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... implies hearing. We have already quoted his words to the Galatians: "... the Good News I preached is not a human message that I was given by man, it is something I learnt through a revelation of Jesus Christ" (1:11-12). 5 Brown, 6 after noting Evans's gloss, ponders how precisely "appeared to" should be interpreted in the visibility it involves. He reflects on the Greek ophthe: "A study... Coming of Jesus, the Parousia, when there will be a general resurrection of the dead. Paul writes: "For us, our homeland is in heaven, and from heaven comes the saviour we are waiting for, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body" (Philippians 3:20-21). 15 An impression of great luminosity is created by the closing expressions: that... right hand" (Colossians 3 :1). 22 There is even a direct reference to Jesus' heavenly body in another phrase already cited by us:"... from heaven comes the saviour we are waiting for, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body" (Philippians 3:20-21). 23 In 1 Corinthians itself we have talk of the first Adam and the last Adam (Jesus) ...
... he was Jesus Christ. The Jewish belief that the coming of the Messiah still lies in the future is one of the major differences between the faith of Jews and Christians. The Christians believe that the Messiah came 2000 years ago in the person of Jesus. Although faith in the Messiah had been entirely Jewish, and still is to this day, the Christians claimed Jesus as the Messiah (Jesus Christ), but... prophets of the Old Testament, Christianity declares Jesus to be the Messiah. In Greek, the word 'messiah' is 'christ' or the anointed one, so according to the faith of Christianity, Jesus becomes Jesus Christ. In the Gospels, Jesus refers to himself as 'the son of man' which is not a supernatural figure such as a messiah. Yet, Christianity claims _______________ * anoint: to apply oil to as a... Himself in the flesh as Jesus who then carried the burden of humanity's sins and thus redeemed humanity by the Crucifixion is finally officially expressed in the 4th century in the Nicene Creed. Thus Jesus Christ is the Saviour of humanity. Such an interpretation of 'messiah' remains unacceptable to both Judaism and Islam. (c) Nicene Creed: In 325 CE, the Emperor Constantine called the Council of Nicea ...
... of the mind of Paul in Romans gives special significance to his many references to the name of Jesus there: from "descended from David according to the flesh... Jesus Christ our Lord" in the first chapter, to "the preaching of Jesus Christ," which "is now disclosed and through the prophetic writings is made known to all nations" in the final sentence. Here Jesus is, as Paul says of himself elsewhere... Crucifixion Introduction -Jesus and the Theme of Love II. —Jesus and the Theme of Love In his famous speech at St. Helena, Napoleon exclaimed: "I know men, and I tell you that Jesus Christ is not a man. Superficial minds see a resemblance between Christ, and the founders of empires and the gods of other religions. That resemblance does not exist. There is between Christianity and... and any other religion the distance of infinity . . . Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires. But upon what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ alone founded his empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him" (Monser, 503, 508). Kennedy, James and Newcomb, Jerry (1994), What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? (Nashville: Thomas Nelson) ...
... Mount of Olives when "a great light appeared, so that the mountain shone from the sight of him who had appeared. And a voice called out to them saying 'Listen... I am Jesus Christ, who is with you forever.'" The Wisdom of Jesus Christ tells a similar story: "then there appeared to them the Redeemer, not in his original form but in the invisible spirit. But his appearance was the appearance of a great... Catholic expositor of Scripture John J. Dougherty, 10 a dictum of "Origen in the first half of the third century": "The Gospel according to Matthew, who was first a publican and later the Apostle of Jesus Christ, was the first to be written; it was written in the Hebrew [Aramaic] language for the believers from Judaism." But nothing in Matthew's Gospel as it stands shows the compiler depending on an eye-witness... (15:23) 56 we can know Paul's notion of what must have happened to Jesus himself on the third day of his death. Our inference is ratified by the open assertion in Philippians 3:20-21 about "our Lord Jesus Christ" whom "we are waiting for": "...he will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body." 57 The source, in 1 Corinthians 15, of our mediated yet clear-cut knowledge ...
