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David : Joseph; one of Sri Aurobindo’s earliest friends in Pondicherry, David was later elected Mayor of Pondicherry.
... been at the time it was taken. ‘I had the impression that it was a very interesting man, that’s all.’ Alexandra David-Néel In the meantime Mirra came to be on friendly terms with an extraordinary woman, Alexandra David-Néel. She may have met her for the first time when Madame David-Néel was giving a talk on Buddhism at the Guimet Museum, a place that crops up time and again in the lives of the... already been practising Buddhism in the minister’s box at the opera. This time, while listening to Madame David-Néel, who was a convinced and practising Buddhist, she saw the Buddha present near the speaker, ‘not above the head but a little to the side.’ When the talk was over and Mirra told Madame David-Néel about her vision, she received the indignant repartee that such a thing was impossible because the... the Buddha had gone to Nirvana. All the same, both ladies came to respect each other’s qualities and soon were friends. Alexandra David-Néel was born near Paris in 1868. Her father, Louis David, was a friend of Victor Hugo and he too, just like the great writer, had been banished for his anti-government stance. As a consequence Alexandra grew up in Brussels, educated by a bigoted mother and in ...
... Then go to the store and get your mother." David ran. Dr. Mumford's office was on the main street. The doctor, a stocky man with bright eyes, was out the door with his bag before David finished speaking. David went on to the store. Mom was chatting with Mrs. Haines, the preacher's wife. "Dad needs you at the Hadleys', quick," David said, "Dr. Mumford has already gone." Mom looked... piled around David, studying the catalog. Two dollars hadn't gone very far, so David was throwing in the Mackinaw. Catching Mom's eye, David got pink. "This isn't duty, it's fun." "Certainly," she said, over their heads, "That's the real secret. Now you belong to the brotherhood. Welcome, brother! Now, bring your brood in to supper." Grinning, and feeling six feet tall, David herded them... their bills and keep their son David decendy clothed to attend school in Twin Banks, three miles away. When it came to buying him a jacket, though, a woolly red-checked Mackinaw jacket like the ones that loggers wear, Dad simply said no. David took itin good part. Dad hadn'tforbidden the coat, only the money. So he hit on the idea of selling his bicycle. David had the mail order all written ...
... Prigogine), Science in the Age of Uncertainty (John Brockman, ed.), The Trouble with Science (Robin Dunbar), The Trouble with Physics (Lee Smolin), The End of Physics: The Myth of a Unified Theory (David Linley) … Jean-Pierre Vigier, a French physicist, said that “physics is in crisis, we are in full struggle, the stakes are enormous.” Steven Weinberg, Nobel Prize in physics, conceded that “it is a... commonly regarded as definitively acquired and established knowledge. “Perhaps the resolution [of some problems] is that our theory of gravity – the general theory of relativity – is just plain wrong.” (David Susskind). “The results [of some experiments] could send us back to the drawing board about the early universe.” The Big Bang, multiple universes, black matter and energy in macrophysics; the unification... functions. Beyond the trivial, we have no other theories. We can say nothing of interest about the human soul. We do not know what impels us to right conduct or where the form of the Good is found.” (David Berlinski 30 ) Scientists Pro and Contra Ken Wilber was one of the thinkers who reacted strongly against the thesis of popular books like The Tao of Physics and The Dancing Wu Li Masters ...
... "But he really was there, notwithstanding what she thought." Alexandra David-Neel was born in Paris on 24 October 1868. Her father, Louis David, had taken a very active part in the coup d'état of 1851. He was exiled 1. After sixty years, Mother was of course not quite sure. It appears that Mme David-Neel gave only one lecture at Paris' Theosophical Society, and that was in 1947.... Mother's Chronicles - Book Three 28 Alexandra David-Neel "That's where" —the drawing-room on N°9 Rue du Val de Grace —"I used to receive Madame David-Neel," said Mother. "We saw each other almost every evening." In the first place, how did they get acquainted? Mother was telling us in what a fierce fight she was engaged against... as he was about to enter into Nirvana, all of a sudden he saw that the earth must be changed —and he stayed back." Then she described her first meeting with Alexandra David-Neel. "I remember. Once it happened with Mme David-Neel. It was very interesting. She Page 300 came to deliver a lecture —I wasn't acquainted with her, it's there that I came to know her —at the Theo-optical ...
... × Richard Dawkins: The Blind Watchmaker , p. 290. × David Bohm and David Peat: Science, Order, and Creativity , p. 202. × Stephen Gould: Punctuated Equilibrium ... × William Dembski (ed.): Uncommon Dissent , p. 176. × David Bohm and David Peat: op. cit., p. 219. × Richard Dawkins: The God Delusion , p. 31. ... throughout our narrative. Present-day Darwinists routinely present Darwinism as the one and only scientific evolutionary theory, outlined by Charles Darwin in his Origin of Species . So does for instance David Attenborough in his BBC documentary on Charles Darwin, and so do most other popularizations of evolution. This is not only historically incorrect, it is also misleading as to the contents and significance ...
... writes: “Darwin’s so-called theory is not really a theory at all: it is a schema for future theories,” and he sees Darwin’s voluminous writings as “a stack of promissory notes for future theories.” 28 David Berlinski is still more cutting: “By the standards of the serious sciences, Darwin’s theory of evolution remains little more than a collection of anecdotal remarks.” 29 Darwin was under attack... theory is not really a theory at all: it is a schema for future theories. … With the publication of The Origin of Species , Darwin produced a stack of promisory notes for future theories.” 44 And David Berlinski: “By the standards of the serious sciences, Darwin’s theory of evolution remains little more than a collection of anecdotal remarks.” 45 Opinions like these are contradicted in most cases... religion, leaving no doubt at all in the minds of those who were paying attention that many Darwinists were not simply disinterested scientists; they were definitely presenting a new worldview.” 48 And David Berlinski writes sarcastically: “Daniel Dennett’s assertion that natural selection has been demonstrated ‘beyond all reasonable doubt’ must be judged for what it is: the ecclesiastical bull of a most ...
... Morris had shocked the world with the The Naked Ape in 1967; Richard Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene will closely follow Wilson’s central opus in 1976, and Sociobiology: The Whisperings Within , by David Barash will contribute to the spreading of the glad tidings in 1980: “We humans are self-conscious animals. … Our builders are our genes. … The raison d’être of genes is purely self-propagation …”... the bleakness we have to accept as we peer deeply and dispassionately into the heart of the Universe.” 11 Reinterpreting the World “Basically, sociobiology is a radical doctrine,” states David Barash. The word ‘radical’ has several shades of meaning. Which one is applicable in this case? Ullica Segerstråle writes that Edward Wilson showed great zeal in making sociobiology “a truly predictive... interpretation should be taught in the schools. × David Barash: Sociobiology: The Whisperings Within , pp. 41, 201, 91. × Edward Wilson: Naturalist , p ...
... member of the Christian Church (although of course I regard the Lord Jesus as a Master, and especially the Master of my own civilization) I find that I am after all very Western in the sense in which David Jones (our Page 71 great Catholic artist) called Christianity a very 'incarna-tional' religion, stemming of course from the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus in human form. We have indeed... a poem in a certain language (Greek for example) and a certain metre. It is an imitation of poetry. Page 73 not the newly created expression of a present vision. It lacks what David Jones calls 'nowness'. Would Virgil have been impressed, or Ovid (not to speak of Homer) by some clever schoolboy or graduate's imitation of the Aeneid or the Iliad? There is an astonishing virtuosity... poetry must often seem very opaque. And in present day England I'm bound to say that Blake's 'limit of opacity' has just been reached. Yet we have had Yeats and Edwin Muir and Vernon Watkins and David Gascoyne too. But the gleams have to reach the darkness. But I can't go on. I respect so much what you have written about poetry. Particularly about the 'overmind' for I too believe, as ...
... Motilal later found out that the youth was Joseph David, a future eminent citizen, who was to become a barrister and eventually the mayor of Pondicherry. But that was still in futurity. That very day, however, as night began spreading her cloak of darkness, Motilal wrapped himself in a Madrasi shawl and silently got into the pousse-pousse Joseph David had brought. The pousse-pousse took them to St... St. Louis street, and stopped by a two-storeyed house. But all was in darkness! Motilal's heart beat faster. David descended and knocked at a door. As soon as the door opened, David got on the carriage and left. Motilal met Moni as he entered. He met others also. Then he was taken up the stairs. It had been more than one year since Motilal had seen his Guru. But he could hardly see! His eyes overflowed... came from Chandernagore along with two other special Representatives to the French Council in Pondicherry, for about a month and a half. But it was dangerous to meet Sri Aurobindo openly as Alexandra David-Neel had found out to her dismay. Letting a few days go by, Motilal went to Odeon Salai, a big open ground close to the Botanical Garden, where a game of football was in progress. Moni, Nolini, Saurin ...
... is quite exceptional. Nobody ever refers to Newton as ‘Isaac’ or to Einstein as ‘Albert’. × David Bohm and David Peat: Science, Order and Creativity , p. 142. × Richard Lewontin: The Triple Helix , p.... vast organism in which the natural things find their harmony and reciprocal sympathy.” This view, called ‘holism’, is far from defunct and seems on the rise again, for a scientist of the stature of David Bohm has said: “It must always be remembered that, at a deeper level, attention must be given to the whole, which, in turn, acts to guide thought as it abstracts elements which do not in fact have a... × Marcus Chown: Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You , p. 117. × David Lindley: Uncertainty , pp. 113-14. × John Brockman (ed.): What Are You Optimistic About? p. 351 ...
... Bernadette, and others (ed.): Des savants face à l’occulte , Éditions la Découverte, 2002 Berlinski, David: The Devil’s Delusion , Crown Forum, 2008 Black, Edwin: War against the Weak , Dialog Press, 2003 Blackmore, Susan: The Meme Machine , Oxford University Press, 1999 Bohm, David, and others: Science, Order, and Creativity , Bantam Books, 1987 Brockman, John (ed.): The Next Fifty... science et le sens de la vie , Fayard, 1993 Baxter, Stephen: Revolutions in the Earth , Phoenix, 2003 Bassler, Moritz, and others (ed.): Mystique, mysticisme et modernité , PUS, 1998 Barash, David: Sociobiology – The Whisperings Within , Fontana/Collins, 1981 Bauer, Henry H.: Scientific Literacy and the Myth of the Scientific Method , University of Illinois Press, 1992 Behe, Michael J... R. Brockhaus Verlag, 2003 Lewens, Tim: Darwin , Routledge, 2007 Lewontin, R.C.: The Doctrine of DNA , Penguin Books, 1992 — The Triple Helix , Harvard University Press, 2000 Lindley, David: Uncertainty , Anchor Books, 2008 Lovejoy, Arthur: The Great Chain of Being , Harvard University Press, 1964 Mayr, Ernst: What Evolution Is , Phoenix, 2002 McCalman, Iain: Darwin’s Armada ...
