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51 result/s found for Mental realisation

... imagined) can help to mental realisation and mental realisation can be a step to total realisation. Mental Knowledge and Spiritual Experience These disadvantages of mental knowledge no doubt exist. 1 But I doubt whether anybody could mentally simulate to himself the experience of the One everywhere or the downflow of peace. He might mistake a first mental realisation for the deeper spiritual... thought much of one kind of realisation and absorbed the idea deeply—then it is quite natural that the spiritual experience of it should be one of the first to come. Mental Realisation and Spiritual Realisation It [ mental realisation of the Divine ] is a certain kind of living cognition—of which there are two parts—the living perception in thought rising as far as intuition or revelation, the vivid... universal, viśvamaya ." Well, that is the beginning of the realisation of the universal Brahman-Self in the mind, but if I put it to her in that language she would understand nothing. Mental realisation is useful at the beginning and prepares spiritual experience. It [ book-knowledge ] can help too at the beginning—but also it can hinder. It depends on the sadhak. You have to learn ...


... express it, to manifest the gods—he is devavyacháh, effects by the yajna the devavíti, god-manifestation, in himself, because he is able to use fully the principle of Mind with its powers of mental realisation and verbal expression, manma & vachas, mati & gíh. In the lower forms of life this is not possible. Mind there is dumb or only partly vocal; it is therefore unable to bring into expression, into... first variety,—although we need not assume that the Rishis were ignorant of the more silent forms of meditation. Nevertheless, they attached a preeminent importance to the vák, the expressed mental realisation. The process of the Vedic mantra involves three movements, corresponding to three psychological activities necessary to the Page 725 act of meditation or realisation, a movement... can be and are often used to express the effect of the mantra no less than the mantra itself,—brahma then means the soul-movement or soul-state expressed in the heart or temperament, manma the mental realisation, vachas the expression of the god or his divine activities in the mortal nature, shansa the expression of the man's higher being which is brought about by the mantra, stoma the firm established ...


... the intellect as his only or his supreme light or guide would risk to see nothing, or see according to his preconceived mental idea of things or else he would arrive only at a subtly "positive" mental realisation of perceptions already laid down for him by the abstract speculations of the intellectual thinker. There is a strain of spiritual thought in India which compromises with the modern intellectual... and mentalised feelings and other mental or external phenomena and tries to reach the essential truth in or behind them; generally, he stops short at a mental abstraction or only a derivative mental realisation of something that is in its own nature other than mental. But if he has the true mystic somewhere in him, he will sometimes get beyond to at least flashes and glimpses. Is it not the compulsion ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Infinite everywhere. This, if persistently done, changes in the end the mental outlook on oneself and the whole world and there is a kind of mental realisation; but afterwards by degrees or perhaps rapidly and imperatively and almost at the beginning the mental realisation deepens into spiritual experience—a realisation in the very substance of our being. More and more frequent conditions come of something ...


... the godhead, रथं न, a robe that he wears, वासः, a dwelling he inhabits, ओकः. So long as the Word is not heard by the god, does not call him into itself to manifest his status and working in the mental realisation it produces, it is not effective, nor is the realisation a true seeing. Sayana's rendering. Approaching and carrying on the sacrifice let us speak the hymn to Agni who hears us even from... continuation of the statements वेषि, कृणोषि, and now आवहासि. प्रशस्तये. The प्रशस्ति is the expressing or manifesting of the god by the word, not yet his birth or creation, but a temporary mental realisation by the thought. It is not merely praise; there is no need for the gods to be carried to the sacrifice to be praised; but certainly the word must be an assertion of the powers, functions, cha ...


... (ii)To be satisfied with the indirect glories of the spiritual consciousness as reflected and refracted in the bosom of our normal mentality. This is what has been termed 'spiritual mental realisation'. (iii)To still and withdraw from the mental consciousness and retire to the supra-mental reaches. This is what can be called the 'trance-solution.' (iv)To transform the nature... opacity and refractoriness may be altogether rectified. This is the solution of 'divine transfiguration' as envisaged by our Yoga. Evidently the 'Witness Consciousness' and 'spiritual-mental realisation' fall far short of our goal; for, be it once again stated, this goal is no less than the establishment of Life Divine upon earth, a dynamic waking existence embodying Sachchidananda in his ...

