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87 result/s found for Gandhi, Indira

... perhaps I could go to Indira Gandhi to invite her for laying the foundation stone of Auroville on 28th February 1968 and that I should speak to Nava about it. Nandini Satpaty was contacted by Nava and she took me to Indira Gandhi at her residence. Indiraji was courteous and attentive, but she doubted the possibility of her visit. Coming out, Nandini spoke to Seshan, Indira's Private Secretary, and... not remember the occasion of it, but once Mother said after the parting of Indira Gandhi from Nandini Satpaty, "Now Nandini is not there and we do not have Indira's ears." I Page 75 remember the expression of concern on Mother's face when she uttered these words. Mother's written messages to Indira Gandhi have been since published. In September 1983 I sent her the following message... she had not yet got Indira's letter, but the ceremony will be arranged otherwise. She said with a smile, "She doesn't want to come", and added, "It is not important. The thing is working in her head." Then I mentioned the Birla matter. she just smiled it away and did not care. Both my apparent failures had earned Mother's smile. I felt relaxed. Well, Indira Gandhi's letter never came. ...

... left holding the enormous burden. Repeated appeals by the Indian government failed to elicit any response from the international community and by April 1971, the then Indian Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, decided that the only solution lay in helping the Bengali freedom fighters, especially the Mukti Bahini, to liberate East Pakistan, which had already been re-christened Bangladesh by its people... got increasingly bold and finally on Dec. 3, 1971, reacted with a massive co-ordinated air strike on several Indian Air Force stations in the West. At midnight, the Indian Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, in a broadcast to the nation declared that India was at war with Pakistan. As her words came on in million of Indian homes across the Subcontinent, the men at the front were already engaged in... Page 90 Let us now look at the position of the Mother regarding the Bangladesh problem. On Apr. 3, just seven days after the crackdown, Mother sent a message to Indira Gandhi, "The urgent recognition of Bangladesh is imperative". As already seen, the conflict had its genesis in March when the Pakistani President and his tough military regime moved to crush the ...

... was his second visit. He was accompanied by his daughter Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the Chief Minister of Madras Mr. Kamaraj Nadar, and the Union Minister Shree Lal Bahadur Shastri. A photograph was taken of them together with the Mother in the Playground. Mr. Nehru visited the Playground for a short time despite his heavy schedule, and Mrs. Gandhi spent a considerable time looking around the Ashram. At that... that time I did not catch a glimpse of her, because I remained in my room in Golconde, reading. I met Mrs. Gandhi almost thirty years later, at her residence in Delhi—a memorable meeting. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... waiting for an order . Later, one afternoon the Mother told me: Child, it is very interesting. You see, we have invited the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, to lay the foundation stone of Auroville on 28.2.1968 . But unhappily I came to know that Mrs. Gandhi could not do so because of her numerous political commitments. Later, she sent the following message to the Mother from New Delhi on 25.3.1969: ...

... see, the lying is official. Yes, it's official. But did you see...? I've just now seen Indira's statement in the newspapers: "The Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi today set to rest all speculations about an early recognition of Bangla Desh by indicating quite clearly that the government of India did not propose to do so in the near future." ( The Hindu , May 8, 1971) Also I was... Soviet Prime Minister, Mr. Kosygin, is reliably reported to have sent two letters to President Yahya Khan of Pakistan urging a negotiated settlement on East Bengal crisis, and to have asked Mrs. Indira Gandhi not to escalate the crisis so that the peaceful solution which both Russia and India want may be achieved." Page 123 In other words, they're seeking a compromise, like the last... again. Yes, everything has to be started all over. ( silence ) But is it true, there was a rumor going around the Ashram yesterday or the day before that you had sent a new message to Indira Gandhi saying that if she did not recognize Bangladesh, there was no point in her asking your advice.... No, I didn't send the message. But it may be that.... If U. 1 sees her (I didn't ask him ...

... The Spirit of Auroville Again I received Mrs. Gandhi's letter dated 30.4.84: Dear Huta, Thank you for your letter of 24th and the Mother's blessings of which I am in special need. With good wishes Yours sincerely, Indira Gandhi ...

... You write that the period of religion is over. But what has taken its place is narrowing of concepts, revivalism and fundamentalism. Things should change, but how? Yours sincerely Indira Gandhi ...

... motorized army, so it's nothing at all. Anyhow.... And all night long (or a good part of it in any case), Indira Gandhi's thought was here, clinging to me (Indira Gandhi is Nehru's daughter), and the jewelry was sent to her. 3 It was handed over to Nehru, who passed it on to Indira. 4 And she wrote me a letter I received yesterday—a very ( Mother searches for the proper word )... a very ... gift of 925 grams of gold (some from her own jewelry), as a contribution to national defense. × Indira Gandhi will come to power four years later, in January 1966. × "Catastrophic." ... in India, no one. For twenty years there have been two idols, Nehru and Gandhi, Page 424 and then some 400 million stupefied people, 1 with no one to see things clearly. How is it possible?... No one! But Nehru had a very good foreign press. They considered him almost a god in Europe and America. And Gandhi!... Oh, they were.... The whole world is like that, mon petit—they don't ...

... Mother. Mother asked, "When is André Malraux meeting Indira Gandhi?" "In November, in Paris." Mother again asked, "When is André Malraux thinking of coming to India?" "I don't know." Then Mother remained absorbed a long time and said, "He will only get THE answer when he arrives in India, because the answer is in him." After meeting Indira Gandhi in Paris, André Malraux will renounce his plan of action ...

... glimpses of her. It was a privilege to be in her presence. When you come to Delhi, please let me know. If I am in town, I shall be glad to meet you. With good wishes Yours sincerely, Indira Gandhi ...

... plaits!! Once our first prime minister, Pandit Nehru came to visit the Ashram. In the evening he arrived at the Play Ground Gate with his retinue. Charu-da could recognise Nehru, his daughter Indira Gandhi, and make out that some others, Lal Bahadur Shastri and the Consul General, Kewal Singh were of the entourage. He let them in. Then came an ordinary looking man, dark-complexioned, in a plain white... understanding (I gathered so from a book on Kamaraj), smiled and entered the Play Ground and took his seat. It made a very interesting, if not prophetic, photo of the Mother, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Kamaraj and the Consul General of Pondicherry — i.e. one Prime Minister, two future Prime Ministers, a Chief Minister and a Consul General — all lined up with the Mother! ...