... was taken and the open air concerts of the Dagar Brothers, the Noh troupe from Japan, and the English choir, overflowing and many could not get seats. Great beauty was there - our poet this year was David Gascoyne - and Kapila Vatsyayan was given a standing ovation, for her paper left us all far behind. A young film director who has just completed a film on Edwin Muir is going to make a film about Kapila... 1 might, I could not find either his address or the address of his publisher. Will you please let me know where to find him? Temenos 9 also holds a lot of meat. T 7 attracts me by the piece on David Gascoyne. But how much shall I count on your generosity? I suggest that you send me these issues not by air mail but by surface post. I can afford to wait. What I am most looking forward to is the new... printer's bill, but in need I can sell another painting. When my friends were young and unknown I sometimes bought paintings which now have become extremely valuable -Cecil Collins, Winifred Nicholson. David Jones I shall keep till my last resource is exhausted! Not deterred by this we now contemplate setting up a small College to be called the Temenos Academy of Integral Studies. Perhaps I do not need ...
... cit., p. 189. 212 Joachim Fest: Hitler , p. 174. 213 Id., p. 184. 214 Ernst Hanfstängl: op. cit., p. 98. 215 Ralph Reuth, op. cit., p. 152. 216 Joachim Fest, op. cit., p. 179. 217 David Clay Large: Hitlers München, p. 236. 218 Brigitte Hamann: Winifred Wagner, oder Hitlers Bayreuth, p. 84. 219 John Toland: Hitler, pp. 229, 230. 220 Margarete Plewnia: Auf dem Weg zu... , p. 106. 669 Arthur Rimbaud: Oeuvres complètes, p. 272. 670 Marion Ackermann: “Ueberlegungen zum Einfluss des Spiritismus auf Kandinsky”, in Mystique, mysticisme, etc. , p. 190. 671 David Clay Large: Hitlers München, p. 110. 672 Peter Padfield: Himmler, p. 71. 673 Peter Levenda: Unholy Alliance, p. 176. 674 Wilhelm Wulff: Zodiac and Swastika, pp. 110-12, passim. 675... pp. 546-47. 703 Peter Orzechowski, op. cit., p. 38. 704 Stefan Breuer: Aesthetischer Fundamentalismus – Stefan George und der deutsche Antimodernismus, p. 12. 705 Id., pp. 120 ff. 706 David Clay Large, op. cit., pp. 57, 66. 707 Hildegard Châtellier: Entre religion et philosophie: approaches du spiritisme chez Hanns von Gumppenberg, in: Mystique, mysticisme, etc., pp. 115 ff. ...
... Resurrection - to sceptical scrutiny. Thus we know from Paul that Jesus was born like all men subject to the common retributive Law (Galatians 4:4), was descended from Abraham (Galatians 3:16) and David (Romans 1:3), had brothers (1 Corinthians 9:5), with one brother named James (Galatians 1:19; 1 Corinthians 15:7), had twelve Apostles (1 Corinthians 15:5), two of whom were Cephas - that is, Peter... questions" Paul begins his answer by saying "Whatever you sow in the ground has to die before it is given new life and the thing that you sow is not what is going to come..." Paul is making use, as David Edwards 63 reminds us, of the ancient belief that a seed died in the earth before a plant emerged, and trying to show that what came after a seed's death was at the same time different in character... resurrection was the chief moment associated with the divine proclamation of the identity of Jesus". About Jesus, Brown translates from Paul's Epistle to the Romans the key-formula: "Born of the seed of David according to the flesh; designated Son of God in power according to the Holy Spirit [Spirit of Holiness] as of resurrection from the dead" (1:3-4). Brown quotes also from the Epistle to the Philippians: ...
... quarter inch! The stanchion was not of deficient steel. Fool that I am, I tested it (my hand is still numb) and no posterity will see my work because it isn't there. A recent book on kung fu by David Chow and Richard Spangler includes several photographs of outstanding feats which they observed. One shows an 82-year old Chinese Ch'i Kung master who drove an eight-inch nail through four inches of... Extraordinary Speed and Endurance A rare and dramatic example of extraordinary speed and endurance are the lung-gom-pa runners in Tibet. In her book Magic and Mystery in Tibet, Alexandra David-Neel says that they undergo a special kind of training that develops "uncommon nimbleness and especially enables its adepts to take extraordinarily long tramps with amazing rapidity." She adds that... maintained over all kinds of terrain Page 682 for several consecutive days and nights. According to some reports, thousands of miles are covered in this manner by the lung-gom adepts. David-Neel takes pains to point out that the feats accomplished are more a matter of mind than of muscle. She says, "It must be under stood that the lung-gom method does not aim at training the disciple ...
... Aurobindo Ghose. 1 Another French visitor who met Sri Aurobindo not long after his coming to Pondicherry was Madame Alexandra David-Neel, who was in India lured by the wisdom and the mysteries of the Orient. Recalling that meeting of long, long ago, Madame David-Neel is reported to have said recently: His perfect familiarity with the philosophies of India and the West wasn't what drew... Théon, and her progress was rapid. Page 395 Back in Paris, her house on Rue du Val de Grace became the centre of a group of ardent young seekers, one of them being Alexandra David (David-Neel after her marriage). They felt that the evils of ignorance, oppression and violence must be fought and overthrown, and transformed into knowledge, freedom and peace. In 1912, Mirra Richard... Future. Page 398 The decision was taken on 1 June, but the first monthly issue was to come out only on Sri Aurobindo's forty-second birthday, 15 August 1914. Although Alexandra David-Neel received the impression that Sri Aurobindo had a "perfect familiarity with the philosophies of India and the West', he himself disclaimed any such deep intimacy. As he once wrote to Dilip Kumar ...
... and shall call Page 235 his name Immanuel." Luke also makes the echo more vivid by the soon-succeeding phrase "...the throne of his father David" (1:32) which is a flashback to the phrase "... O house of David" in Isaiah 7:13 shortly preceding the prophecy. Furthermore, Luke shows throughout his Gospel a predilection for Isaiah. His 1:67 draws for its content on Isaiah... example of the genre is the Book of Daniel, nowadays dated between 167 and 164 B.C., a scripture of which Jesus can be proved quite cognisant. Daniel's Messiah is at the same time "the son of David" and the transcendent Saviour. When Jesus was on trial for his life, Matthew 26:64 makes him quote Daniel 7:13 and the very title Jesus preferred for himself during his life was Daniel's "Son of Man"... mind in an essential way... mind creates matter." Walker, another member of the fourth school, assuming the hidden variables, equates them with con- Page 267 sciousness. But David Bohm, the chief exponent of hidden variables, criticises the tendency to conclude that observation by mind is needed to produce matter (measurement): "The introduction of the conscious mind into ...
... weep not: behold, the Lion of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof." 10 And it is after these words have been spoken that the strange Lamb comes forward. The Lamb and the Lion (of Juda) are identical, as is clear too from what Christ says much later: "I am the root and the offspring of David..." 11 A further point to remark in The Revelation... profound religious wit, the fact remains that a pre-Blake Christian poet has explicitly endowed Christ with wings. Then there are the Biblical passages where too the poetry gives wings to divinity. David rhapsodises: "Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice" 19 - "He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust" 20 - "And he rode... was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it..." Thus goes "the glory of the Lord" in an ensemble wheeled and winged. When Christ is worshipped as 18.III. 19. The Psalms of David, 63: 7. 20. Ibid., 91: 4. 21. Ibid., 18: 10. 22. Ezekiel, I, 4-28. Page 49 the Lord, he must naturally be considered to be moving not only on wheels within wheels but ...
... education. Apart from brilliant papers by Mac Laughlin and several others, the paper by David Carr another by Michael Hand are not only instructive but provide us with analyses of the issues and also of the phrase 'spiritual education' which can be utilized properly in developing relevant and suitable pedagogy. David Carr examines three important conceptions of spirituality and spiritual education... provided. Apart from what has been observed above, some other observations can also be made in the light of Michael Hand's paper on The Meaning of 'Spiritual Education', which is a critique of David Carr's work on the topic. According to Michael Hand, Carr has left "many logical stones unturned" and he presents an outline of a more comprehensive analysis. In his view, Carr has identified only... education can justifiably be provided in common schools, he arrives at this conclusion by sacrificing those aspects of spiritual education which to many people may seem to be central, and those to which David Carr has drawn central attention. Page 93 ...
... attempt. You must be absolutely indifferent to their compliments and their criticisms. It is much easier to be indifferent to criticism than to compliments. When Mme. David-Neel—I have spoken to you about her, haven't I? Mme. David-Neel who is a militant Buddhist and a great Buddhistic luminary—when she came to India she went to meet some of those great sages or gurus—I shan't give you the names,... into a higher consciousness where these terrestrial things take their true place—which is quite small, you see. But... indeed, once, very long ago, when I was still in Paris and used to see Mme. David-Neel almost every day, she, you see, was full of her own idea and told me, "You should not think of an action, it means attachment for the action; when you want to do something, it means that you are ...
... King David of the Old Testament, the climax of human history would be achieved and God's kingdom would be established here on Earth. Messianic speculation on when would the Messiah appear in humanity's midst thus became a constant feature of Jewish culture. Although presently, this belief is not universal throughout Judaism, the Orthodox still maintain that a Messiah, a descendant from King David, will... hell or even of an afterlife. God's Kingdom reigned over by the Messiah will be established here on Earth. (b) Christian : Christianity insists that Jesus is the anointed* descendant of King David. Through this and other signs from prophets of the Old Testament, Christianity declares Jesus to be the Messiah. In Greek, the word 'messiah' is 'christ' or the anointed one, so according to the faith ...
