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... thus because she fully approved Huta's proposal to her that I should go through the whole of the epic with Huta during the period when the Mother and she were doing the illustrations of the poem, the Mother making outline sketches or suggesting the general disposition of the required picture and Huta following her instructions, invoking Sri Aurobindo's spiritual help, keeping the Mother's presence constantly... splendid gift with everybody, in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's Light. My profound gratitude to Sri Aurobindo and the Divine Mother for their Grace and Love. Page 42 HUTA (Copyright: Huta D. Hindocha) Page 43 ... had summoned, that only her Grace working in Sri Aurobindo's Light could have seen me through. The Mother wrote to me on 12 .7.1956: Bonjour To my dear little child To my sweet Huta Indeed I shall show you how to paint and I shall be glad if you learn well. 1 Sri Aurobindo on Himself, SABCL, Vol. 26, p. 513. One day I shall call you and do a painting ...

... because she fully approved Huta's proposal to her that I should go through the whole of the Epic with Huta during the period when the Mother and she were doing the illustrations of the poem, the Mother making outline sketches or suggesting the general description of the required picture and Huta following her instructions, invoking Sri Aurobindo's spiritual help, keeping the Mother's presence... would write such a thing about me. I always marvelled at his modesty, selflessness and goodwill. He also wrote without my knowledge in his book Life-Poetry- Yoga: ...Huta -- was indeed a far cry, Huta whom the Mother assiduously taught and inspired to paint Sri Aurobindo's epic Savitri belongs to the late fifties, sixties and after, but she happens to be perhaps the single friend... 1 Dear Huta, It does not matter even if you forget. But once you remember that you have not forgotten, your memory is not yet sufficiently supramentalised like Nirod's. Wish you more progress! 2 I had misplaced the MS. for the October instalment of my The Story of a Soul. Then eventually I found and sent it to Amal. He wrote: Dear Huta, I am glad ...


... Meditations on Savitri, which was released on 15 August 1962. Since her taking permanent residence in the Ashram in 1955, Huta had been struggling to judge from her correspondence with the Mother - within herself to find her true vocation. On 7 February 1961, Mother wrote to Huta: You ask me what you must do. It would be better to ask what you must be, because the circumstances and activities in... goddess too, the prophetess of the coming supramental Dawn, the "Greater Dawn" to be. And for Huta herself - as for many - the Mother was also "a parable of Dawn", a Savitri-power. Dawn, Savitri, the Mother - they are of course different powers and divinities. But they have also their striking affiliations, and Huta was made to seize the truth, and in her paintings the Dawn-Goddess evoked in lines like "On... self" by dedication to a big ideal or absorption in art or science, or social or political life etc. All would depend on one's sincerity, endurance, effort, struggle - and the sheer will to victory. Huta had awakened to the splendours in the firmament of Savitri on the night in July 1954 when "cataracts of divine light and peace" overpowered her and swept her towards a new goal in life. Then, after ...


... because she fully approved Huta's proposal to her that I should go through the whole of the Epic with Huta during the period when the Mother and she were doing the illustrations of the poem, the Mother making outline sketches or suggesting the general description of the required picture and Huta following her instructions, invoking Sri Aurobindo's spiritual help, keeping the Mother's presence constantly... would write such a thing about me. I always marvelled at his modesty, selflessness and good will.   He also wrote without my knowledge in his book Life-Poetry-Yoga:   ...Huta- was indeed a far cry. Huta whom the Mother assiduously taught and inspired to paint Sri Aurobindo's epic Savitri belongs to the late fifties, sixties and after, but she happens to be perhaps the single friend... two masterpieces!   Dear Huta, It does not matter even if you forget. But once you remember that you have not forgotten, your memory is not yet sufficiently supramentalised like Nirod's. Wish you more progress!   I had misplaced the October instalment of The Story of a Soul. Then eventually I found and sent it to Amal. He wrote:   Dear Huta, I am glad that the "Old Lady" ...


... 72 Huta's letter for blessings for Anne, who will project the Savitri slides tomorrow instead of Richard who is ill, was read. Mother gave her photo for Anne as blessings and flowers for Huta. Huta had presented me a copy of 'About Savitri' and wished that I get it touched by Mother. Mother wrote blessings on it. * * * Informed Mother about Nava's arrival and Rs 1.75 lakh... remarked, "And then they will have a child!". As for her request, Mother said, "I have no objection." * * * 9.4.72 Informed Mother that Prithwi Singh has agreed to return the books to Huta. * * * Requests of three persons to join Auroville were approved. * * * Thomas has difficulty in his mind with sadhana. He is reading Letters on Yoga. He used a pen-knife... seeing Dr. Sanyal. * * * 27.7.72 Auroville has received Rs 50000. It will go for a part of the day to day expenses. Informed Mother of the work done yesterday at Madras. Huta has written asking Mother to give the name Narad to Richard Eggenberger. Mother said, "Oh, Narad! One has to wait." Marjorie's letter was read. Mother gives her a chance. The names of ...

... 72 Huta's letter for blessings for Anne, who will project the Savitri slides tomorrow instead of Richard who is ill, was read. Mother gave her photo for Anne as blessings and flowers for Huta. Huta had presented me a copy of 'About Savitri' and wished that I get it touched by Mother. Mother wrote blessings on it. * * * Informed Mother about Nava's arrival and Rs 1.75 lakh... remarked, "And then they will have a child!". As for her request, Mother said, "I have no objection." * * * 9.4.72 Informed Mother that Prithwi Singh has agreed to return the books to Huta. * * * Requests of three persons to join Auroville were approved. * * * Thomas has difficulty in his mind with sadhana. He is reading Letters on Yoga. He used a pen-knife... seeing Dr. Sanyal. * * * 27.7.72 Auroville has received Rs 50000. It will go for a part of the day to day expenses. Informed Mother of the work done yesterday at Madras. Huta has written asking Mother to give the name Narad to Richard Eggenberger. Mother said, "Oh, Narad! One has to wait." Marjorie's letter was read. Mother gives her a chance. The names of ...

... intimacy with Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's writings, these early surmises seemed to gain only further corroboration. Presently Huta - an aspirant who had felt the call of the Mother from Miwani in far-off Africa - came to the Ashram at Pondicherry, and the Mother and Huta began a truly unique tapasya of collaboration: rendering Savitri in painting. As the Mother later wrote: Savitri, ... the announcement of the earth's future - Who can ever dare to put it in pictures? Yet, the Mother and Huta have tried it, this way. We simply meditate together on the lines chosen, and when the image becomes clear, I describe it with the help of a few strokes, then Huta goes to her studio and brushes the painting. It is in a meditative mood that these 'meditations' must... Aswapathy as the Mother sees him - as Huta paints him - is visible Sri Aurobindo, but still it is no photograph, no laborious portrait, but rather the soul of that "living centre of the Illimitable" recreated and thrown on the sensitive film of the psychic self. And even as Sri Aurobindo visualised Savitri in her avatar role in the image of the Mother herself, for Huta too - when she meditates with the ...

... really wonderful. When we showed the plans and spoke to Huta about this possibility, she was extremely happy and satisfied. Huta also said how practical the Mother is: when She did the sketch of the Matrimandir, She did not forget to show in Her drawing the small boxroom to keep dusters and things like that to clean the Matrimandir. So Huta said that these minor things are also to be considered.... Spirit of Auroville Here is the letter written by Alain Grandcolas and Ruud Lohmann to the Mother on 15.2.73: Divine Mother, Roger asked us to go to Huta to discuss certain things regarding her house near the Matrimandir as to how she wishes to have it built. She said that everything should be done exactly according to the Mother's wish. We asked her... house is to be built between the Matrimandir and the banyan tree—on the island; it must be a tiny and simple house. The Mother has already explained the plan to Roger and Shyamsunder. And for the rest, Huta said that everything is explained, including the copies of the Mother's letters regarding the Matrimandir and Auroville, in the file which is given to Shyamsunder according to the Mother's wish and ...


... (Saturday) you must go to the Bank (United Commercial) to open an account in the name of Huta (Miss Huta Hindocha). For that purpose you will take Rs.500—Five hundred rupees from my account at the Bank. She will operate this account and she must be given a cheque book. If it is necessary you will take her (Huta) to the Bank. I attach a note which you will give to her if you have to take her to... ntings along with the Mother's sketches. I suggested to the Mother that it would be nice if Amrita declared open the Exhibition. She answered on 1.2.1967: "My very dear little child Huta, Amrita will go at 10.30 a.m. on 10th to open the exhibition and Nolini will go with him, All my love." Page 98 Since I was not allowed by the Mother to attend, I came to... herself without allowing the least display of it. On some occasions the great power would shine forth irresistibly. Our inner sense would perceive this radiation if it was awake...." Copyright © Huta D. Hindocha Page 100 AMRITA: A HOMAGE* K AMRITA, Manager, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, passed away on . Friday the 31st January at 8.40 p.m. He was born on 19th September 1895 ...

... Lord and become "God-dedicated and love-luminous". Huta is clear in her mind that divine peace and happiness cannot come from money, family, children, pleasure, prosperity. She will rather offer all she possesses in the world - as well as the immortal love of her soul - to the divine Mother; but will it be accepted? It was accepted indeed, and Huta came to the Ashram for a short visit and had her... is the Truth and the Love I have been seeking and aspiring for." On 10 February 1955, she returned to the Ashram, and stayed on; and on the 17th the Mother gave her the name "Huta" (The Offered One). 5 Like Huta, others too - men and women following different professions, men and women of the old world and the new, men and women of various races and climes - heard the call from Pondicherry... writings went round the world and, encountering the elect in unpredictable places, effected remarkable conversions. Thus, from 1 February, Savita Hindocha, who was later to acquire the Ashram name of "Huta", began writing down in her mother tongue Gujarati, her intense prayers to the Divine Mother with single-pointed devotion, feeling irresistibly drawn as iron is by the magnet. 1 In 1981, in a preface ...


... be there at the centre? Huta hopes so. (Mother laughs.) I did not say no, I did not say yes; I told her, "The Lord will decide." It depends on my state of health. A removal, no—I am here because of the Samadhi, I shallstay here, that is quite sure. But I can go there on a visit; it is not so Page 61 far, it takes five minutes by car. But Huta wants to be quiet, silent, aloof... having to find the place, it was the place—near the lake—which gave birth to the formation, and until now I took only a very minor interest in it, for I had received nothing directly. Then our little Huta took it into her head to have a house there, by the lake, and to have a house for me next to hers, and to offer it to me. And she wrote me all her dreams: one or two sentences suddenly stirred an old... peaceful, very silent place. Page 58 Nearby, there would be a small dwelling, a small dwelling which would nevertheless have three floors, but not large-sized, and that would be the house of Huta, who would serve as a guardian. She would be the guardian of the pavilion. She wrote me a very nice letter but she did not understand all that, of course. That is the centre. All around ...


... wholly to the Mother?" At last we reach the door of her apartment. Huta walks in as if that was a natural thing to do. I stand outside and wait. The Mother, who is standing beyond the threshold, smiles, steps half outside, catches my hand and pulls me in. I go in happily. At this time my companion student is a mixture of Huta and Vasudha. She sees that there is a big attached bathroom and exclaims:... the keynote of all the dreams—number 2—is at once struck. For, I find myself in a kind of classroom with only one other student. We are two and the Mother is our teacher. The second student is Huta. She has an exercise-book, but I have only a big white envelope with a letter in it dealing with a worldly concern—a sort of business letter. The flap of the envelope has not yet been stuck. The... exclaims: "How nice! We shall live here like two cooks!" The word "cooks" is surely odd but again the number 2 openly named is striking. Huta-Vasudha then disappears and I am alone with the Mother. Now she and I form the number 2. I am very close to her. I have an arm half around her waist. The Mother's face is near mine. I move my head a little forward and lightly kiss her on the right cheek. She ...

... interminable! As she wrote to Huta on 28 July 1964, But the whole world is One and interdependent and this creates a situation that the Supreme Lord alone can alter. 4 II The New Year message for 1965 was the all-sufficing declaration: "Salute to the Advent of the Truth." Something of an amplifiction is provided by the Mother's letter of 1st January to Huta: "This year we salute the... power of right discrimination, the purblind race of miserable men must continue to take the false for true and the true for false, and forge whole odysseys of defeat for themselves. In another letter to Huta, dated 22 January, the Mother spells out this rule for sorting out Truth from all varieties of falsehood that may mask themselves: the beginning, one can take as a guiding rule that all that... seminars in 1965. The first, held on 14 February, was on How to discriminate between Truth and falsehood in the impulses of action? 18 The Mother's message to the seminar was the same as her letter to Huta on 22 January on the need to discriminate between Truth and Falsehood. 19 In the seminar held on 25 April, the question posed was How to make one's studies a means of one's sadhana? Education is ...


... August 1986 The Mother asked me to keep a copy of her letter dated 26th December 1969 before delivering it to Huta. The letter was about a house to be built for Huta near the Matrimandir in Auroville, of which the Mother had appointed Huta the guardian in 1965. The Mother's letter to Huta was as follows: "I told you myself that this money was used for the first day ceremony of Auroville; and ...


... gain only further corroboration. The Mother and Huta began a truly unique tapasya of collaboration: rendering Savitri in painting. As the Mother later wrote: Savitri, this prophetic vision of the world's history, including the announcement of the earth's future. — Who can ever dare to put it in pictures? Yet, the Mother and Huta have tried it, this way. We simply mediate... mediate together on the lines chosen, and when the image becomes clear, I describe it with the help of a few strokes, then Huta goes to her studio and brushes the painting. It is in a meditative mood that these 'meditations' must be looked at to find the feeling they contain behind their appearance. 78 A selection of twenty-three of these paintings, illustrating Canto I, appeared as... symbolic work," says the Mother, "not the telling of a story of something that happened; it is the illustration in a condensed and imaged form of this effort of the Divine to divinise 78 Huta, Meditations on Savitri. Page 310 the material creation." And she adds, underlining the deeper implications of the Legend and the Symbol: It is this terrible story of ...

... 26 October 1959 Miss Doris Tomlinson reached Pondicherry on 24th October 1959. I got a letter dated 26th October from the Mother: To My dear little child Huta , I have just received all the nice things you have sent through Doris with your love and I am very glad to have them. My love and blessings are always with you. Also there was a quotation... inquired all about your welfare and thanked me for assisting you in London. I felt really embarrassed. Did you write to the Mother? The Mother affirmed: 'Now London has come under my Consciousness.' Huta, isn't it wonderful? October drifted into November. Raw, cold, wet weather gripped London in its remorseless fingers. Days of anxiety and uncertainty lay ahead of me. My restored confidence ebbed... I opened it and found a card which depicted frosted snow on the trunk of a big tall tree and on its branches, near a Church. Her words conveyed sweet warmth to my heart: To My dear little child Huta Bonne Fete! Cheer up! 'All is well that ends well and the end will be all right. My love and blessings Her assurance brought a sense of relief. My mind started clearing, the mist of depression ...


... specially prepared for the Mother to send to people in India and abroad at Christmas and New Year. She gave meanings to each of them. These were not Savitri paintings. Shyamsunder wrote to me: Dear Huta The pictures have been sent to the handmade paper unit for the folders. I have asked Barun to see the blocks. You have to decide which pictures and what matter are to go in the folder. We will get... and others at the Matrimandir that these folders were meant to be presented to those who gave donations to the Matrimandir. I was very happy. During this time Shyamsunder sent me a note: Dear Huta, One copy of Some Paintings has gone to the Mother's room. One is sent to the U.S.A. with a friend going there; two with another friend to Bombay, one for Dhan Palkhiwala and one for Sarala Shah... for sale. I purchased many folders to present to my friends. About one of the paintings, Seyril, one of the Matrimandir workers, wrote to me: Matrimandir "Peace" Auroville My dear Huta, "The Truth is at work. Open your heart and you will feel it." Your painting for this message of the Mother's is always on my desk next to Her photograph. It fills me with love and gratitude. And ...


... thus because she fully approved Huta's proposal to her that I should go through the whole of the epic with Huta during the period when the Mother and she were doing the illustrations of the poem, the Mother making outline sketches or suggesting the general disposition of the required picture and Huta following her instructions, invoking Sri Aurobindo's spiritual help, keeping the Mother's presence constantly... about me. I always marvelled at his modesty, selflessness and goodwill. Here is Amal Kiran's (K.D. Sethna) letter dated 4th December 1974 to me about the Mother's visions of Savitri : Dear Huta, May I make a request to you? You are free to say "No" without feeling any embarrassment. I remember that in your diary there is a statement by the Mother that before she came here she went through ...


