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Genesis : relates the genesis of Israel & its people in Old Testament. For Christian missionaries, scholars & laity “Genesis narrates the primeval history of the world (sic) & the patriarchal history of the Israelite people.” [Encyclopaedia Britannica]
... popularising them in the immediate pre-Gospel period. "Joseph" appropriately recalls the Patriarch Joseph who "was extremely interested in burials (Genesis 50:14)" and whose "own burial was a known item on the agenda at the First Redemption, viz. from Egypt (Genesis 50:25-26), Exodus 13:19; Joshua 24:32; Sirach 49:15; Hebrews 11:22; Acts 7:15-16". "Arimathaea... a known village in Judaea, otherwise called... We are further told of all the senses in which psyche is used in the New Testament. We shall attend only to the various Pauline meanings: "In Paul, as in the O.T., psyche (Hebrew nephesh cf. Genesis 2:7) is what gives life to animals, to the human body, 1 Corinthians 15:45; or it is the actual life of the body, Romans 16:4; Philippians 2:30; 1 Thessalonians 2:8, its 'living soul', 2 Corinthians... immortality more in terms of the restoration of the whole person, involving a resurrection of the body effected by the Spirit or divine principle which God withdrew from human beings because of sins, Genesis 6:3, but restored to all who united with the risen Christ, Romans 1:4+; 8:11, who is the 'heavenly' man and the life-giving Spirit, 1 Corinthians 15:45-49. The * Brown, while quoting Paul ...
... Torah is divided into five books, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Each book is then further divided into chapter and verse. This organisation of book-chapter-verse was continued and carried over to the writing of the New Testament as we find it today. References to the Bible in this essay has been made according to this organization. Genesis, the first book, tells the story... Covenant The founding fathers of Judaism are Abraham, his son, Isaac and his son, Jacob. In Genesis, God reveals himself to Abraham and commands him: Go forth from your native land and from your father's house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation. (Genesis 12:1,2) Before the covenant of the Torah at Mt. Sinai, God makes an earlier covenant: The ritual... much of the Old Testament is considered relevant, particularly the chapter and verses that are thought to be prophesies of the coming of Jesus and his mission on earth, and the story of Creation (Genesis) and giving of the Torah, which contained the Law, especially the Ten Commandments. When Jesus spoke, he was .speaking words of his own, he was speaking words of common wisdom, or he was referring ...
... examined. On turning to the texts cited by The Jerusalem Bible we light upon an eye-opening fact. In Genesis 13:6 near relatives are indeed termed "brothers". 20 But how does The Jerusalem Bible itself render the other texts? In Genesis 14:16 we have "kinsmen" instead. 21 Genesis 29:15 gives "kinsmen". 22 Leviticus 10:4 yields "brothers". 23 1 Chronicles 23:22f, however, has "kinsmen" again... brother" (Galatians 1:19), Fitzmyer 41 writes: "In classical and Hellenistic Greek adelphos means 'blood brother.' In the LXX it translates Hebrew 'ah, even when used in the sense of 'kinsman' (Genesis 13:8; 29:12-15; see AG 42 15). Greek papyri from Egypt also preserve the wide sense of adelphos, 'relative' (see J.J. Collins, TS 43 ). In view of the NT teaching on the virginal conception of Jesus... it might do in English usage, that she knew him afterwards. The Hebrew usage is clear from similar statements, that the first raven released from the Ark did not return until the waters dried up (Genesis 8,7) or that the followers of Jude Machabeus rejoiced because not one of them was slain until they returned home____The term 'first-born' needs to be understood in the same sense in which it was ...
... but they do not accept that it works in the ‘Darwinian’ way. And “their purpose is not to support Genesis , but to follow evidence wherever it leads.” In the words of a Phillip Johnson in a neutral mood: “The question for now is not whether the vast claims of Darwinian evolution conflict with Genesis , but whether they conflict with the evidence of biology.” 23 In the preface to the papers... in historical order: Judaism, Christianity and Islam – although in each religion it has been complemented with additional revelations, doctrines and traditions. The first words of its first book, Genesis , are: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” and it goes on describing how God created the universe and everything in it in six days, after which he rested on the seventh. A story... the biblical story of creation in their early youth. Other religious scientists, unable to deny the geological and paleontological data but wanting to remain within their faith, have widened the Genesis story into a “day-age theory.” This means that they take the six “days” of creation as symbolical for six ‘ages’ of undetermined duration. Their main argument is that, indeed, the biblical story reflects ...
... with 'something of a poetic outlook'." Martindale 20 also remarks: "When speaking of such matters it is hard not to sound pantheist, at least at times." In the Teilhardian philosophy of a cosmo-genesis which is really a Christogenesis and in which the Universal Christ functions as the universe's "physical, natural centre", "the bond running through all things", and makes himself "one with all"... Elijah the prophet was said to have made a bodily entry into heaven (2 Kings 2:11). Enoch's mysterious disappearance was even earlier: "Enoch walked with God. Then he vanished because God took him" (Genesis 5:24). 76 No precedent in the Bible can be found to this account. Would that by itself vouch for the historical reality of the incident mentioned? To return to Matthew. Actually he never... "descended" on Jesus at his baptism "in bodily shape, like a dove" (13:22). I may observe that the dove-image is especially apt to a situation of creating and conceiving. We think immediately of Genesis 1:1f, where the Spirit hovers over the face of the primeval waters, and we are scarcely surprised at Milton's invocation in the opening of Paradise Lost to the Spirit: Page 230 ...
... On His Poetry and Poetic Method Letters on Poetry and Art Metrical Experiments The Genesis of In Horis Aeternum Is there some way of keeping the loose swinging gait of anapaests within bounds? If one has used them freely in one or more lines, does it sound too abrupt to close with a strict iambic line—as in the final Alexandrine of: The wind... not to thrust in a metaphysical subtlety but to express the burden of an experience. In the final form I shall probably risk the ambiguity and reject the intruding "once". 19 April 1932 The Genesis of Winged with dangerous deity Your model is exceedingly difficult for the English language—for this reason that except in lines closing with triple rhymes the Page 234 language draws... is difficult to keep up: the average reader will turn it into a dactyl or amphibrach. I started a rhymed endeavour also, but had no time to pursue it; it is not easy either. 20 June 1934 The Genesis of Moon of Two Hemispheres After two days of wrestling I have to admit that I am beaten by your last metre. I have written something, but it is a fake. I will first produce the fake. Page ...
