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Mary Virgin Mary the Virgin : Mother of Jesus, worshipped in the Catholic Christian Church since the apostolic age, & a favourite subject in art, music & literature. “…above, on a plane within us…called heaven by the ancient mystics, the Lord & the Jīva stand together revealed as of one essence of being, the Father & the Son…the Divine Being & the divine Man who comes forth from Him born of the higher divine Nature, the virgin Mother, parā prakṛti, parā māyā, into the lower or human nature. In the Buddhist legend the name of the mother of Buddha makes the symbolism clear; in the Christian the symbol seems to have been attached by a familiar mythopoeic process to the human mother of Jesus of Nazareth.” [SABCL Vol.13:153-54]
... tribes in Arabia? SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): Yes. It is like the Tamil Christ and the Madrasi Virgin Mary. SATYENDRA: What is that? SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, you don't know? A Tamil scholar discovered that Christ was a Tamil belonging to Madras and he found all the equivalent Tamil names for Christ, Mary and eyen the streets, PURANI: Here also this man says that Araba equals Arava, Saracen equals ...
... through God as the Holy Spirit that The Virgin Mary conceives Jesus in her womb. Since Mary remained a virgin despite her pregnancy, this event is known as the Immaculate** Conception. Joseph is guided by God through dreams not to throw Mary away in disgrace, who is pregnant even though Joseph never slept with her. He being a man of great faith accepts Mary in her pregnant condition as his wife and... that miracle is called Christmas. The telling of the Christmas story is found primarily in the Gospel of Luke. A young virgin named Mary is engaged to be married to a man known as Joseph. However, as she is sitting alone, suddenly the angel Gabriel appears to her and says "Hail Mary, full of grace*-, the Lord is with you and blessed be the fruit of thy womb." At first frightened, she ______________... asks how this is possible as she is a virgin. And Gabriel tells her of the miraculous conception* of the child who is to become Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind. And the miracle is that the Holy Spirit, another name for God, has fathered the child. That is to say, the Father of Jesus Christ is God. This scene of the Angel appearing before the startled Mary is called the Annunciation and has been ...
... the moment, he's very exhausted. Page 127 Yes, they've drained him. It started with a mental attack—every possible doubt: Sri Aurobindo is "like Saint Augustine"; Mother is "like Virgin Mary," it's "the same thing." A mental attack, anyway. After that, he became unable to eat: every time he ate, he would vomit. Then he had fits of hysteria: convulsions, foaming at the mouth, and a kind ...
... Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary, he 13 writes on Paul and the "Virgin Birth": "There is no mention of it either in Paul's letters or in Page 27 his sermons as related in Acts. It is sometimes claimed that Galatians 4:4-5 where Paul speaks of Jesus as being born of a woman, born under the law, is a reference to the Virgin Birth. But born of a woman... without implying some reference to Mary, one would have to answer that Paul does thus indirectly refer to her. But it is a reference to her simply as mother, in her maternal role of bearing Jesus and bringing him into the world. There is not Page 26 the slightest hint here that Jesus was her 'first born' (see Luke 2:7) or that she was a virgin. Paul simply does not mention the... Brown 3 dismissing as "untenable" the "simplistic" thesis that the Matthean infancy narrative, in which the angel of the Lord announced Mary's virginal conception to Joseph, came from Joseph and that the Lucan infancy narrative, where the announcement is to Mary herself, came from her. The very idea of an angelic announcement or, to use the techi-cal term annunciation, derives, in Brown's opinion ...
... elsewhere in the N[ew] T[estament], e.g., 1 Cor[inthians] 7:8). Mary is depicted as having chosen the married state, and the virginal conception is presented as God's intervention, not as Mary's personal choice... Few today interpret the 'I do not know man' of Luke 1:34 as a vow or resolve of virginity, pace G. Graystone, Virgin of all Virgins (Rome: pio x, 1968). In the long run, as Graystone admits... These were the children of Alpheus (of the Synoptists, otherwise known as Clopas or Cleophas) by Mary, sister or sister-in-law of the Virgin Mary. Alpheus was the brother of Joseph, foster-father of Jesus. Thus the four men and Salome were our Lord's first cousins." Quinlan goes on: "Alpheus and Mary were among those who 'used to follow Jesus and minister to him' (Matt 15, 40; 16, 1). Of the four... and look back on the birth of Jesus in the light of Mary's subsequent relationship with Joseph. Pope Siricius, Epistle 9,3, in the fourth century saw the danger and argued that if one denies the perpetual virginity of Mary one plays into the hands of scoffers who say that Jesus could not have been born of a virgin. 55 Be that as it may, Mary's being the mother of James, Joses, Simon, Judas and at ...
... archangel Gabriel was sent to Nazareth in Galilee, to the Virgin Mary, and announced to her that she had found favour with God and would bear a son, Jesus. She asked how that would be, since she was pledged to be married to Joseph, she was pledged to remain a virgin until then. The angel replied that she would conceive through the Holy Spirit. Mary consented, saying, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; let... begotten not made, of one Being with the Father: Through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven; by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and was made man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven... and God the Holy Spirit. There are three persons in one God. Humans cannot understand this nature of God, but must simply accept it on faith. It is the Holy Spirit that conceived Jesus in the womb of Mary at the Annunciation. Page 118 — The Last Supper: see also The Eucharist The meal shared by Jesus and his disciples on the eve of his Passion at which he instituted the Holy Eucharist ...
... in his book (p. 139) by writing: "The body of the Virgin Mary is said to have been transformed in the same way, and doubtless there are other saints and Yogis of whom this is true." I have not come across a reference to the Virgin Mary's body in the Gospels or in the Epistles of St. Paul. Indeed, St. Paul does not refer even to the virginity of Mary which one or two verses in the infancy accounts in... associated in the Bible with natural humanity. To St. Paul the birth of Jesus was like that of any other man. But, even granting that there is scriptural authority for something extraordinary happening to Mary's body, how can it be compared to that of the resurrected Christ when Griffiths compares it also to those of "other saints and Yogis"? Has any saint or Yogi obtained a body comparable to "the body of ...
... different appearance; for when one sees, one projects the Page 27 forms of one's mind.... You have the vision of one in India whom you call the Divine Mother; the Catholics say it is the Virgin Mary, and the Japanese call it Kwannon, the Goddess of Mercy; and others would give other names. It is the same force, the same power, but the images made of it are different in different faiths." ...
... writing: "The body of the Virgin Mary is said to have been transformed in the same way, and doubtless there are other saints and Yogis of whom this is Page 4 true." I have not come across a reference to the Virgin Mary's body in the Gospels or in the Epistles of St. Paul. Indeed, St. Paul does not refer even to the virginal conception of Jesus by Mary, which one or two verses in... everywhere else in the Bible with natural humanity. To him the birth of Jesus was like that of any other man. But, even granting that there is scriptural authority for something extraordinary happening to Mary's body, how can it be compared to that of the resurrected Christ when Griffiths compares it also to those of "other saints and Yogis"? Has any saint or Yogi obtained a body comparable to "the body of ...
... Creed imply only that Mary was a Virgin from whom Jesus was born: they mean simply that Jesus had no human father and that the Holy Spirit alone was responsible for his birth. But there is the 4th-century triad about Mary having been a virgin ante partum, in partu et post partum ("before, in and after birth"). Traditionally, Roman Catholicism has regarded all these stages of Mary's virginity as revealed... culmination of the evolutionary process - the passage beyond matter and life and mental consciousness into transcendent, divine consciousness. The reference to the Virgin Mary is based on the doctrine of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, body and soul, into heaven, which is a defined doctrine in the Roman Church. It is not found in the New Testament but appears in late tradition. Karl Rahner, a leading... non-mention of the Virgin Birth is consistent with his account of the strange relationship between Jesus and Mary. In whatever Matthew and Luke are constrained to take from Mark they are inconsistent with their tales of the Virgin Birth. Their inability to escape inconsistency points to the new-fangledness of these tales. Paul and Mark definitely rule out the doctrine of the Virgin Birth from being a ...
... them was our most intimate friend, David, the noted goalie of our celebrated football team. He had only just been married. I remember how regularly his wife used to offer worship to Mariamma (Virgin Mary) praying for his safety and well-being, during the period of nearly three years that he had to be away: they were of course Christians. The plaintive tones of her hymns still ring in my ears. David ...
... hint at a Page 38 reservation as in the Apostles' Creed about Jesus being fully man and yet figuring as one Who was conceived of the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary. I appreciate Somerville's treatment of my article and the encouragement he gives for its publication in one or another of the scriptural reviews in the USA or in England. His "thinking... revelation. So a good case can be made out for the later development of the virginal conception." By implication these statements assume the Pauline phrase "born of a woman" to mean that Jesus' origin from Mary was like that of any other man not only in his issuing from her womb but also in his beginning to be there. I am, however, somewhat at a loss when Somerville later says: "Maybe Paul never ...
... illustrate his departure from poetic conventionalism by picking out, as a critic has done, a verse from him and a couple of lines from Crashaw, both on the theme of Christ's incarnation through the Virgin Mary. Crashaw refers to the heavenly babe: Christ left his father's house and came Lightly as a lambent flame. Page 310 Here we have a good simile suggesting the soft secrecy... words of Hopkins: The heaven-flung, heart-fleshed, maiden-furled Miracle-in-Mary of flame... The whole first line is adjectival and the noun it qualifies is the compound "Miracle-in-Mary". The words "of flame" go with "Miracle" and not with "Mary": the incarnating Christ is the "Miracle of flame" within Mary. The total expression in the two lines is repeatedly concrete in unexpected ways.... acceptance of him in love; we see his preciously secret birth through deeply and tenderly guarded virginity; we see the prodigious Godhead that was the unborn child lying with all its light and fire in Mary's quickened earth-womb. The representation of the theme by Crashaw has been compared to the chaste and lucid art of Raphael, that by Hopkins to the impassioned and complex art of Michelangelo. For our ...
... correspond to Parashakti.* We may note en passant that in the New Testament we have something of the vision of God the Mother in the conception of Virgin Mary. Amal Kiran (K.D. Sethna) says, 7 I consider this doctrine (of Virgin Mary) the most beautiful * Mrs. Sonia Dyne in a personal letter writes to me that Wisdom was more a person than personification. She says that according... the Word of God, there seems to be a close link between the Lady Wisdom and the Supreme Mother and her Avatar in Savitri. The passage quoted by Amal Kiran to show the symbolic significance of Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the words addressed by Aswapati to the Divine Mother when she is ready to offer him her boon reveals the link. The expression Wisdom-Splendour brings out the experience ...
... the virgin birth in Matthew and Luke "has an air of fiction". There is no trace of any family tradition of the virginal conception of Jesus till it appears in two gospels towards the end of the Isl century A.D. Mary does not appear to have spoken of it to the apostles. Peter, the foremost disciple, is silent about it. Further, there is the complete absence of any scandalous rumour regarding Mary in... Hebrew "a young woman" as "virgin" to show the OT prophesying his account of Jesus' virgin birth. Unfortunately, Sethna fails to clinch this issue because he neither tells us who this "young woman" was nor the name of her son who is the subject of so momentous a prophecy. Inevitably, Sethna ends his study on an Aurobindonian note, pointing out that the dogma regarding Mary rising bodily into Heaven... special place for Mary in his scheme of things, least of all his considering her as "blessed among women" or being aware of any extraordinary experience on her part at his conception. The mother-son relationship is quite clearly unsympathetic and lacks mutual understanding. Sethna examines considerable theological evidence between 100 and 200 A.D. to prove that the alternative to the Virgin Birth account ...
... are one" expressing the deep truth that the human self and the divine self are identical, they imagined that he was setting up an individual claim to be God; hence the extraordinary legend of the Virgin Mary & all that followed from it. Well, we all know the story of the Last Supper and Jesus' marvellously pregnant utterance as he broke the bread and gave of the wine to his disciples "This is my body ...
... he was like this or like that, all differing and yet it would be one and the same manifestation. You have the vision of one in India whom you call the Divine Mother, the Catholics say it is the Virgin Mary, and the Japanese call it Kwannon, the Goddess of Mercy, and others would give other names. It is the same Force, the same Power, but the images made of it are different in different faiths. ...
... Exaggeration in the third variety, the gripping an image that is incongruous with an occasion and the plucking from it a sudden aptness, is beautifully illustrated by lines about the voice of the Virgin Mary as heard by Alfred when, grief-stricken with his repeated failures against the Danes, he sees at the beginning of the story a vision of her: And a voice came human but high up, Like... course of Chesterton's narrative: not so often as it should, though, considering that almost the entire poem strains to be such an expression. Alfred goes gathering comrades after his vision of the Virgin, and to each of them he conveys its compulsive inspiration, for he is fired by a reality greater than his personal self: Out of the mouth of the Mother of God, Like a little word come... So he brings with him a convinced prophecy that what seems impossible shall be done — the Dane's tyranny shall be trod down, their heathen creed destroyed, and the English live to see, with the Virgin's help, A tale where a man looks down on the sky That has long looked down on him. Here we have the cryptic at its most audacious, as also when Alfred during his incognito reconnoitre ...
... Among them was our most intimate friend, David, the noted goalie of our celebrated football team. He had only just been married. I remember how regularly his wife used to offer worship to Mariamma (Virgin Mary) praying for his safety and well-being, during the period of nearly three years that he had to be away: they were of course Christians. The plaintive tones of her hymns still ring in my ears. David ...
... describe the being in a totally different way, although they all would be talking about one and the same manifestation. The one whom in India you call the Divine Mother, is for the Catholics the Virgin Mary and for the Japanese Kwannon, the Goddess of Compassion, and still others would call her by still other names. It is the same Force, the same Power, but the representations made of it differ according... to the throne, but his health was poor and he died in 1553. Now Mary, Catherine’s daughter, became Queen and married Philips II of Spain. Both monarchs were fanatically Catholic and did their utmost to destroy the new Protestant Church in England, including people as well as books, so that the Queen was soon known as ‘Bloody Mary.’ Mary, who remained childless, knew that the whole of Protestant England... Sovereign. Not only did they pay homage, they made the Virgin Queen the object of a cult. In Elizabeth her worshipping subjects saw Diana, the virgin goddess of the moon, Gloriana, the fairy queen, and above all Astraea. ‘Astraea, one of the most constant of all the names used for the Queen from her accession onwards, is the just virgin of Virgil’s “IVth Eclogue,” whose return to earth inaugurates ...
... and found in our Ashram's Mother a living culmination of the most precious and profound truth of the Roman Church -the vision and worship of the Divine Mother through the figure of the Virgin Mary. Of course, this is not the only source of soul-fulfilment for you. The Himalayan presence of Sri Aurobindo has given you the sense of reaching the end of all journeys. Your inmost being catches ...
... the course of time. For instance, in the major manuscripts in our hands today Mark 6:3 reads: "Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary?" Origen, who lived in c. 185-253 A.D., records that the original reading was: "Is this not the son of the carpenter and of Mary?", which is practically the same as Matthew 12:46. (9) The "utterly diabolical methods" used in the propagation of what may... ending" of verses 9-20 was tagged on some time in the second century A.D. What the writer should have listed was not the crucifixion but the virgin birth, about which you have expressed reservations in the closing part of your letter. The virgin birth of Jesus is neither in the first Gospel - Mark's - nor in the last -John's. It occurs only in Matthew's and Luke's Gospels. I may add that the... of Christian theologians, both Catholic and Protestant, believe that the story of the virgin birth is an "his-toricising" of the theological concept that Jesus was the Son of God in a unique sense, on whom the fact of human paternity has no bearing, even though he had a human father. They also declare that the virgin birth is not in the least necessary for Jesus in order to be the Son of God. According ...
... was among the crowds of men insteadof within themselves. Perhaps you too were in that early ascetic group. Or else we may have been in some monastery later on, following especially a cult of the Virgin Mary. I wonder if there was any monastery in the places of Christian Europe with which I feel most familiar without ever seeing them in the present life: the Rhineland and, in the poet Longfellow's ...
... fifteenth? Is there any connection between the Feast of the Assumption in the Catholic Church and the date of Sri Aurobindo's birth? Yes. And he has also said it himself. The Assumption of the Virgin Mary is the divinisation of Matter. And this is the aim of the last Avatar. Page 269 Appendix 15 August 1947 5 August 15th, 1947 is the birthday of free India. It marks for ...
... has found its true meaning, thought its real direction, heart its only love. And his homage concluded with these words: On this anniversary day of the Mother, an old litany dedicated to Virgin Mary comes back to my mind - Mother of wisdom Mystic Rose Star of the Morning Cause of our joy. 2 "The Mother was eighty on 21 February 1958"! In a sense it was like saying "Infinity ...
... is not so different from the Pauline view as is Luke's. The latter not only lacks the Pauline Christology of pre-existence: it also introduces the Virgin-Birth doctrine of which Paul has no trace: indeed, as Brown 40 admits, "Paul never mentions Mary by name and Page 111 shows no interest in her" and, when Paul speaks of Jesus in relation to his mother, he has the phrase "born... those inside listening to him, a family constituted by doing the will of God. Such an uncomplimentary view of Mary's relationship to Jesus is scarcely reconcilable with a knowledge of the virginal conception." Elsewhere Brown 45 has touched on the same context and commented on its light upon Mary: "...the Marcan scene in which she features is scarcely favourable to her." Thus Mark of the Gospel... Paul (Galatians 4:5) that unlike Luke he attributed a normal and not a virgin birth to Jesus, the notably fair-minded scholar Father Raymond Brown 1 speaks of "the unverifiable assumption that Luke, Paul's companion, was the evangelist, an assumption that vitiates much of R. J. C. Cooke's Did Paul know of the Virgin Birth? ____" But even Brown does not go further than suspending judgment ...
... Testament - namely, the Virgin Birth of Jesus from Mary. Luke's Gospel goes even beyond Page 120 Matthew's in its elaborate narrative (1:26-38) of this extraordinary theme. Why has Acts not the slightest glimmering of it in spite of a speech (10:34-43) on Jesus' life and work by the apostle Peter who knew Jesus personally and is shown in Acts to know his mother Mary and his brothers... 3:13 echoes). Acts 13:27-29 makes a complete break with Luke 23:50-53. A similar break occurs in the matter of the empty tomb which is said in Luke 24:1-10 to be discovered by Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James and other women, and Page 123 reported by them to the Apostles. The Protestant theologian, Bernard W. Anderson, 15 well notes: "The apostolic sermons... the striking lacuna is intelligible. But if he did, he not only gives proof that Peter's omission shows absence of knowledge where it should have been vividly present and thus that there was no Virgin Birth to be known: he also contradicts his own narrative and demonstrates its contents to be a new-fangled thing, a pure fiction, with no foundation in the original Christianity. Luke totally against ...
... incarnated Mother in the Yoga. The Great Mother is known in all great spiritual and occult traditions, even though variously named and described. We find her in Isis, Cybele, Sophia, and the Virgin Mary. She is the One who became Two – the active Brahman from eternity divided into Ishwara and Shakti, Purusha and Prakriti. On the Origin of the World , a gnostic text from around 200 CE, defines her... justifies the pains of the evolutionary manifestation]; It is my husband who bore me [Ishwara is also the Brahman]; And it is I who am his mother [who gives shape to him in his manifestation – Isis, Mary]; And it is he who is my father and my lord. It is he who is my force [because I am his force, Shakti]; I am in the process of becoming [the complete Divine is growing up in the Manifestation]... One]; And it is I who am the Mother [the Great Mother, the one original transcendent Shakti]; It is I who am the wife [Shakti to Ishwara, in human metaphorical language]; It is I who am the virgin [for ever the untouchable Origin of all]; It is I who am pregnant [with all the power and manifestations of the universe]; It is I who am the midwife [the middle term chit-tapas in the Vedantic ...
... of Orthodoxy and of everything they treasured in their national life. * * * ¹ Raiment: Archaic or poetic, attire; clothing; garments. ² Ikon, icon: a representation of Christ, the Virgin Mary, or a saint, esp. one painted in oil on a wooden panel, depicted in a traditional Byzantine style and venerated in the Eastern Church. ³ To usurp: to seize,, or appropriate (land, throne, ...
... being removed from earth and caught up to heaven. A classical example is the legend of Hercules. A Christian legend of the same kind is that of the 'Assumption of Mary', according to which first the soul, and then the body, of the Virgin were assumed to heaven. Be that as it may, these legendary accounts, although springing from the subconscious need of the race to combat the stark proposition ...
... hand and one in Mary Shelley's. In the already examined manuscript there are two details of some interest though not bearing directly upon our problem. Shelley started the line originally with From and then cancelled the word. Instead of the opening Fresh which he ultimately put we see Green . In the next manuscript of Shelley's own — his final fair copy of 1821, according to Mary's chronology —... speaking, Housman's attack on Swinburne is baseless: no compositor, no printer produced the exquisite inequality of the line. Nobody except Mary could have done it in the edition of 1824. In the fourth place, on the testimony of Carter and Sparrow themselves, Mary has not been shown anywhere in her transcriptions to have gone against what she knew to be Shelley's own blanks. If in the printer's copy... Inspiration and Effort SHELLEY, SWINBURNE, HOUSMAN — AND MARY SHELLEY 1 The Times Literary Supplement of November 21, 1968 (pages 1318-19), discusses under the title, "Shelley, Swinburne and Housman", the famous eighth line — Fresh spring, and summer and winter hoar — of one of Shelley's most Shelleyan lyrics beginning ...
... went there a bachelor and after a month returned a married man. He brought home Mary Powell, the seventeen-year old daughter of a Royalist Justice of Peace. A little later war broke out between the Royalists and the Roundheads (the Puritans) to whose Page 141 party Milton belonged. Just before the war Mary's parents invited her to their house. Hardly a month had passed since the marriage... her visit on condition that she would return soon. But Mary prolonged her stay at her parents' place and refused to come back when Milton wrote pressing letters. She shared her parents' Royalist views and it was political difference that was largely the cause of the breakdown of the marriage: some responsibility should be ascribed also to Mary's rather gay upbringing and Milton's rather serious temperament... of oblivion, and a firm league for peace for the future..." Mary herself may well have pleaded Eve-like for peace between them. Three children were born in the rest of their married life. "But," as Phillips writes, "it was not only by children that she increased the number of the family." For, after the fall of Oxford, many of Mary's kindred - her father and mother and several brothers and sisters ...
... The Spirit of Auroville Mary Aldridge wrote to me on 8.8.74: Dear Huta, I am writing to tell you how much I enjoyed your book on Matrimandir. I was so enthralled with it that one evening I sat out on my little balcony and read it right through from beginning to end! That same night I had a really beautiful dream (or was it a vision?) of the Mother... Loretta said she might write and tell you—perhaps she has already. But in case she doesn't I thought I would tell you as I am sure you will be interested. Hope all is well with you. In her love Mary ...
... the completion of the royal Davidic line, and because he read the passage in a Greek translation of Isaiah which spoke of a 'virgin' (as distinct from the Hebrew which has only 'young woman'), Matthew saw the applicability of this text to the birth of Jesus from the Virgin Mary at Bethlehem. It was a proof for Matthew who had an insight as to how Jesus' birth fulfilled God's plan; so far as we can tell... first century". Evidently, the original Christian proclamation went without the least word from Mary informing the Apostles, who knew Jesus personally, of any unusual circumstances attending his entry into the world. In no pronouncement attributed to Peter, the foremost of the Twelve Apostles, is the Virgin Birth hinted at: in fact, it is totally out of the picture in all the sermons put into Peter's... Joseph of Mary being with child by the Holy Spirit and prevents him from divorcing her, while Luke (1:26-33) has the angel announce to Mary that the Holy Spirit will overshadow her and there is no hint of Joseph worrying about any possible scandal. Besides, Matthew (2:1) shows Jesus conceived as well as born in Bethlehem, the birth occurring in Joseph's own house; Luke (2:4-7) makes Joseph and Mary travel ...
... After listening to a Polish visitor, Mother said: “As if they are living for the Truth only and they are the people who will give the Truth to the world! There are people there who worship the Black Mary; I think it is a deformation of Kali. But they are not sincere in their adulation.” ...
... at the first blush inconsistent with this high transcendentalism; and I am afraid Sparkenbroke does not make it anywhere quite clear how exactly the act of love shines in his imagination. In the girl Mary he discovers a beauty which appears to absolve and renew him, as he himself puts it; it is a beauty which strips him of bondage and sets him breathing a freer air; it is not merely his mind which is... his heart that he had merely cohabited with ordinary human beings and not fused his senses and his mind with a channel of some transcendental beauty. When, however, he awakens to the miracle that is Mary he realises that till now he had but read the verse of human form and now alone has he touched embodied poetry. The act of love with her, he imagines, would dissolve his petty ego and give him... manifestation but even against the subtle weavings of inner desire. Sparkenbroke, of course, has no notion of this wisdom and so he follows the blind alley, with the one saving grace that while loving Mary he abstains instinctively from the extremity of actual coitus. We do not quite regret the blind alley; for that futile search is closely connected with all the other motifs in the book - and the result ...
... The Spirit of Auroville In reply to a letter from Mary Helen about the Japanese Garden, the Mother wrote on 22.12.72: It is to be naturally in the Japanese way . ...
... The august, inhospitable, inhuman night, Glittering magnificently unperturbed. Let me give one more illustration. Here's Crashaw economically picturing Christ's incarnation through the Virgin Mary: Christ left his father's home and came Lightly as a lambent flame. On the surface the couplet looks over-simple, rather conventional and almost verging on prose except for the metrical... The heaven-flung, heart-fleshed, maiden-furled Miracle-in-Mary of flame... The whole first phrase is opulently adjectival, qualifying a richly compound noun in the next. Of course, the words "of flame" go with "miracle" and not with "Mary": the incarna- Page 144 ting Christ is the Miracle of flame, within Mary. A picture concrete in several different ways is driven into our... acceptance of him in love; we see his preciously secret birth through deeply and tenderly guarded virginity; we see the prodigious Godhead that was the unborn child lying with all its light and fire in Mary's quickened earth-womb. In place of the chastely lucid which the economy of Crashaw presented we are offered the passionately complex by a verbal lavishness which makes imaginative poetry of the highest ...
... in the sheet one can see the painted figures of the Virgin and Child. Their dresses are shown on the gilded sheet. Their haloes too are represented and, like the dresses, they are part of the complex designs. One can see not only the faces but also the two hands of the Virgin and a hand and the two feet of the Child. The expression of the Virgin is perfect love, compassion and care. The Child in her... 25 November 1961 On the morning of the 25th, when I went to the Mother, she received me cordially and with a smile she lifted from a nearby stool a Russian art-piece—an Icon—the Virgin of Vladimir and the Child. She informed me: You see, my child, how beautifully an artist has painted these images. This precious piece travelled all the way from Russia to the Ashram. Originally... in order to clean it and concentrate on it. I put it in my meditation room one day and switched off the light and burned a candle. To my utter amazement I saw the Icon as living—and felt as if the Virgin would speak to me. The effect of the light on the Icon was fascinating. Later, I took it to Champaklal. He saw it, and was pleased with the cleaning. Then I returned it to the Art Gallery along with ...
... brings into focus another angle on the subject of 'Swadeshistes.' This was 1911 and the British King, George V who had been crowned the previous year, was on the point of paying a visit with his queen Mary to the 'brightest jewel' of his empire. The French Foreign Office was all of a dither, and surely had talked to the Colonial Ministry. Page 237 Paris, 13 October 1911 "While... the governor added that the secret police were to leave the French territory any day now, because "the British monarchs have today sailed to Europe from Bombay." Well, King George V and Queen Mary left the shores of India after announcing that the Partition of Bengal—the settled and irrevocable fact—was now revoked, and that Bengal was again one, undivided. Everyone in the government heaved a ...
... sprinkling in the ritual practice of the Hebrews. Page 89 [Mark 15:47] Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus saw where he was laid. THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS, by Fra Angelico (detail) Page 90 The. Resurrection [Mark 16:1] And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, so that they might go and anoint... what they do. "* And they cast lots** to divide his garments. [John 19:25] So the soldiers did this. But standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene, (see the painting of the Crucifixion) [John 19:26] When Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved standing near, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold,... quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. Lo, I have told you." [Luke 24:10] Now it was Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and the other women with them who told this to the apostles; [Luke 24:11] but these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them. [Luke ...
... the hall. I had a very strong feeling of warmth—something living—as if some spirit hovered like a guardian angel. I was spellbound to see the works of Leonardo da Vinci—especially "The Virgin of the Rocks" and "The Virgin and Child with St. Anne and John the Baptist." His self-portrait expressed his extraordinary personality and profoundness. Doris told me: There are approximately nine hundred pictures... (Rokeby Venus)" and "The Immaculate Conception"—were charming. Then there was an attractive painting by Botticelli—"Venus and Mars". Matteo di Giovanni expressed in painting "The Assumption of the Virgin", which was ethereal. I viewed minutely the various portraits of great, noble ladies, who had placid faces—so content with their pearls, diamonds, laces and satin gowns. My eyes could not escape... and accurate exclamations of praise and surprise. Michelangelo's half-finished painting "Madonna and Child with St. John and Angels" was very expressive. But I was bored by the repeating themes: Virgin and Child, Madonna and Child, Crucifixion of Christ. Perhaps during that era the mental vision and imagination were set to a certain level of consciousness. It was fascinating to see the portrait ...
... youth. When Jesus' mother, Mary, softly reprimanded him for causing them worry, Jesus answered enigmatically: "How is it that you sought me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?" Mary did not fully understand, but, as the Gospel says, she quietly "kept all these things in her heart." According to the accounts, something remarkable had happened to Mary even before Jesus was born... born. An angel had appeared to Mary to tell her that she would conceive a child through the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1: 26-35). Shortly after Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph took the infant to the temple to fulfill the Jewish rituals that follow the birth of a male child. An old and revered sage was in the temple that day. At the sight of the child he went into ecstasy, and made mysterious predictions... predictions about him. The sage expressed his gratitude to God for being allowed to see with his own eyes the Savior of Israel (Luke 2: 22-35). Whenever Mary appears in the Gospels she is shown as a most beautiful example of surrender to the Divine's will. For this reason she has rightly inspired profound devotion among Christians the world over. Before entering public life, Jesus went alone into the ...
... others (ed.): Richard Dawkins , Oxford University Press, 2006 Greenspan, Louis, and others: Russell on Religion , Routledge, 1999 Gribbin, John: The Fellowship , Penguin Books, 2006 Gribbin, Mary and John: Being Human , Phoenix, 1995 Guittès, Emmy: Le passage de la matière à la vie , La Baconnière, 1966 Guttman, Barton S.: Evolution , Oneworld Publications, 2007 Harris, Sam: The... Evolution Is , Phoenix, 2002 McCalman, Iain: Darwin’s Armada , Simon & Schuster, 2009 McGrath, Alister: Dawkins’ God , Blackwell Publishing, 2005 — The Dawkins Delusion , SPCK, 2007 Midgley, Mary: Evolution as a Religion , Routledge, 2002 Mithen, Steven: The Prehistory of the Mind , Phoenix, 2003 Monod, Jaques: Le hasard et la nécessité , Éditions du Seuil, 1970 Morange, Michel: ...
... am aspiring with all sincerity but nothing definite has come as yet. Narad Over the following few years the troubles in Auroville continued. Progress on the Matrimandir was slow. Narad and Mary Helen poured their heart and soul into the work the Mother had given them to create the most exquisite gardens and spectacular sceneries around and beyond the Matrimandir. There were some people who ...
... moral directives to assimilate our lives into it... The mystical Christ, the universal Christ of St. Paul, has neither meaning nor value in our eyes except as an expansion of the Christ who was born of Mary and who died on the Cross, The former essentially draws His fundamental quality of undeniability and concrete-ness from the latter. However far we may be drawn into the divine spaces opened up to us... "historical centre" that is Jesus the Redeemer? If the Creator, too, constitutes "the light, in which everything seems...bathed", the God-fullness of the world predates "the Christ who was the son of Mary and who died on the Cross": "the Jesus of the Gospels" can be no more than a reinforcement of that God-fullness and not its sole origin. In consequence, there is no call to run down non-Christian... explicitly dissociated from "the little lord Jesus". In "something that 'shone' at the heart of matter" we have already the "diaphany" of the Divine, but there is no link at all with the Epiphany of Mary's son. The additive character of the historical incarnate Christ in Teilhard's world-vision is borne out also by the testimony of Claude Cuenot. Cuenot, 14 in La Table Ronde (June 1955), reports: ...
... paintings, miniatures of the Tudor age. I was lost in all this magnificent display of curios. I liked the terracotta virgin with the laughing child and a Kuan-yin figure in painted and gilded wood which was Chinese, a lady holding a minor which was an earthenware Chinese figure, the Virgin of Sorrows in carved and painted wood, the Angel of the Annunciation and quite a number of other paintings by the ...
... afresh; even if you are on the same path and seem to be moving in the same direction for the hundredth time, you must feel as if it was for the first time that you undertook the journey, it was your virgin attempt towards a new discovery. Forget all past ideas, notions, experiences that crowd your mind; sweep away all the accumulated dust that has cumbered your brain; make your consciousness as clean... Whenever you go inside and seek your poise, do not look for your old acquaintances, the familiar experiences, do not carry upon your back the load of the past, but go ahead, as if through a virgin tract, making quite new discoveries and opening unexpected vistas at each step. You can make an experiment even on your physical body, i.e. take the physical consciousness too to share in your adventure... existence, the physical, vital and mental; and even you can go beyond your psychic formation and be the wide, the vast, the limitless, the Infinite itself, void of all name and form. And then with that virgin consciousness drop straight into the world of material life and form, into your body and bodily reactions. The world will give itself up to you in its pristine purity, its original beauty and truth ...
... . Now, the Italians worship the Virgin a lot, it's a lot in their makeup, and through that they would understand (those who are intelligent and see the symbol behind the story). There was a Pope (not the present one or the previous one, but the one before 1 ) who did remarkable things because he was in touch with the Virgin; he was a worshipper of the Virgin and that really put him on the right ...
... The whole world could take refuge in her single heart... At once she was the stillness and the word, A continent of self-diffusing peace, An ocean of untrembling virgin fire: The strength, the silence of the gods were hers. 227 There are other descriptions of Savitri, in other contexts, and Page 366 A. B. Purani has... lips shall be the honeycombs of God, Her limbs his golden jars of ecstasy, Her breasts the rapture-flowers of Paradise... 229 There is, then, Aswapati's vision of full-grown virgin Savitri, who suddenly appears to him a goddess rather than a human being, an unearthly splendour of beauty rather than the daughter he had known and loved: There came the gift of a revealing... Eternity looked into the eyes of Death. And Darkness saw God's living Reality. 232 Savitri the redeemer, as the Supreme promised to fashion her; Savitri the flame-virgin, as her father glimpsed her; Savitri transfigured by Love, as Rishi Narad saw her; and Savitri, the body of the living Truth, showing Death his place at last: these are magnificent evocations ...
... here the story of the two women devotees who followed the Christ, the two sisters Martha and Mary. Christ had noted in Martha this womanly concern of which the Upanishad makes mention, and said to her one day, "Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things; but one thing is needful, and Mary has shown that good part which shall not be taken away from her." (St. Luke, X. 41-42). ...
... "In spiritual life, one is always a virgin every time... I never sent it. It was someone (a Frenchwoman) who had a rather curious experience and wrote to me she had suddenly felt that, in love, she was a virgin when she met me, and that it was with a virgin's love that she came to me. So I answered, because it's true: " is always a virgin every time one awakens to a new love, for ...
... or was Page 53 transported into an unearthly region from the earth. Commentators say that only one person in the Christian tradition went to Heaven in the physical body, it was Mary, mother of Christ: nobody else was given this special privilege except Dante. In Indian tradition too there were some fortunate people who could go to Heaven in their physical body – Yudhishthira... light – circles and waves of bright gold and diamond! ¹ Paradiso, Canto III, 85. Page 56 And those entrancing forms and figures! The Supreme Lord, the Supreme Trinity and the Virgin Mother – and Beatrice beside! The moving circles and the glorious figures wove a beautiful faultless pattern – a perfect geometrical kaleidoscope, gleaming and glittering. Dante tries to give an ...
... important place or any place at all in the history of the prosody of the English language or that one should start the study of English metre by a careful examination of the rhythm of "Humpty Dumpty", "Mary, Mary, quite contrary" or the tale of the old woman in a shoe. There are many queer theories abroad nowadays in all the arts, but I doubt whether any English or French critic or prosodist would go so far ...
... his tomorrow -the truth which thou hast to seek." Leonardo's Virgin looks downward while the Child looks Page 286 upward at some invisible point with both his little arms stretched forward to it. Again, an intent of forward striding is suggested in the way his two stretched legs are poised. One hand of the Virgin clasps the Child at the back, the other gently touches the last finger... The Virgin's head is crowned with golden curls. On her right shoulder hangs a golden wrap which emerges more fully and brightly below as part of her dress, in almost the centre of the lower part of the picture. There seems to be some symbolism in this golden colour at the centre-top and the centre-bottom, for this is the colour of the divine Truth-light. Two other shades make up the Virgin's dress:... everything that passes." The postcard you have sent me, reproducing the painting by Leonardo which hangs in the Munich gallery and whose frame you have reverently touched shows in the figure of the Virgin and the Child the Transcendental Beauty watching from above with meditative tenderness the image of the Supreme Truth it has created in our world in the form of a perfect littleness destined to grow ...
... and strength. In reply, Markhandeya tells the story of Savitri and her p ā tivrata m ā h ā tmya, which may be explained as the 'glorious efficacy of wifely chastity'. The efficacy of virgin purity is the theme of many a story, for example Milton's Comus; but a wife's chastity and utter devotion to her husband (even when he doesn't deserve such devotion) are qualities apart and unique... episode in the Mahabharata is the most dearly cherished of such stories; indeed it is more than a mere story, for Savitri to this day is deeply imbedded in the Hindu woman's consciousness as the pure virgin awaiting her future husband or as the pure wife, warding off with the armour of her chastity, all evil and danger from her husband. Page 240 ...
... which he had not given up the idea of marrying Annette as soon as the political situation would make it possible for him to return to her land, and declined from the time of his sedate marriage with Mary Hutchinson. There seems little doubt that his efforts to remove all trace of Annette from his life had a harmful effect on the spontaneity and power of his inspiration. But to connect the s... Racedown — between the poet and his sister. Not Annette, therefore, but Dorothy was Wordsworth's main inspirer and sustainer. And if his genius suffered gradual eclipse after his marriage to Mary Hutchinson it was not so much because he drew the curtain completely over Annette and became respectable as because the new relationship cut across his unusual communion with Dorothy and she was too... "Yes, n-nothing is w-wanting but the m-mind." There is a bit of odd conceit, though mixed with a bit of startling common sense, in that incident in the English Channel where he and Dorothy and Mary had gone boating. A squall overtook them and it seemed as if the boat would Page 217 capsize. Wordsworth coolly took off his coat and vest and prepared to swim ashore, leaving his ...
... instantaneous inflation of the national egos. The Archbishop of Cambrai proclaimed in a pastoral letter: “The French soldiers feel more or less strongly and clearly that they are soldiers of Christ and Mary, defenders of the Faith, and that dying in the French way means dying in the Christian way. It is Christ who loves the French.” 408 And the English poet Rupert Brooke wrote on the occasion: “Now, God ...
... unearthly light Has blinded the gaze— A light which bears no colour Of transient love But falls from a silver secrecy Caught high above The surge of heart or mind, A virgin blaze Of beauty carved to a crescent moon Smiling in spirit space. Though calm the countenance, A warrior-will afar Slays every shadow with this smile Of heaven's scimitar ...
... Sworn to an ultimate Bridegroom yet unknown, Some giant goldenness waiting alone Beyond the half-lit dalliance of star-skies That weave a mesh of myriad paradise? Are you a virgin hunger for Truth's one Love-splendoured mouth of sacramental sun? 15.11.35 Page 490 ...
... Would-be Poets." All of you, I think, are would-be poets; so it should prove useful to all except for Nirod and me who are supposed to have fulfilled ourselves and are now have-been-poets. Well, what does Mary Sinton Leitch say? Would you be a poet, Be silent till you drink Deep of a rainbow At a brook's brink! You shall tread deftly Lest beauty be bereaved By bruising of... a whole essay on it. The last two stanzas could form the core of a whole theory of poetry which would be very much in tune with Sri Aurobindo's version of the poetic phenomenon. Mark how effectively Mary Sinton Leitch closes the poem. The fourth lines in all the stanzas have several words: "At a brook's brink", "Your spirit shall be grieved", etc. These are either two Page 420 feet ...
... wind. Soul of poet, merge thy quiet With the moon's eternal mystery, Rousing by uplifted calm A hierophantic rapturous song-sea. Soul of poet, thine be quiet Of the Virgin when the deathless morn Flashed from heaven clove time's veil And in her tranceful womb the Word was born. 11.9.33 Page 441 ...
... Books Hamilton J.R — Alexander the Great, Hutchinson University Library, Plutarch, — The Age of Alexander—Nine Greek Lives, Penguin Books Translation and notes: lan Scot-Kilvert, 1973 Renault, Mary — The Nature of Alexander, Penguin Books, U.K., 1983 Robinson,C.A. — The Extraordinary Ideas of Alexander the Great American Historical Review, 1957, pp. 326-44 Tarn, Sir William, and Griffith ...
... The Secret Splendour In this full moon no golden mean can live. Immensest wisdom or intensest joy Springs from this virgin mother of mystery: The brain, a rapt crystal, sees all life's core Or the heart drains a giant wine of the world. Flat earth is no home for eyes that shut out time, For lips that open abysses infinite: An ...
... July 26, 1961 ( Satprem reads several passages from the July 15th conversation where Mother says that Sri Aurobindo left before saying what he had been doing, and that it was a path through a virgin forest: 'Eyes blindfolded, knowing nothing, one plods on....' ) It's still true. When shall we see the end? In a hundred years? Page 276 ( For an instant Mother remains pensive ) ...
... my enchanted heart's love-tune Waken flame-echoes of her arms in the slumbering void air Tense with a timeless glimmer Grief-slaying, her spirit's crescent moon Spreads by a virgin scimitar the peace of paradise. 22.1.33 Page 426 ...
... Splendour Intangible Intangible she glimmers Through solitary night, A nameless moonray weaving Her body's deathless white. From a virgin world she travels In shadow-life awaile, Her beauty far with the frozen flame Of her unravished smile. She lets no mortal lover Her eyes' deep silence share Or steal the ...
... Is a white, immense, Miraculous-blown Lily beyond time's dearth Yet very alone. Omnipotence, Infinitude, Eternity of splendour— All are subdued To a virgin breath Calling the far Earth-glooms of pain to marry Its soul of star. And therefore life Yearns and yearns— Feeling some limitless rapture Unmated burns ...
... truth. Whenever you go inside and seek your poise, do not look for your old acquaintances, the familiar experiences, do not carry upon your back the load of the past, but go ahead, as if through a virgin tract, making quite new discoveries, and opening unexpected vistas at each step. You can make an experiment even on your physical body, i.e. take the physical consciousness too to share in your adventure... existence, the physical, vital and mental; and even you can go beyond your psychic formation and be the wide, the vast, the limitless, the Infinite itself, void of all name and form. And then with that virgin consciousness drop straight into the world of material life and form, into your body and bodily reactions. The world will give itself up to you in its pristine purity, its original beauty and truth ...
... the quiet whole Of your white soul; Shape from the silver of that poise A magic voice, The lustre of a skyward call— No flickering grace, but all Your spirit's gathered virgin light One death-oblivious height Of shadowless body rapture-crowned— A face of reverie caught beyond Our time-throbs to strange heavens afar.... O build from hush of star ...
... call Thee bare because they fear Thy light, The dazzle of far chastity that brings A joy but with the whole heart void of things Dear to brief clay; yet grows Thy simple white The virgin mother of each passionate tone, Save for the mind that will not follow fast The visionary winging of Thy Vast Above the narrow blisses earth has known. He whose desire from ...
... Splendour O secret celibate swore, No flesh you make your sheath— Unspent, unresting anywhere, You spurn the conqueror's wreath Of tremulous virgin blood. Packed with a pure white peace You stand with never an earthly flicker Spilling heaven's potencies. From the outward steely point Inward to an alchemist cup Your fluent ...
... Diamond is Burning Upward In the roofless chamber walled By the ivory mind; An orb entranced glows Where earth-storm never blows— But the two wide eyes are blind To its virgin soar behind Their ruby and emerald. The one pure bird finds rest In the crescent moon of a nest Which infinite boughs upbear.... Flung out on phantom air In a colour ...
... lasts as if its source were infinite, I feel Thy touch; Thy bliss imperishable Is crowded into that moment of delight. The body burns with Thy rapture's sacred fire, Pure, passionate, holy, virgin of desire. ...
... Silence Know more > A bare impersonal hush is now my mind, A world of sight clear and inimitable, A volume of silence by a Godhead signed, A greatness pure of thought, virgin of will. Once on its pages Ignorance could write In a scribble of intellect the blind guess of Time And cast gleam-messages of ephemeral light, A food for souls that wander on Nature's ...
... soul, who then has called love sweet? Laughing I called from heavenly spheres The sweet love close; he came with flying feet And turned my life to tears. What highborn girl, exiling virgin pride, Has wooed love to her with a laugh? His fires shall burn her as in harvest-tide The mowers burn the chaff. O heart, my heart, merry thy sweet youth ran In fields where ...
... a whole lot of bonds and attachments, illusions and weaknesses which have no longer any purpose in our lives. At every moment we must shake off the past like falling dust, that it may not soil the virgin path which, at every moment also, is opening before us. May our mistakes, acknowledged and rectified within us, be no more than vain mirages powerless to bring any consequences and, pressing our ...
... dancer whose pure naked sheen Mirrors serenity, a moving sleep White-echoed out of some mysterious deep Where fade life's clamouring red and blue and green— The priestesses of virgin reverie Sway through the cavern heart of consciousness. A marble rapture fronting frozenly The cry of mortal hunger and distress, A love superb moulded to rocks of flame, ...
... thought, An aureoled hunger that makes time fall dead, My passion curves from bliss to heavenward bliss. Kindling the rhythm of a myriad smile, This white wave lifted by some virgin deep I Breaks through the embodied moments of the mind To a starry universe of infinite trance. Sri Aurobindo's Comment "All the lines are very fine, especially those ...
... no root, Which life with its slushy roll Leaves still and mute, A birth-mark out of a womb Deeper than thought, Flinging a godlike doom From a golden grot Hung virgin above the tosst Wave of time's dirt, The crown of a steel-post Vigilling inert, Page 248 Withdrawn from snaky swirl Of mortal cries, True to the mother-of-pearl ...
... with no root, Which life with its slushy roll Leaves still and mute, A birth-mark out of a womb Deeper than thought, Flinging a godlike doom From a golden grot Hung virgin above the tosst Wave of time's dirt, The crown of a steel-post Vigilling inert, Page 21 Withdrawn from snaky swirl Of mortal cries, True to the mother-of-pearl ...
... Overhead Poetry Through Vesper's Veil A rose of fire like a secret smile Won from the heart of lost eternity Broke suddenly through vesper's virgin veil. A smoulder of strange joy—then time grew dark, And all my vigil's burning cry a swoon As if the soul were drawn into its God Across that dream-curve dimming out of space. ...
... Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems Divine Sense Read poem > The body burns with Thy rapture's sacred fire Pure, passionate, holy, virgin of desire. 1.11.1939 Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: Divine Sense ============= यतो वाचो निवर्तन्ते । अप्राप्य मनसा सह । आनन्दं ब्रह्मणो विद्वान् । न विभेति कुतश्चनेति । एतं ह वाव ...
... The Secret Splendour Vision Rapt in her virgin smile I had no room For any cry or colour of common days: The world was one huge emptiness, a gloom Lost in the angelic dreamlight on her face. All lesser love passed from my memory— But, far above the mind's unearthly gaze, In deep miraculous spirit-poignancy A dazzling ...
... e of Swami Vivekananda. That is how she came to India on 28 January 1898. Miss Margaret Noble was born in North Ireland on 28 October 1867. Her parents were Reverend Samuel Richmond Noble and Mary Isabelle Hamilton. Samuel's father, John Noble, was by profession a Protestant priest. But he was a rebel at heart. He rebelled against the subjugation of his motherland by the British. His heart was... indignities heaped on his people by the foreign rulers. With the fire of rebellion he travelled from town to town, from village to village, and set alight the heart of his countrymen with revolt. Samuel and Mary continued with his unfinished work under the leadership of Parnell. Margot was brought up by her grandmother Noble. Page 542 In this way little Margot's nature was moulded by her ...
... and throw me to the bed Of some more easy rapture stript by gold. What joy!—were you that harlot, suddenly bold Now that in heaven's womb star-seed is shed! Paint thick your virgin cheeks red evermore— Lend those pure lips to every vulgar mouth That even I may wet on them my drouth And not lie panting at your white love's door! Be spoiled and low, be gilded ...
... widening glory move a face Of dawn, a body fresh from mystery, Enveloped with a prophecy of light More rich than perfect splendours. It was she, Page 67 The golden virgin, Usha, mother of life, Yet virgin. In a silence sweet she came, Unveiled, soft-smiling, like a bride, rose-cheeked, Her bosom full of flowers, the morning wind Stirring her hair and all about her gold. Nor sole... jars, and know all joy And labour of that blithe and busy world." She said, and he with a slight happy smile Consented. So to sacred Ganges they Came and the virgin's city llian. But when they neared the mighty destined walls, His virgin-mother from her temple pure Saw him, and a wild blare of conchs arose. Rejoicing to the lion-gates they streamed, The people of Pururavus, a glad Throng in... silence. In his ear The noise of a retreating battle was, Wide crash of wheels and hard impetuous blare Of trumpets and the sullen march of hosts. Therefore with joy he drank into his soul The virgin silence inaccessible Of mountains and divined his mother's breasts. But as he listened to the hush, a thought Came to him from the spring and he turned round And gazed into the quiet maiden East ...
... A burst of some unbearable secrecy That turns the slow limbs to a lava of light Blotting all greeds and burying all glooms And burning through the jungles of mortal mind A wide and virgin way to eternity! Standing I am seen, a mountain-muse apart; Never is known the mystical mahout, The invisible sun of my own timeless Self Page 52 Under a canopy ...
... A burst of some unbearable secrecy That turns the slow limbs to a lava of light Blotting all greeds and burying all glooms And burning through the jungles of mortal mind A wide and virgin way to eternity! Standing I am seen, a mountain-muse apart; Never is known the mystical mahout, Page 279 The invisible sun of my own timeless Self Under a canopy ...
... "Young lady, I warn you not to look into that mirror." We were surprised. That mirror was the mirror that had belonged to Mary, Queen of Scots. Well, there is a prophecy or a superstition that whoever looks into that mirror will marry thrice and come to grief - just like Queen Mary. Well, my companion was a modern lady, so she looked all the more at the mirror, with a sweet smile. I don't know what... However, my point is not that. We saw the castle, and walked down the pathway to see the other famous structure, which is called the Hollywood Palace - not your American Hollywood. You have heard about Mary, Queen of Scots: she lived there for some time, sometimes up there in the castle and sometimes down in Hollywood Palace. The guide came and he was taking us around to various places, explaining "This ...
... Page 359 Thou hast willed that I should put the care of my destiny utterly in Thy hands, and abdicate altogether all personal preoccupation. This means undoubtedly that my road must be virgin even to my own thought. Page 360 × Translated by Sri Aurobindo or revised and published under his guidance ...
... 44, 160, 207-10, 225, 382 Mahalakshmi, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Mahasaraswati, 44, 207-10, 225 Mahashakti, 67, 198 Mahavira, 44, 207 Maheshwari, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Manicheism, 127 Mary, 82 Matariswan, 44 Michael Angelo, 210 Middle Ages, the, 134, 139, 149, 421 Milton, 156n. – Paradise Lost, 156n Mimansakas,137 Mitra, 207 Morgan, 56-7 Mother, The, 63 ...
... towards the Truth in the full light of the New Consciousness. Once there, you have nothing to worry about, you can now walk straight ahead. But it was quite a work that had to be done in this virgin forest where nothing existed, where nothing could be seen. But now it is all transformed, well built and *ready-made.* There was some work to be done, and that is what I was busy with. It is as if ...
... Suppose, for example, that you are very tired and need to rest. If you know how to exteriorize yourself and consciously enter into the vital world, you will find there a region like a miraculous virgin forest with all the splendors of a rich and harmonious vegetation, magnificent mirrors of water and an atmosphere so filled with this living, vibrant vitality of the plants! There is such a life ...
... up and... phew, is this what life is all about? It seemed quite thin to me. It seemed to prettily fill a mental compartment alone, and then what? The virgin forest had more life, it was more real. But miles and miles of virgin forest make only a virgin forest—it pleasantly and lightly filled a vital compartment, and then what? And you could take anything at all, it was for ever: and then what? Or else... too, was another kind of compartment, a spiritual compartment, but there is nothing more alike than miles of virgin sky. So this damned story seemed to me damned or damnable enough, there was nothing but compartments, hardly communicating: the virgin sky could not care less about the virgin forest, which could not care less about little babies, which could not care less about books.... Where was the... more tremendous and crushing it was, almost unbearable, as if you were being kneaded, pounded and pummeled in a frightening way. And there, I finally entered the Thing. There, I landed in a real virgin forest, while Mother smiled—in fact, I was landing on the true earth. And this true earth has a very particular way of landing upon you, which is to pound on everything that obscures or obstructs its ...
... penetrating psychological finesse, I believe the future will remember her for that early book, Absent in the Spring (a phrase from a line in Shakespeare's sonnets) published under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. The book is a Dell paperback. I find that on the title-page I have written on 8 August 1967: "I think it is the deepest and subtlest book Agatha Christie has written. Definitely worth reading... inmost heart of young love. It is indeed an exquisite piece of insight. Another book of rare insight matched with style is A Well Full of Leaves by Elizabeth Myers and so too is Gone to Earth by Mary Webb (both in the Penguin Paperbacks). A couple on a still finer and deeper level are The Fountain by Charles Morgan and A Many-splendoured Thing by Han Suyin (the latter in the Penguin ...
... matchless blue, And spangled it around with stars. I painted the flowers of the Eden bowers, And their leaves of living green, And mine were the dyes in the sinless eyes Of Eden's Virgin queen; And when the fiend's art in the truthful heart Had fastened its mortal spell, In the silvery sphere of the first-born tear To the trembling earth I fell. When the waves that burst ...
... Pillared assembly halls with armoured guards,... 174 Not populous far-famed cities only but the humbler haunts of common folk also draw Savitri's attention and affectionate gaze. The virgin silences of unfrequented hills and valleys have a deep purpose of their own for it is there the great Creatrix nurses "her symbol mysteries" and guards for "her pure-eyed sacraments": The ...
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