... The Spirit of Auroville On 12.2.1971 Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, visited Sri Aurobindo Ashram and saw the Mother. She also went to Auroville. ...

... Incident at Kashipur. × A minister in the Central government, and, at the time, a friend of Indira Gandhi. × We give in addendum an account of N.S.'s conversation with Mother. ... them in jail!..." I found it charming. But I had just seen N.S. 2 —you know N.S., don't you—who had been sent by Indira to ask me questions about what should be done. 3 She had just left when I was told about this other affair. I thought, "How to have her told?..." (because Indira won't know what to do—whether to support the army or the police). Then I said, "If she supports the police, the Chinese... are therefore approximate. ) 1) When N.S. spoke of what Indira said about the troubles she is having and the difficulties she is facing and that she wanted the Mother's help, strength and guidance, the Mother said She knew Page 146 very well about all this, and that she was constantly giving Her help and blessings to Indira. 2) Regarding the danger of Communism, the Mother said that ...

... minds of our people. I know that this is your desire. In my humble way I am trying to do what I can. With respectful regards, Yours sincerely, Indira Gandhi That's good, indeed. It's good. So I replied this: To Indira With blessings. India must be proud of your leadership. Let the country take its true place in the world for showing the way towards the supreme Truth... quiet authority now. But he is receptive. The Force... ( Mother lowers her hands in an irresistible gesture ), ooh! there's a great change. ( long silence ) I have received a letter from Indira. Oh, really? ( Mother hands an envelope ) Page 350 Revered Mother, Through these critical months I have thought constantly of you. I can find no words with which to express ...

... letters but looking at my file I see one of 4th May. Do write whenever you feel like it. It does seem true that we are walking in the darkest night when the dawn seems far away. Sincerely Indira Gandhi ...

... Mother's own writings, a few by disciples reporting either an interview with her or a vision connected with her work, and a brief yet intimate public tribute to her by India's Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi. What is sought to be offered is a sense of the momentous mission the Mother carried out while she was in her body, the constant touch of her presence felt by her spiritual children and the ...

... bouquet of various flowers, white roses, and a card on which she had inscribed: My very dear little child Huta Nature proves her collaboration with a smile of flowers. Love . Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India visited the Ashram on 12.2.68, she saw the Exhibition of Auroville Plans. After seeing the plan of the International Zone, she remarked: Auroville is an exciting ...

... The Mother - Past-Present-Future Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's Tribute to the Mother* I am profoundly grieved at the passing away of the Mother. It was rather a privilege to know such a being and to have her in our midst for so many years. May her words continue to give sustenance to her disciples and others. The Mother was a dynamic, radiant personality ...

... the others.... You know, I found an aphorism by Sri Aurobindo yesterday for the next Bulletin, and while reading it, I thought: but it's exactly right for Bangladesh!—in fact it's rather for Indira Gandhi. Ah! He says: "He who will not slay when God bids him, works in the world an incalculable havoc." 1 That's interesting. We must publish that! ( general laughter ) ( ...

... me, it's India. Yes, I mean it's in India that things don't look good. That's where the nerve center is. It's very sad, it's not pretty. It doesn't look good. And that poor woman [Indira Gandhi] truly does the best she can with goodwill, a goodwill that tries to understand all sides at the same time. 2 She really does the best she can. Inwardly I support her as much as I can, because... × See Agenda V , August 14, 1964 . × Indira Gandhi had been nominated prime minister of India two months earlier, on January 19. × Let us recall ...

... proud to be in India, a country whose Prime Minister has the courage to fight for a true spirituality agaist the corruption which hides itself behind religious excuses. It is not by accident if Indira Gandhi gave a new chance to develop Auroville, now that the danger of a 3rd World War is so acute. Mother was saying in the Agenda in Sept '66, talking about the mis-take of the nations in creating more ...

... President of India, visited the Ashram. This was followed by the visit of Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi on October 5, 1969. On both these occasions, I accompanied Pranab for taking Mother’s photos. Two of my photos are reproduced here. Shri V.V. Giri with the Mother on 14.9.69 Mrs. Indira Gandhi and Smt. Nandini Satpathy with the Mother on 5.10.69 During the Sri Aurobindo Birth... album of the Mother from Her childhood until 1964, an album of the Mother’s photos taken in Her room in January-February 1960, on 21-2-68 (Her 90th birthday), the Mother with Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi, the Mother with President V. V. Giri, the Mother on 5-7-69, 5-7-70, 5-7-71, 21-2-72, etc. She always took a keen interest in this work and invariably encouraged me and made me feel that the ...

... musical and spiritual attainments by men of eminence including such contributors as Mahatma Gandhi, Romain Holland, Rabindranath Tagore, Aldous Huxley, Pandit Nehru, S. Radhakrishnan, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and others. Papa Ramdas and Mother Krishnabai visited Dilip's ashram, found him and Indira Devi completely absorbed in intense sadhana and blessed them. 25 April 1958 ... and literary creativity never ceased. 7 Oct. 1946 Met Janak Kumari (later known as Smt. Indira Devi) at Jabbalpur. Also met M. S. Subbulakshmi and taught her Mira bhajans for the film Mirabai. (Later, in 1971, M. S. came to Hari Krishna Mandir to learn songs, mainly Indira Devi's Mira bhajans and Dilip's Bengali songs.) 22 Jan. 1947 Bengal celebrated Dilip's 50th... for the Ashram and a set of annotated Srimad Bhagavatam. Later on he wrote two masterpieces, Bhagavati Katha and Immortals of the Bhagavat. 21 Feb. 1949 On Mother's birthday, Indira Devi came to Pondicherry for darshan. After darshan she went into bhāva samādhi at Dilip's place while he was singing. Sri Aurobindo endorsed it as genuine and wrote that the Samadhi was of savikalpa ...