... influence the drawings would at least tend to confirm and reinforce the background of Genesis myth in the poems. The symbolism of Experience draws heavily on the Fall of Man, the Fall of the Angels, the forbidden fruit, the serpent-tempter, and similar themes. The fact that Blake had recently been illustrating Genesis episodes and that the illustrations were often before his eyes as he worked out their... considering Blake's "work". The question, Did he smile his work to see? has evidently a resemblance to the formula after each day's creation in the first chapter of Genesis: "and God saw that it was good." But nowhere in Genesis do we find God's seeing and approving of any "work": the term "work" occurs only after everything has been created - "And on the seventh day God ended his work which he ...
... evolution, the march of evolution, when the mind began to develop for and in itself, that ALL the complications, all the deformations began. Indeed, this story of Genesis that seems so childish does contain a truth. The old traditions like Genesis resembled the Vedas in that each letter 6 was the symbol of a knowledge; it was the pictorial résumé of a traditional knowledge, just as the Veda contains... × Violet orchid. × In Genesis, Hebraic letters. × This is the origin of such legends as Shangri-la . But 'psychics' most often ...
... we are the more distinguishable the more we lose ourselves in Him. "These two in no way contradictory conditions immediately result from the characteristics recognized above in the cosmic genesis of the spirit: a universal God to be realized by effort, and yet a personal God to be submitted to in love. If the world is really moving within consciousness, He is the indispensable 'mover' of all... were developing so close an interrelationship that the appearance of any one of them was inconceivable except as a function of the global history of the whole system. In man's eyes a universe in genesis was irresistibly taking the place of the static universe of the theologians. Inevitably again, a specific form of mysticism was emerging from this new intuition: faith, amounting practically to... letter dated 20 April 1954: "We have been forced to abandon the static Aristotelian cosmos and introduced (through the whole physico-chemico-biological system) into a universe still in a state of cosmo-genesis. In future, therefore, we have to rethink our Christology in terms of Christogenesis (at the same time as we 1.Lettres Intimes..., p. 144: "Insrinctivement, depuis dix ans surtout, je me ...
... creepeth upon the earth. And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him." 2 The uniqueness of human creation, as pointed out in the Creation narratives of the Book of Genesis, is brought forth by the significant utterance that, whereas in the case of both animals and plants, the general formula used is the creation'after its kind' effected through some secondary agency:... to Him, "Command unto us an habitation that we may dwell secure." Then the Spirit decided on life-creation and first formed animal kinds like the cow and the horse. "He brought unto the 2. Genesis I, 26f. Page 2 Gods the cow, but they said, 'Verily, it is not sufficient for us.' He brought unto them the horse, but they said, 'Verily, it is not enough for us.' He brought unto... distinct biological species grew up, it is true, in the preceding century. But Linné who was the first initiator of the classification of species declared in the orthodox tradition of the Book of Genesis: "There are as many species as the infinite Being chose to create in the beginning of creation." Although the germs of the idea of transformism could be discerned 5. Ivo Hollhuber, Philosopher ...
... been a vain threat. The Mother said that ancient Egypt was extremely occult. Now this begins to be understood more widely. Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock, for instance, write in their Keeper of Genesis: ‘From available primary sources, the overall picture that emerges is that the “Followers of Horus” may not have been “kings” in the usual sense of the word but rather immensely powerful and enlightened... The Mother, id., pp. 89 ff. × Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock, Keeper of Genesis , p. 82 (quoted from the Corpus Hermeticum). × The Mother, Questions and Answers 1950-51 , CWM ...
... several times in the Hebrew Bible. "First in Genesis X, 2,4 (with repetition in I Chronicles I, 5,7). The ancient Greek translation, the Septuagint, 4 of the Old Testament simply transcribes the name and so does the Latin Vulgate where it appears as Javan. It follows from that that the authors of the Septuagint did not regard the Yāvāns of Genesis as meaning Ionians or Greeks. 1. Ibid ...
... manuscripts. O pall of black Night . No title in the manuscript. Circa 1934. Three handwritten manuscripts. See Letters on Poetry and Art , pp. 236–37,for a letter that shows the genesis of this poem. To the hill-tops of silence. No title in the manuscript. 1934. One handwritten transcript in Nolini Kanta Gupta's hand. Oh, but fair was her face . No title... mention of "Thought the Paraclete". Winged with dangerous deity . No title in the manuscript. 20 June 1934.See Letters on Poetry and Art , pp. 234–35 for a letter that shows the genesis of this poem. Two handwritten and two typed manuscripts. Outspread a Wave burst . No title in the manuscript. 26 June 1934.Two handwritten manuscripts, one in Nolini Kanta Gupta's hand ...
... composite." To get the proper perspective of the alleged Pauline position we may quote Anderson: 68 "In Hebraic thought, man is body (dust) animated by the Spirit or breath of God (see Genesis 2:7). Contrary to the Greek way of thinking, there is no eternal element (or 'soul') imprisoned in the physical body. Man's life is a unity, the unified existence of a creature responsible to his Creator... Christians thought of immortality more in terms of the whole person, involving a resurrection of the body effected by the Spirit or divine principle which God withdrew from human beings because of sins, Genesis 6:3, but restored to all who are united to the Page 260 risen Christ, Romans 1:4+; 8:11, who is the 'heavenly' man and life-giving Spirit, 1 Corinthians 15:45-49." We may understand ...
... “man is created in the image of God.” The interpretation of this saying given in the spiritual and occult traditions rather differs from the way it is commonly understood. For the biblical book of Genesis tells of two ways in which Adam was created. In the one he was at first alone, and God gave him a mate to lighten his solitude; in the other God created Eve from one of Adam’s ribs. The latter version... Aurobindo and the Mother have stressed time and again that the supramental being is asexual, and that the sexes are a means created by Nature on her lower levels to attain her ends. In this way the Genesis myth of the creation of Adam and Eve is incorporated in the basic knowledge of one of the great traditional systems, the Chaldean. What Sri Aurobindo called “the cosmic Purusha” is also an important ...
