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Hara-Gauri Haragauri : biune body of Shiva & Pārvati [s/a Swami Vivekananda]
... My Pilgrimage to the Spirit February 20, 1932 Your experience means manifestly the uniting of the Ishwara-Shakti sides of the manifestation—as in the Hara-Gauri figure—with the result of a universalization of the individual consciousness indicated by the shooting out towards infinite distances. The currents are of course, the currents of the double force ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 Hymn to Hara-Gauri SHE is anointed with camphor and sandal And He with ashes of the funeral pyre; She wears true ear-rings And He rings of swaying snakes; I bow to Her, I bow to Him. She is decorated with garlands of Mandara And He with garlands of ...
... Parvati's lower lip trembled with anger. The corners of her eyes reddened. Contracting her graceful brows, she cast a scornful glance at this brahmin who dared say such harsh words. "You don't know Hara to speak to me in this way. Because petty minds don't understand the motives of great souls, so different from ordinary people, they criticise them. "People perform auspicious rites with the aim... permission to dwell in the forest for practising austerity and meditation till she obtained the fruit of her desire. Her father, pleased with this passion so worthy of her, gave his permission. Then Gauri, the fair lady, went to a peacock- haunted peak, which later on would become famous among the people by her name. In her irremovable resolve, she had cast aside her necklace whose restless string... during day time. "I take it that your lover's pride in his good fortune has fooled him, since he has not yet presented himself in front of your eyes, of lovely glances and curved eye-lashes. "O Gauri, how long will you torment yourself? I too have accumulated some merit in my first stage of life: use half of it and get the husband you desire. In fact, I am extremely eager to know him." This ...
... are not correct and have to be discarded or set right when a higher knowledge comes. Your experience means manifestly the uniting of the IshwaraShakti sides of the manifestation—as in the Hara-Gauri figure—with the result of a universalisation of the individual consciousness indicated by the shooting out towards infinite distances. The currents are of course the currents of the double force ...
... harbour early this century 25 An overview of Port Said 's harbour early this century 84 Rajnarain Bose in his later years (reproduced from his autobiography, courtesy the late Dr. Hara Prasad Mitra) 95 Krishna Dhan Chose (reproduced from Barin's autobiography) 104 Swarnalata with Manmohan, around 1877 (courtesy Sri Lab Kumar Bose and the late Sri Nirmal Ranjan Mitra) ...
... more the Mother showed us, the more nervous I became and just stood there transfixed! Then the Mother called Gauri. And both of them began this new game together. I said to myself that if Gauri moved her leg too vigorously then the Mother would surely fall. I felt extremely nervous and told Gauri so as soon as the exercise ended: “Let us bow down before the Mother. Whatever it be, you have touched... especially on Gauri and Violette. * Let me tell you about another amusing incident. As I said earlier, Pranab used to teach the captains after all the classes in the Playground were over. At that time the Mother would come and sit in the open ground. Many of us like Gauri, Debu, I and several others sat round the Mother. I remember, once it was very cold. I was freezing, sitting there. Gauri and I decided... we played together, Who my playmate was I did not know. Without a fear, without a shame, Life in quiet ease did flow. Gauri and I used to exercise with the Mother. On some days after coming back from the Tennis Ground, the Mother would take Gauri and me behind the stage. (In those days the cultural programme of 1st December took place in the Playground itself on a stage that was specially ...
... Gauri Pinto ( Teacher in the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education ) My return visit to “Fenêtres” on Rue St. Gilles in Pondicherry, home of the Pinto family, found me again being greeted at the door by the furry likes of “Starry”, “Jackie-Boy”, “Cutie”, “Tina”, “Brownie”, “Radha” and others of Gauri Pinto’s numerous cats and dogs that... with the cyclone. As we began our interview Gauri served my favorite drink; “Power Syrup”, made in the Ashram. It is a blend of the essences of hibiscus flowers, rose petals and lemon juice diluted in water with some sugar added. The drink was introduced to me in 1968 by the Pinto family. It is a most refreshing, cooling drink in the tropics. Gauri told me that she was born Judy Ann Pinto on 16... her eating habits became normalized and she gained the proper weight. Gauri told me that Ambu, the late Ashram hatha yoga teacher, (to whom the Mother addressed her letters “To My Faithful Baby”) was her “nanny”! “Ambu looked after me, gave me oil baths, fed me and took me for walks while my parents worked for the Mother”, Gauri said. Ambu in Hatha Yoga pose, Ashram 1983 What was your ...
... don't remember which line exactly, but I do remember that I could see from where I was standing the two windows of Gauri-di's room and that there were some people watching our programme from there. I was looking in their direction, and then suddenly I felt I could see on the wall of Gauri-di's room, very hazily, two feet. Nothing else but these two hazy feet on the grey coloured wall. Seeing the feet... recite the first lines. The programme did not take place at the Theater then, but at the Playground. The Mother sat right in front of the stage in a chair. On either side of the Mother sat Amiyo-da, Gauri-di, Minnie-di, Millie-di, Priti-di and Violette-ji. Four of us, Arati-di, Light, Chhanda and I, dressed in white Georgette sari and white blouse, stood on the stage ready for the programme to begin ...
... play of the Infinite. 1 ...In the gnosis the dualism of Purusha and Prakriti, Soul and Nature,...disappears in their biune unity, the dynamic mystery of the occult Supreme. The Truth-being is the Hara-Gauri of the Indian iconological symbol (the biune body of the Lord and his Spouse, Ishwara and Shakti, the right half male, the left half female); it is the double Power masculine-feminine born from ...
... tree rustled overhead. Suddenly I burst out laughing. Gauri looked at me very puzzled. “Why are you laughing, Priti?” “You know, Gauri,” I said, “when the Supramental Light manifests, the Mother will distribute all Her sarees to Her girls. We will wear those sarees and go to the Mother to get Her blessings. Won’t that be lovely?” Gauri was a little nonplussed. “How did you ever get such... place? How would it take place?” Such questions never cropped up in our minds. You can imagine how very ignorant we were. My friend Gauri and I would sit on a cement bench in our Nanteuil house under the huge Ashwattha tree and chat about all sorts of things. One day Gauri asked me: “Do you understand anything about this Supramental manifestation that the elderly keep talking about? What is it?” “That... Violette, Gauri and I, were given the privilege of staying next to the Mother. The Mother used to enjoy talking to us about a host of things. She would watch very attentively how each person marched. One day all of a sudden She exclaimed: “Look there, a spider!” We turned and saw that one of the sadhaks was stretching his arms sideways in such a way that he really looked like a spider. Gauri and I ...
... me not to bring Promesse as the force that was working at that moment was too strong for him. At the beginning of 1951, the Mother asked Gauri to come and join our group and from 16 th May, 1951, Parul also joined us. The six of us, Chum, Jhumur, Bubu, Gauri, Parul and I, continued to see the Mother every day until December 1958 when the Mother stopped a number of Her activities. The Mother’s programme ...
... for an aspect of it rendered separate and exclusive, and we cannot lose ourselves in such a form of the aspect. Thus Shiva has mostly been invoked to grant a liberation from the cosmic imbroglio — "Hara, Hara! Vyom, Vyom!" ("The Free, the Free! The Void, the Void!"): this has been the Shiva-mantra. The Free and the Void are indispensable to Sri Aurobindo's Yoga, for they are the base and the milieu ...
... to find out the way of the spirit. If in his present mood of perversity, he pursues blindly the urge that has possessed him, he will surely annihilate himself—willingly or unwillingly he will commit hara-kiri. Fortunately for man, souls are there yet upon earth who have found the truth, souls that have declared unhesitatingly with the Upanishadic Rishi: "I know this being luminous as ...
... find out the way of the spirit. If in his present mood of perversity, he pursues blindly the urge that has possessed him, he will surely annihilate himself – willingly or unwillingly he will commit hara-kiri. Fortunately for man, souls are there yet upon earth who have found the truth, souls that have declared unhesitatingly with the Upanishadic Rishi: "1 know this being luminous as the sun beyond ...