... From Larry Dossey, Space, Time and Medicine, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado 80302, U.S.A. Page 121 David Bohm and his concepts of the "implicate and explicate orders," and of the "holoverse" David Bohm was an associate of Einstein and later Professor of Theoretical Physics at Birbeck College of the University of London. He is regarded... n reflects our reflexive way of attributing all characteristics such as health — and even life itself — to the behaviour of our constituent molecules. Yet it is not entirely clear that this is so. David Bohm, in speaking of the living world, uses the example of a seed. Almost all of the matter and energy that emerge as the seed grows comes from the environment. "Who is to say," says Bohm, "that life ...
... p. 1. 68 Ibid. 69 David Chazan, op. cit., pp. 4-5. 70 Indranil Banerjie, op. cit., p. 3; Tim McGirk, op. cit., p. 33. 71 Many in Afghanistan blame both the Pakistani government and the ISI for the creation of the Taliban, and there currently exists within Afghanistan a strong undercurrent of antipathy to both Pakistan and the ISI. 72 David Chazan, op. cit., p. 6. 388 SEAN... 55 Indranil Banerjie, op. cit., p. 7. 56 Rahul Bedl, op. cit., p. 3. 57 Ibid., p. 9. 58 Ibid., p. 1. 59 Tim McGirk, op. cit., p. 35. 60 Rahul Bedl, op. cit., p. 2; David Chazan, ''Pro.le: Pakistan's Military Intelligence Agency,'' BBC's News Online, 9 January, 2002, p. 8; Intelligence Resource Program, p. 4; Douglas Jehl, op. cit., pp. 1-2; Tim McGirk, op. cit., pp ...
... Literary Criticism: Lyric, Epic, and allied forms of Poetry (New York, 1919). The Principles of Poetry (New York, 1904). Gilson, Etienne. Dante the Philosopher, translated by David Moore (Sheed & Ward, London, 1952). Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust, (Bonn's Series, Bell, London, 1919). Gore, Charles. 'Be Philosophy of the Good Life (John Murray, London... London, 1933). Lai, P. & K. Raghavendra RAO. Modern Indo-Anglian Poetry (Kavita, Delhi, 1959). Langley, G .H. Sri Aurobindo: Indian Poet, Philosopher and Mystic (David Marlowe, London, 1949). Leavis, F.R. (Ed.) Towards Standards of Criticism (Wishart, London, 1933). LeeuwJ.J. Van Der. The Conquest of Illusion (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1928)... 490 The Man of Letters in the Modern World (Thames Hudson, London, 1957). Collected Essays (Alan Swallow, Denver, 1959). Tate, Allen, (in collaboration with David Cecil). Modern Verse in English: 1900-1950 (Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1958). Tillyard, E.M.W. The English Epic and its Background (Chatto & Windus, London, 1954). Underhill ...
... prematurely tipping over into an immensity too rich for us. I remember a very revealing little story that Mirra was soon to hear from the lips of Mrs. David-Neel, which She had every reason to believe true. When she was living in Indochina (I guess), Mrs. David-Neel used to meditate with her eyes closed while walking. She would follow the trail, leaving the others at the camp, and walked straight ahead... camp. We might call it a miracle —"she walked on water,” like Christ—or we might think that her meditation was so deep and so ethereal that.,. We may think whatever we like, but the fact is that Mrs. David- Neel herself did not think of the river. So the river did not exist. And one walked on it as easily as one would walk on anything else. Of course, the moment she thought of it (and, above all, thought ...
... 31 March 1936 Alexandra David-Neel Recently someone gave me a book called With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet by Madame Alexandra David-Neel. I am sending you a photograph of her. I was impressed by the hardships she endured and by her study of Tibetan mystics. But I don't know whether what she writes is authentic. This is a photograph of Madame David-Neel taken long ago when she was ...
... Sri Aurobindo , 4 fn. 7 Complete Writings of William Blake, The, 2 fn. l Confessions , 73 Critical Essays on English Literature, iv, fn. 1 "Daughters of Beulah", 228 David, 46, 49 "David and Goliath", 5 De Doctrina Christiana, 45, 100-02, 265 De Victoria Verbi Dei, 45 "deep", 14, 89, 90, 91, 120, 239 "deeps", 13-16, 33, 77, 78, 88, 90, 9 1 , 92, 1 10, 238-39... Blake, The, 22 fn. 5 "Preludium", 159 Preface to Paradise Lost, A, 102 fn. 162 Proclus, 134 Prophecy, 264 'Prospectus", 231 Proverbs of Hell, 138 Psalms of David. 49 fns. 19,20,21 Psychology, 4, 141,142,146 Puritan, Puritanism, 59 Raine, Kathleen, i, ii, vii, 4,25-29, 50 fn. 23, 134,144 fn. 18, 146,167-97, 222,231,237,258,261, 262,263-65 ...
... character.’ Madame David-Néel had a whole collection of letters of recommendation by the British government in her handbag, and the suspicions of the chief of police were soon put to rest. ‘[Aurobindo] certainly is a very remarkable scholar,’ he then said, ‘but he is a dangerous man. We hold him responsible for the recent assassination of Mr. Ashe, a British official.’ Madam David-Néel replied that... Part One: Aurobindo Ghose and Mirra Alfassa Beyond Man Chapter Six: The Arya At the end of 1911 Alexandra David-Néel was travelling in India. She seized the opportunity to take the train to Pondicherry and visit Aurobindo Ghose ‘of whom friends of mine have had such a good opinion’. These friends obviously were Mirra and Paul Richard. About her visit she ...
... destroying our conventional ideas. I may recall to you some of these mind-shaking revelations. One concerned the very physical plane. The Mother had a friend named Alexandra David-Neel. Madame David-Neel also knew Sri Aurobindo a little. She was a student of Buddhism, especially the Tibetan variety about which she has written a very fascinating book. She died recently at the age of 101... stream? There had been nobody to help her take a boat. Evidently she had walked upon the water! This seems incredible, but as the Mother believed it we had no right to doubt. The Mother said Madame David-Neel would not fool anybody nor would she deceive herself. So the miracle of walking upon the water can occur even in our twentieth century! We have heard of Jesus walking on the Lake of Galilee. But ...
... objectivise, so to say, inner, states or spiritual experiences. Among these poets may be counted C.Day Lewis, George Barker, Stephen Spender, W. H. Auden, Peter Yeats, Walter Alien, Edith Sitwell, David Gascoyne, J.A.Chadwic alias Arjava, K.D.Sethna, Sigfried Sasson, Herbert Read, to give only a few names out of the many. Of these writers. Day Lewis stands out as a very remarkable poet embodying... coming out of the subliminal worlds into the world of poetry, with living, concrete and vivid experience which opens out a new realm of the subliminal and the occult to the present-day poetry. David Gascoyne brings in a symbolic sense of the natural phenomenon with great poetic success. In his 'Snow in Europe' the hush of death that fell on Europe during the last world-war is symbolised by snow... Song of the Cold" mourns the Page 81 loss of warmth in the hearts of men which has become a "world's fever". She laments "the ultimate cold within the heart of man". This agrees with David Gascoyne and others who have introduced a similar feeling for the seasons. In this poem "Colliery Country", Walter Alien feels the "heavy monotonous beat of the colliery pump" in the ...
... was mystically chosen to preach, telling how the man Jesus was revealed to be the Divine incarnate: "This news is about the Son of God who, according to the human nature he took, was a descendant of David: it is about Jesus Christ our Lord who, in the order of the spirit, the spirit of holiness that was in him, was proclaimed Son of God in all his power through his resurrection from the dead" (Romans... out. In our citation of Romans 1:3-4, although he "was proclaimed Son of God" through his Resurrection, he was still God's Son, however secretly, when he took "human nature" and "was a descendant of David". As such, for all the impoverishment, kenosis and most humble condition accepted by him, even to the extent of "death on a cross" (Philippians 2:8), he could not be in Paul's eyes nothing more than ...
... the present article met Sethna (Amal Kiran) only once, in March 1997, when he visited Sethna to present him with a copy of the book Vedic Aryans and the Origins of Civilization by N.S. Rajaram and David Frawley, which was dedicated to him. What follows is a summary of Sethna's work based on excerpts from two of his major works: KARPASA in Prehistoric India (KPT) and The Problem of Aryan... Chronological and Cultural clue, New Delhi: Biblia Impex, 1981. Jha, N. and Rajaram, N.S., The Deciphered Indus Script, New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, 2000. Rajaram, Navaratna S. and Frawley, David, Vedic Aryans and the Origins of Civilization, New Delhi: Voice of India, 3rd edition, 2000. Page 166 ...
... so far by us reads: "sister's son" (Colossians 4:10). But all subsequent translations are unanimous in setting right the mistake. For example, today's English Version on which the Protestant Canon David Edwards of Westminster Abbey bases his admirable Jesus For Modern Man 9 has: "Mark, the cousin of Barnabas." The prestigious Jerusalem Bible, which is a Roman Catholic publication with a "Nihil Obstat"... about Jesus and that various traditions about the infancy were formed later." Page 52 II In spite of all these linguistic facts and scriptural and other references, David Quinlan 46 still voices as quite definite the old Roman Catholic pleas that the four named "brethren" of Jesus and the un-named "sisters" are recognisable as cousins from several designations traceable ...
... no poetry is greater than ours has been. It all seemed to end with the last war - before that war there were Eliot and Yeats and David Jones and Dylan Thomas and Edwin Muir and Vernon Watkins and de la Mare and many fine poets of lesser stature. Now there is no-one; David Gascoyne stands alone. I do my best which is not good enough. Otherwise a celebration by commonplace writers, of the commonplace ...
... course of this essay are all derived from the utterances of eminent mathematicians themselves. In fact, to substantiate these conclusions we shall be drawing freely upon the writings of Henri Poincaré, David Hilbert, Nicolas Bourbaki, Andre Weil, Arnaud Denjoy, René Dugas, etc. "Mysteria Infiniti" "The one becomes Many, but all these Many are That which was already and is always itself... mathematician. He never shuns problems, rather welcomes them with zest in order only to conquer them. In fact, "problems are the daily bread for the sustenance of a mathematician." 39 According to David Hilbert, the greatest mathematical genius of the present century, "an absence of problems is the sure sign of death". The attitude of a true mathematician has been mirrored in that popular saying (quoted ...
