may be good and necessary for another man. The Cosmic Spirit has one thing for Hitler and may lead him in the way he is going, while it may decide differently in another case. Disciple : That may lead to a clash between the two and the breaking of ...

... evolution. It is not subject to the law of Karma. Disciple : Can it be said that the law governing it is suprarational? Sri Aurobindo : Yes, each collective being is a projection of the Cosmic Spirit for a particular purpose. You can speak of it as a particular Shakti. Disciple : How does the collective being or Shakti work? Sri Aurobindo : It identifies itself with a particular ...

... in the age of a sea or different planes of being as so many oceans. Das's poem expresses his communing with this ocean of universal life and psychic intimacies  Page 77 with the Cosmic Spirit behind it and these have a character of grave emotion and intense feeling, not of mere sentimentalism, but they come from a very Indian and even a very Bengali mentality and may seem in t ...

... back to it for its source of activity, is, as we say, subject to its laws and part of cosmic Nature. Page 16 SPIRIT Spirit is lord of Its movement, one, immutable, free, stable and eternal. The Movement with all its formed objects has been created in order to provide a habitation for the Spirit who, being One, yet dwells multitudinously in the multiplicity of His mansions. It is... enveloped in blind gloom whereto all they in their passing hence resort who are slayers of their souls. THE BASIS OF COSMIC EXISTENCE God and the world, Spirit and formative Nature are confronted and their relations fixed. COSMOS All world is a movement of the Spirit in Itself and is mutable and transient in all its formations and appearances; its only eternity is an eternity of recurrence... Cosmos. Since He is one and indivisible, the Spirit in all is one and their multiplicity is a play of His cosmic consciousness. Therefore each human being is in his essence one with all others, free, eternal, immutable, lord of Nature. TRANSITIONAL THOUGHT Avidya The object of habitation is enjoyment and possession; the object of the Spirit in Cosmos is, therefore, the possession and enjoyment ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... without yielding their inmost essence or becoming dynamic. Though sufficient support is given to regarding the cosmic scene as a field for manifesting the Spirit, complete spiritual fulfilment is said to come only after the gross body has been doffed and a status reached outside the cosmic round of rebirth. According to Sri Aurobindo, the Supreme must be possessing the basic and perfect reality, the... sentence-construction. Yeats is devoid of the true Upanishadic resonance as well as intonation in his rendering also of the stanza about the cosmic Divine: "Spirit is everywhere, upon the right, upon the left, above, below, behind, in front. What is the world but Spirit?" How poor in comparison to the Aurobindonian vividness and vibrancy: "The Eternal is before us and the Eternal is behind us and to the... line. They mingle with wafts of other overhead utterances - the Spirit ideative or illuminative or intuitive. The Spirit in nothing else than its identity is difficult to sustain for more than a few lines. Though in the Dawn-description it is a frequent presence, even there it is interspersed with a less direct substantiality of the Spirit. The passage, however, where the Avatarhood of Savitri is painted ...


... supreme reality, but the supreme transcendent eternal Being, Self and Spirit,—an infinite Person, we may say, because his being is the essence and source of all personality,—is the reality and meaning of self-existence: so too the cosmic Self, Spirit, Being, Person is the reality and meaning of cosmic existence; the same Self, Spirit, Being or Person manifesting its multiplicity is the reality and meaning... qualities, features, powers can describe the Infinite. We see that the Absolute, the Self, the Divine, the Spirit, the Being is One; the Transcendental is one, the Cosmic is one: but we see also that beings are many and each has a self, a spirit, a like yet different nature. And since the spirit and essence of things is one, we are obliged to admit that all these many must be that One, and it follows... illimitable powers of the Self, the Spirit in us which is of one essence with the Infinite. Brahman the Reality is the self-existent Absolute and Maya is the Consciousness and Force of this self-existence; but with regard to the universe Brahman appears as the Self of all existence, Atman, the cosmic Self, but also as the Supreme Self transcendent of its own cosmicity and at the same time individual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... without yielding their inmost essence or becoming dynamic. Though sufficient support is given to regarding the cosmic scene as a field for manifesting the Spirit, complete spiritual fulfilment is said to come only after the gross body has been doffed and a status reached outside the cosmic round of rebirth. According to Sri Aurobindo, the Supreme must be possessing the basic and perfect reality, the... sentence-construction. Yeats is devoid of the true Upanishadic resonance as well as intonation in his rendering also of the stanza about the cosmic Divine; "Spirit is everywhere, upon the right, upon the left, above, below, behind, in front. What is the world but Spirit?" How poor in comparison to the Aurobindonian vividness and vibrancy: "The Eternal is before Page 130 us and the Eternal... with superhuman hands and builds out of them "topless towers" of loveliness. What is more, it envelops Page 72 these concepts with a sort of cosmic grandeur that only differs from the infinitude haunting the religious spirit by being dark instead of luminous, an empire of everlasting night and death instead of an empire of everlasting day and life. Lucretius's summum bonum is the ...