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Goloka : is spiritual light. Gōlōka is the spiritual plane of the light of the divine consciousness created by Sri Krishna. Vishnu’s Vaikuntha & Sri Krishna’s Gōlōka are both such states which they grant souls who possess spontaneous, pure, devotion.

38 result/s found for Goloka

... seeker takes that not as a disproof of the Divine Existence, but as a greater spur for seeking and finding it out. He may seek it as a means of escape from life and entry into Nirvana or moksha or Goloka, Brahmaloka or Vaikuntha;' 102 he may seek the divine Self and its peace or Ananda behind existence and if he attains to that and is satisfied with it he can move through the world untouched by its... this entrance. Even if Raihana had not received the song, yet the mere contact with the world of Krishna and the Gopis would have brought her or could at least a joy and an uplifting of the touch of Goloka or of some reproduction of it on the vital plane. These things have not the effect of a mere imagination (as a poet's or artist's, though that can be strong enough), but if fully followed out bring... ascending into divine consciousness and a transformation of earth life by the divine consciousness coming down here. All the old Yogas put the emphasis on going to Nirvana or to heaven, Vaikuntha, Goloka, Brahmaloka, etc. for good and so getting rid of rebirth. My emphasis is on life here and its transformation and I put that as the aim at once of my Yoga and of the terrestrial manifestation. I am ...

... AUROBINDO: How? SATYENDRA: She speaks of Goloka darshan. SRI AUROBINDO: How does one get it? SATYENDRA: I don't know. SRI AUROBINDO: By intensity of devotion, isn't that so? SATYENDRA: She may be holding Mirabai before her as an example. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, Mirabai had the intensity of love. CHAMPAKLAL: Is there anything like Goloka? Is it real? SRI AUROBINDO: It is real but ...


... squanders all her money and doesn't give her any religious freedom. She is a devotee of Krishna and sees him in visions. Once Krishna asked her, "What do you want?" She replied, "I want to have darshan of Goloka." Krishna answered, "That is very difficult." And from that time her difficulties in family life have increased. She also hears voices. Now she asks you to help her to see the integral Being of Krishna... guidance, she can ask Krishna himself. (Laughter) Do these family difficulties trouble her mind? PURANI: I should think so. SRI AUROBINDO: That is why she finds it difficult to have darshan of Goloka. SATYENDRA: Somehow I distrust these voices. SRI AUROBINDO: Because it reminds you of "specially favoured people"? There is a true voice that comes, but it is not so common as people make it ...


... s and knowledge. (5) If we regard Vaikuntha or Goloka each as the world of a Divinity, Vishnu or Krishna, we would be naturally led to seek its place or its origin in the Overmind plane. The Overmind is the plane of the highest worlds of the Gods. But Vaikuntha and Goloka are human conceptions of states of being that are beyond humanity. Goloka is evidently a world of Love, Beauty and Ananda full ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... edition, p.263. 3. Sri Aurobmdo and Mother to Prithwi Singh, Dec. \, 1935. 4. nikhilarasamrta murti: literally, a form made up of the nectarous essence of universal delight. 5. Goloka: the Vaishnava heaven of eternal Beauty and Bliss. 6. Aksara Brahman: imperishable, unchanging Brahman. 7. kavih puranah: the ancient poet. 8. The heads of the Ashram's various ... the lunar dynasty and the nymph Urvasie, is taken from the Mahabharata. 101. Nishkriti: a Bengali novel by Sarat Chandra Chatterji, translated by Dilip and revised by Sri Aurobindo. 102. Goloka is the Vaishnava heaven of eternal Beauty and Bliss. Page 399 Literally the world of Light. Brahmaloka is the world of Brahman : the highest state of pure existence and consciousness ...

