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Keshav : epithet of Sri Krishna for having killed the Asura Keśī.
... Harmony of Virtue Book One Keshav Ganesh—Broome Wilson Keshav —My dear Broome, how opportune is your arrival! You will save me from the malady of work, it may be, from the dangerous opium of solitude. How is it I have not seen you for the last fortnight? Wilson —Surely, Keshav, you can understand the exigencies of the Tripos? Keshav —Ah, you are a happy man. You can do what... saw that it was good. Wilson —My dear Keshav, surely that is extravagant. Keshav —Why, do you imagine that they were actuated by any other motive? Wilson —Yes, by the desire to preserve the integrity of the Church. Keshav —And is not that the first duty of every Christian? Wilson —Only by the permissible method of persuasion. Keshav —That is your opinion but was it theirs? Duty... bad example. Keshav —You fly too fast for me, Broome. You say chastity is the basis of marriage? Wilson —Surely you will not deny it? Keshav —And licence in one leads to prevalent unchastity? Wilson —It has that tendency. Keshav —And you think you have proved chastity to be profitable and licence hurtful? Page 19 Wilson —Why, yes. Do not you? Keshav —No, my friend; ...
... KESHAV ( with the Ganges water in his hands formally intoning a hymn ) O thou, red like the hibiscus, born of the Sage Kashyapa, O vast Glory, who tirelessly Dost with dark Night thy mystic battle wage Redeeming all our sins! — I bow to thee. MURARI But have you not, sir, mispronounced a word? KESHAV ( nettled ) What? MURARI I only mean sir ... KESHAV ... Chaitanya'sfeet. He blesses her. Murari salutes with folded hands. Even Keshav - moved in spite of himself - gives him an involuntary smile of greeting. ) MURARI Oh, why do you pause? Sing on. KESHAV Yes, do my boy! SRI CHAITANYA ( bowing to him ) But, sir, my songs are simple. KESHAV ( somewhat off his guard ) True. But this Page 32 ... simple as well? KESHAV ( embarrassed ) I know not what — SRI CHAITANYA . If you will pardon me, I'll make it simpler still: have you, sir, ever Stood before a mirror and scanned your face? KESHAV ( awkwardly ) A mirror? ... What a question? ... I decline— SRI CHAITANYA I beg you'd answer. Have you ever looked? KESHAV ( at bay ) Well, yes ...
... the pain of enjoyment." "We are very far from the enjoyment" said Keshav "for we have yet to make the descent of Pisgah." "But what is Pisgah?" I asked. "In thought, the knowledge of virtue, and, in action, the purpose of evolving the inborn qualities and powers native to our personality." "Shall I let you off, Keshav," said Broome "or are you ready to answer my inquiries?" "Pray do... I had ridden down by Shelsford thro' the glittering lustre of an afternoon in March and as I was returning somewhat cold and tired, saw at a distance the pink hat and heavy black curls of Keshav Ganesh and with him Broome Wilson and Prince Paradox. As I trotted up Prince Paradox hailed me. "Come round and have tea with me" he said "we are speculating at large on the primitive roots and origin... your love for light subjects." "I shall be a delighted listener" I said, and was genuine in the assurance, for I had many a while listened with subtle delight to the beautiful and imaginative talk of Keshav Ganesh. I rode to the stables and returned to the College and quickly changing my apparel repaired to Chetwynd Court, but found them already drinking tea with the liberality of artists. "A cup of nectar" ...
... here the view held by so great a personality as Sri Ramakrishna, an acknowledged master of Yoga and spirituality. On the occasion of his last visit to Keshav Chandra Sen who was then suffering from a fatal illness, Ramakrishna addressed Keshav and said: "Why is it that you are ill ? There is a reason for it. Many spiritual feelings have passed through your body; therefore it has fallen... and so forth. Then comes the turn of ego. And lastly a violent commotion is seen in the frame." 3 Whatever may be the validity of Sri Ramakrishna's utterance in the particular case of Keshav Chandra, one cannot put forward solely on that basis a general and absolute proposition correlating 1 2 Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga p. 1561. 3 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna ...
... no fiends on earth, my little mother! MURARI ( impetuously ) I say there are — Oh hell-fiends! Now take this — ( But as he rushes forward to attack them Keshav res- trains him by coming between ) KESHAV But wait — remember what he enjoins on us: Insult and praise we must equate to naught. Page 58 SRI CHAITANYA ( pleased ) You are right: but let... When shall our questionings and doubts Dissolve like shadow clouds At the advent of the new Sunrise Thy cosmic Maya shrouds ? ( Suddenly she sees Roma and Murari and Keshav who take up the refrain. ) The day will come, 'tis not afar Since He is born again: The Avatar of love and light, In our dark world of pain. ( Suddenly... stingingly ) Oh I know that: Hell knows that Heaven wants to heal all pain. MADHAI ( with a growl ) Shut up — or you will know what's hell, my girl! ( he turns to Keshav ) You did your friend, the sycophant, a good turn. For he would have learnt a lesson he badly needs. ( Meanwhile the hum behind grows louder and he turns sharply round. ) Wag ...