... Auroville On 4.11.72 the Mother spoke to Shyamsunder, as she had done several times before, about the plan of my house near the Matrimandir. She told him: Huta will be the guardian of the Matrimandir. Her residence is to be built in one of the twelve gardens. She has given money for it. She must have a kitchenette also . Then Shyamsunder said to the Mother... a kichenette. Nevertheless I was grateful to her for everything. Here I recall vividly the occasion when the Mother came in 1956 along with some people to arrange an apartment for me upstairs in Huta House—the name given by the Mother—where I stayed for 37 years until I was compelled to leave that flat in January 1995. The Mother said to the people who were going to get the apartment repaired and... the Supreme Lord. I expressed my feeling to the Mother and thanked her once again for taking so much care of me. She answered on 23.10.56: Bonjour To my dear little child, To my sweet Huta, I have read your very nice letter and listened to your sincere prayer. The Grace always grants the sincere prayers—so be quite sure that you will reach your goal. I am happy to take ...


... the Mother's victory in her truth and love... OM I shall be hoping that you and your family members will be present on the occasion. With kindest regards Huta In answer to my letter, Shyamsunder wrote: Dear Huta, I thank you for your invitation for tomorrow Kindly excuse my absence. Your brother, Shyamsunder I was extremely amazed by his reply, and left the matter... The Spirit of Auroville Herewith I am enclosing the programme approved by Nolini-da: ON THE MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY 21st FEBRUARY 1976 4.15 p.m. — Huta will take the Mother's blessing packet and flowers from Nolini-da. 4.45 p.m. — Homage to the Banyan tree. 5.00 p.m. — Meditation for half an hour. 5.45 p.m. — Putting the blessing packet and flowers ...


... Dorinavant, le 29 fevrier sera le jour du Seigneur. Henceforth the 29th of February will be the day of the Lord. On the outside of the folder she had written: 27.2.60 To My dear little child Huta with love and blessings This is what I shall distribute on the 29th February. Your parcel has just arrived bringing all the nice things for my birthday. They have been fully appreciated.... Supreme. Believe me, I am far from doing worthwhile things. My heart grieves with sorrow. Your Force, Grace and Love make me go on—and I live. Again and again I thank you for loving me. Yours, Huta” February gave way to a wild and windy March. The chilliness increased in the air. Everything was freezing—these were the days of solitude and silence. Snow whirled and spattered against my windows... overdrawn. I was shocked. Immediately I telephoned Aunt Margaret to come with £50/-. She was a haven—always dependable. I could count on her to stand by me. She arrived with the money and told me: "Huta, I have been in terrible anxiety about you these past few hours. You really had me all a twitter with worry. Now tell me what happened and why you wish to leave this place." I said: "Aunt, I take a ...


... argue in favour of a temporary structure for Huta, if necessary, until the final decisions have fallen. But in any case the present stage seems too early to concern oneself with this specific problem. As for Shyamsunder's position it will take a little time as usual before I can give an accurate report. Meanwhile, please extend my cordial greetings to Huta and show her Udar's letter to Nolini-da as well... which is required to enable her to carry out properly her work of guardianship. To me personally it would seem that the keys to the Matrimandir and those to her own lotus-house could be handed over to Huta at the same time. In that case absolutely nothing has been lost by the delay no matter what may have been its cause, because the Matrimandir work is not sufficiently advanced to warrant starting the ...


... the interesting enclosures. I showed your letter to Huta and this is what she wants me to write to you: "Huta sends her warm regards to you and she appreciates your understanding and consideration about her guardianship at the Matrimandir. She too feels the same. She says if the Divine Mother wishes her to go there, she will go. In fact, Huta has left everything to the Mother who knows the best ...


... with her Force, Light, Consciousness and inner and outer guidance to go ahead. Since 1958 my people wanted me to leave Huta House. I wrote to the Mother about it—not mentioning their names. She answered on 3rd December 1958: 3.12.58 My dear little child Huta , You say that you want to leave your house and be lodged elsewhere. But to leave a house where everything has been... Still I was not happy with the uncomfortable surroundings and situation. Much later, once again I expressed my wish to leave the apartment which the Mother had arranged for me in 1958 and named Huta House. ...


... wrote, “Blessings” and signed it. 1 Many years later, when Huta asked Mother for a picture of her feet. Mother was not in a condition to draw it. But as she rarely refused any request of Huta's, she was wondering what to do. I told her that she could get the sketch she had given me photographed, leaving my name out and give it to Huta. Mother was very happy with my suggestion. She got a photograph... photograph made through Bansidhar, wrote Huta's name and “Blessings” on it and gave it to Huta. × This sketch was printed on the cover of Champaklal's Prarthana ane Udgaro ( Prayers and Sayings ), 1986. ...


... the Mother's work in bringing out the Savitri-paintings through Huta. The Mother had told her that she wanted to do something new. This has been done. If we can enter into the true meaning of these paintings then the gain is entirely ours. It becomes a sadhana for our growth, showing the way of spiritual progress. "The Mother," tells Huta, "took my consciousness to other spheres and let me see many ...

... A prominent feature of your letter is the "vision" you had of Mahakali in the state of a semi-sleep into which you had entered after reading those beautiful words of the Mother to Huta published by Huta in White Roses : "Behind the sorrow and loneliness, behind the emptiness and the feeling of incapacity, there is the golden light of the Divine Presence shining soft and warm." You write ...


... because she fully approved Huta's proposal to her that I should go through the whole of the epic with Huta during the period when the Mother and she were doing the illustrations of the poem, the Mother making outline sketches or suggesting the general disposition of the required picture and Huta following her instructions, invoking Sri Aurobindo's spiritual help, keeping the Mother's presence ...


... Further I wrote to the Mother about my childhood's dream, which I had suppressed for a long time. She confirmed: on 21-6-65: My dearest little child Huta With your Rs. 500 of today, I have started a purse on which is written: "Huta—Auroville." So, little by little the money will collect. In your yesterday's letter you spoke of a dream of your childhood "the most beautiful spot of the ...


... I received a letter from Richard Eggenberger dated 23.3.72: Dear Huta I read your note again and again. Could you tell me how Mother's voice sounded when she said: "He can't afford to be sick"? The words she spoke gave me the strength the other night. The Force was so strong. Huta, the other night Kireet missed mentioning that it was to be a Meditation and I personally ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Piero wrote to me on 6.8.74: Dear Huta, Do you remember one day I have spoken to you about Paolo Tommasi? He was at the beginning of the actual design of Matrimandir. Do you remember his card with a red point in the blue sky? He is now in Pondy, and after reading your "brochure" has expressed the desire to meet you. I think... told me that eventually Roger said that he was willing and ready to change the Urn into the lotus. I wonder whether Roger has given his word of honour to Paolo! Paolo told several people, "I saw in Huta a perfect guardian. One can smell the perfume of Matrimandir in her". I appreciated his good will. At the same time I was very much amused about the guardian which I was no more! ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I too gave money to Shyamsunder. He gave me the receipt on 21.2.1975, thus: Received from Huta D. Hindocha the sum of rupees one thousand only, cash, as offering for Matrimandir (lotus). For Sri Aurobindo Society Shyamsunder (Secretary) When Pourna Prema came back from Paris she met Navajata twice and apprised him of... would remain unfulfilled. I felt within me that there was no point in arguing any further. I wrote to Nolini-da about the money given to Shyamsunder in connection with the lotus. He answered: Huta, I will make an enquiry and let you know about the money matter. I am quite in the dark about it. With affection and good wishes Nolinida I too was in the dark! I returned 3 gold bangles ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I received a nice letter from Gloria and Piero, who were taking a short holiday: Kodaikanal 9 October. 1987 Dear Huta, Thank you for your encouragement and the beautiful prayer of Mother —"Grant lastly that its action may be the exact and sincere expression of its proclaimed ideals." I like it very much. You must really... and madness are awaiting us. For Piero, these days of peace were really necessary. We feel you very close in our aspiration for the truth, with much love and hope in Her Victory. Gloria Dear Huta, Thank you for the letter and your comprehension of the situation in Matrimandir. We enjoy some more days of solitude and nature, enjoying real cascades, without electric pumps hidden behind! ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Gloria and Piero wrote to me on 5.11.87: Dear Huta, Thank you very much for encouraging letter, and "The Hour of God" (we know it very well). You are right in saying that those words of Sri Aurobindo are never to be forgotten. Piero is still working for the Inner Chamber (these days on the Sri Aurobindo symbol), and in one... the most important thing is to realize the Divine in oneself, and we cannot judge which is the best way. With love and sincerity, Gloria Piero I received a letter from Piero: Dear Huta, Sorry for my long silence, but I am still adapting myself to the new situation and awaiting the last decisions regarding the inner room to happen next February. I hope sincerely that we are not ...


... in the Ashram. The Mother had written on a Japanese card: To My dear little child Huta With all my love and sweetest compassion. Pour une bonne fête.* In the afternoon Nolini, Amrita, Champaklal, Dyuman, Udar and his wife Mona, Maniben, some others and myself were waiting for the Mother at the gate of Huta House. For at last the renovation of my apartment had been completed. Her car approached ...


... then Managing Trustee of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust: 6.6.74 Dear Huta, Thank you very much for the beautiful book, your "Matrimandir" brings to my memory the history behind it and Mother's long conversations of the sixties about the wonderful project. With best regards P. Counouma From Nolini-da: Huta, Your gift makes me extremely happy. It is such a fine book—even fine to ...


... Micheline and Pierre Etévenon: Dear Huta, We received at the same time as Barun your beautiful book on the Matrimandir. It is a great joy to read what Mother said, and it makes her presence even more vivid in our hearts. What a large vision is hers and how her outlook synthesises all that we can envisage on different levels! Thank you so much, dear Huta. We hope to meet you next time we come ...


... on the next February—1976. I also ask you for your guidance and for a clear line of action. Please let me know. Thanking you always, in the Mother's Light and Love. Yours, Huta His answer was: Huta, I do not see any objection. But all the same you may just consul Shyamsunder. Nolini-da ...


... the Ashram, in Auroville and in the whole world. I am ever thankful to you for your goodwill and support. With warm regards, In Sri Aurobindo's light, Yours, Huta In answer to my letter, Nolini-da wrote to me: Huta, I can only invoke Mother's blessing upon you. Nolini-da ...


... Auroville from such a drastic decision, and hoped for a solution which could leave it in more freedom, in the spirit of a laboratory as the Mother wished. Gloria wrote to me in November 1980: Dear Huta, On the 10th Nov. during the sunset in the sky appeared two wonderful rainbows one over the other, perfect in their half-circle, with such vivid colours of beauty never seen before, all the landscape... as an action in the invisible, a seed of Truth. And Sri Aurobindo told Mother that when the governments will come under the Supramental influence they will become more wise (Agenda, May '67). Dear Huta, we hope now Auroville will become " At last a place where one will be able to think only of the future ." The Mother, Words of the Mother - I: Aims and Principles " The city at the ...


... seen on earth, The visits of Godhead to the human soul, The Beauty and the dream on Nature’s face. || 146.57 || Here are the beautiful words of the Mother To my very dear little child Huta, Welcome to all those who aspire to do the Lord's work With all my love This book was first published as a booklet in 1974 under the name: Matrimandir—The Mother's Truth and Love. ... Yes, my dearest little child We are here to bring upon earth the victory of Truth and Love—and it will be done. My profound gratitude and love to the Supreme Lord and the Supreme Mother. Huta You can be absolutely sure that the Lord is always doing the very best for the Truth. Auroville wants to be the first realisation of human unity based on the teaching of ...


... Spirit of Auroville I received a note from Narad on 19.3.74: Dear Huta, In a long meeting with Roger and Piero and Shyamsunder, Roger agreed that the 'Petals' of the Matrimandir could be done in a grass or green ground-cover if we can do it. Huta, it will be done by Mother's grace. My love at the Mother's feet. Narad Narad's letter was in connection ...


... Some people asked me to give the matter regarding the Matrimandir to be published in the Gazette Aurovilienne . So I wrote to Oscar, the editor. He answered on 1.5.74: Dear Huta, After receiving your last note I have come to the conclusion that your article should not appear in the Gazette Aurovilienne. I remind you: 1) That the Mother has said that the Gazette should... Shyamsunder, with whom I have discussed the content of this letter, has said: If the Editor of the Gazette finds it difficult to publish Huta's article, he can publish it in Sri Aurobindo's Action, if Huta approves. At the service of truth Oscar ...


... Spirit of Auroville Piero and Gloria wrote to me on 22.2.74: Our dear Huta, Let us express our gratitude for your visit to Auroville. You have brought here with you something from Mother's tender sweetness the very day of her Birthday. Huta, we have a very strong hope: you should come soon again! Matrimandir is now in good hands of persons working hard ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Meanwhile I received a letter dated 12.2.76 from Shraddhavan: Dear Huta, I saw Piero and Gloria this morning and they were happy about the decision to put the things in the foundation of Mahakali. Gloria wanted to come and see you but Piero is not well and she is so busy! But I feel everything is all right now. Piero tells... must handle the money, in the end her purposes must be served—as in the old days people would put their gifts into the fire with the recipient's name. My very warm love and gratitude to you, dear Huta—I look forward to seeing you on the 18th. At the service of Truth. Shraddhavan Time and again my people, my friends and myself have kept on offering money to the Matrimandir. Up to the present ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Patricia from Auroville wrote to me: Dear Huta, "The Spirit of Auroville" is in front of me now—a call, and a constant reminder of the one thing that all of us here must become—this wonderful little picture with Mother's blessings and all the pertinent and powerful quotations. Your New Year's packets were received with such... discouraged at the face that Auroville wears at present, I try to remember that sweet Spirit who is the true face of our City of Dawn. Surely, one day She will gaze from all our faces. Thank you Huta, for giving and sharing as much as you do with your young brothers and sisters of Auroville. At the service of truth. Patricia Bhaga from Auroville took many copies of Matrimandir— The ...


... Divine and you will find the Divine." This was true and will always remain true. Let the Mother's Will be done. I will make the most of my life. I know my loyalty was put to the test. But Huta will always remain Huta—the offered one.” During my stay in the Ashram for almost four years I met with hideous difficulties both outward and inward. I was aware of hardships in the Ashram. Besides, my parents ...


... with my soul's aspiration. Then with a smile she put a garland of Jasmines around my neck—this was my reward. In my birthday card she wrote: 1.9.65 Bonne Fête! To My dear little child Huta With my blessings for your whole being to become conscious of your soul and to manifest it constantly in your thoughts, feelings and actions. In Eternal Love The Savitri paintings... work was over. Several times I got electric shocks in the water while cleaning the brushes. They were terrifying. Later this was rectified by Bula-da for whom I had a great regard. Once he told me: Huta, let other people go in the Frontier Mail, we will go in the goods train. That too will reach the goal—slowly but surely. I liked his advice. The Mother's Force was working ceaselessly in my whole ...


... She wrote to me several letters in this regard. Much later I published a book— The Spirit of Auroville —written by me. 21 .6.63 My dearest little child Huta With your Rs. 500 of today I have started a purse on which is written: "Huta Auroville." So, little by little the money will collect. In your yesterday's letter you spoke of a dream of your childhood "the most beautiful spot of the ...


... give a superb effect to the movie: Meditations on Savitri . I pray you to make everything possible and done by your Force and Grace. Victory to the Supreme! With love and kisses Yours ever, Huta She sent blessings packets through M. André. I gave my introduction in the Savitri movie— Meditations on Savitri , thus: Savitri is Sri Aurobindo's great epic poem. He says in one of his... there." This is what Sri Aurobindo has written in Savitri and how true it is! I am happy—really happy—to share this splendid gift with everybody in the Mother's Consciousness, Truth and Love. Huta ...


... To Huta with love and appreciation blessings The Mother completed the recitations from the whole of Savitri corresponding to the Meditations on Savitri paintings towards the end of 1967. Gradually I gave to Sunil copies of all the recordings of the Mother's recitations, so that he could compose the Savitri music, according to the Mother's wish. Sunil told me: Huta, now I will ...