... rhythmic material energy and that in turn was caught hold of by Purushottam's body which considered itself under a compulsion to execute the rhythm by a dance. There is the whole (occult) science and genesis of the affair. Purushottam thought he was inspired and in a trance; Ambu thought Purushottam was going to break his own head and other people's legs; a number of others thought Purushottam was going... A vegetable entrée of potatoes, peas, and tomatoes was got ready by myself, single-handed, in less than an hour and a half! As I sent it up to Gurudev I wrote in my covering letter all about its genesis and evolution and then went on to add, casually, that though it was literally "cooked all by myself," I had availed myself of a few 'whispering directions" by Amiya. His heartening letter came duly ...
... the march of evolution, when the mind began to develop in itself, for itself , that all the complications and distortions began. So that the story of Genesis which seems so childish contains some truth. In the old traditions like that of Genesis, each letter 2 stood for a specific knowledge, it was a graphic summary of the traditional knowledge of that time. But apart from that, even the symbolic ...
... the discovery in mortal fallen man of the divine 'Presence'; and the love of all human beings, because in them is the imprint of the 'image of God' (as told of man's creation in the first chapter of Genesis) and the recovery and redemption of something already and for ever there, rather than an evolution towards some superrace. Our universe is the human universe, and loving our fellow-humans our task... forgetting that in the Christian tradition the world is not an emanation of God's being but an artifact of his, created out of nothing - at best a mere "image of God", as you quote the first chapter of Genesis as saying, and never God himself in however veiled a form, waiting for the veil to be lifted by the in-dwelling divinity. The soul of man is never said by any Christian thinker to be a spark of God: ...
... Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny BEHIND THE GENESIS OF THE BOOK A couple of months back, on July 17, 1995 to be precise, P-da of our Ashram Press wrote to me a two-page long letter in a most unexpected way. I say 'unexpected' because we have not met each other even for once during the last so many months if not years. In... bound to be unfruitful. The only thing to hold on is this faith: "The Ashram is the cradle of the new world." Many thanks for showing me your note - Kishor) So, such is the genesis of this manuscript and I fervently pray from the depths of my heart: "O Mother, O Sri Aurobindo, let Your Will be done always and in every way!" J.K.M. Sri Aurobindo Ashram ...
... The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri Behind the Genesis of the Book I have been studying Savitri, the inestimable epic of Sri Aurobindo, regularly and assiduously for the last five decades; indeed, since the time in 1950 and 1951 when the entire Poem came out for the first time in book-form in a two-volume edition. Also, being a teacher... hai's words, "are interested, for various reasons, in the marvellous epic of Sri Aurobindo." (from his letter to the present writer, dated 2 April 2000) So, such is the story behind the genesis of this modest-sized monograph. Sri Aurobindo Ashram J.K.M. Pondicherry PS I have not altogether forgotten my good friend Deshpandebhai nor the first impetus behind ...
... evolution, the march of evolution, when the mind began to develop FOR and in itself, that ALL complications, all deformations began. So much so that this story of Genesis that seems so childish does contain a truth. The old traditions like Genesis were similar to the Vedas in that each letter was the symbol of a knowledge; it was a pictorial resume of a traditional knowledge, just as the Veda contains a ...
... by the Nawab's antiHindu campaign. As in Mymensingh, local authorities would not at first interfere, although appealed to by Hindu gentlemen, and confined themselves to academic arguments as to the genesis of the outrages. As in Mymensingh, the Hindus, taken by surprise and denied the protection of the law, fell first into a panic and only afterwards rallied and began to organise self-defence. At Comilla ...
... present man in his surface mental and vital consciousness. And this same spirit of a self-contradictory hostile nature created in his surface consciousness the exclusive Avidya (vide Bible, Book of Genesis). I am not aware of it—not on this earth at any rate. If he was a God-man, why did he allow the interference and degeneration in himself? The Bible to which you refer supposes Adam to have been ...
... original Newmaniac of Calcutta had the National Volunteers for his special monomania: the Times specimen seems to have got the Arya Samaj on his brain. In a long and elaborate article he has traced the genesis of this dangerous group, its control over the bourgeoisie, its deadly seditious attempts to make use of the masses, and the final extinction of the rebellious movement by the strong and masterly policy ...
... laid at our doors by posterity. To the Government we have only one word to say. We are well aware that they desire not the cooperation of the Nationalist party, but its annihilation. They trace the genesis of the present difficulties to the propaganda of the Nationalist leaders and an unstatesmanlike resentment is allowed to overpower their judgment and their insight. Choosing to be misled by a police ...
... Government then obtaining, with a cry for absolute transformation. This was what happened in India in 1905. Trampling on public opinion without silencing its expression is mere madness; it leads to the genesis of great revolutionary movements, injures the Government, endangers public peace and order, and helps nobody. This method does not even postpone the necessity of a solution, it hastens it by intensifying ...
... Page 1168 the Alipore Bomb Trial papers, it was reproduced in the Hindusthan Standard in October 1956 and later in various publications of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Of the genesis of the pamphlet, Sri Aurobindo wrote: " Bhawani Mandir was written by Sri Aurobindo but it was more Barin's idea than his." Barindra Kumar Ghose, Sri Aurobindo's younger brother, actually went to ...
... outward man regrets, repines, pulls back, asks what is this shadowy thing to which he is being brought, this Unknown, this (to him) far-off Ineffable. That, and not merely sex, food or society, is the genesis of the struggle and trouble in you. And yet it is all a misunderstanding—for if the outer gave way entirely to the inner Yogi, he would find that what he lost or thought he was losing would be repaid ...
... the stuff of things as a formless expanse of waters covered over in the beginning by darkness out of which day and night and heaven and earth and all worlds have emerged. "Darkness," says the Hebrew Genesis, "was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved on the waters." By the word he divided the waters with Heaven, the firmament; so that now there are two waters, one earthly below the firmament ...
... consciousness which has fallen from the total and unifying knowledge of itself into some error of division and partial experience. This is the fall of man typified in the poetic parable of the Hebrew Genesis. That fall is his deviation from the full and pure acceptance of God and himself, or rather of God in himself, into a dividing consciousness which brings with it all the train of the dualities, life ...