... Yes, it's day and night, day and night.... Unfortunately you get the impression that in the west [the western front with Pakistan, i.e., Kashmir and Rajasthan], they don't want to do anything. Indira has declared that India had Page 332 absolutely no interest in the breakup of Pakistan: "Not at all interested." 2 They just want to liberate Bangladesh and that's all. ( Mother... alluding to the Bangladesh war. Mother's note was probably written in reference to that war. × "Mrs. Gandhi stated that India has nothing against Pakistan. The government and people of India are not at all interested in the breakup of Pakistan." ( The Hindu , 11 December 1971) ...

... a living symbol of the hope of humanity - especially the children and youth - for a rich and wholesome future. In her message on the first anniversary of the inauguration, the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, highlighted the importance of Auroville: [Sri Aurobindo's] effulgence and message radiated to different parts of the world from Pondicherry. It is appropriate that seekers of enlightenment... and the "Caravan" arrived in November. And a cafeteria was coming up besides. During 1969, the President of India, V.V. Giri, the Vice-President, G.S. Pathak, and the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, paid visits to the Ashram. Soon after his election as President, Mr. Giri came with Mrs. Saraswati Giri on 14 September, and went up to the Mother's room in the afternoon and offered obeisance... given the name "Mali") described it thus: Those figures were all girls, the long braids wound round their heads and pressed down by black nets.... They were the guard of honour lining Indira Gandhi's way to the Mother... these young athletes, hair bound, feet together, poised as though ready to run or vault the horse, did bring to mind the discipline and aspiration of the body... they looked ...

... it.... But it's very true. We should send it to the government of India. N.S. [a minister in the Central government] is coming, I'll give it to her. But not in the Bulletin . And Indira Gandhi, wouldn't you send it to her? ...... Page 215 × For six years until 1973, Satprem had to fight before ...

... nothing to help the Tibetans.... ( Mother shakes her head ) All that is the continuation of Gandhi's legacy—this false politics is being perpetrated by Gandhi's sons. No, you see... you see, they're even fighting on the wrong side in Ceylon. No, it's not that—it's much worse than Gandhi. ( Mother goes within for a long time ) You don't have anything? All that isn't very encouraging... come again.... ( silence ) And it seems that almost all of India is officially in favor of the recognition of Bangladesh. Yes, almost all India.... But with her supposedly higher reasons, Indira obstinately refuses to budge. ( silence ) Page 130 Did anyone tell you what is happening in Ceylon? No. No one told you anything about Ceylon! No. Oh, but it's awful ...

... Rao was dull. Shivaji Rao was intelligent. I taught him French; he was a good student. Dhairyashil showed signs of premature development of lust. All that was due to the servants of the palace. Indira was more interesting and there was something sturdy in her. She had the most of her father – Sayaji Rao – in her. Disciple : There is a criticism of Pujalal's poetry by a poet critic. He says... . Only a man like Holkar and Nabha may side with the Congress and risk losing his Gadi – throne. This year there is this threatened split in the Congress between Subhas and his Socialists and Gandhi's followers. Socialism in England is of a watery kind. Disciple : In Russia some signs of freedom are noticeable. Sri Aurobindo : That is because Stalin has killed all unpleasant ... Jaipur has again released Bajaj ( hearty laugh ). Bajaj was a little hurt while being forcibly removed. Gandhiji called it 'organized goondaism.' Sri Aurobindo : I do not understand why Gandhi calls it 'Goondaism'. If Bajaj resisted they will have to use force to remove him and injury is quite possible. Disciple : Pratap Singh may be persuaded by Krishnamachari to part with some ...

... between "rightist" and "leftist" elements. Finally, the prime minister, Indira Gandhi, took away the finance portfolio from Morarji Desai, the deputy prime minister, and declared her intention to nationalize banks (which she did two days later). This will lead to a scission in the Congress, and this same faction will overthrow Indira in 1977. ... × All parties, including the Congress, are divided over the choice of a new president of India: Indira proposes V. V. Giri, who will be elected, while the "old Congress" proposes Sanjiva Reddy, who will become president in 1977. × ... have become a little too "public" for my taste.... Yesterday, the whole morning I saw people from the government here. The [Pondicherry] governor comes very often: he comes, sits down, removes his Gandhi cap , then settles there in front of me, and stays for at least five minutes like that [absorbing energies]... like a sponge. ( silence ) Do you have anything to say? Last time, you spoke ...

... little, now and then. I often see you. Page 367 × N.S. is a disciple of Mother's who accompanied Indira Gandhi during her visit of October 6, and who holds a minister's post. ... Then Mother takes up various notes This is the message for the New Year [1970]. "The world is Preparing for a big change. Will you help?" And this... the other day, I gave Indira four messages. Was she receptive? Yes. I didn't speak; she stayed here for fifteen minutes without saving a word. Then N.S. came in and she asked me a few questions. But these ( Mother points ...

... (Message for Shri V. V. Giri, President of India, who visited the Ashram)     Let us all work for the greatness of India. 14 September 1969 * (Messages for Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, who visited the Ashram)     Let India. work for the future and set the example. Thus she will recover her true place in the world.     Since long it was the ...

... observations of the Mother as well my own experience in my contact with the Army. To illustrate the support of the Mother, I am quoting a note sent by the Mother to the then Prime Minister, Mrs Indira Gandhi in 1967. She wrote: "So I had to send someone immediately to tell her, 'for heaven's sake, support the army. It's India's only hope. The army is good, but it's not supported.' Having had... of the unity, integration and harmony of the Indian nation. The author supports this by a note written by the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram which had to be sent to the then Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi. She wrote: "So I had to send someone immediately to tell her, 'for heaven's sake, support the army. It's India's only hope. The army is good, but it's not supported.' The ...

... for my blessings. They are all ready. They're waiting—they are told tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, always tomorrow. I have news from up there. ( silence ) A few days ago, in sleep, I saw Indira Gandhi. She seemed to be here and was trying to convince us of something; what particularly struck me is that everything she was saying was on a very ordinary level, and she looked very pale. She is ...