... contains the universe. 1 — Sri Aurobindo But this knowledge is valueless for Yoga if it is only an intellectual and metaphysical notion void of life and barren of consequence; a mental realisation alone cannot be sufficient for the seeker. For what Yoga searches after is not truth of thought alone or truth of mind alone, but the dynamic truth of a living and revealing spiritual experience ...


... entering the domain of the occult or of the spirit with the Page 185 intellect as his only or his supreme light or guide would risk seeing nothing or else arriving only at a mental realisation already laid down for him by the speculations of the intellectual thinker. There is, no doubt, a strain of spiritual thought in India which compromises with the modern intellectual demand ...


... true substance. There was no One or many even, only just absolutely That, featureless, relationless, sheer, indescribable, unthinkable, absolute, yet supremely real and solely real. This was no mental realisation nor something glimpsed somewhere above—no abstraction—it was positive. substantial, the only positive reality—it was here in this very so-called physical world, pervading, occupying or rather ...

... the mind is always there and can intervene; it can and does have its own type of mentalising about the Divine, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, mental reflections of spiritual Truth, even a kind of mental realisation which repeats as well as it can some kind of figure of the higher Truth, and all this is not without value, but it is not concrete, intimate and indubitable. Mind by itself is incapable of ultimate ...

... the suggestion of these vital Forces that produces the upsetting. 7 September 1936 The feeling of the vibration of the Mother's force around the head is more than a mental idea or even a mental realisation, it is an experience. This vibration is indeed the action of the Mother's Force which is first felt above the head or around it, then afterwards within the head. The pressure means that it is ...

... true substance. There was no One or many even, only just absolutely That, featureless, relationless, sheer, indescribable, unthinkable, absolute, yet supremely real and solely real. This was no mental realisation nor something glimpsed somewhere above,—no abstraction—it was positive, the only positive reality—although not a spatial physical world, pervading, occupying or rather flooding and drowning this ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Shankaracharya in vision ] are the result of past thoughts and influences. They are of various kinds—sometimes merely thought-forms created by one's own thought-force to act as a vehicle for some mental realisation—sometimes Powers of different planes that take these forms as a support for their work through the individual,—but sometimes one is actually in communion with that which had the name and form ...


... constant and living experience that is the true foundation of spiritual life. There can be no doubt about its truth and value, for it is evidently something living and dynamic and goes beyond a mental realisation. It may add to itself in future different aspects, but the essential fundamental realisation you now have. When this is permanent, one can be said to have passed out of the twilight of the mind ...


... certain amount of the force may be stored in him, but that does not make it his own. There are certain possibilities in the way of the experience. First there is the faith, or sometimes a mental realisation and this of itself is enough to make one open to the Mother's force so that it is always available at need or call. Even if one does not feel the Force coming, yet the results are there and visible ...

... the physical, it can be in the vital, it can be in the psychic, and it can be in this part or that, or this activity or that other. There are people, for example, who have absolutely a kind of mental realisation of contact with the Grace, of faith in the Grace; and then, as soon as they are in their vital or physical consciousness, there is nothing any more. There are others, on the contrary, who, even ...


... to concentrate its effort on the centre of action represented by the external being; and this was a sort of bondage within too narrow a frame; there was a contradiction between the powers of mental realisation and the instrument through which they were striving to make their way out; the most immediate result was the wastage and limitation of mental energies, which not finding any satisfaction in activity ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... sufficient. All this requires the utmost perfection in the individuals who would be the organisers of such a thing. ( Silence ) Indeed, nobody knows how the first men were formed, the first mental realisation. One does not know whether they were isolated individuals or groups, whether this happened in the midst of others or in isolation. I do not know. But there may be an analogy with the future case ...


... But how? Because the psychic being was ready without one's knowing it? It is true however that "the spirit bloweth where it listeth",and that one can get some emotional impulse or touch of mental realisation of spiritual things from almost any circumstance, as Bilwamangal got it from the words of his courtesan mistress. Obviously it happens, because something is ready somewhere,—if you like, the ...

... stage" "their goal is not so high" "is it such a long process"?       I have said that this Yoga is "new" because it aims at a change in this world and not only beyond it and at a supra-mental realisation. But how does that justify a superior contempt for the spiritual realisation which is as much the aim of this Yoga as of any other?       It becomes clear now that I had some fundamentally ...

... ready to manifest the Divine on the Page 81 material plane. To hold up a mental ideal or principle and impose that on the inner working brings the danger of limiting ourselves to a mental realisation or of impeding or even falsifying by a half-way formation the true growth into the full communion and union with the Divine and the free and intimate outflowing of His will in our life. This ...