... "con­sciousness". If we accept the Vedic meaning of Surra as the source of truth, then it does not become difficult for us to understand the significance of this word. Again, let us take the word "Goloka". Goloka is the dwelling-place of Vishnu. If we take the word "go" for light, the light of su­pernal knowledge, then devanamuparistacca gavah prativasanti vai ("The Ray-Cows dwell even above the gods") ...

... Ergo, ascent possibly to unknown and ineffable heavenly regions in samadhi, but no descent possible—therefore no resource, no possibility of transformation here, only escape from life and mukti in Goloka, Brahmaloka, Shivaloka or the Absolute. 11 June 1936 What good is the dynamic descent if it needs years and years merely to touch the heart centre? What exactly is this descent? It is a ...


... seeker takes that not as a disproof of the Divine Existence, but as a greater spur for seeking and finding it out. He may seek it as a means of escape from life and entry into Nirvana or moksha or Goloka, Brahmaloka or Vaikuntha; he may seek the divine Self and its peace or Ananda behind existence and if he attains to that and is satisfied with it he can move through the world untouched by its vicissitudes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... which to the old Vedic seers were the worlds of illuminated divine existence and the foundation of what they termed Immortality and which later Indian religions imaged in figures like the Brahmaloka or Goloka, some supreme self-expression of the Being as Spirit in which the soul liberated into its highest perfection possesses the infinity and beatitude of the eternal Godhead. The principle which underlies ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... holds; the soul may fall asleep in a trance of self-absorption, dwell in an ineffable intensity of God-possession, live in the highest glory of its own plane,—the Anandaloka, Brahmaloka, Vaikuntha, Goloka of various Indian systems,—even turn upon the lower worlds to fill them with its own light and power and beatitude. In the eternal worlds and more and more in all worlds above Mind these states exist ...


... literally and totally a flawless Below. Will this imbalance be always there and will the souls who want "one entire and perfect chrysolite" have always to leave "our mother the dust" for some Nirvana, Goloka, Heaven? "Alas, yes" is the answer. Have you read Tagore's poem on the Cranes? After he has caught sight of them in their migratory flight he sees in all things cranes flying and the message everywhere ...

... ascending into the divine consciousness and a transformation of earth-life by the divine consciousness coming down here. All the old Yogas put the emphasis on going to Nirvana or to heaven, Vai-kuntha, Goloka, Brahmaloka etc. for good and so getting rid of rebirth. My emphasis is on life here and its transformation and I put that as the aim at once of my Yoga and of the terrestrial manifestation. I am quite ...

... ca amutra ca, must always be the drift of the human unit, the individual's endeavour. Wherever the knowledge in him thinks it can grasp this bliss, it will fix its heaven. This is Swarga, Vaikuntha, Goloka; this is Nirvana. 37 The bliss of the Brahman can be described as the eternity of an uninterrupted supreme ecstasy. There is no opposition or incompatibility between these two states in ...


... induces empathy. Take the case of Music and let me refer to a unique legend about its efficacy. Once when the great sage Narada, the link between the heavens and the earth, was returning to his abode Goloka through the Himalayas - the range of mountains that remains interspersed with a subtle passage to the supra-physical worlds - he chanced upon a beautiful lot of demi-godly beings, male and female, ...


... physical itself but in its true substance. And its exquisiteness consists in its being human in form. The Vedantin's Maya does not touch it, it is beyond the illusory consciousness. For they say Goloka stands above Brahmaloka. The Christian conception of God-man is also extremely beautiful and full of meaning. God became man: He sent down upon earth his own and only Son to live among men as ...

... the physical itself but in its true substance. And its exquisiteness consists in its being human in form. The Vedantin's Maya does not touch it, it is beyond the illusory consciousness. For they say Goloka stands above Brahmaloka. The Christian conception of God-man is also extremely beautiful and full of meaning. God became man: He sent down upon earth his own and only Son to live among men as man ...