... favoured compromise and reconciliation. When the political trouble in the C.P.N. Singh episode was at its peak, he showed me a letter drafted by him intended to go from the Ashram Trustees to Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister. I very much liked the approach and text of the letter and some others also agreed, but it did not go through. He was saddened by his failure at that important juncture. ...

... Yet to us he was a giant. We had no equipment to speak of. The only ground was the Playground. A few balls did exist. Football was played when and if the Military Ground (Terrain Militaire — now Indira Gandhi Stadium) was allotted to us — once a week or once in two weeks. Otherwise some drills, a few exercises, Volleyball or Circle Ball formed our daily activity. But strides forward were being taken ...

... that there is indeed only one solution, which is precisely an attempt to realize a higher life. There is a great movement. Yesterday there came a letter from S.M. 1 in which he said that Indira Gandhi is really relying on him in the hope of finding a way out and that things will improve a little. And he said that he hoped he would make the true spirit and knowledge triumph.... Only, his health ...

... Mother will be ninety ), so they sent me the brochure and asked me to write a message on the first page. And for that brochure they have solicited(!) the opinion of all prominent people: there is Indira Gandhi, the President of India, and what have you. And everyone says what has always been said millions of times over: "A great personality, this and that...." All the usual nonsense. So I wrote this: ...

... I'll try to put myself in the atmosphere. Yes—no! I've just seen: it's all right! ( Mother laughs ) × Indira Gandhi has just been expelled from the Congress by the syndicate of financiers. × Nijalingappa. ... minister is on the other, each looking at the other... Anyway, I think things will work out. But all that is mostly because of money: the most powerful party against the present government, against Indira, is that of financiers. They're furious. So then, in this connection, I took up again what I had said long ago: Money is not meant to make money, money is meant to prepare the earth for the ...

... a national government not based on the party system with its narrow ideological approach, but with a national vision and approach. In this context, we quote a message given by the Mother to Mrs Indira Gandhi in 1969. Let India work for the future and take the lead. Thus she will recover her true place in the world. Since long it was the habit to govern through division and opposition. The time ...

... for breaking the salt laws. She was the recipient of many national and international awards, including the prestigious Magsaysay Award, and Vishwa Bharati and Deshikotamma, conferred on her by Indira Gandhi in 1970, and the Padma Vibhushan award. Kamaladevi wanted to revive the age-old crafts from extinction. She found beauty in everything and had an awareness of art and beauty even in the... become soon, And embrace victory.' Thus in his dear motherland Gandhi fosters Revolution. 'Nor heat nor cold affects the soul, Nor weakness nor rebuff the fighter: Always wage the dharmic fight!' Thus exhorts Mahatma Gandhi. Bharati was confident of the Indians - comprising as they did the freedom-loving Rajputs... editor of Swadesamitran, a post he had held 15 years earlier. Numerous were his contributions to the press, and there was no flagging of his intellectual energy. It was the commencement of the Gandhi Age - or the Heroic Age, as C. R. Reddy once called it - of modern India. Bharati was in the swim, he was filled with expectancy; he was wonderfully alive. Admirers gathered round him in the evenings ...

... have seen and you have heard about many great people, great by their actions, by their speeches, by their great movements all over the world - Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr. Radhakrishnan, Smt. Indira Gandhi, so on and so forth. They are all the time before your eyes, but there is another order of great men, who are not so much before your eyes and who live a secluded life. They are called yogis,... want this, we want Mao Tsetung." Throughout the year, perhaps only for ten or twelve days, they go to school or college. So this is life, it is so hard for the poor as well as for the rich. And Indira Gandhi is trying her best to put this tottering, rattling, shaking house into some semblance of order. This is what life is today, and Mother and Sri Aurobindo are trying to change this life into another ...

... than between Nehru the complex and free-thinking Marxist and Gandhi the simpli-cist, the primitivist, the religionist, the extreme Tolstoyan. And yet what drew Nehru to Gandhi was a stupendous unknown quantity, something uncharted by Marx and unanalysed by science and inadequately covered by merely moral principles. He compared Gandhi's influence to that of Socrates, and thereby confessed his own intuition... directly spiritual figures of this ancient land of the Rishis. Although Gandhi, by his intimate relation with Nehru and by his political leadership of the India of Nehru's generation, remained in Nehru's explicit affirmations his "Master", here was a turn exceeding the feel of the "Socratic" which he had known through Gandhi's ethico-religious make-up. That such a turn had long been preparing may be... inferred from a fact that was disclosed only a fortnight after his death. Nehru, we were told, had read the Gita in the early morning each day from as far back as his daughter Page 103 Indira could remember. Whenever he went abroad, the Gita went with him in his pocket, and with the Gita a picture of Buddha. Is it any wonder that the spiritual inner should at last effect a breakthrough ...

... progress 768 message on her 91st birthday 771 message for 4-5-67 774 sees Indira Gandhi, V.V.Giri 778ff, 821 messages on Sri Aurobindo's centenary 789, 799, 801-3, 829 crisis in health 789-90 glimpses a black cloud approaching India 795 mantra during the Bangladesh crisis 795, 808-10 message to Indira Gandhi 809 things taking an extreme form 807 her last messages 814-7 on 21 February... Nouvelle (New Idea Society) 101ff, 126, 128, 148, 150, 298 Imitation of Christ, The 639 India 46, 82, 128, 200, 404, 446-59, 488, 571, 808-10, 821 see also in The Mother - (3) Indira Gandhi 596, 777-9, 808-9, 821 Indra Sen, Dr 652, 676, 691 Inge, William Ralph 62, 129 Iyengar, Dr K.R. Srinivasa 173ff Iyer, C.P. Ramaswami 715 Janina 701 Janine (Morisset) Panier 477 Janet... Egypt and Mesopotamia 575 on Significance of Indian Culture 575 on Mother's laces and fans 613 on Dolls 624 on Mother's writings 649 on Mother's paintings 734, 754 visits of Jawaharlal and Indira 595-6, 716, 777-9 visit of Soviet gymnasts 623 distinctive aspects 678 teacher-pupil relationship in 625-7, 677 visits of the Education and the University Grants Commissions 695, 715, 731-2 ...