... intimate friend, David, the noted goalie of our celebrated football team. He had only just been married. I remember how regularly his wife used to offer worship to Mariamma (Virgin Mary) praying for his safety and well-being, during the period of nearly three years that he had to be away: they were of course Christians. The plaintive tones of her hymns still ring in my ears. David returned after the ...
... search in the Rue St. Louis house. Sri Aurobindo also refers in it to the escape of Mayuresan to Cuddalore. On 15 August Sri Aurobindo's birthday was celebrated. Some local people – Sada, Pitrus, David and four others – besides the members of the household, took part in the celebration. Sri Aurobindo sat in a chair in the outer verandah of the new house and all those who had come passed one by one... presented here. After 1913, Sri Aurobindo very rarely went out to see people or attend functions. The occasions on which he went out between 1913 and 1920 are as follows: (1) to the house of Joseph David (afterwards Mayor of Pondicherry) on the occasion of his marriage (1914 ?); (2) to David's place on the occasion of his daughter's baptism; (3) on the occasion of the marriage of Sada Oudiyar, a Tamil ...
... strange smile recounted to me what she had already told Pavitra in the presence of Sujata, at the end of 1950, just after Sri Aurobindo’s departure: she had received a letter from Mrs Alexandra David-Neel, an “old friend” of hers she had known well in Paris, who in her letter had predicted that Mother would be “murdered by her own disciples.” That letter must still exist in the Ashram archives... notepaper, which I never used, I don’t like letterheads, especially mine. After all, I have not much to write any more, I have to hold myself firmly not to slip out of it all. Page 327 David is struggling with Barun who robbed Boni of all his books and his money. As a result, His Lordship came back into the field of consciousness, and he is the most horrible of all. I am sorry, I am ...
... 38 Dante 111,315,471,633 Dara (Aga Syed Ibrahim) 328 Das, Deshbandhu Chittaranjan 216, 448 Datta (Dorothy Hodgeson) 183, 201, 209ff, 217, 235, 239, 255, 321, 325, 328-9, 674, 691 David-Neel, Mme Alexandra 29, 633 Daulatram Sharma 230 Dayanand Saraswati 624 Deshmukh, C.D. 652 Devi Mahatmyam 278, 662 Dhar, Manoranjan 821 Dhammapada 82, 192, 506, 639ff, 668, 836 Dilip Kumar... on 24 April 817 on 15 August 818-9 deterioration in health and the end 819-20 laid in state 820ff interment 823-4 recapitulation of her life 831-44 2. Others on the Mother Alexandra David-Neel 29 Amal Kiran 86-7, 264-5, 287, 319, 341, 549 Amrita 91-2 Page 909 André 478 Baron 662-3 Bibhas 670 Champaklal 212, 222, 420 Chidanandam 231, 765 Dilip Kumar 260 Ganapati ...
... affinity between the Indus Valley language and Vedic Sanskrit. Finally, were the Harappan civilization indeed pre-Aryan (Dravidian or not), we would have the strange paradox, cogently pointed out by David Frawley, of the Indus Valley inhabitants leaving behind no literature, though they were literate, but a huge physical presence now brought to light by archaeology, while the Aryans, who though illiterate... unbiased study of all available elements from all these fields has now established that the Veda must have been composed between 7000 and 4000 B.C. See the Myth of the Aryan Invasion of India by David Frawley (Delhi, Voice of India, 1994), The Astronomical Code of the Rigveda by Page 246 Defendants of the Aryan invasion theory find themselves very much in the position of the geocentric ...
... may say, "Ah, no, this is not quite the time!" ( Silence ) Ah! I think it is time to stop. Last time you said that Madame David-Neel did not know how to swallow up her creation and that you taught her the "trick" of doing it. (Pavitra repeating aloud) Madame David-Neel did not know how to swallow up her creation.... Ah, yes, and so?... You want me to give you the trick? ( Laughter ) First ...
... But that's all right, that's what Page 34 she wanted; she found we were nodding off! Soon afterwards: Oh, if you want to be amused, I have received a letter from Alexandra David-Neel.... You know that we had been corresponding and that she was the "great protector" of Tibetan lames (one of them was her "son" and he died there, so she was feeling quite lonely). I told her that... several Tibetans since the invasion of Tibet. × Satprem remembers that several years earlier, Madame A. David-Neel had in a letter already advised Mother to leave Pondicherry (it was Mother herself who told this to Satprem around or a little before 1960), because, she predicted, Mother would be "assassinated ...
... panoply of millions of species exists with regard to and somehow because of human beings. Similarly, it is no longer useful to suppose that we, as individuals, are the center of the universe, either.” (David Barash 21 ) Yet the human, evolved from the animal, is more than the animal: he is a mental being to a degree which essentially differs from that of the nascent mentality in the animal. It is the... × See the recent series of Japanese documentaries realized with international cooperation: Planet Earth – not to be confused with David Attenborough’s similarly named but older documentaries made for the BBC. × Steven Mithen: The Prehistory ...
... × David Berlinski: The Devil’s Delusion, p. 157. × Michael Shermer: op. cit., p. 159. × David Berlinski: op. cit., pp. 158-59. ...
... over time, and which still bear the marks of earlier roles. These capacities have shaped our physical, biological and social environments, and they have been shaped by those environments.” 1 David Barash puts it in plainer language: “Plants that commit rape and bacteria that spoil food are following evolutionary strategies that maximize their fitness. And, clearly, in neither case do the actors... × Tim Lewens: Darwin , p. 242. × David Barash: Sociobiology – The Whisperings Within , pp. 31, 131. × Desmond Morris: The Human Zoo, p ...
... Bevor Hitler kam Bullock, Alan: Hitler and Stalin – Parallel Lives Burgess, Simon: Stafford Cripps – A Political Life Burleigh, Michael: The Third Reich – A New History Cannadine, David (ed.): The Speeches of Winston Churchill, p 134. Chamberlain, Lesley: Nietzsche in Turin – An Intimate Biography Châtellier, Hildegard: Entre religion et philosophie: approaches du spiritisme... Hitler und seine Deutschen Kubizek, August: Adolf Hitler, mein Jugendfreund Langer, Walter: The Mind of Adolf Hitler Lapierre, Larry Collins and Dominique: Is Paris Burning? Large, David Clay: Hitlers München Lebert, Norbert and Stephan: Denn Du trägst meinen Namen Leeb, Johannes (ed.): Wir waren Hitlers Eliteschüler Leigh, Michael Baigent and Richard: Secret Germany ...
... Aurobindo we had somehow managed a chair and a table and a camp cot. We lived a real camp life.’ 59 Another visitor from France Aurobindo received towards the end of November 1911 was Alexandra David-Néel, who had started on the long journey which would ultimately take her to Lhasa. She wrote to ‘Mouchy,’ her husband: ‘In the evening I had a conversation with a Hindu about whom I have never spoken... Tirunelvelli, who had been killed by extremists based in Pondicherry. The latter part of the information was correct, but Aurobindo was in no way involved in this terrorist attack. However, Madame David-Néel, with her handbag full of recommendations, was not troubled any further. In 1912 Aurobindo started noting down the details of his yogic practice – the same year in which Mirra Alfassa began ...
... In the early years just after Sri Aurobindo's arrival, many local people, Hindus as well as Christians, came to see him in the evenings when he permitted visitors. Among those coming regularly was David, an average middle-class man. Gradually, as his contact with Sri Aurobindo increased; his financial situation improved and, due to his wealth and means, his reputation too increased; soon he began to... counted among the very important citizens of the town. However, along with this his visits to Sri Aurobindo decreased and ultimately stopped. At that time, one of his friends told Sri Aurobindo that David believed that his rise was the result of his own capacities and not of Sri Aurobindo's Grace. Sri Aurobindo smiled and merely asked, “Is that so? I did not know that.” Some time later news came of ...
... gifts and the call of God are irrevocable" (Rom. 11:26-29). This reading of the mind of Paul in Romans gives special significance to his many references to the name of Jesus there: from "descended from David according to the flesh... Jesus Christ our Lord" in the first chapter, to "the preaching of Jesus Christ," which "is now disclosed and through the prophetic writings is made known to all nations" in... not only as Mother of God and Queen of Heaven but also as the Jewish maiden and the New Miriam, and on icons of Christ not only as the Cosmic Christ but also as Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of David, come to ransom a captive Israel and a captive humanity? 11. Jesus was Jewish It is clear that Jesus was a Jew. He was born of a Jewish mother, in Galilee, a Jewish part of the world. All ...
... Socrates The Death of Socrates by French painter Jean-Louis David (1748-1825) Phaedo Plato PERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE: PHAEDO: who is the narrator of the Dialogue to Echecrates of Phlius. ECHECRATES SOCRATES APOLLODORUS SIMMIAS CEBES CRITO ATTENDANT OF THE PRISON SCENE: The Prison of Socrates PLACE OF... of all the men of his" time whom I have known, he was the wisest and justest and best. Translation by Benjamin Jowett (abridged) * * * Page 122 The Death of Socrates by David (detail) Page 123 Page 124 Top: The theatre at Dodona and the mountains of Epirus in the back-ground. In Dodona, Zeus' oracle spoke through the ...
... intimate friend, David, the noted goalie of our celebrated football team. He had only just been married. I remember how regularly his wife used to offer worship to Mariamma (Virgin Mary) praying for his safety and well-being, during the period of nearly three years that he had to be away: they were of course Christians. The plaintive tones of her hymns still ring in my ears. David returned after ...
... consciousness, 388; clue from Vivekananda, 389; exploration of Inconscience, 391-2; synthesis of experience and knowledge, 393-4; the coming "golden age", 393; Paul Richard's tribute, 395; Alexandra David-Neel's visit, 395; Mirra Richard's visit, 395; assurance to her, 398,410; decision to launch Arya and Revue, 398-9; on name and aims of Arya, 402ff; the future, and way to harmony, 403-4; massive... Datta, Bhupendranath, 199, 234, 245, 305 Datta (Dorothy Hodgson), 526, 540, 548, 549, 575 Datta, Ullaskar, 219, 325, 329ff Dattagupta, Birendranath, 365 David-Neel, Alexandra, 395, 396, 399, 525 Dayanand Saraswati, 15, 16, 19, 60,452 Defence of Indian Culture, A, 404,448 de Mello, Melville, 760 Derozio, Henry, 14,25 ...