... quite natural for him to have the revelation of the coming of the Mother. 23 January 1936 After reading a chapter in The Synthesis of Yoga I wrote to you the other day about the strong mental realisation of cosmic oneness; now I find that that state has disappeared. Was there anything wrong in writing about it? Is it that the Mother does not like this sort of Yoga of Knowledge? Or is it that ...

... true substance. There was no One or many even, only just absolutely That, featureless, relationless, sheer, indescribable, unthinkable, absolute, yet supremely real and solely real. This was no mental realisation nor something glimpsed somewhere above,—no abstraction—it was positive, the only positive reality—although not a spatial physical world, pervading, occupying or rather flooding and drowning this ...


... On Education FOUR AUSTERITIES AND FOUR LIBERATIONS* I To pursue an integral education that leads to the supra- mental realisation a fourfold austerity is necessary and also a fourfold liberation.     Austerity is usually confused with mortification. When austerity is spoken of, one thinks of the discipline of the ascetic who seeks to avoid the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... getting spiritual light, but it is not the light itself. Page 29 It is true however that "the spirit bloweth where it listeth", and that one can get some initial impulse or touch of mental realisation of spiritual things from almost any circumstance, as Bilwamangal got it from the words of his courtesan mistress. Obviously it happens because something is ready somewhere,—if you like, the psychic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... to say that we are ready to manifest the Divine on the material plane. To hold up a mental ideal or principle and impose that on the inner working brings the danger of limiting ourselves to a mental realisation or of impeding or even falsifying by a Page 5 half-way formation the true growth into the full communion and union with the Divine and the free and intimate outflowing of His will ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... which the One Purusha is known ( so'ham asmi ) is described as the kalyāṇatama form of the Sun. All this seems to refer to the supramental states of which the Sun is the symbol. The mental realisation [ of the one self ] does not bring this result [ the ending of delusion (moha) and grief (śoka)], the spiritual does. 2 In the Vedantic experience "seeing" means also becoming, one is that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... mind is always there and can intervene; it can and does have its own type of mentalisings about the Divine, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, mental reflections of spiritual Truth, even a kind of mental realisation which repeats as well as it can some kind of figure of the higher Truth, and all this is not without value, but it is not concrete, intimate and indubitable. Mind by itself is incapable of ultimate ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... you is a good help for that also, especially if it brings the strong faith and reliance. The feeling of the vibration of the Mother's Force around the head is more than a mental idea or even a mental realisation, it is an experience. This vibration is indeed the action of the Mother's Force which is first felt above the head or around it, then afterwards within the head. The pressure means that it is ...


... do not affect its peace or Ananda. Degrees in the Higher Consciousness The plane makes a considerable difference in the power and luminosity and completeness etc. of the experience. A mental realisation is very different from an overmental or supramental although the Truth realised may be the same. So also to know Matter as the Brahman has a very different result from knowing Life, Mind, Supermind ...


... manifestation in time by an unmanifested timeless Eternal. But this knowledge is valueless for Yoga if it is only an intellectual and metaphysical notion void of life and barren of consequence; a mental realisation alone cannot be sufficient for the seeker. For what Yoga searches after is not truth of thought alone or truth of mind alone, but the dynamic truth of a living and revealing spiritual experience ...


... the mental being may have different kinds of realisation of the Supreme in itself or in various aspects or on various levels, but the ideal is to get rid of mind altogether and, going beyond mental realisation, to enter into the absolute trance in which all sign of mind or lower existence ceases. But this is a state of consciousness to which few can attain and from which not all can return. It is ...


... substance. There was no One or many even, only just absolutely That, featureless, relationless, sheer, indescribable, unthinkable, absolute, yet supremely real and solely real. This was no mental realisation nor something glimpsed somewhere above, - no abstraction, - it was positive, the only positive reality, - although not a spatial physical world, [yet] pervading, occupying or rather flooding ...

... substance. There was no One or many even, only just absolutely That, featureless, relationless, sheer, indescribable, unthinkable, absolute, yet supremely real and solely real. This was no mental realisation nor something glimpsed somewhere above, — no abstraction, — it was positive, the only positive reality, — although not a spatial physical world, pervading, occupying or rather flooding ...


... Life Divine, p. 461. 2 Ibid., p. 469. Page 105 relationless, sheer, indescribable, unthinkable, absolute, yet supremely real and solely real. This was no mental realisation nor something glimpsed somewhere above, — no abstraction, — it was positive, the only positive reality — although not a spatial physical world, pervading, occupying or rather flooding and ...

... is like the "hen and egg" question. Disciple : But according to the Advaita philosophy, all is in the Brahman, or one can say, God is in everything, Sri Aurobindo : . That is a mental realisation and does no carry you much further. Disciple : Can One say that the Truth-Consciousness is the same as the Jiva ?  Sri Aurobindo : On its highest plane the Jiva is the true Divine ...

... Consciousness, etc., meaning to convey that their sadhana was much better and more serious than what people are doing now. Before the Mother came all were living in the mind with only some mental realisations and experiences. The vital and everything else were unregenerated and the psychic behind the veil. I am not aware that anyone of them at that time entered the cosmic consciousness. At that time ...


... technique. AE himself admits that this rule makes a great difficulty because these 'high light' words are few in the English language. His solution may do well enough where the realisations which they represent are mental realisations or intuitions occurring on the summits of the consciousness, rare 'high lights' over the low tones of the ordinary natural or occult experience (ordinary, of course, to... with something of the Higher Mind. 3."Intuitive with Overmind touch. 4."Intuitive. 5."Higher Mind with mental Overmind touch. 6."Mixture of Higher and Illumined Mind—in the last line the mental Overmind touch. 7."Illumined Mind with mental Overmind touch. 8."Ditto. 9."Intuitive, Illumined, Overmind touch all mixed together, "I have analysed... independent of its source." (I should like to know whether you intend any important distinction when you speak of "Overmind touch" and "mental Overmind touch".) "Yes—the Overmind proper has some gnostic light in it which is absent in the mental Overmind." * (From what plane are the substance and rhythm of this phrase from Shakespeare ?— ...the prophetic soul ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... across a wide field and coming charged with inventive vitality, with interplay of characters and events. Nor can an epic which teems with ultra- mental realisations be wholly adequate to its aim if it does not embody these realisations in ultra-mental word and rhythm. Hence, Savitri is from every angle the right correlate to the practical drive towards earth-transformation by India's Page ...

... of effective realisation in whatever it has already judged, known and lived. Freed from all these chains, the buddhi can become a pure and flexible reflector of Truth, adding light to light, proceeding from realisation to realisation. It is then limited only by its own inherent limitations. These limitations are mainly of two kinds. First, its realisations are only mental realisations; to get to the... conscious being. In the animal this stuff of externalised consciousness organises itself into a well-regulated mental sense or organ of perceiving and acting mind. Sense is in fact the mental contact of the embodied consciousness with its surroundings. This contact is always essentially a mental phenomenon; but in fact it depends chiefly upon the development of certain physical organs of contact with objects... in its own proper action. Purified as much as may be from that habit of mental degradation, the human buddhi is still a power that searches for the Truth, but is never in full or direct possession of it; it can only reflect truth of the spirit and try to make it its own by giving it a limited mental value and a distinct mental body. Nor does it reflect integrally, but seizes either an uncertain totality ...


... Mind has not that naturally and in its own right, yet can open to its influence more easily than the outer intelligence. All the same, between the reflected realisation in the mind and the automatic and authentic realisation in the spiritual mental planes there is a wide difference."   Distinguishing the general mode and the typical turn of the Inner Mind's poetry from those of the Higher Mind's... technique. AE himself admits that this rule makes a great difficulty because these 'high light' words are few in the English language. His solution may do well enough where the realisations which they represent are mental realisations or intuitions occurring on the summits of the consciousness, rare 'high lights' over the low tones of the ordinary natural or occult experience (ordinary, of course, to the... irself through its instruments, mental, vital and physical; it tries to put as much of its own stamp on them as possible. But it can seldom put on them the full psychic stamp—unless it comes fully out from its rather secluded and overshadowed position and takes into its hands the direct government of the nature. It can then receive and express all spiritual realisations in its own way and manner. For ...


... admits that this rule makes a great difficulty because these "high light" words are few in the English language. This solution may do well enough for him, because the realisations which they represent are in him mental realisations or intuitions occurring on the summits of the consciousness, rare "high lights" over the low tones of the ordinary natural or occult experience (ordinary, of course, to... itself through its instruments, mental, vital and physical; it tries to put as much of its own stamp on them as possible. But it can seldom put on them the full psychic stamp—unless it comes fully out from its rather secluded and overshadowed position and takes into its hands the direct government of the nature. It can then receive and express all spiritual realisations in its own way and manner. For... had the experience, but mentally and intellectually it might mean anything or nothing. Poetry uttered with the spiritual clarity may be compared to sunlight—poetry uttered with the mystic veil to moonlight. But it was not my intention to deny beauty, power or value to the moonlight. Note that I have distinguished between two kinds of mysticism, one in which the realisation or experience is vague, though ...


