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Esau : elder of the twin sons of Isaac [s/a Jacob].

13 result/s found for Esau

... prefers to it his mental ideas, he prefers to it his vital desires, he prefers to it his bodily habits. There is a story in the Bible which I always liked. Two brothers were there, Esau and Jacob. Esau returns home hungry and tells his brother Jacob that he is very hungry. He was so hungry that he proposed to his brother, "Listen, if you give me your plate of pottage—Jacob had prepared ...

... Presence. He prefers to it his mental ideas, he prefers to it his vital desires, he prefers to it his bodily habits. There is a story in the Bible which I always liked. Two brothers were there, Esau and Jacob. Esau returns home hungry and tells his brother Jacob that he is very hungry. He was so hungry that he proposed to his brother, "Listen, if you give me your dish of pottage (Jacob had prepared a dish ...

... Bible. But there is a story that I used to like always. There were two brothers, Esau and Jacob. Esau had gone out hunting and felt tired and hungry. He came back home and found his brother preparing a dish. He asked Jacob to feed him. Jacob said he would give him food if he, Esau, sold his birthright to him. Esau said, of what use is the birthright to me now, and sold it to his brother. You ... understand the significance? You can of course take it quite in the superficial way. But I took it differently. The birthright is the right to be son of God. And Esau was quite ready to give up his divine right for a mess of pottage. It is an old story, but it is eternally true. Page 147 ...

... the Bible. But there is a story that I used to like always. There were two brothers, Esau and Jacob. Esau had gone out hunting and felt tired and hungry. He came back home and found his brother preparing a dish. He asked Jacob to feed him. Jacob said he would give him food if he, Esau, sold his birthright to him. Esau said, of what use is the birthright to me now, and sold it to his brother. You understand... understand the significance? You can of course take it quite in the superficial way. But I took it differently. The birthright is the right to be the son of God. And Esau was quite ready to give up his divine right for a mess of pottage. It is an old story, but it is eternally true. Page 397 ...

... the Bible. But there is a story that I used to like always. There were two brothers, Esau and Jacob. Esau had gone out hunting and felt tired and hungry. He came back home and found his brother preparing a dish. He asked Jacob to feed him. Jacob said he would give him food if he, Esau, sold his birthright to him. Esau said, of what use is the birth-right to me now, and sold it to his brother. You understand... understand the significance ? You can take it quite in the superficial way. But I took it differently. The birth-right is the right to be son of God. And Esau was quite ready to give up his divine right for a mess of pottage. It is an old story, but it is eternally true.”¹ It is the worst tragedy that can happen to mankind—and it happens perpetually—that he sells away his soul, his divine birth-right ...


... bear evidence of a remarkable spirit. Source Esau and Jacob I don't know how many of you have read the Bible; it is not very entertaining to read it, and besides, it is very long, but still, in the Bible there is a story I have always liked very much. There were two brothers, if I am not mistaken, Esau and Jacob. Well, Esau was very hungry, that's the story, isn't it? I believe he ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... entertaining to read it, and besides, it is very long, but still, Page 161 in the Bible there is a story I have always liked very much. There were two brothers, if I am not mistaken, Esau and Jacob. Well, Esau was very hungry, that's the story, isn't it? I believe he was a hunter or something; anyway, the story goes like this. He came back home very hungry, and told Jacob he was very hungry, and ...


... it is not very entertaining to read it, and besides, it is very long, but still, in the Bible there is a story I have always liked very much. There were two brothers, if I am not mistaken, Esau and Jacob. Well, Esau was very hungry, that's the story, isn't it? I believe he was a hunter or something; anyway, the story Page 26 goes like this. He came back home very hungry, and told ...


... only "give and take". But these pathetic and miraculous happenings appear more intelligible—and less pathetic—when we realise that though the voice is the voice of Jacob, the hands are the hands of Esau. And this fact becomes patent when we find that Kashmir does not present an isolated instance of such zeal on the part of Native Chiefs to safeguard the interests of the bureaucracy. If Kashmir can ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... The Divine Comedy, 388 Darshanas, 297 David-Neele, Alexandra, 142, 173 Diti, 287 Durga, 249 Duryodhana, 206 EINSTEIN, 222, 344, 374, 376 Elizabeth, 196 England, 117, 196 Esau, 121 Europe, 297, 383 FAR EAST, THE, 54 Faust, 397 France, 78, 141 GANGES, THE, 85n George VI, 117 Gita, the, 173, 198,208-9,248, 267,272, 284, 297, 337, 345 Goethe, 244n ...

... that Mother "had seen Lokenath Brahamachari very often" and had identified him from his photo. 145. These words within brackets were added by Sri Aurobindo. 146. (For the non-biblical reader:) Esau, son of Isaac and Rebecca, elder twin brother of Jacob to whom he sold his birthright for a mess of red pottage. Traditional founder of Edomites. Jacob is the traditional founder of Israel. 147 ...

... Dhammapada , the, 9n., 159 Dionysus, 47 Dirghatamas, 44 Page 431 Diti,46 Durga, 98 EGYPT, 70, 133, 192, 199-200,419 Einstein, 274 England, 198 Esau, 397 Eucharist, 130 Europe, 272, 421 FRANCE, 96, 116, 198-9,323-4,355,418 France, Anatole, 64 Franck, Cesar, 393, 424 GANDHARVA,47 Ganges, 383 Germany, 133, 199 Gita, the ...

... always. The personality in you which writes poetry knows esoteric things very well and has faith also. As for Arindam's utterances, they were evidently second- hand; the voice in this case was Esau's, 146 though the mouth that uttered them was Jacob's. I am glad you gave him the straight and fiery answer. December 23, 1935 I told Mother the figures. She found it scandalous that ...