... Vaishali, Pitampura, Delhi-110 034. Tel. 745 6495. DR. JAYNARAYAN KAUSHIK: Scholar, C-605 Saraswati Vihar, Delhi-110 034. DR. KAMLA ARORA: Scholar, 1152, 'Sai Krupa' 12th Main, H.A.L. II Stage, Indira Nagar, Bangalore. Tel. (080) 528 0155, 529 2165. PROF. KEWAL KRISHAN MITTAL: Formerly Professor of Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Studies, Dept. Delhi University, 8/216 A, Sector III, Rajendra... D. Student, Dept. of Education, University of Delhi. C-4/18, Model Town, Delhi-110 009. Tel. 725 1051. DR. SWADESH SHARMA: Reader, Dept. of English P.G.D.A.V. College, Delhi. X-491, Ram Nagar, Gandhi Nagar, Delhi-110 031. Tel. 242 0289 (R). DR. S.C. GOSWAMI: Reader, Dept. of Chemistry, Dayal Singh College, University of Delhi. 67, Vaishali, Pitampura, Delhi-110 034. Tel. 721 8331. SHRI ...

... are still not out of the woods, as we say in English. On the home front, India is passing through, as I told you the other day, very interesting developments which are taking place with our Indira Gandhi at the helm of affairs. If I start talking politics, we shall be going off at a tangent! So I continue now with the letter to Baptista: You may ask why not come out and help ... A... "He does not see anyone." (Laughter) In spite of that, some visitors gatecrash into my room and they are surprised to find that I am not a philosopher like Kireet or a psychologist like Kishore Gandhi or a historian like Sisir, 110 but a poet. "Well," they say. "Why," 110 Kireet Joshi was an IAS officer who resigned his post and joined the Ashram. He Page 75 they remark... friend Nishikanto was lamenting the other day, "See what these people have done -" (Laughter) "now we cannot write any poetry about the moon. We later became the Registrar of the SAICE. Kishore Gandhi was an ancient sadhak of the Ashram. He was a professor of sociology and he was the editor of all the three volumes of Letters. Sisir Kumar Mitra was a professor of Bengali from Shantiniketan ...

... more letter) and I told him: "If Indira refuses to go to the root of the problem and is only used as a facade, we will rapidly go towards a bloody anarchy." There is neither a single day, nor a single corner in India without riots and violence — Gandhi's reign is at its height. Sri Aurobindo is not accepted in India. The Ashram is full of fakers. Indira Gandhi says that she wants to do something... take a direction other than that of Nehru-Gandhi. The "derailment" of this government was to bring about general elections and Indira Gandhis return to power in January, 1980. She would take a disastrous path (probably influenced by her crook of a guru): propagation of an immense corruption, violence, mounting terrorism in Punjab (at first fed by Indira, for political ends) .. In June, 1980, her... there and catch up with Mother again, who has been completely distorted in that country. It should not be difficult.   November 10, 1980 (Letter to Indira Gandhi, originally in English. In fact, this letter was never given to Indira by the person who should have done so.) Madam, A few things have come to my inner understanding, Page 172 which you may be equally aware of ...

... Mother is referring to Shyamaprasad Mukherji. × N.S. was to betray Indira Gandhi later, just as N. was to betray Mother. × On February 11, 1965 (see Agenda VI , February 19 ...

... what India has come to today. See the condition of the world: Russia, America, Israel, Nasser, Mao Tsetung. Well, really, our Indira Gandhi is hard put to it to manage her house. She looks with one eye at Russia, with another eye at Ametica and perhaps with both eyes at China ... (Laughter) ... and this is our position today. So where is our gospel of nonviolence leading... (Laughter) Is it your Buddhist blood or Gandhi's non-violence at work? (Laughter) You must remember, my friend, that it was the heroic age when men and women were heroes and heroines. I suppose you won't approve of Kurukshetra either, and would advocate the gospel of love and compassion. Gandhi said that battle was completely symbolic. Well, that is what ...

... × 60 National elections called by Indira Gandhi in order to end the state of emergency she had declared in June 1975. × 61 Unfortunately, after Mother’s departure, Indira Gandhi fell into the clutches of a Tantric guru, Dhirendra Brahmachari, a crook who... (Letter to Yolande Lemoine. Let us note that when Tata came to see me on June 2 — before the “state of emergency” was declared on June 26 — I suggested he should meet Indira Gandhi, which he did. He told me later that Indira was “full of fear” and kept speaking of “threats on her life,” of “danger.” She thought she was going “to be killed.”) Dear Yolande, I am not a soothsayer, I am not... beginning of November 1975 Page 120 As I was stepping out of my room to go for my usual walk in the canyons, I met Sir C.P.N. Singh in the garden ... sent by Indira Gandhi to see what was happening at the Ashram. He is Indira’s confidant and close advisor. As any cultured Indian, he knew that Mother must have left “someone” or something behind Her. He had seen all the Ashram bigwigs and ...

... To mark August 15, several groups connected to the Ashram have been meeting in Pondicherry. × Indira Gandhi will come to power in early 1966, after the death of the present Prime Minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri. ...

... 50-1, 56, 68, 104-5, 111, 118, 133-4, 135 Inconscient, Immanent God in, 83 Cosmic consciousness, 230 Independence of India, 1, 93 Crisis, evolutionary, 67-8 Indira Gandhi, 214 Influenza, epidemic of, 58 Integral perfection, 269-72 Integral yoga, 68-73, 251, 262, 269, 271 Page 283 Intuition,79,245-6, 249, ...

... collective experience for the progress of mankind is alone sufficient to get admitted. November 10, 1969 × Indira Gandhi has just been "expelled" from the Congress by a group of politicians opposed to her nationalization of banks. × ...

... the struggle for Bangladesh. You told her to tell him he would have the answer when he came to India ... ( Mother nods ) ... He never came to India. He dropped his project after meeting Indira Gandhi [in Paris]. Oh? Yes, since India was officially going to war in Bangladesh, he didn't think there was any more reason for him to get killed... on the official side. So instead of going to ...