... he was always forthright in acknowledging his debt to the Mother's contribution. As he once said: Before the Mother came all [the sadhaks] were living in the mind with only some mental realisations and experiences. The vital and everything else were unregenerated and the psychic behind the veil. I am not aware that anyone of them at that time entered the Cosmic Consciousness. At that... of obstruction in someone else's body. There were others who thought that the Supermind had descended into them. One or two got mentally unbalanced because of inability to stand the pressure. 14 Obviously it seems to have been a time of rich realisations and even richer possibilities; but also of delusions and wrong movements, resulting in the unleashing of adverse forces in the yet... secure material living would turn spontaneously towards the divine life and the inner realisation. Well, towards the middle of my life ... the means was given to me and I could realise this, that is, create such conditions of life. 6 Page 240 If the birth of the Ashram meant the realisation of one of Mirra's persistent early dreams, it also signified the materialisation of Sri ...


... is as wide as it can be. Yoga, however, is scientific to this extent that it proceeds by subjective experiment and bases all its findings on experience; mental intuitions are admitted only as a first step and are not considered as realisation—they must be confirmed by being translated into and justified by experience. As to the value of the experience itself, it is doubted by the physical mind because... a One that cannot be many or of an All that is made up by addition and not self existent are crude mental notions of the outer finite mind that cannot be applied to the Infinite. If the All were of this material and unspiritual character, tied down to a primary arithmetic and geometry, the realisation of the universe in oneself, of the Page 402 all in each and each in all, of the universe... what you write about your experience and your ideas, it looks as if it were simply the old thoughts and movements rising, as they often do, to interfere with the straight course of the sadhana. Mental realisations and ideas of this kind are at best only half-truths and not always even that; once one has taken up a sadhana that goes beyond the mind, it is a mistake to give them too much importance. They ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... in the vital or physical or perhaps even some little bit on the surface at once starts vibrating. It is possible that X has experiences for he has probably some mental force and through that can build up mental realisations of what he reads, but he lives in the vital and whatever he experiences or receives the vital takes it and makes it a hundred times bigger in its construction than it really... instrument of the Divine—the thing is to be a perfectly conscious instrument. Well, it can hardly be that you alone are a chosen instrument. All who arrive at the realisation in this Yoga will be instruments—it is part of the realisation that the sadhak should turn himself into an instrument of the Divine Mother Getting Rid of the Ego and of Egoism What you say [ about the need to purify oneself... quite awake. Without the liberation of the psychic and the realisation of the true Self the ego cannot go, both are necessary. If there is no consciousness of the Self how can the ego disappear? The psychic can be liberated by love and devotion, but I was speaking of a case in which it is not so liberated, and the realisation of the Self seems more easy—a case like yours. Selfishness To ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... do across a wide field and coming charged with inventive vitality, with interplay of characters and events. Nor can an epic which teems with ultra-mental realisations be wholly adequate to its aim if it does not embody these realisations in ultra-mental word and rhythm. Hence Savitri is from every angle the right correlate to the practical drive towards earth-transformation by India's mightiest Master... the pictures are at once extra-immediate and extra-remote: they make, as A.E. Housman would have said, an impact upon our solar plexus as no mental reflection of mystical realities can, but while convincing us of their living concreteness they dodge our mental apprehension by refusing to yield their meanings easily and to affine themselves to what our thought can size up. To adopt Sri Aurobindo's own... the absolute of its own fumbling concepts. In either case, what is found is, as it were, three-dimensional - far from the merely abstract: there is a solid touch of revelation, a burning throb of realisation. All poetry deals in the tangible and the pulsing; but here what is supposed to be immeasurably remote comes intimately near, impinges on our members and affects our Page 3 blood-stream ...


... across a wide field and coming charged with inventive vitality, with interplay of characters and events. Nor can an epic which teems with ultra-mental realisations by wholly adequate to its aim if it does not embody these realisations in ultra-mental word and rhythm. Hence Savitri is from every angle the right correlate to the practical drive towards earth-transformation by India's mightiest... Upanishads, the Gita, and Tantras and the Vedanta. Apart from the wide diffusion of spirituality in the consciousness of the masses, a traditional continuity of the practical process of self-realisation runs throughout the period of Indian history including the period of her decline. The names of Kabir, Nanak, Ramanand, Tulsi, Dadu, Chaitanya and others easily come to the mind while tracing the... play of Eternity that the word "eternity" itself seems to gain an ineffable *lbid., p. 59. Page 106 significance in that great vision. It is about such a moment of realisation that Savitri says "a marriage with eternity divinised Time." It is possible that the mind may continue to ask: "Why at all this movement, this cosmic manifestation from the Supreme and Silent ...

... and coming charged with inventive vitality, with interplay of characters and events. Nor Page 59 can an epic which teems with ultra-mental realisations be wholly adequate to its aim if it does not embody these realisations in ultra- mental word and rhythm. Hence, Sāvitrī , is from every angle the right correlate to the practical drive towards earth-transformation by India's mightiest... and Upanishads, the Gita, the Tantras and the Vedanta. Apart from the wide diffusion of spirituality in the consciousness of the masses, a traditional continuity of the practical process of self-realisation runs through- out the period of Indian history including the period of her decline. The names of Kabir, Nanak, Ramanand, Tuisi, Dadu, Chaitanya and others easily come to the mind while tracing the... Being, is seen pulsating with such a multiple and vast play of Eternity that the word "eternity" itself seems to gain an ineffable significance in that great vision. It is about such a moment of realisation that Savitri says "a marriage with eternity divinised Time". It is possible that the mind may continue to ask. Why at all this movement, this cosmic manifestation from the Supreme and Silent Eternity ...

... having fought out in it the struggle of transformation of the physical consciousness with a view to prepare it for the supramental change. It is possible to go back to the mental level where one receives all the mental realisations readily enough if the mind is Page 334 open and bright. But it is not the course that the sadhana usually follows. 29 December 1934 When the sadhana is... everything—mental to physical? Achieved what? What statement? What are these wild assertions? I spoke of an overmind Force which is getting supramentalised in parts. Does it mean that some parts of your being are supramental but that the physical is not yet supramentalised? Overmind in process of supramentalisation, not supramental. Page 337 How can it be possible—realisation in parts—in... become aware of it in this way shows that your stay here has been very profitable to you and prepared your consciousness for the true realisation. The capacity for it is now there in you. Your future sadhana should be a development from the experience to the realisation. 11 September 1936 I hear that you are now trying more for transformation of nature than for experience. Because without ...


... across a wide field and coming charged with inventive vitality, with interplay of characters and events. Nor can an epic which teems with ultra-mental realisations be wholly adequate to its aim if it does not embody these realisations in ultra-mental word and rhythm. Hence Savitri is from every angle the right correlate to the practical drive towards earth-transformation by India's mightiest... touches a consciousness more than mental. Perhaps the really accurate description of it is not that it ceases to be thought but that its thinking is taken up into a spiritual clarity and amplitude. This is more than a thinning or translucence of the mask: it begins to remove it, though the removal is partial, just by one-fourth, we might say. Beyond this liberation from mental into spiritual thought a purer... the pictures are at once extra-immediate and extra-remote: they make, as A. E. Housman would have said, an impact upon our solar plexus as no mental reflection of mystical realities can, but while convincing us of their living concreteness they dodge our mental apprehension by refusing to yield their meanings easily and to affine themselves to what our thought can size up. To adopt Sri Aurobindo's own ...

... technique. AE himself admits that this rule makes a great difficulty because these 'highlight' words are few in the English language. His solution may be well enough where the realisations they represent are mental realisations or intuitions occurring on the summits of the consciousness, rare 'highlights' over the low tones of the ordinary natural or occult experience (ordinary, of course, to the poet... Art". But when I reached Sri Aurobindo's Ashram I didn't feel like continuing with my research and plunged into his writings which had given a philosophical form to his spiritual experiences and realisations in a language which was both profound and precise, literary at the same time that it was expository — a combination of qualities found in a mere handful of philosophers. The author of the Republic... and they are moreover of the kind I. By saying "I am not primarily a poet" he means that first and foremost he is a Yogi who uses poetry not for its own sake but to express his spiritual realisations more and more adequately in terms natural to poetry. In a similar vein he has declared that he is not a philosopher in the current sense but one who has employed intellectual language to put together ...