... Page 358 Soon afterwards There's a question regarding the English translation of my book. There are two possibilities for the title. In French it's La Genèse du Surhomme ["The Genesis of the Superman"] and in English, T. proposes either "Superman in the Making" or "The Birth of the Superman." ( after a long silence ) What do you prefer? I don't know, it seems to me that ...
... fn. 2 Future Poetry and Letters on Poetry, Literature and Art, The, 4 fn. 8 "furnace", 91,124,172,173 Fuzon, 198-99 Gabriel, 90,92 Garden of Eden, 56,75,99 Genesis, 54,63 Gerard Manley Hopkins, 50 fn. 24 Gerontion, 40,41 "Ghost of a Flea, The", 5 Gnostics, 27,176 God, 147,148,175,228-30 Godwin, Jocelyn, 50 fn. 23 Gospel ...
... Though the Supplement to the Revised Edition has explained at great length its necessity and the modus operandi of the revision, I think a short account would be in place about the genesis of this hazardous venture. In the December 1986 issue of the Archives & Research the editors brought out a long corrigenda for the various "mistakes" they had found in the Centenary ...
... so completely identified with the flow of music that his aura melted and began to flow away. Lord Brahma, however, captured the flow in his Kamandalu and did not let it go waste. (That was the genesis of Ganga. Later He released it in heavens and later still Prince Bhagiratha Page 292 brought it down to the earth. The Ganga is so very sacred because originally it is the melted ...
... and sometimes of the gods themselves. With one exception: the Hebrews. Their holy book told about an absolute beginning, when Yahweh created heaven and earth, and everything in it. According to Genesis , the book in which this is narrated, the world had a beginning. Physics and cosmology, successful in working out several theories of cosmological mechanics, preferred at first not to trouble itself ...
... ou l’Aventure de la conscience (Sri Aurobindo, or the Adventure of Consciousness), a book that has led so many to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. He also read out to her La Genèse du surhomme (The Genesis of Overman), an essay highly lauded by her. Then, after her departure, he wrote the trilogy Mère (Mother), in which for the first time he analyses and comments upon the invaluable material of the ...
... Page 215 the sturdy heart of rebellion in me which has been responsible, by and large, for my darkest sufferings on the path of Yoga. It happened in the thirties. I have forgotten the genesis of my trouble — the exact pinprick to my susceptibility which was the cause of the resultant septicemia — but shall I ever forget the revelation which followed? But I must first give a picture of the ...
... But something did come through. What happened was that I felt that wherever I looked dripped bliss— sheer, unqualified, flawless bliss and what amazed me was that I could not trace its genesis in any shape or form. And once it was so intense and unwaning, this all-pervasive bliss, that I could not help feeling a little intrigued in the midst of my causeless rapture and asked myself how I ...
... Aurobindo, (and who could be a greater authority on authentic mystic experiences than he?) he wrote to me three letters when I sent him a few of Indira's songs with an elaborate account of their genesis and transcription. "There is nothing impossible," he wrote first, "in Mira Bai mani- festing in this way through the agency of Indira's trance, provided she (Mira) is still sufficiently in touch ...
... monks, is the life of man ... it is impossible that what is born should not die." (Abhidharmako ṣ avyākhyā) Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. (Genesis, III. 19) The impossible is the hint of what shall be, Mortal the door to immortality. (Sri Aurobindo, More Poems, p. 78) ODeath, thou speakest truth but Truth that ...
... he, who sees his true self everywhere in all existences and all existences in his true self, 3 transcends at last the law of ravenous hunger; for, as we have seen in the course of our study, the genesis of hunger with all its derivative forms such as desire and lust lies in the sense of not being this or not having that, this latter sense of non-possession arising in its turn from the incommen ...
... nor may it be uttered by the 'mortal tongue'. As a matter of fact, the sound we ordinarily know of is only the lowest form, on the material plane, of a formative vibration that has its ultimate genesis in the Supreme and which has descended successively through the intervening planes of manifestation. Let us realise then that "a vibration of sound on the material plane presupposes a corresponding ...
... and the fourth 45 that has come to our ken. The supreme Vak bares Her self only to the inmost perception of the highest seer (uta tasmai tanva ṁ vi sasre 46 ) and then reveals Herself 37. Genesis, 1,3. 38.Sri Aurobindo, Kena Upanishad (1952 ed.), p. 39. 39. The Life Divine, p. 132. 40. Ibid., p. 132. 41. Rig-Veda, X. 81. 7. 42. Ibid., X. 114. 8. 43. Ibid ...
... a sinner from the moment of conception." On p. 833, note c to this verse sends us not only to Proverbs 20:9 - "What man can say, T have cleansed my heart, I am purified of my sin?' " - but also to Genesis 8:21 where Yahweh says of man: "...his heart contrives evil from his infancy." So Job's "man born of woman" has powerful undertones beyond ritualism and Paul's quotation from Job was bound to bear ...
... consistently for a level of inspired expression only rarely achieved in the past. This would involve an intense and sustained enquiry, yogic in its dedicated concentration, into the origin and genesis of the revelatory speech or mantra. The poet who succeeds in this high endeavour becomes a yogi; the yogi, a poet. Page 405 "The greatest work," Sri Aurobindo wrote ...
... Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 The Genesis of Savitri The opening pages of the earliest known manuscript of Savitri are dated August 8-9th 1916. In November 1950, the month before his passing, Sri Aurobindo dictated the last passages to be added to the work. Between 1916 and 1950 Savitri grew from a medium-length narrative poem, consisting of about eight ...
... askesis that is now insufficiently adapted to human requirements; he then has to try to find another road that will lead to heaven by which the entire dynamism of matter and flesh is channelled into a genesis of the spirit -and it must not be a mean between the two but a synthesis of them" (Ibid). The synthesis demanded sets up the temper of scientific modernism as the test to which Christianity ...
... uplifted to his next stage of evolutionary mutation. It is in this context that India needs to view the various social and political upheavals of the recent times. These upheavals have their own genesis in so far as that nature wants the human being to resolve by Page 26 finding out deeper resources which have hitherto been ignored and ill-explored. Contemporary humanity has reached ...
