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... and France declare war on Germany. Beginning of World War II. May 10, 1940 —Hitler launches its attack on the Allies. Netherlands, Belgium and France collapse. June 18, 1940 — From London, de Gaulle speaks to his countrymen and adjures them to rally round him. June 22, 1940 — Surrender of the French. March 11, 1941 — Lend-Lease Act: this famous law gives President Franklin Roosevelt the... May 30, 1943 — De Gaulle's arrival in Algiers. June 6, 1944 — Allies' landing in Normandy. May 8, 1945 — Victory day in Europe. August 15, 1945—End of World War II. January 1946 — De Gaulle resigns as President of the Provisional Government. March 5, 1946 — In a speech, Churchill speaks for the first time of an "iron curtain". June 5, 1947 - George Marshall proposes a plan "to... 1954 —Refusal by the French parliament to ratify the treaty on the European Defence Community. 25 March, 1957 — Treaty of Rome creating Euratom and the European economic community. 1958 — De Gaulle, President of France. 1961-1962 — Presentation and failure of projects of treaty on European political cooperation. 1973 — Denmark, Great Britain and Ireland join Europe. 1979 — First election ...
... enlightened." ( July 31, 1967 ) Then, Y. asked me questions on De Gaulle ( Mother gives another paper ): Page 246 "So long as one is for some and against others, one is necessarily far from the Truth . "All present politics is based on falsehood, and no nation can entirely escape this falsehood. "De Gaulle has an embryo of inner life, he knows that there is a force higher than ...
... . (Laughter) PURANI: The French officers, members of the Cercle, are going to send a wire to De Gaulle in England that they will also fight along with the British. SRI AUROBINDO: It will have a moral value but if the Governor sent such a declaration, it would have a political value. De Gaulle should declare at once the names of the members of the National Committee. A single person won't command ...
... That same day General de Gaulle, the new secretary of State for war, arrived in London. Monnet explained to him the project of union. As Churchill, de Gaulle was not convinced, but he was conscious of the grandeur of the gesture and of the effect such a declaration could have on the morale of the French people. The text was approved by the English Council of Minitsters. De Gaulle called the French Prime... Page 15 asked whether Churchill had approved it. Churchill grabbed the telephone and said something like "Hold on! De Gaulle is leaving now; he will bring yon the text. Everything can change with this proposal. Let us meet tomorrow in Concarneau". De Gaulle left by plane. Monnet was about to get on a train when he learnt that the French Prime Minister had resigned and that the defeatists... Then on the 16th of June 1940, he made that proposal of union between England and France which we described earlier. After June 1940, de Gaulle and Monnet parted ways. For each of them the goal was clear although it was slightly different. De Gaulle had to incarnate Free France, the one that refused the surrender to the Germans. Monnet wanted to put all his energies at the service of ...
... 1940 PURANI: It seems Bonvain called all the European officials today to discuss the support to De Gaulle. SRI AUROBINDO: How do you know? It may not have been for that reason. PURANI: What else could it be for? SRI AUROBINDO: We are not told. It seems the representative of De Gaulle found the French people lacking in enthusiasm. PURANI: Yes. They all want safety and self-interest... Government has said to us, 'Marchez avec les voisins.' According to that advice we have joined De Gaulle." (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: He is not sure of British victory. If the British lose, then he will say to Vichy, "You asked me to be friendly with them." He wants to keep his path clear. De Gaulle is getting very good support, it seems. He wants to raise a French army and take offensive action... SATYENDRA: But it won't be an easy job. The number of men has to be very high. NIRODBARAN: They have one million, they say. SRI AUROBINDO: Not only number; the men must have equipment too. De Gaulle is a man who understands the need for equipment; without it he won't do anything. EVENING SRI AUROBINDO (after reading Bonvain's statement): He can be compared with Mark Twain! (Laughter) ...