... including the announcement of the world's future—who can ever dare to put it in pictures? Yet the Mother and Huta have tried it, this way. We simply meditate together on the lines chosen, and when the image becomes clear, I describe it with the help of a few strokes, then Huta goes to her studio and brushes the painting. It is in a meditative mood that these 'meditations ' must be looked ...


... second. I sent a note to the Mother saying: My dearest Mother, Are you really angry with me because of countless errors, defects, and my revolt against the Truth? I am sorry. Love. Huta She assured me: I am never angry with you and always ready to help you. With all my love and force. A few lines from the Mother, her sweet smile, her tender touch, solaced me for a moment... Prayers and Meditations, and a grammar book. Mother! Will you please give me the books? You see I can't write very well in French. The letter contains many mistakes. With love, Huta The Mother replied: It is not bad at all. There are only two mistakes. Soon it will be perfect. I will look for a dictionary and a grammar book. I don't have any with me. My blessings ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... Nanak 123, 180, 317 Heilbroner, R.L. 732 Himanshu Niyogi 662 Hitler, Adolf 181, 208, 395ff, 409ff, 422ff, 441ff, 593 Hofman, Dr Albert 742 Hopkins, Gerard Manley 41, 71, 80, 354 Huta (Savita Hindocha) 587-8, 605, 652, 679, 684, 700-4, 712-3, 717, 721, 727, 754 Hydari, Sir Akbar 443 Page 901 L'Idée or Idea 29-30, 32ff, 44, 50ff, 64, 191, 298 L'Idée Nouvelle (New... 264-5, 287, 319, 341, 549 Amrita 91-2 Page 909 André 478 Baron 662-3 Bibhas 670 Champaklal 212, 222, 420 Chidanandam 231, 765 Dilip Kumar 260 Ganapati Muni 258 Ganapatram 278 Huta 588 Jay Smith 547-8, 589 Jaya 239 Kanailal 218, 224 Kapali Sastry 256-7, 288-9 Kodandarama 212 Lizelle 49 Maurice 369 Minnie 765 Mishra 575 Mrityunjoy 270, 289, 364 Munshi 537 Narayan ...


... proved most reliable and effective, always ready, always there when you are needed, always doing what needs to be done. I am happy to tell you that on your birthday. 7 And thus, on 10 March, to Huta: Do not be discouraged because of difficulties. Whenever one wants to achieve something in life difficulties come. Take them as a discipline (tapasya) to make you strong and you will more easily... On 15 September 1960, the Mother inaugurated the New Horizon Sugar Mills set up by Laljibhai Hindocha, a Gujarati businessman with large business holdings in East Africa who - like his sister "Huta" - had come under the Mother's influence since the mid-fifties. When he asked the Mother's permission for buying up the Savana Mills in Pondicherry, she replied, "No, start a sugar factory instead." ...


... Growing Within (1st ed. 1992) Das, Nilima and Sethna, K.D. Glimpses of the Mother vol.1 (1978), vol.2 (1980) Gokak, V.K. and Reddy, Madhusudan The Flame of Truth (1968) Huta (Hindocha) White Roses (complete ed. 1982) Madan, P.K. Towards Divine Living (1974) Poddar, Vijay On Women (5th imp. 1990) Sahana Some letters from Sri Aurobindo... WORKS OF OTHER AUTHORS Arjava (Chadwick, J.A.) Dalal, A.S. Dowsett, Norman C. Dowsett, N.C. and Jayaswal Gokak, V.K. Gupta, Nolini Kanta Heehs, Peter Huta (Hindocha) Jauhar, S.N. Joshi, Kireet and Artaud, Yvonne Mukherjee, Jugal Nandakumar, Prema Nirodbaran Nishikanto, Pandit, Madhav Pandit, Madhav, ed. Poems ...


... Auroville I received a letter dated 8.5.74 from Nolinida: Huta, I return herewith your writing. It was placed on the Mother's cot and so it has her blessings. My lines for your article are enclosed. Nolinida's lines for my booklet ran: Huta, I invoke the Mother's blessings upon your work. I am sure it will have them. With affection and ...


... ti. I am sure you will understand my feeling—as you always do. Thank you ever so much for your kind support and help. With deep regards in the Mother's Light. Yours, Huta Nolini-da replied: Huta, Bonjour It is all right. There is no objection Aurevoir Nolini-da ...


... The Spirit of Auroville A letter dated 21.8.74 came from Paris. Yiovne Garry wrote: Dear Huta, Pourna told me about your effort for the lotus urn. I sent 200 Francs to Nata—as I did not know how to forward it to you. Nata should give them to you "for the Lotus". I asked many questions to Pourna about the Mother, the Yoga, mental silence, etc...... stopped in Pondi. The officer who was in command happened to be a personal friend of Sri Aurobindo's. He took my father to meet him, I remained on the boat with my mother. I was two year old. Dear Huta, I wish you full success in your endeavour and hope you will have advanced on the way next time we meet. After Samadhi, my first visit shall be for you. A bientôt! Many affectionate regards In ...


... Auroville She wrote to the Mother about this matter. I received Alice's letter dated 31.8.1966: Dear Huta, The reply came from the Mother this morning. She has written: Be a friend of Huta without fear. If you love me, she will love you. Some people have the bad habit of talking too much. When you talk much you are bound to speak nonsense ...


... Mother's final wish. The letter was read out to the Mother early in the morning when Vasudha went to comb the Mother's hair. Later Vasudha came to my house with the Mother's blessing packet and said: Huta you know, the Mother cannot see properly and cannot possibly write to you, because she is too weak. She listened attentively to your letter which I read to her loudly. Then she went into a trance for... time. After that she asked me to give you her blessing packet and convey this message to you: I know this. Tell her that it is better like that. My love and blessings are always with her . So, Huta, the Mother has granted your prayer. My eyes were filled with tears of relief and gratitude. I felt that my whole being was free. The Mother had released me. Later my apartment got repaired and ...


... The Spirit of Auroville In answer to my letter, Nolinida wrote to me on 11.8.74 about the marble lotus: Huta, I have seen André about the matter. Now the Lotus became the central issue. On 11.8.74, I wrote the following letter to M. André. Dear M. André, As regards the brochure, certain people have accused me and remarked that there... consequences, because spirituality was out of place in this matter and they did not know about spirituality. I wonder then what we all are here for? In the Mother's Truth and Love Yours Huta ...


... many years I received a letter dated 20.2.1993 from Dr. Karan Singh: Dear Huta, Carlo Schuller met me today and showed me the Mother's letter to you. I will be glad to meet you when I visit the Sri Aurobindo Ashram on 25th. With good wishes Karan Singh Karan Singh and I met for the first time in my apartment, HUTA HOUSE, in February 1993. I never knew until then that he had become the Chairman ...


... The Spirit of Auroville A letter dated 5.4.75 came from Gloria: Dear Huta, Thank you for sending us the book about Leonardo da Vinci. We have enjoyed reading it. I also remember your visit of the 21st February and spontaneously the memory came to me, with this deep feeling, so beautiful, expressed in the Book Three, Canto Two of Savitri : ... knowledge climbs, our passion gropes, In her miraculous rapture we shall dwell, Her clasp will turn to ecstasy our pain. || 81.25 || Our self shall be one self with all through her. || 81.26 || Huta, if you could see how beautiful and powerful the Matrimandir now looks! The scaffolding is finished and has reached the maximum height, we can see the size of the sphere. The 4th April, Sri Aurobindo's ...


... dictated by the Mother about the lake tallies very well. Kindly do the needful regarding the matter. Ever thankful to you. In the Mother's Light and Love, Yours, Huta M André's answer was: Dear Huta, Narad brought to me your letter this morning and we had a very interest ing talk. There is no doubt that Mother's Vision will be fulfilled in due course Yours, in the Mother's ...


... Will you please let me know whether it is all right. I am ever thankful to you for your goodwill, help and support. With warm regards in the Mother's Light and Love. Yours, Huta His answer was: Huta, Mother's blessings, Nolini-da. ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Seyril wrote to me from Matrimandir: Dear Huta, Your New Year greetings and words of Sri Aurobindo and Mother were received with much gratitude. In fact, they brought so much inspiration that I feel impelled to write to you to come to Matrimandir to meditate with Aurovilians, especially those concerned with Matrimandir work... your suggestion regarding the meditation. We all must pray sincerely to the Mother for her help and grace. The rest will follow. With good wishes, In the Mother's Truth and Love, Yours, Huta ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Mauna wrote to me on 1.9.1988: Dear Huta Namaste Now that we have made the completion of the Inner Chamber as our first and foremost priority so as to instal the crystal. Huta, do you know that the Chamber is being built exactly according to the Mother's Vision and that people from all over the world are responding to ...


... and kindly answer to Richard if You please. Love Your child, Huta She responded: It is what we have arranged together that must be done—No intrusion of anything else. Here is the Mother's answer to Richard Eggenberger's letter: Concerning Savitri nothing of all this useless fancy must be done. I have said to Huta what must be done. It is that or nothing. I do not doubt the interest ...


... with Laljibhai. The Mother wants you to come. She has said, "It is a good moment for coming." So please do not miss an opportunity given to you all. With warm regards Yours affectionately Huta Dear brother, Thank you for your letter and the photographs of the Mother's symbol which I showed her the very day and explained to her all the details of your letter. I gave her the photographs... sending money. I have written to our mother and thanked her for sending my things from Rajkot. I appreciate the good will of you all. With affectionate remembrance in the Mother's Truth and Love Huta On December 30th the Mother sent me a painted card depicting a white bird—the Phoenix, the mythical bird of Arabia—coming out of leaping flames. These elevating lines accompanied it: 30 ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... a smile of flowers" Love and Grace of our Divine Mother are endless ... To express our gratitude,— Let us all collaborate with Her fully and sincerely with our deepest love ... 20.2.68 Huta The Mother was pleased with the declaration. In 1970 slides were made of these paintings along with the paintings of Savitri. The slides were shown in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Theatre before... able to publish in book form the paintings, along with Sri Aurobindo's verses, the Mother's comments and some of my own research. My profound gratitude always to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Huta The art of the painter justifies visually to the spirit the search of the sense for delight by making it its own search for the pure intensities of meaning of the universal beauty it has revealed ...


... terrace... Oh, but this too the Mother told me, but I kept quiet since the whole plan was changed. I disclosed to Pourna everything—all that the Mother told me and wrote to me. And Pourna said: "Huta, all that you have said is exactly what the Mother told me, and it is true. My full support is and will be with you throughout. Now I know that the Truth will win, because somehow the Mother makes her... Vision and respect the Mother's wish, and Will to execute the mission given to everyone. Let us all work in perfect harmony and good-will in the Mother's Light and Love. Loving regards in Her Love Huta ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Piero and Gloria wrote to me again on 7.11.79: Dear Huta, In Matrimandir: the roofs of the stores which were badly leaking have been renewed, order for 10 tons of steel placed, the last lorry of cement of the permit should come in few days and will be enough for at least 2 months, the construction of the new big crane (20 meter... keep the area clean from all type of grasses, and made a protection around the tree; Narad from his side has fitted new water lines for the watering of the young trees, and is going on in his work. Huta, I wished to write only few lines, but a full page is now there! Gloria has also written to Saralaben. With affectionate regards, love from Piero and Gloria. During the course of one year I received ...


... and grateful to receive directly from you the blessing packets, the flowers and camphor on the 21st February in the afternoon. With warm regards in the Mother's Love. Yours, Huta Nolini-da answered: Huta, Your proposal is all right. Nolini-da ...


... We must not go to them. We must not lower our dignity, that is to say the superiority of the Truth. I recall one of her letters which is quite apt: 20.7.65 Yes, my dearest little child Huta We are here to bring upon earth the victory of Truth and Love—and it will be done. When I completed illustrating the whole of Savitri —Books One to Twelve—under the Mother's direct guidance... this great Epic of Sri Aurobindo were illustrated by 460 paintings. These were exhibited, each picture with its corresponding verse, in the four Exhibition rooms of the house. The whole work was by Huta, directly inspired and guided in her work by The Mother Herself and the sketches of The Mother on which these paintings were based were also exhibited.” Each visit to the exhibition was indeed a ...


... a smile of flowers" Love and Grace of our Divine Mother are endless... To express our gratitude, — Let us all collaborate with Her fully and sincerely with our deepest love... 20.2.68 Huta The Mother was pleased with the declaration. In 1970 slides were made of these paintings along with the paintings of Savitri . The slides were shown in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Theatre during... During the Darshan period there were the following exhibitions: “Batik and Painting; handloom products; Dolls; New pictures by Ashram artists; Embroidery; Ashram Publications; and paintings by Huta on Sri Aurobindo's short poems.” For the Savitri paintings the Mother recited the passages and I recorded them. The background music was her own organ-music. When the time came to recite the Poems ...


... artist from a period when none of the sadhaks and sadhikas counted by Jayantilal had taken up pencil or brush and the one on whom the Mother as artist-moulder spent later the most time - Huta - was indeed a far cry. Huta whom the Mother assiduously taught and inspired to paint Sri Aurobindo's epic Savitri belongs to the late 'fifties and after, but she happens to be perhaps the single friend in relation ...


...   A prominent feature of your letter is the "vision" you had of Mahakali in the state of a semi-sleep into which you had entered after reading those beautiful words of the Mother to Huta published by Huta in White Roses: "Behind the sorrow and loneliness, behind the emptiness and the feeling of incapacity, there is the golden light of the Divine Presence shining soft and warm." You write ...


... Occult Truths ¹ , Huta has included, amidst a host of other new material, a most astonishing piece of information the Mother conveyed to her in 1961. The Mother disclosed "how she had achieved in her tender age the highest occult truths, how she had realised and seen all the visions set forth in Savitri". Here is indeed a marvellous flash of psychic autobiography. Huta continues the report ...


... observation rests on what Huta has recorded in the article entitled Spiritual and Occult Truths and published in Mother India, February 21,1978. The Mother disclosed to her in 1961 "how she had achieved in her tender age the highest occult truths, how she had realised all the visions set forth in Savitri". Here indeed is a marvellous flash of psychic autobiography. Huta continues the report based ...


... thus because she fully approved Huta's proposal to her that I should go through the whole of the epic with Huta during the period when the Mother and she were doing the illustrations of the poem, the Mother making outline sketches or suggesting the general disposition of the required picture and Huta following her instructions, invoking Sri Aurobindo's spiritual help, keeping the Mother's presence constantly ...


... the appointed time. This gave me the opportunity to take photos of her two hands in various postures. Huta saw the photos and asked me: "Every posture of Mother's hand has a special meaning. Ask Mother and write it down." But I could not find the occasion to do this. Then Huta wrote the meanings below the photos and sent them to her. Then Mother herself wrote the name and meaning of ...


... of the Mother 3. On Education 4. The Four Austerities and the Four liberations 5. The Mother on Sri Aurobindo 6. About Savitri (with some paintings by Huta), 1972* 7. Questions and Answers: 1950-51 8. The Mother On India 9. Words of Long Ago 10. Towards the Future: A Play 11. The Great Secret:... Society (1947) Gupta, Rameshwar. Eternity in Words: Sri Aurobindo's 'Savitri' (1969) Heidegger, Martin. What is Philosophy? (1955); translated by William Kluback and Jean T. Wilde. Huta. Meditations on Savitri, Volume I (1962); Meditations on Savitri, Volume II (1963); Meditations on Savitri, Volume III (1965), Meditations on Savitri, Volume IV (1966) Iyengar, K. R. Srinivasa ...

... and collective man, would follow as a matter of course. VII In an earlier chapter a reference was made to Meditations on Savitri, a collaborative work of interpretation by the Mother and Huta. The first volume was published in 1962, and the other three in 1963, 1965 and 1966 successively covering the five cantos of Book I. Presently the Mother decided to "explain Savitri in its true sense"... and after a little meditation, she would give her comments which were tape-recorded. On 29 March 1972, the first volume appeared with the title About Savitri, with several illustrative paintings by Huta done under the Mother's inspiration Page 811 and guidance. It covers only the opening canto, "The Symbol Dawn". But, then, as Sri Aurobindo himself had remarked, it is "a key beginning ...