... transformation. Others wanted liberation. SRI AUROBINDO: Liberation is all right. Everybody wants it and must have it. SATYENDRA: Even the Vaishnavites and Tantrics wanted an extraterrestrial Goloka or an escape into Shiva. In the South, Ramalinga Swami had the idea of physical transformation and immortality. SRI AUROBINDO: In the South such an idea is more common. SATYENDRA: I have also ...


... × The Vedantic Monists. × Goloka , the Vaishnava heaven of eternal Beauty and Bliss. × The highest state of pure existence, consciousness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... what Sri Aurobindo wants: no loss of true fire is here, but nothing of the dramatic, the uncontrolled, the lopsided, the fitful. Again, Vaishnava bhakti has fixed for its terminus a beyond-life of Goloka-felicity: a wonderful lila, play, here with Krishna's inner presence and then a happy storm of passage to a heaven on the other side. This transmundane terminus is also not suitable for the direction ...


... creation would have brought down upon earth a set of circumstances enabling a direct reciprocal action between the humans and the incarnated gods, leading up to a world perhaps resembling Sri Krishna’s goloka , in other words a heaven on earth. Later the Mother said to K.D. Sethna that at that time she had got “the Word of Creation.” “When I looked a little puzzled,” remembered Sethna, “she added: ‘You ...

... spiritual world above. In the meanwhile it seems to me as foolish to lose one's emotion in the coldness of abstract negation as to fuddle one's mind in the warmth of a (fundamentally) sensuous Goloka.5 These thoughts were suggested to me by the contrast you drew between the emotional singing pf Chaitanya Deva and the silent meditation of the Buddha. Needless to say that the remarks in ...

... spiritual world above. "In the meanwhile it seems to me as foolish to lose one's emotion in the coldness of abstract negation as to fuddle one's mind in the warmth of a (fundamentally) sensuous Goloka. "These thoughts were suggested to me by the contrast you drew between the emotional singing of Chaitanya Deva and the silent meditation of the Buddha. Needless to say that the remarks in the ...


... also intervening in your action and the experiences of others. Ordinarily I would take it that she is Mirabai, the Rajput queen liberated by a sort of salokya mukti and living with Krishna in Goloka or a divine Brindavan and able to accompany in any manifestation he chose to make of himself through the subtle physical to any of us in the human world. That, I think, would be a satisfactory ...

... complex and there are beings in it who belong to various levels. If a soul wishes to plunge into the Divine through Nirvana or seeks spiritual fulfilment in a world of the Gods, such as Vaikuntha or Goloka, it has the freedom to do so, to follow its own tendency. The discovery of the Supramental is especially important for the spiritual evolution on the earth. If the souls here have to reach Page ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... above = 100 7 below. Gandharva (beauty). Yaksha (pleasure). Kinnara (fantasy). Aghora (samata). Swadhina (freedom). Deva (love). Asura (might & glory) from lowest to highest 9 above. Vaikuntha, Goloka, Brahmaloka, Meruloka, Visva-devaloka (Karmadevatas), Ganaloka, Jnanaloka from top to bottom Page 1280 [ . . . ] = Suryaloka. Swar—Chandraloka & Swarga. Jana, Tapah & Satya above Sw ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... uppermost are such as to associate the self with the higher understanding and bliss of the Self, the soul passes quickly to a condition of highest bliss which we call variously Kailas, Vaikuntha, Goloka or Brahmaloka, from which it does not return in this aeon of the Page 214 universe. But if we have learned to identify for ever the self with the Self, then before death we become the Eternal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... ascending into divine consciousness and a transformation of earth life by the divine consciousness coming down here. All the old Yogas put the emphasis on going to Nirvana or to heaven, Vaikuntha, Goloka, Brahmaloka etc. for good and so getting rid of rebirth. My emphasis is on life here and its transformation and I put that as the aim at once of my Yoga and of the terrestrial manifestation. I am quite ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... possibly to unknown and ineffable heavenly regions in samadhi, but no descent possible—therefore no resource, no possibility of transformation here, only escape Page 378 from life and mukti in Goloka, Brahmaloka, Shivaloka or the Absolute. Perhaps you are of the opinion of Ramana Maharshi, "The Divine is here, how can he descend from anywhere?" The Divine may be here, but if he has covered ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... His flute within this universe, its sound pierces the universal covering and goes to Vaikuntha. Thus the vibration enters the Page 213 ears of all the inhabitants. It especially enters Goloka Vrndāvan-dhāma and attracts the minds of the young damsels of Vrajab-humi, bringing them forcibly to where Krsna is present. The vibration of Krsna's flute is very aggressive, and it breaks the ...


... (exclusively) devoted to their parents secure (after their death) the regions of the gods and the Gandharvas, the seventh heaven presided over by Brahma (the creator) and other regions, nay, (even) Goloka. (37) I wish to do precisely as my celebrated father, devoted to the path of truthfulness and virtue, enjoins me to do; for such is the eternal law of right conduct. (38) In as much as you are fully ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... should be — not to make any futile attempt at embodying or manifesting a higher consciousness here upon earth — but rather to escape from life, to get away from earth into some other higher world like Goloka, Brahmaloka, Shiva-loka, or perhaps to seek mukti and mok ṣ a in some supreme Absolute. The spiritual history of man abounds in views, expressed in different terms, epitomizing this ...

... Ekadanḍaṁ samgṛhya...sarvaṁ tyaktvā parivrajet (Vidyaranya Muni, Jīvanmukti Viveka) : "Collecting a staff and renouncing everything, one should take the path of a wandering monk." 3 "Goloka, the Vaishnava heaven of eternal Beauty and Bliss." (Sri Aurobindo) 4 "The highest state of pure existence, consiousness and beatitude attainable by the soul without complete extinction ...

... realisation permanently and fully when one transcends or rejects the world. There are some others who have found that there are worlds other than the physical world, some kinds of heaven or paradise, Goloka or Vaikuntha, where the highest Page 167 glory and bliss can be attained. They have, therefore, advocated what can be called the supra-terrestrial aim of life. There are still others who ...


... illusion but an eternal reality in an eternal domain. The gradation of the spiritual domains is thus sometimes given as (1) Brahmaloka of the Vedantin, (2) Shivaloka of the Tantrik and finally (3) Goloka of the Vaishnava. The relation between the Supreme (over and above the creation) and the individual in the creation representing the creation is sometimes described in human terms to give it a concrete ...

... Page 10 reality in an eternal domain. The gradation of the spiritual domains is thus sometimes given as (I) Brahma-loka of the Vedantin, (2) Shivaloka of the Tantrik and finally (3) Goloka of the Vaishnava. The relation between the Supreme (over and above the creation) and the individual in the creation representing the creation is sometimes described in human terms to give ...

... them all in order to make the body free from them and to fill it with immortality. Matchless is the description of the glory of the human body of God found in the Vaishnava cult of Bengal. Goloka, the abode of the eternal sport of Radha and Krishna, which is far above the world of Brahma, is the supreme truth. And Radha and Krishna are meaningless without their human forms – rather all secrets ...

... occupation, some studying, some meditating, some assembled in a group engaged in conversation and so on. We too, we have in India many heavenly lokas, Brahmaloka, Shivaloka, Vishnuloka, Janaloka, Goloka, inhabited by various types of gods and spiritual siddhas. We have Hell too in India, an underworld Patala or Rasatala – they are supposed to be seven in number! Our Heavens too are seven. Dante became ...

... Hathayoga, Tantra, all have fixed upon the supracosmic consummation, whether it is Moksha or Nirvana, or a permanent proximity to the Supreme Beloved in a world of eternal Light and Love, Goloka or Vaikuntha. It is Sri Aurobindo's synthesis alone that recovers the unifying vision of the Vedic and Upanishadic seers and reinstates the catuspat, fourfold, Brahman in the heart of man as the ...