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Jones, Dr. Stanley : Christian missionary, author of The Christ of the Indian Road.

7 result/s found for Jones, Dr. Stanley

... other qualities: there is no gain in putting them side by side and trying to weigh them against each other. That is the besetting sin of the Christian mind even in those who are most liberal like Dr. Stanley Jones; they cannot get altogether free from the sectarian narrowness and leave each manifestation to its own inner world for those to follow who have the inner drawing to the one or the other. I have ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Notes pardaaashin, living behind the purdah. 2. The four sonnets are: Arpan Bahan Arpan - Vairagya Arpan - Nithari Arpan - Aarhal E. (Eli) Stanley Jones (1884-1973): A 20th Century Methodist Christian missionary and theologian, remembered for his interreligious lectures in India. Subash Chandra Bose (23.1.1897). Dilipda's intimate... position is not only standing before the bar of this Court, but before the bar of the High Court of History.” Dr. Mahendranath Sarcar (1882-6.4.1954), eminent professor of Philosophy, and author of Hindu Mysticism, System of Vedantic Thought and Culture, etc. Dr. Andre was the Director of Pondicherry's Government Medical College and Hospital. Rajangam was a medical... Telugu, Page 303 Bengali, Gujarati, Urdu, German, Greek and English with the help of scholars and interpreters. He also became proficient in Sanskrit. Esculap Dayashankar: Dr. Dayashankar came from a place near Pattan in Gujarat. He was a qualified Ayurvedic doctor, at one time in charge of the Ashram Dispensary. Rishabhchand (3.12.1900-25.4.1970) was born in ...

... are more than 130 books on religious and spiritual subjects, ranging from Occidental occultism to Eastern mysticism to the teachings of Jesus Christ … Also included were a German translation of Stanley Jones’s 1931 best seller, The Christ of the Mount; and a 500-page work on the life and teachings of Jesus, published in 1935 under the title The Son: The Evangelical Sources and Pronouncements of Jesus... c streak in Hitler’s character became still more pronounced from 1937 onwards. The factors of his age and for the most part imaginary health problems, which he entrusted to the care of the unlikable Dr Morell, doubtlessly played a crucial role in his decisions to go to war, each time as soon as possible. Claus-Ekkehard Bärsch states straightaway: “The model for Adolf Hitler is Christ”, 765 and John ...

... born of horror on the one hand and greed on the other. Just listen: "We are all more aware of our fellow-citizens than we used to be, more anxious, if we are virtuous, to do them good,"—like Dr. Stanley Jones, what?—"and in any case to make them do us good. We do not like to think of anyone lazily enjoying life, however refined may be the quality of his enjoyment. We feel that everybody ought to be... fast can at most affect one's own condition, but how can it "atone" for the doings of others or change their nature? 12 July 1934 In a recent statement, Gandhi criticises the attitude taken by Dr. Ambedkar and his followers at the Bombay Presidency Depressed Classes Conference. They passed a resolution recommending the "complete severance of the Depressed Classes from the Hindu fold and their ...

... where a historically located person like Rowse's Emilia Lanier whom you prefer is concerned. You forget that Rowse's reading of the word "brown" for her in Simon Forman's diaries was proved wrong by Stanley Wells in the TLS of May 11, 1973, p. 628. Going straight to the manuscript in the Bodleian, Wells finds Rowse's description of Emilia as "very brown" to be a gross misreading, like several other... too much. Yes, the England of the Imagination is eternal and no poetry is greater than ours has been. It all seemed to end with the last war - before that war there were Eliot and Yeats and David Jones and Dylan Thomas and Edwin Muir and Vernon Watkins and de la Mare and many fine poets of lesser stature. Now there is no-one; David Gascoyne stands alone. I do my best which is not good enough. Otherwise... perhaps. But the Lindisfarne Press, with whom I was staying for a time, have published an excellent book by Robert MacDer-mott entitled The Essential Aurobindo, which I read while I was there. Dear Dr. Sethna, I do hope all is well with you. The lilies were in my garden earlier this year. (6.8.1989) From K. D. Sethna I have two letters of yours - May 10 and August 6, the latter ...

... qualities; there is no gain in putting them side by side and trying to weigh them against each other. That is the besetting sin of the Christian mind, even in those who are most liberal like Dr. Stanley Jones ³; they cannot get altogether free from the sectarian narrowness and leave each manifestation to its own inner world for those to follow who have the inner drawing to one or the other. I have... religions are a little off-colour now. The need of a larger opening of the soul into the Light is being felt, an opening through which the expanding human mind and heart can follow. I have not read Stanley Jones, but I should not be surprised to find there is some justification for the feeling of sickness. I don't know why so many Christian writers have a way of writing and preaching which gives a sense... on the one hand and greed on the other. But just listen a bit: "We are all more aware of our fellow-citizens than we used to be, more anxious, if we are virtuous, to do them good (like Raihana's Dr. Jones, what ?) and in any case to make them Page 31 do us good. (As in Abyssinia, what ?) We do not like to think of anyone lazily enjoying life, however refined may be the quality ...

... to do it also. January 1935 Since you have been so kind as to go through my letter of yesterday please achieve this also. I happened to chance upon a book 83 of this very Dr. Stanley Jones and one of his most popular ones (to judge by its numerous editions indicated on the fly leaf) and could not refrain from quoting a few passages, therefrom. Yes, he is liberal—but of this superficial... indeed' The wish is father to this very precipitate thought. Well, I don't think I would put the Supramental into competition on that basis with Christ. If there is any truth to be taken up in the Stanley Jones Christ it will be taken up, but surely not in Christian form or expression. January 1935 ? At first sight your metre seemed to me impossible in English, especially because of... eminent novelist for the purpose is after all appropriate. You could give a long address on the romance of medicine beginning with Dhanvantari, Charaka and Galen 139 and ending with Nirod Talukdar and Dr. Ramchandra. Romen has drawn a design for Jyoti's wrapper (of her stories which we have made into a book). How do you like it? I find it rather a nicish thing—but I am no judge of painting, you know ...