... have done that had angered Mother so much? When she got back to the Ashram she said: "I scolded Keshav-ji a lot today. I hope he won't repeat his mistake again." It was then that the mystery got cleared. Mother had mistaken Damodar for Keshav-ji. One of us told Mother: "You didn't scold Keshav-ji, you scolded Damodar!" "Oh goodness! I've made a big mistake then," Mother exclaimed and at... this way their legs would become more beautiful! (43) Now let me recount to you an amusing story about a mistake Mother once made. There were a lot of complaints against Keshav-ji of the Dining Room. And this had been going on for quite some time. One day Mother went to visit the Dining 'Room. Among those who came forward to welcome her was Damodar too. All of a sudden Mother ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Keshav Sastri and his Hindi Book 1944-11-01 Someone had complained that there was something vulgar in the Hindi book written by Keshav Sastri. P brought the book and was reading on and on to Sri Aurobindo. I did not see the point and asked P: “That is all right, but where is the vulgar thing ...
... on the other side of the Ganges, where a monk, Keshav Bharati, had agreed to initiate him into monastic life. Many people gathered there, looking wonderingly at the handsome young man who was about to forsake all worldly pleasures. Once tonsured, Nimai sat near Keshav Bharati and whispered into his ear a mantra which he had heard in a dream. Keshav Bharati gladly initiated him with that mantra, ...
... explanation of the cosmos on the foundation of the principle of Beauty and Harmony, but I never got beyond the first three or four chapters." The name of the principal character, "Keshav Ganesh Desai", recalls that of Keshav Ganesh Deshpande, one of Sri Aurobindo's friends at Cambridge and subsequently in India. Sri Page 765 Aurobindo left alternatives to several passages in Book ...
... in Tagore, in Kalidasa's wonderful Meghaduta, in the Vedic Hymns, even in Kabir, a religious poet. In fact not all Indians of repute admire Sri Aurobindo as a poet either. Keshav Malik agrees with me - true, Keshav is perhaps a westernized and secular poet - but so does my friend and teacher Prince Kumar who has just been here -he was a friend of Tambimuttu's, wrote verse himself, taught Indian ...
... quotations are from Sri Aurobindo's The Harmony of Virtue which he wrote in England around 1890 when he was still in his teens. The entire piece is in the form of a Socratic dialogue between one Keshav Ganesh who is presumably young Aurobindo himself and Keshav's friend, Broome Wilson. Page 425 From The Harmony of Virtue (Written by Sri Aurobindo at the age of eighteen.... him by calling Wilde and his followers the "intense", "utterly too too" folk who "lived up" to a blue vase or a sunflower. This is how young Aurobindo is speaking through his created character Keshav Ganesh about the aesthetic achievements of Oscar Wilde: Ke. ... Another route is called "beauty" and along this no one Page 429 has yet sailed. An Irish navigator has indeed attempted ...
... by Sri Aurobindo. Page 72 here of Bengal only - that Ram Mohan Roy was followed by Maharshi Debendranath Tagore, Rishi Rajnarayan Bose, Pandit Shivnath Shastri, Akshaya Kumar Dutt, Keshav Chandra Sen, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, poet Madhusudan Dutt, Bankim Chandra Chatterji, the inspired seer of the National Anthem, Bande Mataram, and the greatest novelist in Bengali literature. Dr... Rajnarayan Bose. Debendranath went closer to the heart of the spirituality of the land, and Rajnarayan, discarding the eclecticism of Ram Mohan, upheld the cause of the pure essence of ancient Hinduism. Keshav Chandra Sen, upon whom had fallen the mantle of Debendranath, but who later broke with him and formed a new Brahmo Samaj, reverted to the eclecticism of Ram Mohan (in fact, Ram Mohan's tentative attempt ...
... member of the Indian Majlis there. In The Harmony of Virtue which he wrote while at Page 25 Cambridge, Sri Aurobindo named his chief character, Keshav Ganesh, after his college mate. After his return from England, Keshav Ganesh Deshpande settled in Bombay as a barrister. The Indu Prakash had two sections: Marathi and English. K. G. Deshpande was the editor of the English section ...
... first in retirement and when Page 479 he came out and received everyone—well, a few years of it wore out his body. To that, I suppose, he had no objection; he even pronounced a theory, when Keshav Chandra was dying, that spiritual experience ought to wear out the body! But at the same time, when asked why he got his illness in the throat, he answered that it was the sins of his disciples which ...
... of one kind or another and even finally leads to a premature or an early dropping of the body. Ramakrishna seems to have held the view, if we can judge from his remarks about the connection between Keshav Sen's progress in spirituality and the illness which undermined him, that one was the result and the desirable result of the other, a liberation and release from life in this world, mukti. That may ...
... an impresario friend of Prithwi Singh and Dilipda. Page 268 41 . Raja Dhirendra Narayan Rao of Lalgola, Murshidabad, Bengal, and poet and friend of Dilipda. 42 . Keshav Chandra Sen (1838-1884) joined the Brahmo Samaj in 1857 and launched a dynamic program of social reforms. He was given the title of ‘Acharya’ in 1862 by Devendranath Tagore. He went on to form the ...
... one kind or another and even finally leads to a premature or an early dropping of the body. Ramakrishna seems to have held the view, if we can judge from his remarks about the connection between Keshav Sen’s 42 progress in spirituality and the illness which undermined him, that one was the result and the desirable result of the other, a liberation and release from life in this world, mukti ...
... from where she sat. K.G. told me afterwards that he had never had such a wonderful interview before. When the Mother came out, S.A. and I brought flowers to offer to her. After he had offered his, Keshav Poddar's wife came out from her room and requested the Mother to come in as she had something to say. When the Mother reappeared, I brought her my flowers. I had hurriedly collected them from our ...
... Samadhi. Besides, when one decides to bear it, it seems to me a way of accepting the disease. But I don't understand the utility of going into Samadhi to escape from pain. Ramakrishna once said to Keshav Chandra Sen, when the former was seriously ill, that his body was breaking up under the stress of his spiritual development. But there is no necessity of having a disease for the sake of spiritual ...
... her long trek, came: — Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (1820-91), the educationist. He was the great social reformer whose tireless effort made the Widow Marriage Act of 1856 possible. —Keshav Chandra Sen (1838-84) was a religious reformer. He founded the Brahmo Samaj. It was Kathiawar (Gujarat), that land of rocks and hills, whose fair and robust humanity hears the voice and ...
... Ganganath after Brahmananda's death, when Keshava-nanda was there." Ganganath, on the banks of the Narmada, is about two kilometres from Chandod. It was Swami Brahmananda's Ashram; upon his passing away Keshav ananda had become its head. "With my Europeanised mind," said Sri Aurobindo, "I had no faith in image worship and I hardly believed in the presence of God. I went to Karnali where there are several ...
... came to understand the unique value of her civilization. "Look at the India of Vikramaditya," he wrote at the age of eighteen in The Harmony of Virtue, a dialogue in the manner of Plato between Keshav, a young Indian, and a few English students. "How gorgeous was her beauty! How Olympian the voices of her poets! How sensuous the pencil of her painters! How languidly voluptuous the outlines of her ...
... Appendix We give here Jnaneshwar’s Invocation , commonly known as Pasayadan, rendered into English by a few authors. 1: In his owi-by-owi translation of Jnaneshwari Ramachandra Keshav Bhagwat renders the Pasayadana as follows. (Samata Edition 1989, p. 671, first published in 1954) Now the Supreme Self should get itself propitiated by this sacrifice in the form of a literary ...
... his siddhi first in retirement and when he came out and received everyone—well, a few years of it wore out his body. To that, I suppose, he had no objection; for he even pronounced a theory, when Keshav Chandra was dying, that spiritual experience ought to wear out the body! But all the same, when asked why he got his illness in the throat, he answered that it was the sins of his disciples which ...
... explain your affinity with the beast of fire and that fiery principle you delight in. Piloo is a very devout practising Parsee, and so is Shirnaz's family (General Sethna is her father). I gave - with Keshav Malik - a poetry-reading in the beautiful garden of another Parsee lady - Mrs. Freny Billimoria, a painter, the night before I returned. There were green parrots flying over the trees. and mosquitoes ...
... vicissitudes through which it passed. Considering the initial difficulties in its way, one may well designate it a child of Divine Grace. In its origin it was the idea of a young businessman, Keshav-deo R. Poddar, now known as Navajata but even at that time secretly what the name signifies: 'The New-Born.' For, although not yet a resident of the Ashram, he was devoted to the cause of Sri Aurobindo ...
... Balananda had his Ashram in Deoghar. So Anilkumar and Jayantilal were asking if you knew him and what you thought of him. SRI AUROBINDO: I saw him only once. He was doing much Tapasya. SATYENDRA: Our Keshav Shastri has taken a vow of silence and Madangopal's friend has broken his. Ravindra gives me all these stories. When our sugar was being rationed, Ravindra said to me, "Take from Shastri's tin. He ...
... recognised to be the first of these pioneers and he was followed by many other great men such as Dwarkanath Tagore, his son Debendranath, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Dayanand Saraswati, Sri Ramakrishna, Keshav Chandra Sen, Bankim Chandra Chatterji, Swami Vivekananda, Balgangadhar Tilak , Rabindranath Tagore, and others. The list is by no means exhaustive and I have given the names of only those who were ...
... those aspirants with a new energy of purpose and help them in their efforts. The Mother was the President of the Society as well, and Navajata was the Secretary. Navajata was the name the Mother gave Keshav Dev Poddar, a prominent Bombay businessman, who had organised the "Sri Aurobindo Circle" at Bombay in 1943 and later launched the fortnightly Mother India with K.D. Sethna as editor. The Mother ...
... Atmeshvaranam na hi jatu bighnah samadhibheda-prabhavo bhavanti Page 22. Panini, who is referred to again and again, is acknow- ledged by all as the greatest grammarian of Sanskrit. Keshav's making a fetish of him is characteristic of many a Bengali pundit as was humourously brought out by the great dramatist Dwijendralal Roy of Bengal in his famous drama, Chandragupta, in the cha- ...
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