... debate between the scientific theory of evolution and the special creation theory. This debate is most acute in the United States, where Christians faithful to the creation account in the Book of Genesis have seized upon "intelligent design" (I.D.) to show that the blanks in the evolutionary narrative are meaningful. (Vide an account of a debate between Richard Dawkins, who holds the view that on the ...
... intrinsically intertwined with education and the two cannot be separated. If we accept that it is education that shapes a man, then it becomes an attendant corollary that education inculcates values. The genesis of values, since it involves the codes of behaviour patterns, is often religion oriented as the religions necessarily concern themselves with code of behaviour and conduct. * Education in single ...
... Hebrew people from the bondage and slavery that was put upon them by the Egyptian Pharaoh. In these events, Moses was God's agent to accomplish both the liberation and the giving of the Law. Earlier in Genesis, the first Book of the Torah, it is told how the Hebrew people were invited to live in Egypt in peace and prosperity (Chapters. 40-50). But as the generations passed, their numbers increased, and a ...
... supramundane sphere cannot have its sufficient reason in material interests and sensuous instincts. The spirit that 'denies the world' cannot be 'of the world.' But if the naturalistic theory of the genesis and growth of moral and religious experience proves to be inadequate, we are perforce led to ask whether this development is not to be explained from above rather than from below. In other words, should ...
... R.Y. Deshpande Foreword , The following letter of mine addressed to Sri K.D. Sethna on July 1, '94 will sufficiently explain to the readers the story behind the genesis of this booklet. Amal-da, Bonjour\ A couple of weeks back Nirod-da, as one of the editors of a forthcoming publication to be brought out on your ninetieth birthday that falls on November ...
... which is to drive the Sadhak out of his Sadhana, the whole thing sinks and there is no longer any vehement trouble." (On Himself, p. 157) We can now understand the occult reason behind the genesis and recrudescence of many sorts of weaknesses in the consciousness of many sadhaks in the Ashram. But the Page 42 matter does not or, rather, should not end there. Sadhaks should on no ...
... have been in vain: the vital has had the last laugh. And the frustrated sadhakas have bemoaned their inescapable earth-bound fate with their flying wings clipped to futility. Herein lies the genesis of the almost universal attitude of fear and hatred that the traditional ascetic spirituality maintains towards the vital. Its only advice is: "Starve the vital; shun its free playas far as practicable ...
... rhythmic material energy and that in turn was caught hold of by Purushottam's body which considered itself under a compulsion to execute the rhythm by a dance. There is the whole (occult) science and genesis of the affair. "Purushottam thought he was inspired and in a trance; Ambu thought Purushottam was going to break his own head and other people's legs; a number of others thought Purushottam was ...
... ego-consciousness. Wherever there is the sense of ego, there is bound to appear with it the centripetal urge to grab and devour, in a vain bid to replenish itself to fulness. And this is the genesis of the movement of desire. Thus, however high and noble it may be in its frontal appearance, however generous and apparently self-sacrificing may be its movement, every desire is basically ego-oriented ...
... was devoted to reading the Bible. We began at the place where we had left off the day before until we had "finished" the Bible. Then we immediately restarted at the first word of the first book of Genesis and continued through to the last word of the Revelation of John. Thus we went through the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and the New Testament; not a single word was left out. We really achieved something ...
... experiences barnstorming, 1920's-style. In both books a stream-of-consciousness technique accommodated both Bach's romantic approach to flying and his attention to technical detail. Meanwhile, the genesis of Jonathan Livingston Seagull had been in process since 1959. It was first published piecemeal for nominal fees in Private Pilot and Soaring in the late 1960's. At that time Bach was at his ...
... problem. On Apr. 3, just seven days after the crackdown, Mother sent a message to Indira Gandhi, "The urgent recognition of Bangladesh is imperative". As already seen, the conflict had its genesis in March when the Pakistani President and his tough military regime moved to crush the East Pakistani movement for greater autonomy, outlawed the Awami League, which had just won a majority in the ...
... of noble feelings. The Little Prince was written in 1941-42 at the same time as Flight to Arras, Letter to a Hostage and part of The Wisdom of the Sands. "This little book had a curious genesis," writes Saint- Exupery's biographer Marcel Migeo. "When Bernard Lamotte began to illustrate Flight to Arras, Ms. Reynal asked if she might keep the first drawing. Saint-Exupery wrote a droll inscription ...
... which Western critics describe as being in medias res, getting right into the heart of things. One may begin a story in two ways. One way is to begin at the beginning, from the ādikānda and Genesis, and then develop the theme gradually, as is done in the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Bible. The other method is to start suddenly, from the middle of the story, a method largely preferred by ...
... translated in a similar change in the nature and activity of the individuals of the species. What evolutionists describe as sudden Page 20 variation or mutation and whose cause or genesis they are at a loss to trace, is precisely due to an occult change in the consciousness and will of the group soul. Man too as a species has a generic personality, his prototype. Only, in opposition ...
... if one in essence, infinitely multiple in expression, each one, while seeing and finding the one God, seeks and finds him in and through a particular formulation. That is the original meaning, the genesis and justification of creeds and dogmas. Only, it must be borne in mind, that one can be faithful even to a particular creed and dogma Page 81 and yet transcend it, live a particular ...
... that do not concern man's humanity. The original father of humanism was perhaps Socrates whose mission it was, as he said, to bring down philosophy from heaven to live among men. More precisely, the genesis should be ascribed rather to the Aristotelian tradition of Socratic teaching. Humanism proper was born—or reborn—with the Renaissance. It was as strongly and vehemently negative and protestant ...
... if one in essence, infinitely multiple in expression, each one, while seeing and finding the one God, seeks and finds him in and through a particular formulation. That is the original meaning, the genesis and justification of creeds Page 100 and dogmas. Only, it must be borne in mind, that one can be faithful even to a particular creed and dogma and yet transcend it, live a particular ...
... original father of humanism was perhaps the father of European culture itself, Socrates, whose mission it was, as he said, to bring down philosophy from heaven to live among men. More precisely the genesis should be ascribed to the Aristotelian tradition of Socratic teaching. Humanism proper was born – or reborn – with the Renaissance. ------------------- * Only the other day I found ...