... to vindicate the much-damaged majesty of the almighty bureaucracy". 42 Thou hast conquered, indeed, O Bureaucracy! As an epilogue to the tragi-comedy, there was a minor skirmish between the David-like Bande Mataram and the Goliath-sized Statesman regarding the fate of the "poor" printer sentenced to three months' imprisonment, the nuances of magisterial ethics and the virtues of journalistic... these facts, it will realise that the mere possession of a rotary machine does not of itself make one an authority either on the history or on the ethics of journalism. The laurels were with David, as always - not with Goliath. Page 247 ...
... hostile peoples and conditions. This eventually compelled the Twelve Tribes —ruled so far by 'judges' —to set up monarchy (around 1025 B.C.). The first chosen king, Saul, was followed by David and his son, Solomon. It was David who conquered Jerusalem and made it the national capital. And it was Solomon who built the first Temple there during his forty years' reign (971-931 B.C.). That glorious period was ...
... as far as I hear, being their favourite," reported the police chief. Nolini: "This man plays football well." Sourin: "Picks up quarrels like a mad man sometimes." Moni: "Plays football well." Joseph David: "Studying in B.A. Class. A close friend of the Bengalis.... It is learnt that letters for the Bengalis come addressed to this man." Amrita soon became familiar with the names of the 'Bengalis... arrived. It was probably one hour before sunset. This I surmised by the dimness of the light inside the house." Among the invitees were the local friends of the boys from Cercle Sportif, like Joseph David, Sada (we shall meet him later), and others. Amrita takes up from here. "In the hall of the front Page 359 portion of the house some twenty or twenty-five banana leaves were laid out ...
... with their electrical energy, yet there existed, also, a palpable calm. After a moment of quiet reflection I put the following questions to Anurakta: Where were you born? I was born Anthony David Rochelle in Bournemouth, England on February 5, 1932. What is the history and background of your family? What were their religious beliefs? My mother’s side of the family was rural and they were ...
... far ahead of the traditional legend. Yet if we go into the deep past we have certain clues about the attempts which were made earlier. In this respect we have a very perceptive comment from David Frawley alias Vamadeva Shastri: "It seems that the urge to transform the Earth consciousness was stronger in the earlier ages of light. It fell away during the worst of Kali Yuga, when it was enough ...
... life of Satyavan that has travelled 11 John Keats: A Selection , Ed. S. Ramaswami, Macmillan Students Edition, Madras, 1975, p. 35. 12 Ibid ., p. 57. 13 The Winged Word, Ed . David Green, Macmillan, Madras, 1974, p. 146. 14 Savitri, p. 421. Page 490 beyond earth, to the spaces above. If the Blessed Damozel, an inmate of heaven, longs for earth, then ...
... much less consistent document than could be expected of the Word of God. England, the country of origin of the Enlightenment, was the exemplar of tolerance. Names like John Toland, John Locke and David Hume, willing to draw the last consequences of the enlightening but fallible human reason, are an ornament to its culture. In France there was Pierre Bayle (1647-1706), “the great apostle of tolerance” ...
... cured by a hypnotic suggestion, and that the revelation of his destiny was put into him in the same way. A sensationalist book about how a Dr Edmund Forster thus created Hitler has been written by David Lewis and published in 2003 as The Man Who Invented Hitler . This book is based on a novel by Ernst Weiss, and all links with the facts behind the story are very thin and in most cases nothing more ...
... distinction) – was to be modelled on the Cosmic Man. The very purpose of life was to know the great mystery of existence, which is the mystery of the purusha.” Georg Feuerstein, Subhash Kak and David Frawley: In Search of the Cradle of Civilization , p. 219. × See in L’Agenda de Mère the conversation ...
... “Omnipotence raises some awkward theological questions. Is God free to prevent evil? If he is omnipotent, yes. Why then does he fail to do so? This devastating argument was deployed by [the philosopher] David Hume: if the evil in the world is from the intention of the Deity, then he is not benevolent. If the evil is contrary to his intention, he is not omnipotent. He cannot be both omnipotent and benevolent ...
... sea-change taking place in Britain’s 19th century. The Enlightenment is generally associated with France and the philosophes , but the part of the British philosophers, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and David Hume in particular, was at least as important. Their critical attitude (empiricism) towards the long established European, mainly Christian values opened the gates for the principles of materialism ...
... Baha Ullah as the head of Bahaism. Inayat Khan, the prophet of Sufism in the West, gave a talk in her house. She also visited occult séances and addressed various circles. And there was Alexandra David-Néel, the modern prophetess of Buddhism and fearless explorer, who would be the first non-Tibetan woman to enter Lhasa in disguise. For a time they met every day and went for walks in the Bois de Boulogne ...
... Thémanlys, Un séjour chez les Grands Initiés , p. 79. × Jean Chalon, Le lumineux destin d’Alexandra David-Néel, p. 55. × The author owes most of these data to an unpublished essay by Peter Heehs, Rooted ...
... ‘from light to light.’ ‘It gave the impression that every cell was a world in miniature corresponding to the all.’ This is the biology of the future, now at best vaguely anticipated in the works of David Bohm, Rupert Sheldrake, Ilya Prigogine and others. Where the Mother’s reports of her experiences differed from science was in the fact that, according to her, vibrations were not neutral events which ...
... current in the Ashram that the Mother had asked Richard to find out from some Yogi in India the meaning of the symbol which goes by the designation "Seal of Solomon", popularly called also "Star of David". Sometimes it is taken to be a pentagram such as the Middle Ages of Europe employed in magical practices and such as is supposed in India to cure the scorpion-sting if not the snake-bite too. But ...
... quoted by him are wanting in all that he finds in them. The trouble is that Burns who was a poet very far by temperament from being symbolically subtle does not seem to have written them as quoted. David Daiches, in a broadcast 1 on the bicentenary of Burns's birth on January 5, 1959, refers to the Scots singer's "magical use of symbolic colour which so impressed the poet W. B. Yeats" but quotes the ...
... the logicality it lacked from the viewpoint of sense-observation Newton introduced into science the religious concept of God's omnipresence in a literal sense. The diary of his friend and student, David Gregory, leaves no doubt that the unmoving uniform universal presence of God in the physical cosmos was the essence of his absolute space in reference to which absolute motion would occur. Of course ...
... state of God's eternal omnipresence, though He has His immediate and visible habitation in the midst of the Light, Freedom, Happiness and Glory that is spread out as Heaven. Appositely does David Masson exclaim: "The physical universe of Dante's great poem would go into a nutshell as compared with that to which the imagination must stretch itself out in Paradise Lost..." 11 The extreme ...
... participants had known beforehand that they were to execute a propaganda march through the city, and in the bygone night they had slept little and drunk much beer. Many suffered from a nasty hangover.” (David Large 217) Hitler marched in the front row, behind the flags and banners, with Ludendorff on his left and Scheubner-Richter on his right; also in the front row were Göring as head of the SA, Kriebel ...
... about ourselves. It would be ‘the Grail of human genetics’, according to the American geneticist Walter Gilbert. Today, however, knowing the genome seems, in the words of another American biologist, David Baltimore, the starting point of the post-genomic studies which will reveal to us the foundations of life, and also give us the understanding of our human nature. How to explain such a rapid change ...
... that point and relieve us from this absolute want. K is going out now a days and at least for that we want some clothes. Do not send it [in] Jogin's name they are going back to Bengal. Send it to David. Yours, B. [14] [June 1914] Dear M I have received from Grindlays Rs 400. That leaves Rs 200 out of the Rs 1000, which I hope will be received by next August. We have also the clothes ...
... still growing in the form of cedar-trees on the mountains, Solomon had a dream in which his God appeared to him and said: "Ask of me what you wish me to give you." Solomon answered: "My father David was a just and truthful man and now I have succeeded to his throne. The work that lies before me is great. I feel like a little child. I do not know how to go out or come in. I do not even know how ...
... lives in ignorance, one has powers one doesn't know about, so naturally one uses them very badly. One uses them somewhat unconsciously and very badly. I don't know if you have ever heard of Madame David-Neel who went to Tibet and has written books on Tibet, and who was a Buddhist; and Buddhists—Buddhists of the strictest tradition—do not believe in the Divine, do not believe in his Eternity and do ...
... formula or process or else controls elemental beings of the subtler states (planes or worlds) who do the thing for him. The Tibetans indulge widely in occult processes; if you see the books of Madame David-Neel who has lived in Tibet you will get an idea of their expertness in these things. But also the Tibetan Lamas know something of the laws of occult (mental and vital) energy and how it can be made ...
... lives in ignorance, one has powers one doesn’t know about, so naturally one uses them very badly. One uses them somewhat unconsciously and very badly. I don’t know if you have ever heard of Madame David-Neel who went to Tibet and has written books on Tibet, and who was a Buddhist; and Buddhists—Buddhists of the strictest tradition—do not believe in the Divine, do not believe in his Eternity and do ...
... monster who turns up not only in the powerful and gruesome painting that Blake called 'The Ghost of a Flea', but also as Pestilence in 'Pestilence: the Death of the First-Born', and as Goliath in 'David and Goliath'." It is, however, of little moment for our precise purpose whether the Tyger is an occult vision proper to mysticism or simply an intense poetic one. We are conducting a literary and ...
... disappear, and then, after a few days, they reappear! ( Mother looks for her note again ) I prefer to exhaust all material explanations before making other suppositions. But even someone like Madame David-Neel (and God knows she was positivist in the extreme) herself told me an experience of that sort. I was explaining something to her and she replied, "I am not surprised, because the same thing happened ...
... As for me, I always answer with the story of Buddha: as he was about to enter Nirvana, he suddenly realized that the earth had to be changed... and stayed on. I remember, once, it was with Madame David-Neel. It's very interesting. She came to give a lecture (I wasn't acquainted with her, that's where I met her for the first time), I think it was at the Theosophical Society (I forget). I went to the ...
... it, there's a horrible discomfort. That's my condition. ( silence ) Well, what do you want? What you want. ( Mother plunges in till the end ) No news? Tell me whatever you like. David, the young Italian who made a documentary on Sri Page 299 Aurobindo, now wants to film "The Gold Washer." But he wants to do it in the true spirit, with your help, showing how it inevitably ...
... is doubtless an English response, and to Indian readers familiarity with a whole philosophic language may give substance to these imageless abstractions - but not poetic substance. Poetry is what David Jones calls 'incarna-tional' or as Shakespeare says, 'gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name'. I don't find this in Sri Page 30 Aurobindo's writings, though I do richly ...
... far apart, who could never have had contact in the natural way. Or perhaps you were a horseman sixty years ago? Did you yourself take part in those god-like races? I've just been reviewing David Gascoyne's collected poems; with the title 'England's last great poet?'. His poetry certainly has prophetic moments. I look forward to your paper, in due course. (16.7.1988) Page 220 ...
... WONDERFUL—the tale of a prince who taught the law 3.BY WHICH ALL MEN MUST LIVE 4.THE POOL OF ENCHANTMENT—a tale of triumph of wisdom over death 5.THE WISDOM OF CHILDREN—Leo Tolstoy 6.DAVID COPPERFIELD—Charles Dickens 7.MY ELDER BROTHER—PremChand 8.COROMANDEL FISHERS—Sarojini Naidu 9.CASABLANCA—Felicia Hemans 10.SOCRATES 11.REMINISCENCES—Rabindra Nath Tagore ...
... Andrea del Verrocchio (1435-1488) was and outstanding and widely talented artist. He directed the most important workshop in Florence during Leonardo's youth. His most famous work is the bronze statue David, in the Piazza della Signoria in Florence. 2. The Medici were a family of bankers and traders who ruled Florence and later Tuscany from 1434 to 1737. They provided three Popes, married into the ...
... Test from plot: The last Days of Socrates, translation by Hugh Tredennick (Baltimore, Penguin Book, 1961), pp.45-76. Page 88 The death of Socrates, by French artist Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825) Plato has movingly told the story of Socrates' last day in prison. He rebuked his followers for their open display of grief and died with great dignity after drinking a cup of ...
... the empiricism 1 of John Locke (1632- 1704). Locke attacked the theory of innate ideas and maintained that all ideas have their origin in sense-experience. Locke s empiricism reached its climax with David Hume (1711-1776), who maintained that sense-experience cannot provide a basis for belief in substance, either physical or spiritual, and hence nothing can be known with certainty. Hume s empiricism ...
... meditation is very rigorous and the monks are thrashed for breaking the discipline. SRI AUROBINDO: We might also begin that here! Purani could be deputed as one of the thrashers. PURANI: Madame David-Neel divides the Lamas into three classes the low and ordinary, who are the commonest and care only for food and comfort; the intellectual and artistic; the mystic or Yogi. SRI AUROBINDO: But that ...
... AUROBINDO: If people on the spot know better, it means Pétain and his minority know better than others. One may also suggest perhaps that Pétain is working to give bread to the people. (After-a while) If David were to become a dictator of Pondicherry and say that he would give bread, would he know better because he would be a man on the spot? As for the inadequate help of the British, you can blame Chamberlain ...
... the Self. But then illogicality will come in. SATYENDRA: The Tibetan Buddhists say that Nirvana is a half-way house. SRI AUROBINDO: What is beyond? SATYENDRA: That I didn't find in Madame David-Neel's book. SRI AUROBINDO: I met a Muslim scholar in Calcutta who said that Islam also has ascending planes of experience of the Divine SATYENDRA: Maybe a Sufi. SRI AUROBINDO: Bhaskarananda ...
... put pressure on him. He must either declare for De Gaulle or the British Government will take possession of Pondicherry. Purani then reported that there had been a meeting of the Council in which David and others had spoken about the matter; some, especially Baron and the bank manager, favoured the idea, others opposed it. SRI AUROBINDO : Baron's voice seems to have been drowned out in a murmur ...
... reviewed in detail, philosophies of every colour, exercises and disciplines of every spirituality—in other words, the higher echelons of the mind. Almost every evening, she received at her home Madame David-Neel, who had just returned from her first journey to the Far East. Mother heard of Bahaism, Taoism, studied the discipline of meditation, Buddhist dhyana, Buddhist renunciation. But she was searching ...
... , from his rich collection of psychological documents. Page 112 Appendix II Let me give you a good illustration of this feature in the conversion process. That genuine saint, David Brainerd, describes his own crisis in the following words: — "One morning, while I was walking in a solitary place as usual, I at once saw that all my contrivances and projects to effect or procure ...
... of conversion marks a radical point of departure from ordinary life to a truly spiritual life. An important example of this experience of conversion, which William James has given, is that of Saint David Brainerd. The description of this experience is appended at Appendix II (p.113) Conversion may very often be a movement as a result of which spiritual life becomes central to the seeker. But ...
... never had any belief in the conventional Gods of the religions, the One-God-on-high; it was the God within that she always sought. One of the members of her study group in Paris was Madame Alexandra David-Neel who became well known as a Tibetologist. In later years she used these words in speaking of the Mother of those early days: 'We spent marvellous evenings together with friends, believing in ...
... He was influenced by the Brahmo Samaj leader, Atmuri Lakshmi Narasimha. The ideas of Raja Rammohun Roy, Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar and Keshub Chunder Sen had a powerful impact on him. David Kopf says; 'The new social conscience and consciousness of Unitarianism was in Rammohun almost entirely directed to the miserable state of Hindu women. He found them uneducated and illiterate, deprived ...
... should know it is easier to be indifferent to criticism than to compliments. I shall tell you a story in this connection. I have spoken to you more than once of Madame D. N.¹ ¹ Madame Alexandra David-Neele. Page 142 She was a militant personality and a great Buddhist luminary. When she came to India she wanted to see some of the great Indian sages, Gurus, that is to say, and ...
... things. According to him, it is quite possible in physics, to have a fundamentally new property completely different from any contemplated hitherto, hidden, in the behaviour of ordinary matter. David Bohm in his book. Wholeness And The Implicate Order, 9 argues that the Quantum Theory presents a serious challenge to the theory of the mechanistic order. He points out that the key features of ...
... References Preface to the First Edition 1. The Hudson Review, Winter 1959-1960, p. 507. 2. Dante the Philosopher, tr. By David Moore, pp. ix-x 3. Quoted by J.B. Leishman in his Introduction to Poems 1906 to 1926 4. The Dawn Eternal, pp. 37-8 5. 18 April 1958 6. Quoted in Purani, ...
... of Sri Aurobindo appears to me more comprehensive and systematic than that of Tagore."¹——G. H. LANGLEY ( Sri Aurobindo: Indian Poet, Philosopher, Mystic " Royal India Pakistan Ceylon Society, David Marlowe Ltd., ) " . . 1 have never known a philosopher so all-embracing in his metaphysical structure as Sri Aurobindo, none before him had the same vision. ... " I can foresee the day ...
... the rites of Adi Brahmo Samaj. It was the alliance of two authentic and forceful currents in the inner life of Bengal. A contemporary of Michael Madhusudan Dutt, a student of Henry Derozio and David Hare, Rajnarain Bose was an early synthesis of the East and the West, and in the heyday of his hallowed life "represented the high water-mark of the * I am indebted to Sisirkumar Mitra of Sri ...
... Culture] promised to come back with a team from French TV. You see, it is like that, endless and repetitive. Already I had to make a considerable effort to let myself be filmed and interviewed by David. It gives the impression of "ageing" that Mother must have felt after all those "Conversations" at the Playground. You say to yourself: all the same ... is there nothing better to do? And I am still ...
... left eye, and on 6 March she told her listeners at the Playground: "My eye won't allow me to read today." On 8 March, she was still unable to read, but told the story of her old friend Mme Alexandra David-Neel, who, seeing a tiger in front of her in a forest, closed her eyes and went into a meditative stillness and immobility that turned away the man-eater. And the Mother concluded: Now we are going ...
... Deputies in Paris. Hoping that during his stay there he would meet some realised yogis or saints, he thought of finding out, if possible, the inner significance of the Jewish emblem known as the Star of David or the Seal of Solomon. This was also the mystic symbol of Théon's Cosmic Movement and appeared on the front page of its organ, Revue Cosmique. Théon's symbol was a sort of Yogachakra - a "six-pointed ...
... garden with ivy on the walls, its drawing room lined with books and even a big grand piano, the Luxembourg Gardens next door and the hum of the Latin Quarter. Almost every evening, She received Madame David-Neel there, just back from her first journey to the Far East and soon to become “the first woman to enter Lhasa," dis- i guised as a mendicant monk. Mother heard of Bahaism ; and Taoism, watched and ...
... information, they would just fabricate the news." 18 In the Raghavan house in St. Louis Street, Sri Aurobindo's birthday was celebrated on the 15th August. "Some local people, Sada, Pitrus, David and four others, besides the members of the house, took part in the celebration. Sri Aurobindo sat in a chair in the outer verandah of the new 18. Published in Mother India, December 1961 ...
... Calcutta. He was a brilliant student of Hare School in Calcutta, which he joined at the age of eight; his answer papers were published in some of the leading newspapers. He was a favourite student of David Hare. In 1840 he joined the Hindu College (now the Presidency College) on a sholarship. The Hindu College was the first English College that had the support of both the Hindu community and the British ...
... d the poet in Nirod. "But the stories were nothing to speak of—except one. I can say something of this one because I have still two pages left of it. All my stories were occult." 1. David Rassendren. Some stories were found later, many of them incomplete, and have been published. Page 191 One of his main occupations at Cambridge was writing English poetry to' which ...
... There's a seven-storey apartment building on each side, and the street is here. "It wasn't very big. But the studio was fairly large — a beautiful room.... That's where I used to receive Madame David-Neel—we saw each other almost every evening. "There was a large library in the studio —the library took up the whole far end of the room —more than two thousand books belonging to my brother. ...
... history, on a whole culture. This is all being destroyed by the radio and television, the press, by commerce, which speak a language without a past, without resonances. 'Emptyings out of meaning' David Jones called it in Epoch and Artist. Thus I feel with Sri Aurobindo that with all his fluency in English - Indian users of English are sufficiently fluent - there is not a sense of these auras and ...
... that of the Hindus. Kalki? Yes, Kalki. The description is very similar. And the Maitreya Buddha, too. Yes, but it seems we should be more cautious about him. According to Alexandra David-Neel, it's not a truly authentic text, it came afterwards, after Buddha's descendants: it isn't what Buddha himself is said to have preached. There is a controversy here. Of course, Alexandra belonged ...
... systematically, though nobody would deny that it is a worthwhile aim to have. Perhaps some might question its feasibility - is it possible to do so on a large scale, in a 2. Gribble, David, Real Education : Varieties of Freedom, Bristol: Libertarian Education, 1998. Page 399 systematic manner are all individuals capable of such an integration? This is a ...
... It is against these “chance forces” effecting extremely complex and meaningful results that Jean Swyngedauw protested a few paragraphs ago. Others are at least as forceful in their reaction, e.g. David Berlinski: “Darwinism is no longer merely a scientific theory but an ideology. … The term ‘Darwinism’ conveys the suggestion of a secular ideology, a global system of belief. So it does, and so it surely ...
... about the fact that the laws and constants of physics are absolute. This means that the problem lies in the extrapolations back in time, in applying what is deemed valid now to what happened then. David Shramm acknowledges that, as cosmologists venture further back toward the beginning of time, their theories become more speculative. And Howard Georgi confided to the science journalist John Horgan: ...
... wrote the answers only when for some reason Sri Aurobindo temporarily had to stop corresponding. × David Lloyd George (1863-1945), prominent British politician, prime minister from 1916 to 1922. × Franklin ...
... capabilities. She divorced Morisset and married Paul Richard, formerly a Protestant pastor. In those years Mirra was fairly active in all kinds of occult and spiritual circles. She befriended Alexandra David-Néel, journalist, fervent Buddhist and explorer-to-be, who would become the first Western woman to enter Lhasa, the forbidden Tibetan capital, in disguise. Mirra Richard also discovered the texts of ...
... and one of the founders, Philipp Stauff, were spiritists. The Thule Society was, moreover, a secret organization, founded officially to study and spread the völkisch, nationalist and occult sciences. David Clay Large writes that “magic rituals” were intended to bring present-day Nordic people into contact with the dead ancestors in order to find out their secrets, which would enable the Germans of the ...
... objectives of Derleth’s legions. 705 And there was also “The Cosmic Circle”, often called “the Cosmics” or “the Enormous”, a small but qualitatively significant group. The Cosmics, according to David Clay Large, wanted to rejuvenate a calcified and too much intellectually shaped modern world through a renaissance of paganism. Their common points, however much they may have differed on others, were ...
... that the dimensions racism took in Germany resulted eventually “in such terrible political consequences”. 413 Some sayings from that time will illustrate Bronder’s point. The Scottish philosopher David Hume “inclined to presume”, in 1754, that generally speaking “all other races of human beings were naturally inferior to the white race”. The other races had never developed a civilized nation or prominent ...
... (John Barrow) In recent times, however, the laws of physics, “once regarded as cast in tablets of stone,” began to look less definitive. What was once the domain of a few “eccentric” scientists like David Bohm, Rupert Sheldrake or Ilya Prigogine, is now more and more accepted by scientific orthodoxy and may soon be integrated into the standard paradigm. “As soon as the laws are confined to some abstract ...
... doubt. / One hates them much, and I hate them … / And God hates them / And everybody must hate them”, wrote a chronicler. The Jews were now to wear a distinctive sign – a yellow patch, the Star of David, or, as in Germany, a yellow conical hat – as prescribed by the IVth Lateran Council in 1215. “In the countries where the Christians are not distinguishable from the Jews and the Saracens by their dress ...
... befriended some of the youngsters from town. As Nolini writes in his Reminiscences: ‘Among our first acquaintances in Pondicherry were some of the young men here … Sada, Benjamin, Jules Rassendren, David … Gradually they formed a group of Sri Aurobindo’s devotees. The strange thing about it was that they were all Christians. We did not have much of a response from the local Hindus, perhaps they were ...
... of a huge house. There's a seven-story apartment building on each side, and the street is here. It wasn't very big. The studio was rather large—a beautiful room ... That's where I received Madame David-Neel—we saw each other nearly every evening. There was a considerable library in the studio; one whole end was given over to the library—more than two thousand books belonging to my brother. There ...
... it? I knew it so well when it was there, opening before me, something more beautiful, more gentle, more loving than the mind or imagination of living creature could ever conceive. But it is gone." David Snell, Life Senior Editor (extract from Life , May 29, 1967). × According to Sri Aurobindo, the ...
... privilege for us to see you in your unbathed grandeur!" In the early days Amrita and Nolini served as emissaries from Sri Aurobindo to a prominent Indian political leader in the town, named David, who often asked for Sri Aurobindo's advice. At 7.30 or 8 p.m. they would cycle to his house with the message and had the pleasure of a non-vegetarian dinner with him. It was to this person that in ...
... may have been put there later. The present Aramaic text has below it an inscription in quite different characters, a specimen of the famous "petroglyphs" of 1. I owe this idea to my friend David Hopkins. Page 355 Laghman. 1 Above, there is a blank space where a Greek translation or paraphrase can easily be introduced. An Aśokan inscription does not always start right at ...
... with those whom he redeemed, precisely because it was applicable to everyone who walks this earth. It no more supports the virginal conception of Jesus than the figurative phrase 'born of the seed of David' in Romans 1:3 disproves it. A more serious argument for Paul's knowledge of the virginal conception has been advanced from Paul's custom of writing in terms of Jesus' being 'born' (the verb ginesthai ...
... the organ mode of Sri Aurobindo's English." 21 There is no doubt that while it endures, it also attains what it attempts. Not long after his coming to Pondicherry in 1910 Mme Alexandra David-Neel, who acquainted herself deeply with Tibetan occultism, met Sri Aurobindo in 1912. About her meeting with him she reports: "His perfect familiarity with the philosophies of India and the West ...
... "What a privilege for us to see you in your unbathed grandeur!" In the early days Amrita and Nolini served as emissaries from Sri Aurobindo to a prominent Indian political leader in the town, named David, who often asked for Sri Aurobindo's advice. At 7.30 or 8 p.m. they would cycle to his house with the message and had the pleasure of a non-vegetarian dinner with him. It was to this person that in ...
... fundamental to the psychology of his inspiration. To my knowledge nobody has dwelt sufficiently on even the general aspect of this psychology. All that has been said amounts to nothing further than what David Masson affirms: "There can be little doubt that Milton believed himself to be, in some real sense, an inspired man." Apart from Blake, 34 only Robert Graves has referred to the general aspect with ...
... photograph sadhaks are seen standing in a line in front of Sri Aurobindo at the Darshan of 24th April 1950. × Alexandra David-Neel, a Buddhist friend of the Mother who met Sri Aurobindo in 1910 on her way to Tibet, wrote in L'Inde ou j'ai vécu , Paris, 1951: “...recent visitors tell me that... once or twice a year the Master ...
... The case of cancer (David's mother) is still in its first stages. Ramchandra himself wrote to me that he would have been more confident if they had called him in five months earlier and he told David that in case of cure it could be said only after three months' treatment. I have not heard that the cancer is cured; but there has been a remarkable improvement in a very short time of the worst ...
... of conversion marks a radical point of departure from ordinary life to a truly spiritual life. An important example of this experience of conversion, which William James has given, is that of Saint David Brainerd. The description of this experience is appended at Appendix II (p. 113). Conversion is a movement as a result of which spiritual life becomes central to the seeker. But this centrality ...
... are now in the presence of a situation where not only Newton, but even Einstein stands over-passed in many ways. When we study the findings of recent physicists like Louise de Broglie, Schrodinger, David Bohm and others, we feel in the presence of a Great Shift and new paradigm. Michael Talbot speaks of reality of the sub-atomic particle as "omnijective", an inseparable combination of the subject and ...
... Quantum Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, 1987, Cambridge. Vide Penrose, Roger, Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness, p. 214. Vide., Bohm, David, Wholeness And The Implicate Order, Routledge, 1980, London, pp. 174 5. Vide., Bowker, John, (ed.). The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions, Introduction of, Oxford University ...
... The Web of Life A New Synthesis of Mind and Matter, Flamingo, London, 1997. Camap, Rudolf, Meaning & Necessity, Phoenix Books, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1958. Chalmers, David, The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996. Chatterjee, Margaret, The Religious Spectrum, Allied Publishers, Delhi, 1984. Chattopadhyaya ...
... themselves in what is now known as Palestine, which they conquered from the Cannanites. The twelve tribes were then united in one kingdom with its capital at Jerusalem. After the first three kings (Saul, David, Solomon), there was secession and two kingdoms were created (Israel and Judah). After 750 BC, the kingdom of Israel disappeared forever, with the establishment of the Assyrian Empire. The smaller kingdom ...
... Asoka. Suggestions for further reading Arnold, Sir Edwin. The Light of Asia (Many editions). Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. Buddha and the Gospel of Buddhism. New York: Verry, 1964. David-Neel, Alexandra. Buddhism : its Doctrines and its Methods. London: B.I. Publications, 1977. Dhammapada, The. Trs. Thera Narada. London: John Murray, 1972. Saddhatissa, H. Buddhist Ethics ...
... and a property evaluation for purposes of taxation For this reason, Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem. Page 16 Joseph, this city was Bethlehem as he was of the lineage of the great king, David. As Mary and Joseph arrived in the city, her time came, but there was no room in any inn, so she had to give birth in a manger* of a barn. The description of this event in Chapter II of Luke forms the ...
... Bibliography SriAurobindo. The Life Divine. Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, vol. 18. Pondicherry, 1972. Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. Buddha and the Gospel of Buddhism. New York: Verry, 1964. David-Neel, Alexandra. Buddhism: Its Doctrines and Its Methods. London: B.I. Publications, 1977. Mukherjee, Radha Kumud. Ancient Indian Education. London: Macmillan, 1951. Niirada, Thera. trans. The ...
... Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body Pain I n the 1850's, the Scottish explorer David Livingstone described his feelings when a lion attacked him: "He caught my shoulder as he sprang, and we both came to the ground.... Growling horribly close to my ear, he shook me as a terrier does a rat. The shock... caused a sort of dreaminess in which there was ...