... there then! How strange!" And after he had made that remark he began recounting an incident. Several years before we came to live in the Red House Udar-da, Mona, his wife and his daughter Gauri who was very small then, used to live there. The first few Christmas celebrations in the Ashram had taken place in the Red House. Anyway, on one such occasion, the Mother Visited their house. As Udar-da ...
... necessary to know more about his first Guru — Bharat Brahmachari. It is he who moulded, guided — one can say almost gave “re-birth” to Yogananda’s life, from 1918 to 1932, from the time he joined the Gauri Ashram to the day he met Sri Aurobindo and joined this, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, when the Mother and Sri Aurobindo took up the “adolescent”, impatient and impetuous Jogdananda. Yogananda had written ...
... Whenever the Mother watched any programme after the Darshan March-past, it was performed on the ground and not on a stage. She would sit in front of the map of India with the usual people on either side, Gauri-di, Amiyo-da, Millie-di, Minnie-di, Violette-ji, etc. Pranab-da stood either at the entrance to Her room or on the left of the map at the door that led to the old body-building gymnasium. Our play was ...
... Mother had named “Fenêtres” (Windows). This is home to Udar Pinto, his English wife Mona, manager extraordinaire of Golconde, and their daughter Gauri, a teacher at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. Sri Aurobindo gave Udar (Generous) and Gauri (another name for Durga meaning the Fair One) their names but asked that Mona keep her own name as it reminded him of the Mona Lisa. At “Fenêtres”... glorious courtyard ablaze with vibrant colors of bougainvillea, marigolds, roses, other types of flowering plants, graceful arrangements of potted plants and an upstairs terrace filled with orchids. Gauri’s animals (she rescues cats and dogs from the streets of Pondicherry and nurses them back to health) either playfully greet one at the door or in the case of some dogs stand back and snarl and growl... met his beloved Mona while attending school in England and she waited three years for him while he got settled in Pondicherry. Finally, in 1937, he sent for her and they were married. Their daughter, Gauri, was born at the end of that year in November. First Darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother After Mona and Udar were married somebody suggested that they should have darshan of Sri Aurobindo ...
... Sankhyas founded on the practical Page 501 truth of our present natural existence, disappears in their biune entity, the dynamic mystery of the occult Supreme. The Truth-being is the Hara-Gauri 1 of the Indian iconological symbol; it is the double Power masculine-feminine born from and supported by the supreme Shakti of the Supreme. Therefore the truth-soul does not arrive at se ...
... you need to know that?” I was nonplussed. Gauri and I used to go to the Mother in the evening together. After taking the flower-blessings we would come back home chatting all the way. One evening I don’t know what happened but just as I reached Minu’s house all of a sudden, as I was talking, I fell almost unconscious on Gauri’s shoulder. Poor Gauri somehow dragged me home. “Go and lie down a... In the meantime, my mother, Bibhavati, learning about my condition came to my side. She sat next to me looking worried. Then Gauri returned. She had brought flowers from the Mother. “The Mother has asked you to place these flowers on your chest and lie quietly.” Both Gauri and my mother closed the door and went away. The following day I had hardly reached the Mother than She started scolding me... continues to do so even today. One day in the Playground, the Mother came out of Her room in order to take the salute at the March Past. Evening had almost fallen. All of us (Minnie-di, Milli-di, Gauri, Violet and I) were standing as usual next to the map of India, waiting for the Mother. The Mother arrived and looked at us gravely for a while. We stiffened with fear. “What had we done, now?” we wondered ...
... decided to write down this story and send it to the Mother. We did start writing the story down in the class but unfortunately we never got around to sending it to Her. 1.Arima 2.Gauri 3.Kirti 4.Lalbabu 5.Lauren 6.Lakshmi 7.Mukund 8. Mina 9. Padma 10. Prithwiraj 11. Touyamani 12. Vasant 13. Vimla Page 106 ...
... of the Mother (fourth Series)’ into French. By then I had left the school but Mother wanted me to continue my study of French. So She started a translation class for six of us: Chum, Jhumur, Bubu, Gauri, Parul and myself. We used to go daily to the Mother together. The class was held outside Pavitra Da’s room, in the corridor. Mother would sit on a stool with the six of us around Her. She gave each ...