... Year message for 1956 was a warning doubled with a promise: The greatest victories are the least noisy. The manifestation of a new world is not proclaimed by beat of drum. Explaining its genesis to the children at the Playground on 4 January, the Mother said that when, towards the close of the previous year, she was asked for the usual New Year message, she looked at the coming year and glimpsed ...
... have seen that desire is an evolved, mentalised form of the hunger which characterises both organic and inorganic Matter, but we have not traced hunger to its ultimate source and watched its primal genesis. If we do that, we shall know what hunger or desire represents in the material world and what it is in its eternal essence. A clear perception of this essence will tend to liberate us from the tormented ...
... seekers. Let us now turn to the teachings of the Mother and try to understand what she says on the subject. What is Grace ? Going to the very root of the matter, the Mother explains the genesis of Grace and its essential nature, and then she throws light upon the nature of its action, the conditions to be fulfilled for receiving it, its place in the Integral Yoga, etc. According to her ...
... represents, as best it can in the conditions of the Ignorance, the immortal soul of love and delight which is, in man, the spiritual centre and channel of God's manifestation in the world. THE GENESIS AND GROWTH OF THE EGO For tracing the birth of the ego we have to go back to the beginning of creation itself. It is said in the Upanishads that the Absolute, the One, willed to become many for ...
... but on unity... not on any Western model but on the communal principle native to India. Page 527 Here in a few phrases Sri Aurobindo would seem to have prophetically outlined the genesis and whole direction of development of the Yogashram at Pondicherry. But the call went forth particularly to the young - the young in years and the young in spirit - for only they would be able to bear ...
... meditation at home or at the different centres. A need was felt for the collection of the texts of the mantras with their meanings and references for a better understanding of the mantras. This is the genesis of the present compilation. Unfortunately, Sunil does not seem to have noted down the references of the mantras used. Nor is it evident which of the mantras he had composed himself. At places a ...
... one year after Mirra. Besides, my acquaintances of that race are all people of refinement. Like the Hindu Puranas, the old Hebrew books such as the Talmud are full of parables and allegories. Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, similarly gives the account of the Creation, of the Deluge; and it has familiarized us with the story of Adam and Eve, and the cause of their fall from Paradise ...
... imparted to the English temperament a sanctimonious self-righteousness which refused to indulge in injustice and selfish spoliation except under a cloak of virtue, benevolence and unselfish altruism. The genesis of the Loyalist gospel can be found in the need of British Imperialism to justify itself to the liberalised sentiment of the nineteenth century and to the Puritanic middle-class element in the British ...
... ed, too materialistic and ignorant. She deserved to fail and could not but Page 56 fail. It is left for Asia and especially for India to reconstruct the world. British Fears The genesis of the Imperial Press Conference is to be found in that feeling of insecurity which is driving England to seek allies on the Continent and gather round her the children of her loins beyond the seas ...
... an unbridgeable gulf between the Absolute and the relative, the error of making too simple and rigid and extending too far the Law of Contradictions and the error of conceiving in terms of Time the genesis of things which have their origin and first habitat in the Eternal." 18 For Sri Aurobindo, "It is through... a profounder catholic intuition and not by exclusive logical oppositions that our intelligence ...
... the Semitic name Absha bringing stibium (kohl) from Shutu in central Transjordan to the court of the "nomarch" (provincial nobles). Albright finds this illustrating the story of Lantech's family in Genesis IV.19-22. Joseph's supreme position tallies with the practice of Sesostris III who made the vizier superior to the nomarchs whom he suppressed totally. The vizier combined the functions of the governor ...
... Time. 7 The Perception of Time and Life There is a story told about a summer fly whose lifespan is just a single day and a mighty tree whose lifespan spreads over several 5 Genesis, p. 28. 6 Savitri ., p.72. 7 Ibid ., p. 237. Page 305 centuries. 8 The fly flew merrily over top of the tree and felt happy and blissful and sat on one of the fresh ...
... that Sri Aurobindo’s Force continued to work through his beloved disciple, even after 1950, not only in his personal life but round the world in ever-increasing intensity and reach. The genesis of this publication of the four volumes of letters can be traced to a request of Sri Satprem to Ma Indira Devi in January 1996. Sri Satprem wrote: Page 4 16 January 1996 ...
... outward man regrets, repines, pulls back, asks what is this shadowy thing to which he is being brought, this unknown, this (to him) far-off Ineffable. That, and not merely food or society, is the genesis of the struggle and trouble in you. And yet it is all a misunderstanding — for if the outer gave way entirely to the inner Yogi, he would find that what he lost or thought he was losing would be repaid ...
... language lessons which soon turned into the Entretiens , a kind of didactic conversations; these conversations were recorded and written out afterwards, and would become her most widely read texts. ‘The genesis of these conversations deserves to be taken note of,’ writes the editor in an introduction to the first of the six volumes. ‘They did not originate from an arbitrary decision but from a material necessity ...
... ‘cheerful, witty and brilliant … walked with brisk steps in the shadowy lanes of the park,’ all the while rolling cigarettes with nimble fingers and expounding ‘Bereschith [the opening verses of Genesis], of which every word, every letter is a teaching of life.’ And she tells how Alma, her red shawl tightened around her shoulders, was constantly writing down her experiences and visions. She also ...
... outward man regrets, refuses, pulls back, asks what is this shadowy thing to which he is being brought, this Unknown, this (to him) far-off Ineffable. That, and not merely sex, food or society, is the genesis of the struggle and trouble in you. And yet it is all a misunderstanding—for if the outer gave entirely to the inner Yogi, he would find that what he lost or thought he was losing could be repaid a ...
... vast Divine What is due to Him when they cannot even render The little that they owe to His puny creatures? Page 77 Can those who never have delved down to the simple Genesis of a single grass-blade's birth Hope to elucidate the mysteried Passion Play of multitudinous Life And the fathomless role of human aspiration And the birth of Beauty in the sphere ...
... that illimitable Emptiness which was yet a strange all-sufficiency and the sole existence. What you went through on that first school-day of yours, sparked off by the words of the first chapter of Genesis, was an experience older than the Bible. The atmosphere of the ancient Upani-shads enveloped you, setting apart the child that you were as Page 159 the child that you would be of one ...
... shall live long enough to see that great evolutionary consummation. Possibly, were I to achieve the feat of becoming a Parsi Methuselah to match the legendary Jewish patriarch who, according to Genesis 5.27, went on living for 969 years, I might look at a whole world of such faces with, at least partially, a "human face divine" on my own neck, too -provided, of course I sustain the Yogic aspiration ...
... confirm the theory that Luke the physician (Colossians 4:14) was the author of the Gospel. But it is a general verb for skipping or leaping as of sheep in a field, and is applied to a baby already in Genesis 25:22." The language employed by Luke may not be incompatible with the old tradition of the author having been a doctor, but if we do not already assume his medical profession on the basis ...
... all other continental writers who had essayed the epic strain in one manner or another, in long stretches or short. The Hebrew Prophets and the Christian Apostles were profoundly absorbed too – Genesis, the Book of Job, David's Psalms, Isaiah, the Gospels, the Apocalypse poured their splendour and terror into his spirit. From England itself, he was deeply influenced by Spenser's melodious subtlety ...
... an unbridgeable gulf between the Absolute and the relative, the error of making too simple and rigid and extending too far the law of contradictions and the error of conceiving in terms of Time the genesis of things which have their origin and first habitat in the Eternal. We mean by the Absolute something greater than ourselves, greater than the cosmos which we live in, the supreme reality of that ...
... the path and its principal turnings,—the results I have arrived at and the main indications by which the Veda itself helps us to arrive at them. And, first, it seems to me advisable to explain the genesis of the theory in my own mind so that the reader may the better understand the line I have taken or, if he chooses, check any prepossessions or personal preferences which may have influenced or limited ...
... an orderly way they were to form the frightful mixture you can imagine? All the religious books of mankind, by means of the most varied images, teach this law of order. The Hebrew Book of Genesis, in its own way, also tells a story of order. Page 232 In the beginning there was chaos, that is, disorder and darkness. And the first act of God was to throw light upon this disorder, ...
... terribly shocked the lady who asked me the question, she would have said, "How could God have done that, He who is all love?... The creation was not well done!" Someone told me after having read Genesis , "God took seven days to do all that, then He said that it was good! He has a strange opinion!" At a certain time, the great Teresa had to face many calamities. She complained to God, saying, ...
... 1 ( Mother nods approvingly and remains long concentrated on Satprem ) Page 300 × Literally, "The Genesis of the Superman." Later Mother will propose the title On the Way to Supermanhood for the English translation. ...
... more fundamental strands of our complex existence, no solution can possibly be forthcoming in the outermost realm of our physical living. Let us then begin with a probing inquiry about the genesis of Hunger and Thirst in their most generalised aspect and try to find out the compelling factor behind the 'wrong seizing of food' 1 that has brought in its wake all sorts of malaise to the embodied ...
... Being we are the becomings and must grow into its nature. (Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, p. 1017) The foregoing study of longue haleine of the problem of alimentation — of its genesis, essential traits, and variations on the same theme — at once prompts us to make a basic suggestion. In order that the human body may be completely autotrophe, that is to say, grow altogether independent ...
... reliability or truth. Because butter always tastes the same when it looks the same, he expects a similar "reliability" in his spiritual teacher. He is, of course, self-deceived in this assumption. The genesis of the attitude adopted by the people of externals is that their inward drive is for finding tidiness, order. This is not a spiritual activity, it is perhaps, rather, a therapeutic one. Order is essential ...
... 109 have in the course of human history been thrown together, they have to live together, are compelled to lead a common social, political, economic and cultural life. That indeed was the genesis of nationhood. The hegemony of a so-called Nordic race over the world was one of the monsters produced by this attempt, a reductio ad absurdum of the principle. The third is the religious principle ...
... demanded by the situation. Only the thing is to be done now consciously, not through an unconscious process of laissez-faire as on the inferior stages of evolution in the past. And that is the true genesis of the present conflict. History abounds in instances of racial and cultural immixture. Indeed, all major human groupings of today are invariably composite formations. Excepting, perhaps, some ...
... soul has already become mingled. (iii) In Judaism2: A. J. Heschel contests the supposition that Judaism is a world-view of unalloyed optimism. Except for the first chapter of the Book of Genesis, the rest of the Bible, as he remarks, does not cease to refer to the sorrow, sins and evil of this world. When the prophets look 'unto the earth', they behold 'distress and darkness, the gloom of ...
... could force his advent in the kingdom of the living simply because of some act of disobedience on the part of man to some Divine Command (e.g., to abstain from the fruit of a certain tree, in the Genesis story) or due to the enmity or slackness of one of the lower animals, or perhaps owing to the fact that the heavenly message of eternal life for man was on the way interrupted and thwarted or somehow ...
... vai prabhuḥ. 2 Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Vol. XIX, No. 1, p. 75. 3 The Ramayana. 4 The Mahabharata, Adiparva, 14.50. 5 Genesis, 3.24. Page 409 "The physical being could only endure, if by some means its physical causes of decay and disruption could be overcome 1 and at the same time it could be made ...
... However, I had a delightful time, 3 hours of undisturbed concentration on my real work, - a luxury denied to me for ages. Don't tear your hair. Will be done another day with luck. 19 (6) On the genesis and growth of vital-physical attachment: (i) NB: Am invited for tea to the oculist's place - there's some function. I suppose it'll be rude not to go. Again social consciousness? - you may say ...
... objects and persons and not to others, and that too at some specific point of time. Is there any inevitability in this appearance of human love? And any psychological-metaphysical necessity behind its genesis? Finally, we have to comprehend the real implication of the Mother's statement: "... human love is not a need of the soul, but rather a concession it makes for a time to the ego." (M C W, Vol ...
... some clear explanation. Sri Aurobindo did not mind the tone of the letters addressed by his beloved disciple. He was compassion and love incarnate and explained patiently in letter after letter the genesis and the development of physical culture in the Ashram. He even wrote two long highly luminous articles on physical education and justified its appearance in his spiritual Ashram: These articles were ...