... Mother’s Agenda 1971 October 2, 1971 ( Last year, after the death of General de Gaulle, Satprem's friend Y.L. had met André Malraux at Verrières; he immediately asked her, "Is the Mother still alive?" As Y.L. was a little taken aback, he added, "I went there before you, 33 years ago.... So I assume you know what they have been looking for in India...." ...
... he's a man who carries a lot of weight internationally: when he says something, he is listened to all over the world. So on French radio, he made a statement (you know that he was a minister under de Gaulle for a long time), a statement in favor of Bangladesh. He says: The Indian Express, September 20, 1971 At 69, Malraux offers to fight in the ranks of Bangladesh. He says, "I receive ...
... France, and one Frenchman out of ten consults them. They are asked for advice by many of the prominent people in the land, ambassadors as well as financiers and politicians. It is known that Charles de Gaulle, Ronald and Nancy Reagan, Boris Yeltsin, François Mitterand and king Juan Carlos of Spain have sought astrological advice. Most of the politicians in India regularly consult their favourite astrologer ...
... occupation by the mass, but a mass all-powerful in its immobility, imposing its will through sheer numbers, with intellectual representatives for negotiations. Page 145 I don't know.... De Gaulle 5 is open to something more than the purely material force. Is he capable? I don't know. At any rate, he is among the best instruments. It's clearly (not in the detail of it, but in the direction ...
... others have been betrayed by Nogues. It seems he invited them to Africa to fight from there against Germany and then betrayed them to Pétain . It was very unwise of them to have gone there. This De Gaulle is a remarkable man. He foresaw all these things and knew what was in store for him and left for England beforehand. SRI AUROBINDO (after some time): This book on modern poetry by F. R. Leavis ...
... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 24 SEPTEMBER 1940 The radio said that De Gaulle had gone to Dakar as there had been rumour of a revolt among the people. Sri Aurobindo remarked, "He would not act simply on a rumour. " There was confused and meagre news from Dakar. It was reported that naval fighting was going on between the French and the British. Then ...
... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 9 SEPTEMBER 1940 SRI AUROBINDO ( to Purani): Any more news about French India joining De Gaulle? PURANI: It seems the Governor has sent the resolution to the Viceroy. SRI AUROBINDO: I understand that the French officials here have made one condition with the Indian Government that if war breaks out in Indo-China ...
... be a retaliation against the French for their action against the British in Syria. Have you read Gandhi's argument in favour of Ahimsa? He says that non-violence has been in progress and that De Gaulle has now advised it to the French. PURANI: That is because they have no other way. SRI AUROBINDO: Gandhi admits that. Sri Aurobindo was given Moni's article to read in reply to Meghnad Saha ...
... French armistice on 22 June 1940 onwards the French colonial territories were divided in their loyalties: some lined up behind Marshall Pétain, others behind General de Gaulle, even though the latter was still practically unknown. De Gaulle, whom Sri Aurobindo called “a remarkable man”, had formed a government in exile to save the honour of France and was therefore condemned to death in absentia by the ...
... hold the country in trust and when the people are fit they will be given independence. The French have been going back and forth for some time in this matter—they have been vacillating. PURANI: De Gaulle is bitter because the British have destroyed the French fleet. He says they cannot claim it as a naval success! There was really no fight and that every Frenchman is in grief and pain over the tragic... for all this and say England has directed the French foreign policy so far. SRI AUROBINDO: But all the Rightists who are now against it supported the Munich policy at that time. SATYENDRA: De Gaulle doesn't accuse the English of destroying the French fleet. He only asks that it not be claimed a naval success. SRI AUROBINDO: One man voted against the Munich policy in the Senate. His name seems ...
... some volunteers here who want to join De Gaulle. SRI AUROBINDO: Have they declared themselves? They have to do that first. But do they know that they are to be shot by the Pétain Government? You have heard the story of the French Consul in Bombay? It seems that somebody painted the Croix de Lorraine on his door at night. Most Frenchmen in Bombay are for De Gaulle, while he is for Pétain. He wanted ...