... be sufficient justification for writing to the Mother - for unburdening oneself - but the replies might come unexpectedly charged with a wider application like a shower of universal grace. Thus, when Huta writes to the Mother in a moment of depression of spirits, she answers on 6 November 1955; No child of mine can be a zero; in fact each one of my children has his or her place and special mission... pulls and mental distortions? But there is also another world, the world imperishable and immaculate, with its doors held wide open and ready to admit sincere aspirants. And so the Mother writes to Huta on 17 December: The world is as it is - full of smallness and obscurity. The Divine alone is Light and Vastness, Truth and Compassion. So take refuge in the Divine and do not care for the smallness ...


... × Id., p. 89. × Huta, White Roses , p. 138. × Nirodbaran, op. cit., pp. 55-56. ...

... × Because of her paintings and the Mother’s letters written to her, she would become very well known in the Ashram and elsewhere under her Ashram name, Huta. × We find this mantric phrase, ce que Tu voudras , formulated by the Mother for the first time in ...

... embraced me and I had the same feeling as when She used to embrace me in the old days. I was still in amazement. She then became invisible but I distinctly heard Her parting words: "I am coming..." HUTA A COMMENT BY NOLINI She showed to you her living presence still continues. * Mother India, November 1974. Page 182 ...

... life tune's fool, And time, that takes survey of all the world, Must have a stop.... One has the sense of a similar intuition at work, when one looks at some paintings by Huta inspired by the Mother, or listens to Sunil's music. There are other instances too numerous to mention here. In the very nature of things, an epic like Savitri cannot merely be the product ...


... After our talk, I kept on dreaming endlessly about the Mother's magnificent Vision. I asked her whether the dream of Auroville would turn out to be true. She replied on 16.7.65: Huta, dear little child of mine, The happy dream will turn out to be true. LOVE In 1954, the Mother wrote about her "DREAM". This text originally referred to the Ashram where, from practical ...


... formation having to find the place, it was a place—near the lake—which gave birth to the formation, and until now I took only a minor interest in it, for I had received nothing directly. Then our little Huta took it into her head to have a house there, by the lake, and to have a house for me next to hers—and to offer it to me. And she wrote me all her dreams: one or two sentences suddenly stirred an old ...


... Spirit of Auroville I wrote to the Mother asking whether I could have a small house in the New Town. She answered on 16.11.64: My dear little child Huta You will have your house in the new town. But it may not be so soon as you believe. With Love ...


... My heart filled with joy and happiness because of the Mother's encouragement. In answer to my letter she wrote on 23.6.65: My dearest little child Huta Your letter is very nice. On the 25th I shall show you my plan of Auroville. ...


... slide-shows. The Mother was informed on 2.4.72. She sent her photographs and blessing packets, which I handed over to his wife Annie for him. The next day he performed the show! He wrote to me: Dear Huta, I have received both your letters and the treasured blessing packet which I shall indeed keep with me while projecting the slides. Actually, though, it is I who must be ever grateful to you for ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I received a letter dated 5.5.72 from Richard Eggenberger: Dear Huta, I somehow wish to convey to you how great a moment I have experienced during this evening's showing of Savitri . My words are quite inadequate to the task but I felt everything in a new way. For example I didn't feel as if I am helping to project the slides ...


... win. Finally, I pray to You on my behalf and on behalf of true people: "Let Your Victory come soon and let Your Truth and Love reign in this world for ever..." With love and kisses. Yours Huta ...


... child of yours and a lover of the Divine Beauty, Divine Love, Divine Peace and the Supreme Truth. I am here because of you, your work and your Love. I remain your child in all Truth and Love. Huta ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Shyamsunder's note dated 12.2.73: To the Mother I have to remind Roger about the living place for Huta Nothing was done! ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Yet another letter dated 9.8.1995 came from Michel Klostermann: Dear Huta, Thank you so much for your kind letter. The editing of the work-print for Savitri Book V and VI is now completed. Now the original film material has to be edited for the final print and the video-transfer. After that preparation for the next movie will ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Vikas, an English architect working in Auroville, wrote to me on 26.12.73: Peace, Auroville 26th Dec. 1973 Huta, I am sincerely sorry for the breach of courtesy committed by myself and others working at the Matrimandir, in respect of the copying of your correspondence with Mother. Rudolph Lohman had given me a copy ...


... superb effect to the movie: Meditations on Savitri . I pray to you to make everything possible and done by your Force and Grace. Victory to the Supreme! With love and kisses Yours ever Huta ...


... The Spirit of Auroville On 22.2.74 I received a note from Shyamsunder: Dear Huta, This morning the sunrise was golden. You got a glimpse of the evening sky yesterday. When I went to Matrimandir in the morning I went up to the place of yesterday. It is marked: 21.2.74 OM And I put the two flowers on that spot, the two you brought yesterday ...


... The Spirit of Auroville In answer to my letter, M. André wrote to me on 25.11.73: Dear Huta, How right you are! We all try to fulfil faithfully the work which the Mother has given us. I am leaving for my annual stay in France on Wednesday the 28th and expect to be back sometime in April. Kind regards. Yours sincerely André ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Shyamsunder wrote to me again on 22.10.73: Dear Huta, Today I went with Roger to Matrimandir. An architect is working for finding the exact spot for your construction. As soon as it is done I will see it and tell you about it. The design also is starting. Shyamsunder ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Here is Satprem's letter to me dated 19.12.73: Dear Huta, I am very touched by your friendly gesture and affectionate thought. Indeed, it is the time that those who work truly for Her are closely united in Her Love. Merci Fraternally Satprem ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Shyamsunder wrote to me on 7.9.73 Dear Huta, Yesterday evening we were at the Matrimandir but it was not possible to see your place with Roger. Sorry. Roger is leaving on 10th for three weeks. ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I received a letter dated 7.7.74 from M. André: Dear Huta, Thanks for your note of yesterday. Your letter to Karan Singh is very good and I am sure it will be taken in the right spirit. In our conversation this morning with Shyamsunder we have come to the conclusion that what is most urgent is to start "clothing" the urn ...


... The Spirit of Auroville P.S. Here is your copy of your letter to Karan Singh In answer to a note from me, M. André wrote on 9.7.74: Dear Huta, Thanks for your lines of yesterday. Yes, you can come to Golconde on Friday 19th. I shall manage to be free at 4.30 pm. We shall see what is Roger's reaction and I sincerely hope he will readily ...


... The Spirit of Auroville In answer to a note from me, Satprem wrote on 23.6.74: Dear Huta, I can understand quite clearly your anxiety to have all the documents concerning Matrimandir so that Mother's Will is not distorted. Already I have given the most important parts to Roger and Paolo concerning the Matrimandir construction. I am just now reading ...


... be required. I came to know that many people in Auroville are in favour of the Mother's lotus and her vision. They will surely collaborate. With kind regards In Mother's Truth Yours, Huta ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Then a letter dated 2.7.74 came from M. André: Dear Huta, Thanks for your note of yesterday. Satprem has given me to read the talks he had with the Mother on the Matrimandir. They relate to the inside but say practically nothing of the surroundings and even of the external shape. I shall soon see Shyamsunder. With love ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Madanlal Himatsingka sent me a letter from Zurich on 25.6.74: Dear Huta, Happy to receive "Matrimandir—the Mother's Truth and Love". It has given new inspiration to me for this work of the Divine. It will be a source of inspiration for many others too. Sincerely Madanlal ...


... The Spirit of Auroville He wrote to me on 14.7.74: Dear Huta, It was nice of you to send me your booket and the paintings. I have looked through them with considerable pleasure. With good wishes Yours sincerely Karan Singh ...


... So the pool should be made. I am told that you have also agreed to have the gardens made around the Matrimandir. I am really glad to learn this. With best wishes always Yours sincerely Huta ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Then I received another letter from M. André dated 19.8.74: Dear Huta, Thanks for your note of this morning. I have received a letter from Pourna who says that she could not book a seat on a plane before the 17th so she decided to stay in Paris until the end of the month. I also received a few lines from Prabhat, who is ...


... The Spirit of Auroville A letter dated 24.8.74 came from Divakar, a French gentleman who is in Sincerité, Matrimandir: Dear Huta, I am very happy to understand how I was wrong—always when I read your booklet, or when I saw you, I felt that I was brought nearer the Truth. I have deep love and esteem for your aspiration and offering to Mother. ...


... our regular Thursday evening group on Sri Aurobindo's and Mother's teaching for devotees, so we shared many parts of Matrimandir which were very soul-stirring. We should be happy if you could let Huta know how spiritually moved the group of people became on hearing Mother's beautiful answers to her questions. Jyotipriya ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Seyril wrote to me from the Matrimandir Workers' Camp: My dear Huta, The copy of your letter to Roger Anger has been received and is now being circulated among the Aurovilians in the Matrimandir area. We are always grateful to learn whatever we can about the Matrimandir. It is very good to know that the Mother's vision ...


... The Spirit of Auroville M. André answered on the same day: Dear Huta, There is no doubt that the Truth will eventually prevail and our faith in the Mother must not waver. With love, yours André ...


... souls there are no small and no big, no important and no ordinary—They are all equal and all Divine at their Origin . With kindest thoughts in the Mother's Truth and Love. Yours sincerely, Huta They did not answer. On the contrary they laughed and mocked. I came to know this from an authentic source. I did not mind and I will never mind, because I have no ulterior motive. Whatever I ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Later in the month they were back in Auroville, and wrote to me again on 20.10.87: Dear Huta, Your letter sent through Mauna reached us between two painful General Meetings with Roger, and helped us to surrender our work to the Divine Will. There was nothing else to do since we do not want the Matrimandir to become the place ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Gloria wrote to me: Christmas 1988 AV Dear Huta, The International symposium of "Innovative Applications of Shells and Spatial Forms" in which Piero was invited to present the Matrimandir, was extremely interesting and of high level. I was happy to see Matrimandir between the most daring and astonishing structures in the ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Mauna wrote to me on 5.12.1988: Dear Huta, Namaste, Here is promised letter! We were all very happy to look at the beautiful objects and together with Piero I have handed the four items (the 3 pieces of Jewelry from Minaben and the small lump of gold from your goodself) to Arjun, who will duly have them deposited. Please ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I received a letter dated 20.4.89 from Gloria and Piero: Dearest Huta, I am thinking of you for Mother's Darshan, so close to her you are for me. It is really a pity I missed the occasion to see you in the Matrimandir. I am happy you came to see the fixing of the marble in the Inner Chamber. Happy to see you soon again at the ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I sent to Piero a copy of my letter to Roger Anger He wrote to me on 12.6.87: Dear Huta, Your letter to Roger shows that at last one person cares for Truth! It is important. Eventually Roger should spare Mother and Sri Aurobindo the load and falsehood of these ambitious useless costly decorations, that Mother did not want ...


... much for me to grasp. The following morning I received a card from the Mother, depicting a moonlit river; a number of deer stood on its bank. She had written on the card: To My dear little child Huta With a quiet and strong peace of eternal compassion Alas! Peace? Where was it? It was not easy to obtain the divine peace. I had to pay a heavy price for that blissful peace. I had been desperate ...


... envelope from Pondicherry. I opened it. It contained a lovely card from the Mother showing a gleaming golden-yellow figure of a lady and some heartening words. 1959 To My dear little child Huta Bonne annee! At your arrival at London, I want you to find my best wishes for a happy stay and a good success in your studies. Let this year bring to you the realisation of your highest hopes ...


... The days passed, piling themselves into weeks. At last I waved adieu to East Africa and came back to the Ashram in the middle of September 1958. I was ready to receive the Mother at the gate of Huta House. Every nerve in my body sang a song when her car approached. She alighted from it with her heart-warming smile. After we entered my apartment she gave me a bouquet of white roses which she had ...


... could join him there, then we would fly to Africa. So this was arranged. Meanwhile, on 21st April 1958 the Mother wrote a letter to Laljibhai: To Laljibhai with blessings. As you must know, Huta is going to Africa with Maganbhai. I am writing to tell you that I have not only allowed but approved of this travel. Her body needs a change of climate and I am sure that it will do her a lot of good ...


... me. The name of the scent was also significant: `Je Reviens' means "I am coming back." As he took them from me the doctor said: In spite of severe pain, the Mother remembered you and said to me: "Huta is going today." He added: She will soon be all right. I wish you a happy journey and success. The Mother had asked me to go first to East Africa to get a British Passport, for that would be ...


... Matrimandir: My dearest Mother I am sure you will fulfil the aspiration of true and sincere people. I pray to you: Let your will be done for everything in all Truth and Love. With Love Yours Huta She replied: You can be sure that the Matrimandir will be done according to the Divine’s inspiration. With love and blessings . By this time the Mother had already instructed Roger ...


... Nevertheless, whatever You have willed for my soul and its aspiration, let it be done. And I will with all my heart carry out Your command in all Truth and Love. With love and kisses. Ever Yours Huta ...


... wonderfully, exactly according to the Mother's Will—in an occult and mysterious way. And we all pray for the Victory of the Truth. Thank you ever so much With kindest regards, yours sincerely Huta ...


... things, so many persons giving it a try, so many psychological processes, so many aspirations and discoveries. So many people involved in shaping the events, especially in the early years. There was Huta, the "gardienne", who shocked us one day with the story of the "secret chambers". Things were already far advanced in the formative stage when she suddenly came out with it: Mother told her often, she ...


... is my heart where the Divine can be realised by His Grace. Mother, I love You and I trust You, knowing that You will surely lead me to my goal by fulfilling my soul's aspiration. Ever Yours Huta ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Later, Roger Anger sent me a copy of his following note through Shyamsunder. March 26, 1973 Further to the letter of Huta and the different questions asked by a few Aurovilians concerning the Matrimandir, particularly on the subject of the secret chambers, the Mother has said that these were envisaged at one time but are not ...


... Aurobindo has written about the white lotus: It is the Mother's flower, the flower of divine Consciousness . I received a letter dated 1.6.74 from M. André, who was at that time in Paris: Dear Huta, Thanks for your letter and enclosures. I had read them just before Roger came to see me. I do not think that the creation of committees is at all the right means to promote harmony. On the contrary ...


... over, the pit was filled with white Light, and there hung over it a bright haze which was very beautiful. The dream-vision was very vivid and concrete. I informed Nolini-da about it. He answered: Huta, It is a true and very beautiful experience. Naturally it is Mother's Presence and the living Action of Her Grace. ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Piero Cicionesi wrote to me on 3.6.74: Dear little Huta, It was very interesting to speak with Pourna. She knows so many things about the origin of Auroville. May be she is there at the origin, as you are at the origin of Matrimandir. I feel more things will come and change may happen in the right direction. With sincere ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Shyamsunder sent a copy of the brochure to Nata. He wrote on 6.6.74: Cher Shyamsunder, Merci, merci beaucoup du beau livre de Huta. Cela m'a fait souvenir de la merveilleuse vision que Mère avait d' Auroville. Serons nous capable de la réaliser? Bien à vous avec amitie Nata Dear Shyamsunder, Thank you, thank you ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Raju and Gerard of Auroville sent me a letter dated 15.6.1974: Dear Huta, Thank you from our hearts for your thoughts of us and for your lovingly published book. Let Mother's "OM" reverberate through our hearts and be the foundation of all our actions, for it is the foundation of the Matrimandir, our Truth Shrine. In Mother's ...


... The Spirit of Auroville On 7.6.74 Piero wrote to me: Dear Huta, The Mother's Truth and Love will be in Matrimandir. Mother has told you that Matrimandir will be built according to her Vision. Your booklet is simply full of power. It is a great chance and joy to read it. Thank you. In the Mother's Love and Truth Piero ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Seyril from Matrimandir wrote to me: Dear Huta, For the booklet "Matrimandir—the Mother's Truth and Love" grateful thanks. It will help us towards Realisation of the stupendous task and privilege —the Grace given to Matrimandir workers. At the service of Truth and Love in our Mother's Matrimandir. Seyril ...


... else? Nolini-da has sent two copies of the booklet Matrimandir—The Mother's Truth and Love to C.P.N. Singh, M.P. of Delhi. Thanking you once again, In the Mother's Light and Love, Yours, Huta ...


... have NO interest in getting involved in the politics of personal ambition that seems to be at play all around. With good wishes to you all In the Mother's Truth and Love, Yours sincerely Huta Some people have the habit, as an English saying goes, running with the hare and hunting with the hound at the same time. Also they know very well which side their bread is buttered! In addition ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Narad wrote to me on 16.10.75: Dear Huta, The meeting with André was an uplifting experience for me and he affirms and assures me that all will be done exactly according to Mother's Will. To this end I am confident of his cheerful and very positive collaboration. We will open discussions about the lake tomorrow with all concerned ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Gloria wrote to me again on 18.5.75: Dear Huta, This very night I thought of you intensely: I was on night watch in the Matrimandir, and suddenly I was attracted by the beauty of the Banyan Tree. I went near its root, and the tree was singing and dancing with its leaves in the moonlight and the wind; there was such a joy—full ...


... The Spirit of Auroville From Paris I received Mr. André's letter dated 2.2.75: Dear Huta, Your aerogram of the 23rd has crossed with mine of the 20th which I hope you have now received. As you say the Matrimandir cannot be a target by itself, what is needed is to accomplish is the Mother's Will. All personal views are a deviation and can only boomerang ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I received a note from M. André on 11.11.75: Dear Huta, Thanks for your letter of this morning. There is no doubt that Mother will eventually have everything done as She wishes it to be. So all we have to do is to be faithful and to take care that we do not interfere with Her Will. In Mother's Love Yours, André ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Months passed by. I received a letter from Shama Prasad Paul on 10. 7.1978: Dear Huta, I am interested in seeing all that the Mother has given you regarding the design of the Matrimandir. Could you please give me an appointment? Incidentally, I am an Aurovilian, and an architect working at Aurofuture with Roger for the last ...


... friends to meet at "Selvam Villa", No. 5 Nehru Street on Friday, 6th May at 9 p.m., to exchange views and help in clearing all doubts which have risen in the minds of many. Guru Prasad To, Huta, K.D. Sethna, Satprem, Udar, Nata, Piero, Shyamsunder, Madanlal, Gloria, Toine, Ruud, Francois, Patrizia, Amita, Robi Gangulee, William Netter, Mona, Manoj Dasgupta, Peter Steiger, Barbara. ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I received a letter dated 9.2.77 from Gloria: Dear Huta, Last Saturday, many Aurovilians cleaned the mud, accumulated during the monsoon, from the bottom of the Matrimandir, so when you will come on 21st, it will not be dirty. It was a joyful work to clean for the Mother and the Matrimandir. With love Gloria Too much criticism ...


... is a part of the house. She intended to get it renovated and arranged properly. A letter came from her with these words: 22.10.56 Bonjour To My dear little child To my sweet Huta I am sending back your book corrected, it is all right. This afternoon at 1/4 to 4 (3.45) I shall come at "Huta's House" because such will be its name henceforth. With my love and blessings ...


... expressed my feeling to the Mother and thanked her once again for taking so much care of me. The next morning she answered: 23.10.56 Bonjour To My dear little child , to my sweet Huta . I have read your very nice letter and listened to your sincere prayer. The Grace always grants the sincere prayers—so be quite sure that you will reach your goal. I am happy to take care of you ...


... On 12th October 1956 I received from the Mother a card depicting a vase with flowers— Phlox —together with these words: 12.10.56 Bonjour To My dear little child To my sweet Huta Here is "skill in work" which you deserve so well. Indeed you did your cleaning work as well as could be. My love and blessings and the constant Presence of the Grace never leave you. ...


... 23 July 1956 The following morning a lovely card of snow-clad mountains came from the Mother: 23.7.56 Bonjour To My dear little child* To my sweet Huta* Yes, I shall teach you all I know about painting and feel sure you will learn well. Here is one beauty site of Nature. With my love and blessings always ...


... Mother 12 July 1956 The Mother sent me a card and these words of confirmation: 12.7.56 Bonjour To My dear little child , To my sweet Huta Indeed I shall show you how to paint and I shall be glad if you learn well. One day I shall call you and do a painting in front of you. With my love and blessings, always ...


... apprised me of all news concerning the Ashram. Though the Mother had withdrawn from outer activities, her spiritual and occult work continued. In fact, it increased considerably. Mr. Bahety remarked: "Huta, you have changed a lot. In the Ashram I always saw you so tense—there was no smile on your face—your brows had a frown all the time." I laughed. We had tea together in my room. I was so glad to ...


... there was the reproduction of a sketch "Ascent to the Truth" done by her, inside on the right her own photograph in which she was clad in a sari. Her words on the left were: To My dear little child Huta Special blessings during these days of Puja. With love The Mother sent beforehand four messages which she was to distribute to people in the Ashram. Each of them brought me inner peace and happiness ...


... letter. On the top of the card were her soothing words: Be grateful for all ordeals, they are the shortest way to the Divine. She had written under this: My dear little child Huta, Do not be worried. Since a few days I knew that you were in difficulties and my love and force were with you more intimately than ever. Money and ajewel can be replaced, the Divine's love ...


... The Spirit of Auroville After reading the article, Amal remarked: Huta, it is good. In fact, within me I have never seen you in the Matrimandir as a guardian. Now my guardianship holds only for the spiritual treasures the Mother has given me in abundance. The paintings of Savitri guided by the Mother, her six hundred sketches, my tape-recordings ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Once again I received a letter dated 21.11.90 from Gloria: Dearest Huta, I am very grateful that you received me with so much love on 17th No-vember though unexpected. It gave me strength and confidence in the future. I transmitted all your messages to Piero. He also enjoyed our meeting and taste of your jokes. He is very ...


... The Spirit of Auroville After the formation of the Auroville Foundation a number of people with good will suggested to me: "Huta, since the Mother wished and visioned your guardianship at the Matrimandir, why don't you meet the concerned people and the top officials of the Central Government for your right?" I was very much amused, and answered: ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I received a letter dated 3.12.89 from Gloria and Piero: Dear Huta, In Italy, Piero has done scientific and technical research to perfect the optical solar system for the Matrimandir. We have also been to Germany, as guests of an engineer specialized in high computer calculation, follower of Sri Aurobindo and Mother since 1963 ...


... Mother 07 February 1957 I received a letter from the Mother, dated 7th February 1957: 7.2.57 Bonjour To My dear little child , To my sweet Huta I have received your nice letter. Yes, we are going towards a painting that will be able to express the supramental truth of things. My love and blessings and the Presence of the Divine Grace ...


... The Mother sent me on 1st January 1957 a Japanese card in which there was a painting of an attractive landscape on a bamboo sheet. She wished me: Bonne Année To My dear little child, to my sweet Huta With all my love At 10 a.m. I went to the Ashram and sat in the corridor upstairs near the room of Pavitra with some people to listen to the music which the Mother was playing on her old organ ...


... the Mother informed her doctor, Dr. Sanyal, who was professor of Clinical Surgery, Calcutta Medical College, regarding my painting: You see, the paintings in the front Hall were of my own student, Huta. My Divine Teacher was very proud of me. As a matter of fact, to have an exhibition of my paintings was incredible. I had just started painting. But there is nothing impossible for the Divine Grace ...


... Days passed. It was 24th November 1957— The Realisation Day . The Mother sent me a card indicating two pretty Dahlias—mauve-pink and orange-yellow—together with these words: To My dear little child Huta With all my love and protection. Àtout à l'heure. Swarms of people went to the Meditation Hall upstairs to receive the Message and blessings from the Mother. I followed suit. The Message read: ...


... Mother used to send me various picture-cards in order to give examples of paintings of great artists. Here is one of them: 16.12.56 Bonjour To My dear little child , To my sweet Huta This is again a painting from Turner showing the interior of a room. It is again a good example of how things must be simplified in a picture. I am sending you back also your book for you ...


... December 1956 The Mother sent me a card showing a vase with lovely carnations of different colours. Her promising words were: 24.12.56 Bonjour To My dear little child To my sweet Huta Here is a nice vase of "Collaboration" for indeed we shall collaborate to do nice things and express in painting a higher world and consciousness. Truly the Divine Grace is over you to lead ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Once again the Mother wrote to me: My dear little child Huta, It is Roger who will lay the first stone of the pavilion, in front of a few people (one of each country) and you will be there. Roger will come back in February or March of next year 1966; so the ceremony cannot take place before that. According to your ...


... The Spirit of Auroville The Mother wrote to me on 7-9-65 My dear little child Huta, Roger has just arrived yesterday. I am seeing him this morning to explain to him the plan of Auroville. The Central Park will be the park of Unity containing the Pavilion and its 'annexe' as formerly decided. Love ...


... Since the Mother had been telling me all about The Mother's Shrine, I asked her whether her precious things could be arranged in it. She answered: My very dear little child Huta Indeed it is a very good idea to collect and keep all my precious things that are to go in the Mother's Shrine. The only obstacle is that I have no precious things nowhere, neither in my rooms ...


... On 12.2.68 I unexpectedly received from the Mother a beautiful bouquet of various flowers, white roses, and a card on which she had inscribed: My very dear little child Huta Nature proves her collaboration with a smile of flowers. Love . Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India visited the Ashram on 12.2.68, she saw the Exhibition of Auroville Plans ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Received from Huta the sum of Rs. 14,877/- (Fourteen Thousand Right Hundred And Seventy Seven only) for the construction of her pavilion at the Matrimandir of Auroville. Signed for the Sri Aurobindo Society, Auroville by Navajata General Secretary Also the Mother remarked: 14877 is an occult number : According ...


... The Spirit of Auroville The Mother's letter to me dated 23.1.68 was a great relief: My very dear little child Huta We must let the Lord see and arrange things for us. Then we shall be out of trouble . With all my love . ...


... preparation of three volumes of "The Story of a Soul"; I also wish to publish "White Roses" three volumes collected in one. Considering all these things, I pray to you to help me, Love Yours, Huta The Mother answered: I told you myself that this money was used for the first day ceremony of Auroville, and when the time of building Auroville, your pavilion would be built without ...


... for the whole of Auroville. For the Matrimandir is the Soul of Auroville and the Soul of the whole World. Now will not the Supreme Lord do something for His own Dream? With Love Yours, Huta ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Meanwhile I received a letter from an American living in Auroville, Roger Toll, saying: Dear Huta, We must find the Truth of this Sanctuary of Truth, how greatly we must give up our egos, burn them in the fire of Mother's love—how far we who are here have to go, how greatly we must strive for the new world, never to be contented ...


... The Spirit of Auroville In return I received a letter dated 12.3.74 from M. André, who was in Paris at that time: Dear Huta, Thanks for your letter of the 6th enclosing a copy of your letter of February 24th to Shyamsunder. What you have written to him checks very well with what Mother told me on the very few instances when she spoke to me of the ...


... Auroville Amal Kiran (K.D. Sethna) the Editor of Mother India—Monthly Review of Culture also read the manuscript. He wrote to me on 7.5.74: Dear Huta, I have the feeling that the publication of your booklet by Auroville Press will somehow be prevented by Aurovilians. Perhaps even the page-proofs won't come back. Better to transcribe into your ...


... The Spirit of Auroville M. André wrote to me on 7.4.1974: Dear Huta, A few days back Michel Klostermann came to Paris and showed me the film he has made with your paintings of the first canto of Savitri. This is well done and there is quite an atmosphere. Wanda and Janine were there as well as Pierre and Micheline Etevenon, who happened to have lunch ...


... my side I have done everything that is to be done with sincerity and goodwill. I will come there on the 21st Saturday at 4.45. With kindest thoughts in the Mother's Light and Love. Yours, Huta Actually the sacred things were put by me and some children of Auroville in the foundation of the Mahakali pillar. ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Another letter came from Gloria: Dear Huta, In the night between the 28th and the 29th of May, at last, with Mother's grace, we will cast top ring which will conclude the structure of Matrimandir. The concreting will start at 8 p.m. in the evening and it will end in the dawn. It is such an important phase that we wish you ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Then I received a letter from Piero: Dear Huta, Today concreting in the Kali pillar is going well and we feel very strongly that the symbol of Mother and Her blessing is to be there. Therefore today I will prepare a hole 12x12x12 on top of the pillar, ready for the 21st. You will from the platform of meditation send up in ...


... The Spirit of Auroville At the same time Gloria wrote to me on 24.2.76: Dear Huta, Thank you very much for your visit to Matrimandir on the Mother's birthday. It was a nice moment to be all together close to Mother and pray to Her to raise up the actual situation. Many people working in Matrimandir wish that you will come more often than once in a ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Piero wrote to me on 24.2.76: Dear Huta, Thank you for the drawings of the Mother that you have given us in photo, and for your kind letter. The money you have given (Rs. 1096) will surely be spent for Matrimandir. Thank you—I have felt very much the meditation on the 21st. I wish to ask you for a promise to come to M ...


... The Spirit of Auroville A letter dated 19.2.76 came from Piero. Dear Huta, We will start the hole today. Somebody will help. From the note of the "Ceremony" it was cut off "Nolini has approved" because it seems he has answered to a question: "I have no objection, I have no approval—it is her own affair." But he will still give you the blessing and ...


... The Spirit of Auroville On 6.2.76 I received a letter from Piero: Dear Huta, I would like to consult you about the following question: Does the legal property of Matrimandir belong to Sri Aurobindo Society? I hope that your health is well. With best wishes and love Piero ...


... With patience and firmness and quiet assurance we must go on, we must endure and we must realise. " With kindest thoughts and affection always in the Mother's Truth. Yours sincerely, Huta ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Piero and Gloria worte to me on 26.6.81: New York Dearest Huta, How do you do. We remember you often during our travel through this immense country. The presence of the Mother is really everywhere. In each place where we have gone, somebody connected with Her and Sri Aurobindo was awaiting us and receiving us with much love ...


... The Spirit of Auroville He did not answer. Fair enough! Meanwhile I received a letter dated 9.6.87 from Mauna: Dear Huta, Namaste. May all be well with you. The latest word from Germany tells us that we may expect the Soul of Matrimandir, the Crystal, by February next year. Perhaps it will reach us for Mother's and Auroville's birthday. Wouldn't ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Once more she wrote to me in answer to my letter: In flight Delhi-Amritsar June 23, 1984 Dear Huta, I think you have written several letters but looking at my file I see one of 4th May. Do write whenever you feel like it. It does seem true that we are walking in the darkest night when the dawn seems far away. ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Again I received Mrs. Gandhi's letter dated 30.4.84: Dear Huta, Thank you for your letter of 24th and the Mother's blessings of which I am in special need. With good wishes Yours sincerely, Indira Gandhi ...


... charge of the Stores. On the morning of 1st April 1956, a Sunday, the Mother kindled a spark of hope within me by writing the following letter: 1.4.56 Bonjour To My dear little child Huta With this month beginning let us have a new hope for a complete liberation . My help, force, love and blessings are always with you. For me this letter was very symbolic. ...


... flowers— Butea monosperma —Flame-of-the-forest, and these promising words: Beginning of Realisation in the physical 1.6.56 Bonjour To My dear little child To my very sweet Huta This card will tell you that we have now started on the way and that I expect we shall go on nicely in our progress. My love, help and strength are always with you and my blessings surround ...


... work with the Mother 13 April 1959 On 13th April 1959 the Mother sent me a painted card along with these words: 13.4.59 My dear little child Huta Yesterday I went to lay the first stone of the Sugar Mill. Here is a painted view of the place. I am sending it to you with all my love and blessings. Among other letters I found Dyuman's ...


... Mother 07 July 1960 It was cool and windy, not very pleasant for July. I received a letter dated 7th July 1960 from the Mother: My dear little child Huta, As far as I know I have answered your letters, but both ways some may have been lost. This one also I do not know if it will reach you in time before you leave England. I have received the ...


... in the proposed Aditi book series each book will have about 100 pages. The first book will be "White Roses". Is it necessary to keep Huta's introduction? Yes, because what I have written was for Huta and not for others—to each one what is said is said in a different way—and to mix all that makes a confusion. 1961 Mother, I submit a summary of Anu's play, Rajkumar, in her own words ...


... 1961 My Savitri work with the Mother 07 February 1961 I received from the Mother a letter dated 7th February 1961 in answer to mine: Huta, My dear little child , You ask me what you must do. It would be better to ask what you must be, because the circumstances and activities in life have not much importance. What is important is our way of reacting ...


... 31 May 1961 Then she spoke something about new birth, which I could not grasp. So I wrote to her for an explanation. She replied: 31.5.61 My dear little child Huta, I shall see you on 5th June at 10 a.m. When I speak of "New Birth" I am always speaking of the birth of a new consciousness. This time it was the birth (that is, the expression) of a higher artistic ...


... of music played by the children and finally the Band. It was a pleasure to see my bag in her hand. Days passed too rapidly. I sent to the Mother one of my paintings. She commented on the 28th: Huta, My dear little child , This painting is so nice—I like it very much. I have started revising your 'report' and will give it when it is completed. I read your letter and understand not only ...


... 09 September 1966 I had a habit of going out of my body to explore the subtle worlds. The Mother knew about this. So she answered me: 9.9.66 My very dear little child Huta Wherever you go in sleep, subconscient or vital, you are always protected. With all my love ...


... work with the Mother 01 March 1966 In answer to my letter regarding the Mother's Shrine, the Mother wrote: 1.3 .66 Very dear little child Huta The pure love from your heart and soul is all that is required to make you worthy of being the guardian of the Truth Pavilion. LOVE ...


... 1967 My Savitri work with the Mother 26 January 1967 The Mother wrote to me the following letter: 26.1.67 My very dear little child Huta Your declaration is very good indeed and it will look quite nice where you want to put it. With all my love for you and blessings for the exhibition ...


... Mother. I even ventured to tell her I was sure that Mother too would not approve of the idea. But instead Mona has asked me to inform you of this, so I write. I have not uttered a word about this to Huta, because I know the very idea would completely upset her. And then??? Will Mother enlighten me, what should be done? Salutations of your child, Neel It is quite impossible to let people sleep ...


... Sometimes the Mother succumbed to ill health. Thus our Savitri work suffered. Here I recall one of her letters that she wrote me on 17th September 1968: 17.9.68 My very dear little child Huta I never intended to stop the Savitri work but to do it, as I told you, I must recover my normal sight and voice, and I am waiting for it. As soon as it is possible I shall let you know. The ...


... Whatever the disturbance she unintentionally caused, I liked her—she was a nice person. And if Lee Russell had not made that noise, the Mother might not have thought of giving me an independent flat in "HUTA HOUSE" named by the Mother. So perhaps she became an instrument in the accomplishment of the Mother's plan. Many apparently insignificant occurrences have significant effects in the end. For instance ...

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... as it was. When the Mother and I were doing the paintings of Book One, Canto 4, there were two or three paintings which looked like modern art. She said jokingly to Mona L. Pinto: You see, now Huta and I are doing modern painting! ...


... nescient course The Earth Goddess toils across the sands of Time. || 11.8 || This expressed the Mother's own struggle, I felt. The Mother said to Vasudha—her personal attendant: Huta cannot possibly do the Savitri paintings without my direct help; meanwhile she should do something else. And what should I do? Her illness was the greatest shock to me. During these months I sorted ...


... surprised to read in Mother India — Monthly Review of Culture—June 1993—page 400— Nirodbaran's talk on Champaklal . He has stated about Champaklal: He used to be present during the Mother's work with Huta. This is a mistake. Champaklal was never present when the Mother and I worked together on Savitri . She never wished or allowed any third person to be present while explaining to me by means of ...


... and wrote to me of it. I received many notes about the big portrait of Savitri . The exhibition is really a success. A dear old lady expressed her view regarding the Savitri paintings: Huta, I saw the exhibition of Savitri paintings. You have done the work of 100 births in this one life. You are liberated. I replied to her: I appreciate your good will but it was all the Grace of ...


... 1967 My Savitri work with the Mother 13 February 1967 The Mother replied: 13.2.67 My very dear little child Huta Yes, everything is going on well with the exhibition. But you are right; the only thing that truly matters is to realise the Divine—and that is sure to be. With all my love In connection with the Savitri paintings ...


... January 1968 On Thursday, 11th January 1968, I saw the Mother in the afternoon. She gave me a bouquet and a copy of Savitri (First University Edition—1954) on which she wrote: To Huta with blessings for a perfect understanding While giving the copy, the Mother recited one line of it and advised me: Child, when you read Savitri , you must not read very loudly but slowly and ...


... 12 March 1967 That very night I painted the picture. The next morning I sent it to the Mother. She wrote: 12.3.67 My very dear little child Huta The painting is excellent—this is a very good start for the new series. Cheer up, my child, you do well what you do, and you say that you are lonely, but the Lord is with you and surely that is ...


... people regarding the exhibition. I informed the Mother: My dearest Mother, All the praise I offer to you. For me the important thing is to realise the Divine—the rest is zero. My love—Yours—Huta ...


... 1967 My Savitri work with the Mother 01 February 1967 The next day the Mother wrote: 1.2.67 My very dear little child Huta Amrita will go at 10.30 am on the 10th to open the exhibition and Nolini will go with him. All my love ...


... translate The Human Cycle into French, she spread her gaze over all of us with a warm smile. I opened the book she had given me and found a pretty page-marker. On the fly-leaf she had written: To Huta with blessings. The Mother began the lesson. Her voice was music to my ears. I tried to take down her dictation, but it was too difficult for me. I gave up, and turned several pages of the ...

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... things were kept. I liked to touch them and feel him. In the Ashram I saw that many people knew French. I too wanted to learn the Mother's language. I expressed my wish to her. She responded: Huta, Do you know Shanti? He will teach you French, he knows it well. If you like I can tell him to teach you. With my blessings. Yet another letter came from her, saying: Are you doing ...

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... life; you ought to be made happy by this sign of the Divine's Grace and feel grateful for it. The offering that Savita has made of herself has been accepted and from now she is no more Savita but Huta. Quietly face the social difficulties with equality and cheerfulness; then you will know that my love and blessings are with you. The Mother, Words of the Mother - I: Coming to the Ashram ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... Canto 4 a few colours were left on the palette so I painted a picture which I sent to the Mother. I wrote to her that I wanted to learn sculpture. She replied: 9.7.65 My dear little child Huta I do not exactly know what the picture means, but I find it very pretty, the colours are attractive and the eye is impressive! As for learning sculpture, there is an artist here who can teach ...


... 1965 My Savitri work with the Mother 19 March 1965 She revealed to me the Truth: 19.3.65 My dear little child Huta, Now it has become necessary to reveal to you an important fact concerning your spiritual life and especially your work for Savitri . For some obvious reason, there is an adverse force which is interested in preventing ...


... 1965 My Savitri work with the Mother 03 April 1965 3.4.65 Dear little child Huta, Both samples are good and I can read... easily if the words and the lines have enough space between them. Surely on the 6th I shall read as much as I can do it properly; the quality, of the work is always more important than the quantity. Love the ...


... Divine. Work only for the Divine. Serve only the Divine. Be attached only to the Divine. Want only the Divine. Seek only the Divine. Only adore the Divine." (White Roses: Letters to Huta) By somewhat adapting the words of a great mystic of old we Page 173 may state that a sadhaka of the Prema-yoga or the Yoga of Love should remember at all times that he ...

... change it. It is by working there, modestly, humbly but with a fire in the heart, something that burns like an offering. 19 Page 554 Speaking about herself, the Mother was to write to Huta on 26 November 1967 : Never I sit in meditation, there is no time and no necessity for it. Because it is not through meditation that one gives oneself to the Divine, it is through consecration ...


... illustrating a poem of his. Not many could have really guessed that the painting was his own. When someone in the Ashram was asked whose painting it was, it was suggested it could be Champaklal or Huta! Amal himself described his interest in drawing and painting from his boyhood in one of his personal letters on Life-Poetry-Yoga: 2 I was addicted to pencil and brush since my boyhood ...


... encourage their disciples, emphasize their positive capabilities and assure them of their everlasting love, support and protection. This is abundantly illustrated, for instance, in the Mother’s letters to Huta, published in White Roses and other collections, in their correspondence with Nirodbaran and K.D. Sethna, and in many other letters. They knew full well what human nature consisted of and consequently ...


... felt. The ardent aspiration was that the Mother should have her house in Auroville, because without the Spirit of Auroville the whole town would be lifeless. She responded: 20.6.65 Huta, my dear little child You have indeed a very sweet soul who makes very sweet projects and beautiful dreams—all that is passed on directly to the Lord who will show us clearly what is His decision ...


... Auroville Richard Eggenberger and his colleagues were also busy taking the slides of the Savitri paintings. The Mother wrote to me on 24.3.1971: Huta, Here is the copy of what I have written to Richard. Do not worry, things will surely be well arranged and well done. With all my love and blessings . Richard, If it is possible for ...


... integrally. Please fulfil my aspiration. And I know that nothing is impossible for Your Grace... And You know very well what I really aspire for... With all my love and kisses. Ever yours Huta The Mother answered on the same letter: Yes, have faith love and blessings . ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I received a letter dated 17.5.74 from Vikas: 17 May 1974 Dear Huta, I thought to tell you the more complete story about the trees at Bharat Nivas. The fact is that it was the architect of Bharat Nivas, Mr. Chakrapani of Madras, who refused to change his design in anyway in order to save some of the trees. Roger was quite ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I received from M. André the following letter dated 25.6.74: Dear Huta, Thanks for having sent me a copy of your letter to Satprem, and Satprem's reply. Here they are back. As a rule I have made a point to have as little appointments as possible but in your case it is somewhat different. What would you say of Thursday at ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Vikas sent me a note dated 10.6.74: Dear Huta, Thank you for the copy of the Matrimandir book. I am happy to see that all people will at last know what the Mother's Vision is. I pray that the Lord's Will shall be done, and I have faith that it will be. On 10.6.74 I came to know from an authentic source that Auroville had ...


... The Spirit of Auroville In answer to my note M. André wrote to me in 8.5.74: Dear Huta, Thanks for your lines of yesterday. I do not believe that many people deliberately tell lies for the purpose of deceiving, though it can happen. In most cases the view-points are different and as words give only a partial aspect of the idea they are meant to ...


... The Spirit of Auroville M. André wrote to me on 25.5.74: Dear Huta, Many thanks for your lines of this morning. Let us hope that something good for Auroville will come out of the visit of the resident representative of the Ford Foundation. In the Mother's Light André Later, the full details regarding the Ford Foundation will be given. ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I received a letter dated 28.6.76 from Gloria: Dear Huta, It is from the 29th of May that I wish to write to you to thank you for your beautiful letter and tell you that during the concreting I put the 5 red hibiscus flowers in the Mahakali pillar as you asked me to do, and also to tell you how wonderful was this night in which ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I also received a letter dated March 1st 1976 from M. André, who was in Paris: Dear Huta, Many thanks for your aerogramme of the 22nd. I am glad that you went to the Matrimandir on the 21st and placed Mother's blessing packet and flowers in the Mahakali pillar. Certainly this will have been quite good in restoring the real meaning ...


... The Spirit of Auroville On 12.3.76 I received a letter from Piero: Dear Huta, Thank you for your kind answer and appreciation in this period of "legal" definitions coming from all the sides. We will make tomorrow the concreting of the North Rib; it will be also the first rib fully completed after the work started four years ago. Even useless, ...


... places at various times. Her statements are with all of us. We have to understand them with our souls by the light each of us has in him or her. With good wishes, In the Mother's Love, Yours, Huta ...


... never wanted Falsehood to win. So without losing time I sent Piero's letter to Nolini-da along with mine. He remarked on Piero's letter: The report not true. Then Nolini-da wrote to me: Dear Huta, There is no question of any disapproval of your programme. On my part you have my full approval. The report is not true. There must have been some wrong understanding. With my approval and the ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I also received a letter dated 19.2.78 from Shraddhavan: Dear Huta, I have just been to see Piero and Gloria. They are going to start work today on digging the hole themselves, and I will go and help them this afternoon and so will Christi. I feel this is a time to keep very calm and clear and to trust absolutely in the Mother's ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Piero and Gloria wrote to me again on 13.9.76: Dear Huta, We like to send you a copy of our reply to William, so that at least with the few people with whom we are in touch, what we think will remain more clear. We hope that your health is good. With our best wishes, In the Mother's Light, Piero ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Afterwards I received a letter dated 18.8.2000 from Barbara: Dear Huta, Well, that was a wonderful evening we spent wandering through the Matrimandir Gardens, present and "future". I think you enjoyed it as much as I did, and I hope you will take the time to come out here more often so that we can do it again. The Gardens' energy ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Here I recall one of Dr. Karan Singh's letters to me dated 6.12.1995 in connection with Savitri Bhavan and Auroville: Dear Huta, I will be glad to meet you when I am next in Pondicherry. Warm congratulations upon setting up the Havyavahana Trust. This is a beautiful name, and I am sure that it will be a very creative endeavour ...


... Auroville Once again Dr. Karan Singh wrote to me on 3.3.1999: Dr. Karan Singh 3, Nyaya Marg Chanakyapuri New Delhi-110 021 3 March 1999 Dear Huta, It is some time now since we have met. I was in Auroville briefly over the weekend and visited Savitri Bhavan which is beginning to develop with your goodwill and invaluable contribution. This will ...


... life I would surely swim and not sink in the dark sea of unconsciousness. I expressed my feelings to the Mother. She answered: 22 7. 56 Bonjour To My dear little child To my sweet Huta I have read your very nice letter which is quite true. Indeed I am quite convinced that sincere love will overcome all obstacles, difficulties and deficiencies, that is why I am sure of the ...


... July 1956 The Mother's support kept me going on, because I felt that she would lead me to my goal through painting. She wrote: 31.7.56 Bonjour To My dear little child To my sweet Huta I am sending you herewith the list of requirements for oil painting. The address of the company is on the top; it is from their catalogue that the list has been made and it [is] to them that your ...


... again I implored the Mother to accomplish my longing, because now my patience was wearing thin. She replied on a pretty card: 11.12.56 Bonjour To My dear little child To my sweet Huta I have read your nice letter—yes, my dear child, I will explain to you all that is needed to live the Divine Life, the true life, and I will show you the way step by step. My love and blessings ...


... She declared the Exhibition open on 24th November 1956 at 4 p.m. The following morning she sent me a card: 25.11.56 Bonjour To my very dear little child To my very sweet and loving Huta I send this hand made picture as a token of my admiration for the truly excellent and remarkable work you have done in the "Doll 's exhibition". The "Temple" which is your work is indeed a piece ...


... work of decorating the idols was almost finished. Invariably the Mother encouraged me by sending cards. This is one of them: 12.11.56 Bonjour To My dear little child To my sweet Huta Here is some 'skill in work' which expresses so nicely the special capacity of your nature. I send it with all my love and my blessings with the assurance of the constant Presence of the Divine's ...


... Savitri work with the Mother 25 August 1956 The following day the Mother wrote: 25.8.56 Bonjour To My dear little child , To my sweet Huta Indeed, yesterday I was quite pleased with the way you remembered what I had told you and I will be glad to correct what you are writing—consequently it will be better to put it in a general way ...


... 24 August 1956 On 24th August she sent me a painted card showing Snap-Dragons—Antirrhinum Majus—with these lines: 24.8.56 Bonjour To My dear little child To my sweet Huta Here is the power of expression to help you in your writing. Yes, bring to the playground what is ready—it is better to see it little by little. With my love and blessings always in the Grace ...


... Mother 12 December 1956 On the morning of 12th December the Mother sent me a card: 12.12.56 Bonjour To My dear little child To my sweet Huta It is on Friday morning at 10.30 that you will come to open together the box of painting materials—and I shall show you how to use these things. My love and blessings along with the Presence ...


... write a letter to the Mother on 9th February 1961 expressing that I should make my life worth living by doing something concrete and genuine which might be profitable to others. The Mother replied: Huta, My dear little child , I have read your excellent letter and mostly agree with what you write. The best indeed, is that we should have a good talk together. So I shall see you tomorrow the ...


... these meditations", you must put aside all conventional notions about art and painting. Concentrate silently your vision behind the apparent form of the picture and you will reach the meaning. Huta is the painter. When I happened to read the introduction, I requested the Mother to erase my name, because it was not going to add any glory. Then the Mother withdrew the whole introduction and ...


... pleasure of seeing her once more in the Prosperity Room, where she was distributing flowers to everyone with her blessings. That day the Mother made a remark about me to Vasudha, who reported it as: "Huta has a childlike nature". I noted it down, but did not feel quite sure about the last word. Could it have been "soul" instead of "nature"? I wrote to the Mother, praying for clarification. She decided ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... The Spirit of Auroville She answered on 9.8.1965: Huta, my dear little child, Lions are indeed very nice, I have always at least one lion with me, but not physically, because people are too frightened and their fear makes a mess... Soon the architect is coming and at once we shall see what can be done. Love After our work on Savitri ...