... photographer was opened very skilfully with a duplicate key and articles worth thirty thousand were stolen along with a film on Bangla Desh which had been taken recently and was to be shown to Mrs. Indira Gandhi. While reading it I had felt that the theft was commited by the radio repairer's brother-in-law. My feeling was so strong that I warned the radio repairer to keep away from his brother-in-law because... the seventh decade was running fast and was nearing its completion, I gave away the rights of publication of the third edition of my Gujarati book on Preservation of Health and Sight to Mahatma Gandhi's Navajivan Trust, Ahmedabad, as I was seriously planning to go to the Ashram and settle there for the rest of my life to complete my ascent to the spirit. The stream of my life was flowing so naturally ...

... to the Khalistan movement in Punjab.13 In addition, the CIA and the ISI collaborated to discredit then-Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's granting of naval facilities to the Soviet Union at Vizag and on the Andaman and Nicobar islands. The program came to an end with Gandhi's death in 1984.14 YAHYA KHAN AND THE GROWTH OF ISI Under President Yahya Khan, the ISI once again escalated its... did nothing about. 20 The Soviet Union's 1979 invasion of Afghanistan compelled the CIA to increase its ties with the ISI. The Agency had previously been working with the ISI to discredit Indira Gandhi and to aid the Sikh Home Rule Movement. Now, the CIA began collaborating with the ISI in training the Afghan mujahideen to combat the Soviets, also providing them with logistical support and financial ...

... know what provoked my olfactory nerves, but I had no control. The more I tried to control the sneeze, the more it seemed ready to burst and finally it did. And He remarked: "What 243 Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the third Prime Minister of the Republic of India for three consecutive terms from 1966 to 1977, and for a fourth term from 1980 until her assassination in 1984. Page 184 a metallic... about what he'd meant. Four or five of us were there; we looked at Him, a little puzzled. "Oh, you don't know the story?" He asked. Then He told us. During the Boer War in South Africa (where Mahatma Gandhi was at that time), the Boers were on one side and the British on the other. Two Boers were escaping on horseback after some fighting. One of them was short and stumpy. They were running for their lives ...

... of it, as if he were seeking to shut the ocean within a graduated thermometer. × A friend of Indira Gandhi, and a minister in the Indian government. × One typical example of the "mixture of influences" ...

... that we would govern! but that governments would be influenced). And lately I have seen three ministers and five members of parliament! And I have received an offering from the Prime Minister [Indira Gandhi]. So it's going well! It's quite amusing.... Some expressly come from Delhi just for a day, to see me and go back. So one hopes—one hopes—that they will grow a bit wiser(!) ( Then Mother ...

... president, as did the vice-president, as did Karan Singh, the former Maharajah of Kashmir, as did the Dalai Lama. And so did Indira Gandhi, who in 1969 split the Congress into its more conservative wing and her more socially oriented forward wing. The relationship with Indira Gandhi was close, and the prime minister sought her advice and spiritual assistance on many occasions, often with B.D. Jatti, then... messages of encouragement by prominent Ashramites were pinned on the notice board in the central Ashram courtyard, and eagerly read and copied by the many who were seeking for every word of solace. Indira Gandhi, then prime minister, sent a message: ‘The Mother was a dynamic, radiant personality with tremendous force of character and extraordinary spiritual attainments. Yet she never lost her sound practical ...

... cut short the rest of the programme and drove out without security escort to see the Mother. Indira Gandhi had preceded him and was with the Mother. She was visibly touched by the Mother’s affectionate way of welcome.’ 70 (In the years to come, the Mother would have a close relationship with Indira Gandhi.) Lal Bahadur Shastri, who would succeed Nehru as prime minister, and Kamaraj Nadar, a prominent... Aurobindo had written: ‘I have cherished you like a friend and a son.’ Dilip K. Roy would leave the Ashram, around the time of his meeting with Nehru, to found his own ashram in Pune together with Indira Devi, the woman who had become the centre of his life and whom Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had saved from a certain death. 98 The Mother kept his apartment in the Ashram available for him till... × He means Alfassa. × ‘When Indira Devi did not want to go back to her family, the family guru, who was a tantrik, made an occult attack on her body. Her life was in danger. After intense pain and vomiting blood she swooned into un ...

... describe the miracle I saw but I will do my best hoping that a few at least will understand. It so happened that a few months after this, an avowed disciple of mine, Janak Kumari Malhotra (alias Indira), fell seriously ill. Were I free to write about her in detail, I could make her story more gripping than a first class fiction, but as she is utterly opposed to my making public her spiritual experiences... its agency may come to our rescue before it is too late." Then after giving him a long account of her ailments I added: "From the doctors here I have gathered — what has fairly staggered me — that Indira has been suffering from cardiac asthma, coronary thrombosis, dilatation of the heart, osteoarthritis, low blood-pressure, utter lack of appetite, anaemia and God knows what else, still undiagnosed... which I can only describe as too incredible to be discredited. But I prefer to close this episode with a relevant letter which Gurudev wrote to me in reply to some questions which I had to discuss with Indira during her illness about the application of spiritual force to preserve health or cure physical ailments. I had asked him in my letter, among other things, how far he undersigned Sri Ramakrishna's ...

... deaf could well argue that birds do not sing! I'm to pick up in Connaught Circle Sisir Kumar Ghose's new books. Have also been collecting Kapila Vatsyayan's magnificent publications from the Indira Gandhi Centre for the Arts. So in the next Temenos I shall have a long review of Indian publications - India has something unique to tell us about Blake, about poetry, about the roots of the arts. I hope... treasures Page 276 with one another from the beginning of time until now? "Why read novels?' an American friend said to me, a propos the stories one hears every day, and Ramchandra Gandhi said only yesterday that 'Satsang' is the essence of civilization. I too don't have my Blake with me but I believe the passage in the marriage of Heaven and Hell reads 'the first commander ... Elizabethan 'mask of youth' but 1 do feel she has captured 'the face I had before the world was made'. She is a true artist, I hope you will meet her. I did a television conversation with Ramu Gandhi. in which it is shown. 1 am back to a mountain of letters which make me wish I had stayed in India and never come back. But here lies my task, whether what is at hand is the destruction of earth ...