... some of them running counter to those where the conscious Christian is unmistakably intended to have his say. Facing the unconventional modes, de Lubac 19 observes: "He tried to show in Our Lord Jesus Christ 'the synthesis of the created Universe and its 18.Writings in Time of War, p. 108. 19.The Religion of Teilhard de Chardin (Collins, London, 1967), p. 202. Page 188... expected in the Teilhardian universe where God is the Alpha and Omega of evolution. But this universe is not conceived on the strength of a religious dogma. Also, it has no connection with accepting Jesus Christ as the one and only Son of God. The Phenomenon of Spirituality is independent of Christianity and stands on its own legs. The verity it offers is bom of a scientifico-religious insight. This insight... of the Cosmic Christ, is simply a reflectively conscious incarnation, hominized in a broad sense, elsewhere than on earth and therefore unlike the one in terrestrial history who is known to us as Jesus Christ. But, truly speaking, it is not the chemistry or the morphology of the extra-terrestrial Incarnation that is important. What is important, in regard to Alice Meynell's "million forms" and ...
... a supreme causative power that is creator of the universe and ever remains as its preserver, the ground of all its processes, and that can intervene in them at any time; (2) God is incarnate in Jesus Christ. His incarnation directly infuses divinity into the world of matter and, by virtue of Christ's resurrection after his death, it keeps a special intermediary divine presence at all places and at... Teilhard's Cosmic Christ is instinct, may be offered by stringing together some passages from the collection entitled "Pensees" made by Fernande Tardivel from Teilhard's writings: "Lord Jesus Christ, you truly contain within your gentleness, within your humanity, all the unyielding immensity and grandeur of the world. And it is because of this, it is because there exists in you the ineffable... this double vision, finding as they do that Teilhard seems to say "Yes" and "No" simultaneously. So, one of his most distinguished commentators, de Lubac, 14 writes: "He tried to show in our Lord Jesus Christ 'the synthesis of the created Universe and its Creator': did he not sometimes seem to establish this synthesis at a too accessible level and thus, in spite of the qualifications and corrections ...
... flourishing about him — in the sixteenth century, will supply a passage suitable for our purpose. "First of all, carefully excite in yourself an habitual affectionate will in all things to imitate Jesus Christ. If anything agreeable offers itself to your senses, yet does not at the same time tend purely to the honour and glory of God, renounce it and separate yourself from it for the love of Christ, who... tremulous from weakness. Amid these torments he spent his nights and days; and he endured them all out of the greatness of love which he bore in his heart to the Divine and Eternal Wisdom, our Lord Jesus Christ, whose agonizing sufferings he sought to imitate. After a time he gave up this penitential exercise of the door, and instead of it he took up his abode in a very small cell, and used the bench,... condition. And when all my hopes in them and in all men were gone so that I had nothing outwardly to help me, nor could tell what to do; then, oh then, I heard a voice which said, 'There is one, even Jesus Christ, that can speak to thy condition.' When I heard it, my heart did leap for joy. Then the Lord let me see why there was none upon the earth that could speak to my condition. I had not fellowship with ...
... 106, fn. 176). "Most scholars regard the story of the guard as a Christian apologetic response to the contention that the body had been stolen. P. Benoit, The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ (New York: Herder and Herder, 1969), p. 226, lists three serious objections against its historicity" (p. 115, fn. 192). P.P.S. I am enclosing a copy of a letter of Sri Aurobindo to Dilip... looked upon as that Sermon in seed-form. Peter's sermon (Acts 10:36-43) declares to the Gentiles about God and Jesus: "You know the word which he sent to Israel, preaching good news of peace by Jesus Christ (he is Lord of all), the word which was proclaimed throughout Judaea..." Peter ends by saying of Jesus: "And he commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that he is the one ordained... commentator John J. Dougherty 70 quotes from "Origen in the first half of the third century" the declaration: "The Gospel according to Matthew, who was first a publican and later the Apostle of Jesus Christ, was the first to be written; it was written in the Hebrew [Aramaic] language for the believers from Judaism." The real 2nd-century testimony is from Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis, about 130 AD ...
... The Time of Christ's Second Coming I Biblical scholars have been at variance as to the time which the New Testament visualises for the return of Jesus Christ from heaven in glory to mark the end of the earth and establish the Kingdom of God. Among the representatives of one view the most prominent figure is Albert Schweitzer, author of the famous book... coming of the Lord." A little later, in the same epistle (5:23) he writes to his followers his prayer to God that their spirit, soul and body may be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The first phrase evidently expects the Second Coming to happen within Paul's own lifetime and the lifetime of those to whom he preached. The second statement brings a momentous precision by the... Christ came and that the coming of Christ * The text used everywhere in this article is the one originally published from Cambridge in 1899 as The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, according to the received Greek text together with the English Authorised Version (Photographic Reprint, 1922). Page 81 would be within the span of their lives and his ...
... Testament to describe the life and works of Jesus Christ as well as the contents of the Christian message. The coining of the Christ was considered the fulfilment of God's promise to mankind as foretold by the Prophets of the Old Testament; it is also viewed as the inauguration of anew epoch in the relation between God and man. The most relevant facts about Jesus Christ were preserved by oral tradition before... equality and fraternity. These are the translations into the social and political sphere of the spiritual truth that Christ put forward to mankind. Such is the strength of the exceptional message of Jesus Christ that it has been the keystone of one of the most important turns in the evolution of humanity. If only for that, such inspired pieces as the Sermon on the Mount deserve to be read with utmost respect... dominated the area (the Assyrian, Chaldean, Persian, Seleucid and Roman empires). By the second century AD, it had ceased to exist as an independent entity. State of the known world at the time of Jesus Christ The main characteristic of these times is the overwhelming importance of the Roman Empire. It encompassed the whole of the Mediterranean World including Gaul, Spain, Greece, Asia Minor and ...
... this is possible as she is a virgin. And Gabriel tells her of the miraculous conception* of the child who is to become Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind. And the miracle is that the Holy Spirit, another name for God, has fathered the child. That is to say, the Father of Jesus Christ is God. This scene of the Angel appearing before the startled Mary is called the Annunciation and has been a favourite... the site of the Crucifixion is called. That Jesus is God and died on the Cross to allow sinners to be saved is one of the most basic dogmas of the Christian religion. And thus Jesus becomes Jesus Christ. This is officially stated in the Nicene Creed, which is presented in this essay. By allowing Himself (God/Jesus) to be sacrificed on the Cross, He showed His love for humanity, because humans were ...
... Jesus' time. A little attention to detail can prove him wrong. Jude begins his Epistle: "Jude the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James..." If this "James" is the same as Paul's "brother of the Lord", why does Jude not call himself correctly yet humbly "the brother and servant of Jesus Christ"? Why bring James in? Again, out of the several James's of the New Testament, who is this James? We know ...
... reason and the void which was filled up by Christianity; for man cannot live by reason alone … Europe had killed its old creeds beyond revival and had to turn for its religion to Asia.” 14 Jesus Christ was an Asian. This may be the place to quote a revealing, seminal text of Sri Aurobindo’s, which was published in the Arya in 1915 and covers the whole range of the relations between East and... the West is still very distrustful of Eastern wisdom. For centuries the West has been convinced of its superiority, intellectually and religiously. The founder of its faith was the only Avatar, Jesus Christ, the one and only incarnation of God as man, of the Son of God who was also the Son of Man; the Christian institutions based on this faith were the only ones to possess the means of the salvation ...
... 'materialize' itself in the form of an element of consciousness (the Christic, historical 'I'). In order to act effectively, the centre of centres reflected itself on the world in the form of a centre (Jesus Christ)." The same idea is repeated from another angle: 8 "If we recognize that the true universal (the centre of the universe) cannot, by nature, but be hyperpersonal, then its historical manifestation... non-historic yet with a human cosmic body no less than a human cosmic soul. It is in reference to this incarnate universal humanity of Omega, stamped from the beginning with the features of the historic Jesus Christ, that we have to understand Teilhard's frequent description of the Cosmic Christ as animating all things and not only being "organically the prime mover and controller, the 'soul' of evolution" ...
... In one such incident a group of Westerners came to a village in their car. Their objective was to propagate Christianity among the poor simpletons of the villages. They wanted to prove that Jesus Christ was greater than the gods and goddesses, Allah or the saints and fakirs of the village. The Westerners had deliberately disconnected the start- switch of the car. The curious villagers... them to move the car. One of the Westerners quietly switched on the start-key. Then he called one of the villagers and told him: "Now utter the name of Jesus and push." "Victory to Jesus Christ", he hailed as he pushed the car. Hardly had he done this that the car started moving! "So you can see with your own eyes the greatness of Jesus," the Westerners proclaimed. "Now ...
... 'materialize' itself in the form of an element of consciousness (the Christic, historical 'I'). In order to act effectively, the Centre of centres reflected itself on the world in the form of a centre (Jesus Christ)." Obviously, if the cosmic Christ is Omega, he must precede and prepare the appearance of Jesus. What that appearance, with its life and death and resurrection and "glorified body", may be thought... the other side, no Christian mind could find satisfaction in certain directions of Teilhard's thought and expression. Two remarks of Henri de Lubac are typical. "He tried to show in our Lord Jesus Christ 'the synthesis of the created Universe and its Creator': did he not sometimes seem to establish this synthesis at a too accessible level and thus, in spite of the qualifications and corrections ...
... interest in spirituality. Among the piles of Nazi tripe … are more than 130 books on religious and spiritual subjects, ranging from Occidental occultism to Eastern mysticism to the teachings of Jesus Christ … Also included were a German translation of Stanley Jones’s 1931 best seller, The Christ of the Mount; and a 500-page work on the life and teachings of Jesus, published in 1935 under the title... not meant for recruitment pure and simple, it was not cold calculation. The propaganda made by Goebbels, Hess, Streicher and Strasser expresses what Hitler believed of himself. Hitler really saw Jesus Christ as his precursor,” writes Peter Orzechowski. And he quotes Hitler’s words from a speech made during the high tide of Nazism: “Today, my German Volk, I ask from you: come and stand with your faith ...
... death of Jesus on the Cross [Luke 23:26] And as they led him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, and laid on him the cross, to carry it behind Jesus. CHRIST CARRYING THE CROSS (detail), by Hieronymus Bosch Page 86 [Luke 23:32] Two others also, who were criminals, were led away to be put to death with him. [Luke 23:33] And when... The meaning of the Resurrection The followers of Jesus were absolutely convinced that he had been raised from the dead and had been taken away into heaven as a proof of his identity as Jesus Christ, the Messiah. He was the crucified and then risen Lord. The Resurrection brings a different perspective to the understanding of Jesus. If anyone thought of him as only a prophet, as a messenger ...
... I am crucified ! Why did the Mother utter these words ? What was Her sorrow? What was Her pain? It was but natural to think of Jesus Christ. He had to bear so much suffering and persecution and in the end he was put on the cross. The Mother told us that Jesus Christ had come down to bring Light and Love to humanity on the earth. But man’s ingratitude was such that man crucified him. But it was for ...
... against the Romans, but then came Glaber, and the vile Crassus, who had six thousand of Spartacus' slaves crucified on the road between Capua and Rome. Crassus was before Jesus Christ. Hitler was after Jesus Christ. Where is the difference? Who will be the next Hitler? Where? Forty years later we know that Hitler has disseminated everywhere, and that he has won the war. No, it was ...
... to be associated with this volume of tributes to K.D. Sethna. Sethna has written on almost all topics under the sun. History, Archaeology, Old Testament Studies, Egyptology, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Science, Poetry, Aesthetics and last but not the least, facets of Sri Aurobindo's life and works. The clear ray of his luminous intelligence shed light on all of these subjects. However, the favourite ...
... chosen ones. He tests Abraham, when he is already old and his wife advanced in age and unable to bear children that he would beget a son and that he would become a father of a nation. God tests Jesus Christ, His own son, by allowing him to be tempted by the Satan while he was fasting and praying in the desert. Christ's suffering and death on the cross too were tests. Second, life is an o ...
... to regress, voluptuously, to an order lower than that of the beast. Suffering and Ecstasy The Mother had to descend deeper and deeper to bring the Light there also. The cross the Avatar Jesus Christ had been dragging through the streets of Jerusalem up to Golgotha was a symbolic one. His real cross consisted of the fact that he, like all Avatars, had taken the past of humanity on his shoulders ...
... ambiguous.” In the Bible we find at least three different kinds of God: the tribal terrible, jealous and vengeful Yahweh, the metaphysical God of the prophets, and the loving God, the Father, of Jesus Christ. To these quite different Gods the Church Fathers added the Trinity, the three-in-one God. The tribal God belonged to a period of the establishment of morality among the primitive Hebrews, the ...
... countless barnacles, crustaceans resembling mussels which attach themselves to the ships’ hulls in clusters. Which Christian would take it gracefully that there was a monkey among the ancestors of Jesus Christ? But in June 1858 Darwin received an envelope from overseas containing a hastily scribbled essay which, to his stupefaction, developed exactly the same thesis as his. If the author “had read ...
... Whom God Shall Make Manifest.’ The followers of the Baha’i religion believe him to have been the most recent in a series of past and future divine manifestations including Zoroaster, the Buddha, Jesus Christ and Muhammad. Baha Ullah spent most of his life in prison and was often subjected to torture, first in Persia, afterwards in Baghdad and Acre, where he died in 1892. Abdul Baha (1844-1921), his ...
... translates Paul: "The fact is, brothers, and I want you to realise this, the Good News I preached is not a human message that I was given by men, it is something I learnt only through a revelation of Jesus Christ... God... called me through his grace and chose to reveal his Son in me, so that I might preach the Good News about him to the pagans. I did not stop to discuss this with any human being, nor did ...
... believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God : because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God. Every Spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God; Page 672 And every spirit that confesseth not .. is not of God." As a doubt suggested itself: how there could be certainty of right decision; the next ...
... in the next. It has no means of finding out with surety the truth or untruth of a doubtful historical assertion; after a century of dispute it has not even been able to tell us yes or no, whether Jesus Christ ever existed. How then shall it deal with such a matter as this of rebirth which is stuff of psychology and must be settled rather by psychological than physical evidence? The arguments which ...
... by the forms. The Indians believe (or have the experience) that the Divine lives in the human being. The Europeans don't believe it. For them, he is somewhere above. He has incarnated only in Jesus Christ. So they don't bow down to any human person. But if one bows down to a person who has embodied the Divine Consciousness―of course with faith―then that person can more easily transmit his consciousness ...
... mentioned by Sri Aurobindo is not a person but a condition that will be shared by all those who have prepared themselves to receive it. May 1967 May I know if the miraculous elevation of Jesus Christ to heaven celebrated by the Roman Catholics on Thursday, 4th May has any sort of connection with the great day 4. 5. 67? Or would it be simply a pure coincidence? For Sri Aurobindo "coincidences" ...
... patron that the artist's most important work lies in conception rather than execution. Page 192 In this case he had two great difficulties, he said: to conceive features worthy of Jesus Christ, and to picture a man as heartless as Judas. Leonardo spent much of his time searching the streets of Milan for heads and faces that could serve him in representing the Apostles. One of the tragedies ...
... is something unique, something unparalleled, rarely to be found in spiritual history. Perhaps you have some idea of Arjuna's association with Sri Krishna, Ananda's with Buddha, St. Paul's with Jesus Christ, and similar ones of others; in our modern days, associations of Vivekananda, particularly, and of his friends with Ramakrishna, and lastly, in our present time, here, of Pranab-da and Vasudha-ben ...
... similar stories) 3. Determination of the aim of life: The Meaning of an idea Ideals of truth, beauty and goodness Ideal of perfection 4. Study of great personalities: Jesus Christ (a detailed story). 5. Listening to music: selected ragas (Indian) and harmonies (Western). 6. Examples of poetic excellence: regional poetry, Sanskrit poetry, English poetry. ...
... yesterday’s topic. The Indians believe or have the experience that the Divine lives in the human being. The Europeans don’t believe it. For them, he is some- where above. He has incarnated only in Jesus Christ. So they don’t bow down to any human person. But if one bows down to a person who has embodied the Divine Consciousness — of course with faith — then that person can more easily transmit his co ...
... religions, there should be a detailed study of the lives of great personalities associated with these religions, or various systems of yoga such as Rama, Krishna, Buddha Mahavira, Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Guru Nanak, Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. What is called psychology of religion and spirituality could also be studied at least at the elementary ...
... annals of the human race. We content ourselves with mentioning only three of them here. The first example that comes to our mind is that of the death-scene of St. Stephen, a direct disciple of Jesus Christ. When he was taken out of the town by a howling mob and was being cruelly put to death by repeated hits with stones, he first prayed to the Divine, "O Lord, take my spirit," and then falling on ...
... attain perfection. All this, even if it has enlightened our life a little bit, has not really changed it fundamentally. Man is still under the same yoke of sorrow and pain and misery. Then Jesus Christ came with his message of love but that too did not solve the situation much. Man ended up putting him on the cross. Somehow Jesus managed to escape alive and came to India. It is said that he spent ...
... helpless child seems quite illogical. So let us see the problem from another angle. Let us find out if man is really ignorant and if so how far. Leave aside exceptions like Lord Buddha and Jesus Christ, Sri Krishna or Sri Aurobindo. The average human being does feel his Ignorance and generally when we think of man's Ignorance our attention is mainly directed to his waking condition, to his apparent ...
... McPheeters see Shantimayi Jatti, B.D. 817, 821 Jawaharlal Nehru 404, 457, 595-6, 624, 716 Jay Holmes Smith 547-8, 589 Jaya Devi 233-4, 236, 239, 242 Jayantilal Parekh 691 Jesus Christ 180, 317, 482, 762 Jinnah, M.A. 446-7, 451, 458, 463 John of the Cross, Saint 41, 112 Jones, William 497 Joseph Szarka 674 Jotindranath 285 Juliana of Norwich 62 Kafka ...
... into Bengali or Hindustani and presented to an educated Pundit who had studied both at Calcutta & at Nuddea or Benares. What would he make of them? It will be as well to take a concrete instance. Jesus Christ was a great thinker, a man who had caught, apparently by his unaided power, though this is not certain, something of the divine knowledge, but the writers who recorded his sayings were for the most ...
... the cells of the body with the golden light of the higher Truth. October 1933 While looking at the Mother when she came on the terrace, I suddenly saw in her lap a baby whom I took to be Jesus Christ Page 275 as it resembled his figure. The vision lasted for about a minute and I saw it with open eyes. It may be so—as Jesus was a child of the Divine Mother. 25 November 1933 ...
... declination of the sun to the south, about the 21st of December; then the sun again mounts to the north. Mother comments: That is why the 25th of December was a festival of Light long before Jesus Christ. This festival was in vogue long before Christianity; it originated in Egypt and very probably the birthday of Christ was fixed on the same day as that of the return of the Light. Then Mother ...
... but the ordinary processes of their thought and action. It is by the use of the siddhis that the Siddhas sitting on the mountains help the world out of the heart of their solitude and silence. Jesus Christ made the use of the siddhis a prominent feature of his pure, noble and spiritual life, nor did he hesitate to communicate them to his disciples—the laying of hands, the healing of the sick, the ...
... praying, there came down through the air from Heaven with great rapidity a crucified Young Man in the form of a Seraph, with six wings... He who appeared to me then was not an angel but was my Lord Jesus Christ in the form of a Seraph..." 17 In poetic vision too a Christ with wings has occurred. Vaughan, a part contemporary of Milton and a near predecessor of Blake, has a poem, That Night, addressed ...
... not been available for a long time. But the broad outlines were not in doubt. 1. Indian civilization was the dominant civilization of the world for a long time before the birth of Jesus Christ, the same as the modern Western civilization has been since the last two-three centuries; Page 398 2. India's presence world-wide could be seen in the language ...
... for if it proved to be true Earth would lose its privileged position in God’s creation, of which the Human would no longer be the king. Especially the Catholic Church, appointed custodian by Jesus Christ of everything true, reacted vehemently to defend verities contained in the books of the Ancient Testament . Did one not read there: “On that day when the Lord delivered the Amorites into the hands ...
... manifestation. 1 – Sri Aurobindo The concept of the “Avatar” is generally understood to be typically Hindu, although, under other names, it is also alive in the West as a designation of Jesus Christ. While in Hinduism there is a succession of Avatars throughout the evolution, in Christianity Christ is supposed to be the one and only Avatar. In this, Christianity has been very “Eurocentric” ...
... Avatar is an embodiment of the Divine in a materialized living form, a direct divine incarnation on earth. It becomes clear at once that the avatar concept is actually well-known in the West, for Jesus Christ was an avatar according to this definition. This is why the theological disputation concerning his avatarhood or the preponderance of either his divine or his human nature has its parallels in the ...
... basis of Nazi anti-Semitism stems from this chapter [on the Jews in the Foundations ].” 443 It seems to have been impossible to be a German racist without being an anti-Semite. But what about Jesus Christ? Although they had been “badly baptized”, the Germans considered themselves a Christian nation, in a way the only real Christians, as proclaimed to the world by Martin Luther. Was Christ, the ...
... no anti-Semitism” The popular anti-Semitic mentality, in the rest of Europe as well as in Germany, was the result of a historic process which went back all the way to the life and death of Jesus Christ, and which was closely connected with Christianity. The attitude of Europe, where Christianity became the chief element of the culture, rested on the assumption that the Jews had refused to accept ...
... 1935 May I know, Mother, how many centuries ago You descended upon earth? I have never left the earth since it was formed. 10 January 1935 It is said that Krishna, Buddha and Jesus Christ were Avatars. So weren't these people yourself? Krishna was an Avatar, but Buddha and Christ were only emanations. As for the second part of your question, I have no idea what you mean. ...
... prophetis, novissime diebus istis locutus est nobis in Filio" (several times and in several ways God has spoken through the prophets, but now in these last days he has spoken to us through his Son Jesus Christ...). Thus God has spoken "in several ways." Page 103 I know that a new light has just appeared, a new Consciousness—let us go in search of it. But we shall have to step down from our ...
... nearness? This is what weighs in the relationship between them and you. All your "strict Roman Catholic education" will drop away if you listen to your soul's cry. You were "taught to pray only to Jesus Christ" - but now you are not being just "taught" something else as a rival confession of faith. You are helplessly pulled towards Sri Aurobindo because, looking at his photograph, you see, as a poem of ...
... achievable and rendered a complex yet balanced modern psychology a predictable part of "things to come" by embodying to the nth degree one side of that synthesis at a critical time, a time when Jesus Christ embodied to the maximum the other side and might have tilted by his luminous extreme the fate of Europe in favour of an inward other-worldliness based on an outward primitivism. However ...
... his co-worker Ray Rogers, "In science, you're entitled to any hypothesis you choose... But if you don't have a test to examine that hypothesis, it's not worth anything. We do not have a test for Jesus Christ." Yes, there is a distinct reservation here, but the full assent to the alleged correspondences in the Gospels is striking. It is worth looking into the popular pro-Christ claim. First ...
... Determination of the aim of life: The meaning of an ideal Ideals of truth, beauty and goodness Ideal of perfection Page 48 Study of great personalities: Jesus Christ (a detailed study). Listening to music: selected ragas (Indian) and harmonies (Western). Examples of poetic excellence: regional poetry, Sanskrit poetry, English poetry. Need to control ...
... similar stories). 3. Determination of the aim of life: -The meaning of an ideal -Ideals of truth, beauty and goodness -Ideal of perfection 4. Study of great personalities: Jesus-Christ (a detailed study). 5. Listening to music: selected ragas (Indian) and harmonies (Western). 6. Examples of poetic excellence: regional poetry, Sanskrit poetry, English poetry 7. Need ...
... Him and tell Him that you want to see Him, to know Him. You are children, simple and beautiful within. The Divine will surely answer your heart-felt call. Haven't you heard of Dhruva and Prahlada? Jesus Christ also says that little children come easily to the Lord. Have you heard of him, of Christ?" "Yes. Wasn't he crucified?" "Yes. He suffered pain for the sake of the world." "Did you call the ...
... the later religions forgot. Having lost the central secret, they fell prey to all the aberrant dualisms, substituting obscure mysteries for the great, simply Mystery. "I and my Father are one," Jesus Christ said (John 10,30); "I am He," – so'ham – the sages of India say; indeed, this is the truth all liberated men discover, whether they be from the East or the West, from the past or the present ...
... one Avatar would be enough for all ages to come. The individual embodiment of the Mother is the face and front of the Transcendent walking the earth for its ¹ Compare the words of Jesus Christ, "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved." Page 96 deliverance and transformation. It is an embodiment, instinct with the force and radiant with the glory ...
... yesterday’s discussion. Indians believe (or at least that is their experience) that the Divine resides in man. Westerners don’t believe this. They feel the Divine resides somewhere high above. Only Jesus Christ has come down once. That’s why they do not bow to any human being. But if someone bows to a man in whom one can say with unmistakable confidence that there has been a descent of the Divine consciousness ...
... wilderness Jesus is therefore brought, though presently Satan begins "another method", bears Jesus through the air to Jerusalem and sets him on the "highest pinnacle" and challenges him either to stand or cast himself down. Jesus resists even this subtle temptation, and, So, strook with dread and anguish, fell the Fiend. 132 Gautama Siddharta's and Jesus Christ's successful... space and a movement in time; and it is the struggle between Light and Darkness for "the soul of the world called Satyavan". In the Buddha story and the Jesus story, there is a struggle, but the Buddha and Jesus are alike passive, and aim only at preserving the purity and calm of their inner paradise against the onslaughts of Mara and Satan respectively. In Savitri, the inner... tempt the Master. But Buddha heeded not, Sitting serene, with perfect virtue walled As is a stronghold by its gates and ramps... 129 Page 332 Jesus too is likewise tempted in the wilderness after his forty days of fasting; the story of the temptation is detailed both by Matthew and Luke, 130 and elaborated into epic proportions by Milton in ...
... canons set down by military experts; neither did Buddha become the Enlightened because of his scrupulous adherence to the edicts which Asoka engraved centuries later on rocks and pillars, nor was Jesus the Christ because of his being an exemplar of the Sermon on the Mount. The truth of the matter is that the spirit bloweth where it listeth. It is the soul's realisation and dynamic perception that ...
... Savitri's father, first occurs only on page 368? Does a narrative or epic become simple merely by each character getting his proper name from the start? Does Page 240 Milton name Jesus or Christ anywhere in Paradise Lost? At the start he refers to him as "one greater Man" and everywhere else he is called the "Son". Even in Book XII, when his human birth is spoken of in a long passage of ...
... the name of Savitri's father, first occurs only on page 368 [p. 341]? Does a narrative or epic become simple merely by each character getting his proper name from the start? Does Milton name Jesus or Christ anywhere in Paradise Lost? At the start he refers to him as "one greater Man" and everywhere else he is called the "Son". Even in Book XII, when his human birth is spoken of in a long passage ...
... has no relation to the present degradation of this concept in some sectarian movements. It is also noteworthy that the Hindu concept of the avatar is applicable to the person and incarnation of Jesus the Christ on Earth, the one and only, while the Hindu series of avatars sustains the evolution of consciousness in its increasing complexity. “Once the evolutionary hypothesis is put forward and the ...
... expanded, "all the universal Family" is "One Man" - "Jesus the Christ" - beheld by the Eternals, we realise that it is Christ who is described in The Eternal Great Humanity Divine surrounded by His Cherubim & Seraphim in ever happy Eternity. 59 There are also the words: "Jesus / The Eternal" 60 and "the Divine Lamb, even Jesus, who is the Divine Vision" 61 and 56. Ibid... universal Family, and that One Man "We call Jesus the Christ; and he in us, and we in him "Live in perfect harmony in Eden, the land of life, "Giving, receiving, and forgiving each other's trespasses." 55 In this last passage we have not only Blake's insight into Supernature summed up but also the heart of his intuition of Christ. Christ is to him not simply a marvellous spiritual... lines not only associating Christ with a supernatural carnivore but also suggesting a merger of the two, a sort of Tyger-Christ, a Divine Beast of Prey. In The Everlasting Gospel (c. 1818) we read how Jesus is a fury of fire and how his voice is loud as thunder when he defies Satan and refuses to worship him: Thunders & lightnings broke around, And Jesus' voice in thunders' sound: ...
... ...reading The Life Divine is like the turning of the Globe wherein, rightly understood, is all there is to know and no part is greater or less than another, and all is one.... Both he and Jesus the Christ became God-conscious through mystical communion; both perceived that God Is, and that He is Infinite Divine Personality. 11 Like Haridas Chaudhuri in America, Arabinda Basu did much ...
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