... SEPTEMBER 1940 Yesterday again there had been a rumour that the Governor was not going to declare for De Gaulle. PURANI: It has come in the Hindu like that: "The Governor announces..." So there can't be any truth in that rumour. SRI AUROBINDO: It is true he has declared for De Gaulle and also that there won't be any mobilisation for Indo-China if a fight breaks out there. The two things ...
... announced the cessation of fighting by De Gaulle at Dakar. SRI AUROBINDO: Queer end of the expedition. He shouldn't have undertaken it. NIRODBARAN: He wants to spare French blood. SRI AUROBINDO: But the French at Dakar didn't spare it. ( The French fired at De Gaulle's forces when they tried to land.) Neither will the British. NIRODBARAN: De Gaulle still has some sentiment left. SRI ...
... SRI AUROBINDO: The situation about Dakar seems to be a little clearer now. It appears that De Gaulle went there with some free French forces supported by British warships; he sent an ultimatum to the authorities but a fight is still going on as they didn't surrender. But I don't understand why De Gaulle wants to land troops at Dakar. It will be very difficult. He could have landed them in the ne ...
... all very simple. Ask him to use his mystic mind instead of the professorial one. EVENING PURANI: It seems Bonvain is going to declare for De Gaulle. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. The British Government has put pressure on him. He must either declare for De Gaulle or the British Government will take possession of Pondicherry. Purani then reported that there had been a meeting of the Council in which ...
... for peace. But on 18 June, Churchill reaffirmed in Parliament the determination of his Government to fight on, whatever the hazard. Even in France, the capitulation was not total, for General de Gaulle denounced Petain and the Armistice, and the Free French forces joined hands with the British to continue the war. Thus a month passed without Britain responding to Hitler's discreet peace feelers... course of the Battle of Britain, the silent support of Roosevelt's U.S.A., the failure of the Luftwaffe to gain air mastery over Britain, and the gathering strength of the Free French under General de Gaulle slowly effected a change in attitude in the minds of all those who were prepared to pause and think and judge by these clearly discernible trends. During the latter half of 1940, Hitler ...
... a “yesterday’s” — edition. Feigning surprise, I asked why he was wasting so recent an edition. Someone could still be interested in reading it. Prashanto in reply said, “What, you call this news? De Gaulle pulls Churchill’s nose. He in turn twists somebody’s ear.” Intrigued I asked him, “Then why are you holding on so dearly to this paper?” He smiled a bit shyly and said, “Oh, some well-wisher gives ...
... Odeon Theatre and the Renault Auto Works at Cléon on 24 May. Another night of terrible rioting. Ten million people went on strike. On 29 May half a million people demonstrated in Paris. The next day de Gaulle announced the dissolution of parliament in a broadcast to the nation. And the next day the students’ movement fizzled out! Why mention these events in a biography of the Mother? The first reason ...
... Tamas : inertia, darkness. × It is the period of the Kennedy-Khrushchev-de Gaulle "combination." Indira Gandhi will come to power about two years later. × President Kennedy will ...
... outpaced the scheduled time! PURANI: The clashes on the Hungarian frontier have stopped. SRI AUROBINDO: Italy and Germany have asked the Hungarians to suspend their claims for now. SATYENDRA: De Gaulle wrote a book before the war which has been translated into German. It seems he foresaw modern warfare in the form of mass employment of tanks at selected points, as Hitler has done, as well as, mechanised ...
... together in the port. The French Senate met with only 450 members out of 932, a bare majority. The socialists, communists and radicals must have kept aloof because they knew the price of opposition. De Gaulle has been sentenced to four years' imprisonment and fined one hundred francs by Pétain . PURANI: For fighting against Germany. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh no, for that the punishment is penal servitude ...
