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A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [1]
Beyond Man [11]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Blake's Tyger [3]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Education at Crossroads [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Essays on the Gita [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Hitler and his God [2]
Images Of The Future [2]
In the Mother's Light [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [3]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
On The Mother [1]
Overman [1]
Patterns of the Present [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [3]
Preparing for the Miraculous [3]
Problems of Early Christianity [6]
Questions and Answers (1953) [2]
Savitri [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [4]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
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Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
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Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [4]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Crucifixion [3]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [10]
The Life Divine [3]
The Mother (biography) [4]
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English [119]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [1]
Beyond Man [11]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Blake's Tyger [3]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Education at Crossroads [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Essays on the Gita [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Hitler and his God [2]
Images Of The Future [2]
In the Mother's Light [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [3]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
On The Mother [1]
Overman [1]
Patterns of the Present [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [3]
Preparing for the Miraculous [3]
Problems of Early Christianity [6]
Questions and Answers (1953) [2]
Savitri [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [4]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [4]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Crucifixion [3]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [10]
The Life Divine [3]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [3]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Towards A New Social Order [2]
Words of Long Ago [1]

Kingdom of God : poem by Francis Thompson.

119 result/s found for Kingdom of God

... Pharisees, when the Kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation; neither shall they say, Lo here! or, Io there! for, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.' Ronald Knox has the gloss to his modern translation:' "Within you": the Greek might also mean "among you."' The Revised Version says in the margin: 'The Kingdom of God is in your midst.... Problems of Early Christianity Christ's Kingdom of God   A Letter and a Reply Apropos of the Article " Sri Aurobindo and the Kingdom of God"   Mother India, in its issue of December 5, 1970, published "Sri Aurobindo and the Kingdom of God" by Dick Batstone. In one place it carried the following footnote by the Editor: "The author has overlooked... direct chapter and verse. Just ponder over Luke 18:16-17 - "But Jesus... said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein." A particular inner attitude or state of receptivity, a happy harmonious within, appears to be implied as a ...

... so we are in heaven. And we, who have been modelled on the earthly man, will be modelled on the heavenly man.   "Or else, brothers, put it this way: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God: and the perishable cannot inherit what lasts for ever. I will tell you something that has been   Page 155 secret: that we are not all going to die but we shall all be... 68 The distinction is between human beings and subtle occult agencies. The Corinthian reference, however, is not just a generality signifying man as a bodily entity. It is counterpoised to "the kingdom of God" consequent on the resurrection, a life of perfection at the end of the world, and yet, by that counterpoising, it does not become a mere metaphor for a human condition divided from that kingdom... of sin. As the assertions preceding it show, the expression means "the corruptible body of man" which, without being transformed from its natural state, cannot share in "the life of glory", "the kingdom of God". 69 "Flesh and blood" designates specifically man's corporeality along with a suggestion of its frailty and transitoriness. Thus the words have a literal bodily bearing, a shade exceeding Pauline ...

... still cling Page 585 about his new spiritual discovery. He tells us that the kingdom of God on earth is "not a metaphor, not a mere spiritual state, not a dream, not an uncertain project,... it is the close and inevitable destiny of mankind." This classing of the inner spiritual state, the kingdom of God within us, with a metaphor, a dream, an uncertain project reveals the lingering taint... ble; until the mass of mankind can awaken into it, the dream of a perfect society, an open brotherhood of God's rule, must end in failure and disappointment. The kingdom of God within is the sole possible foundation for the kingdom of God without; for it is the spirit by which man lives that conditions the outer forms of his life. Misled by this external view of things Mr. Wells, evidently, still... rise out of the darkness and confusion of its present state into a more perfect living. He professes his faith in the God within, the invisible King, who is the immortal part of us, in a coming kingdom of God upon earth which shall not only be a spiritual state in the individual, but the open brotherhood of a divine rule among men, and in self-identification with God, service of him, absolute surrender ...


... from heaven in glory to mark the end of the earth and establish the Kingdom of God. Among the representatives of one view the most prominent figure is Albert Schweitzer, author of the famous book, The Quest of the Historical Jesus. In general terms Schweitzer's position is that Jesus pinned everything on the miraculous Kingdom of God coming or being made to come in the very near future. Another opinion... the Pauline theme: "The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye and believe the gospel" (1:15). One may ask what Mark means by "at hand". His answer is plain in the words he gives to Jesus: "Verily I say unto you, that there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power" (9:1). Again, there is the same ... they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom" (16:28). Luke follows suit in his own style: "I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death till they see the kingdom of God" (9:17). Matthew has also put into the mouth of Jesus the Page 83 words: "I say unto you, ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of Man be come" (10:23) ...

... principle of animation common to animals and men, so that the soma psychikon is the living natural or physical body, the sensing, feeling, thinking "flesh and blood" which can never "inherit the kingdom of God", never be regarded as "the heavenly man" who possesses the soma pneumatikon, the superhuman, supernatural, Spirit-expressive body that will be our future ethereal state. This latter body is... an eye and the sudden uplifting into heaven introduce a sheer cleavage between the flesh-and-blood body, however alive it may be, and the entirely dissimilar new body which alone can inherit the kingdom of God. A hiatus is created such as to render the idea of transformation illogical, whether we speak of those alive being exalted or of those dead being resurrected.   4   Pauline Mysticism... and Paul was right in telling the Corinthians: "people of immoral lives, idolaters, adulterers, catamites, sodomites, thieves, usurers, drunkards, slanderers and swindlers will never inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Corinthians 6:10). 37 But to put oneself genuinely in accord with God's kingdom and feel as though a native of it, a deeper stress upon a new creation of the Old Adam in one is required. A ...

... a young 'faith' in an immanent universe that we find the modern religious crisis: here we touch the inmost essence, expressed in a form at once scientific and social. The whole progress of the kingdom of God depends at the moment on the problem of reconciling with each other not superficially but organically these two currents" (International Conference of the Society of Jesus, Versailles, 1947)... myself to Our Lord as a sort of testing-ground, where, on a small scale. He might bring about the fusion between the two great loves, of God and the World - for without that fusion I am convinced no Kingdom of God is possible. - Is it perhaps for this that He makes me share so intensely the spirit of those whom we call free-thinkers, heretics and pagans?... But may He in return for it give me the force to... note corrective of a certain exaggeration in the matter of Teilhard's faithfulness to the Church. The passage 5 runs: "You end your discourse on Progressivism with the text: 'Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.' Have you thought that this text (like the one: 'Render unto Caesar...') is at present the major difficulty encountered by a throng of minds ...

... disciples, "How hard it will be for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!" 24 And the disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said to them again, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Page 44 "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven... succinctly* the values on which Jesus placed priority. In the Sermon, Jesus wants all to know that God has reached out to the whole of humanity in all its diversity, and they, who would enter the kingdom of God must develop a new consciousness. Jesus especially teaches these beatitudes to the disciples who are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world as they go about bringing the words ...


... have touched That is precisely the fact that it is the same for everybody … And to That you can give the names you like, it does not matter.’ 8 By way of illustration: ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness,’ said Christ, ‘and all these things shall be added unto you.’ So is to know God ‘the one thing needful’ of Sri Aurobindo, from which ensues all else. Without knowledge and... the world and God. That concise Greek formula contains also, for instance, the whole message of the realized soul that was Ramana Maharshi, a contemporary of Sri Aurobindo. And Christ said: ‘The Kingdom of God is within you.’ Does not The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis provide the soul with a method, a discipline to experience the revelation of its Beloved and to enjoy the resplendence of his... formation, and if they keep pointing, beyond themselves, to ‘the one thing needful’ of which every soul is a part and grows into the living image, and that eventually must lead to the foundation of the Kingdom of God on Earth. ‘Yoga is nothing but practical psychology,’ wrote Sri Aurobindo in The Synthesis of Yoga, the literary formulation of his experiments, experiences and realizations from 1912 till ...


... other later poets of the decline. Of subsequent writers or others not belonging to this decline I know only A. E. and Yeats, something of Francis Thompson, especially the Hound of Heaven and the Kingdom of God , and a poem or two of Gerard Hopkins; but the last two I came across very late, Hopkins only quite recently, and none of them had any influence on me, although one English reviewer in India spoke... his special appreciation of Francis Thompson and Coventry Patmore and his response to Descent and Flame-Wind and the fineness of his judgment when speaking of the Hound of Heaven and the Kingdom of God , its limitation by his approach towards Paradise Lost . I think he would be naturally inclined to regard any very high-pitched poetry as rhetorical and unsound and declamatory, wherever he did... magic hill-side woodland of wonder and a great soaring mountain climbing into a vast purple sky: to accept fully the greatness he needs to find in it a finer and subtler strain as in Thompson's Kingdom of God . On a lower scale this, his sentence about it seems to suggest, is the one fundamental reason for his complete pleasure in the mystical poems and his very different approach to Savitri . The ...


... attributes in itself too and should manifest them sooner or later. Besides, such is according to all great occult traditions the promise given to humankind — the promise of the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. ‘Evolution is not finished; reason is not the last word nor the reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. As man emerged out of the animal so out of man the superman emerges,’... the period in time which we call historical. The vision of the evolutionary saltus, of the evolutionary quantum leap was given to them because they had come to execute it in their own person. The Kingdom of God on Earth was promised to humankind at its origin and the moment of its fulfilment has now arrived, they say. The human being is inwardly mutating into a new, higher, divine being which has no name... Earth for its appearance, as we shall see further on in this book. The future on the threshold of the new millennium is not sombre or catastrophic: on Earth, the Earth of unified humankind, the Kingdom of God is being built. All this does not mean that the world of mankind on Earth has been an enviable one, now or in former times. Somewhere something occurred that has turned our planet into a place ...


... later poets of the decline. Of subsequent writers or others not belonging to this decline I know only A. E. and Yeats, something of Francis Thompson, especially the Hound of Heaven and the Kingdom of God, and a poem or two of Gerald Hopkins; but the last two I came across very late, Hopkins only quite recently, and none of them had any influence on me, although one English reviewer in India... special appreciation of Francis Thompson and Coventry Patmore and his response to Descent and Flame-Wind and the fineness of his judgment when speaking of the Hound of Heaven and the Kingdom of God, its limitation by his approach towards Paradise Lost. I think he would be naturally inclined to regard any very high-pitched poetry as 12 Ibid., p. 582. Page 21 ... magic hill-side woodland of wonder and a great soaring mountain climbing into a vast purple sky: to accept fully the greatness he needs to find in it a finer and subtler strain as in Thompson's Kingdom of God. On a lower scale this, his sentence about it seems to suggest, is the one fundamental reason for his complete pleasure in the mystical poems and his very different approach to Savitri. The ...

... prepare for the Kingdom of God and to have eternal life in Heaven with God the Father. There are many examples of his teaching and of his way of teaching. Some of these are presented in this essay. For example, he used parables, short stories that emphasized his point at the moment. Or he questioned someone and by the answer made his point, which was always to prepare for the Kingdom of God. The most famous... him/herself, to stop these evil acts and thoughts and to lead a life pleasing to God. After becoming aware of your sins, you have to repent for having sinned. If true repentance took place, the Kingdom of God awaited you. If there was no repentance, you would be cast into the pit of Hell for eternity. The Enemies of Jesus Jesus made enemies. According to the Gospels, it was these enemies ...


... March 1914, she had already traversed - as we saw earlier - a similar spiritual path, and she had recorded in 1912 that the aim to be attained was the realisation of human unity by "founding the Kingdom of God which is within us all"; and this was to be achieved through the twin processes of individual and social transformation. 1 As she saw it, man the individual, society or the human aggregate, and... creed, not regimentation or computerisation, but the bold cultivation of spiritual thought and the progressive experience of psychological and spiritual oneness can achieve the conquest of the Kingdom of God and the establishment of the reign of the Spirit over mind and life and body. Freedom and unity - desirable things both and apparently incompatible - can be reconciled only in God or at the level... which is but a half-truth and the right idea that would give 'self-determination' the true spiritual meaning: The recognition and fulfilment of the divine being in oneself and in man, the kingdom of God within and in the race is the basis on which man must come in the end to the possession of himself as a free self-determining being and of mankind too in a mutually possessing self-expansion as ...

... him, as an editor, for publishing poems of mine, and also an article on Sri Aurobindo and the Kingdom of God. To this he later added an illuminating postscript on the meaning of the text from St. Luke's Gospel that is variously translated as ‘The Kingdom of God is within you’ or ‘The Kingdom of God is among you’ — the one having mystical and the other purely social overtones. Anyone interested ...


... for I tell you I shall not eat Page 117 it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God." 17 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he said, "Take this, and divide it among yours elves; 18 for I tell you that from now on I shall not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes." 19 And he took bread, and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to them... who believes and is baptized will be saved; but be who does not believe will be condemned. (Mark 16:16) — Satan According to Christianity, the devil is the opponent of the Kingdom of God and deceiver of humans, leading those weak in faith to a sinful life. The result is the soul of a sinner having to spend all of eternity in Hell, a place of great suffering. This conflict between ...


... soul or a kingdom of the flesh, the world and the devil,—accepting thus the claim of the unenlightened and undisciplined life itself that it is not, was never meant to be, can never become the kingdom of God, a high manifestation of the Spirit. Up to a certain point this recoil has its uses and may easily even, by tapasyā , by the law of energy increasing through compression, develop for a time... put it at the end of life and its habitat in another world of our being, rather than here in life as a supreme status and formative power on the physical plane. But this rules out the idea of the kingdom of God on earth, the perfectibility of society and of man in society, the evolution of a new and diviner race, and without one or other of these no universal ideal can be complete. It provides a temporary ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... and balance, as the legislator or codifier, in the age of the Truth he descends as Yajna, that is to say, as the Master of works and sacrifice manifest in the heart of his creatures. It is this kingdom of God within, the result of the finding of God not in a distant heaven but within ourselves, of which the state of society in an age of the Truth, a spiritual age, would be the result and the external... necessarily the same as now—of terrestrial existence. This is what the religions have seen with a more or less adequate intuition, but most often as in a glass darkly, that which they called the kingdom of God on earth,—his kingdom within in man's spirit and therefore, for the one is the material result of the effectivity of the other, his kingdom without in the life of the peoples. Page 260 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me but him that sent me' (IX.37) -'It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God' (X.25) -'Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake... Elizabeth (1:13). Luke (7:28) puts into Jesus' own mouth the very phrase of Paul. The words are: "I tell you, of all the children born of women, there is no greater than John; yet the least in the kingdom of God is greater than he is." 27 Matthew, who is the other reporter of the virginal conception, has, almost verbatim, the same report of Jesus' statement on the Baptist (11:11). 28 Paul ...

... , its ‘insertion’ in the earthly evolution, which is the precondition for the appearance of a new species on earth, the ‘superman’ or supramental being, and the creation of a divine world, the Kingdom of God on earth. A week later, she said: ‘I think that it will happen the moment there is a sufficient number of consciousnesses which feel in an absolute way that it cannot be otherwise … Your co... it into the earthly evolution and thus make the decisive evolutionary step possible by which one day a divinized species will be present on Earth in a material body. It was now certain that the Kingdom of God would be established upon Earth. The supramental Consciousness is the Unity-Consciousness, the Truth-Consciousness, the Divine Consciousness. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have often compared ...

... analysis of the externalities of Nature" and afflicted with a sense of taedium vitae, is preparing once again to seek his salvation "not in the kingdom of Caesar which lies outside him, but in the kingdom of God which lies within man." (Anatol von Spakovsky.) "Therefore the time grows ripe and the tendency of the world moves towards a new and comprehensive affirmation in thought and in inner and... deduction was everything. He, too, was an 'engineer' but one who was bred in the temple of pure mathematics, to wit, geometry; and according to his prescription, no one was entitled to enter the Kingdom of God, who did not possess the knowledge of this divine science, geometry! Next we arrive at the most fruitful epoch of modern science, the 19th century, of which the representative spirit was ...

... 208). 30.Op. cit., p. 559.       Page 120 Science et Christ , p. 203). 31 - "We continue from force of habit to think of the Parousia, whereby the Kingdom of God is to be consumated on earth, as an event of a purely catastrophic nature - that is to say, liable to come about at any moment in history, irrespective of any definite state of mankind. But why... p.627 32.Ibid., p. 564. 33.ibid. 34.Ibid., p. 248. 35.Ibid. 36.Ibid., pp. 248-49. Page 121 "While...the final coming of the kingdom of God implies conditions and preparations, the conception of a global unanimity of the human mass at the end of history as a necessary preliminary to the Parousia, is purely hypothetical. The realism ...

... chosen by God will enter the "Kingdom of Heaven ". By "Kingdom of Heaven "Jesus was in effect referring to the true "Kingdom of God", which is to be experienced in another dimension, the spiritual realm. According to Jesus' teaching, the aim of life is to discover the kingdom of God within oneself, and thus become worthy to be accepted into the kingdom of heaven after this life. And yet, we may ...


... being on Earth will be able to find shelter from the Light that may, to him, reveal himself in his naked Truth. Nobody can escape the choice between the future and the past: the entering into the Kingdom of God on Earth the possibility of which is borne by all in themselves, or the fall back into the animality of a past which also is borne by all in themselves. If there is some truth in the Last Judgment... her words. The crucifixion of this Avatar has lasted for years, and she too had voluntarily accepted the bitter chalice when in 1962 she had taken up her body again to hasten the coming of the Kingdom of God on Earth. But her suffering for the Earth was not spectacular. ‘I have a dislike for dramas.’ As far as the others were concerned, that little woman there was simply becoming very old. That ...


... awaits a deeper questioning to reveal his unseen form and his hidden purpose. Something of this truth we have begun to see dimly, in the return to more spiritual notions and in the idea of a kingdom of God to be built in the life of humanity. On the old sense of a Power in the universe of which the world that we live in is the field, is supervening the nearer perception of a Godhead in man, the unseen... truth of the high things which we now only speak with our lips and form into outward intellectual constructions, and to apply their truth sincerely to all our outward living. If we are to found the kingdom of God in humanity, we must first know God and see and live the diviner truth of our being in ourselves; otherwise how shall a new manipulation of the constructions of the reason and scientific systems ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... order to set Page 668 Ueshiba Morihei, the founder of Aiki-do up a Kingdom of Peace, by means of a Sino-Japanese alliance, so that the realization of the Kingdom of God could commence in Asia. However fantastic and illusory such an ambition may have seemed, Reverend Deguchi had many advantages. In actual fact, 'with the support of Tchang Tso-Lin (or Zang... Lu Chan-kin (or Shangui). The sun, moon, stars and earth were all depicted on his "divine standard". Pillage was for bidden. Reverend Deguchi with his army roamed the Mongol plains heralding the Kingdom of God, healing the sick and handing out salt and rice. Unfortunately, his success disturbed Tchang Tso-Lin who withdrew his support, sent an army against him and had Lu-Chan-kin (or Lu Shangui) shot ...

... of external ritual, external sacrifices, elaborate law, government, castes, classes and creeds. Men follow the law by the necessity of their purified nature and their complete knowledge. The kingdom of God & the Veda are in the hearts of His people. In the Treta the old perfect order begins to break and Vishnu descends as the chakravarti raja , the warrior and ruler, Kartavirya, Parsurama, Rama ...


... to the earth, is the realisation of human unity through the awakening in all and the manifestation by all of the inner Divinity which is One. In other words,—to create unity by founding the Kingdom of God which is within us all. This, therefore, is the most useful work to be done: (1) For each individually, to be conscious in himself of the Divine Presence and to identify himself with it. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... we now only speak with our lips and form into outward intellectual constructions, and to apply their truth sincerely to all our outward living- If we are to found Page 21 the kingdom of God in humanity, we must first know God and see and live the diviner truth of our being in ourselves; otherwise how shall a new manipulation of the constructions of the reason and scientific systems ...


... followed after lamely, has indeed understood only with his surface mind and not in its heart of meaning,—and yet in following it lies his social no less than his individual salvation,—the ideal of the kingdom of God, the secret of the reign of the Spirit over mind and life and body. It is because they have never quite lost hold of this secret, never disowned it in impatience for a lesser victory, that the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... of individual harmony and communal happiness; or, in words which, though liable to abuse by the reason and the passions, are still the most expressive we can find, a new kind of theocracy, the kingdom of God upon earth, a theocracy which shall be the government of mankind by the Divine in the hearts and minds of men. Certainly, this will not come about easily, or, as men have always vainly hoped ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... because it was itself, in the form of a Church, supported by power and because it confused religion with the Church, or because it stood for a false theocracy, forgetting that true theocracy is the kingdom of God in man and not the kingdom of a Pope, a priesthood or a sacerdotal class. So too it has often supported a rigid and outworn social system, because it thought its own life bound up with social forms ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... the dream or a psychic prevision of a fulfilment exceeding the individual transformation, a new earth and heaven, a city of God, a divine descent upon earth, a reign of the spiritually perfect, a kingdom of God not only within us but outside, in a collective human life. However obscure may have been some of the forms taken by this aspiration, the indication they contain of the urge of the occult spiritual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... obeys her laws and makes as good a use of them by his enlightened will as their inexorable mechanism will tolerate. The religionist seeks his reign of enlightened will, love or divine being, his kingdom of God, in that other world where they are unalloyed and eternal. The philosophic mystic rejects all as a mental illusion and aspires to self-extinction in some Nirvana or else an immersion in the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... but must be sought on higher planes of existence. In that case, it is in heavens beyond that we must seek our entire divine fulfilment, as the religions assert, and their other assertion of the kingdom of God or the kingdom of the perfect upon earth must be put aside as a delusion. Here we can only pursue or attain an internal preparation or victory and, having liberated the mind and life and soul within ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... over the follies of men. Aeschylus, one of the greatest of the Greek poets, saw Neptune laughing in that immortal line: The innumerable laughter of the waves. Sri Aurobindo's vision of the Kingdom of God does not banish laughter, though it agrees with the Christian notion that in Heaven Page 89 there is no giving or taking in marriage. Perhaps it is particularly the absence of ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... bhāva , truth of action, and above this ideal faculty is the ānanda or cosmic bliss in which the divine part of you dwells. It is of this vijñāna and this ānanda that Christ spoke as the kingdom of God that is within you. Page 75 We at present are awake, jāgrat , in the lower movements but suṣupta , fast asleep, in the vijñāna and ānanda ; we have to awaken these levels of c ...


... truth of the high things which we now only speak with our lips and form into outward intellectual constructions, and to apply their truth sincerely to all our outward living. If we are to found the kingdom of God in humanity, we must first know God and see and live the diviner truth of our being in ourselves; otherwise how shall a new manipulation of the constructions of the reason and scientific systems ...


... which is our Earth, it was necessary that her gross matter should be refined or transmuted by the supramental Substance. Thus would come an end to her long agony, for she would literally become the Kingdom of God. Now the last phase of the preparatory work was being done by the Mother, her own body serving as testing material, as the instrument and intermediary by which earthly matter could be ‘touched’ ...


... Being, Consciousness and Bliss. Therefore the present moment in the evolution of the Earth, which is the spiritual growth of the Earth, is its most important turning point. The foundations of the Kingdom of God have been dug and built. Its establishment is assured. The promise given to mankind at its origin is now being fulfilled. And all our suffering will not have been in vain. ...


... Supramental into the lowest gradation of existence, into terrestrial matter that is, and to establish it permanently on the Earth. The result of such an establishment would be a new world-order, the Kingdom of God on Earth. We have got some idea of the ‘Herculean labour’ (Sri Aurobindo’s term) which this demanded. To make the decisive step forward he literally had to go through the whole evolution, also ...


... regard to the earth, is the realisation of human unity through the awakening in all and the manifestation by all of the inner Divinity which is One. In other words: to create unity by founding the Kingdom of God which is within us all. “This therefore is the most useful work to be done: (1) For each, individually, to be conscious in himself of the Divine Presence and to Identify himself with it. (2) ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... preconditions of the transformation, not already in themselves miracles? When examining in The Human Cycle the communal life of the future supramental beings, “a spiritualized society … the kingdom of God upon earth,” Sri Aurobindo wrote: “Certainly, this will not come about easily, or, as men have always vainly hoped … by a sudden and at once entirely satisfying change and magical transformation ...

... regard to the Earth, is the realization of human unity through the awakening in all and the manifestation by all of the inner Divinity, which is One. In other words: to create unity by founding the Kingdom of God which is within us all. “The following is therefore the most useful work to be done: 1. For each individually, to be conscious in himself of the Divine Presence and to identify himself with ...

... Mark, now generally accepted as the earliest of the four gospels, we find Jesus quoted as having said: “Truly I tell you, some of you standing here will not taste death before they have seen the Kingdom of God having come in power.” (9:1) “Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away before all these things take place.” (13:30) “Truly I tell you, you will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds ...

... us with the Supreme. Then this thoroughly natural prayer will be the sole Karma in life. When this transformation takes place, the long-awaited downfall of the Satan and the resurrection of the Kingdom of God will be achieved over the ashes of the tyranny of the ego. In explaining the nature of the Lord, Whose Kingdom we desire to establish on this tormented earth and with Whose spirit we want to ...

... ultimate aim of the Jews was world dominion, as documented in The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, and if Hitler’s Aryans had to exterminate them “to do the work of the Lord” and found the Kingdom of God as the Thousand Year’s Reich, then the stage of this eschatological event could be no other than the whole earth. To put this in doubt is to efface the perspectives of Hitler’s messianic vision ...


... Krishna, and the nirvanic state can be consciously attained by following the path of the Buddha. Kalki, finally, will bring about the great revolution which will result in the superhuman and the Kingdom of God no longer in an ethereal, hypothetical hereafter, but on a transformed Earth. Thus will come about the realization of the dream cherished since its origin by the toiling, suffering, unsatisfied ...


... illustrious contemporaries is that just as Jesus came to be called the Son of God, worshipped as divine and considered mankind's Saviour as well as the inaugurator of a new era moving towards the Kingdom of God, Augustus was heralded by poets like Virgil as the creator of a Golden Age of peace and prosperity and accepted worship from the East as a divine being and saviour of humanity. Like the virginal ...

... King. It will reveal to man the divinity Page 286 in himself as the Light, Strength, Beauty, Good, Delight, Immortality that dwells within and build up in his outer life also the kingdom of God which is first discovered within us. It will show man the way to seek for the Divine in every way of his being, sarvabh ā vena, 9 and so find it and live in it, that however — even in all ...


... a spiritualised society that can at last answer to the perennial aspiration of humanity expressed in Page 169 terms of a new earth and a new heaven, of the City God and of the Kingdom of God on the earth. But precisely at this time, the crisis can be seen acutely in the fact that rational powers which can be a powerful lever to uplift humanity from its lower aims and pursuits to higher ...


... Perhaps today we are at a stage in evolution where no degree of violence seems justified. Yet it cannot be said that we have transcended the stage where life itself is a battlefield. The kingdom of God on earth is yet to be established and until then the call to battle is inevitable. And even when Truth prevails, the call to action shall still remain. It is fundamentally this call that the divine ...

... integral aims of life that combine various goals in different manners, and pursuits also Page 27 of integral perfection, both of the individual and of the society, or pursuit of the kingdom of God on the earth. While every individual should be free to choose his or her own aim of life, the choice can be greatly helped, if contents of education are so designed that every student has the ...


... inner Priest, Prophet and King. It will reveal to man the divinity in himself as the Light, Strength, Beauty, Good, Delight, Immortality that dwells within and build up in his outer life also the kingdom of God which is first discovered within us. It will show man the way to seek for Divine in every way of his being, sarvabhavena, and so find it and live in it, that however — even in all kinds of ways ...


... and enlarge for ever, as did the development of his reason and more than any development of the reason, its potentialities and all its structure." "It is not enough even that the idea of the kingdom of God on earth, a reign of spirituality, freedom and unity, a real and inner equality and harmony - and not merely an outward and mechanical equalisation and association — should become definitely an ...


... has a rather ironical ring. Nevertheless, in the light of even the most distant acquaintance with the heights and the fullness, it is possible to understand what its author means. To discover the Kingdom of God exclusively within oneself is easier than to discover it, not only there, but also in the outer worlds of minds and things and living creatures. It is easier because the heights within reveal ...

... was never to become a religious man, not even in India, and he often emphasized that religion and spirituality are not necessarily synonymous: True theocracy , he would write later, is the kingdom of God in man and not the kingdom of a Pope, a priesthood or a sacerdotal class. 7 When he began his life in London, at the age of twelve, Sri Aurobindo knew Latin and French thoroughly. The headmaster ...

... ignorance. "The general aim to be attained," she wrote, "is the advent of a progressing universal harmony." First, human unity is to be realised by awakening and manifesting the God in one and all. The Kingdom of God is within everybody; one has only to find one's way to it. Man has to grow in consciousness, and link himself with "one or more of the fountains of universal force". Knowledge has been expanding ...

... 478; the dream and reality of communism, 478; socialism and human egoism, 479; beyond Marx, Lenin and Mao, 479; need for a subjective or spiritual turn in individual and social life, 479; the Kingdom of God, 480; the coming spiritual age,480, 490, 658, 751 Huta, 684H, 690, 753 Huxley, Aldous, 417, 423, 694 Hydari,SirAkbar,579,730 Hymn to Durga' (Durga Stotra), 298 ...

... soon. The perfect fruit can be obtained only if the spiritual seed is sown in this kind of field. Pointing at some boys Jesus said to his disciples, “Those who are like these boys will attain the Kingdom of God.” Knowledge and delight are the signs of Sattwa. They alone have the capacity for Yoga who do not consider misery as misery but are full of joy and cheer in all situations. The rajasic attitude ...

... necessarily. It is useful for knowledge of the physical and also for mastery over death, it is essential. There is an ancient prophesy in the Jewish Cabala Page 85 that the kingdom of God would be established in humanity when the man will come who would have the power to die and come back, i.e. take up his body again, – after death. It is essential to know what is death if you want ...

... man, in his present crisis, turn his gaze inwards and discover his psychic, his real self, the eternal fount of love and light, the living ocean of peace and power, the potential architect of the kingdom of God upon earth ? ¹Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Education, Page 92 ...


... earth, is the realisation of human unity through the awakening in all and the manifestation by all of the inner Divinity which is One. In other words, - to create unity by founding the Kingdom of God which is within us all. 3 For some time, she had encountered in her dreams several teachers, some of whom she afterwards met in real life. But the face - which she was led to call 'Krishna' ...

... "spared him the tax of self-denial, the tax of blood and the tax of his riches." Down the stream of Time travelled Sri Aurobindo. In the Age of Truth, Satya Yuga (or Krita Yuga), the kingdom of God and the Veda were in the hearts of His people, Sri Aurobindo explained. There was no need of law, government, castes, classes and creeds. People's nature was pure and they had complete knowledge ...

... teachings upon divine love and the high emphasis of the Veda upon divine works. The Vedic gospel of a supreme victory in heaven and on earth for the divine in man, the Christian gospel of a kingdom of God and divine city upon earth, the Puranic idea of progressing Avataras ending in the kingdom of the perfect and the restoration of the Golden Age, not only contain behind their forms a profound truth ...


... fellows. Our ideal, therefore, is fixed,—to become one with God and lead individually the divine life, but also to help others to the divine realisation and prepare, by any means, humanity for the kingdom of God on earth,—satyadharma, satyayuga. Our means is Yoga. Yoga is not, as the popular mind too often conceives, shutting oneself in a room or isolating oneself in a monastery or cave and going through ...


... do in order to give us the freedom of the Eternal and Infinite. Thus will the prophesy of Sri Aurobindo be realized. The soul will take control of life on Earth, progressively establishing the Kingdom of God. Initially, we shall perhaps not understand, believing in a simple perfection of our best qualities in these beings, and shall err in regard to them. But they will be prepared for this. Then ...


... widow to raise up children for his brother.'... (Mark 12:18-19) - "He said to them, 'I tell you solemnly, there is no one who left house, wife, brothers, parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God who will not be given repayment many times over...' " (Luke 18:29-30). In all these passages, the "brothers" are real ones: they are not "half-brothers" or "cousins" or other relatives, and everywhere ...

... moment to moment. If men have been able to instill in us the sense of a state in which we shall one day be physically inaccessible to death, if they have preached the expectation of the Kingdom of God, the reign of terrestrial immortality—the very foundation of Judeo-Christian culture and thus of Occidental society, whether secular or religious—, it should be understood that, in one way or another ...


... ready for the Yoga of the Transcendental to establish the supramental upon earth. 13: "Once Jesus of Nazareth, we are told in the New Testament, narrated to the people a parable. He said the kingdom of God is like a pearl that is most sought after. And when one has found it, one goes out and sells that entire one has and buys the pearl. Savitri is such a pearl for which one could give up what one ...

... different āvaranas or coverings in Sri Chakra where the one Divine is also seen as the many in gradations of divinity: He saw a hierarchy of lucent planes Enfeoffed to this highest kingdom of God-state. Attuning to one Truth their own right rule Each housed the gladness of a bright degree, Alone in beauty, perfect in self-kind, An image cast by one deep truth's absolute ...

... earth. 27 The Way of Life There are two ways to see life: First, life is a test to please the Providence, to prove one's goodness by overcoming evil and as a result winning the Kingdom of God. In the Bible we read several 27 Savitri, p. 402. Page 316 instances where God tests His chosen ones. He tests Abraham, when he is already old and his wife advanced ...

... in the heaven of the Divine and this earth is condemned to remain a vale of tears, — it is a place where the soul of man is tested in order to prove its worthiness to reach the kingdom of Page 101 God away from the earth. Milton wanted "to justify the ways of God to man"; but he does not succeed in his task because perhaps the inspiration of puritanic Christianity was not sufficient ...

... after lamely, has indeed understood only with his surface mind and not in its heart of meaning, – and yet in following it lies his social no less than his individual salvation, – the ideal of the Kingdom of God, the secret of the reign of the Spirit over mind and life and body. It is because they have never quite lost hold of this secret, never disowned it in impatience for a lesser victory, that the ...

... after lamely, has indeed understood only with his surface mind and not in its heart of meaning, – and yet in following it lies his social no less than his individual salvation, – the ideal of the Kingdom of God, the secret of the reign of the Spirit over mind and life and body. It is because they have never quite lost hold of this secret, never disowned it in impatience for a lesser victory, that the ...

... question shows, firstly, that the Work of the Avatar, as probably conceived by the Mother up to 1956, was to bring the Supramental upon Earth, in other words to establish the unshakable base of the Kingdom of God on Earth — and that the working out of the supramental Presence into a new world and a new species was to be left to future elaborations perhaps of very long duration. This is completely in accord ...


... should be clear why the epilogue of the poem was not written and only follows sketchily the legend as told in the Mahabharata ; for the Work is still in progress and its crowning epilogue, the Kingdom of God upon Earth, will be visible, livable and describable only much later. Sri Aurobindo has not gone ‘the way of all flesh’ like human beings before him have and still do; he did not die because ...


... Mother. We have learned about their goal and their Work, that would consist in making possible the appearance of a new species on our planet and eventually in the long expected establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. One can conclude from many statements by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that they have played an active and even decisive role in world history. We now come to the worldwide conflagration ...


... regard to the Earth, is the realization of human unity through the awakening in all and the manifestation by all of the inner Divinity, which is One. In other words: to create unity by founding the Kingdom of God which is within us all. ‘The following is therefore the most useful work to be done: 1. For each individually, to be conscious in himself of the Divine Presence and to identify himself with ...

... after her marriage. × In Hinduism, Kalki is the tenth and last Avatar, expected to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth in a new Golden Age. He is usually represented on a winged white horse and wielding a sword. × ...

... Brahman and it is nothing other than or different from Brahman,’ Sri Aurobindo had written in The Life Divine. 22 The transmutation of Matter into its inherent divinity would establish the Kingdom of God upon Earth. The age-long promise to humankind would be fulfilled. Why was it not done earlier? Was it so difficult? What Would the Supramental Body be Like? What would the supramental body ...

... circumstances and is in spontaneous harmony with everyone and everything - in short, a completely Godlike existence in time and space. The extant religions have dreamt, each in its own manner, of a Kingdom of God here and now, but never known how to achieve it and have therefore fixed their eyes finally on a supraterrestrial paradise or a transcendental Nirvana. The Supreme Power that can consummate the ...


... its net widely or deeply enough to catch everything of spiritual moment in Teilhardism. It has no sense of the evolutionary gradation in manifested Reality or of a future fulfilment on earth in a Kingdom of God. We have to cast our eyes farther for what we want.   And we are unmistakably directed to our wider and deeper goal by a remark of Sri Aurobindo's in criticism of a view of Albert Schweitzer ...

... y adventurer through a series of births - positing a meaningful succession of Avatars until the spiritual consciousness is founded in man, with the last Avatar unifying the world in an earthly Kingdom of God - and, from among the Avatars, turning to the historical Jesus as the chosen object of worship, ista devata , as Hinduism would put it, and looking forward to his universal mystical Body's ...

... to her, for their whole future. In an identical way she has prepared the body of the Earth as a whole for the future. In the seed planted by the supramental Avatar, the fully grown tree of the Kingdom of God on Earth is present. All have made the same all-too-human error and, despite their belief in the divine presence of the Mother, have gone on considering that battered body of hers as a human ...


... spirit has remained as vivid as in the Middle Ages. At least, it fights nowhere so forcefully against the adverse forces as in Germany. There is no other Volk that has realized ‘the fruits of the Kingdom of God’ in more beautiful ways than the Germans, and no other Volk that tries in the same measure to produce still more such fruits … If one becomes aware of this highest harmony between the Germans and ...


... There has been the dream or a psychic prevision of a fulfilment exceeding the individual transformation, a new earth and heaven, a city of God, a divine descent upon earth, a reign of the spirit, a kingdom of God, not only within us but outside in a collective human life ... Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine - II: Man and the Evolution I plunged into the reveries of my childhood: Beauty, Wonder and ...


... another plane of consciousness than that, obscure, ignorant and perverse in its impulses and forces, on which the life of the earth is founded. There appears at once the antinomy of a bright and pure kingdom of God and a dark and impure kingdom of the devil; we feel the opposition of our crawling earthly birth and life to an exalted spiritual God-consciousness; we become readily convinced of the incompatibility ...


... religion may include a social change, but it is then a change brought about by the acceptance of a common religious ideal and way of consecrated living, a brotherhood of the saints, a theocracy or kingdom of God reflecting on earth the kingdom of heaven. The object of our synthetic Yoga must, in this respect too as in its other parts, be more integral and comprehensive, embrace all these elements or ...


... inner Priest, Prophet and King. It will reveal to man the divinity in himself as the Light, Strength, Beauty, Good, Delight, Immortality that dwells within and build up in his outer life also the kingdom of God which is first discovered within us. It will show man the way to seek for the Divine in every way of his being, sarvabhāvena , 1 and so find it and live in it, that however—even in all kinds ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... crises, to break the forces of the downward gravitation when they grow too insistent, to uphold or restore the great dharma of the Godward law in man's nature, to prepare even, however far off, the kingdom of God, the victory of the seekers of light and perfection, sādhūnām , and the overthrow of those Page 159 who fight for the continuance of the evil and the darkness. All these are recognised ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... have to go back upon it in order to carry it out in newer and fuller ways for which a past humanity was not ready. The recognition and fulfilment of the divine being in oneself and in man, the kingdom of God within and in the race is the basis on which man must come in the end to the possession of himself as a free self-determining being and of mankind too in a mutually possessing self-expansion as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... permeate the ordinary motives of its thought, art, ethics, political ideals, social effort, or even get well into its inner way of thinking and feeling. It is not enough even that the idea of the kingdom of God on earth, a reign of spirituality, freedom and unity, a real and inner equality and harmony—and not merely an outward and mechanical equalisation and association—should become definitely an ideal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... coil to admit of such miraculous suddennesses; the physical shock of war and revolution can break down stifling obstructions, but they cannot of themselves create either the kingdom of good or the kingdom of God; for that a mental and spiritual change is needed to which our slowly moving human nature takes time to shape its customary being. The ideal, a thing of the intellect and the sentiment only, cannot ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... is a descent of a new Power of Consciousness, not subject to the dualities but still dynamic which will provide a new foundation and a lifting of the centre of consciousness above the mind, the Kingdom of God on earth can only be an ideal, not a fact realised in the general earth-consciousness or earth-life. I feel it difficult to say anything about X 's Christ and Krishna. The attraction which ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... gives them the satisfaction of doing something great, noble, generous. They glorify themselves, that's what I call ambition. I knew a humorist who used to say: "It won't be so soon that the kingdom of God will come, for those poor philanthropists—what would remain for them? If humanity suffered no longer, the philanthropists would be without work." It is difficult to come out of that. However, it ...


... achieving this aim is the realisation of human unity by the awakening in all and the manifestation by all of the inner Divinity who is one. "In other words: to create unity by establishing the kingdom of God which is in all. "Hence, the most useful work to be done is: "1) For everyone individually the becoming aware in oneself of the divine Presence and one's identification with it." ...


... truth of the high things which we now only speak with our lips and form into outward intellectual constructions, and to apply their truth sincerely to all our outward living. If we are to found the kingdom of God in humanity, we must first know God and see and live the diviner truth of our being in ourselves; otherwise how shall a new manipulation of the constructions of the reason and scientific systems ...


... tears" with their eyes exclusively fixed on the Beyond. But true mysticism is not so limited as that, it seeks to transform life, to reveal the Absolute hidden in it; it seeks to establish "the kingdom of God in man," as Sri Aurobindo wrote, "and not the kingdom of a Pope, clergy or sacerdotal class." If the modem world lives in conflict and anguish, if it is torn between "being" and "doing," it is ...


... experience that has created the tremendous obstacle to a keen and clear recognition of the élan towards harmony. Yet the élan is there. "Thou art That", "Brahmaloka is here and now", "The Kingdom of God is within you", "I and my Father are one" - all these words are trying to let that élan find voice. The Vedic search for the Sun lost in the cave of Earth, the Vaishnava worship of the ...

... moments, Waning and waxing like the moon, ever unreliable, inconstant. The human retreats slowly before the steadily growing Light within, The age-old prophetic manifests of the Kingdom of God on earth. O wonder Spirit of Beauty, by your active Presence is now a reality. A new muted race still wearing the human face glowing with the psychic Fire appears on the horizon ...

... religions of the world, if not in all of them, and if not equally prominently or predominantly. But there is in them also an ideal aspiration that has been expressed in the religious formula of the Kingdom of God on the Earth or of the City of God, — a view which can be sustained only if God is not only transcendental and immanent, but also having a Will to be tied up with earth sovereign. * * * ...

... join together and create a spiritualised society that can at last answer to the perennial aspiration of humanity expressed in terms of a new earth and a new heaven, of the City of God and of the Kingdom of God on the earth. But precisely at this time, the crisis can be seen acutely in the fact that rational powers which can be a powerful lever to uplift humanity from its lower aims and pursuits to higher ...

... ." I understood, again. "Do you recall Balwant's talk with Brahmadevji? He himself is a pacifist but also an anarchist. Pacifism and anarchism can go together very well, - but in the kingdom of God, when it is established here on the earth. In the unregenerate world of today, however, anarchism can easily turn into chaos and violence and disorder. My father, Balwant's father and I met him ...

... achieving this aim is the realisation of human unity by the awakening in all and the manifestation by all of the inner Divinity, who is one. ‘In other words: to create unity by establishing the kingdom of God which is in all. ‘Hence, the most useful work to be done is: 1) For everyone individually the becoming aware in oneself of the divine Presence and one's identification with it. 2) The ...


... sudden, she felt that all the pain had vanished and was replaced by delight, by joy. These are concrete experiences that happen even today. I am reminded of these two lines from the poem "The Kingdom of God" by Francis Thompson: "Yea, in the night, my Soul, my daughter,/ Cry - clinging to Heaven by the hems". Well, some cry, some don't cry, some call out to the Divine aloud, some don't, but the ...


... because it was itself, in the form of a Church, supported by power and because it confused religion with the Church, or because it stood for a false theocracy, forgetting that true theocracy is the kingdom of God in man and not the kingdom of a Pope, a priesthood or a sacerdotal class. Fourth, it has often supported a rigid and outworn social system, because it thought its own life ...

... inner Priest, Prophet and King. It will reveal to man the divinity in himself as the Light, Strength, Beauty, Good, Delight, Immortality that dwells within and build up in his outer life also the kingdom of God which is first discovered within us. It will show man the way to seek for the Divine in every way of his being, sarvabhdvena,15 and so find it and live in it, that however - even in all kinds ...

... activities and institutions. It will reveal to man the divinity in himself as the Light, Strength, Beauty, Good, Delight, Immortality that dwells within and build up in his outer life also the kingdom of God which is first discovered within us. It will show man the way to seek for the Divine in every way of his being, sarvabhāvena, 18 and so find it and live in it, that however - even in all kinds ...

... its realisation, not within but without; who have to struggle not with their own self, but with the not-self; who have to fight and conquer not themselves but others, in order to establish the Kingdom of God, realised by them in the relations of their own inner life, in the actualities and appointments of the life of their own people or of humanity at large. They are, so to say, the chosen of God ...

... the Beatitude is far in the heaven of the Divine and this earth is condemned to remain a vale of tears,—it is a place where the soul of man is tested in order to prove its worthiness to reach the kingdom of God away rom the earth. Milton wanted "to justify the ways of God to man" but he does not succeed in his task because perhaps the inspiration of puritanic Christianity was not sufficient to fulfil ...

... even from the world of the Aeneid. Camoens is ready to judge by other than pure terrestrial standards;' he can already look a little beyond the unweeded garden that is the earth and see the Kingdom of God that is to be. Page 378 ...


... them you find not the straight, but the free movement towards the Light. They go from Light to Light. It is like the Asura, only the Asura's move­ment is perverse and violent trying to take the kingdom of God by violence. By the greater Gods I meant the gods who preside over the universal manifestation. They are, really speaking, what the Veda calls "powers of the One". They are different. Disciple ...

... the earth, is the realisation of human unity through the awakening in all and the manifestation by all of the inner Divinity which is One. In other words, - to create unity by founding the Kingdom of God which is within us all, 14 The original draft had amplified the objectives by adding: "To become the perfect representatives on earth of the first manifestation of the Unthinkable in his ...


... Lost in a general Christian fashion will not go against the grain of Blake's concept of Jesus. To him, as Miss Raine urges, "Jesus is God", and yet this "God" can say: "I am doing my Father's business" 2 and Blake can write of "the kingdoms of God & his Christ". 3 From the subtlety of the aspiring by Jesus we can derive the subtle seizing which allows the sense of "a 'taking... me you have not proved it) but it is certainly not Blake's, for whom Jesus is the Imagination of God in man. "Jesus is God." As to seizing, it may not necessarily be a "theft" but it is certainly a "taking possession" of something with a prior existence, which cannot be attributed to the creation of God or in and by Jesus the Imagination. These are my main points of difference. But that does not lessen... 21). Page 265 Jesus, common to both Milton and Blake, 4 should suffice to permit all the play of difference-in-sameness and unity-in-duality that could be read in God the Son aspiring and seizing God-the-Father's fire which ultimately is his own. Lastly, I should like to put in a word on the remark Miss Raine makes almost at the beginning of her letter. She concedes that I "may ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... because then we do not march on to the wider kingdoms of God beyond. Even divine realisations must not be clung to, if they are not the divine realisation in its utter essentiality and completeness. We must rest at nothing less than the All, nothing short of the utter transcendence. And if we can thus be free in the spirit, we shall find out all the wonder of God's workings; we shall find that in inwardly... led to the entire rejection of world-existence as a lie, an insanity of the soul, a troubled and unhappy dream or at best a flawed, specious and almost worthless good or to its characterisation as a kingdom of the world, the flesh and the devil, and therefore for the divinely led and divinely attracted soul only a place of ordeal and preparation or at best a play of the All-existence, a game of cross-purposes... knowledge. But this weakness comes garbed as renunciation, as virtue: "Better the life of the beggar than to taste these blood-stained enjoyments; I desire not the rule of all the earth, no, nor the kingdom of the gods." How foolish of the Teacher, we might say, not to confirm this mood, to lose this sublime chance of adding one more great soul to the army of Sannyasins, one more shining example before ...


... Our acts chime with God's simple natural good Or serve the rule of a supernal Right. All moods unlovely, evil and untrue Forsake their stations in fierce disarray And hide their shame in the subconscient's dusk. Then lifts the mind a cry of victory: "O soul, my soul, we have created Heaven, Within we have found the kingdom here of God, His fortress built... mortal selves. It seeks for Good and Beauty and for God; We see beyond self's walls our limitless self, We gaze through our world's glass at half-seen vasts. We hunt for the Truth behind apparent things. Book Seven, Canto Two, p. 485 * In this investiture of fleshly life A soul that is a spark of God survives And sometimes it breaks through the sordid... into eternity. An eye has opened upon timelessness, Infinity takes back the forms it gave, And through God's darkness or his naked light His million rays return into the Sun. There is a zero sign of the Supreme; Nature left nude and still uncovers God. But in her grandiose nothingness all is there: When her strong garbs are torn away from us, The soul's ...


... the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the... primary divinity of God the Father as distinguished from God the Son - the heavenly hiddenness of the former in ultimate light. St. John 3 not only says, "God is light", but also lays down: "No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." St. Paul 4 has the phrase about Christ: "the image of the invisible God." In passing, we... We have found Christ emerging from the internal pattern of the poem as the maker of the Tyger. The very attribution of creativeness to him rather than to God is in complete consonance with Christian doctrine. Christ there is known as the Word of God: he answers to the Greek Logos, the Indian Shabda Brahman, the Creative Vibration of the Divine Consciousness. The Father begets the Son, but the Son begets ...

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... found the kingdom here of God." In this way "A first perfection's stage is reached at last Out of the weed and stone of our nature's stuff— A temple is shaped where the high gods could live". Page 324 This attainment of perfection is the promise for all mankind: "One man's perfection still can save the world" because by such an attainment "A camp of God is pitched... to hide her kingdom of Heaven within herself. It said: "not for self alone the self is won": it is not for thy own self that thou hast to win the self. Do not be content "with one conquered realm": there are many more fields to be won for the Divine. "Adventure all to make the whole world thine" "Accept to be small and human on the earth "That man may find his utter self in God". You have... throat "A glad uplift and a new working came." Then a transformation of nature followed in which "every act" of Savitri "became an act of God." In her heart "all the emotions gave themselves to God". Her vital being was tamed "to do a work of God on earthly soil." In the body "a firm ground was made for Heaven's descending might." Thus the entire human part of Savitri became harmonious. ...

... Flaxman of October 19, 1801, Blake expresses the faith that, with the peace concluded with Napoleon, the millennium itself is dawning: "The Kingdoms of this World are now become the Kingdoms of God & his Christ..." 300 Here Christ is spoken of in distinction from God to whom, as if Son to Father, he belongs. In a letter to Butts, April 25, 1803, Blake writes: "I see the face of my heavenly Father; he... Boehme's Signatura Rerum. First "... the elected throne of God in the royal office, from which Lucifer was taken, and thrust into the darkness." 140 Next: "And thus hell is even an enemy of the devil, for he is a strange guest therein, viz. a perjured fiend cast out of heaven..." 141 A violent retribution meted out to Satan in God's kingdom is clear in the first quotation. The last seven words of the... known to us in gist. Let us now follow it in some detail. We may answer "Yes" if we think of the God of the Alchemist, who is beyond good and evil and unites contraries. As Boehme lays down: "the God of the holy World and the God of the dark World are not two Gods; there is but one only God." This God is the "Father" of Boehme with His creative "wrath-fires" without whose energy there cannot be ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger