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54 result/s found for Individual Divine

... movement and upholding its differentiation from other play of movement, — the same everywhere in soul-essence, but varying in soul-form. This concentration supporting the soul-form would be the individual Divine or Jivatman as distinguished from the universal Divine or one all-constituting self. There would be no essential difference, but only a practical differentiation for the play which would not abrogate... the real unity. The universal Divine would know all soul-forms as itself and yet Page 7 establish a different relation with each separately and in each with all the others. The individual Divine would envisage its existence as a soul-form and soul-movement of the One and, while by the comprehending action of consciousness it would enjoy its unity with the One and with all soul-forms,... to it and so following and enjoying, but were to project itself into the movement and to be in a way involved in it. Here, the character of the play would be altered, but only in so far as the individual Divine would so predominantly make the play of relations with the universal and with its other forms the practical field of its conscious experience that the realisation of utter unity with them would ...


... movement and upholding its differentiation from other play of movement,—the same everywhere in soul-essence, but varying in soul-form. This concentration supporting the soul-form would be the individual Divine or Jivatman as distinguished from the universal Divine or one all-constituting self. There would be no essential difference, but only a practical differentiation for the play which would not abrogate... abrogate the real unity. The universal Divine would know all soul-forms as itself and yet establish a different relation with each separately and in each with all the others. The individual Divine would envisage its existence as a soul-form and soul-movement of the One and, while by the comprehending action of consciousness it would enjoy its unity with the One and with all soul-forms, it would also... to it and so following and enjoying, but were to project itself into the movement and to be in a way involved in it. Here, the character of the play would be altered, but only in so far as the individual Divine would so predominantly make the play of relations with the universal and with its other forms the practical field of its conscious experience that the realisation of utter unity with them would ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... disappears and the aspects are indivisibly united in the Whole. One must go on enlarging knowledge, adding experience to experience till all the limitation disappears. The Transcendent, Cosmic and Individual Divine The Divine has three aspects for us: 1) It is the Cosmic Self and Spirit that is in and behind all things and beings, from which and in which all is manifested in the universe—although it... from which we have to start—the realisation of its truth can only come with the opening of the consciousness and its change. The distinction between the Transcendental, the Cosmic, the Individual Divine is not my invention, nor is it native to India or to Asia—it is on the contrary a recognised European teaching current in the esoteric tradition of the Catholic Church where it is the authorised ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... its differentiation from other play of movement, — the same everywhere in soul-essence, but varying in soul-form. This Page vi concentration supporting the soul-form would be the individual Divine or Jivatman as distinguished from the universal Divine or one all-constituting self. There would be no essential difference, but only a practical differentiation for the play which would not abrogate... abrogate the real unity. The universal Divine would know all soul-forms as itself and yet establish a different relation with each separately and in each with all the others. The individual Divine would envisage its existence as a soul-form and soul-movement of the One and, while by the comprehending action of consciousness it would enjoy its unity with the One and with all soul-forms, it would also... and enjoying, but were to project itself into the movement and to be in a way involved in it. Here, the character of the play would be altered, but Page vii only in so far as the individual Divine would so predominantly make the play of relations with the universal and with its other forms the practical field of its conscious experience that the realisation of utter unity with them would ...

... Finally, he has an individual aspect: he is a Person with whom human b.eings can enter into relations of love and service. The Divine incarnate as a human being, is a special manifestation of the Individual Divine. Even then, as an embodied earthly person, he may act in a way characteristic of any of the three aspects. The Divine descended upon earth, as viewed by Sri Aurobindo, does not come in his tr... conscious of it. After all, is not man, every human being, built in the same pattern, a composite of the earthly human element supported and infused by a secret divine element? However, God, the individual Divine, does become man, one of them and one with them. Only, his labour thereby increases manifold, hard and heavy, although for that very reason full of a bright rich multiple promise. The Divine's... and self-illumination, self-discipline and self­realisation. Also, the horrors of material existence, being part of the cosmic play and portion of his infinity, naturally find shelter in the individual divine incarnation, are encompassed   Page 284 in his human embodiment. It is the energy of his own consciousness that brought out or developed even this erring earth from ...

... becomes cosmic divine Love; intensely fixing itself on one or others to find itself, to achieve a dynamic unification or to reach here towards the union of the soul with the Divine, it becomes the individual divine Love. But there are unhappily its diminutions in the human mind, human vital, human physical; there the divine essence of Love may easily become mixed with counterfeits, dimmed, concealed or lost... judge who has not himself followed the Christian discipline. Christ, whether as the human Incarnation or the Christos in men or the Godhead proceeding from the Father, seems to me to be quite my individual Divine. The Father has very much the appearance of the One who overstands and is immanent in the cosmos. And Page 376 although this is more obscure, yet if one can be guided by the indications ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... One, conscious form of Him in His own infinity. It will be able divinely to conceive, perceive and sense all these existences in their individuality, in their separate standpoint living as the individual Divine, each with the One and Supreme dwelling in it and each therefore not altogether a form or eidolon, not really an illusory part of a real whole, a mere foaming wave on the surface of an immobile... oneness and infinite totality, they must present themselves as a triple and indeed a triune realisation. If we suppose this soul to take its poise, its centre in the consciousness of the individual Divine living and acting in distinct relation with the "others", still it will have in the foundation of its consciousness the entire unity from which all emerges and it will have in the background of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the yoga. A disciple asked him: “Do you not refer to the Mother (our Mother) in your book The Mother ?” Sri Aurobindo answered with one word: “Yes.” Then the disciple asked: “Is she not the ‘individual’ Divine Mother who has embodied ‘the power of these two vast ways of her existence’?” Sri Aurobindo answered again with one word: “Yes.” And he explained: “The Divine puts on an appearance of humanity ...

... inner godhead. Every individual has what may be described as his line of spiritual descent and also ascent, for into each individual consciousness has come down from the supreme Maha Shakti an individual divine being, a particular godhead following a particular line of manifestation of divine power, Vibhuti. To bear inwardly the touch of this divinity and found it securely within oneself, to concentrate ...

... you in contact with the immanent Divine, the Divine who is at the centre of each being and of whom the psychic being is the sheath and the expression. By the psychic change one passes from the individual Divine to the universal Divine and finally to the Transcendent. The spiritual change puts you directly in contact with the Supreme. 9 September 1959 Sweet Mother, How can one make one's ...


... Supramental Consciousness, is not yet manifest in this cosmic formula. From where shall he bring it down? It can only be brought down from the Transcendental world. So after the Yoga of the Individual Divine of Book I and the Yoga of the Universal or Cosmic Divine of Book II, he now gets ready for the Yoga of the Transcendental Divine in Book III. MANGESH NADKARNI Page 301 ...

... importance in our journey of self-knowledge. It is the source of true individuality, entirely distinct from the ego-sense, and it is that entity which represents in our evolutionary movement the individual Divine which is known in the Indian system of yoga as Jivatman, and which, as Sri Aurobindo has explained, is the Supreme Himself in His individuation which takes place in the second poise of the supermind ...


... inner god­head. Every individual has what may be described as his line of spiritual descent and also ascent; for into each indi­vidual consciousness has come down from the supreme Maha Shakti an individual divine being, a particular god­head following a particular line of manifestation of divine power, vibhuti. To bear inwardly the touch of this divinity and found it securely within oneself, to concentrate ...

... middle—the transverse or horizontal branch stands for the expanse of the universal consciousness, the Cosmic Divine; and the bottom portion, the vertical line below the transverse stands for the individual Divine immanent or imbedded in the manifestation. You will note that the flower we call transformation has a form analogous to the Cross. Page 102 ...

... languages perhaps? I don't understand what they mean by it. SATYENDRA: What is the significance of the Son, the Father and the Holy Ghost? SRI AUROBINDO: The Son, I suppose, could be the individual Divine, the Divine in man—they speak of the Christ in man; the Father is the personal Divine, the ruler of the world; and perhaps the Holy Ghost is the Impersonal. But I don't understand what they ...


... Sri Aurobindo was asked by a disciple ten years later whether he did not refer to "our Mother" in his book The Mother, he gave the supremely succinct answer, "Yes." She was verily the 'individual' divine Mother who embodied the Page 292 power of the two vaster ways (universal and transcendent) of her existence; and she had descended here amongst us into this 'too too sullied' world ...


... Mother is a constant opportunity to our embodied being to approach and contact the divine Grace, and accelerate the pace of our evolution into our dynamic divinity. Page 94 The individual divine Mother, at once transcendent and universal in Her consciousness, brings down the transcendent Will to new creation, and infuses it into those individual units of humanity who open and surrender ...

... with the presence of the One. That is to say, there is difference only in the soul-form and not in the Soul essence, that Page 160 is what may be called the J ī v ā tman, the individual Divine. The third is a further modification which creates diversified individuality, which becomes the ego ultimately, following the creation of the mind. In the third poise of the Supermind the mental ...


... Knowledge or Ananda. All these things together make what we call the higher spiritual or Divine Consciousness. The psychic opening through the heart puts us primarily into connection with the individual Divine, the Divine in his inner relation with us; it is especially the source of love and bhakti. . This upward opening puts us into direct relation with whole Devine and can create in us the divine ...

... culminating in ‘The Book of the Divine Mother.’ To understand Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s venture, it is essential not to forget that she was an incarnation of the transcendent, cosmic and individual Divine Mother in a human body, just as he was an incarnation of the transcendent, cosmic and individual Ishwara in a human body. ‘Either she is that or she is not’ and he is that or he is not – and if ...

... Forgael might be the Yogin in the act of the irrevocable and immediately effectual renunciation of a life in the world and entering into his kingdom, having found and been accepted by the individual divine within him. It is certainly a very beautiful passage and has obviously a mystic significance; but I don't know whether we can put into it such precise meaning as you suggest. Yeats' contact ...


... ineffable Godhead to our consciousness, and then too love and adoration find their place. And even when our personality seems to disappear into unity with it, it may still be—and really is—the individual divine who is melting to the universal or the supreme by a union in which love and lover and loved are forgotten in a fusing experience of ecstasy, but are still there latent in the oneness and subc ...


... Knowledge or Ananda. All these things together make what we call the higher, spiritual or divine consciousness. The psychic opening through the heart puts us primarily into connection with the individual Divine, the Divine in his inner relations with us; it is especially the source of love and bhakti. This upward opening puts us into direct relation with the whole Divine and can create in us the divine ...


... The Mother with Letters on the Mother Who Is the Mother? Do you not refer to the Mother (our Mother) in your book? Yes. Is she not the "Individual" Divine Mother who has embodied "the power of these two vaster ways of her existence" 1 —Transcendent and Universal? Yes. Has she not descended here (amongst us) into the Darkness and Falsehood ...

... judge who has not himself followed the Christian discipline. Christ whether as the human Incarnation or the Christos in men or the Godhead proceeding from the Father, seems to me to be quite my individual Divine. The Father has very much the appearance of the One who overstands and is immanent in the cosmos. And although this is more obscure, yet if one can be guided by the indications in the Scripture ...


... Knowledge or Ananda. All these things together make what we call the higher spiritual or Divine Consciousness. The psychic opening through the heart puts us primarily into connection with the individual Divine, the Divine in his inner relation with us; it is especially the source of love and Bhakti. This upward opening puts us into direct relation with the whole Divine and can create in us the divine ...


... which is above creation, at the origin of creation; the universal which is the creation, and the individual which is self-explanatory. There is a transcendent Divine, a universal Divine and an individual Divine. That is, one may put oneself in contact with the divine Consciousness within oneself, in the universe and, beyond all forms, in the transcendent. So these three aspects are also the three aspects ...


... you in contact with the immanent Divine, the Divine who is at the centre of each being and of whom the psychic being is the sheath and the expression. By the psychic change one passes from the individual Divine to the universal Divine and finally to the Transcendent. The spiritual change puts you directly in contact with the Supreme. 26 — The Mother * Do not confuse the psychic ...


... Riddle of This World The Triune Godhead The distinction between the Transcendental, the Cosmic, the Individual Divine is not my invention, nor is it native to India or to Asia-- it is, on the contrary, a recognised European teaching current in the esoteric tradition of the Catholic Church where it is the authorised ...


... said in the Gita and the Upanishads, dwells as the Lord in the hearts of men? (2) Is it the psychic entity that is meant here or the Immanent Divine? Can the psychic entity be called the Individual Divine? (3) Is it only the psychic being that evolves and the psychic entity from behind only supports that evolution? There are none of these rigid distinctions in Sri Aurobindo's teaching ...


... universal Divine is suggested generally by the sense of wideness and equality, the sense of unity-in-multiplicity, the sense of a greatly diversified yet persistent order. The general sign of the individual Divine is the sense of plastic form, the sense of adventurous variation without losing balance, the sense of numerous initiatives that compete and yet avoid mutual destruction. We must develop insight ...

... ineffable Godhead to our consciousness, and then too love and adoration find their place. And even when our personality seems to disappear into unity with it, it may still be — and really is — the individual divine who is melting to the universal or the supreme by a union in which love and lover and loved are forgotten in a fusing experience of ecstasy, but are Page 237 still there latent ...


... where the supporting concentration of the individual play projects itself into the movement and becomes in a way involved in it so as to create a fundamental blissful dualism in unity between the individual Divine and its universal souls. These three statuses of the Supermind correspond, respectively, to unitary consciousness, qualified oneness and Page 64 blissful dualism. In the Supermind ...


... the movement which it contains, occupying and inhabiting its works, seeming to distribute itself in its forms. Sri Aurobindo states, "This concentration supporting the soul-form would be the individual Divine or Jivatman as distinguished from the universal Divine or one all-constituting self." This statement is important, because in the Gita itself we do not find any philosophical statement explaining ...

... middle – the transverse or horizontal branch stands for the expanse of the universal consciousness, the Cosmic Divine; and the bottom portion, the vertical line below the transverse stands for the individual Divine immanent or imbedded in the manifestation. You will note that the flower we call transformation has a form similar to the Cross. Page 284 ...

... and become the true reality of the being behind the ego formation. I t means divinisation of the person. The individual divinises   Page 7   himself into the individual Divine and then around him, first of all, in his inner consciousness, the frame or field changes also into a divine structure. Thus even the family for such a consciousness changes not only its connotation ...

... degrees of Nature and of the three modes of human existence which Nature has evolved and is evolving. Sixthly, the integral yoga and the integrality that is envisaged cannot be confined to the individual. Divine perfection embraces the realization of ourselves in being, in life and in love through others as well as through ourselves; therefore the extension of our liberty and of its results in others ...

... diversified delight of the One in the Many and of the Many in the One. This poise is "a sort of fundamental blissful dualism in unity—no longer unity qualified by a subordinate dualism—between the individual Divine and its universal source."¹ This is the truth of Dualism or Dvaitavâda. Now, all these three experiences are genuine and perfectly valid, and an integral supramental realisation would regard ...

... transcendence, universality and individuality. The Will of the Transcendent will marshal the integrated forces of our being, the Universal will supply the necessary field and condition, and the Individual Divine in our heart will give the immediate drive and direction, the proper setting and frame, and the distinctive colour and rhythm to our activities. Without this simultaneity of the triple union, ...

... you in contact with the immanent Divine, the Divine who is at the centre of each being and of whom the psychic being is the vesture and the expression. By the psychic change one passes from the individual Divine to the universal Divine and finally to the Transcendent. The spiritual change puts you directly in contact with the Supreme. 8 September 1959 * * * Sweet Mother, How can one ...


... personality has emerged and taken its place to help, to guide and fulfil the individual's divine destiny: even so, behind the universal effort there is a divine helping hand growing more and more powerful and effective in its manipulation of earthly forces and events. The solution of the difficulties will come from there and that can be the only solution. We, who are here, living under the very eye... eye of the supreme transfiguring force and consciousness that is working out inexorably the destinies of the individual being, the national being and the being of humanity to their divine fulfilment, we who have the privilege of not merely witnessing but collaborating in the mighty labour, however little it may be in our way, we can only bow down in thankfulness and gratefulness in the silence of our... conscious effort on the part of individuals to uplift and change the human consciousness. It is however the privilege of each individual to deal with one's share in the whole in one's own way, that is to say, the individual has been given the freedom and the capacity to make the burden light or let it remain or grow more heavy. It must be remembered that behind the individual a greater conscious personality ...

... personality has emerged and taken its place to help, to guide and fulfil the individual's divine destiny: even so, behind the universal effort there is a divine helping hand growing more and more powerful and effective in its manipulation of earthly forces and events. The solution of the difficulties will come from there and that can be the only solution. We, who are here, living under the very eye of... of the supreme transfiguring force and consciousness that is working out inexorably the destinies of the individual being, the national being and the being of humanity to their divine fulfilment, we who have the privilege of not merely witnessing but ¹ Sri Aurobindo says, "Even if our personal deliverance is complete, still there is the suffering of others, the world-travail, which the great of... conscious effort on the part of individuals to uplift and change the human consciousness. It is however the privilege of each individual to deal with one's share in the whole in one's own way, that is to say, the individual has been given the freedom and the capacity to make the burden light or let it remain or grow more heavy. It must be remembered that behind the individual a greater conscious personality ...

... from his agonized quest for the purpose of life with the simple answer that it was "to do good". He renounced organized religion, government and private property in favour of a faith in the individual's divinely given power to discern the good, a conviction derived from his perception of the simple faith of the peasants and from his study of Christ's words. Most of Tolstoy's writing during the ...

... spiritual and supraphysical force acting on the physical world directly; a Force for illumination, transformation, purification. The help of a higher Divine Force other than the force of Karma, which can lift an individual beyond the present possibilities of his nature. Page-252 mental The words "mental" and "mind" are used to connote specially the part of the nature which... intelligence. The physical is that part of human nature which includes the physical body and the physical consciousness. The psychic or psychic being is the evolving soul of the individual, the divine portion in him which evolves from life to life, growing by its experiences until it becomes a fully self-conscious being. From its place behind the heart centre, the psychic supports the mind... inconscience and inertia which translates in quality as incapacity and inaction. transformation In an individual, transformation means that the higher consciousness or nature is brought down into the mind, vital and body and takes the place of the lower. Truth-Consciousness The highest divine consciousness and force operative in the universe; a principle of consciousness superior to mentality ...


... sattwic — of the nature of sattwa, the quality of harmony, light, purity and peace. soul — the psychic essence or entity, the divine essence in the individual; a spark of the Divine that comes down into the manifestation to support the evolution of the individual. In the course of the evolution, the soul grows and evolves in the form of a soul-personality, the psychic being. The term "soul" is... essential principle of delight: a self-delight which is the very nature of the transcendent and infinite existence. Bhakti — devotion, love for the Divine. central being — the portion of the Divine which supports the individual being and survives from life to life; it has two forms: jivātman, which is above the manifestation in life, presiding over it, and the psychic being, which... executes and formalises what we see. The one we call Soul, the other Nature." (Sri Aurobindo) see also Purusha. psyche — the soul; spark of the Divine before it has evolved into an individualised being; the divine essence in the individual. In the course of the evolution, the soul grows and evolves in the form of a soul-personality, the psychic being. See also psychic being and soul ...


... instinct in many respects, but misapplied with regard to the Divine. For, in the Divine you do not really lose your individuality: you only give up your egoism and become the true individual, the divine personality which is not temporary like the construction of the physical consciousness which is usually taken for your self. One touch of the divine consciousness and you see immediately that there is no... free of falsehood. The real bar to self-surrender, whether to the Universal or to the Transcendent, is the individual's love of his own limitations. It is a natural love, since in the very formation of the individual being there is a tendency to concentrate on limits. Without that, there would be no sense of separateness—all would be mixed, as happens quite often in the mental and vital movements... 1931 1930 - 1931 Questions and Answers (1929-1931) Knowledge by Unity with the Divine - The Divine Will in the World Consciousness is the faculty of becoming aware of anything whatsoever through identification with it. But the divine consciousness is not only aware but knows and effects. For, mere awareness is not knowledge. To become aware of a vibration ...


... misapplied with Page 34 regard to the Divine. For, in the Divine you do not really lose your individuality: you only give up your egoism and become the true individual, the divine personality which is not temporary like the construction of the physical consciousness which is usually taken for your self. One touch of the divine consciousness and you will see immediately that there is... falsehood. The real bar to self-surrender, whether to the Universal or to the Transcendent, is the individual's love of his own limitations. It is a natural love, since in the very formation of the individual being there is a tendency to concentrate on limits. Without that, there would be no sense of separateness—all would be mixed, as happens quite often in the mental and vital movements of c... stands for, any more than by being conscious of your own nature self you possess at once the divine reality which you secretly are. Whereas if you arc one with the divine consciousness, you know—over and above how the tree feels—what the truth behind it is, in short, you know everything, because the divine consciousness knows everything. Indeed, there are many means of attaining this unity. ...


... time. If you want an order of priority, it is evident that the Divine exists before the individual, so it must be the Divine who has chosen first! But that is a choice prior to terrestrial life. In the order of the ordinary human consciousness it may be one or the other or both at the same time. In fact, it is likely that the Divine is the first to notice that this or that being is ready! But he who... automatic, spontaneous and indisputable. And so, if the hierarchy is true, there is a place for everybody; and for each individual in his own place, his individual truth is absolute. That is to say, each element which is truly in its place has a total and perfect relation with the Divine—in its place. And yet, on the whole, there is a hierarchy which too is quite absolute. But to understand spiritual life... mean by "generally"? Everyone on earth? Is that what you mean? All those who aspire and do yoga, or is it only one person? Oh! now it begins to take shape! ( Laughter ) Is it only one individual the Divine chooses to manifest Him or can He choose several?—He chooses several. But here too there is a hierarchy. One can understand nothing of the spiritual life if one does not understand the ...


... the discovery of our true soul which is hidden in the depths of the heart-centre and which is Page 58 perpetually in the presence of the Individual Personal Divine because it is itself put forth by the Divine as a centre of individual, personal yet non-egoistic manifestation in the evolutionary process on earth. As the psychic being is within ourselves it can surely be realised and with... similar sense: Tablet of brain thou hast made for thy writing, Master divine. Calmly thou writest or full of thy grandeur Flushed as with wine, Then with a laugh thou erasest the scroll, Bringing another, like waves that roll And sink supine. The astonishing skill of the "master divine" is delineated in telling strokes. Can we take the poet to be marvelling at the... inclined to make the poem refer to his inspiration only at its highest pitch. I must confess, though, that such a reference is not explicit. Perhaps we may aver the poem to mean that when the "Master divine" takes charge, all is flawless at every moment. Then the unexpressed implication would be that there are occasions when the "Master of mind" is not directly present and active with the result that ...


... her imperfect and crude movement. To escape from ego and be united with the Divine is at once the liberation and the consummation of his individuality; so liberated, purified, perfected, the individual—the divine soul—lives consciously and entirely, as was from the first intended, in and for the cosmic and transcendent Divine and for his Will in the universe. In the Way of Knowledge we may arrive... self in Nature, the always intended goal of a progressive manifestation in the universe. The divine Nature, free and perfect and blissful, must be manifested in the individual in order that it may manifest in the world. Even in the Ignorance the individual lives really in the universal and for the universal Purpose, for in the very act of pursuing the purposes and desires of his ego, he is forced by Nature... true salvation or the true freedom from the chain of rebirth is not the rejection of terrestrial life or the individual's escape by a spiritual self-annihilation, even as the true renunciation is not the mere physical abandonment of family and society; it is the inner identification with the Divine in whom there is no limitation of past life and future birth but instead the eternal existence of the unborn ...


... — Force, Power; the Divine Power; the Power of the other; the consciousness and power of the Divine; the Mother and Energy of the worlds. Shunya — void; the Nothing which is All. Sorley, Prof. —William Ritchie Sorley (1855-1935), professor of philosophy at Cambridge, England. Soul — the psychic essence or entity, the divine essence in the individual; Page 415 ... out the cosmic and individual truth of things. Desire-soul — the surface soul in us, which works in our vital cravings, our emotions, aesthetic faculty and mental seeking for power, knowledge and happiness; the true soul is the subliminal psychic essence. the Divine — the Supreme Being from which all comes and in which all lives. In its supreme Truth the Divine is absolute and infinite... worlds. See also Nature. prāṇa, Prana — life energy; one of the five workings of the life-force. the Psychic — the soul; spark of the Divine before it has evolved into an individualised being; the divine essence in the individual. In the course of the evolution, the soul grows and evolves in the form of a soul-personality, the psychic being. The term is also often used for the ...


... fact, there is a Divine Sense, a Divine Vital, a Divine Mind and a Divine Subliminal in the Supramental whose distortions or imperfect manifestations are these so-called instruments of perception. It is possible by opening all the instruments to the corresponding divine counterparts in the Supramental to divinise and transform these, and Page 88 every individual who does this in... powers which accompany them. In fact, a gift from the Divine is a partial manifestation of the Divine Consciousness sent to the sadhaka to prepare him for receiving more and more complete manifestations till the whole and integral Divine Plenitude is established in him. This process is prevented or stopped only by the play of the separative individual consciousness with its ambitions in its ignorant and... fulfilment for the individual is in being a focal centre, one of the multitudinous centres for the manifestation of the Divine Consciousness. It is to be at the centre of the Cross for the manifestation of the Higher Part of the Transcendent both sideways and downwards in the universal consciousness around and below. This is possible only when the separate formation of the individual personality is dissolved ...

... getting specially concerned with any particular individual: its action is impersonal and general. But for whatever reason, mostly because of a sincere and ardent call from an individual for divine help and intervention, this frozen sheet of Compassion gets melted so to say, acquires mobility, and starts moving towards the appealing individual to act directly and potently in his life in the... the name of Grace to this specialised action of divine Compassion. And this acts in many different ways depending on the nature of the difficulty troubling the individual sadhaka. For dangers and difficulties threaten the happiness of man not in only one way but in diverse manners. Thus, depending on the particular situation, the divine Grace may assume at least six different forms; they... rational mind with all its misgivings and reservations rises up and asserts itself, creating total confusion in the individual's heart. The disturbing thoughts that race through his mind at such hours of perplexity are somewhat as follows: "Is there any such thing called a divine Grace? Is this not after all an illusory thing like the imaginary egg of a mare? For, if it is true, as our scie ...

... then the Divine begins to work overtly in him. Then, "A static Oneness and dynamic Power descend in him". Then a different government of his nature begins for the individual. The divine power that descends in him begins to "turn Page 152 this frail mud-engine to heaven-use". The insignificant human being is utilised by the divine for a divine purpose. Aswapathy... luminous individual Power, alone". "The Absolute, the Perfect, the Alone" has called cut his silent power from within himself and has entered into Space and Time and become many.1 He has taken up this mask of imperfection so that ultimately man may rise to the divine nature. Transformation of nature becomes possible because of the presence of the Divine behind the human. As the Divine accepts... achieving his. own spiritual self-fulfilment as an individual, II. Next, he makes an ascent as a typical representative of the race to win the possibility of discovery and possession of all the planes of consciousness. (Yoga of the King) III. Finally, he aspires no longer for himself but for all, for a universal realisation and new creation. (Book of Divine Mother). "As if a childlike finger" ...