... with great force and vividness in his Introduction. But it should be manifest even to a careless reader of the Hymns. Take the following passage:— Reverence to Her who is eternal, Raudra, To Gauri and Dhatri, reverence and again reverence, Page 573 To Her who is moonlight and in the form of the moon, To Her who is supreme bliss, reverence for ever. That is from the famous... the best known in sacred literature; but everywhere we find the same crowding of different aspects. In a hymn of which the eleventh verse is a sensuous description of the physical goddess,— O Gauri! with all my heart I contemplate Thy form, Beauteous of face, With its weight of hanging hair, With full breasts and rounded slender waist, Holding in three hands a rosary, a pitcher and book ...
... the Playground. After the activities were over, She would sit on a bench and watch Pranab (whom I began calling Dada) do his exercises. A very ordinary bench painted in green was arranged for Her. Gauri-di would cover the bench with a clean cloth and a cushion. Six or seven lady-disciples who accompanied the Mother wherever She went in the Playground sat on the floor at Her feet. I lived in “Dortoir”... stopped the classes on Prayers and Meditations . Some time later however, early in June 1951, the Mother took up these classes again. At first there were only the six of us: Chum, Jhumur, Bubu, Gauri, Parul and me who went together daily to see the Mother upstairs in Her room. One day while we were with Her, She announced that She was going to hold special classes at the playground for us on Wednesdays ...
... of all scriptures! Thou art Durga and alone art the boat in our raging sea of life. Thou art indeed Lakshmi ever residing in the heart of the slayer of the demon Kaitabha (Vishnu); verily art Thou Gauri who is established in the moon-crested Shiva. Shakradikritadevistotram 10 ॐ दुर्गायै नमः। ॐ मीरायै नमः॥ om durgāyai namaḥ, om mīrāyai namaḥ OM to Durga our salutations OM to Mira our ...
... mind as if to crystallise the condition in which I was caught up. Vivekananda once spoke of his ideal of sitting in meditation under a height in the Himalayas and hearing a waterfall thunder forth: "Hara! Hara! - Vyom! Vyom!" (Sanskrit for "The Free! The Free! The Void! The Void!"). I felt completely divested of all bonds, all attachments and the whole courtyard seemed entirely empty of every creature ...
... powerfully-built, fierce sadhus entered the temple. They were wearing gar- lands of bones, carried tridents tucked in their waistbands and daggers and staffs in their hands. They rushed in shouting 'Hara, Hara, Thikarji!' They were a sect of Kapaliks that belonged to the Rudra-Bhairav group, addicted to liquor and who lived on what they got from their raids. The first thing they did was search the bag... and sheltered himself inside even as he kept muttering the name of his beloved Lord. "The Kapaliks inside the temple went on drinking and making a lot of noise, shouting from time to time: 'Hara, Hara, Thikarji.' "Rain and thunder were raging outside. Just then a thunder-bolt struck the temple and one side of a wall collapsed onto the Kapaliks and they were all crushed to death. "Fate ...
... Playground and everybody ran to their spots in their respective group. The Mother came out of Her room and stood in front of the map of India. Four or five of us girls—Minnie-di, Milli-di, Violet, Gauri and I—always waited for the Mother near the map. The Mother came in front of the map of India, stretched out Her arms on either side and said: “ Je suis crucifiée .” (I am crucified.) Hardly had ...
... Niranjan and another brother Sudhiranjan used to visit often but did not live here. One brother Chittaranjan passed away sometime later. The rest Amiyoranjan, Kanakranjan and Robiranjan and sisters Gauri and Chobi lived close to the Mother. Manoranjan’s family too settled here since 1944. His wife Jyotsna with children — Arun, Karobi, Ashok, Runu, Barin and Madhuri consisted the family. Chittaranjan’s... photography in Ashram. He too excelled in tennis and table-tennis. Did not make much efforts to do well in other fields. Maybe he could have if he would have. He too worked in the Printing Press. Gauri(di) is their sister. She is also Sunilda’s wife. She was close to the Mother. Attended on Her when She came to the Play Ground. Gauridi was in charge of the Room. She arranged the flower vases, made ...