... Tamas : inertia, darkness. × It is the period of the Kennedy-Khrushchev-de Gaulle "combination." Indira Gandhi will come to power about two years later. × President Kennedy will be assassinated almost exactly ...

... condolence message: "Her dynamic role as a spiritual leader and the spirit behind the Sri Aurobindo Ashram shall ever live as a standing testimony and symbol of her life and work." The Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, declared in the course of her condolence message: The Mother was a dynamic, radiant personality with tremendous force of character and extraordinary spiritual attainments. Yet she never lost ...

... In the morning it is an individual work, in the evening... a collective work.' - Sep 29 Receives, at the Playground, Jawaharlal Nehru accompanied by Kamaraj Nadar, Lal Bahadur Sastri and Indira Gandhi. - Oct 21 'When I say "myself" people think of my body, and my body is not yet truly myself, it is not yet transformed, and that produces a confusion in their minds....' - Nov 15 Receives... more than three hours with Sri Aurobindo: 'I was showing him all that was about to come down for Auroville... and he was laying down the broad laws of the organisation.' - Oct 6 Receives Indira Gandhi. Tells her, 'The time has come to govern through union, mutual understanding and collaboration.... The greatness of a country does not depend on the victory of a party, but on the union of all parties ...

... ( Message for Shri V. V. Giri, President of India, who visited the Ashram ) Let us all work for the greatness of India. 14 September 1969 Page 368 ( Messages for Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, who visited the Ashram ) Let India work for the future and set the example. Thus she will recover her true place in the world. Since long it was the habit to govern ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... could be mobilised. On 29 September 1955, when he came on an official visit to Pondicherry, Nehru paid an unscheduled visit to the Playground. This time, there were with him his daughter, Indira Gandhi, and Lal Bahadur Shastri, both future Prime Ministers, as also Kamaraj, then Chief Minister of Madras. Although Nehru himself could afford only a few minutes, his daughter spent a longer time with ...

... and in the second edition of his book Sri Aurobindo Came to Me he even deleted all references to her. After Sri Aurobindo’s passing he left the Ashram without further ado to start, together with Indira Devi, the Hari Krishna Mandir in Poona. A permanent fruit of his sadhana and of Sri Aurobindo’s inexhaustible compassion and comprehension are the four thousand highly illuminating letters Sri Aurobindo... Sri Aurobindo to emerge from his retirement and join the great struggle. We were disappointed at his not doing so.”’ 12 This lack of understanding was one of the reasons why, in 1942, Mohandas K. Gandhi refused to listen when Sri Aurobindo insisted that the Cripps offer of dominion status for India be accepted; had it been, the division of the country into India and Pakistan might have been prevented... singer mainly of religious songs, after having studied mathematics and music in Cambridge. He spoke several Indian languages besides English, French and German. Among his acquaintances were Mohandas K. Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Romain Rolland, Bertrand Russell, Georges Duhamel and Subhas Chandra Bose. He would become the author of not less than seventy-five books in Bengali and twenty-six in English ...

... resounding victory to Indian arms, and the emergence of independent Bangladesh. Even in the early weeks of the civil war in East Pakistan, the Mother had sent a private message to the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, that it was imperative that Bangladesh should be given official recognition. It was at about this time that Satprem wrote an essay entitled "Sri Aurobindo and Bangladesh", and copies in English ...

... of the minds of our people. I know that this is your desire. In my humble way I am trying to do what I can. With respectful regards, Yours sincerely, Indira Gandhi Mother sent the following reply: To Indira With blessings. India must be proud of your leadership. Let the country take its true place Page 214 in the world for showing the way ...

... world is bound to be happy. The happiness of the world lies within us - a very great, a very proud, a very insolent remark, but it is true. We have made Giri 227 happy. (Laughter) We have made Indira Gandhi 227 V.V. Girl, the fourth President (from 24 August 1969 to 23 August 1974) of the Republic of India. Page 158 happier, though we have made some other people unhappy. But ...

... effort to increase and enlighten the consciousness is the best way to serve the country.) In 1969 when the political crisis in the country took place, the Mother offered some advice to Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister. The Mother gave me a copy of that as well. With the hope that they are pertinent I share these with you today: Page 26 (Let India ...

... Sensational articles appeared in the press about smuggling, drugs and sex orgies in Auroville. The controversy went all the way up to the Supreme Court in New Delhi. It is worth mentioning that Indira Gandhi and later her son Rajiv kept supporting the Auroville of the Aurovillians through thick and thin, as did people of the stature of J.R.D. Tata, the aviation pioneer and industrialist-with-a-heart ...

... late of Annamalai University, has written to me: "Dr. Indira (one of my students) has gone to U.K. on a short assignment and she would like to have an appointment with Kathleen Raine. She may discuss one or two problems connected with Coleridge and Miss Raine's own poetry and its relationship to the Coleridgian tradition of romantic poetry. Indira is likely to be in London between 1st May & 8th May.... Just now she is working in Cambridge. She is expected back here on the 12th May." I have asked Page 188 my friend to tell Dr. Indira to phone to you and take an appointment. I trust this will not inconvenience you much. Eira Dyne was very pleased to hear from me that you liked her piece on "Kubla Khan" and that it may well be that she has indeed settled the date of the poem. ... from a traditional background may be missed. I should think the depth with which the varied cast renders the drama would lead to India overlooking whatever surface incongruity she may find. The film Gandhi was very well received, but it wasn't so bold an experiment as Brook's.' Let us hope the sincerity and force of the acting, the magic of the setting and the psychological widening of the story's range ...

... service to both equally — and universally. Leaders of all walks of life in the country visited the Ashram and sought her advice for the work they were doing. This included Pandit Nehru and Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Would you speak of some of the work that the Mother gave you? Well, the very first work that the Mother gave me, as a child, was to arrange flowers in large trays that were then taken up ...