... are now in the presence of a situation where not only Newton, but even Einstein stands over-passed in many ways. When we study the finding of recent physicists like Louise de Broglie, Schrodinger, David Bohm and others, we feel in the presence of a Great Shift and new Page 65 paradigm, Michael Talbot speaks or reality of the sub-atomic particle as "omnijective", an inseparable combination ...
... another big volume. So much he has done for one single person, which the Divine alone can do. And he had to attend to about two hundred persons, besides. I offer my deep gratitude to Amal, Jayantilal, David and Sudha, especially the last two for their collaboration and untiring care in making the book as flawless as possible. —Nirodbaran × ...
... had begun. From Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, (London: Pan, 1973), ,, pp. 13-47,53-54, 55, 58-59,61,64-65,75-83, and 91-93. Page 488 Biography Richard David Bach, reportedly a direct descendant of Johann Sebastian Bach, was born in Oak Park, Illinois, USA, on June 23,1936. He grew up in California. In 1956 he quit college to join the United States Air ...
... partition is nothing less than a Muslim paladin. "It's as though you're telling Americans that George Washington wasn't a starry-eyed nationalist but a coldblooded, opportunistic militarist," remarked David Ludden, an associate professor of South Asian history at the University of Pennsylvania. The present situation The situation has not changed even today; on the contrary it ...
... teacher which can inspire us even today. From the burning of Emile onwards, Rousseau was hounded, or felt himself hounded, from country to country, from home to home. The British philosophy David Hume was struck by Rousseau s writings and offered him refuge in England Rousseau accepted and he and Therese arrived in London in early 1766. Bin Rousseau quickly succeeded in making an enemy of Hume ...
... was anchored in firm principles. I have described the part he played in the birth of the Marshall Plan; and I had no doubt that he would realize the political importance of the Schuman Plan. With David Bruce in attendance, he very quickly did; and from then on we had two chance accomplices who were also very powerful allies. However, the fleeting contretemps set me thinking: I saw that the nature ...
... act. That is all. It is however a condition that may prove dangerous sometimes. For instead of willing with a sovereign will to action you simply look and let things happen. ¹Madame Alexandra David Neele the eminent Tibetologist. Page 173 ...
... persist, while in old people desires have to a great extent been worked out. PURANI: In Tibet they have developed this occult science wonderfully well. (Purani gave some instances from Madame David-Neel's book) They call in a Lama during somebody's death to help the passage of the soul through the vital world. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the most dangerous passage. It is this world of which people ...
... 400 CHINA, 54 Christ, 349, 379, 400 Churchill, 346 Commonwealth, 362 Confucius, 196 Czardom, 338 DANTE, 228,284,287, 388 – The Divine Comedy, 388 Darshanas, 297 David-Neele, Alexandra, 142, 173 Diti, 287 Durga, 249 Duryodhana, 206 EINSTEIN, 222, 344, 374, 376 Elizabeth, 196 England, 117, 196 Esau, 121 Europe, 297, 383 FAR EAST, THE, 54 ...
... Reality with the static and dynamic Brahman as its two aspects and that of the higher planes of consciousness leading to the Supermind', he is 'already on his way'. 1910 At a talk by Alexandra David-Neel on Buddhism, sees the Buddha in a bluish light, standing beside Alexandra. They become friends and fellow seekers, go often to the Bois de Boulogne gardens, watch the 'grasshopper-like early a ...
... Immense illumination seems to pour In upon our existence from beyond The edge of knowing. David Gascoyne ASWAPATl'S YOGA SECTION A 'THE BOOK OF BEGINNINGS' I 'THE YOGA OF THE KING: THE YOGA OF THE SOUL'S ...
... explored the dynamics of purposive action. Mirra was the life and soul of the group, and It was she who imparted to them the needed cohesion and sense of direction. A friend of hers, Mme. Alexandra David-Neel, was to nostalgically recall more than sixty years later, the temper and atmosphere of those Parisian meetings: We spent marvellous evenings together with friends, believing in a great future ...
... and the will have a far greater power than in the material physical. 21 In other words, it is our world minus the laws of the mental cage. You cross the river without thinking of it, as Madame David-Neel had inadvertently done when she forgot the existence of the river and the mental laws that govern rivers and gravity. A world in which we forget the mental laws. An earth without the laws ...
... will).... "I have to say: I WANT TO GO—not that, not your methods!" 6 The physical Mind that makes you tilt into the mortal room. And immediately I was reminded of the story Madame Alexandra David-Neel told Mother at the turn of the century: about this little river in Indochina she had crossed in meditation (she used to meditate while walking) without knowing how, and in front of which she found ...
... One must not leave things carelessly, jewels and money unlocked, even if there is no thief." Stephane has no knowledge of the Auropolyester work but wishes to work there. Mother approves. David, who works at the Matrimandir, wants to know about the playing of music and reading of Savitri at the Matrimandir construction site and gardens. Mother's reply, "Not when there is work." Mother's ...
... New, slavery and freedom, death and life. Norton's massive experience and sheer driving intellectual power met Chittaranjan's jets of emotion and lightning intuitive leaps. Was it Goliath against David, or the Dragon against Perseus? The Alpine edifices of evidence, the superb dialectics, the ruthless browbeatings, the hectorings and the innuendoes, the banterings and the baitings, the legal quibblings ...
... readings in the Veda; there were the younger men, Nolini, Bejoy, Moni, Va Ra, Saurin, Amrita, who were in attendance whenever necessary; there were occasional visitors. Paul Richard, Madame Alexandera David-Neel, K.V. Rangaswami Aiyengar, Motilal Roy, Khasirao Jadhav; and there was the all-important visit of Mirra Richard on 29 March 1914. When the Arya was launched, thought-power and revealing light ...
... her descriptions are lively and detailed: the sights she saw, the people she met — in a word, India as it then was, which even the Indians of today do not know. However, we know that Alexandra David-Neel met the threesome in Benares in March 1913 on her own journey through India, as she recorded their meeting in her letters to her husband. She wrote: "The event of the week was the eclipse of the ...
... 25 Hohlenberg And what was Mirra doing in France? To begin with, she attended all sorts of 'spiritual meetings,' and met many people. One of them was Alexandra David-Neel, who became famous for her Tibetan exploits afterwards. We shall come to her later. Mirra also wrote articles for the group 'Idea,' and she taught some of its members how to consciously go ...
... 32 Two Beautiful Hours "I spent two very beautiful hours exploring India's ancient philosophical ideas with an interlocutor of exceptional intelligence," wrote Madame Alexandra David-Neel to her husband Philippe Neel in a letter dated 27 November 1911. We have already met her a few times. 1 The reader perhaps knows that she had set out from Europe in August 1911 promising ...
... was he doing then? "I am developing the necessary powers for bringing down the spiritual on the material plane," he wrote in a letter of 12 July 1911, from Raghavan house where he had met Alexandra David-Neel. How did he go about it? At Sundar Chetty's house he was already honing his skills. One of the first was to obtain the effectiveness of the Will on an object or event that had to be affected ...
... 4. Ibid., p. 34. Page 544 among the contemporaries of the Buddha." 1 Now the task we have to attempt is the measuring of the time between Gunākhya and Parīkshit. Rhys Davids, as mentioned by Raychaudhuri, 2 assigns in his Buddhist Suttas (Introduction, p. xlvii) 150 years to the 5 Theras from Upali to Mahinda. Jacobi, in his Pariśishtaparvan, 2nd edition, p. xvii ...
... here. NIRODBARAN: Have you written any stories? SRI AUROBINDO: I have, but they are all lost. When there was the rumour that our house would be searched by the police, my trunk was sent off to David's place. After some time when they brought the trunk back, it was found that all my stories had been eaten away by white ants. So my future fame as a story-writer perished. (Laughter) But it is ...
... never left me and that peace remained unbroken even in the midst of crowded meetings. I had not to make any effort to keep it. It was always there. Even here when I used to go to marriage parties like David's, I used to feel the people rather tiring but at the same time this consciousness and peace were there overhanging all and enveloping all. NIRODBARAN: Does it mean in Ramatirtha's case that the ...
... my mind is just a curiosity, bringing in an unusual simile which many perhaps would consider disgusting in the context where it occurs. Lament for Jonathan is a delicately emotional expression of David's famous grief, but the aching softness of the mood is suddenly broken by the words: For here and there in my most timid places Have you been plucked out from me like the hair That grows ...
... writers who had essayed the epic strain in one manner or another, in long stretches or short. The Hebrew Prophets and the Christian Apostles were profoundly absorbed too – Genesis, the Book of Job, David's Psalms, Isaiah, the Gospels, the Apocalypse poured their splendour and terror into his spirit. From England itself, he was deeply influenced by Spenser's melodious subtlety, Marlowe's colourful ...
... misconception that the OT prophesied Jesus' virgin birth in Isaiah 7:14. Actually, the reference is to the birth of a child to a young woman about 700 years before Jesus signifying the continuance of David's lineage. Matthew imported the Greek mistranslation of the Hebrew "a young woman" as "virgin" to show the OT prophesying his account of Jesus' virgin birth. Unfortunately, Sethna fails to clinch this ...
... affair!! But R has always been a violent man with much of the character of the adventurer as I wrote to you once,—so the things you write don't surprise me. However, he has not (yet, at least) beaten David's 198 mother or baptised the Vice President's wife or even Amaladasan. So I hope that a certain amount of non-connection can be expected when he is treating a case. Since we are talking about ...
... York, 1956) Cowell, E. B., and Neil, R. A., Eds. Divyāvadāna (Cambridge, 1886) Cunningham, Alexander, The Book of Indian Eras (Calcutta, 1883) Page 608 Davids, Rhys, Buddhist India (Calcutta, 1950) Dikshit, S. B., Bh ā ratiya-Jyoti-śāstra (Poona, 1931) In The Indian Antiquary, XIX In Indian Culture, VI Dikdhit... 389; Darius III, 331, 594; Darius Hystapes, 281, 282, 331 Daśapura. see Mandasor Dasaratha, 231, 342, 594 Dasasiddhaka, 176 Datta, K., 210 Dattabhata.499, 500 Davāka, 213 Davids, Rhys, 545 Day Lewis, C, 174 Daya Ram, Rai Bahadur, 30 De Guignes, 1 Deb.H. K., 292-7 Deianira.87, 88 Dejja Mahārāja (see also G6kak Plates), 27, 228, 335 ...
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