... hundred thousand? SATYENDRA: So the Indian Express says. PURANI: It must be eighty thousand or so. SRI AUROBINDO: Eight thousand! PURANI: The other French colonies are now moving towards De Gaulle. SRI AUROBINDO: How? (Laughter) PURANI: That is what somebody writes in the Indian Express. SATYENDRA: Can we believe it? CHAMPAKLAL: That is why he didn't name the Indian Express ...
... demands and there is a possibility of Pétain resigning. Weygand is also dissatisfied with the ways of the Government. He intends to fly to Morocco, set up an independent government and declare for De Gaulle. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh! PURANI: And there have been clashes in Morocco between De Gaullites and Pétainites. SRI AUROBINDO: Who won? PURANI: That is not said. SRI AUROBINDO: Where did you ...
... not serious. SRI AUROBINDO: Because there is no chance of civil disobedience, perhaps. And Gandhi is now preparing the world for non-violence. PURANI: But nobody accepts it. NIRODBARAN: De Gaulle has advised passive resistance to the French people. C. R. says England may be thinking that if we were independent we wouldn't help her. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, they have a fear that we may do just ...
... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 4 AUGUST 1940 SRI AUROBINDO (addressing Purani): The death-sentence has been passed on De Gaulle. PURANI: Yes, and he has given a reply. SRI AUROBINDO: Has he? What does he say? PURANI: He says the Pétain Government is dictated to by Germany. At the end of the war he will appeal to the public to give their ...
... Gibraltar can be defended. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the whole point. NIRODBARAN: Now that England has regained her prestige, Spain may hesitate to join Germany. In Alexandria the French have joined De Gaulle, it seems. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. (Looking at Purani) Have you seen De Gaulle's photo? He seems a strong man and young. ...
... the Allies; and Mother declared it was Her war. She even said in one of Her most firm notices, "Those who speak against the Allies are traitors." At that time, Churchill stood up from Britain and De Gaulle from France for the cause. They were the champions, Arjuna and other Pandavas against the Hitlerite Kauravas. And after so many ignominious defeats, you know what happened ultimately: the Allies ...
... person. Now let me tell you about him. When our Tennis court was ready in 1948, a French gentleman arrived whose name was M.Répiton. He had been a general in the French army. When General de Gaulle liberated Paris from the Germans with his army towards the end of the Second World War, M. Répiton was with him as well. Later when France got embroiled in the Vietnam War, the French government ...
... September as the dates on which Germany would have defeat and both the days they go the defeat (August I believe over London and September – the 'invasion idea' and 'preparation') 2. I wanted De Gaulle to become the chief of the Free French armies in North Africa. There were many obstacles and the Americans came in with their pro-Vichy attitude. But I went on pressing and ultimately it has succeeded ...
... their privileges and convenience, the “sensible” and patriotic surface of Marshal Petain — all those stars were almost glorious, mind you. And that solitary voice calling to the Adventure: that De Gaulle was an adventurer, some even said a traitor. Well, it is a little the same: one wraps oneself in Mother’s flag patriotically, but underneath there is the selfish old species which defends its rights ...
... into the Light and Harmony, or fall back down to the simplicity of a sound animal life without perversion. 3 For once, metempsychosis would have a meaning. This was in 1958, the year of de Gaulle and Khrushchev. The End of Religions Mother had her own terrestrial specimens before her.... It was heavy, even crushing sometimes—a mass that was very little inclined to move and would have ...
... appreciative Emperor for a public woman. The Park was named Le Jardin du Roi (the king's garden); and after the Second World War, it was renamed by the then Governor Francois Baron, Place Charles de Gaulle. I happened to be passing by and saw Baron with Satprem at his side. And that, dear reader, brings us right back to the present. The monument to Aayi in the centre of Pondicherry's ...
... Asia then? NIRODBARAN: Russia left out of the picture? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, perhaps they have seen that she is not in a fighting mood at present. It seems probable that there is some spy in De Gaulle's camp who gave information of the expedition and so the French Government was able to provide the military resistance. NIRODBARAN: But did he expect no resistance? SRI AUROBINDO: He expected ...
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