... Then you will not feel tired. The same evening I wrote a letter to the Mother regarding Auroville. She sent her answer at 7.15 p.m. along with a bunch of white roses. My dear little child Huta I have said nothing about Auroville this morning, because I had not yet had a talk with Roger. Yesterday I saw only the plans and models of the town that are simply wonderful, just as I wanted ...


... invoked there, and I must prepare myself. I asked the Mother what virtue I should possess in order to be worthy of being a guardian of the Mother's Shrine. She replied: Very dear little child Huta The pure love from your heart and soul is all that is required to make you worthy of being the guardian of the Truth Pavilion. ...


... But I was insistent. I wrote to her and requested her once again to lay the first stone of The Mother's Shrine. She answered: 7.3.66 My very dear little child Huta I have left everything to the Lord. It is He who decides and will always decide for this body. As yet, for this matter, He has not let me know His Will. That is why I have not answered. With ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Once again a prayer from my heart arose. The Mother answered on 8.3.66: My dear little child Huta Received your very beautiful prayer to the Lord passed it on to Him and am waiting for His reply. With all my love. ...


... The Spirit of Auroville The Mother wrote to me the following letter dated 9.3.66: My very dear little child Huta Of one thing you can be sure. The Lord's Will is the Truth in everything and everywhere, always. LOVE ...


... the set will be transferred over there. Meanwhile he will take the charge. I am thankful to him. Mother, I am grateful to you for setting everything right. With love and kisses, Yours, Huta ...


... In response she sent blessing-packets through M. André. Years later, while working on the movie, Michel wrote me a nice letter dated 22.9.91: Dear Huta, Thank you so much for your kind and loving letter of 16.8.1991. We are always happy to receive some lines from you and the precious petals and messages. The work on the Savitri -movie is progressing ...


... The Spirit of Auroville The slides of the Savitri paintings were being shown in Auroville On 26.5.73 Shyamsunder wrote to me: Dear Huta, On 22nd I had gone to see the slide-shows. Is anything arranged for the Poems slide-show on 29.5.73? Have I got to do anything? If so, please let me know. The architectural tangle about the construction of the ...


... time I excused myself. But later, one night, I felt strongly that I must go to the Matrimandir on the occasion of the Mother's birthday. I expressed my feelings to Nolini-da. On 7.2.74 he answered: Huta, I have communicated your request to Shyamsunder who is in charge of the Matrimandir. I suppose things will be arranged. Nolinida ...


... The Spirit of Auroville On 6.7.72 M. André had written to me: Dear Huta It is the Mother who told me, when I read your letter to her, to inquire from Kireet what his idea exactly was. Now I have again spoken to her and she said it is very doubtful if Tarachand would take up this job and, besides the pictures would not come out well. With kind ...


... according to the Mother's wish and guidance they would not have gone through such a severe crisis as they are in now. I heard that the copy of the Report has already been given to Navajata. Yours Huta EXTRACT FROM THE DOCUMENT FOR THE FORD FOUNDATION: THE FIVE POINTS FOR WHICH MOTHER APPROVED THE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING APPROACH FOR THE BUILDING OF THE TOWN. Auroville is unique—not only it is a ...


... The Spirit of Auroville This is the answer I received from Roger, dated 4th October 1974: Dear Huta, Yes, you are perfectly at liberty to have your own interpretations and to share them with others; but please let me retain my certitudes. With this in view, I am not prepared to enter any controversy. I believe we have more important things to do ...


... The Spirit of Auroville M. André wrote to me on 5.9.74: Dear Huta, Thanks for your lovely flowers and for your letter of this morning. As regards the lotus I am still expecting the concrete project which Shyamsunder told me he is having studied. I consider Prabhat's statement more of an opinion than as an actual study of the question, but one has to ...


... The Spirit of Auroville On 16.8.74, M. André wrote to me: Dear Huta, This morning we had a meeting of Society, and Roger was not present. We have all agreed that the means to restore the Urn to the form which the Mother had originally seen have to be studied and a correct project submit-ted to Roger. As you see Paolo, Piero and Gloria this afternoon ...


... The Spirit of Auroville On 17.1.75, Piero wrote to me: Dear Huta, I hope sincerely that your health is all right and it is what we wish for the future! Paolo has left today and he has told me that he has not met you on Tuesday. He came to Matrimandir twice during the work and was very happy to find a good atmosphere with joy, and people working ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I sent Roger's letter to M. André. He replied to me on 5.10.74: Dear Huta, I send you back Roger's letter. I am sorry to read that he is as stubborn as ever and quite uncooperative. What he told me is that it is quite easy to clothe the Urn in order to give it the shape of Mother's drawing, but not that he was agreeable to ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I sent M. André a copy of my letter dated 1.10.74 to Roger. He answered: Dear Huta, Your letter to Roger is quite good. Let us hope that he will read it and grasp its meaning. Yours, André ...


... too followed suit and bade me goodbye at the door. This was my first and last meeting with her. Then the guards led me to the gate where my friend was waiting in her car. She exclaimed: "Why, Huta, I thought you would come soon. I saw the P.M.'s car entering the house at 6.30. It is half an hour. What did you talk about with her —what did she say?" I replied: "Oh! Mohini, I am so dazed. I ...


... comes forever, the total Victory . The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: 15 November 1958 With kindest thoughts and warm regards In the Mother's Truth and Love, Yours sincerely, Huta Perhaps due to numerous political commitments Kireetbhai did not answer! ...


... may materialize. From Her high station in the spiritual unknown, She is sure to be watching how Her children work out in harmony Her Divine Dreams. Wishing you all the best, Yours sincerely, Huta ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I received a letter from La Boutique D'Auroville, Pondicherry Unit of Artisana Trust on 21.1.82: 21.1.82 Dear Huta, We are sorry to inform you that we cannot sell any more your books "White Roses" and "About Savitri" Part I. Recently we have decided to reinforce our policy to display and sell products only made or distributed ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Here is her last letter to me: New Delhi September 21, 1984 Dear Huta, I did not realise that I had not written to you since June. Yes, I have been receiving your letters. You write that the period of religion is over. But what has taken its place is narrowing of concepts, revivalism and fundamentalism. Things ...


... meet. This is not done by jostling in the street. The succeeding morning of Friday 20th December 1957 I received a big professional easel from England. It was to be installed in my apartment in Huta House, which was still in the process of renovation. In the morning the easel was taken to the Meditation Hall upstairs. The Mother entered the Hall and met me, according to the previous arrangement ...


... sent me beautiful painted cards, all of them bearing her perpetual "Love and blessings". After many years these quotations were printed by me in book form under the title of Gems from the Mother to Huta . I am presenting here the first and the last quotations in facsimile: The Eternal Wisdom Introduction The Song of Wisdom We fight to win sublime Wisdom; therefore men call ...


... came from the Mother, depicting various coloured flowers— Gazania —"Seeking for clarity—likes to say clearly what has to be said." She had written on it: 25.11.57 To My dear little child Huta In appreciation of her so excellent work and artistic taste. With all my love, steady cheerfulness, quiet strength and sweet compassion In the Bulletin February 1958, p. 114 all about ...


... On 9th February 1958 I received from the Mother a card showing a little girl lying on her stomach watching a teddy-bear leaned against a tree-trunk, with these words: To My dear little child Huta With eternal love and constant compassion of the Divine's Grace In the evening the Mother and I met in her room at the Playground. She looked at me for a few seconds and plunged into a deep con ...


... Mother never failed to encourage me. On 19th February 1957 she sent me a beautiful card depicting her coloured photograph. Her words were: 19.2.57 Bonjour To My dear little child To my sweet Huta This is to say to my sweet child, on the occasion of my birthday, how glad I am of the progress she is making both spiritually and in her painting—and to assure her of my constant and affectionate ...


... along with a card. The Mother wrote on the book and returned it to me: A mon cher petit collaborateur avec toute ma tendresse (To my dear little collaborator with all my love) To Huta, on her 7th birthday 1.11.62 That very day the Mother sent me an encouraging letter: Mon cher petit, I am quite happy with your progress and now I want you only to become a little ...


... Mother whether it was necessary to display the four volumes of Meditations on Savitri along with the Savitri paintings at the Exhibition Hall. She replied: 8.2.67 My very dear little child Huta Yes, it is good to have some copies of "Meditations on Scrvitri" at the exhibition. I am sure everything will be all right. With all my love On the 8th in the evening I went to the ...


... were some Ashramites who were happy and willing to collaborate in the work, according to the Mother's wish. She wrote a letter to me in this regard: 20.1.67 To my very dear little child Huta Welcome to all those who aspire to do the Lord's work. With all my love ...


... Savitri work with the Mother 12 November 1966 The Mother wrote to me regarding the Savitri paintings. 12.11.66 My very dear little child Huta It will be done as you ask—tomorrow morning. As for the paintings I like to see them. So bring some every time you come. With the peace and the joy of living in the Lord and all my love forever ...


... 1966 My Savitri work with the Mother 20 May 1966 The Mother's confirmation about Auroville: 20.5.66 My very dear little child Huta You say that Auroville is a dream. Yes, it is a "dream" of the Lord and generally these "dreams" turn up to be true much more true than the human so-called realities! With all my love ...


... work with the Mother 16 January 1967 On 16th January 1967 the Mother encouraged me by writing these words: 16.1.67 My dear little child Huta You have worked wonderfully! With all my love ...


... way one soul has been guided, all can learn and be benefitted on the long universal road towards the Divine Life, Light, Love and Truth. I am profoundly grateful to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. Huta नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः । न चैने क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः ।। अच्छेद्योऽयमदाह्योऽयम्‌ अक्लेद्योऽशोष्य एव च । नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुर्‌ अचलोऽयं सनातनः ।। --श् ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... Volume One (1954-1955) The Story of a Soul 17 February 1955 The card which the Mother gave me on February 17th bore my new name: Huta the offered one With my blessings. The Mother ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... Auroville? I said, "Yes, Mother." The Mother gave me a card and said: Child, when I was looking for some papers for Birthdays, Sri Aurobindo was there. He gave me this card and said, "This is for Huta." I opened the card and read on it Sri Aurobindo's words: Fix not the time and the way in which thy ideal shall be fulfilled . Work and leave time and way to God All-knowing . Sri Aurobindo ...


... must do something. I got up from my bed and did the painting. But I did not know what it represented, so the next morning I sent it to the Mother, and she wrote: My very dear little child Huta, The painting is pretty and the inspiration good. Is it the spirit of Auroville that you wanted to express? When looking at the picture I had this feeling. With all my love. ...


... I felt strongly that some people might not appreciate the idea of my being the guardian of the Truth Pavilion. I expressed my feeling to the Mother. She answered: My very dear little child Huta, Fear not. The Lord is not influenced by what people say or desire. You will be the guardian of the Pavilion as decided. Love ...


... human nature, I was not yet convinced about the Mother's supreme Vision. Everything seemed to me a dream. I expressed my feeling to her. She gave me an assurance: My very dear little child Huta You say that Auroville is a "dream". Yes, it is a "dream" of the Lord and generally these "dreams" turn up to be true, much more true than the human so-called realities! With all my love ...


... slides. Also, it is he who will project the slides in Auroville when Shyamsunder will arrange the shows of the Savitri slides there. I pray for Your Victory... With much love and kisses Yours Huta ...


... I received a letter dated 26.7.72 from Richard Eggenberger, about the first show of the slides of the paintings inspired by Sri Aurobindo's poems: Dear Huta It was for me an experience of moving from light to more light. The brilliance of the colours, the depth and power and revelation of each painting together with your clear and sensitive reading, ...


... You command, but please don't send me far. I am sure You will plan out everything regarding my life and work. And You will surely fulfil the aspiration of my soul. With love. Ever Yours Huta ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Mary Aldridge wrote to me on 8.8.74: Dear Huta, I am writing to tell you how much I enjoyed your book on Matrimandir. I was so enthralled with it that one evening I sat out on my little balcony and read it right through from beginning to end! That same night I had a really beautiful dream (or was it a vision?) of the Mother ...


... The Spirit of Auroville M. André wrote to me again on 6.7.74: Dear Huta, Thanks for your note of this morning. Here are your papers on your experiences and Nolini's answers. Yes, I am seeing Shyamsunder tomorrow and hope that there will be no difficulty. Your sending a copy of The Mother's Truth and Love to Karan Singh through Kireet seems to ...


... along with the Mother's blessing-packets given to me by Nolini. These people and other Aurovilians put the picture everywhere in Auroville, and that is a good sign. In the Mother's Love Yours Huta ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Gloria wrote to me on 2.10.75: Dear Huta, Thank you for your sweet letter and your love for all of us. The only reason of our silence is that on the 1st October we have started a new phase of the Matrimandir: the dodecagon of the Mother's Shrine. It was nice and meaningful to receive your letter the same day. Piero has been ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Gloria wrote to me on 31.12.75: Dear Huta, Tomorrow, 1st January, we will have the first concreting of the beams of the roof of the Mother's Shrine. May our consciousness grow level by level together with the Matrimandir. We all are awaiting your visit on the 21st February. We will surely come to see you before that. With ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Piero and Gloria wrote to me on 30.8.91. Dearest Huta, Your visit to the Inner Chamber in the most significant moment of its realization has been a joy and an honour for us. Again thank you to have come. If we remember right, the 1st Sept, is your physical Birthday. All our best wishes to you in the Love and Light of Mother ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Yet another letter dated 26.5.88 from Gloria and Piero: Dearest Huta, Here is the new Brochure for Matrimandir. Since Mauna is not here, I don't know if you have already received one. I have been very happy to have seen you last time; your wisdom and faith are always an encouragement for me. The white lotus you gave me ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Time passed very quickly. Gloria wrote to me on 23.8.1990: Dear Huta, Piero is concentrating all his energy to finish the Inner Chamber. He brought from Italy the photovoltaic cell that would control the ray of sun, and checked it here with the computer; it works perfectly and he is very relieved that this is also done. ...


... My Savitri work with the Mother 08 June 1956 On 8th June 1956 I received from the Mother a card along with these words: My dear child, my very sweet Huta, I am sending you Savitri. With my love and blessings always During that time I thought that it was absolutely impossible for me to understand and grasp the very essence of the great Epic written ...


... with the Mother 14 May 1956 Yet another reassuring card from the Mother: 14.5.56 Bonjour To My dear little child* To my very sweet Huta* Who does work with so much taste and skill. I keep you in my arms with all my love and force and my blessings are always with you. The Mother directed me through a letter how to paint ...


... life; you ought to be made happy by this sign of the Divine's Grace and feel grateful for it. The offering that Savita has made of herself has been accepted and from now she is no more Savita but Huta. Quietly face the social difficulties with equality and cheerfulness; then you will know that my love and blessings are with you. ...


... puzzled by various forces. Nevertheless, my work of decorating the idols continued. The Mother never failed to encourage me: 29.6.56 Bonjour To My dear little child To my sweet Huta who is a true lover of Beauty, this Divine aspect of physical life. With my love and blessings, The Grace is always with you. ...


... 12 May 1956 The Mother asked me to make a garland of red Hibiscus for Mahakali. This was her first sketch with instructions: 12.5.56 To My dear little child , To my sweet Huta Here is the promised Java flower which you can use as a model. Naturally you will have to do them quite small . My love and blessings are always with you . ...


... 1956 My Savitri work with the Mother 01 April 1956 The Mother gave me the new name: Huta the offered one With my blessings ...


... the picture the Mother had inscribed: "Les annonciateurs du monde Supramental." ("The announcers of the Supramental world") On the right she had written: To My dear little child Huta With my love and blessings ...


... 05 January 1960 On the 5th a folder arrived from the Mother. There was a picture of Mahasaraswati on the right side—beneath it, the Mother had written: To my dear child Huta With blessings On the left I read a message from Sri Aurobindo in Sanskrit reproduced in his own handwriting: (Tat savitur varam rūpam jyotiḥ parasya dhīmahi, yannaḥ satyena dīpayet) ...


... small enclosure for 31st October 1959—for the Mahakali Puja. A special blessing packet of Pomegranate flower-petals was attached inside. Beneath it the Mother had written: To My dear little child Huta. With love and blessings The message for the occasion was in Sri Aurobindo's words: There is nothing that is impossible to Her who is the conscious Power and universal Goddess all-creative ...