... to stand in front of the map of India (at the Playground) and all the groups would go past Her in a salute. Then She would sit in a chair in front of the map and on either side of Her sat Amiyo-da, Gauri-di, Milli-di, Minnie-di, Priti-di and Violette and there would sometimes be performances of music, dance or theater in front of Her. This happened not on a stage but on the sandy ground. If any sadhak ...
... my test before the Mother. At the designated time, She came and sat facing the stage. The stage had been set up on the western side of the Playground between Milli-di's egg-distribution service and Gauri-di's house. At that time there weren't many people in the Playground: a team of electricians, Vishwanath-da and the regular people who stayed around the Mother, and the music-composer of my dance, Sunil-da ...
... Aurobindo chhada.” (I have seen the Mother’s book. There no name was written but that of Sri Aurobindo.) Bharat Brahmachari passed away in 1928. His guru Loknath Brahmachari passed away earlier. Now the Gauri Ashram hardly exists. Parul, Badol and their father Jogendra (Yogananda’s brother) visited the Ashram in l980. What they saw brought tears to Jogendra who had seen it in its pristine days. One old man ...
... She would then give the glass to Ravindra. The Mother plays the organ In between I went to Mother in the afternoon as well. Sometimes She would give me sweets and sometimes flowers. Tara, Gauri, Parul, Rababala, Mrityunjoy da, Pavitra-da would also be there. Mother would take French classes for them where She Herself was the teacher. She would give dictation and then check the notebooks. I ...
... happened before, what happens at that time and what happens afterwards. If it is just a snake like that, with two heads... It was in this room, Sweet Mother. I don't know who was there, but in Gauri's drawer, here, there was the snake, and as soon as I opened it, it came out. Then you took it by the tail, and it bit you—but that did nothing. Then you let it go out by the other window. It was ...
... lunch. She got a glass of red grape-juice prepared. Then she took a sip from it and passed it on to Ravindra-ji, Mona, Gauri and Udar to do the same. Then she gave the glass to me. She wrote down something on a piece of paper and signed it and then she asked Ravindra-ji, Mona, Gauri and Udar to sign below her signature and gave it to me. Here is what she had written: Page 218 ... And from that time Udar and I started eating with her in the evenings. Later, Mother arranged for me to have lunch with her too. After some time, Udar asked Mother if his wife Mona and his daughter Gauri could also join us for lunch and she agreed. During this period Ali and Alice used to occasionally prepare some dishes for Mother and they would be present here during lunch. Sometimes Ravindra-ji... Be yourself and all will be well. Let this wine of immortality Be the wine of your complete victory. Mother Signed: Ravindra Mona Gauri Udar (31) Before 5th December 1950, the period before Sri Aurobindo's physical withdrawal, Mother used to return from the Playground at night and preside over ...
... watch the captains’ exercises. With limitless patience Pranab would teach each captain vaulting, parallel bars, freehand exercises and all kinds of other things. During this time, I would sit with Gauri and several others near the Mother. One day, suddenly, Kaké who must have been about four then, came out of Dortoir (a children’s boarding in the Playground) and went straight in front of the Mother ...
... programme. The story depicted the four aspects of Mother Durga and a lot of the actors for the dance-drama had been selected by the Mother Herself: for instance, Mother Durga was Anu-ben, Maheshwari was Gauri Pinto, Mahalakshmi was Light Ganguly, Mahasaraswati was Jhumur and Mahakali was myself. In addition, there were three Asuras: Shumbha, Nishumbha and Raktabeej, played respectively by Mona, Vishweshwar ...
... to wash my clothes, to dress like an Indian and to take care of things. I made friends with Gauri’s dog, “Spotted Beauty”, a Dalmatian. They also had a donkey named “Baudet”. Udar had purchased it for the Mother and kept it in his garden. I asked Mother if I could look after it and she gave permission. Gauri was my friend but I did not have the time or take the time to make other friendships. I spent ...
... Vishweshwar, Ira, Smriti, Chhanda, Tublu. 5. A Vision of Science: a poem by Sri Aurobindo: Directed by Norman Dowsett, Arati, Amita. Voices: Jules, Arunbishnu, Sudha Anand, Reba, Dipu, Namita S, Gauri Gupta. 6. Surrender by Sri Aurobindo: Recitation by Arati, dance by Shobha. 7. Sri Aurobindo's photo will be projected on the cyclorama. Meditation with the Mother's organ music (5 minutes) ...
... spoke. I went to listen … in the hope of finding my soul.’ Okawa met the Richards after a talk by one Hara Prasad. In the audience was ‘a young lady who stirred my depths. Something in her drew me to her … There was a light in her eyes as of the great morning of the world that was about to dawn … I saw Hara Prasad the next morning. And what was my surprise when he said that this very lady had desired to ...
... significance of Radha's pining for Krishna has been appreciated only by the Bengalis. Mahadeva (Siva) has taken his abode in many places, but it is the Bengalis who have been mad over his consort, Gauri. The doctrine of Vedanta has spread all over and has absorbed all other doctrines, but the Bengali race has sought for a way of spiritual culture which transcends the injunctions of the Vedas. The worship ...
... picked up this word. Oh, there are so many amusing things that come flooding Despite my fear of dogs I still used to take that path to Making alpana would start right from the afternoon. Bibha, Gauri, Minnie-di, Milli-di did this so beautifully. In Bengal on Lakshmi-puja day especially, the women covered the floors of their house, the puja-area, all the rooms and even the courtyard, with their exquisite... see our brother Manoj. Let me return to the main story then. In 1944 on the occasion of the first Lakshmi-puja, the Mother came down in the evening to bless us. Milli-di, Bibha, Minnie-di and Gauri had beautifully drawn Ma Lakshmi’s feet right from the bottom of the staircase up to the Mother’s chair. Then Milli-di lit some earthen lamps and covered these with a terracotta shade that had a hole ...
... told me, “You must feel the power of the tiger.” When I grew older I was allowed to visit Mother every day. The Mother was very busy overseeing every department of the Ashram. Some of us (Tara Jauhar. Gauri Pinto and others) would go up at mid-day after school and wait at the top of the staircase. She evolved games that we played with her as she wanted us to develop our memory and impressions. There were ...
... bold and large nature and, not long after he had married Mona who had sailed out from England to join her life with his, the Mother took both of them along with their baby-girl Judy Anne (later Gauri) under her wings. (d) The Mother's unfailing comprehension of the diverse sides of my being came into view most clearly when I stayed away from the Ashram for several years ...
... the daughter of Himavat, got herself initiated for the observance of ritualistic activities. 36. She performed penance in the excellent holy centre Srngitirtha which (later) acquired the title "Gauri-Sikhara" due to her performance of penance thereon. 37. 0 sage, many beautiful holy plants were laid there by Parvati for testing the fruitfulness of her penance. 38. Neatly cleaning the ground ...
... them up. Around 1918 Jotindra came under the influence of one Bharat Brahmachari of Bairati (not to be confused with Birati, another village near Calcutta). The Brahmachari had founded an ashram — the Gauri Ashram. The Brahmachari was an unconventional and not a traditionadhering sort of guru. He did not mind Jotindra joining his ashram and yet continuing to study in the high school. Jotindra was initiated ...
... N’est-ce pas cela? ’ blurted out: ‘ N’est ta pas ta la? ’ We were rolling with laughter! The Mother too began laughing joyously as She watched us. That poor girl was so embarrassed then! My friend Gauri (who was later given the work of attending on the Mother at the Playground) and I used to take so much trouble to prepare the questions. Our knowledge of French was such at that stage that writing a ...
... been celebrated. That is why I could never imagine that my wish could come true. On the saptami (the seventh day of the Durga-puja) I went to the Ashram and what did I see? Minnie-di, Milli-di, Gauri, Bibha, Krishnalal-ji, Jayantilal-da and some others were busy decorating the Meditation Hall below and the staircase with vines and flowers. Ila-di (Chitra’s mother) was also deeply absorbed in the ...