... uplifted to his next stage of evolutionary mutation. It is in this context that India needs to view the various social and political upheavals of the recent times. These upheavals have their own genesis in so far as that nature wants the human being to resolve by finding out deeper resources which have hitherto been ignored and ill-explored. Page 465 Contemporary humanity has reached ...
... unbridgeable gulf between the Absolute and the relative, the error of making too simple and rigid and extending too far the law of contradictions, and the error of conceiving in terms of Time the genesis of things which have their origin and first habitat in the eternal. In brief, Sri Aurobindo points out, our mistake lies in defining the absolute by an all-exclusive negation, even when the absolute ...
... should perpetually remain briefless." Prof. Desai laughed. He said, "Look, Balwant, as long as human beings exist on the earth, there will be normative thinking, and normative thinking is the real genesis of the species called lawyers. There have always been lawyers in society in the past; there are lawyers now; and there will be lawyers in the future, too. You cannot avoid them. Even in the state of ...
... mystic-surrealistic vein, his poems gradually progressed towards "overhead poetry". After guiding him continuously in his poetic efforts, Sri Aurobindo declared one day that the poet was born! The genesis of this book came about in this manner: Somewhere around 1968-69, a teacher had the bright idea of asking Nirod-da to speak to the students of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education about ...
... Supply council wrote, "For the best part of two years, to my certain knowledge, almost every major move in the Anglo-American supply sttuation in Washington, that is. in the realm of policy, had its genesis in this little French head. The victory programme, the raising of the famous speech of the President when he told the number of tanks airplanes and what not that were going to be built the idea of ...
... demanded by the situation. Only the thing is to be done' now consciously, not through an unconscious process of laissez-faire as on the inferior stages of evolution in the past. And that is the true genesis of the present conflict. History abounds in instances of racial and cultural immixture. Indeed, all major human groupings of today are invariably composite formations. Excepting, perhaps, some ...
... that do not concern man's humanity. The original father of humanism was perhaps Socrates whose mission it was, as he said, to bring down philosophy from heaven to live among men. More precisely, the genesis should be ascribed rather to the Aristotelian tradition of Socratic teaching. Humanism proper was born – or reborn – with the Renaissance. It was as strongly and vehemently negative and protestant ...
... translated in a similar change in Page 178 the nature and activity of the individuals of the species. What evolutionists describe as sudden variation or mutation and whose cause or genesis they are at a loss to trace, is precisely due to an occult change in the consciousness and will of the group soul. Man too as a species has a generic personality, his prototype. Only, in opposition ...
... In ancient Greece also there were important ideas of evolution. But subsequently, the creation of the world was largely set aside by the account of creation that is to be found in the story of the Genesis as narrated in the Old Testament. Page 2 ...
... of death invades and occupies the heart of every creature; and (ii) none can escape its assault, be he so great a scholar. Let us now probe this first causative factor operative behind the genesis of the fear of death and see how much the apprehended annulment of one's personal consciousness is at all based on fact. The truth of the matter is that personal survival after the body's death ...
... method which Western critics describe as being in medias res, getting right into the heart of things. One may begin a story in two ways. One way is to begin at the beginning, from the adikada and Genesis, and then develop the theme gradually, as is done in the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Bible. The other method is to start suddenly, from the middle of the story, a method largely preferred by Western ...
... devotion and the greatest sacrifice from us.' "67 But he too had no pretensions 66. Quoted by R.C. Majumdar in his History of the Freedom Movement in India, Vol. I, p. 475. 67. The Genesis of Extremism by Dr. R.C . Majumdar in Studies in the Bengal Renaissance. Even Tilak once wrote: "God and our country are not different. In short, our country is one form of God." Page ...
... the thing is to be done now consciously, not through an unconscious Page 82 process of laissez-faire as on the inferior stages of evolution in the past. And that is the true genesis of the present conflict. History abounds in instances of racial and cultural immixture. Indeed, all major human groupings of today are invariably composite formations. Excepting, perhaps, some ...
... and peoples have in the course of human history been thrown together, they have to live together, are compelled to lead a common social, political, economic and cultural life. That indeed was the genesis of nationhood. The hegemony of a so-called Nordic race over the world was one of the monsters produced by this attempt, a reductio ad absurdum of the principle. The third is the religious principle ...
... Sri Aurobindo is not a scholar who takes up the work of interpreting the Veda; his entry in the Vedic literature is best given in his own words : " First, it seems to me advisable to explain the genesis of the theory in my own mind, so that the reader may better understand the line I have taken or, if he chooses, check my prepossessions or personal preference which may have influenced or limited the ...
... Wherefore of the Worlds , but he had at least brought his argument to the climactic point where he described the redeeming and creative power of Love. Richard called the birth of Love "the second Genesis": After having built up out of the cosmic dust the harmonious forms of the worlds and coordinated in the infinitesimal universe of the atoms, as in the infinite atom which is the universe, all ...
... attributes of Page 72 "I am Destruction" the manifestation organized the world. The organization of this seventh period is noted down in the first chapter of the Genesis, whose masterly succinctness contains an ocean of knowledge. The seven days of the so-called creation stretch over immense epochs," he said. "Creation is meaningless, and the word 'created' — brought ...
... hides the next resurrection. We are touching rock bottom; we are before the gate of the deep Night which veils the unexpected. All's miracle here and can by miracle change. 51 * This genesis of the supramental being is not really a distinct stage; it is intimately mingled with that of the superman, and only the mind forces us to draw partitioning lines. Actually, it is a long journey ...
... taken away, a hundred Lajpat will arise in his place. Let them hear a hundred times louder your war-cry— Jai Hindustan." Years later, Sri Aurobindo gave a brief but comprehensive note on the genesis of the paper Bande Mataram, which could have been but a brief adventure since Pal began with a paltry amount and no firm assurance of financial assistance. Page 344 "Bepin Pal started ...
... Prakashan, 1994), and The Politics of History by Navaratna S. Rajaram (Delhi, Voice of India, 1995). This last work, besides giving irrefutable evidence against the Aryan invasion theory, relates its genesis and exposes in devastating fashion the intellectual dishonesty and camouflaged ignorance of nineteenth-century Western scholars and their Indian followers till today. Page 247 turns ...
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