... put their entire trust in the Divine and in the Divine alone. She had signed the card in red ink and added "P.T.O." I smiled. She had written on the back of the card: To My dear little child Huta , I have received all your letters and the nice little tortoise which I have kept on my table near me. Be quiet and confident and try to find me inside yourself it will help you to sleep. ...


... 1959 My Savitri work with the Mother 12 August 1959 In answer to my letter the Mother wrote on 12th August 1959: To My dear little child Huta , Received your letter of the 7th and I am sending this at once as you were asking for news, instead of the 15th as I expected to do. With love and blessings ...


... The Spirit of Auroville The year went by on wings of time. On 1.1.1968 I received a letter from the Mother: My very dear little child Huta Here is the New Year message. I send it with all my love and blessings for good health . 1.1.1968 Remain young, never stop striving towards perfection. There was a rumour that instead of The Mother's ...


... The Spirit of Auroville In this connection, Shyamsunder wrote to me on 19.2.74 Dear Huta, The following is for your approval: 21.2.74 Arrival Matrimandir 5.30 pm. Piero will explain everything about the Matrimandir and show us around. He is getting a place cleaned for the flowers. There a few minutes meditation, 5.55—6.00, and then you lay ...


... I thought these Names: "Eternal Bliss" and "Inner Life" could be engraved on white marble slabs and placed in their proper places. During this time I received a letter from Shyamsunder: Dear Huta, We will try our best for everything and I do not know why the Truth will not prevail. Unfortunately the Truth did not prevail! The Mother wanted Matrimandir, the "Sanctuary of Truth", to be ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Shyamsunder wrote me a note as follows: Dear Huta, We are preparing the ground for a talk with Roger this week regarding the Matrimandir. On 29.3.74 we wish to plant in Auroville at 3.30 pm 60 plants. The Mother saw Sri Aurobindo on 29.3.1914 at 3.30 pm. 60 plants each will be put at more than one place. What do you feel ...


... Spirit of Auroville On 28.3.74 in the afternoon they started concreting the second slab of the Matrimandir. During this period Vikas wrote to me: Dear Huta, I have searched but been unable to find the drawing of your house. I will try and do it from memory and send it to you. Vikas I know very well that it was just a plan on paper—not in reality ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Vikas wrote to me on 15.3.1974: Dear Huta, Roger came, and has accepted Narad's proposal to plant groundcover and grasses instead of concrete and clay tiles in the Matrimandir area. This is a real step forward. I showed him the model of your house and he liked it. So when you are feeling better, perhaps we could meet again ...


... The Spirit of Auroville She answered on 7.5.74: Dear Huta, Here is your manuscript. I read it all last night and felt very happy. I felt as at the beginning of Auroville when Mother was explaining everything—so simply and purely and giving such a clear vision. I felt that that time was coming back in spite of all difficulties. I am your sister, ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I did not go. I sent the paper to M. André. He answered on 19.5.77: Dear Huta, The list of people which Guru Prasad tried to get together to speak of the Matrimandir is rather interesting. But that is all talk, talk and there is no truth in it. In Mother's love, André The Mother was totally right in stating in the ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Piero wrote to me on 3.4.79: Dear Huta, The work in Matrimandir is proceeding actively and we have now finally started the not-so-simple structure of the sphere. The inner chamber, the Room of the Mother, is quiet, vast, clean, empty; at present we have postponed the building work in order to proceed with the outer structure ...


... 04 July 1959 Now it was July—the month of rich blossoms. The Mother sent me a card dated 4th July 1959, which depicted a painted pigeon. She inscribed: My dear little child Huta, I have received all your nice letters and am glad that your studies are going on well. I was waiting for the arrival of your brother to tell you that I had got the things you sent me—but he has ...


... me to tea with the Rev. Mother of the Convent where I had first stayed. There we were introduced to many girls. The Mother sent me an encouraging letter dated 10th March: My dear little child Huta, I have received all your letters. Do not be discouraged because of difficulties. Whenever one wants to achieve something in life, difficulties come. Take them as a discipline (tapasya) to make ...


... My Savitri work with the Mother 22 December 1958 The Mother sent me a card dated 22nd December 1958. She had written on it: To My dear little child Huta with my blessings for a Happy New Year and my love for always. Her consideration and remembrance touched my heart. Later I was informed by Dyuman that all her activities in the Playground had ...


... 19 February 1959 Within my heart I knew that there was always the Mother and hope. I wrote a letter to her. She answered on 19th February: 19.2.59 My dear little child Huta I have just received your letter in which you are asking my advice about your studies. Of course, you must follow your inspiration and do full-heartedly the work which you feel you must do. It ...


... Mother 23 March 1959 I received from the Mother a painted card dated 23rd March, showing white roses, together with her words: To My dear little child Huta , I have received your letters and am always with you. With all my love and blessings ...


... I wanted very much to unburden my heart to her. A card dated 23rd August 1960 came from the Mother, depicting the picture-stamps of Mount Fuji and the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, and her words were: Huta, My dear little child , On the 12th September, I shall give you some time in the morning at 10 o'clock. With my love and blessings The clock pinged ten delicate notes as I walked into the ...


... 31 January 1961 I felt constantly that it was too tough a job to be perfect. Time was running out. I wrote to the Mother in this regard. She answered on 31st January 1961: Huta, My dear little child , First of all, it is never too late. From the point of view of spiritual realisation, the time has no concrete reality; all depends on the sincerity and intensity of ...


... know what I speak to you regarding Savitri . Sometimes unconsciously I correct you. I am terribly sorry. But you know, I behave with you like a friend on an equal level. I love you. Your child—Huta ...


... Savitri sketches along with her explanations. Also she wrote a number of letters in this regard. I recall one of her letters in connection with Book Seven: 7.4.65 Dear little child Huta, The sketches are very good. Especially the 3 heads of Savitri are excellent. I have made a little change to the man of power. His hands must be chained separately each one to a machine on both ...


... 23 March 1965 I had already started writing in bold letters the passages from Savitri for the Mother to recite. She wrote to me in this regard: 23.3.65 My dear little child Huta, I have seen the script and can read it. Of course, by practice, the letters will become more clear and regular, but the size is all right. That is why I send back the paper so that the size ...


... 08 April 1966 I wrote to the Mother about publishing the paintings of the rest of Savitri . She answered: 8.4.66 My very dear little child Huta It seems indeed wiser to wait for publishing the rest of "Meditations on Savitri" until we have our own block-making machine and are able to do the things properly according to our own understanding ...


... with the Mother 12 January 1968 Next day I received a card from the Mother with these promising words. 12.1.68 To my very dear little child Huta Let your thoughts be filled with the Divine's Truth and your heart be filled with the Divine's Love. It was the beginning of my new life, new work and new consciousness. ...


... sweet Mother, Thank you for your compassionate letter. I thought that everybody in the Ashram are demigods and goddesses. How wrong I am and how totally perplexed. Love, Yours, Huta She soon responded: 17.12.55 My dear little child The world is as it is—full of smallness and obscurity. The Divine alone is Light and Vastness, Truth and Compassion. So take ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... moved away quickly without a backward glance. What if she had pulled the "tendril"! I said with concern, "Laxmi, you shouldn't have touched the creeper at this unearthly hour." She answered, "Yes Huta, you are right. Now my fingers are burning and itching. I must dash home and apply some cream." When I got to my room I had to laugh out loud, remembering the expression on Laxmi's face: a mixture ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... cal and evolutionary circumstances resulting from an abrupt exit due to desperation. Their calm, clear, compassionate analysis of the complex problem involved is before us in two letters written to Huta by the Mother dated 21.12.1960 and 16.3.1961 {White Roses in facsimile, pp. 122 and 130).   . My dear little child, It is your full right to refuse to live in this world if you do not like ...


... in which a misadventure in the dream-state got translated so substantially in the body. I may end by striking a spiritually optimistic note. When I had an occasion to relate the incident to Huta, she suddenly lighted upon an implication I had not guessed. I had seen only the frightful possibility of hostile blows having Page 178 more and more gross-physical consequences ...


... 356,360,362 higher and lower hemispheres 306 Hiranyagarbha 99 Homer 132,186,205,213,258 horse 310 hostile forces 303 Housman,A.E. 26,265 hrdaye guhāyām 165 Huta 281,298,330 hymns to Agni 299 I Ignorance 248 immortality 61,83,90,303 Inconscience 80,95,247,260,321,328 Inconscient 252 Indian spirituality 99 Ingelow,Jean 155 ...


... NOLINI KANTA GUPTA) 1 In the Mother India of August 15, 1976 Nolini Kanta Gupta has given a very pointed and appealing interpretation of a term in Savitri which had puzzled Huta and me and led us to consult him. The term occurs in the course of a description of the Yogic development which Aswapathy, Savitri's father, undergoes. The context runs: A Seer was born, a shining ...


... 1958 "a very old tradition", more ancient than ¹ Ibid. , pp. 284-285. ² On Yoga II, Tome One, pp. 433-434. ³ About Savitri with Some Paintings, Published by Huta (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry 1972), p. 14. 4 Savitri (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1972) p. 3. Page 64 the Vedic and Chaldean and constituting their origin ...


... " about visualising Savitri-lines are actually reports. I believe there is some misunderstanding here. As far as I know, the basic truth Page 73 simply is that, as she once told Huta,¹whose account she subsequently read and fully confirmed, the Mother long before she came to Pondicherry had passed through a series of visions and experiences which later she found expressed in ...

... can become our foundational engagement; in fact it has thus already opened out an altogether new world of creative action for us. Based on Savitri we already have Sunil Bhattacharya's music and Huta Hindocha's paintings under the direct guidance of the Mother. These are examples of the new art that is to come in its wake and there shall be many more creations to bring Savitri itself closer ...

... the earth must labour to evolve to its fulfilment. But this 'thing symbolised' is also multi-layered. The Mother has elucidated one deepest level of significance in her explanations given to Huta, entitled About Savitri. But the symbol reverberates with other meanings too and can be experienced in other ways. I myself have sometimes experienced this momentous dawn as the re-awakening ...

... transmission which have “… dulled its force”. But, if we have to argue, this Savitri must have been the 1954 University Edition with changes made by Amal Kiran. This is the edition she was using when Huta did her paintings with her. Does Manoj Das mean this as the "original publication"? The Mother’s reference could then be to this Savitri . In any case, Udar should have at least provided a couple of ...


... remained was only the hollow skin of the body. But to my utter amazement this skin started to move, hopping forward in order to create an impression of life and have an effect in the world. HUTA A COMMENT BY NOLINI It is self-explanatory. The hostile force is destroyed, but its shadow remains for some time. *Mother India, January 1975. Page 183 ...

... descent continued for a minute. When it was over, the pit was filled and there hung over it a bright haze which was very beautiful. The dream left an extremely vivid and concrete impression. HUTA A COMMENT BY NOLINI It is a true and very beautiful experience. Naturally, it is Mother's Presence and the living action of Her Force. *Mother India, September 1974. Page ...

... not wriggle, nor reptilian ecstasies thrash the slime, were it not for the Love that sustains them and all life under the wheeling stars. We recall the incredible depth of what the Mother wrote to Huta on 18 January 1965: "Love to all in you that loves and to all in you that does not know that it loves." 10 Divine Love in its infinite purity and power cannot be mentioned in the same breath ...

... symbols she designed. It also contains some Sanskrit names given by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to disciples and devotees, with meanings such as Anurakta (lovingly devoted), Dyuman (the luminous one), Huta (the offered one), and Navajata (the new born). There is also some early regulations for the sadhaks of the Ashram. Part III Miscellany The Mother's Blessings My love and blessings ...

... was issued in 2000.) A Talk on Savitri : The Mother (Reported by Mona Sarkar in his Sweet Mother—Harmonies of Light , 1978) Meditations on Savitri and About Savitri : Huta (Paintings based on Savitri under the guidance of the Mother) Savitri: An Approach and a Study : A. B. Purani (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, first published in 1952) A Study of ...


... -288-289 p115 in the manuscript Part 2 Chapter 2 No 1. From an unpublished letter of Sri Aurobindo p 145 in the manuscript No 2. White Roses compiled and Published by Huta pp -279 p 151 in the manuscript Chapter 3 No 1. Kargil, the manifestation of a deeper problem p 157 in the manuscript Page 225 Book 2 Chapter ...

... wrong to be agitated over changes in outer practices, as long as the eternal truth at the core is followed." She and Rukmini were, in those days, given rooms in ‘Saravana House’ (later becoming ‘Huta House’), where two north-Indian sadhikas, X and Y were also housed (the latter had come as a seeker’s companion, not for Yoga). Their English education and social accomplishments had convinced them ...

... felt: Here speaks one who wholeheartedly recognizes applied physical science and techniques, but has not lost the communication with the supra-physical world. 14 From Miwani, Africa, the girl 'Huta' wrote on 19 August 1954 to the Mother: You have given me life. Now I have understood what value life has.... You alone have given me the inspiration that in the remaining years of ...

... egoism, 479; beyond Marx, Lenin and Mao, 479; need for a subjective or spiritual turn in individual and social life, 479; the Kingdom of God, 480; the coming spiritual age,480, 490, 658, 751 Huta, 684H, 690, 753 Huxley, Aldous, 417, 423, 694 Hydari,SirAkbar,579,730 Hymn to Durga' (Durga Stotra), 298, 786 Hymns to the Mystic Fire, 455ff Ibsen, Henrik ...

... Ibid .,p.208 81. Ibid., p p. 211, 212 82. Ibid., p. 216 83. Ibid., p ..291,292 84. Ibid., Vol. 29, p. 785 85. Ibid., p. 750 86. Huta, Meditations on Savitri, Prefatory statement 87. Letter dated 21 July 1960 to Prema Nandakumar, whose thesis has since been published as A Study of 'Savitri' (1962). ...

... To Pranab Bhattacharya she wrote on 18 October: To my beloved child and faithful companion in the building up of the New World. With my love, my trust and my blessings for ever. 9 To Huta, the Mother wrote every few days, and they were words of comfort or courage, of admonition or appreciation, of hope or benediction: Jealousy is a deadly poison that is fatal to the soul. Behind ...


... on learning that their house’s three months’ lease was at an end, she arranged to shift them to an Ashram house. Amiya shared my room. I was then living on the first floor of what is at the present ‘Huta House’. Bula and Kunal were kept upstairs in the ‘Guest House’ (now called ‘Dortoir’). I remember what a terribly stormy sea (in fact, due to a cyclone) it was on the day when, according to the previous ...

... The Spirit of Auroville Shyamsunder sent me the following letter dated 12.8.74, which he had received from Prabhat Kumar Poddar: After reading Huta's brochure on Matrimandir and the suggestion of covering the urn with the lotus structure, as well as hearing from Roger the story behind the realisation of the urn, I have the following observation to make ...

... the Lord wants you to do the new paintings—the New Creation. As regards Golconde, after the Mother's note and her decision the Savitri paintings were to go there: Yes—a place to keep Huta's paintings is very necessary. Blessings That very night the Mother gave the following message for the Exhibition The importance of Savitri is immense. Its subject is universal. ...

... direction stating clearly that it was she who gave me the responsibility of Auroville and yet people disregarded it with the utmost impunity. And then, when he discovered Mother's message about Huta's guardianship of the Matrimandir, he stood for her whom he never met in his lifetime and whose behaviour with him was not very graceful. He came on his last visit to Pondicherry and Auroville in February ...

... individual destinies of her numberless children near and far. On her eighty-ninth birthday (21 February 1967), an exhibition of 460 of Huta's paintings, all directly inspired by the Mother, was opened. One could observe side by side the Mother's original sketches and Huta's completed paintings, and see for oneself the closeness and the value of the collaboration. On 1 April, in her message for the annual ...

... Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 Some Reflections on Savitri 1: Guidance from the Mother on Savitri In February 1967 an exhibition of Huta's paintings of Savitri was held at the Ashram. After seeing it I wrote to the Mother: "The Savitri exhibition is full of images of Savitri, the ascent of the being, the descent of divinity and the divine play ...

... Sri Aurobindo issued by the Indian Government. The fourth cabinet includes saris and shawls used by the Mother when she was writing Prayers and Meditations in the Ashram; Mother’s gold watch and Huta’s painting of Mother at the organ. In the fifth cabinet one finds French boxes, hand-painted cards, purses in brocaded fabric, usually containing money, given to Mother by affluent Indians. The ...