... sublimest heights of the Rishi's being and consciousness, that proceeds to the inevitable realisation of the truth it symbolises. This then is the supreme divine Word, the divya v ā k or Gauri of the Rig-Veda, that is reputed to be the original creative Power that builds up the universe of manifestation from out of the nameless Silence. For "it is out of this Silence that the Word which ...
... Dr. M.C.Jain 9.Dr.J.D. Sharma 10.Ms. Sushil Kaur 11.Dr. Prakash Pattanaik 12.Dr. Ravi Prakash Tekchandani 13.Dr. Shashi Prabha Kumar 14.Mrs. Sarita Saraf 15.Shri Gauri Saraf 16.Professor D.N. Panigrahi 17.Shri M. Venkateswaran 18.Shri S.L.Jain 19.Dr. Gautam Vohra 20.Professor Kapil Kapoor 21.Dr. Chandra Mohan 22.Dr. Kavita Sharma ...
... her walks at the Tennis Ground stopped and Mother started walking for some time in the Playground. Seeing her walk alone in the Playground, many volunteered to accompany her, among them were Gauri, Minnie, Millie, Violet, Vasudha, my aunt, Priti and Dutsy. But she walked so fast that none of them could keep pace with her! We used to joke: "There goes Mother with her eight 'Sakhis'." (The ...
... Learning with the Mother FOR THE CHILDREN BY THE CHILDREN One day in Oct 1951, when the six of us (Chum, Jhumur, Bubu, Gauri, Parul and myself) went to Mother’s room upstairs, The Mother asked us to write stories to improve our French. All the six girls were between the ages of thirteen and fifteen at that time. She said that She would bring out a book ...
... other movements with spears, daggers, swords, etc. Two opponents would stand facing each other holding lathis. The drum would sound and to the beat of drums they would move their feet and with a shout "Hara-ra-ra-ra" they would alternately advance and retreat. The lathi in their hands would move and rotate very fast. Then suddenly they would charge towards each other and the sound of the clashing lathis ...
... but no longer blotted out by the old sanskaras in conversation & after sleep; but it is no longer replaced by MaheshwariMahasaraswati, but by an improperly combined quadruple bhava. The Maheshwari (Gauri) pratistha is still too prominent, because the habit of exciting mental tapas, against which the pratistha is an insurance, still lingers, though weakly, as a habit that always revives with the advent ...
... Aurobindo's vision to have descended from a verse in the poem beginning, medhāsi devi vidhitākhila shastrasārā: You are Saraswati, scripture's essence; Sri, who abides with Vishnu; Gauri, with the moon-crested Shiva, and Durga, boat to the Beyond. 55 Savitri finds that this too is inadequate. Pooma Shakti needs to be incarnated on earth to help mankind. As she seeks her ...
... Friend forever. The Mother is our Friend, She is everyone’s Friend, She is my Friend. Everyone formed this friendship with the Mother. And as a sign of that friendship She gave many of us a ring: Gauri, Chitra, Millie-di, Vasudha, Minou, Tehmi-ben, Tapati and so many others. Many received other souvenirs from Her. We could not imagine that even without asking we would receive so much. And it was the ...
... 98.The vaikhari v ā k of the Tantrik lore. 99. Rig-Veda, X. 71.4. 100. Ibid., X. 71.2. Page 179 This then is the supreme divine Word, the divy ā v ā k or Gauri of the Rig Veda, that is reputed to be the original creative Power that builds up the universe of manifestation out of the nameless Silence. For "it is out of this Silence that the Word which creates ...
... strike is the highest beneficence, as those only can thoroughly realise who know that God is Rudra as well as Shiva, Chamunda Kali with the necklace of skulls no less than Durga, the protectress & Gauri, the wife & mother. Our courage does not bind itself by the ostentations of the fighter, but knows when flight & concealment are necessary, our boldness does not interfere with skill & prudence, nor ...
... Subhash you met there was some part of him of which the external physical Subhash is probably not himself aware and there it is quite possible that there is a Shivabhakta who could speak in praise of Gauri-vallabh; it may be even from there that come the velleities of sadhana when he is in prison and the surface kinetic man discouraged and inactive. Or it may be the Subhash met in the concentration was ...
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