... from tyranny and oppression of examinations. Paper XV: Value Based Programmes of Study on HTV and Family Education Speaker : Professor Gracious Thomas *The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has developed and launched a value based programme of study on 'HIV and Family Education' with accurate and complete information on the sensitive issues. The course... truth of every religion and a synthesis of yoga, he opened the gates of the future before the youths, filling them with a new spirit of inspiration, heroism and dynamic action. -Mahatma Gandhi emphasized the training of the Hand, Heart and Head, overarched by the values of Truth, Non-Violence, Self-Control, Non-Covetousness and Renunciation, as also equal respect towards all religions... nted Education for students, teachers and teacher educators, curriculum planners and textbooks writers. Some of publications are biographies of national leaders like Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose and Govind Ballabh Pant. Supplementary reading materials for school children titled Nai Nai Kahaniyan contains value-based stories. The NCERT has ...

... their acid reports. It is hard to imagine: not one of them had understood what the Mother meant to France, to their own country!’ 2 Mother with Prime Minister Nehru, Shri Kamraj Nadar, Mrs. Indira Gandhi and Lal Baladur Shastri (1955) In 1950 there were 750 disciples, not including the children. When the Japanese invaded India and threatened Calcutta, the Mother had given shelter to relatives ...

... "Gymnastic Marching". Mother herself had translated my English commands of Gymnastic Marching into French. Page 286 Mother with Nehru, Kamaraj and Indira Gandhi, Amrita-da, Nolini-da and Pranab are on the left. Page 287 Mother on her way to the "Island" on 18.3.59 Page 288 Mother ...

... Bahadur Shastri, and the Pakistani president, Muhammad Ayub Khan. Shastri died of a heart attack immediately after an agreement was reached. He was succeeded as prime minister by Nehru’s daughter, Indira Gandhi, who was to remain in contact with the Mother through the coming years. In October 1965 the comet Ikeda-Seki appeared in the sky. As Udar remembers: ‘On 29 October 1965 the Mother saw the comet ...

... the respect of his countrymen by sacrificing everything at the altar of patriotism. He and his wife and their three children were repeatedly imprisoned by the British, including his granddaughter Indira Gandhi. Three generations participating in a country's freedom movement is a rare event in history. Bengal in India, like France in Europe, is the Page 38 land of clear and keen... name. He called me, "Rani, Rani, come here." So I went up to him. He told me that Frontier Gandhi (Abdul Gaffar Khan) was coming. Gurudev had gone in his car to fetch him and they would be here in a few minutes. Then handing me a garland of flowers he said, "You see, Poupee there will garland Frontier Gandhi when he and Gurudev come and stand here. You put the garland round Gurudev's neck. Then you ...

... Indian Council of Philosophical Research, January 2002 Page 459 VALUE BASED PROGRAMME OF STUDY ON HIV AND FAMILY EDUCATION GRACIOUS THOMAS Introduction The Indira Gandhi National Open University has launched a programme of study on 'HIV and Family Education' since January this year. This programme is the first of its kind in India and has been prepared in collaboration... all weariness Without truth it is impossible to observe any principles or rules in life. There must be truth in thought. Truth in speech and Truth in action. —Mahatma Gandhi The Kothari Commission (1964-66) had observed that "A new pride and a deeper faith expressed in living for the noble ideals of peace and freedom, truth and compassion are now needed... Education for Character Development; Education for Tomorrow; Report of the Working Group to Review Teachers' Training Programme; Role and Responsibility of Teachers in Building up Modern India; Gandhi on Education; Sri Aurobindo on Education; and Tilak on Education. The titles of the NCTE CD-ROMs on value education are: New Education for New India - Integral Education of Sri Aurobindo,Jeevan Vigyan ...

... 23 September 1964 Sweet Mother, I heard that an astrologer has predicted that in six months' time Lal Bahadur Shastri will no longer be Prime Minister and that he will be replaced by Indira Gandhi, but only for a fortnight. Then a period of chaos in the Government will follow. After that, a young man will appear on the scene who will be guided by a divine force coming from a woman of great ...

... (30 November 1908—18 March 1974) was a poet, novelist, dramatist and literary critic of Bengal. He was awarded the Sahitya Academy Award in 1967 and Padmabhushan in 1970 [5] Dilip Kumar Roy and Indira Devi, Pilgrims of the Stars, pp. 80-81 [6] Selected Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran, pp. 169-170 [7] Ibid., p. 169 [8] Ibid. [9] Nishikanto, Bonne Fête, p. 13 [10] Dhiraj Banerjee, N... My sleeping room is His wide world, Planet and star for bulb and lamp, The King of kings who beggared me, Walks by my side, a comrade tramp. [44] In his Foreword to Dream Cadences, Kishor Gandhi writes: The bulk of Nishikanto’s poetry is in his native tongue Bengali, in the poetical literature of which he occupies a place of high eminence. He never made any serious attempt to write poetry ...

... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother The Mother with Jawaharlal Nehru, Kamaraj, Indira Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri at the playground of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry 5 The Mother Continues Sri Aurobindo's Work I am only realising what He has conceived. I am only the protagonist and the continuator of His work. This is what ...

... Last evening Navajata, Nandini Satpaty, Anjani and myself had a meeting for how to get support and funds for Auroville. Nandini of her own made the suggestion that a deputation should see Indira Gandhi with a request to have Auroville recognized as a Government of India project and included in the Fifth Year Plan. Nava asked Nandini to be in the deputation and to lead it. Nandini has agreed. ...

... Last evening Navajata, Nandini Satpaty, Anjani and myself had a meeting for how to get support and funds for Auroville. Nandini of her own made the suggestion that a deputation should see Indira Gandhi with a request to have Auroville recognized as a Government of India project and included in the Fifth Year Plan. Nava asked Nandini to be in the deputation and to lead it. Nandini has agreed. ...

... inevitable that India's population will increase by another three hundred million people. Yes. It's an insoluble problem. Insoluble, because NOBODY in India has the courage to do what is necessary. Indira Gandhi tried, two or three years ago, to control the population. But her efforts were shamelessly distorted, with charges Page 188 that she was sterilizing women, sterilizing men – a whole political ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart