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Kapila : Vedic Rishi who founded the Sāṅkhya Yoga, propounding Dwaita-vada. Vyāsa’s Yogasutra-bhāshya holds Kapila to be a Brahma-Jñani. Brahma Purana mentions him in the context of King Sāgara’s 60,000 sons who looking for their Ashwamedha horse, disturbed the Vishnu in Kapila’s body (see Bhagiratha). Bhāgavata Purana, Brahmānda Purana, Vishnu Purana, Padma Purana, Skanda Purana, Nārada Purana, & Valmiki Ramayana mention Kapila as an incarnation of Vishnu. Vishnu sahasranāma specifies Kapila as one of the thousand names of Vishnu. In Matsya Purana Kapila is one of the 100 sons of Kashyapa from his wife Danu, daughter of Daksha Prajāpati.
... overflowing and many could not get seats. Great beauty was there - our poet this year was David Gascoyne - and Kapila Vatsyayan was given a standing ovation, for her paper left us all far behind. A young film director who has just completed a film on Edwin Muir is going to make a film about Kapila - he's planning one on me at present - and India carried the day, for we all left, uplifted on the sound-current... of 'Poetry as Prophecy', will all be published in Temenos 11-T. 10 just going to press. It contains Raja Rao and Professor Gokak. I try to include India in each number, and next time we will have Kapila and I hope your own paper also. Tell Arabinda, if you see him, that, having now completed all these outstanding tasks, I shall set to work in earnest to read the book he sent me. Your friend Mrs... Himalayas being in danger because of the unlimited deforestation going on. Your account of the Temenos Conference at Dartington is quite thrilling. I must come to know more about the Dagar Brothers and Kapila Vatsyayan. I recollect that once you referred to her in a letter of yours, but I forget the context. I think it was when we were discussing Yeats. By the way, if you can lay your hands on an offprint ...
... ॥२॥ 2) He being One entereth upon womb & womb, yea upon all forms of being and upon all wombs of creatures. This was He that of old filled with many sorts of Knowledge Kapila, the seer, after his mother bore him; yea He saw Kapila shaping. एकैकं जालं बहुधा विकुर्वन्नस्मिन्क्षेत्रे संहरत्येष देवः । भूयः सृष्ट्वा यतयस्तथेशः सर्वाधिपत्यं कुरुते महात्मा ॥३॥ 3) God weaveth Him one net or He weaveth ...
... men led by a guide as blind. They sought at first to liberate themselves from the tyranny of appearances by the method which Kapila, the ancient prehistoric Master of Thought, had laid down for mankind, the method called Sankhya or the law of Enumeration. The method of Kapila consisted in guidance by pure discriminative reason and it took its name from one of its principal rules, the law of enumeration ...
... Sankhya account of the constitution of the being (Purusha, Prakriti, the elements, Indriyas, Buddhi etc.) was universally accepted and Kapila was mentioned with veneration everywhere. In the Gita he is mentioned among the great Vibhutis; Krishna says, "I am Kapila among the sages." Patanjali's Yoga Divine union [ was the aim of Yoga in Patanjali's day ], yes—but for the ascetic schools it was ...
... Purana & Itihasa. The fundamental perception, separating, narrowed itself and became the Uttara Mimansa of Badarayana; the discriminative analysis, separating, narrowed itself and became Sankhya of Kapila; the psychological experimentation, separating, narrowed itself & became Yoga of Patanjali; the physical analysis, separating, narrowed itself and became Vaisheshika of Kanada; the analysis of dis ...
... and the world, selects the reason as its chosen instrument and makes it, by certain methods of purification and concentration, its means for realization. Thus, Sankhya Yoga, taught by the Indian sage Kapila, proceeds by the Buddhi, the discriminating intelligence, and arrives by reflective thought and right discrimination at the knowledge of the true nature of the Soul (Purusha) and of the imposition ...
... unseen visions? It has been a useful demonstration. The deaf could well argue that birds do not sing! I'm to pick up in Connaught Circle Sisir Kumar Ghose's new books. Have also been collecting Kapila Vatsyayan's magnificent publications from the Indira Gandhi Centre for the Arts. So in the next Temenos I shall have a long review of Indian publications - India has something unique to tell us about ...
... and I am Nārāyana. I am Matsya, I am Kurma, I am Varāha and Vāmana. I am Buddha, Kalki, Hamsa, and Haladhara. I am Prśnigarbha, I am Hayagrīva, and I am Maheśvara. I am Nilacala-candra, I am Kapila, and I am Nrsimha. All visible and invisible beings are servants of my lotus feet. Page 207 All the Vedas narrate my glories and qualities. Innumerable universes serve my lotus ...
... a different source. With regard to philosophy something similar Page 298 might be said. Most of the Indian philosophies, such as the philosophies of Shankara, Ramanuja, the sage Kapila and Patanjali are but intellectual expressions of different spiritual visions and realisations. If it be so, then is it not possible for science also to become a vehicle or expression of spiritual ...
... version of the story by Sri Aurobindo. Directed by Shobha. Actors: Sri Krishna - Arup, Harimohan - Swadesh; Behram, Prithwiraj, Indira, Udaya-ditya, Animesh, Mukund, Nayan, Dipika, Jyoti, Karuna, Kapila, Rashmi. 4. Rabindra Sangeet: Sahana's group: Manoj, Vishweshwar, Ira, Smriti, Chhanda, Tublu. 5. A Vision of Science: a poem by Sri Aurobindo: Directed by Norman Dowsett ...
... and thunderbolt, the Indian triple Agni—in the formation of atoms and in the transmutation of energy. But the Greeks failed to go forward to that final discrimination which India attributed to Kapila, the supreme analytical thinker,—the discrimination between Prakriti and her cosmic principles, her twenty-four tattwas forming the subjective and objective aspects of Nature, and between Prakriti ...
... the most profound, acute and intellectual in the world, has not left its hold on this cardinal point of belief. Its greatest and most rationalistic minds have never swerved from the national faith. Kapila held to it no less than Shankara. The two great revolted intellects, Buddha and Brihaspati, could not dethrone the Veda or destroy India’s spiritual allegiance. India by an inevitable law of her being ...
... only, not authorities for our thought or lamps for our steps in life. We must base ourself not on the Vedas and Upanishads, but, as for that matter many of us are well inclined to do, on Badarayana, Kapila, Shankara and Buddha, not on the ancient Rishis but on the modern philosophers and logicians. Such an abandonment is only obligatory on us after we have fixed the precise scientific value of these ...
... tradition are doing fine work. Unfortunately, so far as I can discover, more in theory than the practice of poetry. I have published in Temenos critical writings by Sisir Kumar Ghose, and by Prof. Gokak, Kapila Vatsyayan, etc. and do find the Indian approach very congenial. I have a fine piece by Raja Rao in the next issue (he greatly admires Sri Aurobindo I know) and were it not that Temenos may end after ...
... stopped thinking of the matter. After about 10 years one day I felt an opening in my mind and suddenly seemed to see a way out of the fog that had haunted every thinker I had consulted from the time of Kapila to our own, from the antiquity of Plato and Aristotle to the modernity of Maritain and Sartre. I wrote down what seemed to open up before me and sent my short compressed essay to Sri Aurobindo. It ...
... Aspects of Sri Aurobindo A Foreword to philosophy Unity in Diversity — from Kapila down to Carnap, that is the most comprehensive concept possible to man when he turns a searching eye upon the gigantic enigma presented by the cosmos in which he plays so striking a part. There have been uncompromising monists of stark, immutable, homogeneous ...
... also as old as Indian history: .the specimens Nehru put into Shaw's hands are known by botanists to have had at least five thousand years of ancestors behind them, in the land of Arjuna and Tilak, Kapila and jagadish Chunder Bose, Vyasa and Tagore, Sri Krishna and Sri 'Aurobindo. Page 88 Further, the mango is fraught with the flavour and bouquet of the typical Indian genius. This ...
... 16 impersonal Reality, 5, 6, 110 the inner body, 17 inner change, process of, 121-144 J Jivatma , 79, 80 Jiyu-Kennett, Rev., 150 Jnana Yoga, 114 K Kapila, 113 karma , 5 kensho experience, 151 knowing, 102 knowledge Advaita process of the way of, 114 methods of, 102, 103 paths of, 115, 116 spiritual, 116 ...
... have also been made to bring about a synthesis of these systems of philosophy. The literature on these systems is to be found in the Sūtras attributed to great philosophers such as Gautama, Kanāda, Kapila, Patanjali, Jaimini and Bādarāyana, and in copious commentaries and commentaries on commentaries. In fact, even in the modem period there are expositions and commentaries on these systems of philosophy ...
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